#dmls book 2 snippets
tragedycoded · 1 month
9 lines 9 people tag!
Thank you to loves @sableglass [x] and @wyked-ao3 [x] for the tags. I don't see any rules >:]
If this is on your dash and you aren't caught up/don't want spoilers, make sure you blacklist #dmls-spoilers.
I'm pulling from Chapter 1 of Book 2 for this situation. It's a first draft. You already read a version of events in the prologue of Book 1.
cw: gun violence in an old-west setting
"Got 'im," Reinhard muttered before he pulled the trigger, before the slug connected, before the bandit shouted and fell down in the dirt. Howling like a wounded coyote. Hofer hollered, "Sounds like a gut shot!" "You do not wish to go back?" Westerberg shouted over his shoulder. A glance over his own assured Hofer of Reinhard's status. He was well. Returning his rifle to his back and reining in his horse, who was accustomed to gunfire and wanted to catch up to the others. "Hell, no! Let him lay with it a while and think!" "Army man," the trapper cackled, "you are not right!"
Yeah I know how to count~
Tag! If you've already been tagged, then HEY COME LOOK AT THIS THING I WROTE :D
@lychhiker-writes @cowboybrunch @saturnine-saturneight @ashfordlabs @autism-purgatory
@noblebs @aintgonnatakethis @the-golden-comet @asablehart @mauvecatfic
@leahnardo-da-veggie @sableglass @gioiaalbanoart @words-after-midnight
@lavender-bloom @jev-urisk @wyked-ao3
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tragedycoded · 23 days
How many times has Royston sucked off Sullivan? I’m gonna need this answer rounded in whole numbers to the nearest hundred. 💛✨
@the-golden-comet! Hello my love. Thank you for making me whip out a calendar and an abacus.
This answer is going to be completely inappropriate and full of spoilers. I'm not sorry.
So here's the thing: Royston is selfish, and tends to only blow Sullivan if he wants something. They're old. He has to be strategic about when he sucks him off.
Side note to show my work: Sullivan can only leave the fort on Friday nights bc Saturdays are a "day off" for everyone. Ideally everyone has been doing their fatigue work all week and there are no campaigns which have him out in the field. But he still has to be back by dawn to kick the buglers out of bed and make sure the fort is operational despite the absence of fatigue duties. Unless he has prior authorization, he can't leave the fort any other time. Everyone who isn't married is basically gone Friday night and stays gone all day bc they're either at the brothel or nursing a hangover LOL.
Scenarios where Royston would blow Sullivan outside of being manipulative would be when Royston is the insertive partner and shoots before Sullivan. Which happens more often than I show you (they came simultaneously in December.) He has also introduced Sullivan to the world of 69ing, but Sullivan likes full-body deep-pressure and that's hard to get with 69 when your partner is a gremlin. (It's not impossible, it's just that Royston doesn't weigh very much and he's hyperactive.)
Hofer interrupts him providing "sexual healing" to Sullivan via oral in Book 2 (y'all have that to look forward to, you're welcome.) Just remembered that. Rare act of not-selfishness. Explaining the logistics would be a spoiler. I think those of you who read DMLS 1 or haven't been able to avoid spoiler-y snippets know what Sullivan is healing from.
By my calculation, filtering out all the loops, and accounting for the fact they only get to see each other one night a week... 13, prior to the train ambush.
That number is WAY higher in previous loops, because Sullivan wasn't able to stop Royston from blowing him in either the closet in his office or in Royston's room at The German House after Buck tried to warn him away, which established a pattern of "Royston sees Sullivan, Royston tries to blow Sullivan, Sullivan tries to tell Royston no no no no I like you let me reciprocate, Royston is a gremlin and doesn't listen until Sullivan slams him against the wall and tenderly holds his ass in both hands while gently fucking him."
With the overall time loop, and the mini relationship dynamics loop Sullivan had to break... 200 times.
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