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acerousacoria · 8 years ago
(( Note to self of words to use in new trolltags (from here); incomplete and very long because there’s a lot of words and Ctrl+F didn’t really help so I’m going through them all one by one
A - abditive (hidden/secret), abnegate (to renounce/repudiate), absinthial (bitter), acerous/akeratophorous (without horns), achroous (colorless), acoria (great hunger), aesopian (comprehensible only by members of a movement), aeviternal/aeviternity (endless/eternal existence), affrayer (attacker), affreux (scary), ageusia (inability to taste), agersia (unaging), agonistic (aggressive), allotriophagy (craving strange foods), anabiosis (return to life), anchorite, antiblastic (providing immunity), apterygial (finless), arrhizal (lacking roots), arrosive (gnawing), autarkic (independent)
B - bagarre (brawl), barratry (inciting violence), billingsgate (coarse language), brach/brachet (female hound / brat), brachycerous (w/ clipped horns), brachyology/breviloquence (abbreviated speech)
C - cachaemic (has poisoned blood), calver (to eat live fish), calvous (bald), canophilia (love of dogs), capistrate (hooded), carnassial / creatophagous / creophagous (flesh-eating), catarolysis (cursing to let off steam), cataplexy (feigning death), chlamydate/cucullate (hooded), cittosis (desire for strange foods). contumacious (stubborn/anti-authority), cryptadia (hidden things), cynegetic (hunting-related)
D - dacnomania (obsession with killing), dapifer (one who brings meat to the table), decalvant/depilatory (removing hair), dentigerous (bearing teeth), depascent (eating), diprionidian (serrated), diutiurnal (long-lasting), dolioform (barrel shaped), donnybrook (brawl)
E - ecdemomania (compulsive wandering), eclipsis (omission of words in speech), edacious (voracious), embonpoint (plump), epilate (to remove hair), esculent (edible), esurient (hungry)
F - 
G - gauntlet, gestatorial (pertaining to carrying), gnathal (pertaining to the jaws), gomphosis (excessive tooth growth), grobianism (boorishness)
T - tachygraphy (shorthand), talionic (retributive), temporicide (killing time), thyestean (cannibalistic), titanism (defiance of social norms), toxicophagous (eating poison), trachyphonia (roughness of voice), tramontane (uncivilized), tranation (swimming across)
A - abirritate (to habituate), aboideau (tide gate), abyssopelagic (ocean depths), acersecomic (someone who’s never had a haircut), agathism (belief that things proceed towards an ultimate good), alamode/ardass (silk), alembicated (over-refined), amaranth (unfading flower), apotropaic (designed to turn away evil), aulic (courtly),
B - bahadur (self-important official), baisemain (kiss on hand), baldachin (silk and gold fabric), barege/barracan/bombycine (silk), bienséance (proper thing), brilliantine (hair oil)
C - camaca/cendal/charmeuse (silk), caritative (generous), cervicorn (antler-like), cladose (branching), coralliferous (bearing coral)
D - dapatical (costly, sumptuous), dation (act of donating), deipnosophy (learned conversation), demesne (feudal manor), deontic (relating to duty), devoir (duty), didact, dispendious (expensive)
E - eirenarch (keeper of the peace), ennomic (lawful), éolienne (silk)
F - 
G - gazar/georgette/grenadine (silk), gracility (slenderness)
T - tabaret (silk), tabinet (silk), taffeta, talar (ankle-length robe), thalassiarchy (sovereignty of the seas), thalassophilous (loves the sea), thesmothete (law-giver), togated, tournure (poise), tulle
A - abrosia (fasting), achaenocarp (type of fruit), adelaster (plant with unknown flowers), adscript (bound to the earth), adynamia (helplessness), agrology (study agricultural soil), agrostology (study of grasses), alkanet (red plant-based dye), ambsace (bad luck), amyous (lacking muscle), anguiform/anguine (snake-y), apositia (dislike of food), asitia (lack of appetite), assibilate (speak w/ a hiss)
B - bistre (brown pigment), brunneous (brown), burnet/burrel (brown cloth)
