#do i have really horrible and painful ideas for Dani vs Dan? perhaps
lilianade-comics · 1 year
If Vlad from TUE timeline did create Dani 10 years later do you think that some part of him would’ve been hoping that she could’ve gotten strong enough to fight Dan and put an end to him?
I’m not saying that he would’ve created her for the sole purpose of defeating someone who is, without a doubt, the biggest regret in his life; but I can’t help but think that’s a thought that crossed his mind while making his ‘Frankenstein daughter’.
I'm sure the thought crossed his mind, because it's what Danny would do. But rather than give him hope it terrified him, because if Dani failed even once against Dan, it would mean her death.
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So understandably, Vlad would be VEHEMENTLY against Dani ever even leaving the underground lab, let alone getting within ten miles of Dan. He created her selfishly, in a desperate attempt to repair his shattered life. The outside world and the Ghost Zone can go straight to hell, all that matters to Vlad at this point is Dani and the rubble he calls home.
So of course the child he created specifically to love him above all else makes it her mission to defeat the demon (his demon) ravaging the world. It wouldn't be Vlad's life otherwise.
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