#do not quote me on this bc it's very hard to figure out which race is which picture from:
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letsgoricciardo ¡ 11 months ago
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2011 Toyota Racing Series: Mitch Evans, Alex Lynn, Scott Pye and Mario Farnbacher in Teretonga – from Toyota Gazoo Racing New Zealand
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early-sxnsets ¡ 6 years ago
tag game(s)
anï (i’m too exhausted to do three separate posts but i was tagged in three tag games over the past few days and i’d forgotten to do the last few games i was tagged in and i feel super guilty so here they are in one go)
i don’t know who to tag to do these rn because my brain is dead i am emotionally exhausted and i’m writing a fic that’s about halfway done so i’m gonna say tag anyone who wants to be tagged for any of these. i’m so sorry that i’m dead, i will be back alive again after may 10th, which is my AP exam day
six questions challenge
tagged by @simon--speaks
rules: answer the questions, then tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
Q1: Relationship status?
single bby
Q2: Favorite color?
maroon !
Q3: Top 3 ships?
snowbaz (wow) and uh. wow. idk who else. i wanna say my own ocs matchstick and summer (is that allowed? i’m making it allowed)
Q4: Lipstick or chapstick?
whenever i get to this question in any ask i freeze up because i use a tinted chapstick so i don’t look dead but like. it can also be seen as a lipstick because it has pigment. but. chapstick.
Q5: Last song I listened to?
Run by Hozier
Q6: Last movie I watched?
uhhh i watched like. 5 minutes of the emperor’s new groove a few days ago, and watched a documentary about obscure houses like 10 minutes before that. so. i’m gonna say the house documentary.
21 questions
i was tagged by @simon--speaks, @angelsfalling16, @wo2ash, @alixanderthequeer, @sharkmartini and @bazypitchandsimonsnow
rules: answer 21 questions then tag 21 people
nickname: anï, munchkin, menina, and my hebrew name is elisheva
height: the doctor says i’m 5′3.5″, but they can’t put fractions on IDs so according to the state i’m 5′4″ and i cling to that
last movie i saw: see above (so like. funky houses)
last thing i googled: (next town over) movie tavern. i’m not saying where it is exactly bc hah i don’t wanna be stalked but. i was looking at movie times because they have $5 movies every tuesday
favorite musician: frank iero. love that funky rat man and his funky music too (i’m gonna see him for the second time next month because i made the executive adult decision to say fuck it to my seizures and go see him anyway)
song stuck in my head: i don’t have one rn but usually it’s a song by the killers (when you were young is a usual one)
other blogs: none, actually! i didn’t delete my old tumblr purely bc i’m a nostalgic dumbass, but it’s a completely different login and it’s inactive so i don’t count it.
followers: 1,666 (originally i wasn’t gonna share the number but it hit this last night and i was like heh. nice)
following: 231
amount of sleep: 8ish hours! (spring break bby)
lucky numbers: 7, multiples of 3 (only in cases of knocking), and multiples of 2 (only in cases like volume)
dream job: writing and illustrating books! i have a variety of dream jobs within art, and even within the subcategory of books, but my top dream job is creating inclusive/diverse children’s books that represent a variety different ethnicities/races, religions, abilities, and identities so that children can see themselves represented in media
what i’m wearing: a black turtleneck, a bra, and marvel boxers. that’s it.
favorite food: soup in general. i make a kick ass matzo ball soup
language: english, conversational portuguese, i know a small small bit of japanese (i should know more given i was raised being taught it but i always struggled with it), and i know some spanish. i also plan on teaching myself ASL.
can i play an instrument: yes! i’ve been playing violin since i was 2. i wanna play guitar and i know some chords but i have small hands so it’s hard to find one that’s the right size that isn’t a shitty children’s guitar, and i sing! i’m an alto
favorite song: hnnghg please don’t make me pick................ i’d have to say choke on one another by death spells
random fact: so like. if you didn’t know already, i’m an LGBTQ+ youth activist on a national scale. i disappear on occasion because i’m doing something or another, and sometimes i post about it on my blog (speaking of i have exciting news that i heard, but at the same time, i’m pretty much booked every weekend from middle of next month until middle of july), but........ i hate networking. i loathe it. if i never had to network again, i’d be thrilled. networking is my absolute least favorite thing because i struggle at everyday conversation, much less networking with people at least 10-20 years my senior. sure it’s usually free publicity and i get great connections, but god. at what cost? and like.... it’s always after a really emotionally taxing event, so i’m already drained and then wow here’s a room full of adults who want my 18 year old input. please. just let me steal a cupcake then leave.
describe yourself in aesthetic things: dye stained fingernails and necks. cranked open windows during a spring shower. dried tears and breaking laughs. coffee stains and milky tea splashes. trembling fingers, writing instead of speaking because you’re too afraid, and finally breaking free--running through the rain. scabbing blood, fresh piercings. knowing you’re loved and not saying it because it doesn’t need to be spoken. the smell of a new canvas, paint splattered jeans, and art school sweaters. black skirts with docs, then fairy lights and soft blankets hidden behind sharp profanities and harsh disgust. the unexpected. the unknown. the ever-changing, unstoppable force of the shifting tides. 
carry on questions
tagged by @goodbyedandelion, @isthisisagoodkiss @wo2ash, 
1- favorite type of scone? 
cranberry orange! one of the farms a county over has a market and they sell them there and they’re to die for (altho, i found a sour cherry scone recipe that i’ve perfected and my family loves them so they’re a close second now)
2- london or la?
i’ve never been to london, but i’m gonna have to go with london. i went to la last october to present in an awards show for my organization and i lowkey was underwhelmed. i’m very much a gloom and rain kinda person, and it was too dry and sunny there. although, i did think the huge succulents were sick as fuck. but yeah definitely london. i’m planning to spend a semester abroad there in a few years for an illustration program
3- kissing in a forest or holding hands under the stars?
i’m afraid of forests because we have a lot of wildlife and i don’t want to get mauled by a bear don’t mind me holding hands under the stars :)
4- jeans or suit?
suit suit suIT SUIT suit. i love wearing suits. my chest doesn’t cooperate and my hips always hate them but god i do love suits.
5- loose hair or pulled back hair?
mine looks better loose, and my sides/back are shaved but the top reaches my ears, so it gets annoying sometimes and i pull it up to keep it out of my face
6- vampires or dragons?
i wanna say both. i used to say “yknow a dragon but in human form would be hot” then i got called dragon fucker for like two years so out of pure spite i’m going with vampires.
7- what saying do you wish could be a spell?
(this one’s a very specific reference so hear me out) “i’ve got to go pee on her”  used to disorient and confuse the speech of the person casted upon. it’s one of my favorite quotes from scott pilgrim vs. the world (my favorite movie ngl) when scott’s brain can’t figure out two different sentences and he just says that. it’s so good and just fuckin weird that i love it.
8- which carry on character would you go on a coffee date with if you could?
depends tbh! if we’re talking date date, then penny because i would wife penny in 0.5 seconds, but if we’re talking friends getting coffee then 10000000% baz because i’d talk activism and identities with him
9- favorite carry on quote?