C - carpogenous (fruit eating), castory/castaneous (brown), colubriform / colubrine / crotaline (snakelike)
D - doloriferous (bearing grief/pain), dormition (sleeping/death)
E - egestuous (desperately poor), elapid (cobra-like), emarcid (wilted), epitonic (overstrained)
F - 
G - gymnophobia (fear of nudity)
T - tabefaction (wasting away), tabescent (wasting/shriveling), tabific (consumptive), tatterdemalion, taupe (brownish-grey), tenne (orange-brown), thalassophobia (fear of the sea), torpid (lethargic)
A - acanaceous (prickly), actinism (radiation causing chemical change), aeneous (bronze color), agrypnia (insomnia), almagest (astronomy textbook), arreptitious (hurried), astrionics (spaceflight electronics), 
C - celidography (marks on a planet/sun), chevelure (comet tail), citigrade (fast), cosmosophy, cosmotellurian (like heaven and earth)
D - diddicoy (tinkerer, scrap-dealer)
G - gerascophobia (fear of growing old)
T - tanquam (person fit for education)
A - absquatulate (to flee), acatamathesia (inability to understand), accollé (collared), agacerie (allurement), ahimsa (non-violence), ambulophobia, aneabil (unmarried), anuptaphobia (fear of being single), apodysophilia (feverish desire to undress)
B - basial/basiation (kissing), blarney/blandiloquence/blandish, byssine/byssoid (soft)
C - cabriole (exuberant dance), cadge (to beg), caesious (teal), callipygous (has a nice butt), callisteia (awards for beauty), carcanet (collar), chirapsia (massage), cisvestism (wearing weird clothes), claque (sycophants)
D - deosculate (to kiss), discalced (barefoot), douceur (gentlessness / a bribe), dulciloquent (speaking sweetly)
E - effleurage (stroking), eleemosynary (dependent on charity), emollient (softening), epigamic (attractive), epithymetic (pertaining to desire)
F - 
G - galeanthropy (belief that you’re a cat), gawdelpus (helpless person), gremial (intimate; on lap)
T - tentiginous (lust-provoking), thalposis (feeling of warmth), torquated (collared), trangam (showy, worthless thing), twee
A - accourt (to entertain), accubation (reclining), ackamarackus (nonsense), aestheticism, ailurophilia (love of cats), alcatote (silly elf), amphibology (dual meaning), amphigory (nonsense), apistia (faithlessness), apolaustic (seeking pleasure)
B - bacchanal (reveler), bambosh (deceptive nonsense), bedswerver (unfaithful spouse)
C - cagamosis (unhappy marriage), cardiognost (one who understands the heart), cautelous (cunning), chicanery, chouse (to cheat), clinophilia (love of beds), cocker (to pamper), covinous (fraudulent), cozen (to coax/deceive), cubation/cumbent (reclining), cyrenaic (philosophy of pleasure-seeking)
D - decumbent (lying down), desipient (playing the fool), diablerie (magic, mischief), dittology (double meaning), dizen (to dress gaudily)
G - gleek (a trick), glozing (flattery)
T - tergiversation (lying), tosh, tregetour (trickster), trumpery (trickery), twaddle
A - accessit (second place / honorable mention), agapeistic (loving selflessly), almandine (violet gem), altiloquence (pompous speech), amoret (love sonnet), appui (to support militarily)
B - bavian (unskilled poet)
C - caesura (breathing space in poetry), camaïeu (boring writing), cancellarial, cheville (unnecessary word in poetry), cimier (token of courtly love)
D - digladiate (to sword-fight)
E - encomiast (praiser), epinikion (ode to a winner), epithalamion (wedding song)
T - tabellary (auditor), threnody (dirge)
Cavmar (I guess Cavmar probably wouldn’t change his tag since he’s dead, but ...): 
A - aceldama (scene of violence), acinaciform (scrimitar-shaped), acratia (impotence), acyrology (incorrect pronunciation), agrize (to horrify/disfigure), algetic (creating pain), allision (intentional collision of ships)
B - bilge, blague (pretentious nonsense), bodach (churl/goblin), braguette (codpiece), bumptious (conceited)
C - cacoepy/cacology (bad pronunciation), caitiff (cowardly), capreolate (tentacle-like), carrack (galleon), chrematistic (about pursuit of wealth), cnidarian, conferva (algae)
