#dl cheater au
bluiex · 2 years
So I remember seeing someone talking about soulmate AU where Grian and Scar break up after Grian cheats with BigB and Scar stopped turning a blind eye to it, and Scar turned to alcohol to try and distract himself from feeling Grian and BigB fucking every night, but I don't remember seeing any follow up for it so I am here to offer my version of followup (forgive me if someone already sent one)
So my thoughts are that Mumbo decides to intervene and comes around, gets Scar off the metaphorical floor and tosses all the alcohol out of the house. When Scar is sober they go hang out and just spend time together, doing things they find fun and just talking about everything (which is when Mumbo discovers Grian and Scar's breakup was even worse than he thought, not having been around when the affair happened), which inevitably ends up with the two of them hooking up (a mix of feelings/attraction + a slight desire to give Grian a taste of his own medicine). It starts a FwB relationship between them, where they just hang out and have fun and sometimes jump in the sack together when they're feeling lonely and want company.
After a few months as they grow closer, Scar wakes up one day and realizes Grian's not the first person he thinks of in the morning. He hasn't even thought about Grian in over a week, more like two. Instead it's Mumbo who he wakes up thinking about, it's Mumbo who gets his heart beating wildly, and it's Mumbo he dreams about at night. It hits him that he might be in love with Mumbo. Scar, being Scar, falls over himself and rushes to Mumbo's house at ugly o'clock in the morning when half the world is still asleep, but when a half-asleep Mumbo opens the door he still lets him in happily, and barely gets out a greeting before Scar tells him "I think I'm in love with you." Mumbo is awake immediately. They have a long talk about their feelings and decide yeah, let's give this a shot, and they start an official relationship full of really sweet words and touches that don't lead to sex all the time- just a very emotionally close relationship, the kind Scar once (thought he) had with Grian. Only this time, loving Mumbo doesn't hurt the way loving Grian did.
When he has Mumbo, the feeling of BigB's hands on Grian's hips fade into background noise, because he's holding onto Mumbo, they're in each other's arms and they're so in love and safe it's like nothing can ever hurt them again.
On the flipside, now Grian isn't feeling the effects of Scar drowning himself in alcohol and he's no longer feeling the casual flings he and Mumbo used to have (and he had no idea it was Mumbo at all, the man having become distant and "busy" over the last few months), but now he's feeling the casual intimacy, the light touches and the gentle kisses and the arms wrapping around him just to hold him, and he's in a relationship that is based on thrill and sex and danger... feeling the phantom touches of the kind of gentle love Scar always held for him, from someone else- someone who touches Scar so much more gently and lovingly than he ever did, sweeter than he ever touches BigB... he starts to have regrets.
People like Grian only want what they can't have, after all.
*lays down in a puddle of my own tears* this is simply better than I could ever imagine. A good ending on Scar's end, he's okay and moved on.. meanwhile Grian is regretting it, like you said Grian is the type of perosn to want what they can't have. ough okay
i'd like to imagine, after a couple of months of this, Grian feeling all the love and stuff.. he decides to come around. go see Scar. to his surprise it isn't Scar who opens the door. Nope! It is Mumbo, looking disheveled like he'd just woken up (nah him an Scar were making out before dinner)
Mumbo gives him such a shocked look before it delved into anger, but that was quickly pushed away to a neutral expression before asking what he's doing here- things get a bit heated, Mumbo sternly talking down to Grian for what he did, "No you are not allowed to see Scar. He's just finally started healing after you fucked up and broke his trust an heart."
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krashlite · 1 year
Thinking abt technical issues/absences with life series is so fascinating bc I don’t think you realize how different each season would have gone if everyone was present
Bdubs missed what was arguably the most crucial session for the war with Dogwarts, seeing as Cleo was able to get out of an alliance with Ren and his army. I highly doubt she would’ve been able to ally with the desert as easily, and Scar might have given Bdubs the clock as a peace offering, which, depending on his reaction, means Scar either would’ve had another lackey for longer or would’ve forgotten the clock by the time they got to the final five. Or, Bdubs may have died that session, meaning the widow’s alliance would’ve been a proper thing and both Impulse and Grian wouldn’t have been betrayed.
BigB was able to survive to be the last green name, meaning he was still left after the rest of Dogwarts fell. In the event that he died this session (which is likely considering this was at the height of the war), he would’ve fallen with the rest of Dogwarts. This means the kill pass scene likely wouldn’t have happened, and Grian wouldn’t have been betrayed. I’m also willing to wager that he would’ve been able to talk Skizz out of storming the Crastle, seeing as BigB wasn’t there for this moment. Skizz wouldn’t have died there and the boogeyman curse would have a different origin, if it was created at all.
Joel’s loyalties fell apart because of the session he was gone, and he likely would’ve stayed with Dogwarts because of their numbers. He probably would’ve followed Skizz into the Crastle if Skizz wasn’t talked down, meaning either they both died but took Impulse with them (bc he’s a traitor), or only one of them died and took out multiple people in the Crastle.