“he told me we would be stars��� (i don’t have my book on me so i could be getting the line wrong), but it hit so hard for me. like it’s clear how davy manipulated lucy so much that she fell into it and couldn’t crawl out. it’s such a powerful message of control from those who are charismatic enough to hold it, and how sometimes we aren’t weak enough to let go.
10- how excited are you for wayward son?
lemme paint this picture: i started hyperventilating in the hallway when i found out, and then cried an hour or two later when my friend texted me that he preordered me a signed copy. like. i’ve been pre-planning how to get home from college to come and pick it up (okok the 24th is also my dad’s birthday so i’m. um. “coming home to visit him”, of course) because i’m just SO EXCITED to read them again in a canon way :’)
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loving-jack-kelly ¡ 7 years ago
Psych AU
Is Shawn, obviously
Cop dad, troublemaker because he liked disrupting his dad’s authority, actually very smart but does his absolute best to avoid people knowing it
His dad figured out he had a photographic memory when they were like, watching a movie, and Jack called out a mistake that nobody believed was real until he rewound and showed them, and then trained him to be super observant
His dad really wanted him to be a cop and Jack refused out of principle
Never held a job for long because as soon as something else caught his eye he’d go for it
Usually squeaked by on stretching pay from a job for forever, living in a tiny apartment, and doing art commissions when he could get them
Is really good at reading people from what his dad taught him
A Chaotic Good in its purest form, he’s always trying to help people but gets in his own way with his antics
Is Gus
Jack’s best friend while they were growing up
Was very respectful of authority and balanced Jack out, until Jack got him in on his schemes and then they were the terror of every adult in town
Pharmaceutical salesman, knows so many medicines off the top of his head
Drive a Blueberry and Jack makes fun of it but actually loves the car
Lawful Good, always obey the rules unless Jack makes him do otherwise, has a hard time lying
Lassiter, obviously he’s Lassie guys
Head detective, very put together and capable
Solves cases all the time and hates that Jack also solves cases all the time
Acts high and mighty but really does care about everyone
Juliet, Crutchie is Jules
Shows up and Jack is instantly like oh boy that crush hit me over the head with the velocity of a 747
He’s a transfer detective who’s worked his whole life to get where he is despite being an amputee and having a prosthetic
Jack acts like his crush is a joke but means it 100%
Crutchie is very capable and kicks ass and hates being underestimated because it’s almost kept him from achieving his dream before
When he was first trying to get to be a police officer he almost wasn’t allowed into police academy because they thought his prosthetic was a hazard and it took him his entire time to convince them otherwise
Now he won’t let anything get in the way of his being the best detective he can be
At first Jack bothers him because he had to work so hard to get where he is and Jack just shows up and starts solving crimes without seemingly a second thought, but Jack grows on him
Chief Vick
Is technically the interim chief but she’ll death glare anyone who calls her that because she deserves to be full chief and everyone knows it
Very skeptical of Jack and thus Davey but they are efficient and so she lets them keep working
Jack likes calling in tips to the police when he solves a case on his own because he thinks it’s funny that he can solve crimes from his couch that the police can’t
Eventually he calls one in and they call him in, he assumes it’s for like, reward money, but actually they suspect him in the case because he was right but it sounded like insider knowledge
He doesn’t want to admit he figured it out because of his observance and memory, but they’re going to arrest him, and he noticed the front desk cop was superstitious and so on a whim claims to be a psychic
Spot, the would-be arresting officer, is like, no way, that’s fake, psychics don’t exist
But Jack uses the things he noticed while waiting to be seen to “prove” that he’s psychic and everyone kind of starts to believe him because how else did he know so much about people he’d never met before?
But then Katherine hires him as a consultant for a case that they can’t solve because she figures he can’t do much harm when they’re about to lose the case to higher ups anyway
So Jack shows up to Davey’s job and is like, dude, I have a job and you have a job with me, let’s go
To which Davey responds, no way am I doing anything with you, your last five job attempts have been disasters
But Jack convinces him eventually and soon they have an office and a private investigative business
Davey constantly threatens to tell everyone that Jack isn’t a psychic but he never would because Jack really is solving crimes and they’re best friends
Jack flirts. With literally anyone. Even when it’s entirely inappropriate. Davey does his best to keep him in check. It doesn’t really work
Jack his sister just died don’t flirt with him
Jack her best friend is missing
Jack he’s the bad guy
Jack she is literally trying to murder us stop complimenting her form
Jack he
Jack she
He’s so ridiculously bi people genuinely think he’s joking like they think he’s straight making gay jokes because of the sheer number of times he flirts with guys and girls all the time
He does his best to seem as immature as possible, but he has a pretty high emotional intelligence
For a while, Crutchie is dating a guy who’s similar to Jack, which makes Jack sad because he wants to be dating Crutchie but Crutchie has never seemed interested
Eventually Crutchie overhears Jack talking to Davey about him and Jack says that he’s willing to just be friends if that means Crutchie is happy, only he wants to be happy too, and he can’t imagine being happy without Crutchie because he’s pretty much fallen in love with him over the years they’ve gotten to work together
And then Crutchie eventually gets together with Jack, after he gets out of his other relationship
Dating Jack is essentially dating both Jack and Davey because they’re always together
It also ends up being much like babysitting sometimes, because Jack gets into all sorts of trouble and Davey only does so much to stop him before joining in
Also when Jack proposes his speech (taken directly from Shawn’s proposal bc tbh it was an incredible proposal) goes like this:
Charlie Morris, I do not believe in love at first sight, because I didn’t even need to see you to know I wanted to spend forever with you. That didn’t make any sense. Scratch that. I have spent my whole life running from one thing to another, quitting and running and quitting and running and pretending that my destiny was to drive a wienermobile.
Davey: He was young and afraid of commitment.
That’s true. But I’m not that young anymore. And I’m also not afraid. Because when I’m with you, Char, I’m just fearless and unbreakable.
Davey: Like Samuel L. Jackson.
Jack: No, Samuel L. Jackson was the glass man.
Davey: Not emotionally, Jack, not emotionally.
Jack: Okay, dude, well dial it back just a teeny bit.
Davey: *choked up* Okay.
I know that I come with baggage, and a best friend who’s not going anywhere. Ever. But I promise you that from this moment forward the only running I will be doing is into your arms, and I will never stop holding your cold little hands or losing myself when I wake up in the morning and look at you and recognize how frickin’ lucky I am.
Davey: *in the background* Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, it’s happening, say yes, say yes!
Crutchie: Yes, yes!
Jack: Okay, well technically, you just said yes to Davey.
Crutchie: Well ask me, Jack!
Crutchie, will you marry us? Me? Mostly me? Even though Davey is always gonna be part of the deal and one day he’ll have his own Crutchie and we’ll be one big family and we’ll have dogs, all rescues, and kids, probable before we’re sixty. Just marry me so I can show you how amazing our life will be together?
