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espeartz · 2 years ago
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She umi on my neko [LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER]
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gavinom123 · 4 days ago
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Rough doodle from yesterday
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neko-when-they-cry · 2 years ago
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This is better without context
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rickyriddle · 7 years ago
Fanfictions ideas
Hi! Here are some fanfictions ideas I have...
Akuma no Riddle: Fanfics of ships after the original story, a sequel of AnR IF, crossover one-shot for each ship, fic about my kids headcanon
Killing Stalking: A genderbend of the original story, with female characters (so yuri)
Umineko: BernLambda, Dlanerika, WillLion, Trick Ending AU, crossover with Madoka Magica
Madoka Magica: A fic about Hitomi the straight token who might be bi, crossover with symphogear
Symphogear: HibiMiku (a continuation of a fic I wrote about them)
South Park: A fic about Lizzy, the female homologue of Kenny (which I have already started)
My little pony: Fics about the Background 6, Lyrabon, Starlight, Startrix
Sonic the Hedgehog: A fic about Blaze the cat, with Marine and Silver
Danganronpa: An alternative ending for NDV3 or DR3
That’s it for the moment, I might update this list if I have other ideas. Don’t hesitate to tell me if any of those ideas interest you, to ask me questions about them, or even suggest something similar. That would help me to plan my writing! Thanks :)
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theendlessgoldenwitch · 10 years ago
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ドラヱリ合同!!!! by  城雅(きう)
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firsthumanchara · 10 years ago
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Merry Christmas! shameimaru I'm your secret santa!!
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dlanoraknox-moved · 11 years ago
[love examination]
Word Count: 1096
Summary: light dlanerika fluff. mostly dlanor tbh
Dlanor hated thinking about Erika Furudo.
At least, that was what she tried to tell herself.
Thinking about Erika made Dlanor feel something she hadn’t felt in years, a feeling she ran from as doggedly as witches ran from boredom - uncertainty.
Dlanor valued certainty nearly as much as she valued justice itself, so much that she could almost call herself a patron of Lambda’s. She dwelled in the world of black and white, red and blue, right and wrong. Perhaps this was why she was such a skilled Inquisitor; she was easily able to swing her merciless red sword down on the neck of a condemned witch, because witches were bad and, after all, it was her job to dispose of them. And yet...she couldn’t escape that nagging voice at the back of her mind, the one that told her that maybe Erika was right and she was nothing more than a murder doll, a heartless child who had killed her own father to uphold the sanctity of the rules he had created.
In many ways, Erika was her exact opposite. She enjoyed detective work not because she wanted to expose and fight injustice, but because she loved the look of shock and horror on someone’s face when she had laid all of their dearest-kept secrets bare. She would frame the innocent, tear apart families, or even kill to obtain that feeling of satisfaction - Dlanor knew, because she had seen Erika do all of these things firsthand, and, God forgive her, she had helped. She should have hated Erika, despised her to the very core of her being, and she had, for a while.
But she couldn’t forget. She couldn’t forget the shocked and hurt look on Erika’s face when Dlanor had scorned her during the battle in the Golden Land. The way her stomach had momentarily fluttered when Erika had told her that she liked her, even if it wasn’t in the way she had originally thought. The look in Erika’s eyes when she had told Dlanor that, as Game Master, she would create endless mysteries just for her. Just when she had nearly convinced herself that Erika wasn’t worth it, the memories would return and she would know that there was just no way she could simply up and forget Erika, sweep her aside like the day’s trash. Despite all the evidence to the contrary, she felt that the detective deserved more than that. Erika made her feel some way she’d never felt before, almost as if she’d just downed a sweet cup of hot chocolate and the warmth was spreading from her stomach out through her entire body. She’d been alarmed and unused to the feeling at first, but she couldn’t deny how pleasant it was - though she would never tell that to anyone. And now that she hadn’t heard from Erika in a while, she was starting to miss that feeling...
