#do I put the ship tags I mean this is al technically because I wanted kagehina content so uhhh
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In the new episode of my adventures in the Haikyuu fandom:
Help me! I have fallen down the rabbit hole that is the Haikyuu text message story fandom and omg why are you all insane. Everywhere else has been fluffed overflow. The absolute whiplash from fluffy heartfelt good characterization to haha everyone is a really horny teenager. I-I-I'm scared of leaving the 2014/2015 bubble I found myself in.
#I would stop seeing these but like these are my trainwreck I can't look away from#There also some good one's tho so everytime I see them in my recommended I keep hoping#Although I think it's reached the bad shit#All the good ones also have the other ship and I know Kagehina is like old news in the fandom but my boys#The flanderzation is worse then Persona Q and that's saying something#Still again there something I can't look away from#haikyuu#haikyuu fandom#do I put the ship tags I mean this is al technically because I wanted kagehina content so uhhh#kagehina#I guess#shouts of the void
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omg hi!!! i just want to let you know that i absolutely ADORE your jamiazu fic—it’s the first fic of that pairing i read, especially because twst wise my fave char is vil and so his is the tag i usually look through, but oh my goddddd, i saw the summary for the fic and i was like. this is TOO good not to read??? and i was right. oh my god. oh my GODDDDD. when it comes to jamil ships, i always thought yeah azul is down BAD but i wasn’t so sure about jamil? and i never thought too much of it because i was interested in the complicated dynamic of kalim/jamil. but now???? now your fic HAUNTS ME and i reread it twice. all fourteen chapters. TWICE. and i only stumbled on it yesterday 😭
(also the leovil bit made me unnecessarily excited lmao)
and i have THOUGHTS about mini jamil, silver, and lord al asim’s death holy shit
seriously cheering on azul here let him woo that stubborn man. (i’m technically a purple man had me DYING i love him, and also the difference in the way fatima treats najma and jamil has me so curious? also also. love jamil choosing Azad, meaning free. i am so feral over it.)
OMGGG ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️ i'm literally DELIGHTED you love my fic this much ❤️ TWICE? ❤️ literally putting that on my tombstone (jk jk lol) oooh i would love to hear your thoughts on Mini J and Lord Asim's death 👀👀 GO AZUL GOO LOL he's doing it!! I've been cheering him on since book 4 XD AND YES OMG YOU FOUND THE MEANING OF AZAD YAYYY i'm so happy someone figured it out 😍😍 ty for all these asks 😍😍😔
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Tag Game: OC Interview
Tagged By: @owlsofstarlight
Rules: Pick a character from your WIP, and have them answer these 15 questions, then tag 15 people!
1. What is your full name?
“Khalil ibn Naviyd al-Fulan! Though I guess if you wanted to be extremely technical and kind of a pedant, you could keep going back through Baba’s family as far as you wanted. Past a certain point, even he loses track.”
2. What does your full name mean?
”Khalil, son of Naviyd, of the town called Fulan. The town’s name is probably longer, and I kind of left out Jad, but he doesn’t have a Mishik name anymore. Baba says he picked the name ‘Copernicus’ for some reason, but at that point he was already on a ship to go shoot generals in Alanris, so I guess they aren’t talking.”
3. What are your nicknames/other names?
“Nicknames? Well, most people just call me Khalil. I only break out the full name if I want to make a point to someone. Sometimes strangers have already heard of Baba before I ever meet them.
“I honestly think most people think of me more as ‘that one wild Mishik boy’ if they don’t know my name. I’ve also lied a few times and said my name was Sohrab or something, but those only need to work for a few seconds.”
4. Whats your gender?
”I’ve always thought of myself as a boy, or a man once I got older. Mitra said the trick is that I absorbed all the gender stuff in the womb from my twin. Which is her. It’s what makes me so charming.”
“Damn annoying is what it makes you.”
“Pffff, I love you too.”
5. Whats your sexuality?
“I’m into basically everyone equally. But I’m not really into...uh, romance? Kinda can’t stand it. I don’t really want to ‘settle down’ with anybody, ether. I’m kind of a live-and-let-love guy, which pertains to me, too.”
(He’s aromantic pansexual.)
6. Where are you from?
“Gabilan! It’s this city in the mountains way the hell out in the middle of nowhere on the edges of Kaltekan territory. We’ve got magic--magic people, magic sheep, magic holes in the sky that spit out monsters every week--and also plain old everything. And a lake.
