#documental de netflix
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odballeza · 2 years ago
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El cine permite visibilizar las injusticias que se producen en todo el mundo. Muchas películas retratan la vulneración de los derechos humanos a través del cine de ficción y documental.
RUIDO 🎞️de Natalia Beristáin nos acerca al fenómeno de la desaparición forzada en México.
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comidaparalobos · 1 year ago
#Recomendaciones cine y series 18 de enero 2024, Radio Futuro
Hoy en @futurofm, en las recomendaciones de series y películas tuvimos tres admirables trabajos que nos interpelan, y nos invitan a pensar en las prácticas de violencia sobre la que construimos la historia humana:
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1) Los Colonos.
A fines del siglo XIX las estancias ovejeras cubren los extensos inhóspitos territorios de la Patagonia chilena. Segundo, un mestizo chileno; Maclennan, un militar inglés y Bill, un mercenario estadounidense, emprenden una expedición a caballo para delimitar y reclamar las tierras que el Estado le ha otorgado a José Menéndez. Mandato que parece ser una expedición administrativa, pero se transforma en una tenebrosa cacería humana a los nativos de Tierra del Fuego. Relato de lo que hoy conocemos como el genocidio Selknam. Magnífica obra en clave de #Western, que retrata la brutalidad colonial y nos representará en los #Oscar. Salas de Cine
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2) D.P. caza desertores
El Joven An Joon Ho viene de una familia humilde, con problemas económicos y su destino ineludible es el servicio militar obligatorio. La deshumanización del sistema y la crueldad infinita a la que son sometidos los jóvenes lleva a muchos a desertar. A An Joon Ho se le mandata participar de un equipo para capturar a los desertores. Esto revela la dolorosa realidad a la que se enfrenta cada recluta obligado a cumplir con su deber. Una joya de drama militar (con muchos momento de acción y humor) en el catálogo de los #koreandramas de @netflixlat. Serie de TV (2021-) 2 temporadas, cada una de 6 episodios.
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3) Narco Circus
Serie documental 4 capítulos, producida por @canalplus y @discovery. El periodista Romain Bolzinger se infiltra en el cartel de Sinaloa, el más peligroso de México, y captura laboratorios ocultos, secuestros, sicarios y corrupción. Pronto descubre que la guerra contra las drogas es una farsa. Por favor vea esta clase de documental periodístico. Una narración feroz con una propuesta estética extremadamente cuidada y dinámica @hbomaxla
Seguimos el próximo jueves, como siempre al atardecer en nuestra #RadiodelRock ;)
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ahoranoticiasuruguay · 1 year ago
Reseña Serie de Netflix 2023 - Destripando Archivo 81 –
Reseña Archivo 81 serie de Netflix que está causando sensación en Latinoamérica. ¿Estás listo para desentrañar los secretos de esta historia de terror cósmico? Así que, ¿qué es el terror cósmico? Bueno, es un género que se remonta a las obras del famoso escritor H.P. Lovecraft, quien revolucionó el mundo del terror hace un siglo. En este género, siempre hay seres sobrenaturales, dioses, demonios…
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cl0uds3lf · 1 year ago
mirale si fuera mas pro veria el doctor who en la tele mientras dibujo a mi cringefail ocs pero la ultima q lo intente me termine la temporada 1 asi q. una o la otra sadly....
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nuriaverde · 1 year ago
"Stutz": lecciones de vida del mejor psiquiatra del mundo
Lo más importante a la hora de hacer terapia con un psicólogo, una psicóloga es la relación humana que tienes, que te enseñe a reconocer tus problemas y a gestionarlos. Mi psicóloga Lucía Boto, a la que acudí cuando tenía una depresión y estaba devastada, me enseñó a tratar con compasión mi yo vulnerable, a ser amable conmigo misma y estar ahí para mí. Me ayudó mucho. Por eso cuando veo “Stutz”…
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useless-catalanfacts · 6 months ago
Could you share some good/cheap/free resources to learn català (preferably in Spanish)? Courses that also share some catalan history are very welcome too! Merci ❤️💛
Hola! I'm very happy to hear about your interest ☺️
Yes, you can find a list of resources in the FAQ. For convenience, here's the beginner resources I recommend the most for Spanish speakers:
The book "Vivir en Catalunya. Aprendemos catalán desde el español". You can get the PDF for free in this link (the document titled "Publicació").