At that moment, there was a sharp rap at her office door. Dlanor started; she’d been staring off into space instead of at the mountains of paperwork piled on her desk, which was extremely uncharacteristic. She couldn’t be caught spacing out on the job, even by a subordinate. “Come IN,” she called, a little more sharply than she had intended. The door opened and Cornelia’s nervous face came into view. She offered a quick salute to Dlanor and held up what appeared to be a letter.
“Please, allow me to speak! Let it be known that a letter has arrived for the Head Inquisitor!”
Dlanor had often told Cornelia that she could speak more casually when they weren’t on the job, but she seemed to lapse back into the official speech regardless. She decided to let it go this time; the rookie Inquisitor hadn’t been quite the same since their last job. Working with someone as twisted as Erika would do that to anyone, she thought dryly, but the added abuse Erika had directed specifically at Cornelia after their defeat in the study was far too much, especially for someone so inexperienced. “Who is it FROM?” she asked, leaning back in her chair. She wasn’t too interested; letters arrived for her all the time, mostly from other divisions of the Court or from some outsider requesting Eiserne Jungfrau’s assistance. But Cornelia’s next words made her eyes widen.
“Please, allow me to speak. Let it be known that the letter is from one Erika Furudo,” Cornelia said, uttering the name with a hint of (well-deserved) contempt. “Would you like me to read it to you?”
That familiar feeling was returning, warmth running through her veins like Erika’s very name set her blood on fire. But it wasn’t the fire of rage or hatred, which might be understandable. This was some other feeling she had yet to put a name to. Her throat felt inexplicably dry, and it took her a moment to reply. “No,” she said, trying to remain composed. “I can read it MYSELF. Just set it on the desk for NOW.”
Cornelia offered a silent nod and placed it on top of the paperwork. The name was written in a cutesy cursive hand that betrayed none of its owner’s twisted malice - just like her appearance itself, Dlanor thought with an inward smirk.
She waited until Cornelia was gone, then picked the letter up and ran her fingers along the name, tracing the pen strokes. She tried to picture what Erika had looked like writing it. Had she been smiling to herself, not the horrific grin she donned when about to impale an opponent with her scythe of truth, but a little, elegant smile, the kind much more fitting for her delicate face? Was she eagerly awaiting Dlanor’s reply even now, just like Dlanor would surely await her next letter? The thought made her face flush, but she didn’t scramble to compose herself like she normally would. Instead, she flipped the letter over and stared at it for a long moment. Finally, she succumbed to curiosity and delicately ran her finger along the top of the envelope, tearing it open with ease.
Her eyes scanned the contents, well trained from years of reading dry Court documents. When she was finished, she leaned further back in her chair, clutched the letter tightly to her chest, and closed her eyes.
And, for the first time that day, Dlanor smiled.
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dlanerika-blog · 11 years ago
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Nani, Erika? (owo)/
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e-ck · 11 years ago
Hi, eck sorry to bother, but I was wondering if you could show me the omake under the cover of Volume 21, i do not mean top zwei, I mean what's under this, I really appreciate this, thanks and please~ (PS: I love your art! so cute! *3*)
No problem! The under-the-cover omake were included in the part1 post of volume 21 scans I did. They're the black and white pages right after the cover arts in the post: here. (Thank you I'm happy you like my art! :D)
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neko-when-they-cry · 2 years ago
My Friend
Erika did many bad things without any regrets. This wasn't one of those times. (Takes place right after the battle in the City of Books)
Hello there! After rereading EP8, I really needed some Dlanerika hurt/comfort. So here I go! Obviously, spoilers for all of Umineko. Enjoy!
Erika didn’t remember the last time she genuinely felt regret. And not regret over unpleasant consequences but over the action itself.
Wasn’t it what they called “remorse”? As in, she had committed something reprehensible? Unfathomable. Ridiculous. All she did was follow her master’s orders as well as do her duty as a Witch of Truth, which is to smash illusions to bits. She didn’t do anything she should regret or feel guilty about.
