#do they have an official ship name
saphirdevil · 3 months
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what could have happened </3
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lockree · 10 months
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"perfectly aged and ready to be enjoyed" uh ... well ... ok?? what's going on i love it
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a-spacecadet · 5 months
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Sorry I’ve been absent!! I’ve been avoiding spoilers until I finish ahah. Anyways this season made me fall in love with Joan again, and I’m glad to see that she’s starting to return to more of her usual self~ ❤️
(also this show may or may not have sold me on Joan x Confucius, who would’ve guessed!!!)
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shima-draws · 2 years
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Once upon a time... there was a space outlaw who fell in love with the inventor’s daughter and they both agreed they were meant to be together.
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achilleeans · 2 years
"shipping" is so much easier when the characters are written in such a way that makes them genuinely look like a married couple of several years. atp it's not even shipping, just observing
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faybellesbeauty · 2 months
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my eah ships slshdkgshs
i saw someone do this on tumblr but i forgot who it was after i finished this so CREDS TO WHOEVER INSPIRED THIS!!! also to who made the tierlist!!
i can open some of them up more if yall wanna know 😭 for the ”cute but not my personal preference” tier some of them are just characters i simply dont like in general
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lotus-pear · 1 year
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finally finished watching aot, rainah and berutolto were my fav duo out of the whole cast 🫶🏼🫶🏼
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hazbinhoe-tel · 5 months
prompt: Husker gambles with Valentino and wins Angel Dust
This could mean a: he wins him for a week or somthing
b: he owns his soul now
or c: Val tricks him when they make the deal, and uses a loophole to give him angel dust the drug instead of Angel Dust the person
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envymeshi · 1 year
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..................Anyway. Sorry about this.
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yeyayeya · 2 months
Ok while he is not my OTP for Yin Yu (QuanYin will always have my heart), I actually think He Xuan x Yin Yu is such an interesting pairing and I like to think of scenarios for them. Like that ship is just something, and I am here for it
But I recently found out that their ship name is Black Moon and hello??? That is such a pretty name?? That ship name alone makes me ship them more tbh. I always called them YinXuan/XuanYin in my head
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ftmsteveraglan · 6 months
"schmelly is the best fnaf movie ship!!" "no, dreamtheory is the best ship!!" mike has two hands, people.
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spinningdials · 8 months
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Day 3: Time / Kazekage
The whisper in his ear has long been silenced. But the presence remains.
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i-mode · 1 year
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rediscovered a song i used to listen to a long time ago in the depths of my playlist and it made me want to draw something nice
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anachilles · 2 months
“It’s getting crowded. Here, hold my hand.” for Blakely/Douglass. Please & thank you!
omg, fun! thanks so much for the excuse to write a lil ev and doug 🥰 -> prompt lists i'm currently accepting requests from: [ x ] [ x ] <-
"Single fillies. C'mon, boys, time to get the lead out."
Everett resisted the urge to wrinkle his nose in distaste at the lewd comment, choosing to let the buoyant atmosphere (sans whatever bizarre stand-off Bucky had just decided to pick with Harding) and passable-at-best whiskey warming his insides draw an incredulous, good-natured chuckle out of him instead.
He could feel Doug's eyes hot on the back of his head from where he'd floated towards the back of the pack, and glancing back in his periphery, he caught the moment Doug's gaze flitted away from him, and in the direction of Tatty Spaatz just to Everett's left.
They'd been circling each other for weeks now, Doug and the General's daughter, which in itself on its own was playing with fire, if you asked Everett. She hadn't been his first choice even out of just her friend group when they'd first met, and seemed to be very much aware of the fact every time he'd attempted to flirt with her since. She was a stiffed-lipped, straight-faced sort, deadpan too, and didn't generally entertain much of Doug's foolishness like a lot of the other Red Cross girls on-base. Suppose that's why he kept coming back around trying to crack the nut; he liked the push and pull.
Everett let Doug make a blatantly purposeful move in her direction, one the other boys all would've noticed, before quickly side-stepping into Tatty's space himself, offering his arm and a barely concealed smirk.
"Hey, Tatty. You know you can't resist..." he goaded, a knowing smile crossing her ruby red lips as she took the proffered arm, letting him lead her out towards the dance floor while Doug was still caught mid-stride, half a step behind.
