#doctor somius
heiressofdoodles · 1 month
Hey Hopea, I was wondering...
Which Season do you prefer ?
"Autumn is my favourite. I don't like Winter, since my fur isn't really... that thick during that time, and Summer can get a bit too warm for me, too. I don't like seeing Papa so upset, as well."
"I love to go foraging during autumn, and last year, while I was looking for some mushrooms, I found the strangest little guy."
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"He said his name was Somius. Poor thing couldn't even get up to fly away. He said he was startled by a loud sound, and accidentally hit against the tree."
"Thank goodness he's much better now."
This was a collab between myself and @lostsoulau-ask! He did the lineart, and I did the colouring and shading!
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lostsoulau-ask · 1 month
Favorite pastry? If you have one?
Somius: I-im sorry, I cant quite chose one- Theres a lot to chose a-and it would take quite a lot of time for us to decide on one- B-but one of my favorites are the Marble C-crown! I-its a... M-mirror World pastrie that is very much akin to the Croissant of the Regular world b-but with Marbleberries* for decoration a-and a nice sugary taste!
Doctor : Ever since the Dimension Mirror was opened (and of course some adaptation time~) Both of us had quite the ...delightfull surprise~ ...Not just about the fear, of course, but there was quite a different set of ...treats to chose... or not~ The profitroles** were quite the acceptable welcome as a nice treat to relax after a hard day~
(the definitions are undercut :])
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*Marbleberries are the mirror world's equivalent of rasberries, usualy dried or/and candied, they are considered a popular treats amongst certain peoples due to their taste akin to an apple or a pear depending the breed!
**(more of a annon talking here) Due to me having lived in the distant and mystical land of the baguettes (france) all my life, some pastries might sound unknown due to me potentialy using the french name for it, please corect me if some things are wrong and hope yall havin' a good day/night :D
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Our second battle has a history of rivalry. Setting a score is their goal.
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lostsoulau-ask · 1 month
Mirror worlders are made of glass… and mirror world glasses… are also made of glass…
Doctor: We arent entarely made of mirror/glass, It is a quite ...common misconseption that Mirrorfolks are mostly made with that sort of thing due to the Monarch's curse making us temporarely shatter upon expiration of the body. But don't worry~ We can always come back from the dead as good as... almost new.
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lostsoulau-ask · 2 months
Yo, Doctor, what are your plans for winnin' the losers bracket? Like gots a strat?
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"As for wining..." He chuckles bitterly, "I know more than to give away our strategie to anyone~ But i suggest that youd be...careful~"
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lostsoulau-ask · 2 months
Disabeling Anon ask because what in the hell ?!
Someone had sent asks about the fact Doctor feels like a predator.
That could not be even more wrong. Doctor is a wierdo and an douche because he lives in the Mirror World, a Dark Matter riden world where the consept of death is almost non existent.
Doctor was born from the trauma of an abused Somius that had been traumatised repeatadly by an actual Tyranical King. The fight or flight responce eventualy becoming Doctor.
Somius is an axious mess and Doctor id a cold hearted person because both cope in their own ways in the face of trauma.
Somius let Doctor in control because he knows Doc is more calmer in the face of stress and Doc lets Somius in control because he, himself is awaire of the fact he is socialy inept.
When they go to the Regular world, its basicaly like if a regular humain wakes up in Popstar, you are confused, nervous and for everyone else, act like a complete creep in many instance untill you learn the basics in friendship here, or in general.
With said, both knows limits, they know that theres things that are a big yikes. Whatever has been implied in those anon ask is disgusting.
And it is also disgusting that you would hide your face behind a mask to say such things. As such, i will cease to respond to anon asks.
The story of Doctor Somius was suposed to be one of two peopels deeply traumatised by an abuser, learning to not continue the cycle and in their path towards healing.
As for the relationship between Hopea (from @heiressofdoodles) and Doctor Somius, its literaly an Uncle and Niece relationship. Nothing more. Get any horrors out of your head, please.
