#dnd vanya is so valid
violints-a-blog · 5 years
                                   𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐇𝐀𝐑𝐀𝐂𝐓𝐄𝐑, 𝐁𝐔𝐓 𝐃&𝐃.
RULES   :   fill out each as if your character was a dungeons and dragons ( 5th edition ) character. You can roll for stats ( using a d20 ) or fill in what you feel would fit your character best! you can use this website to help you out! TAGGED BY   :  stole it from @useknives​ bc OF COURSE I DID TAGGING   :   @fourthseal​ @sixthtm​ @apocalypsedeterrent​ @fatespin @thaegeiro
CHARACTER NAME.      vanya hargreeves.
CLASS & LEVEL.       multiclass   —   level 1 warlock   (  patron   :   fiend / reginald hargreeves  )   &   level 2 bard   (  college of lore  ). BACKGROUND.         inheritor / haunted one. RACE.                         tiefling. ALIGNMENT.              neutral good / true neutral.
STRENGTH.               8. ( -1 ) DEXTERITY.               19. ( 0 ) CONSTITUTION.        13. ( +1 ) INTELLIGENCE.         15. ( +2 ) WISDOM.                    12. ( +1 ) CHARISMA.                17. ( +3 )
ARMOR CLASS.         11. HP.                               26. WEAPONS.                 rapier. SPELLS.                      lightning lure   ,   thunderclap   ,   hellish rebuke   ,   mage hand   ,   prestidigitation   ,   dissonant whispers   ,   earth tremor   ,   unearthly chorus.
PERSONALITY TRAITS.           ' i have little practical experience dealing with people in the outside world. ’   /   ‘ i’ll settle for nothing less than perfection. ’   /   ‘ i am horribly, horribly awkward in social situations. ’   /   ‘ i don’t talk much. i let my music do my talking for me. ’ IDEALS.                                      ' aspiration   :   i’m determined to make something of myself.   /   i’m going to prove that i’m worthy of a better life. ’ BONDS.                                       ‘ i will face any challenge to win the approval of my family. ’   /   ‘ i’ve been searching my whole life for the answer to a certain question. ’   /   ‘ my power has been locked away and i’m only now exploring it. ’ FLAWS.                                        ' i judge others harshly   ,   and myself even more severely. ’   /   ‘ i’m never satisfied with what i have   —   i will always want more. ’   /   ‘ i don’t know who i am   ,   and i fear i never will. ’
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dothemacarena · 4 years
Watching TUA with a friend part 3
“Episode 7
“hold on a fuckin second”
About Harold“I don’t know why fake name ever crossed my mind since he is so smooth spongebob”
“I was gonna be really mad at the narrative for introducing this random guy in episode 7 and now everything is about him but never mind its little a valid”
about Luther and Allison “the apocalypse is in three days can you not be horny for one hour”
“fucking lurking hes a professional lurker” About Diego
I still get so angry at Luther chocking Klaus
Klaus is trying so hard to cheer Luther up and knowing what is gonna happen.
let Agnes have her hot girl summer
*sees Hazel and Agnes plan to run away together* “he’s dead. He’s dead or she’s dead”
About Luther dancing “you know good for him”
oh Klaus is trying so hard
“please Vanya connect the dots have a suspicion. ah she didn’t failed her insight check again.”
oh Klaus was so excited to see Dave only to have to deal with Reginald.
“so how exactly was Klaus supposed to protect Luther when he is 1/4th the size and has 1/10th the strength” an amazing question for Ben.
professional break up
Episode 8
“ohh eye”
“it was the butler, somewhat”
“I wonder what directors notes they gave to Leonard’s actor did they tell him to just make his vibes as rancid as possible or does he just unfortunately act like that.”
it doesn’t come up as often as it probably should but I am glad that they didn’t forget that Allison is famous.
k-“is he trying to crochet with a knitting needle”
me-no hes trying to knit there are two needles
k-”but he is only using one needle”
me-it’s his first day okay give him a break
Sir Reginald gets one little scratch and gets rid of Vanya’s powers what a whiny little bitch
“ I know they are going to hand wave it with some forget me pills, but clearly Vanya was old enough that she should have remembered having powers that is an awful lot of memory to erase”
Episode 9
fucking Harold and his gaslighting
Harold begging for mercy “well what did you expect!”
Poor Agnes
“listen there is an episode and a half left the apocalypse isn’t over”
now Vanya looks like a bad special effect.
Friend’s Predictions for ep 10
“isn’t white violin a plot point in one of your dnd campaigns “ yes actually
Vanya’s going to begin to trigger the apocalypse not sure how they are going to get out of it
everyone is going to be family love and she’s gonna be like too late
the handler is back and she wants the apocalypse on she probably has Agnes as collateral for Hazel and or Cha Cha
the timeline has already changed since the original timeline Luther had Harold’s eye so he would have been at ground zero with Vanya having successfully manipulated her.
I think they are going to try and spin a power of family thing
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