Davey was crying by the end of it and Crutchie said yes, obviously, please do yourself a favor and watch the scene from the real show it’s cinematic genius.
Spot meets Race and for pretty much the only time in his life opens up easily and right away
And then it turns out Race is the criminal in the case they’re working on and Spot has to arrest him but he promises to wait until Race is out of prison and they end up together anyway
Now for the true reason this au works: the quotes. The dialogue. All of these are direct quotes from the show.
Davey: You named your fake detective agency "Psych"? As in "got you"? Why didn't you just call it "Hey, we're fooling you and the police department; hope we don't make a mistake and somebody dies because of it."
Jack: First of all, Davey, that name is entirely too long; it would never fit on the window. And secondly, the best way you convince people you're not lying to them is to tell them you are!
Davey: How do you just eat when there's a dead guy laying there?
Jack: What, is that rude? Am I supposed to share?
Jack: Good morning, detectives! Are we collecting donations for the policeman's ball?
Spot: We don't have balls.
Jack: I honestly have no response to that.
Crutchie: You're not hired. I can't pay you. If it turns out there's something to it, I'll make sure you get put on the case. That's all I can do.
Jack: Crutchie, I'm quite sure we could work out some kind of services exchange. You see I like to do some sketching myself and sometimes I need a model.
Crutchie: Huh! [gets up and walks from the room]
Jack: Was that inappropriate? ...Felt OK.
Jack: Don't panic. Those bites are consistent with a T-Rex bite.
Davey: You know that?
Jack: Yes, I know that. [shows picture of himself in the mouth of a T-Rex skeleton] I was banned from the Wyoming National Museum for that shot. The bruises didn't go away for a year, but it was totally worth it. It was my best screensaver ever!
Crutchie: Jack, how do you know this?
Jack: The same way that I know that as a child Spot wanted nothing more than a pony.
[They all look at Spot]
Spot: Oh, come on. Who didn't?
Davey: Anyone who wasn't an 8 year-old girl.
Spot: I hate snow globes.
Jack: Huh. That's strange, because my psychic sense told me specifically that snow globes didn't give you nightmares of being trapped in a clear ball with snow that burned your skin off.
Spot: Who keeps telling people I like snow globes?!
Jack: I don't think anyone's here.
Davey: How sure are you?
Jack: Fairly to pretty damn.
Jack: Davey, don't be a myopic chihuahua. I have a full-proof plan that solves the case and gives the Chief all the credit.
Davey: What is it?
Jack: Actually, all I have is the phrase "I have a full-proof plan." Beyond that, I'm wide open.
And so many more these are all from like the first three seasons of eight the whole show is like this it’s incredible and I love it
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wingheadshellhead ¡ 8 years ago
So I just read Jonathan Hickman's Avgers, Vol. 1: Avengers World which has that scene about how "it started with two men; one was life and one was death" in reference to Steve and Tony. What really confuses me and kind of makes me angry is why Tony is death? I don't really understand what it's referencing or what he's done to be Death. Like merchant of death and all that I get. But he's past his history now right? Even poetically in an avengers comic why is he still death? Wondering if you know?
i mean,,,,,,, i know fandom was briefly up in arms about this (not really but it was a Thing ppl were mildly salty about) but hickman never specifies who he’s referring to here. (the placement of the captions means nothing lmao, it’s literally just positioned in standard left-to-right reading order.) and actually, many ppl in fandom have taken that exact ambiguity and spun it on its head in edits and fics and especially re: mcu after ca: cw to cast steve as death, and tony as life as an interesting subversion of popular understanding of that quote where 616 tony = death, 616 steve = life. 
hickman’s writing style is very much about intense concept ideas and the big picture, he goes HARD on metaphors that make for great quotes and oneliners taken out of context but doesn’t often attempt to explain or further clarify what they mean. as someone who’s read most of his original comic east of west over at image, i can tell you it’s Classic Hickman to throw out that kind of dramatic ass statement and leave it up in the air as to who’s who just because it was memorable, it sounded fucking good, and it’s going to stick in people’s heads long after they’ve finished reading. and it definitely works bc this one ticks all three boxes.
personally, i don’t think hickman specifically intended one of them to be Life personified or Death personified; that’s hyperbolic even for hickman’s level of drama. and with steve and tony, at least, i think he knows full well that he’s dealing with Humans at the end of the day and not metaphorical embodiments of things. 
so what i think about the quote, specifically: 
1. it’s more useful as an axiomatic representation of tony and steve as polarising forces then as a literal statement where both correlate exactly to life or death; this is the unstoppable force meets immovable object facet of their relationship. 
hickman’s vol. 5 was very much about exploring and interrogating this part of steve and tony’s dynamic and driving it to its very limits. while i don’t know that i was totally satisfied with vol. 5 as an avengers comic bc i like seeing my kids get along and not constantly trying to murder each other, hickman definitely Gets steve and tony. he Gets their dynamic and the drama and tragedy that can come from such an important, intense and deeply profound relationship that’s grounded in so much history and personal stakes and emotions. tony and steve being best friends for over a decade and such important figures in each other’s lives will never negate the fact that they have very different ethical alignments and moral philosophies. and for two people who are absolutely compelled by those things in everything they do, going head to head with someone that happens to land at the polar opposite of them on the spectrum is always going to go down like… well… y’know. civil wars. universes dying. just bc that’s literally how much marvel has invested in them lol.
but i respect people / characters who respect themselves too much to bend just bc someone they love, or people they love, wants them to. i respect characters that will stand their ground and stick to their convictions even though it’d be easier not to, esp. when they’re risking someone they love. and conversely, just because steve and tony can’t agree on everything doesn’t mean their relationship suddenly becomes null and void. they’re too vastly similar but also different people who’d sooner die then stop fighting for the thing(s) they believe need to be fought for; this is something they know in their bones about each other, they know each other too well to expect anything less from the other person.
2. they can both be both. and this is Literal given that steve’s last act in the final moments of the 616 universe ‘as we knew it’ (bc there’s some debate – spoiler alert? – that the all-new all-different universe that marvel is currently set in is not 616 but a completely different universe and the 616 that existed before is legitimately just dead) was to take one of tony’s suits and try to murder him. granted, the ‘tony’ that was tony in the final moments of the 616 universe ‘as we knew it’ was also Not Really Tony, and i fully believe that the influences of Superior Tony were still lingering and tainting his overall Tonyness. in that instance, if you were going to be very simplistic and reductionist abt your interpretation of the quote, steve was definitely death. but Again, they are Both Both. tony spent (spends lbr) pretty much all his time in vol. 5 prophesizing death and destruction like 616′s very own cassandra; as Not Really Tony / still sorta superior iron man he pilots the godkiller to massacre an entire alien race from invading and destroying earth; building bombs, and being fully behind the plan to kill other planets to save earth-616.