^^^ also in the event that both BigB and Joel were there session 7, Dogwarts might have won the war because of their numbers. So the desert and the Crastle are out, maybe Etho and Joel die during the war (from being targeted), this leaves Ren, Martyn, BigB, and Skizz. Skizz would go after Martyn or BigB because of his pact with Ren from earlier. BigB would probably get taken out here, and Martyn would win in a fight against Skizz. This leaves Ren and Martyn, and seeing as cc!Martyn let us know he would’ve betrayed Ren if it had been just them left, that would be how 3L ended. (<- would’ve started the boogeyman curse)
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ender1821 · 4 years
CsjLam’s Masterlist
Last Updated: 17/5/2024
Phantom thief au - Discontinued
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[ch.6]   [ch.7]   [ch.8]   [ch.9]   [ch.10]
=+= =+= =+=
TBHK au - Discontinued
[ch.1]   [ch.2]   [ch.3]
=+= =+= =+=
DBH au
The detective’s lunch
=+= =+= =+=
12 days of six fics - Completed
[Day 1]   [Day 2]   [Day 3]   [Day 4]
[Day 5]   [Day 6]   [Day 7]   [Day 8]
[Day 9]   [Day 10]   [Day 11]   [Day 12]
=+= =+= =+=
One shots
Purely Coincidental (Jane and Cathy centred fic)
Halloween but with the actual undead (Halloween fic)
Fly me to the moon (Parrward)
Two dumbasses with a fork (Anne Squared)
=+= =+= =+=
Six fate swapped au
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
AU Arena - Discontinued 
We’ve gone too far to go back now (Zombie AU) - Completed
[ch.1]   [ch.2]
=+= =+= =+=
One shots
If I say “I’m fine” enough, then I’ll believe it (Eva vent fic)
With the Stars and Us (Post-canon Kate x Eva x Annleigh)
Farrah’s Foolproof Guide To Summoning The Dead (watt x six au)
one last time, please (Annleigh-centric songfic for WATT Week 2023 prompt: Reunion)
=+= =+= =+=
The One In Which Annleigh Is A Shipper - Discontinued
(A crack fic based on Annleigh’s line in IDK)
[ch.1]   [ch.2]   [ch.3]   [ch.4]   [ch.5]
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
We Are the Broken Ones, Who Chose to Spark the Flame - Discontinued
[ch.1]   [ch.2]   [ch.3]   [ch.4]   [ch.5]
~~~ ~~~ ~~~
A False Freedom - Discontinued
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[ch.6]   [ch.7]   [ch.8]   [ch.9]   [ch.10]
you feel like city life, apple pie baked just right (Coffee shop AU) - Discontinued
[ch.1]   [ch.2]   [ch.3]
The Chains That Bind (Yukimiya-centric fic)
When the World Stops Moving (Mekamechanic)
Phobos’ Interlude (Cheater duo - Limited Life)
dear fellow traveller (under the moon) - shiny duo/gempearl fics
brewings of a not-too-distant past (HC s8 x ESMP s1)
no longer a danger to herself or others (Post-DL)
gold shimmers in her hair (HC s9 x ESMP)
I vowed not to fight anymore (if we survived the Great War) (alt. SL finale)
I don't know anything, but I know I miss you (HC s9 x SL)
skin scarred and sun-kissed (SL one shot collection)
cast a spell on my heart (Modern LARP AU)
the sun can’t break the habit of going down (alt. ESMP s1 finale)
planting roses in foreign waters (Modern HC s10 AU)
she’s absolutely smitten (she’ll never let you go) (HC s9)
overnight delivery (HC s10)
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smartchicken · 6 years
Hi I show up every time you post which is haha, so funny, but I just wanna know if you've figured out that I'm a desperate bitch yet and if not, I'm a desperate bitch and I like your stuff. You're cool (also what're your thoughts on a road trip AU featuring young!Tony with a lot of trauma under his belt alongside honourably discharged Bucky who's forgotten how to live but they meet in the middle and it becomes a little easier to breathe)
-chokes-Oh manFirst off, i really would like to encourage people to just randomly describe themselves in my inbox.SECOND this is the first time I've replied to an ask with the mobile app and i don't understand why it's not automatically double spaced, it's really fucking with me, but I'm about as likely to do something about it as i am to tell my phone to auto-capitalize "i". I just Don't CareTHIRDLYROADTRIPokay first off I've had a very few good roadtrips and only one was "Long" (~18 hours) BUT i have great stories from those and now i am picturing not only a young Tony maybe on the run or just trying not to be home, and poor Bucky who got an honorable discharge but got fucked over because that's the American way, but all the avengers because the best roadtrip is when there's two cars and by about halfway through you're straight up enemiesSo like, car 1: Rhodey, Nat, Pepper, Bucky, and Tony. Car 2: Steve, Clint, Phil, and Sam. Because those are who i currently feel like giving a fuck about. Car 1 starts with a disadvantage because 5 people in one car always sucks but like, ride or die bitchesSo I'm sort of imagining this as BlackPepper combining their friendgroups in a fucking into the fire way like sink or swim love each other or else. Because it's that or awkward lunches for six months and they clearly don't have the time for that. I assume there is plotting going on because we all know it plotting redheads, but they probably lost control of the situation at one point because roadtripLike I'm imagining a college au so get in that mindset. I feel like Pepper immediately put her foot down about Tony, who's the only teenager there even though he acts like an old man. Pepper is just like okay Tony HAS to be with me or Rhodey at all times or I'll fuck everyone up Nat i stg i will kill your friends to death if they look strongly at my precious baby and Nat looks a this stubborn little asshole who is at once fearless and terrified and she's like, fair enoughBut Bucky, right? I know I'm a Tony fangirl but I'm not forgetting about Bucky. Cause Bucky went into the army at 18 and he came back three years later a different person. Steve didn't go with because a) he's