#do i actually believe fresno nightcrawlers are aliens
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splatoon3-countdown · 2 years ago
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this is the peak of my splatoon 3 joke career i might as well just resign because i will never top this
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helenarlett-rex · 4 years ago
Helen Arlet’s Favorite Cryptids
#7 The Fresno Nightcrawlers
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This is a new one for me that I only just recently learned about. I don’t even know how I missed these guys before now... But I’m instantly fascinated with them. They are just so weird and cute. And we have multiple cases of them caught on video?! I love this already!
Do I believe in them?
Well I’m new to the whole Fresno Nightcrawler scene, but for now I’m going to have to say no... I’ve watched the videos of these guys and I’m trying to figure out what they actually are, but weird alien creatures isn’t at the top of my list. The first video could very easily just be a guy in a sheet. I could see how that could be done. The second video that was captured of them almost looks more like puppets to me, but I just can’t figure out how the puppeteering would have been done... Either way I’m fascinated by it. Who knows... Maybe I’ll change my mind as I delve deeper into it.
#6 Snallygaster
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I honestly don’t don’t know a ton about Snallygaster. I know it’s the signature cryptid of Maryland and I lived in Maryland for a short time... so I guess I have some attachment to it that way... I know he’s a big tentacle dragon and he looks pretty cool... But that’s about the extent of what I know. I haven’t taken the time to do research on him yet. I think honestly, I just really like the name. Snallygaster... That’s just fun to say. Say it with me... Snallygaster...
Do I believe in him?
Not at the moment, but then I haven’t really looked into this guy yet so I haven’t seen what kind of evidence is out there to support the belief of such a creature. I just look at the pictures of him and I feel like if such a thing existed, we’d probably be hearing about it... a lot... like every time he swooped out of the sky and snatched someone off the street...
#5 The Wampus Cat
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It’s a big cat with 6 legs. And it might possibly be a shape shifting woman. That’s pretty cool. Plus she’s also the signature cryptid of my home state of Tennessee. I may not exactly like certain things about Tennessee, but I’ve still got to show some loyalty to our state cryptid. Funny thing is, despite the fact that I moved to Florida when I was very little and grew up there, even then I knew about this thing and heard about it all the time. We actually believed there was a Wampus Cat living in the woods there in the town I grew up in. I even knew an old man who had claimed to have been attacked by it. So the Wampus Cat has always been a part of my childhood.
Do I believe in her?
Debatable... Do I believe in a shape shifting cat woman with six legs? Probably not... But Tennessee has a lot of panther sightings. People see panthers, especially black panthers, around here all the time. And the thing is... officially there are no black panthers (or any other kind of panthers) in Tennessee. Officially, Tennessee doesn’t have any kind of cat larger than a bobcat. Black panthers, which are just a variant of jaguars, are extinct in the United States. But people still see them here all the time. It’s just kind of a known fact they are here regardless of what anyone else says. So hey... Maybe that’s just the Wampus Cat? *Shrugs*
#4 The Van Meter Visitor
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The Van Meter Visitor is super interesting because it’s one of the few cryptids that is really hard to disprove, and yet, hardly anyone ever talks about it. It’s one of the more obscure cryptids out there to the point where I’d bet nine out of ten people reading this list have never even heard of it before. And you may be thinking, it’s a big pterodactyl with a horn on its head that shoots light... How is that hard to disprove? But when you think about it, this isn’t just some random cryptid with a few isolated sightings by a couple random people who may or may not be trustworthy. An entire town saw this thing. In 1903 the Van Meter Visitor terrorized the entire town of Van Meter, Iowa for days before they tracked down its nesting place and then the whole town showed up to shoot it and it’s mate(?), which they in fact did. Yeah, the creatures vanished into the mines after being shot at and were never seen again... so there’s no body... But it doesn’t change the fact that an entire town saw these things multiple times, lived in fear of them, and then finally shot them. So regardless if you believe it was a pterodactyl that could shoot light from its horn, there was obviously some kind of creature terrorizing the town of Van Meter that October in 1903. And the fact that it was so widely sighted just makes it really interesting to me.
Do I believe in it?