“Most people expect Mishik to be from somewhere else--blah blah racism--but my parents went there after the Kaltekan Civil War because it was being put together by Baba’s friend. It didn’t quite work out that way, but hey, nobody ever made a cake without breaking a mountain or two.
“What’s with the funny look?”
7. How old are you?
“Twenty! And I bet you nobody in my old group thought I’d do it with all my fingers. They owe me money now!”
8. What is your magic form/species?
”I’m Mishik, which means I’m a human who’s descended from the people chosen by the gods. Apparently. Baba never really said so, but basically we’re the people who are way more likely to be mages than everybody else. Something like one in four of us, and that counts for anybody who’s even part-Mishik, too.”
“That said, uh. Most mages aren’t exactly like me. I get to have a spirit yelling in my head about responsibility. I’m not sure what it is, exactly, but it’s loud as fuck and definitely has a lot of scales. It’s where my magic comes from.
“A lot of people have Others, but most of them have them there. They’re real and touchable. I just get a nag.”
9. What does your human form look like?
“Can’t you tell? I’m a human person.
“Fine, fine, I’ll give it a spin. I’m five-foot-seven, ish? My skin’s pretty dark, and my hair’s black and curly unless I fix it somehow. Eyes? I have them. Blueish-green and with the Mishik iris rings, since that’s a thing we’re known for, and I’ve got the best smile in town. Any town. Just ask!
“Hmmm. I’ve also got three piercings in each ear. I’d get a nose ring if Baba didn’t already have one, since that makes me look more like him. Therefore: old. And I guess I dress like a Kaltekan, but robes are a pain! If I can’t climb a cliff in it, I’ll hold off until I’m ordered to wear it.
“Unless it’s a party. Then let me break out the everything.”
10. What’s your aesthetic?
”What’s an aesthe--Oh. Hm. You know, that’s a good question. I like plenty of things, but it’s been a while since I had to think about what defines me.”
“I think I’d start with stones. Gemstones, sure, but also sandstone and granite rock faces and things like that. But before you even get out of my magic preferences, we’d have to talk about pretty patterns on silk and in flowers, and absolutely mirrors have to be in there somewhere. Smoke, too. Probably a ton of other things I’m forgetting.”
11. Who’s your best friend?
“It’s a tie! Two of my favorite people in the world are Oceanus and Allie, and they’re sort of like a weird cross between friends and siblings. I make them want to roll their eyes so hard they fall right out of their heads.
“Though nowadays, I like the idea of expanding my friend-circle. Tirane’s a good one for that. Or horizons. I forget which.”
12. Would you ever get a piercing/tattoo?
“Way ahead of you! Ear piercings so far. Navel later, I think. No nose rings ever, unless Baba finally admits he’s past forty and takes his out.”
13. When are you happiest?
“When on an adventure! It’s even better with friends.”
14. What’s your biggest secret?
”...Despite what you’d think, I actually do take some things seriously.”
“And I’m aware enough of my shortcomings to know that’s exactly what my Other wants me to fucking figure out. It’s just...not something I can do right now.
“And that bastard doesn’t deserve to win at anything over me.”
15. What was your first impression of ______?
“Of Riyaz? Sleepyhead. Turns out he actually has a personality when it’s not two hours past midnight, and that personality is a great one to hang out with if you’re in a lazy mood.
“Tirane’s fun, which I got right the first time we met!
“Oceanus was this half-size feral child who literally bit me once. But we’re friends now, and it’s pretty fun to hang out and fail horribly at fishing while he laughs at me.
“Oh, and I absolutely loved Alena the first time I saw her. She was a shy little girl who literally hid from me behind her aunt. And then it turned out she read better than I do and wanted to fix that problem for me, and then I was the one hiding. It’s quite the reversal!
“And I had to get a second impression of Mitra, because Mother botched the first one. Mitra’s fun to piss off all the time. But I wish we had more time together as kids, you know?
Tagging: @abalisk, @writer-and-artist27, @ezzelbean and anyone else who’d like to do this. :D
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Clone Wars The Deserter
(Season 2 Episode 10)
Inter Sting-
Ha Ha-
The Quote;
It is the quest for honor that makes one honorable
-you can dedicate yourself to a purpose
- but you have to do it well
- For it to mean anything
Account- able
Oh, We’re abandoning the grievous arc?
Jedi Council-
One idiot
Who let him board
And tried to take him on his own
In the outer Rim. .
Natural selection’s a bitch (Don’t eugenics)
Any.way A Trap
Of like a few guys
And Anakin just sitting around until he got shocked to almost death. .