a twiggy artist and b) Sarah would have murdered him after she destroyed the entire us military tbh. Bucky's a freshman, the only one in the group even though he's older than most of them. He's been back for like 6 months now and probably shouldn't even be dealing with college life but he's Bucky and lbr he's not gonna cut himself any slack. But by golly his friends love him and will absolutely fight everyone for him, even himself. So while Pepper's like "protect my son" Nat is like okay let's try to make sure Bucky's with Steve because they're kinda codependent but we're letting that happen for now because we have bigger fish to fry, but on the dl because currently Bucky won't admit to any issues under penalty of death.So day of the roadtrip. I dunno where they're going probably tourist shit they're just like get in the car we'll head for such and such and go from there. My only frame of reference here is Florida so I'm picturing them having to drive at least five hours before they have any reason to stop.Oh! Yes so first stop is gonna be a spring or river or some sort of water shitSoGetting ready to go is Hell they have to fit enough shit for nine people into two regular sized trunks. So they've gotta clean literally everything but the spare tire outta those("Fuck it, leave the tire," Clint suggests. He's packed all of a backpack and, incomprehensibly, his bow with three arrows and he's absolutely going to reek in about two days and probably didn't bring any shampoo or a toothbrush. It's probably like, a t-shirt, some boxers, and swim trunks. He'll wear the same shorts for a month he doesn't care. "If we get stuck on the side of tree road, I'll feed you to buzzards for sport," Pepper says pleasantly. She knows him a little better than most of Nat's friends because her and Clint half live together. They get along fine but Pepper progressed to threats much quicker than Clint is comfortable with. He thought about telling her it was hot but decided he liked his balls intact. "Just shove over the duffle," Bucky said. Tony's being quiet but he's got a toolkit packed in case anything goes wrong; there'll be no stuck-on-the-roadside on his watch. )So they get the trunks sorted and there's a couple bags in the backseats but it's good enough. Then Phil shows up (when did he leave???) and stuffs some blankets and pillows into both cars. "My family likes roadtrips," he says. His eyes are dead. Phil is not including himself in his family here. Phil tried to beg off but Pepper couldn't get Happy and Nat couldn't get Scott etc etc for various missing people and Phil agrees to come because, ultimately, these socially-challenged morons need a voice of reason and that's not Pepper or Nat OR Sam, no matter what they think(The truth is they're all reckless idiots and Phil's no exception but combined they can keep each other safe-ish or at least get in trouble together)((Tony didn't want to come either but more because he doesn't want to get underfoot. But Rhodey and Pepper made the mistake of trusting his "I'm fine" and leaving him alone for a few weeks at school exactly once. Pepper had hugged him and said "Pretty please?" and Tony's no good at turning down requests, especially from his few, beloved friends))(((Nat took a different approach with Bucky, who didn't want to come either. "If you don't come Steve won't come and then you'll have to say at Steve and Sam's wedding that it was delayed all because you skipped out on the best roadtrip ever.""It is going to be awful," Bucky said. Nat gave a particularly Russian shrug. Bucky sighed and gave in. He didn't exactly wanna spend a week in the dorms alone anyway.)))And then they really just wanna get going what the fuck guys it's already evening should we just wait til morning no fucking way shut your mouth we're going n o wPepper and Nat manage to be together, and they manage to pay Tony and Bucky special attention, as intended. But uh. Oops?It's Rhodey driving with Pepperi the passenger seat, mostly out of habit; they've done short road trips a lot at this point and it's always Rhodey driving to start, Pepper up front so Tony can nap in the backBut uhTony's in the middle in the back, with a pillow and a tablet in his lap. He's putting on a good show of being Totally Fine, but he's clearly tense. Bucky's smooshed against the door as much ash can, broadcasting discomfort like a cat in the rain. Nat leans against the door too, trying to be considerate, but Pepper starts texting her urgently( TOUCH HIM!!!!!hes so tense wtfNat I love you trust me and touch him a littleAnd Nat shifts over just a bit, so her legs are against Tony's, and for a second he freezes, and then he finally loses some of that tensionTOUCH STARVED?????? Nat texts Pepper, alarmed for this kid.His dad sucks, is Pepper's take, and Nat scowls and gets comfortable, pointedly touching Tony without pushing into his space.)MEANWHILE Phil is the odd man out but he's driving so it kinda works. Clint's in the passenger seat because Clint is a no good dirty cheater, and also has very stern, specific instructions from Nat. Steve and Sam are the most comfortable of the entire group, and within an hour they've got their feet a little tangled, not cuddling but not-not cuddling, and Steve's dosing a little cause he took a motion sickness thing and it always makes him a little sleepy"So Pepper seems terrifying," Clint says to Phil as an opener. They probably should've hung out at least a little before this because Pepper and Nat are the only things he can think of to talk about (and maybe it's not helping that Phil is weirdly hot and serious and he's seen him smile a couple times and he's trying to figure out how to see it up close but it turns out it's not hard cause right away Phil grins and chuckles a little and Clint thinks he's maybe having a heart attack)"So does