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lostsoulau-ask · 2 months
Which would you rather deal with? a hot humid day or a freezing day?
Somius: T-the Mirror World is rather cold due to the ...erm absence of light. B-but i would prefer this over u-untangling my hairs-
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lostsoulau-ask · 3 months
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(Under cut is... Doctor Somius...? Again? Strange, he almost feels like someone completly different)
He almost look like another person right now
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lostsoulau-ask · 3 months
Timeline of Shard and his Mirror counterpart (TW theres sensible subjects, i will try to be as familly friendly as i can but there is still yikes stuff)
Mirror Folks are mostly seen as simply a dark mirror oposite of their Regular counterpart but in this AU, they are their own person!
Of course, if we took a timeline of a MirrorFolk and its regular counterpart life, we see that most of their character and events had been quite different, almost mirror oposite (eyyy).
I will say it now, im not an expert in anything psychologie. If many details are being glossed over or plain wrong, I apologise for this.
Also In this (and future post), you might see me refer to Somius' and Doctor as siblings or things siblings related, i like to refer them a siblings bc exept some arguments and accoastional rivalrey that dosent last for too long, they are getting along as siblings and one refers to the other as their sibling!
And one thing before we begun, neither Doctor or Somius are outwardly evil, one is seriously out of touch and caused horrors, yes, but the dudes never been in a healthy environement in their lives so-
[the timeline of both Shard and Doctor Somius are undercut bc they were longuer than i thought]
Shard's timeline in the AU:
Shard is adopted by the Squeak Squad and grow in a familly oriented crime familly (familly first, job second), after a while when hes an adult he start his carrer as a Knight because he wanted to protect peoples, he goes onto the abandoned Pop Star, meets and help Buddy and Crowny and love story insues.
They are lovey dovey for a while untill the ForgotenLand when Shard takes the Star Rod to avenge his lover's death, turning into the LuciDreamer.
After some time being in a yikes possition mentaly, he and Buddy managed to reunite and they live a happy life (safe for some shenanigans and horrors)
Somius' timeline in the AU:
Meanwhile Somius started his carrer as a doctor because he wished to help peoples but hes not the phisical type (for now), he goes to Pop Star who is still rulled by the Tyrant (aka Mirror!Buddy/Mirror!Magolor), he becomes the head medic of the castle and works in the meadbay, he tries to help Tyrant but its unsuccesful and the poor Somi ends up in a worst place.
After years of abuse, he had enought and goes to grab the Nebula Cane, turning into a Dark Matter. However, the transphormation leaves him in a weakened state all around and he needs to stay in the now-upgraded sickward for a while.
Thats when Doctor shows up, Somius was wildly terrified at the fact that someone else was using his body but after a while of ...erm 'sibling rivalerie' (im sorry i don't have other terms right now-) both soon learn that cooperation is the key to live a normal life.
After a while of adjusting, healing the few wounds left and helping around, Tyrant showed back up and while Somius is too terrified of him Doctor decide to give the Tyranical overlord a piece of the Karmic Boomerang. And thus the Tyrant was gone from the throne and turned into a soul beast.
Doctor is ...exentric and out of touch, yes but hes not evil, living in the Mirror World isn't easy and many things that are seen as horrifying in the regular world are like a normal saturday in the Mirror World. Plus, hes the one whos facing the horrors head on most of the time since it takes a lot to make him nervous.
While Somius is still the kind yet awkward person hes mostly (?) known for, but his anxietie became worst (with everything that happened, would you blame him if hes a nervous wreck) with the medbay turning into a full on Hospital that replaced the old castle with him (and Doctor) as the head director.
In the AU, even after they gets out of the Mirror, both Doc and Somi are still trying to keep the fact that they are two in this body, mostly fearing of the consequences.
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lostsoulau-ask · 2 months
Doctor Somius are still taking ask :D
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In view of the @kirbyoctournament loser's bracket, Doctor and Somius are able to answer questions !