Like I said. Something terrorized that town that week. I believe that much. Was it a spotlight pterodactyl? I’m open enough to consider the possibility... But I’m also open enough to consider the possibility that it was something more on the normal side and it being 1903 people just didn’t know what they were looking at. We can’t really rule out mass hysteria as a possibility.
#3 The Jackalope
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I simply love Jackalopes. I’ve thought they were awesome ever since I was a kid. I even used to love those creepy Jackalope videos they used to run on America’s Funniest People (Remember that show? Don’t feel bad if you don’t...) There’s just something weirdly captivating about the idea of a vicious rabbit with antlers.
Do I believe it in?
Well, despite the fact that I have an “I believe in Jackalopes” patch on my jacket, no, I don’t actually believe they exist. I’m a reasonable enough person to understand the history of Jackalopes and know where it came from. I wish they were real, but I know they aren’t.
#2 The Flatwoods Monster
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The Flatwoods Monster is equal parts cute and creepy, which is really cool. She’s nowhere near as popular as Mothman, despite the fact that they are both West Virginia cryptids, and that’s kind of a shame. She certainly has one of the coolest designs of any cryptid. And her story is pretty interesting too. It’s one of those cryptid stories I still sit and ponder over.
Do I believe in her?
Not exactly...? I’m highly skeptical of aliens. Now did something happen in Flatwoods, West Virginia on September 12, 1952? Yeah. Something clearly happened. And the reports are strange enough that I can’t quite figure out what exactly happened... But as for the monster herself, as cool as she is, it’s more likely that she was just an owl in a tree that a group of people panicking in the dark mistook for a giant alien.
#1 Nessie
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Of course Nessie has to be my favorite. She’s my home girl. Okay... Nessie is Scottish and I’m Scots-Irish, with more Irish than Scottish, but it’s close enough. I’ve still got some Scottish in me. Plus she’s like, a big dinosaur, so we have that in common as well. And Nessie was the first cryptid I ever truly believed in so how could she not be number one on my list? I love this girl.
Do I believe in her?
I’m going to say yes. There is totally something down there. There’s enough evidence at this point that it would be harder to convince me there isn’t something down there. We’ve got scientists who are now saying she’s a big turtle, and I guess that’s possible... probably more possible than an actual plesiosauria... Although I haven’t seen a ton of evidence to support the turtle idea yet... But whatever you want to think she is, I certainly think there’s something down there.
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max-the-merc · 6 years ago
Uhhhh all 14 of those ask questions, have fun
Holy shit, okay then xD
1. Emojis or emoticons?
Emoticons, but emojis are cool too ;)
2. TLC or Animal Planet?
Animal Planet, TLC is infamous to get really weird…
3. Books or movies?
Movies, but again books are cool too and I want to read more often.
4. What do you call soft drinks?
Here in Northen Mexico we call them “coca” (as in coca-cola) or “refresco”
5. Are you superstitious? If so, what are some of your superstitions?
Not really, but some years ago I would throw salt byw my shoulder when I dropped it and actually believed in fortune cookies
6. What fills you with more existential dread? The ocean or space?
Space, at least there’s living things and you can get back to safety easier in the ocean. Meanwhile in space if you run out of provisions or oxigen or almost anything you’re dead.
7. Does your name have a special meaning? Are you comfortable sharing that meaning?
Eh, not really, tha only thing is that my first name if after my dad’s and the second after my grandfather’s. And yeah, I’m comfortable sharing that.
8. Any strange personal rules?
I must reply to a friend’s message in an hour or less, otherwise I’m the worst human being to ever exist.
9. The aliens land on the earth tomorrow. What do you tell them about the human species of planet earth?
*in youtube comentator voice* Hey what’s up, aliens? A human here to welcome you to our planet! we got everything intelligent life needs! Water? we sure got that! Each and everyone of us affected by existential crisis? Yes… *super long and awkard pause* Memes? Oh, you bet!
10. Kiss marry kill: Mothman, Jersey Devil, Fresno Nightcrawler. Go!
Kiss Fresno Nightcrawler, marry Mothman and kill Jersey Devil
11. Do you collect things? What kind of things?
Yeah, I collect bottles and cans of drinks I like
12. If you were an eldritch monstrosity, what would you look like?
idk man, some thing with tentacles I guess?
13. Wings. Yes or no?
Uh idk if this is about me having actual wings or if I like hot wings? but in either case… yes.