And yet, why did she feel this constant pain in her chest like she had lost something dear and important to her?
Not so far away from her was Dlanor, discussing with her subordinates and Will. They were still in the City of Books. Erika had just said her goodbyes to Battler and promised Aurora to take care of Bernkastel. The latter was still in her cat form, unconscious in her arm. What a pleasant feeling it was for Erika, to hold her master like that while she was being so vulnerable.
The pain in Erika’s chest grew stronger and stronger as she glanced at Dlanor. There was no way she actually tried to kill her, right? After all, didn’t Dlanor try to protect her so many times in the past? Wasn’t she supposed to be her dear friend? The only one that ever stood up for her?
Yes. It made Erika so happy to know that there was at least someone who cared enough about her to protect her, so deep down, she really wished that no matter how horrible of a person she was, Dlanor would still hold the same feelings, she would still be there for her…
And yet, she was forced to face the truth. Dlanor did try to kill her. Not even her, the kind-hearted and so indulgent Dlanor, her only friend, was able to forgive her this time. Erika was too shocked to even fight Dlanor when it happened, too saddened...
Erika clenched her teeth. What was she supposed to do then? Apologized? Apologize for what? Destroying the Golden Land and annihilating all its residents? Those were her master’s orders and her duty! 
Apologizing for hurting Dlanor’s feelings?
Erika tensed at that thought. Apologizing… for hurting someone’s feelings? What an absurd idea. She thrived on hurting people’s feelings, violating their minds, exposing their secrets, and causing them pain by revealing the truth! So why should she have to apologize for doing what she had always done and enjoy doing!?
Because she never meant to hurt Dlanor.
Her heart ached even more. She felt no joy in hurting Dlanor. Quite the opposite. Unable to bear this pain in her chest, it turned into frustration.
“ Screw it! I’m hurt too! She hurt my feelings too! She was ready to kill me! I don’t have to apologize…! ”
Erika let this anger fester in her and she turned back, ready to leave. But before she could, a soft yet robotic voice called for her.
Erika’s body grew stiff. All anger left her body as soon as she heard Dlanor call her name. She froze, unable to take another step.
Erika was unable to say more. She wasn’t even able to turn back to face her old friend. whatever Dlanor had to say, she’ll just take it.
But she couldn’t have predicted what Dlanor would say.
“Are you in PAIN, Erika?”
Erika didn’t understand. She remained silent for a moment before she answered, still refusing to turn back.
“I’m fine. I wasn’t injured-”
“I didn’t MEAN that. I meant how is your HEART.”
As she heard those words, Erika was reminded of the deep pain in her chest and winced.
“W-What… what are you talking about…? My heart…? You know damn well I’m heartless…!”
“This is WRONG. I know you are in deep PAIN, Erika. I tried to end your SUFFERING but I failed. I wished I had another WAY at that time.”
The pain grew stronger and stronger and it was starting to be unnerving for Erika. She finally turned back but was yet to be able to look at Dlanor in the eyes.
“Yes, I’m in pain! It hurts, it hurts all the time! And I bet I hurt you too! I’m sorry if I’m an evildoer who can’t do anything other than cause pain to everyone! Putting people through the same pain I went through is all I have left! Without that, I’m nothing! I’m worthless! There would be no meaning left to my pathetic existence! I’m Furudo Erika, the detective, an intellectual rapist, and a Witch of Truth! I live to expose the truth. This is who I am, and nothing more than that!”
Erika finally fully gazed at Dlanor. But even if she looked at her, she couldn’t see her very well. She seemed… blurry. It took her a moment to realize that it wasn’t Dlanor that was blurry, but her own eyes that had become teary with emotions.
“You really are in PAIN, Erika. I wish I would have realized sooner how deep your SUFFERING was. I am sorry… But you are WRONG again. You are MORE than just THAT.”