you’re right that 616 doesn’t bring up his past as often as mcu does anymore because it’s considered literal ancient history (as in bronze age 60′s history that’s been written to death, although i’m of the opinion any good tony stark writer Can and Will find a way to write his past into modern relevance). tony’s narrative and the nature of his character, however, (sb driven by guilt and accountability and the knowledge that he’s alive bc of the sacrifice of a man who died to save him – i.e. yinsen) will always inevitably feature death, his history, and his subsequent transformation. talking about 616 and specfiically tony’s actions and choices in hickmanvengers doesn’t really help my point but to talk about tony + death in general, regardless of the universe, ‘death’ also doesn’t have to be the BadTM concept it’s usually thought of as. mcu tony canonically refers to himself as a phoenix, and the Afghanistan / Vietnamistan incident is metaphorically a ‘death’ for tony stark the charcter and his rebirth as Iron Man, the Golden Avenger. in any universe, tony’s hero narrative hinges on that rebirth and transformation as a symbol of his capacity for heroism and Goodness, of taking his ugly past and former ignorance and mistakes and transforming it into something wholly and purely driven by bravery and sacrifice. 
i mean, yes, sure, if ppl are going to sit there and only take the label at face-value: death = bad / awful / terrible / only referring to his past as a weapons manufacturer and merchant of death, then yes, that would be a shitty interpretation to swallow as a tony fan. but seeing as how comics is a medium that’s built on constantly evolving and changing characters / worlds / entire universes, death as ‘rebirth’ is a very justifiable and canonically valid reading of tony. 616 tony has died multiple times, literally and figuratively, and every time he’s rebuilt himself bigger and better and stronger. the connotations of death within hickman’s own narrative and world-building is heavily linked to metamorphosis and resurrection. the final act of his avengers run and the centrepiece of the secret war event ended with the revival of the 616 universe. not to get too philosophical and existential here but death isn’t even really an End in the comics medium bc nobody and nothing ever permanently ‘dies’; it’s not possible to associate the concept with a definitive ‘end’, which makes most of the negative imagery surrounding ‘one was death’ redundant. i’m all for intrepretations of ‘death’ that are closely interlinked, if not entirely hand-in-hand, with ideas of rebirth, rebuilding, evolution, etc.
anyway, avengers world is great and i fucking love it so even if i haven’t swayed your opinion, i wouldn’t let the quote override your enjoyment of the overall comic. which, i hope you do enjoy, bc the happiness doesn’t last in hickmanvengers. buckle in for the long haul my guy.
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fishsupportgroup-blog ¡ 8 years ago
Good Omens Fandom Welcome Pack (4/3/17)
Yo my dudes!!!! So I got a message from @dirktective-assassina who just found out that there’s a good omens fandom so I figured I’d try and pull together some resources as an up to date fandom welcome pack :D It’s pretty long and comprehensive so I’ve put it under the cut.
So first things first: the ship name of Aziraphale/Crowley isn’t Crowaphale or anything like that but is Ineffable Husbands. We also sometimes use Air Conditioning (like A/C if you see?) although this is less used now than it was, largely because of the way tumblr tagging works versus livejournal and it’s a bit of a hassle to traipse through posts of people’s air conditioning not working, but there are still posts on that tag and it's a good way to find older fan-works. Other wise we generally just tag as Good Omens.
As with a lot of fandoms with a slightly longer history, livejournal used to be the main site for the good omens community and we transferred across bc, let’s face it tumblr is a hell site but it’s also a hell of a lot more accessible than livejournal. However, there are still a lot of things going on with livejournal!!! my main resource there is the Lower Tadfield Air Base: Fighting off Armageddon since 2003! The Good Omens Holiday Exchange is also organised on livejournal, I’ve linked to this year’s entries :)
Which brings me onto fic!! (Some of these fic will be explicit but they all have warnings at the beginning). Two fics always recommended in older fic rec lists are The Sacred And The Profane, and A Diamond Sky Above Titanic (although, personally, they’re not really my favourites). Also, The Lower Tadfield Air Base has a good fic tag :) Finally there’s this post which also adds some extra links and info on joining the good omens fandom, it also has a gen fic section if that’s more your cup of tea.
My main source of fics however, comes from our Lord and Saviour, Archive Of Our Own. Just take note when you’re using the search tool you fully type in Aziraphale/Crowley rather than letting it autocorrect you to Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) then you’ll only get 217 works in comparison to the 1178 fics available and all the fic of Aziraphale/Crowley (Good Omens) is filed under Aziraphale/Crowley anyway. If that makes any sense?
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Personally, I’ve been horribly remis in tagging my own favourites because I’m fairly useless. However, I know I love Fridays by ylc. If you like human! aus then I also really love Ordinary People by daeger which has a wee Jewish painter Crowley :D
Ruby Tears by @not-a-space-alien is also a really good fic in highlighting the fandom’s perspective on Crowley: essentially in that he’s a HUGE FUCKING NERD who tries so hard to look cool and suave and is actually just very vulnerable and sweet and loving. Aziraphale, on the other hand, is very much an oblivious banana that’s too self-obsessed to really recognise this and has an incorrect view that Crowley is The Adversary and should be thought of as such. There has been A LOT of AMAZING meta on this, I would really recommend @futureevilscientist‘s essay on The Arrangement as p. much essential reading. They also have a tag for meta which I also really recommend.
My final fic to recommend is HAS to be the Crown of Thorns series by @irisbleufic (often shortened to cot). For me, this is The Fic, you know, and I feel like it really defines the Good Omens fandom in many ways. It’s based on the fanon that after the events of the apocalypse, Aziraphale and Crowley moved into a cottage on the South Downs together. All the details of the fic are in the introduction :D Other Iris fics to recommend are Regulars and What to Say (and How Not to Say It) if like me you’re trash for 3rd person pov. Finally as someone from York I’m honour bound to mention Promises to Keep.
We also have some Amazing artists in the fandom, people like @kogla and the like are just so great to have posting content for us!! basically just turn to the good omens tag and follow some of the suggested blogs (see below) we’re always posting everything :D One of my faves is this one by @6utton (who also gives me my raffles fix). @lunasong365 has also sent me this beautiful video and their playlist of other videos :‘) You also have the good omens tag on the hell site of deviantart
Also in terms of art, @askajcrowley is utterly brill, they don’t post much anymore but when they do I cry because they’re great.  If you want a really interesting view of how fandom has changed over time, go back through their posts as far as you can, it’s seriously worth it. In terms of fandom changing, the Good Omens fandom has generally imploded; it did used to be a very big active fandom, with a lot of ask blogs and a much greater focus on the other characters besides Aziraphale and Crowley. The current day fandom does feel bad about not talking about the other great multifaceted characters but we don't tend to do much to rectify it, as not-a-space-alien highlights in this post.
The older fandom also used to have A LOT of discourse surrounding fancasts. Oh God. Suffice to say if I ever see another post casting Bajkfbgjgiug Cskjfbgkjfba/Tom Hiddleston in all the roles I will actually throw up. This trend lead to our Worst Meme, Cage Omens: in which all the characters are played by Nicholas Cage. This meme likes to make a reassurance every now and again, so FOR GODS SAKE DONT SUMMON IT. (We all secretly love it).
