#dmlthbb: admin
dimilethbigbang · 2 years
Will there be an event this year?
Hello! Thank you for your interest!
Unfortunately, the mod team has put off hosting any additional events at the moment due to real life busyness. However, you are more than welcome to check out the Dimileth Big Bang collection over on AO3!
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dimilethbigbang · 3 years
Hello! I’ve checked the schedule, overview and guidelines but I’m confused as to when the artist sign ups are? I only see artist claims. I’m sorry if I just missed it @@ thank you!
Artists sign up as part of artist claims. They're the same form, even if you're already partnered with someone; you'll just specify that you're partnered. We'll update our information to clarify. Thanks.
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dimilethbigbang · 3 years
We just announced the Dimileth Big Bang interest check yesterday and we already have almost 40 responses! Thank you to everyone who’s already responded; you’re helping us make this bang really special. For those who haven’t yet, if you’re thinking about joining the bang, filling out our interest check is a great, commitment-free first step: https://forms.gle/RqjHSagrWmFCNr768
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dimilethbigbang · 3 years
FAQ Updates 1/3/22
We’ve made some minor changes to the FAQ. Specifically, we’ve added questions about beta and sensitivity readers, and updated requirements for joining the bang. Feel free to shoot us an ask if you have any questions!
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dimilethbigbang · 3 years
FAQ Added
We’ve gotten a great response from our interest check so far, so we’ve added a FAQ to answer some of the questions received both here on tumblr and to our carrd. Make sure to follow us on twitter for more updates!
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