#do people just go 'ah yes celiac disease. means you're allergic to things that taste good' and proceed to remove the sugar from the recipe?
thesinglesock · 4 months
things I didn't realize back when I lived in an entirely gluten free household with a professional chef brother and mad experimental baker mother:
gluten free food does not exist in the wild. at all.
it is spensive
literally how am i supposed to survive like who designed this. I knew I was spoiled but I didn't know the situation was this dire.
I actually prefer the stores that don't stock gluten free pastries at all, because once in a blue moon, when I step into one of those fancy grocery stores and see that one singular frozen cinnamon roll (smaller than my palm) has a price tag of 98kr (abt 9$) I just start crying on the spot.
I just feel like that SHOULD be illegal. for reference; a regular (FRESH, not even frozen) gluten filled cinnamon roll at the same fancy store costs abt 25kr (2$).
Also ngl I'm getting kinda sick of the way people percieve gluten free food. Whenever I get accomodated at an event (and don't bring my own food), the person serving it will give me a knowing look and go "well, it's gluten free so it's not like it'll taste good anyways, but here u go" and hand me a half baked chocolate cupcake that tastes like someone substituted the sugar in the recipe with salt. Like, yeah okay I'm glad you guys thought of me but the thought doesn't count for much when you waste your time and money on something you don't even believe can taste good so you settle for just making it inedible on purpose. Please for the sake of my stomach and sanity just send me the menu in advance and I'll bring my own chocolate cupcake. Or better yet: make something that doesn't have gluten in it to begin with, like pavlova or almond cake, the possibilities are endless.
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