Speaking of fancasts, we should probably mention adaptations. When the news of the latest adaptation came forward, a lot of us were very apprehensive because We Have Been Here Before. Lots. Like 5 Times. (I think in like ‘02 there was going to be one with Robin Williams but It was just after 9/11 and everyone ran as fast as they could from apocalypse based media). However, this one does look like it’s going ahead and will be airing next year maybe :) We do also have the beloved radio adaptation, which we will all suggest had it’s flaws but was also p damn brill. (The BBC sometimes replay it around Easter?)
However the discourse over fancasts did actually raise some pertinent points to do with race, with a lot of people feeling really uncomfortable with how white the suggestions were for characters that have no explicitly stated race. This is especially the case in regards to Aziraphale where there might be inbuilt preconceived conceptions of a white angel. This post and @a-poc-alypse‘s commentary on the subject I think is really important. I think the fandom now makes a concerted effort to try and produce more diverse art and the like, and I think we are better than we were, but it is something we have to actively work towards rectifying.
Other discourse of far, far less importance is in regards to their wings. Essentially, a lot of older fanart has Crowley with bat like wings which a lot of the fandom disagrees with, and there’s a lot of discourse about the colour of their wings too. Traditionally, Aziraphale is depicted with white wings and Crowley with black, but as is oft pointed out within the fandom, the colour of their wings is not stated and, given the significance of heaven and hell just being names for sides with no tangible distinction, and that demons are of angel stock, this separation has been questioned. Basically, the consensus now is play around with it!!!!! My head canon is that Az has owls wings and Crowley has duck wings :D
As for Hogwarts Houses, no one actually knows tbh either of them could fit into any house I think? We've had a lot of discussions and I think the ultimate conclusion we’ve come to is just go with what you want. At the moment I think I like Gryffindor Crowley and Ravenclaw Aziraphale. Some good Harry Potter AUs are Potter Omens by sadaf, St. Joseph of Cupertino, Home Life and Social Habits of British Muggles, and the Legacy of James Bond by Interrobam, A Look into a Magic Mirror by athousandelegies, and Saturday by Elvendork.
This leads to another point which is the links Good Omens have with other fandoms. There are Obviously the links with Supernatural given that their Crowley was literally named after ours, but there are also a weird amount of Wolfstar (Remus Lupin/Sirius Black) crossover fics and a lot of them involve them all sleeping with each other?? Anyway. I’ve also noticed that p. much all the Raffles fandom tend to be Good Omens fans too.
Finally you have the Shakespeare/Marlowe fandom so there are a lot of jokes in fandom at the moments about Crowley/Shakespeare (ship name: Snakespeare). I’m laying the blame firmly on @macdicilla and this post.
Music!! I LOVE @ajcrawly‘s The Ritz Does Not Admit Nightingales but 8tracks is useless for UK pals atm. Every playlist of Good Omen will have Queen and A Nightingale Sung in Barkley Square, I’m sorry I don’t make the rules.
And then there are the blogs!!:
@audiomens (with transcripts of the radio 4 adaptation)
@thisbutgoodomens (taking posts and making them Good Omens, tag them if you think there’s a post they would appreciate!!)
There are the blogs I’ve mentioned above, like @not-a-space-alien and @macdicilla (you can’t have one without the other), and @futureevilscientist, @irisbleufic, @kogla, @lunasong365, @askajcrowley, @a-poc-alypse, @ajcrawly
Also worth following are, @milkythefrozen, @pridoo, @maniacalmole, @ladylier, @thisisadecisionimayregret, @la-petite-robe-jaune, @sous-le-saule, @rocksalive, @nemeankitten, @everything-good-omens, @fyeahgo and tbh there are heaps more, I’m sorry if I’ve missed you off, I have a memory worse than like 99% of the population (according to my educational psychologist). If you want to be added just put a reply or message me or smth :D
Finally, I’d like to thank @not-a-space-alien for their welcome kit, @futureevilscientist for theirs, @ladylier for giving me ideas to talk about, @lunasong365 for showing me their playlist, and @a-poc-alypse for pointing me in the direction of their tags.
Okay. I think that’s it?? If you have anything further to add just post it below or message me or put it on the tags or replies whatever basically. If you disagree, or I’ve got something wrong, or you want to be added/taken away as a source then don’t hesitate to tell me!! (but please don’t send me hate, I’m trying my best and I’ll work hard to compensate)
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glare-daggers ¡ 8 years ago
Lots of character rambling, incoming.
I was looking at Kyleri’s IC/Inspo blog and it’s full of a lot of moody aesthetic stuff and quotes about love. I need to write up something soon, maybe delve into why that is. 
A capricious life of bad-decisions laced with flings, ‘almost’ loves and heartbreaks way before becoming a monk. (I laugh tho bc for a while she was the subject of my nsfw doodle blog so I guess some of y’all already know SOME like, kink stuff) Also Very Bad things she’s done and reckless choices and regrets, which she’s still in the process of convincing herself she’s past it all due to having taken up the monk-training stuff.
Then there’s trying to find a better sense of purpose because LEGION SHIT and being cautious about falling into the same traps of before because of her own impulsive nature.
THEN there’s also me trying to decide how she loses/lost her fucking eye because I want to make it terrible. I’m considering using L E G I O N stuff for that but I’m not sure yet. I’m overdue for a sadfuck story anyway and may even look for volunteers to help me out with this for extra Drama.jpg :^)
Also, I know it’s weird not to see Undead Sely much on here lately, but trust me Forsaken are still very dear to me and close to my heart. However, it’s always been hard not to feel extremely fucking limited with what I can DO with Selynth because she’s undead and her views/priorities are very very narrow. It’s hard for her to grow/change as a character because of it and playing her while fun in several circumstances (She’s spawned some of my favorite pieces of writing I’ve done about forsaken or the shadow/void magic stuff) doesn’t lend to being very flexible because generally speaking she just isn’t approachable by 98% of others.  
So when I faction-swapped on my current server to use my main on the side I was playing more often these days, I made her a night elf. This doesn’t at all mean forsaken Sely doesn’t exist anymore as a character, heavens no. (God I still have my old main abandoned on WRA as an undead so there will always be a forsaken Selynth that exists in game lmao) Selynth exists, even if I don’t draw her as often or even RP her, she’s still a thing that exists, she’s not gone or anything. I just needed a change of pace, anyway. 
The character I’m using NOW as a night elf, is a separate character, as my TRP shows:  Sel'ythae Nightstriker. (I’m tempted to do another side blog for her as IC/inspo also but idk if it’s worth it)
I’m a huge fucking nerd for ‘happy lives turned to shit and this is why they are the way they are’ tropes so that’s essentially Sel’ythae as she is. I figured, she could’ve been a healing priestess previously (which is exactly how Forsaken Sely started out, tbh) then I go balls to the wall with shadow priest stuff.