Natasha. Or is it just Nat?""Sometimes it's Natalia," Clint says automatically, which isn't very helpful. "Uh. What are you studying?" Which is stupid and cliche but Phil manages to turn it into an actual conversation and in the backseat Sam's texting the whole thing to Bucky, who keeps sending back strings of emojis that aren't always sensible but like, Sam totally gets it. And then Sam gets a text of the top of a head of messy dark brown curls and a string of panicking emojis. There's a suspicious blushing emoji in there though and Sam snickers to himself. Steve wakes up with a little "hm?" which is too cute for words so Sam just passes him the phoneTony started off working on his tablet but he hasn't slept in...a while and he's been stressing about this but now he's in Rhodey's familiar car and Pepper's got classic rock going kinda quiet and Nat snuck her toes under his leg and he fights it for a while, but eventually he slumps over, and he doesn't even notice himself sliding towards the warmth that smells like machine oil and leather. Tony looks small and sweet and quiet and Bucky likes to watch him sometimes, when he can, even though he feels like a creep. It's just that Tony seems so alive in a way that Bucky can't really capture. Like he's so tired but so full of life and fire and maybe that's optimism he's not sure but he thinks it might be. Everyone always seems tired on campus, or young and stupid, or just so unrelatable. And it's not that he can relate to Tony so much as he wishes he could. Like watching the moon in the surface of a lake and being afraid of the ripples. Bucky slowly relaxes, lulled into it by Tony's quiet breathing, and Nat gives him a very obvious thumbs up, with a certain look in her eyes, and he catches Rhodey's eye in the rearview mirror, so he slides down a little, slowand quiet, tucks an arm around Tony and lets himself relax, puts down three phone and stares out the windowThey stop at an all-night walmart when Clint suddenly realizes they don't have SUPPLIESWATER SUPPLIES!!!Bucky and Tony go in, with Clint and Phil, to get Supplies, while everyone else stretches their legs or texts demands for snacks.They grab a bunch of stuff, everything that looks even mildly amusing, Tony sleep-fuzzy and relaxed from it, and in line him and Clint attack each other with pool noodles, earning a few glares from other shoppers, but they're laughing too!much to care. There's not really room in the cars for everything but they make it work and they're all wide awake then, everyone chattering for the last two hours before they realize they should've arrived by now and then Rhodey stops (he was the one leading) and there's dogs barking and they're in a trailer park andPhil calls him just to ask, "What the fuck Rhodes."They all get out their phones and they're yelling directions at Rhodey and they're lucky he loves them because seriously they deserve death at this point. They pull up to the park at 5am when they should've been there at, oh, 1 or so no one's sure how they got so turned around but they made it yaaayAnd then "Fuck," Pepper says. "Tents."And that's where I'm leaving this for now cause I'm tired of typing on mobile but tbh i wanna write a college roadtrip now. I'm just imagining a lot of cuddles at this point everyone gets maximum hugs plz. Also i can't tag this??? So thanks mobile
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bluiex · 2 years
We are here for the chaos So like okay hear out my thoughts What if Scar thought grian was cheating due to always being around Bigb but its just him spending time with an old friend he hasn't much so the life games is his main way to see. Which causes Scar to go off and find someone better. Not hearing grian out about what he was doing and it wasn't what he thought which just causes the spiral of Grian to more savage/unhinged then his usual chaotic personality. Also it makes me wonder who would win this ver. Also what would we name this set of threads we started makin
Omggg Scar just going off cuz he's over thinking and doesn't bother to ask or listen to Grian
And Grian just loses it over Scar going to be with someone else
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bluiex · 2 years
This thought has been spinning in my mind for a while. Reading these ideas of Cub and Mumbo showing love to Scar, who often drinks himself numb, to drown the love Grian has for someone else.
Their eyes were covered by the blindfold as they tied the string between Scar and Mumbo and Cub, it was a deep purple color. The string gleamed with magic. The witch pushed aside the long white hair as the finished the knots.
"Soulmates are old magic." she told the three as she pulled out a pair of scissors. They looked so old, worn, and maybe once gleamed but no longer. Scar wasn't sure what he had been expecting, maybe things that changed the course of your life weren't meant to be so glamorous though.
"Being around for as long as I have, you learn these magics." the witch told them, as Scar looked at the purple thread that twined between his hands, he noticed now it seemed to follow his vein patterns. "People can have more than one soulmate, though it's rare."
Covered eyes looked at the three of them, "Know this, once you do this, there will be no going back. This process can only be done once in a person's life. If truly there is love, you will feel it... but if there is none, you all will not be able to feel love ever again." her voice was dead serious.
Scar swallowed hard, fearful eyes looking at Mumbo and Cub. But, they only nodded firmly. "I'm not leaving," Cub's others hand found Scar's. Mumbo smiled in agreement as he also held that hand. The warmth Scar felt drowned out the feeling of Grian's own to BigB. It was real, their touches were real, they were more than anything he ever got from Grian.