D - dapocaginous (heartless), dispiteous/dolose (malicious), dolorific (causing sorrow), dontopedalogy (foot in mouth)
E - egoism
F - 
G - gilderoy (proud person), gulpin (simpleton), gulosity (greed)
T - tanacles (instruments of torture), terrisonant (sounding bad), tumid (bombastic)
That goldblood I kind of want to someday introduce who doesn’t have a name or design (I decided to name her after one of these words so now she’s) Aislin: 
A - abacinate (to blind), ablepsia/anopsia (blindness), akinesia (inability to move), algedonics (science of pleasure/pain), analgia (inability to feel pain), antalgic (relieving pain), antephialtic (preventing nightmares), antimnemonic (eliminating memories), aponia (painlessness)
B - bufotenine (hallucinogen)
C - calipace (turtle shell), cecutiency (tendency to blindness), chelonian (turtle-like), chrysopoetics (transmutation into gold), cimelia/cimeliarch (stored treasures), coenaesthesis (sensation)
D - dégagé (untroubled, at rest), demiurge (creative spirit), dreamery (place of dreams)
E - ecmnesia (loss of memory of a specific period), eidetic (vivid mental image), eidolon (apparition), eirenism (peaceful state of mind), emys (freshwater turtle), engram (lasting effect on memory), esemplasy (unifying power of imagination), eupathy (contentment)
T - testudinal (tortoise-like)
A - absolutory (forgiving), aby (to atone), acutiator (sharpens weapons), agathodaimon (good conscience), agnize (to confess)
C - cathexis (investment of emotional energy), chrysology (study of precious metals), cybernate (computer control)
D - doctiloquent (speaking learnedly)
E - elocation (removed from someone’s control), encephaloid (brain-like), ephectic (reserving judgment), exeat (leave of absence), expiate (to make amends), expiscate (to discover by examination), exstrophy (turning an organ inside out)
F -
G - gallionic (uncaring), gradgrind (one who manages with statistics)
T - tatonnement (experimentation), technocracy, tentamen/tentation (experiment)
A - alieniloquy (off-topic speech), armipotent
B - bavardage (prattle), brabble (to quarrel)
C - criant (garish)
D - dicacity (banter)
E - eft (a newt), effutiation (humbug), élan
F - 
G - gamin/gaminesque (precocious imp, boyish), gelastic/gelogenic (provoking laughter)
A - accentor (song bird), accoy (to pacify), adjutor (assistant), auceps/austringer (bird tender), avicular (bird-like)
B - boanerges (orator), bulbul (songbird)
C - caduceator (messenger), caliology (study of bird’s nests), columbaceous/columbine (dove-like), conure, culver (dove), cymotrichous (wavy-haired)
E - eirenicon (peaceful message), elchee (ambassador)
G - gregatim (in flocks)
T - tectrix (small feather)
Good-end empress: 
A - accismus (false refusal), acierate (to turn into steel), acracy (anarchy), acolouthic (after-sensation), adhocracy (unstructured government), adventitious (accidental), afterclap (unexpected effect), agist (charge with public burden), amaranthine (undying), anatreptic (overcoming), anemocracy (government by whim), anomic/anomie (lacking social norms), antibasilican (anti-monarchic), antonomasia (use of epithet instead of name), aristarchy (government by the best), astringe (binding obligation)
B - barbarocracy (gov’t by barbarians), bestiocracy (rule of beasts)
C - catholicon (cure-all), cementatory (binding), chirocracy (gov’t by force), ciplinarian (anarchist), cleronomy (inheritance), cosmarchy (devil’s rule over the world), curule (high authority)
D - debel/debellate (to conquer in battle), deicide
E - eclat (to make notorious), eleutherian (freedom-giving), émeute (uprising), enantiodromia (replacement by opposite), epinician (celebrating triumph)
F -
G - giganticide, gramercy (expression of gratitude/surprise)
T - tyrannicide
