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celestialspritz · 13 days ago
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Holy shit i dont think i ever worked on something this long
anyways. im sure you're all bored to death of my WIP posts, it's finally here!!! a big clutter set full of things to make a nintendo store with. or... just clutter for your sims bedrooms hehe. excuse my lack of fancy preview for this i just reused pics from my build LMAO
these items are DECO ONLY!!! they dont function unfortunately
What's inside? From left to right:
Nintendo Ads on Beos' Backlit Poster - 18 swatches
Nintendo Ads on NL Cantankerous Splatter - 26 swatches
Nintendo Logos on Keoni's OFB Bag Addons - 6 swatches
Wii Fit Board, Wiimote, Wii Motion Plus Remote and Wii Consoles - 2 swatches each for the console and wii mote (original functional by Blackgarden on TSR here, rest from Models Resource)
Gamecube Console + Controller - (original functional by Blackgarden on TSR here. There is also a game boxes clutter here too that is by Kardofe but textured/remapped by me, I forgot to get a photo but you can view it here)
Gameboy Advance + Advance SP - 4t2 from Lightningbolt @ MTS. Be warned that these are sort of on the high poly side (around 1-2k poly) but texture sizes are quite small. Screens are their own subset so you can recolour the screens without changing the console colour.
Nintendo DS Game Boxes and Cartridges - Has a shelf version, a single game box version and another single game box that is upside down so you can see the back. Cartridge is the same. These are original meshes by me, very low poly and smallish textures :)
Mohd's DS Lite replacement turned into deco - Featuring a closed version that is repo'd to the open version. Screens unfortunately not recolourable due to how the mesh is structured, but comes in a variety of colours. Original at MTS here.
Same as the above I don't know why I didn't put em in one pic
RetailSims Wii Boxes - Recoloured and addons created by me and repo'd to the single box.
DS Lite Boxes - Meshed and textured by me, addons repo'd to the upright single box. Low poly.
Gamecube Boxes - Meshed and textured by me, 5 recolours. Low poly.
Jesus christ this post is gigantic. But I hope u guys like what i made :)
dl @ google drive
credits - Beos, Keoni, Blackgarden, Lightningbolt, rippers @ modelsresource, Mohd, Retailsims, Rudhira for providing the best pics for the texturing of the DS game boxes :))
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celestialspritz · 1 month ago
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OK I feel bad its taking ages for me to post my ds set (eternally not done, i keep thinking about new ideas for it) i converted this set i dont remember when, but here it is
there are no polycounts any higher than 5k (sorry) and texture sizes no larger than 512px.
the ads are on aikea-guinea's half height mesh, i also included my addons :D
collection file is included :))
dl @ google drive (never sfs again)
credits - flirtyghoul
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celestialspritz · 2 months ago
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🎨mini clutter set🎨
before i post the ds set i wanna put this stuff here cuz i havent uploaded for a bit. sorry if my categorisations are silly, i just can't stand how big my clutter category is getting and i want the categories to make sense
1 - rrtt sake bottles 4t2 - applicances/misc category - 600 polys, but i also made a file with two bottles where one is tipped over, that repo mesh is 1300 polys - 512px texture - 8 swatches - DOWNLOAD
2 - windows 7 boxes - meshed by meee - electronics/misc category - single box is 74 polys, the grouped stack for retail is 666 polys - 512px texture - 4 swatches - DOWNLOAD
3 - hollowbride simkindle deco only 4t2 - bookcase category - 216 polys - 6 swatches - DOWNLOAD
4 - swagsimsfairy vintage paintings - recolours of veranka's stacked painting mesh 4t2 - i have recategorised veranka's meshes so they show up in the easel category - 84 polys - 1024x512px texture - 5 swatches - DOWNLOAD
by the way, if you'd like to grab some extra sets i've not yet had the energy to share, click here for the folder of two sets (a laundromat and the ds set). pictures are included in the folder of the sets, clearly named corresponding to the rar file name.