“Fierce confrontation,”
Obi-Wan got his ass beat - unconditionally- - That person - Did some thing. - - -
Then they had to re treat
. .
Saluka Mi
‘Yes general Kenobi is doing some very serious thinking . . .
Clone troopers -
Yeah- again why is Rex getting dragged along?
Des-per -ate Target
He seemed fine?
And Obi-Wan got his ass kicked last episode
[Who’s trapped in a room with who?]
It’s not General Kenobi.. ..
W-help- -
Okay, Right-
Well there are plenty of resources around you-
Before they find us
Obi-Wan will insist I play a game of tag with him-
He- always runs- - Also, nice cloak?
It suits him..
Very noble..
Again that could be literally anyone..
Also time to hijack a ship - What is that not the plot we’re going with? - We
Need To
“Escape pod,”
A planet-?
There are no escape pods. [Besides the ones you arrived in-]. ]
Or just hijack one of their ships,
Tran-s- ports-
Why is Rex-
Plot Im Por-t anc e-
Nice Sight-
Contact the Fleet
Good plan
Comms broke?
“Transmitter is destroyed..”
Well time to find parts and make a new one. .
Escape Pod- Make it there. . .
Good plan
(Also, He looks like a vampire)
Just say’in
Find Trans- Por- Tat- Ion-
Fair - Okay,
Hot Things
Very well rounded environ- ment-
Less So
[And an adequate metaphor for the war coming home..] .
Int -imidating - Okay- Neat-
That’s a Thing
(Or A Giant Skate Board Ramp:)
That’s Some-thing
Or- bit
[A giant skateboard ramp but no]
Power Low-
Well they haven’t re- charged since last morning,
“Can’t go On,”
That one droid that just had to be more dramatic than everyone else
Good for Him,
Well you clearly aren’t solar powered and there’s no port to do that.
Dude he’s using that to carry your equipment,
Close Down for A Few Mom -ents
[yeah the way he put it was kind of as- inine; “You,” Instead Of A Logi cal- We only have ____hours of energy sir
But he must be doing pretty badly too,
Having some sentience, Bi- ologi cal -Com Pon- Ents-, And Robotic-
Also, so it’s a sleep cycle,
Neat, (Did not know that about the droid’s recharging process,”)
We saw the guards charge electrically. .
Does that- just magically charge them?
Is it an emergency back up at a light saber?
(Because if so that’s kind of cool.”
- Pod-
Dooku’s going To Be Pissed.
Team- Work... - ...
And.. .
“Contact Us,”. -
“En Gage,”
Dude- they’re supposed to engage a robot with several flame swords?
Have you seen - how useless their blasters are-
(Yoda at least said it don’t shoot at the obvious Jedi/ Sith- Force User-
Aigh- t
Surprisingly calm ... And.. Obedient?
“Rex is a smart man,”
Have we seen anything to indicate that?
Creative, destructive, impulsive, asinine
All things that describe Rex
Wouldn’t exactly go with “smart,” . Does he just become a different person with Kenobi?
Also is that the only format they have for complementing people, ____, Is A Smart (adj ective) Man,?”
Used the same for Cody.
His Feet . . .
Now it’s a com- pliment- - (We’ve also seen nothing in this episode to indicate or provoke That Arc.. .)
(Like he just follow- ed orders?)
Not a wrong time for compliments (Al-most)
Just Weird.
There They Go
Gull- Ible?
“ “
Here’s One - Un- conscious- - A-ight
I-n- spect
R-i g-ht
Voom, r
Nice land-scape- R-ight-
Okay- -
Whelp, Feck!
Aight Crud-
You- heard a gun shot and didn’t get down?
Tumble and Roll! (Tuck and roll!)
Protect The Cap-tain
Anakin’s captain (Like seriously who is Obi-Wan‘s captain? Cody is his commander?
What is the order here?)
Good for Him?
Comm an do- Droids-
Get Shit, Jobs -
Behind everyone else?
Hey shouldn’t someone be Comming in? —
Shit- Whelp - Got Him- - Co- mm- an- do
Oh, yeah this unit does have a pen-chant against those guys
I guess Rex
(The droids finally did him in..). R.I.P. Heavy.
Whelp, No facial damage that we can see-
Might have a con -cussion-
How does he have a hole in his suit?
Dude clearly aimed for the head..
Hold up...
Oh no, it did somehow get him in the chest.
Did that...
Any Way-
[Plot convenient bullets aside]
That’s Not.. Good..
