whoficky · 2 years
What are your all time fav doctor x Rose fanfics?
I’m having surgery with a loooong recovery soon and I want to get back into reading fanfic during my down time.    
What are your favorite, Doctor x Rose stories?  I particularly like longer fics and series, but I’d love any recs!
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whoficky · 3 years
Getting There - Chapter 8
(Sequel to After the Void - be sure to read that first!)
Rating: T
Pairing: 10th Doctor X Rose Tyler
Notes: Thanks to everyone who showed interest in this sequel!  I’ve been working on it for a few months and am finally ready to start posting!  
Work Summary:  Rose wakes up in the TARDIS infirmary with no memory of how she got there. Her body is weak and her mind is a scrambled mess. She’s so far from who she was and the life she used to live.
The people she loves are helping her through a grueling recovery, but Rose fears she’ll never get back what was lost. After running through the stars, how can she possibly cope with a life confined within the TARDIS walls? How can she deal with the daily reality of being completely dependant on others? And how long can she expect the Doctor to stay by her side now that she has so little to offer?
Chapter Summary: Pete stops in to say hello.
Chapter 8
Rose was nervous.  Her Mum and Pete would be along any minute and she really wished she had more time until she had to see him again.  It was silly, really.  She’d met Pete before - they’d even saved his London from the Cybermen together.  And there had definitely been some kind of a connection there, just like when she’d gone back in time to meet her dad.  The thing was, unlike her dad, Pete had run from that connection.  He hadn’t wanted a daughter, hadn’t wanted her.  Considering what he had been going through at the time, she couldn’t blame him, but that didn’t mean it didn’t hurt.  Plus, he’d have a kid of his own soon.  It wasn’t like he needed her for anything.        
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