The web course Parla.cat
They're about language and I don't think they go much into other aspects of culture, but it will be easier once you've learned the basics. You can also practise watching Catalan TV, if you already speak Spanish you'll understand it enough quickly (you can activate subtitles in Catalan to read along). The public TV channels from Catalonia, the Valencian Country and IB3 have streaming services that are free. Catalonia's can be installed in the TVs like Netflix, called 3Cat, and is available everywhere in the world for free, but the Balearic and Valencian channels might not be available from everywhere.
Some culture/history programmes on 3Cat are "Batalla Monumental", "Trinxeres", and "Gran Recorregut". La Xarxa de Televisions Locals also uploaded to their YouTube channel their show Comtes. L'origen de Catalunya which is great from a historically accurate point of view.
On the websites you can also stream: Balearic Islands' channel has two series about Balearic legends called Imaginari and Illes de llegenda, in Barcelona TV there's "Va passar aquí", and Valencian Country also has "Va passar ací". You might also be interested in the Valencian podcast "Baix la Lluna" (available in all the main music/podcast streaming platforms) which is all about Valencian legends. Valencian (and all Western Catalan accents) are more similar to Spanish than Eastern Catalan (Barcelona, Balearic, etc) so a podcast might not be too difficult quite early on.
I hope this is useful! Best wishes in your learning!
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eredhes · 2 months ago
I majored in anth at a p awesome school for it (had a so fun class where we hands on used paleo to neo lithic techniques- from making stone tools to processing hides) but there wasn't much available for prehistoric art (+ I was a major switch from microbiology so bio anth, epidemiology and forensics stuff, made more sense with my course history). Been out of school for almost 10 years now and unfortunately doing nothing even remotely related, but I'm wanting to learn more about prehistoric art of all sorts. With search engines being overrun with AI misinfo I'm not really sure where to start other than Wikipedia. Do you have any favorite resources you'd be up for recommending?
Thanks a ton! Happy holidays, and may the new year be kind.
Hello! I should preface this with saying I am just someone with a general interest and not remotely an expert haha! Getting to do hands on stuff sounds really fun!
A lot of my reading has been restricted to Upper Palaeolithic Europe, and cave art at that, so I can't really recommend anything outside of that.
I've been concerned also with avoiding misinformation - there was a painting I saw a while ago where it was obvious the level of research involved was typing "Lascaux" into pinterest and just using whatever results came up (the art used was from Cueva de los Caballos and Mesolithic) and it's been driving me nuts. I've been sticking to books for information, almost everything I've read has been through Internet Archive, and majority are over 30 years old so could be outdated, can contradict each other, and should be noted are can be very racist.
Putting the list of everything under a read more as it's quite long, I hope there's something useful in amongst all of this! Happy holidays, I hope you have a good new year!
Books and other resources I've found useful in no particular order:
The Cave of Lascaux: The Final Photographs by Mario Ruspoli (1987) [Is on Internet Archive but currently unavailable, the German version is still up.] When Lascaux was closed to the public Mario Ruspoli was hired by the French govenment to document the entire cave on film and wrote this book afterwards. Even though it's focus is Lascaux I found it a good introduction to the topic of cave art. I have tried to find the footage online with little success so if anyone knows... do tell. This book brings you through the cave and gives a good idea of the layout and where paintings/engravings are in relation to each other. I would love if there was something like this for other caves but I'm not aware of anything 🤔
Lascaux Virtual Tour [Link here] The video isn't toally clear but it gives a good sense of the layout, and you can click the little 'i' icon to see clearer photos and get more details.