A - abessive (absence/lack), aboulia (indecision), absterge (to clean/purify), acatalepsy (unknowableness), accidie (sloth), acciaccatura (short note before long one), acedia (sloth, listlessness) acescence (souring), acharné (furious/desperate), aculeate (prickly), adespota (anonymous works), adevism (denial of gods), adiaphoron (belief something’s indifferent about), adnomination (punning), adonise (to adorn), adumbrate (to foreshadow), adust (scorched), aeolistic (long-winded), afferent (bearing), agelast (never laughs), agnosy (ignorance), agowilt (fear), aigrette (plume/jewel spray), aischrolatry (worship of filth), aleatoric (depending on chance), alethiology (study of truth), alible (nourishing), aliicide (murder), allemande (courtly dance), almoner (alms-giver/social worker), alterity (being different), altitonant (thundering loudly), amadelphous (outgoing), amerce (to deprive/to punish), amicicide (murder of a friend), anaerectic (destructive), anencephalic (brainless), anfractuous (winding/intricate), anglice (in plain English), animadvert (to criticize), anisothenic (being of unequal strength), annomination (pun), anoesis (not-understood sensation), antiloquy (contradiction), antiperistasis (resistance), antithalian (anti-fun), antipudic (concealing private body parts), appetence (craving), arefy (to wither), aristarch (severe critic), armigerous (entitled to bear arms), armisonant (loud with battle noises), asperse (disparage), aspidate (shield-shaped), assurgent (rising), ataraxia (tranquility), athanasy (deathlessness), athymia (melancholy), atimy (disgrace)
B - badinage (banter), badious (chestnut-colored), barathrum (an abyss / someone insatiable), barnard (decoy), baryphonic (having difficulty speaking), bathysmal (in ocean depths), battue (indiscriminate slaughter), beldam,  bellecism (inclination to violence), belliferous (bringing war), bellipotent (militarily powerful), bellwether (leader), benefic (benign), benthic/benthos, berceuse (lullaby), bethel (seamen’s chapel), bewray (to divulge), bindle (blanket roll), bismer (shame), bletherskate (speaker of nonsense), boeotian (stupid), borborology (filthy talk), borné (narrow-minded), bourasque (tempest), boutade (sudden outburst), breedbate (someone seeking argument), breme (fierce), brimborion (nonsense/trash), brobdingnagian (big), bugaboo/bushwa (nonsense), bulimy (great hunger), bullyrag (to badger)
C - cacaesthesia (morbid sensation), cachexic (physically/mentally unhealthy), cacodoxy (wrong opinion), cacoethes (bad habit), cacogen (antisocial person), cacotopia (state of maximum bad), cafard (depression), calefacient (warming), callant (boy), calumniate (to slander), camarilla (king’s associates), camisade (night attack), camorra (traitors), camsteary (unruly), canaille (riffraff), captious (peevish), captation (seeking recognition), carnaptious (bad-tempered), carriwitchet (pun), casuistry (flawed moral reasoning), catachthonian (underground), cauponate (questionable trade), causerie (gossip), celation (concealment), celsitude (loftiness), cerberic (vigilant), charientism (euphemism), chevisance (gain), chrestomathic (useful knowledge), clinamen (prejudice), colluctation (strife), colytic (restraining), comity (civility), commination (threatening), concetto (witticism), concinnity (elegance/harmony), conspurcation (defilement), corybantic (excited/frenzied), cothurnal (tragic), crepehanger (pessimist), crescive (growing), croceate (saffron), cullion (rascal), cunctation (delay), curvet (frisk), cynosure (object of interest)
D - daedal (displaying inventive skill), damoiseau (male version of “damsel”), darraign (to vindicate), debarrass (to disentangle), declassé (below one’s class), decollate (to behead, to disorganize), decuman (large), decurtate (to shorten or abbreviate), dedition (surrender), deflexure (deviation), dégringolade (downfall), dehort (to dissuade), delenda (things to be destroyed), deliration (madness), delirifacient (causing madness), delphically (enigmatically), demersal (living underwater), deodate (gift from god), depaysé (out of one’s element), desiderium (longing), diacope (deep wound/incision), diamanté (glittering), diallelus (circular argument), diogenic (cynical), dirigent (guiding), disembogue (to throw into the sea), disimmure (to liberate), disorbed (deprived of authority), dissentient (dissenter), dithyrambic (passionate, frenzied), dodoism (stupid remark), dominicide (killing one’s master), doomster, donnism (self-importance), doxastic (of opinion), draffish (worthless), ducdame (meaningless refrain), duncical (stupid), dysaesthesia (loss of sensation), dysania (struggling to wake up), dysbulia (loss of wllpower)