Formerly a Priestess of Elune, it's been some time since she's bothered praying for the moon goddess' strength. Following several hardships of her people and the personal loss of her family, there is little connection of faith left for her. The invasion of Ashenvale by Horde military forces, and the subsequent slaughter of Kaldorei settlements may have been what finally forced her to turn her back to her faith, but it seemed to open her up to the shadows instead. Whispers of the void and the dark magics that, while not trustworthy, could be -used- to further empower her, preyed on an already fragile state of mind and slipped through to her. The more she uses shadow and void magic, the more it seems to twist her, but it's unclear whether or not it's her intention to let it. She has no love for the Horde. She's indiscriminate in her hatred of it's races, though her particular brand of cruelty involves a 'slow technique' of pain rather than a quick death. She does not feel any of them are worth a swift demise, especially if she thinks she can make their living lives as excruciating as possible. This means many things, not always just physical pain. Destruction takes many forms, and she gets more creative by the day. Her risky work has led to being captured by the Horde several times, but every instance thus far has ended with her escape (though not always un-scarred and unscathed) and a suspicious streak of 'bad luck' for the capturing unit. Most of those units no longer exist in their original form.
It's rare anyone gets a good look at her face, as it's always obscured, be it with a hood drawn over her head or a thin veil covering her. The rumors vary, saying she's either exceptionally beautiful or hideously scarred beneath the cloth, stories she does not seem keen on dispelling. Her hair is long and white, though often worn back in a braid or gathered up. Dark colored clothing and few distinguishing details, her intent is always to simply disappear in a crowd. 
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vowel-in-thug ¡ 8 years ago
and here I take my wifey privileges and ask for something from something you didn't say was allowed bc you love me :) philip and lukas, eyewitness "i'm alive, i can tell because of the pain."
DEEPLY. SIGHING. i’m gonna lose followers for this non-related content ALLIE and then I’ll just be left with my friends, the porn bots.
i’ve never written anything for this before in my life and i’ve only seen the show once WEEKS AGO and i know you know this and i know you don’t care so HERE’S THIS THING.
ps to anyone who reads this, i am a swim instructor, and everything in this is A+ solid advice
Eyewitness, Philip and Lukas, "i'm alive, i can tell because of the pain."
The idea originally came when Philip was trying to think of something to give Gabe for his birthday next month. Philip wasn’t good at coming up with gift ideas, and he had no money, so eventually settled on going out on Gabe’s boat, and actually going out on it this time. But since the last time he was in a body of water, he was dragging his unconscious secret-boyfriend back from the brink of death, being out on the lake still didn’t fill him with much calm. He’d mentioned it off-hand to Lukas one day, and Lukas had nodded silently, sympathetically, and didn’t say anything, until the next day he showed up at Philip’s house, thrusted his extra helmet into Philip’s hands, and said today was a Day of Learning.
Now, Philip stood in a YMCA locker room in a pair of borrowed swim trunks, learning that his boyfriend could be an asshole sometimes.
The swim trunks used to be Lukas’s, and he said he grew out of them two summers ago but they were the only ones he could find, and Philip wasn’t totally sure he believed that. They fit snugly around his hips, a faded blue with flames along the sides, and the hem of each leg sat higher above his knees than he’d like.
He looked at himself in the mirror. Lukas was already out in the pool, wearing a normal-size pair of shorts. He left Philip to change alone but said if he wasn’t out there in five minutes he’d come looking for him.
They had just been starting to get to know each other when everything went to shit, before. And now, with everything settled, they were finally figuring out how to be regular people around each other. It was a little backwards. Other couples learned what their significant other liked on their pizza before learning what they looked like tied up and gagged in someone’s trunk.
In the last few months, Philip learned Lukas had the worst taste in music (“John Mayer? Seriously?”), he put ketchup in his macaroni and cheese (“No, I don’t care, you’re not kissing me until you’ve repented for your sins”), and that he can quote almost every single episode of South Park (“Yeah, okay, some of the early stuff is pretty funny.”). One scary afternoon, Philip nearly broke up with him when he found out Lukas supported the Yankees, but they were finally able to overcome.
He also learned that Lukas liked to be kissed right behind his ears, that if there’s a particularly nice-looking sunset he’ll always point it out to Philip, or if Philip wasn’t around, he’ll text him a picture of it. Lukas was not a morning person but reached peak cuteness when he was rumpled and monosyllabic before class, and whenever he was eating something he’d always wordlessly hold it out to Philip to share without even noticing he was doing it.
Philip stared at himself in the streaked YMCA mirror, at the stupid board shorts, and the old, hairy men shamelessly changing behind him. He took in the clangs and the shrieks and the whistles of a public pool, the overwhelming smell of chlorine that actually was a source of comfort for it. None of his water trauma ever happened in a pool.
He grabbed his towel, and gave himself one last look of half-realized confidence. His boyfriend was thoughtful, in an absolutely terrifying way. The least he could do was try and see it through without passing out.
It took him a moment to find Lukas out in the pool. He was swimming laps in a middle lane, his body cutting across the water sharply, but with grace, in the exact same way he jumped ditches on his dirtbike and in the exact same way he kissed. Philip put his towel down on the bleachers and stood at the end of his lane, waiting for him to finish.
Lukas stopped finally, breathing hard, and lifted his goggles off his face. He gaped up at Philip, saying nothing.
“I thought the most embarrassing thing about this was me not knowing how to swim,” Phillip said. “You look like a condom.”
Lukas touched the white swim cap on his head but didn’t remove it. He didn’t look mad though. He only pouted. “My hair will turn green if I don’t wear it.” He looked Philip up and down. “I guess the shorts fit, huh?”
“Barely,” said Philip. “Stop ogling me.” He awkwardly sat down at the end of the lane, letting his feet dangle in the cold turquoise water. Baby steps.
“I’m not ogling,” said Lukas. “I’m inspecting.”
“Yeah, well, this is a step up from a speedo, so I guess I should say thanks.”
Lukas smiled. “You’re welcome.”
It was very hard not grab Lukas by the shoulders and pull him in for a kiss, stupid swim cap be damned. He knew they were being open about their relationship, but there was a fine line between holding hands on the way to class and getting kicked out of a YMCA for public indecency.
“Keep swimming,” Philip said. “I’m gonna get in myself, I don’t need you watching me.”
“Okay.” Lukas put his goggles back on. They were black racing goggles and Philip couldn’t make out his expression at all. “Remember, it’s only four feet deep. Nothing can happen.”
Infants drown in bathtubs all the time, Philip didn’t say. Most drownings at a beach occur in shallow water, where it doesn’t even hit your knees. He just waved Lukas away, wincing at the sudden splash of Lukas’s kicks.
The pool was long, about thirty yards, and Philip genuinely got distracted, watching Lukas swim, so he didn’t move from the pool’s edge until he heard a small voice say, “You should get in like this.”
He glanced down at the lane next to him. A small girl in a purple tutu bathing suit was sitting beside him. She was also wearing a swim cap, except hers was hot pink.
“Watch,” she said. She put both hands on one side of her skirt, turning her body so she was facing away from the pool. She slid in slowly until she was submerged to her shoulders, then kicked off the wall towards a parent waiting for her in the lane. “See?” she called out as she swam away.