The witch nodded faintly as she tossed back her long hair, "Then we'll begin." she said in a calm voice, placing hands between the three connecting threads that were tied together.
Her hands glowed a soft color, "Magic is about intent," she whispered, "the purest of all magics is that of Love. True, selfless, and unrequited Love." She watched them as they all stared at the colors, soft reds, greens, and blues. "it can't be tricked, it can't be fabricated, and it can't be forced. Love is strange like that." she smiled at them.
Scar looked at black and brown eyes, and his own green started to shine. It was... warm. So very warm. The warmth wrapped around him, it tasted of something so sweet, it smelled of steel and leather, it was lips against his skin that nuzzled his skin. The wind was soft, bringing the feeling of something so much more.
A life Scar had longed for. The image of Mumbo petting Jellie as she licked his nose, and Cub looking back at him with soft eyes. As his hand took hold of his, feeling the calloused yet gentle fingers. And a road in a green forest that stretched on forever.
Scar vaguely caught a glimpse of it, a thin, pale hand reached out and grabbed the red thread on his finger. And with a swift motion, the rusty scissors creaked, and...
Scar's eyes widen as he felt the cut, sharp for a moment, Panic, Pain, it hurts! But... the pain was pushed down it faded away as quick as he felt it, and then he felt something else.
Worry, concern, anticipation, and... love. love. love.
The purple thread slowly turned a soft green color as it clung to his skin. Scar took a shudder of a breath, in and out slowly as the witch moved her hands away. And the knot was no more, just strings of threads between them. That faded away slowly, yet... their weight was still there on their hands.
Shakily Scar looks at his hand, then up at Cub and Mumbo. "Scar?" Mumbo asks softly, "are you alright?"
Green eyes focused on him, then came the feelings. Rushing over him, and filling his chest again with warmth. It was soft, it smelled like Mumbo's workshop, brushing over the roof of his mouth when he inhaled.
Scar looked from Mumbo over to Cub, and the warmth stayed still. But the scent was different, it was like snow, a calm winter morning inside, candy canes.
Their hands then found his cheeks, brushing away the tears he didn't know he was crying. Words didn't really need to be said, as Scar hugged onto them both and started to sob.
You're okay. You're safe. We're here. I love you. I love you.
Their touches felt more than anything, their hands on his skin, it was everything he wanted. It was more than he expected a bond to be. Just like the stories he was told as a kid.
They didn't hear their helper leave, as she shook her head with a small smile. She knew she was thanked just by their reactions. it was rare still for a soulbound to get this to work. Their love must be real as she thought, or she'd never have offered it.
In all the years she's lived, she's never seen such colors between people. Something told her they'd be okay. Now to leave before the other shows up, she frankly didn't want to deal with the Untethered One.
Astar is a character of mine who is sort of immortal, but mostly she's here to help the plot.
I needed some fluff okay?
Oh and Grian no doubt felt the cut of the thread. It hurts like hell when your thread is cut. How will this affect him, who knows! Up to you.
Scar is now bound to both Cub and Mumbo.
OOOOH JADE I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! I've had it in my head too that the three of them look for someone who can cut the bond between Scar An Grian and connect it to Cub and Mumbo instead.. I'm so happy you did this and it's so well done UWAH
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bluiex · 2 years
Thank you, I'm happy to hear that the Au I made makes sense. Also my Au is modern day so there is no changing servers, but you can change it if you like to.
So for me, They stay soulmates and Yes Grian found the thrill of loving BigB exciting and dangerous, his actions are impulsive and only help himself and not others.
The ending can be anything you want it to be, I have one in mind but I think it's fun to let other people think how it will end. It's an open ending, but for me they stay soulmates. Also Mumbo and Scar end up together.
-AAA anon, l've been busy to day so I might drop an Idea later or sleep the day away. I really want to write about Grian wearing lingerie but I got so busy, I will work on it later to night!
I love and ending for them to stay Soulmates, but Scar learns to make t he feelings go away.. when they were together, Scar didnt know how to manage it cuz he just wanted so badly to feel loved, to feel Grian love him. but now that he's moved on, getting better he can dampen the feelings
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bluiex · 2 years
Okay all I’m thinking of is Jimmy meeting Scar and being like
“Don’t worry Scar, it’s not a you problem. Grian slept with the entire Football and Basketball team in highschool. My brother has always been a slut.”
Jimmy long stopped talking to Grian because he was always caught in the middle of Grian’s many flings.
PFFFF my brother has always been a slut
Scar giving Jimmy such a deadpanned look
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bluiex · 2 years
I have the answer (for jadespeed and for anyone really)
(I think I should say that I’ve never dated. It’s in my name, I’m AroAce and antisocial. I had to put some hard thinking into this. I’m sorry if my AU doesn’t seem realistic, But I tried.)
Grian needs to stay with Scar so He can feel less guilty about cheating. (Which is messed up I know) The real reason why he cheats will stay unknown to Scar. Scar won’t know and he doesn’t want to know why. Be he does wonder what Bbig had that he doesn’t.