E - ebullition (agitation, boiling over), ecbatic (indicates results without intention), egency (need), emberlucock/embrangle (to confuse), emicate (to sparkle), encraty (self-control), endarchy (centralized government), enervate, enosis (union), entelechy (perfect realization of ultimate goal), epicureanism, epideictic (done for show), epigon (successor), epinosic (unhealthy). equiparate (to treat as an equal), eremite (hermit), erethism (irritability), ergasia (workaholism), eristic (pertaining to argument), esclandre (unpleasantness), espiègle (mischievous), essoin (giving an excuse to not appear in court), eucrasy (fitness/physical well-being), eunoia (mental health), eunomia (being well-governed), euphuism (affected writing style), eupraxia (correct/orthodox action), eutrapely (wit/urbanity), exaugurate (to desanctify), excarnate (to remove flesh), exheredate (to disinherit), expatiate (to wander, to write about in detail)
F -
G - galbanum/galimatias (nonsense), galère (group of undesirables, unpleasant situation), gasconade (to boast), gaucherie (awkward remark), gaudiloquent (speaking joyfully), gaumless (stupid), gement (lamenting), genarch (head of family), genetrix (mother/female ancestor), geratology (study of decadence nad decay), gerent (ruler, manager), grandeval (ancient), grinagog (one who constantly grins), gripulous (greedy), grith (sanctuary), grithbreach (breach of the peace), groundling (commoner), growlery (retreat for when angry), guignol (something intended to horrify), gunarchy/gynaecocracy/gynarchy/gynocracy (government by women)
T - tacenda (secrets), tacent (silent), taction (touch), tahr (wild goat), takin (goatlike animal), tallage (feudal tax), tapinosis (degrading speech), taradiddle (nonsense), tarassis (manly hysteria), tardiloquent (speaking slowly), tardigrade (slow-paced), tarpan (small wild horse), tarriance (procrastination), taws (whip), taciturn, teen (grief), tegminal (protecting), telegnosis (clairvoyance), teleonomy (governance by purpose), telos (purpose), temenos (sacred place), temerarious (daring), temperative (calming), temporaneous (short-lived), tenebrose (gloomy), tendentious (meant to advance a cause), tenue (bearing, manner), teramorphous/teratoid (monstruous), teratism (monster), terraqueous (amphibious), thanatoid (deadly), thelematic (of free will, voluntary), thelemic (allowing people to do as they please), theomastix (god-send punishment), thereoid (bestial), thersitical (violent in speech), theriodic (malignant), thiasus (worshippers), thole (to endure), thrasonic (boastful), threnetic/threnodic (mournful), tigerism (swagger), timbrous (sonorous), tiro (novice), tonish (fashionable), toplofty (haughty), topophobia (stage fright), tortious (doing wrong), torvity (grimness), traditive (traditional), traduce (to slander), tralineate (to deviate), transpontine (melodramatic), tristiloquy/tristisonous (mournfu), troglodytic (cave-dwelling), trucidation (slaughter), tufthunter (toady)
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overdosedsymphonies · 11 years ago
tagged by cup-0-tea
Rules: - Always post the rules
- Answer the questions and make ten new ones
- Tag ten new people
- Let them know you tagged them
1. favorite book?
Impulse - Ellen Hopkins
2. what pair of shoes would you buy right now if you could?
Some new Vans, actually. The galaxy ones I saw at the mall *_*
3. favorite season?
4. what state/city would you move to if you could?
5. one thing you like about yourself?
My hair
6. favorite instrument?
Guitar I guess
7. favorite color combinations?
Pink and white
8. fluffy cats or short haired cats?