Images of the Ice Age by Paul Bahn and Jean Vertut (1988) [Internet Archive Link] This book is also a good starting point! There's also Journey Through the Ice Age which is the same book.
Cambridge Illustrated History of Cave Art by Paul Bahn (1998) [Internet Archive Link] I haven't gotten around to reading this yet but it appears to be a broader scope and not restricted to Europe.
Palaeolithic Cave Art by Peter J. Ucko and Andrée Rosenfeld (1967) The main appeal of this bok is that it goes through the different possible reasons for cave art. I had to buy a physical copy as I couldn't find it online.
Kindred: Neanderthal Life, Love, Death and Art by Rebecca Wragg Sykes (2020) [Aeon article link "Sheanderthal: Not all Neanderthals were ‘cavemen’: half were women. What can archaeologists tell us about how they lived?] Not solely focused on art but she does talk about what the neanderthals made including a large circular structure in Bruniquel Cave - there is footage of the cave in the recent netflix documentary Secrets of the Neanderthals (not great, at one point the narrator says neanderthals lived in the neolithic lmfao but the interviews with experts are interesting).
Don's Maps [Link here] Really great website. Some books will mention a painting/engraving/sculpture but no image, so my first place to check is Don's Maps as everything he includes is either from a book which will be referenced or from his own visits to caves.
The Neanderthal Museum Digital Archive [Link here] Despite the name is not exclusively Neanderthal, lots of photos of cave art in the Wendel Collection (including a photo of the one known instance of a saiga antelope in cave art that I hadn't been able to find a photo of before!).
There's also the Archaeology Podcast Network and sites like Academia.edu but I don't have any specific recommendations at present.
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fuckyeahmexico · 5 months ago
1994 es una serie documental de Netflix que aborda el asesinato del candidato a la Presidencia por el Partido Revolucionario Institucional (PRI), Luis Donaldo Colosio, como punto de partida para narrar los sucesos de ese año, así como el levantamiento del Ejército Zapatista de Liberación Nacional (EZLN), la entrada en vigor del Tratado de Libre Comercio, el fin del mandato de Carlos Salinas de Gortari, y la crisis económica conocida como “El error de diciembre” con la cual inició el gobierno de Ernesto Zedillo. 1994 fue dirigida por Diego Enrique Osorno y producida por VICE Studios Latin America.
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fadeed06 · 9 months ago
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Hola Homero...
Hace algunos minutos terminé de ver tu documental en Netflix y siendo una persona sensible te puedo decir que me la pase llorando, pero bueno, esta carta deseo que la leas con la misma intensidad con la que defendiste tus ideales.
Primero que nada es un autentico gusto haber coincidido en línea temporal de alguien tan admirable. Te voy a contar que supe de tu caso tras ver el video de una ofrenda de día de muertos dedicada a ti, comencé a investigar y me sorprendió tanto la historia que una mezcla de emociones se apoderó de mi.
Sabes... Me surgieron muchas dudas y preguntas como comunidades de monarcas llegando a los bosques de Michoacán. ¿Dios, el karma o el destino de verdad castiga a quien obra mal? Es decir, el mundo es de todos y por lo tanto su preservación es nuestra responsabilidad, entonces ¿por qué algo que es tan sagrado como un árbol que le toma muchos años crecer es tan arrebatado del suelo tan fácilmente?, ¿Ahora eres el protector de bosque? Te imagino caminando por las hectáreas que todavía quedan ayudando a las mariposas, los animales y las plantas, ahora eres más poderoso porque te encuentras en espíritu.
Homero, yo creo firmemente en que cada ser humano llega a este planeta con una misión y tu llegaste a hablar de un tema importantísimo, visibilizarlo, ponerlo en la mesa y ese es tu legado, no dejarte amedrentar.
Homero, sé que el lugar en donde estás no hay maldad como aquí y espero con el corazón que des una caminata tan larga por esos lares, admirando la belleza que la naturaleza nos regala pero que somos tan tontos para no verla.
Homero, sinceras gracias.