“Thanks,” said Philip, because it turned out to be preferable to be looking away from the water when he finally got in.
He stood by the wall, clutching it with both hands in an effort to hold onto something and also to keep as much of his upper body out the water. It was cold.
“Nice job!” Lukas splashed up behind him. He stood there, dripping, huge grin on his face. “C’mon, dude. You’re better off just dunking yourself all the way under. The cold water on your stomach is the worst. Here.”
He took off his goggles and put them on Philip, and suddenly the world was tinted black and foggy.
“This doesn’t make things less scary,” said Philip. “Or less cold.”
“I’ll go under with you,” Lukas said easily. “We’re just going under one time, to get you used to the water. When you’re underwater, you like, lose a lot of your senses, so the goggles are a good way to get more comfortable. It’s less freaky when you can at least see.”
Which made sense. And then Lukas was taking Philip’s hands off the wall, and then he was still holding them, which always made sense to Philip.
“Count of three?” he asked.
Lukas counted, and then he was under, and Philip was going under too. He closed his eyes on instinct, the cold rush of water over his head piercing. But then he opened his eyes and saw Lukas, blurred behind the goggles but close enough to see his serene face underwater, still grinning, his eyes squinting through the chlorine.
Philip wanted to kiss him underwater. It felt cliche. But he did it anyway, only a quick brush of lips before rushing back to the surface with a gasp. They were probably submerged for two seconds at most, but Philip still came up panting.
Lukas came up laughing, his cheeks pink. “Feel better?” he asked.
“Much.” Lukas was still holding his hands.
“Okay,” said Lukas. “We’re not here to teach you strokes, right? Maybe one day, but you don’t need to learn any of that right now.”
“Nah, I’ve gotten pretty good at stroking lately, anyway,” Philip said, eyebrow raised.
The fluorescent lights in the gym and the cold water already made Lukas look extra pale, which in turn made his flush stand out even more.
“Knock it off,” he said, pulling Philip’s goggles onto his forehead. “You just want to be able to feel safe, right? So you can go in Gabe’s boat without freaking. So the best way to save yourself in any body of water is to float.”
“Yeah,” said Lukas. He waded over to the edge of the pool. “My mom showed me how to do it when I was a little kid. Being able to swim is good, or treading water, but sometimes there might not be anywhere to swim to, or you don’t know how long you could be waiting to be rescued, and swimming and treading can tire you out. But you can float forever.”
Philip watched as Lukas put both hands along the gutter that ran inside the pool. He put his feet up on the wall, so high he knobby knees were sticking out of the water. He looked up at the ceiling, his head resting on the gentle waves of the pools.
“The most important thing to do is relax,” Lukas said. He let go of the pool edge, pushing off gently with his feet, and his whole body stretched out along the surface of the water, long legs akimbo, relaxed with that ease so quiet it seemed to shout out to Philip. It was what stuck out to Philip in the first place, what he noticed first about Lukas -- just how loud his quiet could be.
“See?” Lukas said, putting his hands beneath his head like he was sunbathing. “Easy.” He stood up easily, too. He blinked a little water out of his eye, smiling still, and Philip had to remind himself yet again about that fine but firm line between real relationship, and banned from the local YMCA.
But it did look easy. So Philip turned to the wall and mimicked Lukas’s pose. Except as soon as he let go of the wall he sunk like a stone to the bottom of the pool.
He felt a shocking pain in his face at the same time he felt hands hooking under his arms, and Lukas was pulling him up towards the air, pressed against his back. Philip was too busy coughing to appreciation the closeness, feeling like water had shot into every corner of his head.
“Jesus, Philip!” Lukas pounding him between his shoulder. “Are you okay? Philip?”
“I’m fine,” Philip gasped, coughing one more time. He rubbed at his nose fiercely. “I’m fine. I’m alive. I know, because of all the pain.”
Lukas turned him around to look at his face, inspecting him thoroughly. When he detected all signs of life, right down to the streaming nose and watering eyes, he sighed, dropping a hand on the back of Philip’s neck.
“Jeez, okay. You’re not supposed to inhale the water, man, what the fuck.” He rubbed Philip’s neck once and tugged on his hair curling wetly there. “Blowing bubbles is the next thing we’ll work on, alright? And no, that’s not anything dirty or anything, you goddamn pervert.”
“I am an innocent young boy,” said Philip, already trying to work out how he could get at Lukas’s phone, and change his contact name to “Bubbles.”
Lukas snorted, but then his face went serious again. “Do you want to keep going?”
“Yes,” Philip said immediately, and was only a little surprised that he really meant it. “Only -- this time, could you…”
“I’ll hold your head,” Lukas agreed, pulling his hands back. “That’s how my mom taught me. Turn around. You want your goggles on?”
“Nah.” Philip turned, looking out at the bottom of the bleachers, the kids running where they shouldn’t, the slick tiles littered with stray hairs and sports bottles. It was different from his other experiences, which was mostly true about everything that happened with Lukas. Even the water felt different on his skin, lighter, cleaner. It made a difference, he realized as he glanced down, to be able to see your foot beneath the surface, planted firmly on a nearby ground.
Then he felt finger tips cupping the back of his head. “Trust fall,” Lukas said quietly in his ear, humor evident in his tone. “Just let your feet rise up.”
Philip started to fall back, head safely pillowed by Lukas’s palms, and he closed his eyes, again on instinct. He felt his feet drift up to the surface slightly as Lukas walked them backwards.
“Push your stomach out,” Lukas said in his ear. “Relax. Spread your legs and tilt your hips up.”
Philip smiled, eyes still closed, as he followed instructions. “Now, why does that sound familiar?”
Lukas tugged on a lock of Philip’s hair sharply. “You are ruining so many childhood memories for me, man.”
“Sorry,” said Philip said, then he added, “You’re making some of mine better, though.”
Lukas didn’t say anything, just continued walking them back, letting the flow of the water pull Philip’s body upwards. Philip could feel Lukas’s fingers rubbing his scalp in ten small circles, occasionally feeling a hand drift away from his head so Lukas was only holding him with one before the other returned again and he’d alternate.
“Just relax, dude.” Lukas was slowly u-turning in the lane, carefully making sure Philip’s feet didn’t knock into the hard plastic of the lane lines as they headed back to the shallow end. “But like, don’t fall asleep.”
“I’m not,” said Philip. He felt awake. His eyes were still closed, and the only sound he could hear clearly was Lukas’s voice, hovering right over his ear. Everything else was muted, the echo of the pool area and the splash of other swimmers became as distant as a rainstorm coming down miles away from Helen and Gabe’s house, the thunder and lightning only known if he happened to glance out the window.
His toes breached the surface of the pool finally, and the sway of the water, the hands in his hair, and the muffled noise reminded him of being a boy, half in a dream and mindless of the city still running outside the thin walls of their crappy apartment.
“You doing alright, Philip?”
Philip’s hands hung uselessly at his side, until he reached up with one, careful to keep his balance on the top of the water. “This is easy,” he said, circling one of Lukas’s wrists tightly. He kept his eyes closed, and Lukas kept him afloat.