I just like cats tbh
9. favorite style of art?
anything that looks like it took a shit ton of time to do, not thrown onto a canvas or scribbled on paper and sold for a million dollars. I think graffiti is cool too.  10. one tattoo you would get right now?
My zodiac sign
New Questions:
1. What kind of phone do you have?
2. Pirates or vikings?
3. Who's your favorite band ever?
4. Should Justin Bieber be deported from the U.S.?
5. Would 5 year old you be proud of who you've become so far?
6. Have you picked out names for your future kids yet?
7. Do you like football?
8. Are you the first to apologize when you fight with someone?
9. What is your worst habit?
10. If you could have any animal as a pet, which would you choose?
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kingoftheniall · 11 years ago
I Surrender by ADTR :)
The Crow and the Butterfly by Shinedown omg i really love them
Send me your favorite song right now and I'll put my iTunes on shuffle and give you a song :)
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kiskadeath · 12 years ago
doctiloquent answered to your photo “so i’m going to order a blouse but i have money to buy only 1 shirt...”
The striped one on the left. The one on the right looks too much like a pajama shirt.
hehe ok :D
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doc·ti·lo·quent   [doc-till-o-kwent]
Speaking learnedly; such as an expert on some subject.
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overdosedsymphonies · 11 years ago
Danae since you're not answering kik, did you go look at my blog?
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overdosedsymphonies · 12 years ago
What's your life story?
Ah, yes, a good question indeed. Let’s see, I was born in 1995 and I was two weeks late so even before I was born my mother was done with me. When I was seven, I was admitted into the hospital for spinal meningitis and almost died from it. When I was 8, I moved because my dad cheated on my mom and kicked him out and so we couldn’t afford the house we lived in. I was bullied more at my new school than at my old school. I was teased because of my weight, and still am teased for that, actually. But in middle school, the teasing became worse. I got called a whale (i shudder every time i think of it) and I was given disgusted looks by the kids around campus. When I was 14, I had self harmed for the first time.
My parents�� situation was still rocky even though they had gotten back together when I was 9. My dad was still cheating on my mom and one night when I was in 7th grade, my mom and dad were fighting and I was on the phone with my best friend at the time (she’s not my friend anymore) and my mom flew into my room and told me to pack a bag because we were going to stay in a hotel. That night, I told my dad I hated him. Sometime after that, I told him that I didn’t think he loved me as much as he loved my other two siblings. (which i still believe)
When I entered high school, I had a bunch of best friends, most of them guys. When I was 15, I had my first sexual encounter (not sex). Then I fell in love with one of my guy friends and he kicked my heaert across a street and now I am too afraid of falling in love again or letting guys be close to me. Thanks for that, asshole.
All throughout high school, I struggled with self esteem issues and self harm. I hated how fat I was(am) and I hated that because I’m fat, I could never get a boyfriend and boys will never look at me like they looked at my friends. It was a constant battle within myself to try to be okay with how i looked, but nothing worked. So i started to cut. It was never deep at first, but as the years progessed and the sadness I had deepened, so did the cuts.
I had struggled with it freshman year and sophomore year. My only clean year was junior year. Senior year was the worst it had ever been. I had picked up again last September. I was upset about something and I decided to cut. My deepest cuts were during senior year. I had lost my best friend for no reason, I had no friends in any of my classes, I was struggling with my anxiety, and I was just completely unhappy with myself and everything else. I had a lot of stress that year, considering it was my last year of high school and I still had credits to make up. Throughout that entire year, I tried to make things work. I tried to make new friends and get better grades, but all I got was barely passing high school and leaving there with like 3 friends. BUT, I’ve been self harm free since May 14th, 2013.
Half way through senior year, I had started getting close with Danae. We had known of each other because we had a few of the same mutual friends, but we had never really talked before. It was in ocotber of last year that I had heard that she was into One Direction. I figured, if she could get into them, then maybe they’re not that bad. Here I am almost a year later, and i am a huge fucking fan. Thanks, Danae. (but it’s okay because I got her into bands hehehehehe)
Since graduating from high school, I’ve only figured out a few things. Who my real friends are, what I want to be when I grow up, and how useful twitter can be. There’s a whole lot more to my story, but I think this pretty much sums it up some. Thanks for asking! 
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