14. Have you ever seen a ghost? (Were you the ghost?)
I think I saw one when I was ten years old? I was watching TV late at night and then I saw this shiny pale-white face and as soon as I looked at it, the face hid behind the TV to never be seen again.
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shadowdragonia · 6 years ago
Me talking about Cryptid and Junk :D
Okay because I just reblogged that Fresno Nightcrawler gif, lets talk. 
I talk about Supernatural and Paranormal stuff on here a lot, or at least I feel like I do it a lot. I really like that stuff okay. Big fan. Thank you, Nessie, you started this. Anyway, on the Nightcrawler gif I tagged how much that thing actually creeps me out, so that’s what this is about, things that creep me the heck out.
So we’re going to start with the least creepy and that is Cryptid creatures. Things like Nessie, Big Foot, the Chupacabra, Mothman. These guys are awesome to me. Whether you believe they could exist or not, some of them are so creative in their lore and designs that I just can’t get enough of them. They’re like modern day Dragons to me. 
The slightly more creepy group would be paranormal or just strange things that happen to people. Things like Sleep Paralysis, Lucid Dreaming, Spontaneous human combustion, possession. Some of which can be explained, like sleep paralysis, but I still find them interesting. 
The actual kind of creeps me out content would be Ghosts. Now don’t get me wrong, I LOVE this stuff. Ghost hunting shows, photographs, videos, all of that, 10/10. At the same time though, sometimes I’ll come across a video or a picture of supposed evidence and it will just chill my spine. Like every now and then I’ll come across something that my brain throws out all doubt about it and it freaks me out a bit, like “Oh, no, yeah, that one might be legit...” Also under this list would be cryptid humanoids, specifically things like the Black Eyed Children or any other creature that is passably human but clearly NOT. 
And lastly, the group that my brain puts the Fresno Nightcrawler under and the group that freaks me the FUCK out the most probably because I definitely believe they are out there somewhere, Aliens. Videos and Photos of supposed Aliens or even UFO sightings just fill me with so much “NOPE” I mean, I’ll still watch shows and stuff about them and instantly regret it afterwards. Just, so much nope. Nope nope nope. 
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racehas2hands · 8 years ago
Spralmer- Cryptid Hunting HCs
Shoutout to @racetrack-higgins-official for telling me to write these and for helping with them
Spot, Elmer, Race, and Albert are in California idk why but they’re close to Fresno 
So ofc Albert has to take this opportunity to find some nightcrawlers but “I need someone to come with me, they travel in twos!”
Elmer agrees because he doesn’t want him getting killed
They spend an entire day dedicated to refreshing Albert’s knowledge and catching Elmer up
Albert passive aggressively calls Spot and Race non believers on like a daily basis
Race is convinced they’re going to get themselves killed either by the night crawlers or just by Cali because they don’t know shit about the town
So he’s just being a dick to try to convince them not to go
“They’re aliens, Al. What are you even going to do if you see them? Have a nice friendly language-barrier free chat?”
“That is not what i said”
Nightcrawlers are white creatures (aliens?) made up of just legs and a head so Spot and Race go out and buy white sweatpants that are way too big
“They’re on sale, Race. It’s destiny.”
“Shit you’re right”
They leave a few hours after Elmer and Albert and just walk across the middle of the park with the sweatpants pulled up to their shoulders lmao
Race is freaked out because he thinks they will get ambushed by real nightcrawlers
Albert and Elmer are hiding in a tree because they knew the nightcrawlers wouldn’t come out if they were visible
Elmer is freaked out and Alberts just trying not to yell because look !!! he was right !!!
But then he takes a picture and Really looks at it
and then he actually yells because he’s dating a couple of dicks (but now he has a picture of Spot and Race for blackmail)
So he drops from the tree
and tries to yell at them but they’re still wearing the sweatpants up to their shoulders and he just Can’t be serious
They get Elmer out of the tree and Race is like "hey can we leave before an actual night crawler shows up”
“I thought you didn’t believe, huh?”
“Yeah I also said I’d never wear white pants”
A stick crunches and Race shrieks, jumping into Elmer’s arms
Instead of giving them the silent treatment, Albert and Elmer get revenge by scaring them with some lights and an app on their phone
no one questions why Albert has a mothman costume but he does sry
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