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cerebrodigital · 5 months ago
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Este hombre y su equipo gastaron 20.000 dólares para probar que la Tierra era plana. Su experimento se grabó y se publicó en un documental de Netflix.
Confirmaron que era redonda.
¿En qué se gastó los $20.000 dólares y como terminó demostrando lo contrario a lo que quería? Te lo contamos aquí:
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cine-cien · 4 months ago
Estas son algunas de las últimas incorporaciones a Netflix:
Soy Matha Stewart (Documental)
La última noche en Tremor (Miniserie)
Casa en llamas (Comedia)
La singular vida de Ibelin (Documental de animación)
No te muevas (Terror)
No olvides dejar tus reseñas en comentarios.
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autorpauloaraujo · 28 days ago
Crítica: Inferno em La Palma — A minissérie da Netflix entrega visual e tensão, mas peca no roteiro
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A produção, com seus quatro episódios que nos fazem prender a respiração, se passa em uma ilha vulcânica do arquipélago espanhol das Ilhas Canárias, em pleno oceano Atlântico, onde uma família norueguesa em férias se vê no epicentro de uma catástrofe natural de proporções gigantescas. A trama se desenrola em meio à beleza exuberante de La Palma, mas a tranquilidade rapidamente é quebrada com a descoberta de atividades vulcânicas por parte da equipe de monitoramento local. A partir daí, a minissérie embarca em uma montanha-russa de emoções, com a família lutando pela sobrevivência diante da força avassaladora da natureza.
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Inferno em La Palma se destaca por apresentar um drama humano intenso e emocionante, com personagens complexos, resolvendo suas diferenças e fazendo descobertas sobre si mesmos. A atuação de Bernard Storm Lager, que interpreta o filho mais novo e autista do casal Fredrik e Jennifer, é muito boa, com uma performance autêntica e comovente, assim como os atores que fizeram seus pais, cada qual com profundidade suficiente para nos importarmos com eles e seus problemas no casamento. Já Alma Günther, que interpreta Sara, a filha mais velha, começa muito bem, com suas nuances de adolescência reprimida descobrindo que há espaço para viver sem se preocupar preocupada com o irmão que inspira cuidados o tempo todo, porém acaba sendo prejudicada pelas decisões dos roteiristas de envolver-la na manta mágica do protagonismo e conduziri-la pelo caminho mais tortuoso e insólito possível, tudo isso em nome da paixão. A produção possui ótimos efeitos especiais, contribuindo para a imersão do espectador na calamidade e no clima que desde o início se mostrou ameaçador e perdura até o sufocante clímax.
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Entretanto, a minissérie exagera em certos aspectos, como o tamanho do tsunami e a intensidade de algumas cenas, o que pode distanciar a narrativa da realidade. É até justificável algo assim, pois se trata de uma obra ficcional, mas venderam o pacote como se fosse um tipo de obra próxima do documental e entregaram um primo pobre do filme apocalíptico “2012”. Além disso, o roteiro se entope de ganchos impostos — quando o acaso se torna tão absurdo que deixa de ser crível — criado apenas para amarrar situações com clichês excessivos e decisões irracionais de vários dos personagens.
Leia a crítica completa em https://paulo-araujo.com/
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s4turn-ly · 1 year ago
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VDHSHAJA ME SIENTO RE SIMP 😭😭😭😭😭 es chistoso empezar a ver el documental de F1 de Netflix solo por un fanfic pero aquí ando con mini getou como mi apoyo emocional
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writtenmisfits · 2 months ago
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Name: Julian "Jaskier" Alfred Pankratz, Viscount de Lettenhove. Age: 20-50s (verse and timeline dependent) Height: 6' Gender: Cis male Preference: Pansexual Occupation: Bard; former professor and occasional guest lecturer at Oxenfurt University. Aliases: Dandelion, Sandpiper, Jask
Witcher (default) - This will be a mix of canon pulled from all media, mostly the Netflix show, but also from the games and books as I play and read them. This verse will also be where most canon for general fantasy verses comes from, adjusted as necessary. Jaskier is a Viscount and a former professor at Oxenfurt University, but he is most widly known for his stories of the bravery and heroism of Geralt of Rivia, a Witcher known as the White Wolf. The bard is an often constant companion of the Witcher, doing his best to better Geralt's reputation with the masses, lifting the veil of boogeyman that has been unfairly placed on his head. He is also known in certain circles as the Sandpiper, working diligently to liberate the elven people from their harsh oppression by humans. - Canon-divergence: Though it is unknown at this time to Jaskier, there is a small trace of elder blood in his veins, manifesting itself in his craft of melodies and charisma.