“S-Stop… I don’t want… your pity… I know very well that I’m worthless, that I’m scum-”
“No. You are ALSO my dear FRIEND.”
“And as a FRIEND, I wish I would have been there for YOU. There perhaps, the pain in your HEART wouldn’t have festered so MUCH. I tried to go to the extreme to end your SUFFERING, but I never wanted things to END this way… If only I didn’t fail to PROTECT you… I am SORRY-”
“It’s not your fault! You have nothing to apologize for, Dlanor…! I’m the one screwing up every relationship I ever have and hurting everyone around me. Even the most precious one I had… I ended up ruining it…”
“Even so, I still consider you a dear FRIEND, Erika.”
A bitter laugh escaped Erika’s mouth.
“...Even after all of this, you still care about me…?”
“Yes. I cannot bear to see you in PAIN.”
“Then, will you try to kill me again, to end my suffering?”
There was no fear in Erika’s voice. If her end came from Dlanor’s hands at this point, she would gladly welcome it. As long as she was allowed to bring her master to safety first.
“Who KNOWS? I am ready to use any MEAN necessary to help a FRIEND in need,” Dlanor replied with a smirk.
Erika smirked back.
“<Good>. I expect no less from Death Sentence Dlanor. I couldn’t wish for a better friend!”
Dlanor’s eyes suddenly laid on the black cat Erika was holding.
“In this form, Lady Bernkastel really looks ADORABLE. I wish she could stay that WAY.”
“Yeah, me too.”
It was truly a miracle for them that Bernkastel was still unconscious and couldn’t have heard that.
“It is TIME for me to go back to HEAVEN. So long, Erika. I am glad that you are BACK from the Depth of Oblivion SAFE. Please take care of YOURSELF.”
“Same for you. Don’t overwork yourself too much up there. If you get too bored, I can create mysteries so complex they would be impossible for you to solve! Something to torment you for centuries!”
A soft and warm smile appeared on Dlanor’s face.
“It would be WONDERFUL. Goodbye, Erika, my DEAR friend.”
“Goodbye, Dlanor, my only friend.”
On those words, Dlanor’s figure vanished into thin air, just like Erika’s pain in her chest. Holding tight to her master, Erika left too.
Surely, they will meet again.
I need more Dlanerika. It's my comfort ship ^^ Original fanfic on AO3 here
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parasiticghostwasps · 7 months ago
I think my ideal Dlanerika dynamic is Dlanor being protective of Erika when she’s at her lowest and endeared by how utterly pitiful she is, which Erika really values in those moments. But like as soon as Erika is interested in anything else, she goes back to treating Dlanor like a tool and disparaging her
And like Dlanor pushes back, she tries to call Erika in on her bullshit, but Erika never really takes it seriously or internalizes it
Dlanor’s like “I am tough and have strong morals, if anyone can fix her, it’s me” but she’s mostly just being used as an emotional outlet for Erika, who is Not being fixed
This may be subject to change though idk
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neko-when-they-cry · 2 years ago
My Friend (Umineko Fanmade Story)
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neko-when-they-cry · 4 years ago
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Umineko no Naku Koro ni | When the Seagulls Cry Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Furudo Erika/Dlanor A. Knox Characters: Furudo Erika, Dlanor A. Knox, Bernkastel (Umineko no Naku Koro ni) Additional Tags: Hurt/Comfort, Friendship, Spoilers Summary:
Erika did many bad things without any regrets.
This wasn't one of those times.
(Takes place right after the battle in the City of Books)
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theendlessgoldenwitch · 10 years ago
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07thワンドロとか詰め part 1 by  ツクユ
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dlanerika-blog · 11 years ago
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more えもん's sketches! *3*)/
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dlanerika-blog · 11 years ago
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Happy 2014!!!
Dlanerika, Dlanerika everywhere! <3
[By: えもん]
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