Grian is impulsive with his actions and doesn't care for the consequences. Even if he does hurt other people. Scar has begged Grian to attest tell him when He and B are going to have sex. But Grian denied the fact he was cheating on Scar altogether.
Because Grian doesn't like being in the wrong (in arguments or situations). And Grian thinks Scar is being dramatic and it's his fault that he has sex with another man anyway.
(Grian wants and needs to put all the blame on Scar so he feels less guilty and also because he's a big asshole.)
After Scar and Grian break up Cub does go and yells at both Grian and BigB for making Scar go through all of that. He almost ends up beating Grian up, but Doc is there to stop him. Bdubs also yells at Grian in the middle of a supermarket. Mumbo stop all contact with Grian and not subtly either.
I can explain how Scar and Mumbo’s relationship will expand. But there was another anon who wrote it and I really liked their idea and they kind of read my mind on how their relationship grows. (I’ve made their idea my official ending in my head lol I liked it way too much, Thank you anon)
-AAA anon, I was going to share another (but short) scene, I can always Share it later. (This was a really long answer, sorry)
Bouta punch and fight and strangle this Grian oml i LOVE it. God its so much more dramatic and angsty fuck
Id love to read the other short scene if you do decide to share!!
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bluiex · 2 years
The Tub
Warning: Drinking, (reference to) arguing, self-harm(it’s no to bad)
Context: Scar realizes He has wasted a part of his life and Mourns love he’s never had.
(Songs: Half-Decade Hangover By Will Wood, Cover this song By Will Wood and The Tape Worms)
The bathroom light shines in his eyes. The bottle in his hand is smooth and cold to the touch. The feeling of warm tears on his face and the soft knocking on the door. The fan in the bathroom buzzes above him.
His mind is fuzzy with liquor, his face is wet with tears. Two days of fighting, yelling and crying. He had done it, he broke up with Grian. Now he lays here in a bathtub, slowly washing away the rough feeling of hands on him.
He sighs and looks at the bottle in his hand. It hangs lazily over the tub he lays in and brings it to his lips. Soft kisses were placed on his cheek and the tears on his face drown out the feeling of lips.
He lets himself think of all of the times when maybe even a little, Grian truly loved him. But he didn’t. Poor, pathetic Scar had wasted a whole year of his life. He doesn’t have any recollection of what he has done throughout this year. Only the constant feeling of pleasure and pain, a bottle in hand as he washed everything away.
He wasted so much of his life on one man, who didn’t even love him back. He wonders how he didn’t die. (not as if he was a survivor it was more like dumb luck.)
He spent so many nights in this apartment, drinking his sorrows and days away like it was nothing. An ugly feeling fills Scar's stomach, it slowly moves up to his chest and makes it out of his throat. A wet sob leaves his mouth.
His heart aches, and his eyes hurt. Scar quickly puts the bottle between his legs. He pulls his arms close to his chest and cries.
Yet, after all those months of crying, arguing, cheating, and drinking. He still loves Grian. But Grian is no longer his. Grian never was his. Scar begged Grian every night for him to stay a little longer even if they were fighting. He begged Grian to love him one more time. But how could he even ask Grian for that If he never loved him from the beginning.
Scars sobs echoed throughout the bathroom. Why did he ever believe Grian loved him? Soft lips melt into his and He brings the bottle up to his lips again, the liquor slowly moves past his lips and down his throat. Hands find their way onto his chest, but the burn of the liquor distracts him.
Foolish of him to think Grian ever loved him. He wished Grian turned into someone who could never love him again but he didn’t, Grian just didn’t love him from the beginning. That hurt more.
He takes another swig from the bottle.‘You just don’t love me. Why don’t you love me?’
He did everything to get Grian back into his arms for one last time but each time he tried Grian always left.
He use to think it was his fault, maybe he was too neglectful or he wasn’t paying enough attention to Grian. Maybe he had changed, he tried to be who he thought Grian wanted him to be but it was never enough. But in reality, it was both of their faults and they both never saw each other's true selves.
His throat felt raw and burned with alcohol. His eyes hurt and his cheeks were wet with hot tears. His clothes are uncomfortable and reek of alcohol. His heart hurts and is heavy in his chest. He lets out quiet whimpers and there is a body behind his back, their chest pressed against his back. Their hands get lower and Scar wishes for the first time that he wasn't Grian soulmate.
He hugged himself, he let his nails dig into his skin. Maybe if he made Grian feel the same pain he felt all of this would stop. The hands stopped moving, he sighs in relief.
There is talking on the other side of the door. The clanking of keys hit the bathroom doorknob. The door opens with a quiet creek, and Scar quickly wipes the tears off his face. He looks up at the door to find a familiar suit in the doorway. “Hey, Scar you alright?”
(Extra: Grian and Scar's relationship was somewhat rushed. The result of that was Grian realizing he never loved Scar from the beginning and Scar never really knowing who Grian was as a person)
(Scar has sat in his bathroom and Repeated this question ,over and over again. ‘You just don’t love me. Why don’t you love me?’)
-AAA anon, This is just Scar's messy feeling and Mumbo checking up on Scar. also the last Part! (Sorry for any bad, phrasing or grammar. I was having a difficult time with the transitions) But I think it’s pretty good!