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pleasetrytoforget ¡ 8 years ago
Dude I ate that roll that was soaking in air freshener and my burps tastes like 'desert jasmine' scent now
Why did I just get a protein style burger from in n out (shoutout to the coppa who paid for my food bc I have a money-spending addiction but now I'm too broke for my own spoiled good) and why do I claim that I try to eat healthy if I ingest a yeast roll that had just been soaking up the fumes of a highly chemically soaked "California Scents assainissuer d'air pour la voiture" and pardon my French, i-don't-speak-Spanish-Japanese-or-French fluently but I know a lil bit of 'em all and all I've learned is that English is really fucking hard but it's a super dope language and it's a Romance language which is awesome because romance makes me think of love which is what makes the world go round but like why do all the words that English stole and "claimed as their own" from the other Romance languages just sound like shittier, less pretty words that don't seem to roll of the tongue as well? Because "The US of A" has officially ruined everything it's touched since it began its existence so many, many, many years ago. And back when we were a 'real' "democracy" (Latin word meaning specifically "of the people") where people (not everyone, but certain individuals) had the right to vote for who they wanted in power. And, now that the world and the human population has grown and evolved with technology and shit like that, the United States of America has grown, too. To a superpower actually. Some might say the most powerful superpower, based on our emphasis on our 'great' nation's military. But with all of that military and with all of this war and violence going on in the world, let alone within our country and on our country's streets, it terrifies me that our country is still in a massive debt to other countries in the world. Granted, our debt is mostly to our "allies" (don't quote me on that, but I sure hope that's the case for the sake of the U.S.) but I don't like the idea of a racist, sexist, homophobic, rich-bitch, piece-of-shit, son-of-another-rich-bitch, and so on and so forth, that I like to call the Real donald trump. But I don't know enough about politics yet to legitimately argue any of these points, I just know that we need more LOVE in the world and then the Whole-Wide-World will spin a little easier because this loving planet will adjust to the absolute shenanigans that I like to call a nice combo of rapid self-awareness and a rapidly changing population (the whole entire human population of this planet) which equates, more simply, to LIFE and the FACTS of life. What's a fact of life? Death. What makes death inevitable? Lack of money. What fuels hate? Money. What is our "superpower-of-a-country" seriously lacking rn, in terms of national debt as compared to other countries' levels of military power/enthusiasm and violence history/capacity since we began as a 'free country' (isn't it sad that "this is a free country!!" is now an outdated phrase because all of our supposed 'rights' are drastically limited now-a-days?) back on September 17th, 1787, when the US Constitution was signed. After the American Revolution was won in 1783. Yet, that was after we declared our independence from the English (the supposed "enemy" at the time) with the Declaration of Independence, which had it's final text approved by Congress on (none-other-than-the-FAMOUSLY-celebrated) July 4th in the year of 1776. When we were supposedly already a "free country" in terms of being independent from the English. Yet, we weren't really independent from them until we defeated them in the Revolutionary War with our 'awesomely' supported military. I'm all for respecting those who fight for our nation's rights, from law enforcement to any branch of the military, including volunteers and the Reserves. However, I feel that our country has immensely grown and evolved, in some ways good, and in some ways bad, but what our egocentrism/ethnocentrism fails to let us 'die-hard' Americans realize is that our country is no longer free. We are not a free nation. We are chained down by national debt. We are not all that we could be- a beautiful melting pot/salad bowl/whatever-you-want-to/call-it of a nation- where so many kinds of people (could be) living in harmony but we restrict ourselves with so much hate and ignorance, and the wrong kind of love. I'm talking about the wrong kind of love as in the love for religion, power, and money; the 3 things that, in my opinion, destroy the very concept of love itself. Love is meant to come from no other place than a place of compassion and empathy and understanding. The 3 things that I believe our modernized society here in this wonderful country of ours has ruined us as a whole. If orange is the new black and orange is the new fascism, then we're on trend to have the blackness of death and devastation start another world war- a potentially more-devastating war than any war this world has ever seen in the past (shoutout to modern technological advances). I'm just scared rn, that's all I'm trying to say. Not trying to choose any side of anything because I know I'm not educated enough in politics or political science or psychology of philosophy or anthropology or physiological biology or child development or statistics or physics or anything of that nature to make any completely valid, fallacy-free arguments at this point in time, but let's just say I'm heated. I'm heated as fuck. Just like Mother Nature. Our founding fathers must be tossing and turning in their shallow graves right about now. It's time to raise above all of this fake, untrue love, and find some REAL LOVE, the love for one another, regardless of any past, present, or future discriminatory factor. Humans are the only living beings that we can really tell have emotions and feelings and a moral sense of right and wrong. We have the capacity to change Our Earth and ourselves to be better as a whole. We just have to find that love and come together. But with the aforementioned love of religion, money, and power, it seems like it's gonna take our human race a while to figure that out. I just hope it happens soon. And, remember, "the power of the people is stronger than the people in power." Stay true and real for yourself, stay strong for yourself and your family, and stand your ground for yourself and your family and your friends and your ultimate survival 'in this increasingly mad and dangerous world.' Goodnight, now. Let's try coming together to make some real love and make some real art together instead of making real hate and real war and real ignorance and real violence. I can't honestly say that that's NEVER the answer, because sometimes genuine force needs to be used against other forces of genuine evil, but it's not the answer for this point in history and of human evolution. This world needs love. I need love. I want love. Don't we all? Thank the Lawd I at least love myself enough to want to stay alive from this point on until the day I leave this life, whenever that may be. "Be good or be good at it." Thanks for that beautiful quote, my beloved YMCMB mentor, Lil' Wayne. Oh, and speaking of mentors and intelligence and evolution and pop culture and the evolution of pop culture in Modern American society, I've thought of the perfect quote to end this rant: "...and NOT having money is the root of all evil." Thanks for that one, too, Weezy. Btw how's your lung cancer? One of the current leading causes of death in America? On the same list that lists Suicide or Death by Intentional Harm as one of the leading causes of death in America, according to the oh-so-perfectly accurate U.S. Census? Aight, cool. Thanks for tuning in to my nightly rant. Tonight's was brought to you by none other than addy, my day-one, long-time-favorite prescription to simultaneously intentionally and unintentionally abuse. Thanks for that one, FDA!! Props to you for building a psychiatric field that believes in diagnosing confused, 'problem' children with illnesses and 'diseases' that require fixing with a legal form of amphetamine. Okay, that's enough. I should go take my sleeping pills so I can sleep through the night tonight. Goodbye, for real this time. Btw my in n out from over an hour ago has been sitting out since I started writing this and is now cold. I guess that's okay since there's no buns on this burger. That sounds like a catch phrase for a modern superwoman who fights against fast food corporations while also not being pop cultures current idea of 'beauty'... ha ha, "Nice try, but there's no buns on this burger!!!" A quote from America's next top superhero: Super-flat-ass-Woman. Oooooooh lessgo!!!!
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