credits - rrtt, hollowbride , swagsimsfairy, veranka
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celestialspritz · 3 months ago
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making cc to cope haul
here's a set of conversions/recolours/creations over the last month or so, swatches as always will be under the cut. u can open the img in a new tab and zoom in to see them as it is a fairly large img
1 - Sims4Life lantern. A merged file, I've never solo'd making a lamp before so any problems let me know! Found in Ceiling Lights. It's quite high poly at 3.8k but textures remain 512px. (wont show swatch below as they're all on display there) - DOWNLOAD
2 - NICKNAME's coca cola clock. Single package, doesn't have animated hands unfortunately. Found in Small Electronics. 252 polys, 512px texture. - DOWNLOAD
3 - Wrenmie's Rugs 4t2. UPDATE 15TH DEC 2024 MESHES HAVE BEEN FIXED! THEY ALL SHOW IN RUGS NOW Includes both the neutral and green ones so far. I also recoloured the checkered swatch from the neutral set in Poppet's Lonesome palette. On meshes by Nengi65, included. 512px textures. - DOWNLOAD
4 - Pamphlets by Simdertalia. Includes vacation and aquarium recolours, 182 polys. 512px textures. Found in Sculptures. - VACATION / AQUARIUM
5 - Cushionz. I made my own addons for these pillows by MysticRain, I just made the existing pillows more square rather than stretched/rectangular. Was something that could not have been fixed by usual remapping, apparently. 40 swatches, 256px textures and 100-200 polys for the meshes. Don't even ask what the textures are, I just know we need some cushions that are unusual and defo from Redbubble. Found in Sculptures - DOWNLOAD
6 - iyaS Fishing Rod wall deco - I have plans to recreate Coral Island in TS2 at some point and these were a must for the beach shack. Even put a lil detail on the two recolours with Jim and Sunny's name on them respectively. 919 polys, 512 x 1024px texture. Found in Sculptures. - DOWNLOAD
7 - Severinka Tao Vase - Something of course I needed for Jim's house that I am building with great pain and suffering atm. The texture is so pretty even at 512px omg! Too bad it is 2.2k polys. Although I kinda get why (the animal detail on the neck of the vase). I blended the normal map with the texture for extra oomph. Found in Sculptures - DOWNLOAD
8 - Records On The Wall - Here's some Vinyl textures I made and put on Aikea-Guinea's half-height wall mesh. Includes my brand new fresh addons I've made for the mesh too, which I will showcase better with a later CC I have that didn't make the cut here. The addons are just versions sized down of the original in Medium, Small and Xtra Small. I also tweaked the mapping a tiny bit so that the mesh displays the texture true to the aspect ratio without having to stretch it. 512 px textures, around 20 swatches for you to use. - DOWNLOAD
credits - Aikea-guinea, Severinka, MysticRain, Simdertalia, iyaS, Nengi65, Sims4Life, Wrenmie, Nickname, Poppet
swatches in order of appearance!!! 👇
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checkered lonesome palette swatch
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neutral swatch
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green swatch
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Vacation ones
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Aquarium ones. Note btw these share the same mesh
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celestialspritz · 14 days ago
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Aikea-Guinea half height wall writing mesh made ground height + includes my recent addons
i've needed to make this forever and i finally did it, you can dl them below @ googledrive. also, make sure to replace existing files you may have with these
dl @ gd
credits - aikea-guinea
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celestialspritz · 13 days ago
A good chunk of my buy mode sets have been updated! The following sets:
Drug Decor
Agressivekitty Coffee and Cigar, Fedora Stand
Kids Books
Dorocash Trash Boxes
Flirtyghoul Lavanderia Set
Flirtyghoul MiniMart Set (and extras)
iyaS Fishing Rod Wall Deco
Jomsims CD Tower
LiS Record Store
Fizzy Drink Can
QOV City Trash
rrtt Sake Bottle
Severinka Tao Vase
SimKindle Deco
Simmerberlin Cassettes
Simoleon Clutter
SM3 Rough Mannequin Bust
Windows 7 Boxes
Wondymoon Plumbum Divider
The TXMTs have been updated so that they no longer cast a warm hue (it's a lot more natural and balanced now) and lighting affects them properly. You can download updated files from the folder below:
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celestialspritz · 3 months ago
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🎶concert tickets on aikea-guinea's half height wall writing mesh + MESH ADDONS🎶
the most dogshit preview imaginable. but here's something i wanted! i had a singular concert ticket in my game on this mesh and decided i needed more, so here they are. they will look huge on the original mesh cuz i made them full size on the texture so they wouldn't be blurry. thats where my addons come in! extra small addon will display these with nice clear textures. and, the textures are only 512px. addons included, which are repo'd to the main mesh by aikea-guinea!
labelled swatch under the cut!
dl @ sfs
credits - aikea-guinea
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celestialspritz · 3 months ago
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Their rug meshes were not in rugs all along! They were in the misc deco section. I've made sure they're now in the rug category along with HugeLunatic's addons, which were already there. Included those for completion's sake. You can get these updated meshes below :D No recolours are included, but a quick google search should help you
dl fixed meshes here
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celestialspritz · 4 months ago
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🎀old friend PC with recolours by @cutesheepmie🎀
i had this in my wip folder for ages and im posting it as i have nothing else rn xd
nonsensicalpixels converted the mesh and its monique-hacked, the mesh is included. there's a subset for the computer and then also the sticky notes so you can mix and match
(it's quite low res but out of my control due to the mapping and the texture itself, soz)
dl @ sfs
credits - nonsensicalpixels, cutesheepmie, max20
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celestialspritz · 4 months ago
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💿softerhaze' LiS record store conversion 4t2💿
yet another set i needed for my game - i did not convert everything, just the things i wanted
no polys exceeding 2k. the highest i reckon is the cd mesh with all the cds combined (not pictured but its literally just the separates as one mesh).
