gunsatthaphan · 1 year
Doreen!!!!!! How crazy was episode 9 oh my god. Nobody else ik is watching only friends so im in agony all alone :( Idk what boeing’s going to do but it just feels like he and top are just friends?? Also Sand really doesn’t seem like the type to cheat so I’m wondering if First was referring to the SandNick kiss in that interview or did he explicitly say that he had a love scene with somebody that’s not from the main cast?? 😅
legit anon it's been 26 hours and I'm still processing lmao.
Idk what Boeing will be up to, Jojo said he will cause a big mess but idk if he's trolling lmao. I have a feeling he's not Sand's ex and even if he is, I don't think Sand will cheat either. If anything it will be a flashback maybe. But also we don't even know if the hookup will be with his ex lmao. as we now know we just made everything up in our heads 😅 it could be anyone. regarding Top I think you're right. I don't think they would ruin his redemption with yet another infidelity lmao but who knows.
And yes First said it's a non-main cast member so it can't be SandNick lol. Personally I think the Mix cameo is still on the table 🤷🏼‍♀️ fight me.
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afaroffadventure-aa · 5 years
@sithroyal​  liked  for  a  thing  !!
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         She should be USED TO people towering over her by this point, Marelle hadn’t grown any taller since she was fifteen, but that wasn’t the reason she was staring at him now.  She could have  sworn  that she knew him.  Uncharacteristically afraid to ask, Marelle just offers a small smile at first.
“If anyone asks, I was never here -- and I never ditched my guards.”  Okay, she  might  have smirked.
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starfall-isle · 6 years
when i used to play poptropica i woyld forget my stuff so i would just make a new one over and over again also ur really making me wanna play it again
Oh I did that ALL the time I’ve probably had more than 10 accounts since I’d started playing dkfhgkjfd
If you do end up playing it again I really hope you enjoy it!!! The game is so much fun ;v;
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