#do I think eleanor is getting laid off I mean... nooo
1ddiscourseoftheday · 4 years
🐧 Thurs 15 Oct ‘20 🏳️‍🌈
Discourse of the day (TM) was dominated by the news that Eleanor seems to have a new job! An announcement went out that she had been signed by River Talent Management (run by a woman who has formerly been both a Syco exec and a manager at Modest who handled 1D) as a model. The news was then picked up by TBHonest (a wordpress fan site with a quality of writing that basically confirms that they're posting fan sourced material, but interesting for their large quantity of both Eleanor focused and larrie-louie content, not a combo you see every day.) Eleanor seems to have been signed with River since about August. The fandom, as improbably but endearingly optimistic as ever, took this as confirmation that her current employment with Louis was ending and immediately started popping the champagne corks and trending video of the unforgettable occasion when 1D gleefully sang I Will Survive-- Gloria Gaynor's iconic breakup song/gay anthem of all gay anthems and mainstay of pride festivals and drag shows the world over-- onstage in response to the first Elounor breakup, which brings us to the disco-course of the day: Gloria Gaynor herself retweeted the vid! Of Harry singing her song! Tagging him! With sparkly emojis!! And followed up by going through and liking and answering hundreds of replies, most of them “omg queen” but also an assortment of teary larrie tweets and “she definitely went through the thing and was so confused but a queen we stan.”
Liam posted about anti-bullying campaign Spirit Day, an LGBTQ awareness day started in 2010 by a teen to draw awareness to the high suicide numbers among queer youth.“Use your voice & support LGBTQ youth,” says his post, perfectly describing what he himself is doing. Louis retweeted a petition to parliament for measures to end child food poverty in the UK (with concrete proposals about school meals and vouchers) from its author Marcus Rashford, a football player who has been making big waves since March with his work against child poverty in the UK. LTHQ continues to register new versions of old songs, but it seems it's just paperwork shuffling and nothing interesting. And Harry has won a fan voted Billboard Chart Achievement Award at the BBMAs and the masses are thirsty... to be thanked! Twitter harries will really get mad at anyone, not even Harry himself is exempt! HSHQ posted about the award, does that count? (Oh I'm getting a transmission...what's that? Ah they're saying NO that doesn't count and we're extra insulted by that acknowledgment that you know it's happening but haven't posted a video, go to hell Jeffrey! Well there you have it folks, they're circling like wolves, look out or they'll... complain some more about what they feel they’re owed!)
Loads more Niall interview stuff as he makes the rounds chatting about his concert. He says he “wrote some awful stuff, then wrote some better stuff”, and now is writing “some really good stuff” but he doesn't know when we'll hear it, and that this time gives him “a chance to think about what I wanna do next. What I wanna write about. How it’s gonna sound. Who I’m gonna work with.” He weighs in on online dynamics-- “by saying stuff on twitter, I’ll probably be fueling an argument or some sort of trolling towards that particular person... what I’m gonna say is that there are trolls on there and it just depends on how you take it... a lot of people are a lot more sensitive than I would be, and effectively get bullied on a day to day basis,” but that he was going to continue to “give it out to politicians.” Fans set out to prove him right about bullying by being so nasty in the replies to girlfriend Amelia's supportive hand clap emojis on his post announcing the concert that she deleted the comment, because apparently they don't like her on account of her... existing? Nice, guys, real classy. Anyway other tidbits, he tells us him and Shawn (Mendes) send each other stuff they're working on for honest feedback, that he sent Zayn a message about the zaby, and that if acting is anything like doing music videos he's not interested (“they're such a pain”) but he'd be into doing an animated voiceover and using his accents which he would in fact be PERFECT at! Hollywood take note your next comedic cartoon penguin is ready and waiting and his name is Niall Horan!
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mrsdobrik · 4 years
A whole week had gone by since Y/n and David had talked about “it” and since that night David had been thinking about asking Y/n to officially be his girlfriend, nothing would change between them but he wanted to be sure they were both on the same page about their relationship.
They had been dating for almost two months at that point and every day they spent together was better than the previous one, if that was even possible. The past two weeks had been especially great, cuddling each other to sleep, reading Arabian Nights, eating chipotle, watching movies, eating chipotle again… life was simply perfect. 
You might be wondering if everything was so perfect why hadn’t Dave pulled the trigger yet, well because... everything was perfect and he was scared that things might change or that Y/n wouldn’t be ready to commit.
Just to show you how amazing things were going… that Sunday David opened his eyes to a big tray filled to the brim with his favorite breakfast foods and Y/n showering him in kisses. David loved the way she looked in the mornings, with her hair all messed up and her sleepy face. She was wearing one of Dave’s hoodies, this time it was the pink clickbait one. 
But that blissful moment was brief and in the blink of an eye Y/n was trying to escape David’s arms that were preventing her from leaving his bed.
“Nooo, I don’t want you to go!!!” David said still not letting her go.
“I know babe! But I need to leave or I am going to be late.”
“But I thought you said you weren’t working today.” He said pouting but finally freeing her. 
“I don’t have work but I have another commitment…” she said as she threw on a pair of jeans and changed the hoodie for a light airy white blouse. 
“Are you…” he started saying before stopping himself. “Nevermind.”