Everett liked Tatty a lot, truth be told. Enough to have his own privately-held suspicions, bolstered by the uncumbersome kinship he felt when they sought each other out for a dance during these shindigs, the easy laughs and conversation that never even threatened to stray anywhere close to the belt. Enough to save her, at the very least, from another round of Doug's games, despite how she seemed to revel in finding new and creative ways to shoot him down.
After that, Everett spent the rest of the night much the same as he usually did at these things - drinking, chatting and chain-smoking mostly, interspersed with a couple of dances with some of the other girls he was friendly with. Not to mention having a front-row seat to Doug's shenanigans as he jumped from conversation to conversation like a bee pollinating flowers in the springtime, only rounding back to the centre table every so often to drop into the crew's conversation, slinging an arm loosely around the back of Everett's chair each time he did.
You'd think a guy might get jealous. Only, for better or worse, Everett knows his bombardier all too damn well by this point, every good pilot does; his switches, his tells, how he needs to be handled. He'd recall irrefutably how Doug's eyes had snapped to him first, and how Everett knew immediately where he'd end up that night.
Everett stuck around right up until the death of the party, the crowd thinning out as each quarter hour ticked by, the band having packed up their equipment, the bartender having called last orders long ago. The last guy in the group he'd been sitting with departed for bed, slurring his words and stumbling slightly on his feet as he went.
Suddenly, he felt slightly awkward sat at a big table by himself, and so moved to one of the many abandoned chairs far off to the side of the dancefloor and pulled his cigarette case from his inside jacket pocket. He settled one between his lips and started scouring his pockets for a lighter, but didn't manage to get too far before a figure appeared in front of him, playfully tapping at his legs with a foot where they lay loungefully outstretched.
"What's the difference between a hippo and a zippo?" Doug asked with a shameless smirk, producing his own lighter from his pocket, sparking it to life as if in demonstration, before chucking it in the other man's direction. He was aiming for the crease of Everett's lap, but Everett intercepted it quickly, catching it deftly instead.
"You've used that one already tonight," Everett quipped, taking a deep drag from the cigarette, before slipping the lighter into his own jacket pocket. Doug made no protest, just shrugged, still smirking. "You've got to get some new material if you want to keep up."
"It's a good joke, what can I say. Worth stealing if you get the chance." His voice sharpened into a point on that one word of the sentence, and Everett couldn't help but mirror the other man's smile. He raised a chin a little further, managing somehow to look down his nose at Doug from where he was sat, despite how he was stood over him.
"Is that what I did? That easily? I mean, it wasn't hard. Perhaps you've just got to up your game."
A faux-indifferent shrug. Another drag of the cigarette, coupled with a long, deliberately charged exhale. A beat of silent anticipation as Douglass sized him up and down, eyes narrowed in challenge as they held each other's gaze, but also edged with something else. Clearly loose from the liquor, Doug's crystalline eyes darkened a little, his bottom lip briefly rolling in behind his teeth as he bit down teasingly.
Doug's eyes did a quick scan of their surroundings. The club had fairly emptied out, the closest others to them at the far end of the bar area and well out of hearing range.
"It's, uh, it's getting a little crowded in here," Doug started, his voice pitched low and verging on sensual, a smile still twitching at his lips even as he was trying to pretend to be serious, and held out his arm in Everett's direction, like he was one of his dames. "...why don't you take my hand and we'll get out of here?"
Everett made a point of hesitating for a moment, letting out another long, slow exhale of smoke as he made Doug wait for it, resigning himself to acquiescing their little game. If the man was a dog, his tail would be damn well wagging he seemed so keyed up for it.
"Oh how flattered I am to be your back-up plan. More flattered about it than Tatty Spaatz is, at least," Everett joked as he rose from the chair, pointedly not taking Doug's hand, but sticking close to his side as they made for the exit side-by-side, both their minds fixed on the empty fort, their fort, ahead of them, waiting at the airfield.
Once they were in the clear, the night air hitting them both like a tonne of bricks after being cooped up inside there all that time, Doug chanced a cheeky swat at Everett's ass.
"Well, you're prettier than her. Prettier than all of them," he teased, though his voice melded into something sweeter, more affectionate than the words themselves would give away alone. "My number one back-up. Always."
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Wow, if I had a nickel for every time I was attracted to a man with cat eyes I’d have two nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird that it happened twice right???
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starrryknight · 4 months
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I had the honor to be part of the @telliusbigbang and got to draw Elincia and Lucia for sailorartemis' fic alongside Jackie! ^^
This was my first time participating in such an event so im happy how everything turned out!!
check out the fic here, its very sweet :3c
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