Baldur's Gate 3/DnD - Jaskier is not tadpoled in this verse, but if he is in the position of Tav for threads, he will be tadpoled. - Julian Alfred Pankratz, Viscount of Lettenhove and a bard from the College of Eloquence, is just another bard trying to make his living in Baldur's Gate by finding a poor, unwitting adventurer to tag along with while documenting their tales. He can be found at the Last Light Inn, holing up there with a monster hunter named Geralt and a sorcerer named Yen, who he has been traveling with for quite some time now.
Dragon Age; The Veilguard - Rook!Jaskier verse also available, it is basically still the backstory from bellow, with being recruited by Varric. - A man of noble birth from Minrathous, Jaskier is very much considered to be a black sheep to the rest of his family. He would rather spend his days in the taverns and busking the streets of Dock Town. He's a friend to the Threads, and works quietly with the Shadow Dragons in helping free slaves. When not in Minrathous, he is often found in the company of Geralt, a Grey Warden, and a mage with a complicated past, Yennefer.
Omegaverse (tagged abo verse) - Only available on request and highly selective. - Any verse above can be made into an Omegaverse. Jaskier will always be a 'runt' alpha, this is non-negotiable.
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hard--headed--woman · 2 years ago
3rd day of Pride Month - 2nd LGB history 🏳️‍🌈
Today is the second day of my "post about one lgb icon/story everyday" thing for Pride Month, and I am gonna talk about the first lesbian wedding in Spain !
It's a quite famous story, but I wanted to talk about it anyway.
Here's the story of Elisa and Marcela !
Marcela Gracia Ibeas and Elisa Sánchez Loriga got married on June 8, 1901, in A Coruña, at Galicia, in Spain. Their marriage was the first homosexual marriage in Spain since the Roman imperial era (though some documents were found, proving that two men got married in Spain in 1061, I'll talk about it in another post !) and happened more than 100 years before the country legalized homosexual marriages !
To achieve this, Elisa disguised herself as a man, and adopted a male identity, Mario Sánchez, which is the name on their marriage certificate. Their lie was later discovered, but their marriage was never annulled, and they remained married for the rest of their lives.
Here's a picture of them after their wedding :
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There is a very good movie on Netflix, called Elisa y Marcela, that tells their story. I watched it and liked it a lot, though there are some little criticisms to be made, and if you're interested, you should watch it too! I really enjoyed it and will probably watch it a lot of other times.
Note that there are some differences between the movie and the real story, and if you watch if, I think you should also read their true story, like reading their Wikipedia page. But the biggest part of the movie (except 1-2 details and the end) is pretty accurate, so if you want to watch it and to discover their whole story like that, don't read the end of this post ! I'll tell their story in details here. Keep reading only if you don't want to watch the movie/don't care about already knowing the entire story before watching it.
The two young women meet at the Teacher Training College in A Coruña, where future primary school teachers are trained. Eighteen-year-old Marcela is studying there, while twenty-three-year-old Elisa is working there after completing the same course. They become friends, and then lovers. Marcela's parents, fearing scandal, send their daughter to continue her studies in Madrid, but it's not enough to end their love story. Marcela is appointed teacher in Vimianzo, in the village of Calo, while nearby Elisa works as a temporary replacement in Couso, a small parish in Coristanco in the province of A Coruña. They decide to live together in Calo, until 1889, the year in which Marcela leaves to teach in Dumbría while Elisa stays in Calo. The two keep in touch, writing to each other, until Elisa joins Marcela.