“Jesse,” Name (s)-
Aight, Whelp-
Could’ve used some tanks,
Nice sunset though,
Hopefully not on Rex’s life, Though-
Ai-ght Tech, Have,
Righ. t-
Guidance System-
The guard... has an odd haircut
Doesn’t look very military...
Unless we’re counting that one dude On the Centurion Guard, who ended up being a villain?
That looks like a normal haircut.. . .
Me-mory Logs-
Emerg-ency sen-sors
Escape pod
Mid air collision-
- A- Ight-
O- kay-
“With What?”
Wait is there another plot line that I’m unaware of
Crash -ed?
Ironically, Cody’s being more inventive than ,Rex?
And Rex spent the time taking orders?
[Wtf Is this characterization,” ]
I can put us within . .
Two or three clicks
Good.. ..
Alert the men
He said to the random the blonde guy-
Wait is that his captain?
That would make sense
[but eugenic]
Wait they have a medic? Or...
[Odd sound effect there]
Hey, is no one going to call for help?
Like you were told to Com in?
[I know this isn’t as important as General grievous but I think it counts,]
You know the lead possibly dying,
Could get a medic some possible back up
Not to mention those droid had to come from somewhere.
Oh it’s the animals’ making it
That make sense.
Wait a minute.
Or herbivores and friendly but we’ll go with this logic
(It also makes sense for Obi-Wan’s unit to jump this high for a conclusion, it’s in his char -acter
And see-
Literally everyone is more inventive than Rex in this episode
[I think someone-
And I mean it’s pos-sible
Mixed up the chara cterization..
This is supposed to be the rule and order unit correct?
[so we’re going to bug that fucker]
Like seriously, the leaps in logic here are astronomical?
Do you see rows of domesticated crop?
Do you see any sign of human co- habitation?
Where - is this coming from?
Really is Obi-wan’s unit]
Any way.. .
Let’s find his homestead
Not even “let’s see ‘if we can borrow some supplies’ “ Let’s feck up this guy’s house
Trooper Don’t Fuck Ar -ound-
How- Okay- Practic al
-what are -
Out Cold
Oh now there’s things. .
Would’ve been nice to see that.
. .
Whelp. .
You Have-
A shotgun
You should run-
Pretty Di- rect-
Move Along-
Old clone man-
Yeah they have blasters.
She said you weren’t wanted..
Take off a helmet doesn’t change that
Move along
[Also yeah friends that come with several armed shotguns, a possible army following them, unwanted and uninvited
*Friend Ship
Bu- llets-
Don’t be friendly
Say the pitch
“Get out of your hair real quick,”
Yes, no, leave,
State Bus- I- ness-
Ain’t falling for any of your “friendly.” bullshit,
We have a medic-
Over night-
Dude that is a big fucking risk you’re asking her to take
[Narc Log]
Like you guys are open shots,
That dude can’t protect them selves
And, they clearly don’t want to be accountable
(Out here)
As the world burns...
I’m sorry Sir But the signs are pretty clear.
Oh god,
She’s a Generation breaker, too?
Also not how kids act..
They don’t have initiative ...
Can’t have emotion...
Fine, Thanks,
Enab ling war,
What ever
Future healing tech,.
What Happ- en -ed?
Seriously, shouldn’t be Shouldn’t there be someone on guard?
Seriously, is there armor out of plastic?
Like, how?
do the other guys have to be here they’re kinda making it un- comfortable.
Nerve Damage-
Oh, yeah just left the whole
person up to examine an arm.
Under- Stood -
Who said that?
On with it-
The bullet went through his chest -
We see a wound, On his lower back?
That’s not bruising from the fall?
A rock wouldn’t create that kind of Mark.
No Con- dition
Ok- ay-
Well, call up, Obi-Wan,
Get Rex to the medical ship that they keep talking about...
We’re Get -ting Un der- Way Kix
Damn It Self De- Str Uct Ive - Ba stard - If buddy wants to throw them -self over the cliff there’s nothing anyone - can do about it
(Except- Hope-)
That’s An Order
Wonder What- Kinda Order - Team Medic “Don’t”. “I can’t bring you back on that much death,”
Then again most civilizations would not be found it on a precipice
So How..
“ I am outrank everyone,”
Medic, pulling a fucking rank.
And he actually can do that
Considering dude he decided to fuck around and find out with Mother Life Dude is technically a kin To immediate accountability at any point
T-ypically to the medic who treated him-
So, Yeah, He can totally do that,
Damn, It,
Also look at these idiots standing around
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