#do greek letters dream of electric sheep? // rp thread
barelymanaging · 1 year
[ All updates have been finished. ]
[ All firmware patches have been finished. ]
[ All hardware patches have been finished. ]
[ OMEGA is ready for calibration. Whenever you're ready, <{Manager}>. ]
[ Chi had fallen asleep long ago waiting for those updates — it must've been 7 hours at a minimum. They yawn as they lift their head from their desk, staring at the computer in front of them — the notification sound effects woke them up. ]
"Oh. Well, isn't that nice."
[ Though they're still incredibly drowsy, Chi glances at their notes, following what they had written down however many hours ago. Open that one program they'd gotten developed as a favor from a friend, and grab that one wire they managed to get the right ports for. Chi sluggishly gets up, dragging themselves over to the metal body — hopefully soon to be person — in the corner, plugging them to the computer, speaking a silent prayer to whoever may be listening under their breath. ]
"Please work please work please work."
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