I love this story, au so much qoq I have ideas of my own for it- god i wanna write for it. If that's OK when I eventually start writing again quq
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bluiex · 2 years
What you need not what you want
You gave me a tiny taste Of your truth
I was starved
And you were full (Everyday by Modern Baseball)
Warning: Unwanted Sex, over drinking
Scar wanted him, but Grian just didn’t want him back. So Grian found other ways of satisfying his wants. But Scar was starved. Starved for the love he needed wanted from Grian. So Scar found other ways of numbing satisfying his needs wants.
“Mumbo I’m fine~ I’m not even drunk.”Scar was very obviously drunk. His cheeks flushed and his nose red. He stumbles a bit, but Mumbo quickly catches him.
“Mate, you’re not fine, you can barely walk. What have I and Cub told you about drinking more than you can handle.” Scar’s arm is slung over Mumbo's shoulders. He only shrugs, a frown grows on his face and Mumbo sighs.
The street lights flicker and shine dimly above them. Mumbo’s ears were red from the cool air of the night. They were a couple of blocks away from his car. He tugs Scar closer to him.
“We’re not doing this to hurt you, I’m sorry for getting frustrated with you. But we’re worried about you Scar, you can’t keep doing this to yourself every night.” Mumbo looks down at Scar. He was a wreck, there were tear stains on his cheeks. His eyes were puffy and pink with black bags underneath them.
Scar reeked of alcohol. (He has not washed his clothes in a few weeks)
Scar shuffles a bit under his glaze. “I know. I’m sorry.” Scar looks at the floor, and he starts to tear up. Mumbo pulls him into a hug. “Come on, let’s get you home and I’ll call Cub.” Scar nods and shoves his face into his chest. Mumbo lays his head on top of Scars head and holds him tight. Scar can still feel someone else’s hands on him.
(In Scars and Grians apartment living room)
“Ok, I’ll do it.” Scar is looking at the floor, the world spins as hands hug him from behind. His elbows are on his knees as he listens to Cub talk. This was the 5th time Mumbo had to call Cub to try and convince him to break up with Grian. Mumbo says it’s so they can get him to stop drinking but Scar knows he is lying, Mumbo was never a great liar.
But he knew that they did want him to stop drinking, getting him to break up with Grian was just the first step.
“You said that last time, and here I am getting another call about you getting drunk at a bar, again.” Cub looks at him, his eyes bearing holes into Scar. “You can’t just keep wasting your life like this Scar.” Scar flinches at Cubs tone and in that moment Cub wished he had killed Grian when he had the chance to.
His voice becomes softer as he continues to talk. “I know I won’t fully understand, but you have to understand that you can’t keep doing this to yourself. It’s not healthy for you mentally or physically. I can only do some much.” Scar nods. Cub wishes that Scar would actually take his advice.
“I hate seeing you like this Scar. It’s no longer what you want to do, it’s what you need to do.” Scar looks up at Cub. “You have to break up with him Scar, you can’t let him do this to you.” Scar's face twists into an emotion that Cub is far too familiar with now.
“Cub, I can’t just leave my soulmat-“ Cub cuts off Scar before he could finish. "Scar, No." Cub grabs his hand and holds it tight. “Promise me. Promise me you’ll break up with him.” He slowly pulls Scar closer to him “Please, do it for me?” Cub begs. Cub doesn’t beg.
Cub hates seeing Scar like this, he wants his old Scar back.
Scar feels guilty for not listening to Cub and Mumbo, they’ve done so much for him. They give him so many chances to change and choose a better path, but he never does. Maybe this time he will. He wanted to make it up to them.
Scar lets his head rest on Cub's shoulder and he nods. “I’ll do it. I promise. I’ll break up with Grian.” Hips meet His, he holds Cub tighter.
(Extra: Scar always feels sick, hands are always on him and a bottle of liquor is always in his hand. He wants to cry but can’t, all he can do is lay there. His throat is always tight when he is around Grian, he wishes he would confront him but he doesn’t. Scar feels like an unwanted child. Hopeless and loveless. He something that no one should love.)
(He sort of felt like a helpless child who couldn’t fix their actions. Maybe because they were unwanted. Or maybe all of this is just not his fault.)
-AAA anon, Cub does not like Grian. The bathtub scene is the next and last scene. (Also my thoughts on why Grian cheated, If you want them) Technically in my AU Cub and Scar are brothers and Cub has some strong opinions on Grian. (Sorry for any bad grammar phrasing.)
*holds this scar tightly and cries* I wanna protect him- ough I love this. Your writing is SO good dude WAAAH I need more of this qoq
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bluiex · 2 years
Mumbo didn’t find out from Scar about Grian’s cheating. But from Bdubs. Who couldn’t stay silent about it.
Grian tries to talk to Mumbo about it. Coming up with any excuse. That he just missed him. And Scar was also being a problems. And it wasn’t anything serious.
But Mumbo pushes him away “Don’t you dare touch me!” He snaps “don’t touch me ever again!”
Hurt is on his face “Scar might be hard to deal with Grian. Might have not wanted to be soulmates. But you’re the one who wanted him to stay away from you in life games! He didn’t deserve to be cheated on! I’d didn’t deserve this!”