the bargain box (first pictured) comes in three sizes; small, medium and large. stuff is repo'd, textures range from like 256px to 1024px. cds had to be 1024px but there's like 5 textures for those, and the furniture is also 1024px. sucks but it is what it is lol
i did major remapping on a lot of the items, most notably the cd box (i wanted higher res cds in the box without altering the size, it's like 1024x512) and the record label header thingy (second pictured) - it used to be a huge 1024px texture, but only one square of the texture changed so i cropped it down to 256px and voila. it has a wide range of genres written on them so u'll never run out!
the shelves are deco shelves but i positioned the height of the cds accurately so they'll slot in perfectly even without slots, no omsp required :D
the cds and cd box are in the audio section, the shelves are in shelves, magazines are in books, the clipboard and the bargain box are in deco/misc
the shelves are recoloured in goat's woods and in some pooklet naturals, master files have a volatile base (swatch included)
i did not convert the vinyls from this set as i already have vinyls in my game that i uploaded the other day here. if ur looking for music posters, i made some here and here. let me know if anything's wonky and most importantly have fun!
collection file is included :] and some no-reshade'd pics under the cut
dl @ sfs
credits - softerhaze, thanks for converting to ts4!
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celestialspritz · 4 months ago
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i fixed the hideous mapping on the pool table "Corner Pocket Pool Table" that comes with university. i used smart uv project in blender (i think) and got the uv to work with patterns mainly.
i also did some recolours of both the wood and the felt, the felt is mainly patterned and the wood is in goat's textures and some of pooklet's naturals and unnaturals, swatches are below for those
felt texture went from 256x128 to 512x256. didnt touch the mesh except for the uv but the polys for that are 1.9k polys
this is my first ever default made from scratch (without editing other defaults) so any problems pls let me know!!
you can also even further default your pool tables with @pforestsims' pool balls replacement!
dl @ sfs / gd
credits - goat, pooklet
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celestialspritz · 4 months ago
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💿cds & vinyls💿
first off, this is for the sims 2. i keep having ts4 ppl saving my stuff to their boards / finds. this isnt ts4!!! keep dreamin!!
ANYWAYS. big thanks to @pforestsims for as always helping me out with creating the cds. they remade my horribly recycled cylinder face helped with the mesh which was a bitch to figure out and gave me some good txmt editing advice. thanks!!!
consider this my simblreen gift even if it is anything but spooky. i just dont feel very spooky other than perma feeling like a zombie cuz of these meds
the cds - 200 polys, 512px textures | they are a brand new mesh in two versions. the master file is the wall version that's ground height and is shiftable. the repo'd file is the one thats not on the wall and it can be placed on surfaces. they're categorised in electronics/audio as deco section is a nightmare to skim thru. there's 64 swatches for these, and a clearly labelled swatch is included so you can pick and choose. recolouring resources included.
the vinyls - 94 polys, 512px textures | 2 meshes. creds to m0xxa for converting (og by indiemilk for ts3). i did change the mapping and made them their own thing separate from m0xxa's file (you can use theirs with mine) and they're recategorised like the cds in electronics/audio for ur own sanity. the "recordsingle" file is repo'd to the "recordstack" file". there's 50 swatches for these, and a clearly labelled swatch is included so you can pick and choose. recolouring resources included.
the record shelves - 150~ polys, 512px textures | 4 meshes. i repo'd original files where they need to be. retextured in @goatskickin's wood and recoloured in @pooklet's naturals. meshes are included i just renamed to add my prefix 'cuz i edited them
i'm putting 2 links as SFS is extra slow cuz of simblreen. everything's compressed, labelled swatches included and the swatches are also under the cut, enjoy these!!
SFS / Google Drive
credits - m0xxa, indiemilk, goat, pooklet, pforestsims
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and additional preview
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celestialspritz · 4 months ago
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some bits for the GOS theme right now!
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celestialspritz · 5 months ago
Extras for the 4t2 mini mart
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im sick atm but here's a few extras for the mini mart. sorry the preview is so lazy lol i am in so much pain
this set was neat as some had the same mesh so many textures are on the same mesh. things are repo'd where they need to and polycounts are under 1200 polys, with the lowest being around 30 polys. choose between smaller txtr sizes or bigger txtr sizes - remember to choose only one!
512PX / 1024PX
credits - coatisims
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celestialspritz · 5 months ago
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🎥movie posters🎥
some films i like made into posters. they're on a maxis mesh but i included addons for variety (rotated posters, dif sizes etc). enjoy, there's a swatch under the cut
creds - sushigal007 for addons
dl @ sfs
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celestialspritz · 5 months ago
Bunch of 4t2 CC Walls Dump
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Caroll91 Rustic Bricks - DL here
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Caroll91 Wood Plank - DL here
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Networksims Motor Brick - DL here
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PS Animal Print Walls - DL here
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PS Concrete Wall - DL here
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PS Scandinavian Walls - DL here
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PS UXEV Walls - DL here
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Rirann Grunge Metal Wall - DL here
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Rirann Library Walls - DL here
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Rirann Ranch Walls - DL here
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Warmthlu Mini Wallpaper Pack - DL here
credits - warmthlu, pralinesims, rirann, caroll91, networksims
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