They live their love for years, hiding their relationship, until they have had enough, and decide to hatch a plan to get married.
In 1901, Elisa adoptes a masculine appearance and applies to the College of Education under the name of Mario. She creates a past for herself based on a cousin who died in a shipwreck, claims to have spent her childhood in London with an atheist father. She gets baptized as Mario on May 26, 1901 and gets her First Communion under the same idendity.
The couple gets married on June 8, 1901, after publication of the banns. A short wedding ceremony is performed before witnesses, and the couple spends their wedding night in the Corcubión guesthouse on Calle de San Andrés - Elisa and Marcela are officially the first spanish homosexual couple to get married since the Roman imperial era, their plan was a success.
Unfortunately, the villagers begin to have doubts, and realize that this marriage is what they call "a marriage without a man".
The Galician and Madrid press reports the case, the two women lose their jobs, are excommunicated and placed under arrest.
Here's a picture of them after their arrest :
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Elisa tries to pass herself off as intersex (using the term hermaphrodite at the time) when a doctor checks whether she's male or female, to no avail. Despite this, and the Civil Guard's attempts to prosecute them, their marriage was never annulled, and the two lovers manages to escape. Their story becomes famous in Spain and many other European countries.
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(Un matrimonio sin hombre = a marriage without a man)
After that, we don't know what happened to them. The last thing we know fore sure about them is that they embarked on a ship bound for South America - perhaps Argentina, like so many other Spaniards of the time, where they spent their honeymoon and settled.
But in 2008, a book, Elisa e Marcela – Alén dos homes (Elisa and Marcela – Beyond men), by Narciso de Gabriel, was published in A Coruña, and tells their story from 1901 to 1904. It narrates the events in Porto, Portugal, where they were imprisoned, tried, and later released. They fled to Argentina after the Spanish government demanded their extradition from Portugal. The book tells that before leaving Porto for the Americas, Marcela gave birth to a girl - I couldn't find any other information about that. It also tells that after they landed in Buenos Aires, Elisa (under the alias of Maria) married Christian Jensen, a wealthy immigrant from Denmark 24 years her senior, in 1903 and that Marcela, under the alias of Carmen, pretended to be her sister and stayed there with her daughter.
Elisa refused to consummate the marriage with Jensen. He grew suspicious and tried to have the marriage annulled on the grounds that Elisa wasn't, in fact, a woman. This claim was never substantiated: Three medical examinations confirmed that Elisa was a woman.[11] Since the marriage was between a man and a woman, and therefore valid, no charges were brought against Elisa. After this time, there is no further record of Marcela and Elisa. Still according to this book, Elisa refused have sex with Jensen, who grew suspicious and tried to have the marriage annulled on the grounds that Elisa wasn't, in fact, a woman. It didn't work : three medical examinations confirmed that Elisa was a woman, and since the marriage was between a man and a woman, and therefore valid, no charges were brought against Elisa. After this time, there is no further record of Marcela and Elisa - though some sources claim that Elisa killed herself in 1909.
I'm sorry if some things aren't very clear - sometimes the sources I've found contradict each other, and there are differences in information between French (I'm French), Spanish and English sources. Sometimes even the same source says two different things. I've done my best, and I hope what I've written isn't too far from the truth.
This is a very interesting sorry, that is very, very important in LGB history, and I encourage you all to do your own research, read the book and watch the film! Personally, I'm very happy to have discovered this story, which I like very much.
See you tomorrow for another story/lgb icon :)
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callmeanxietygirl · 9 months ago
Un homenaje a Homero Gómez, el guardián de las monarcas 🦋☀️ por parte de @annartwork 👈🏾🔥 . No te pierdas el precioso documental que nos habla sobre su lucha por proteger los santuarios de las mariposas en Michoacán: "El guardián de las monarcas" en Netflix 👈🏾
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