He’s crying now, he feels disgusted “You lied to me! You tan back into my arms and kissed me when those lips have touched someone else’s! Your hands have been on his body! For all I know you could have had sex with BigB!” He sobs out.
Grian is shocked stepping forward “no it isn’t like that- I love you I do! I level missed you!”
“But do you still love Scar? Because I still love him.” Mumbo glares taking a step back as he sees Grian’s expression. Then shakes his head “Grian, leave, I don’t want to be around you right now…”
“Mumbo please, it’s complicated between me and Scar but I promise BigB is gre-“
“I DON’T WANT HIM GRIAN! I don’t love BigB! I loved you I love Scar!” Mumbo shouted with tears “if all your thinking about is trying to get me to dump Scar for BigB, then get out now!”
Silence rang as Grian looked like he regrets what he said. Then he quickly runs out. Mumbo knows he’s crying… but he can’t bring it in him to go comfort at traitor.
WAAAAH *cries in the corner of my cage* /pos
Mumbo being caught in the middle of the whole mess just- Hhnngngnh just good angst- I lvoe this sm
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bluiex · 2 years
The anon who made that follow-up thank you(You read my mind), I loved it! I was planning on sharing some sad scenes of Scar and then a follow-up. Where Scar and Mumbo getting together(Due to Mumbo helping him heal) but as I said I was having some difficulties. So! if you would like you can take the honor of being the happy ending to my sad idea (because I love your Idea it’s better then what I had in mind)
(I was thinking) Mumbo for a while thought Scar and Grian were Having random relationship issues until he went to go visit Scar. And found him drunk and crying in a tub after him and Grians break up. Of course Mumbo help him and they start to grow closer.
-AAA anon, also a topic that will pop up a lot when I share my scenes is that Scar is what Grian needs not what he wants. I’ve been busy so it might take a while (I have like four planed out)
OUGH YEAH please do Share your parts AAA, im a sucker for the sad (as we all shld kno by now) but ykno /nf and if you do take your time with it! no need to rush it :) we can all wait :D
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bluiex · 2 years
I’m just saying Mumbo would possibly call Grian selfish for not telling him. Because Mumbo loves Scar too, but to hear Grian broke their trust. And didn’t tell him!
How could someone be so cold and cruel? To want him still but… “Grian I love Scar too! I’m not gonna just leave him because you’re the one who cheated!”
Grian possibly might beg Mumbo to reconsider. That he is sorry. That he loves him.
“But do you love Scar? Do you still love him? Because I still do.”
And Grian is just staring at him.
Mumbo shakes his head “Gri, I’m not the one you need to be fully apologizing to.” He told him in a cold tone as he turns away. “I… I need to be alone.”
YEAH YES Mumbo rightly is very upset over it And Grian will go and apologize to Scar, and he does mean it, he is sorry.. Scar accepts it but they need to have a serious talk about their relationship with Mumbo
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bluiex · 2 years
I had an idea of double life angst but with mumscarian.Where Scar and Grian are arguing over Grian's cheating and they're yelling at each other, but the conversation isn't going anywhere until Scar is so overcome with rage and guilt and pain that he just bursts out
"Well what about Mumbo?!"
Because the three of them were together,until Mumbo went on a break and Grian was practically going through withdrawal symptoms,and Scar thought that the new life game would take Grian's mind off of Mumbo.But then he went ahead and cheated on them,with no regards for Scar,his soulmate,or their other partner,who wasn't even here to witness this or to fight for a relationship that he didn't even know was deteriorating.
Scar is hurt by Grian's actions,sure,but he's more hurt because after the double life,they stopped talking,but Grian was still overjoyed at Mumbo's return,kissing him and holding him tight,pretending like he hadn't broken their trust in the name of a stupid game.
Scar is more hurt by the fact that Grian is lying to Mumbo's face,and Scar loves Mumbo too much to stand for that.
Oh god... imagine if Mumbo over heard them arguing at one point too specifically when he yells out the what about Mumbo and that's when Mumbo comes in all confused and conserned, and a little scared whats going on-
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bluiex · 2 years
(Warning: Drinking, I’m talkative today) modern-day soulmates, but after Scar learns that Grian is cheating on him he turns to drinking whenever he can feel/knows Grian is cheating on him with BigB again. They break up after a year of this happening.
I think after their break up, Scar would be laying in a bathtub, liquor in hand. The warm feeling of tears on his face and the soft knocking on the door. There is talking on the other side of the door, its probably Mumbo,Bdubs and Cub. His Mind fuzzy, there were hands running up and down his hips again. He whimpers quietly and takes another swig out of the bottle. Why did he ever believe Grian loved him?
I might write something for this just don’t know how to start it off. (Might just write a scene and how Scar feels)
-AAA anon, like all the things I write (Or come up with) it’s inspired by a song. So, ‘Everyday by modern baseball and ‘That’s our lamp’ by Mitski
Oh god.. Poor Scar... Even after breaking up he'd still feel DX PLEASE STOP BREAKING MY HEART!!!/pos
Okay but fr I'd love for you to write a thing for this.. But give me a happy ending qoq (like ykno... They break the bond somehow)
Good songs for this I agree
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