“What is it Dave? You know you can ask me whatever you want” she said looking puzzled at his attitude
“Are you seeing someone else?” He hesitated before asking. 
“Awww… you are jealous? You are so cute… babe…” she said before jumping on top of him and covering his entire face in kisses “no, I am not seeing someone else.”
“Well, then why do you have to leave? If it’s not work or another guy then what could be better than staying here in bed with me?” He said, pulling her to his chest once again. 
“Well… why don’t you come with me? Maybe I can show you where I go on Sunday mornings”
About 45 minutes later they had gotten off the bus (Y/n had insisted on them taking the bus) and arrived at an orphanage. 
“Ok, so… this is where I come every sunday. I volunteer here. I help kids with their schoolwork, cook for them, try to make sure they are getting everything they need.” Y/n explained to David as they walked up to the door. 
They hadn’t even rang when the door swung open and three kids that appeared to be between the ages of five and nine ran out and jumped on Y/n hugging her at the waist. She immediately bent down and hugged them all back. 
“Hey guys! How has your week been? Tommy did you finish your homework on time? Lucy how is Mr. Cuddles doing, has he recovered from his surgery yet?”
“Yes I did, I got a B” Tommy said. 
“He is better now, thanks for fixing him, Y/n.” Lucy answered.
“Who is he?” The other boy said pointing at David and eyeing him suspiciously.
“He is my friend David, he came here to spend some time with all of you today. And guess what, he loves superheroes too.” She said, still crouched down to meet his eyes and looking up at Dave for a bit. 
“Cool, we needed someone to be Captain America…” the little boy said looking at David. 
“I think I am more of an Iron Man” David said looking at the kid. 
“No, I am Iron Man, you can be Captain America or Hulk” Tommy chimed in.
“Fine,” David gave in “I’ll be Cap.”
“Go brave heroes! I’ll get started on lunch so you can have enough energy to defeat all the evil guys.” Y/n said laughing at the kids that were already taking David to choose his weapon for the epic battle that was about to take place.
The house was old and run down, the kids didn’t have many toys or clothes from what David could tell but the place was clean and filled with drawings and art pieces made by the kids. He played with the little ones as he peered over to Y/n who was now making lunch. 
“So you like… like Y/n don’t you?” Lucy, the girl from the door asked David when she caught him looking at her. 
“I…” David said not knowing what to answer. 
“Have you told her that you like her? Did you… kiss her?” She asked excitedly
“Puajj…” the two boys said in unison while making disgusted faces. 
“Why don’t we go back to playing superheroes?” David suggested.
“Are you a prince? Are you here to take her to live happily ever after like in the movies?” Lucy kept asking.
“Look! Thanos is about to attack our supersecret lair!” David said, causing all the kids to go back into the game and forget about the question.
“Kids! Come to the table, lunch is ready!!” Y/n yelled from the kitchen. 
All the kids run into the room taking their places at the dinner table. Everyone started devouring the food and an elderly lady came in carrying a baby in her arms. As soon as the baby laid eyes on Y/n she started stretching her little arms in her direction and Y/ gladly took her before introducing David and the lady.
“Dave this is Eleanor, Eleanor this is David. Eleanor is the house’s director.” Y/n said rocking the baby in her arms. “And this gorgeous little girl is Posy. Hi sweety! How was your nap?” Y/n said. 
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you, I’ve heard great things about you!” Eleanor said to David. 
Y/n’s face was now blushing as they continued chatting. 
A few minutes later Eleanor joined the kids at the table leaving David, Y/n and Posy alone.
“So this is where you were going every Sunday?” Dave asked, looking at the girl.
“What do you think…?” Y/n said
“I think it’s amazing. I mean the fact that you have not one but two jobs and still make time to volunteer is just… wow”
“You make it sound a lot cooler than it is.” She said blushing slightly and looking up at him.
“I just play superheroes but you truly are one! I just can’t believe my girlfriend is so amazing.” He said just letting the word slip.
“Girlfriend huh… I kind of like how that sounds.” Y/n said looking straight at his eyes.
“Is that a Yes, I’ll be your girlfriend?” Dave asked.
“Sure, I don’t have anything else to do today so why not?” She giggled. She wanted to kiss him badly but seeing the kids at the table behind them stopped her. Lucy was hugging a stuffed bear, presumably Mr. Cuddles and looking straight up at them.
“What are you looking at, young lady?” Y/n asked, smiling at the girl.  
“Nothing!” the little one retorted giggling as she noticed she was caught. 
Once lunch was over Y/n helped the kids with their homework and David played Cap a little bit more. They stayed there the whole day and even read the kids bedtime stories before heading out.
They made their way to Y/n’s apartment and David said
“Today was so amazing, thank you for bringing me along. It’s a great thing that you are doing by helping those kids. You are so wonderful, you never cease to amaze me.” while pulling her close to his chest and planting a kiss on the top of her head.
“You were amazing too! You even played Captain America, when it’s obvious you are more of an Iron Man.” she giggled. “I love going there, those kids are just so great and they just deserve someone to help them, play with them and read them stories”
“I don’t think there is anyone better than you to do that.” he said before leaning in for a kiss. 
“My boyfriend is such a softie,” she said. Dave loooved his new title, he was ready for the adventure to continue. 
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