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lostsoulau-ask · 9 months
The Doctor enters the operation room-
So- i kind of forgot that i needed to post the Doctor himself before posting the Wonderland version to here is the freak-
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Hes a Dark Matter (a fear driven Dark Matter to be exact, a sub-specie that feeds on fear) ! Bearer of the Nebula cane and one of the head of the Hospital alongside his brother, situated in the Mirror World, this non-Matter born will stop at nothing to get what he searching for and when theres things that leaves a trace of mistery, hes willing to get his hands dirty when it comes to test his theories. But, of course, hes a man of science and not many are allowed in their office, surely not when the Tyrant is around. The only one allowed is a small Dark Matter by the name of Somius. Some of their achivements was they managed to create a "lesser" Dark-Matter Fountain, this strange monument is situated far in the basement of the building. The Dark Matter in it may be extremely dangerous, but its pottent enought so that the Dark-Matter specie can feed safely from it, the main Fountain being too dangerous even for them.
Nowadays, Doctor is working tirelessly in his search of the Monarch Knight all of this to ask them one question a question that had been a mystery ever since his brother took on the Nebula cane.
Why did death left their realm
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lostsoulau-ask · 7 months
Favorite holiday?
Hoo! Thats interesting!
Comet loves the New Year's festivities (Solar and Lunar New Year :]) alongside everything that got fire works in them.
Buddy loves Chrismas! Its a comforting day alongside Shard, Crowny and the peoples he made friends with! Theres also Valentines day its a nice day with him and his mouse boi!
If Crowny had a clear consept of what a hollyday is, she would love Thanksgiving and Easter! And even more April fools day. For her Thanksgiving is a "lots of free food" day, easter is a "hunting day" and april fools is "Time for me to cause chaos"
Shard/Lucid is a big fan of Halloween and Chrismas! He tries to get a different costume each year to stay in the Halloween spirit! ...Even if after a while, Lucid will have to wear older costumes. ...Also he will be like an exited child when he sees snow-
As for Nightmare, he apreciate Thanksgiving and St. Patrick’s Day. He wont tell that he loves Easter or Halloween
And they all celebrate pride month but i think that is a given :D
Undercut are the Mirror counterpart !
MirrorComet is mostly there on Easter, she likes eating chocolate.
Tyrant apreciate St Patrick's Day the more, he won't bother much withe the others beside Thanksgiving, he despise Valentines day however-
The Doctor Somius loves halloween for the fact that since hes a fear driven Dark Matter it is not only free food but its encouraged to scare peoples. While he was not merciful in terms of scares the first few years, he had to tone it down because the Nightmare Slayer wasn't keen on causing panic. He also apreciate a lot Valentines day-
Speaking of this, Phobos used to loves New year's Eve, despite being a Dark Matter, he can't help but stare at the sky from the bottom of the Fountain. Refusing to get out due to a deep clutching fear that is still tearing him apart.
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lostsoulau-ask · 2 months
no offense but i think u should kinda have ur character back offa bit from hopea, it's kinda giving me child predator vibes
liek i know that he's supposed to be evil but is kinda creepy how much u kinda obsess with a character who has preditor vibes
The fact both acts wierd is because they lived in the world their whole life a world that is plunged into DARK MATTER for so long that is that friendship is seen as almost a weakness for anyone
Of course they are creeps, living while isolating and hiding their emotions for 200 years minimum in a world plunged in darkness where even the employes of the Hospital are Dark Matters. It will make anyone be a complete douche and socialy inept.
That is the point.
But do not call him a predator.
Hopea belongs to @heiressofdoodles and we are friends. Doctor Somius and Hopea are friends. Nothing more. Heiress and I talk a lot in vc and while the oc tournament was going on we rambled a lot about our ocs, and for the prospect of the tournament i changed my chanel to a Doctor themed one for the event because hes in that tournament.
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lostsoulau-ask · 2 months
doctor and hopea ship art when
No, simply. No. Unless it is platonic, as like- friends. I am not doing this.
Beside Doctor Somius are gay themself and well NOT into those horrors.
There is no romance between those two, they are simply friends
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