graythegreyt · 5 months
HAPPY VALENTINE'S DAY EVERYONE!!! Who wants ace/aro fic recommendations for Miraculous Ladybug does anyone want ace/aro fic recommendations. Who am I kidding of course you do get in here
The Ace-ing on the Cake - Sailorchibi
This one is THE Aroace Marichat fanfiction in my mind. After several encounters, Chat and Marinette come to understand that they’re both asexual, and begin to worry how their crushes will accept them knowing this. They have a lot of transparent discussions and they may find that things will work out better for them than they’d ever hoped. This one makes my heart so happy :) This author has a lot of fantastic ace works which I'll also be linking, including
Miles Above 
Aromantic Chloe! Chloe, as Queen Bee, feels a growing sense of dread at being left behind by her friends who are getting into relationships and having less time for their friendship with her. She and Ladybug have a long heartfelt talk about her fears of being abandoned. Everyone knows each other's identities in this, and Ladybug does her best to let Chloe know how much her friends value her.
And the last one by the same author: Lost Cause
Marinette is caught up in the fear that Chat Noir will hate her for wanting to pursue a relationship with Chat Noir while being aromantic, but Tikki is convinced that he’ll just be so glad that she loves him so much. Marinette’s not so sure about that, but with Adrien’s encouragement she takes a leap of faith. Aromantic Marinette!
(pockets full of) Stones - felledstar
Aroace Adrien! Adrien keeps telling his friends that Marinette is just a friend to him, but nobody seems to listen to him. Eventually, tired of not being understood, he does some research of his own and has some revelations. This one has a really valuable narrative of how it feels when people won't listen to how you describe your identity in my opinion!! Adrien isn't left hanging forever though-- his closest friends are willing to put their hearts into understanding him. Hopeful ending.
doing romance - @anna-scribbles
I would be REMISS to leave out doing romance from Annascribbles-- it’s just came out but already addresses a lot of the confusion and indeed dread from not feeling the same ways that other people seem to, for romance. Aroace Adrien struggles with feeling inadequate as a boyfriend-- how can he claim to be in love with someone if just a kiss makes him feel so off?
The Hearts of Monsters - @ladyofcreation (and also the whole Heroes with the Faces of Monsters series honestly.)
This is an alternate universe where the miraculous transform the holders into what are, essentially, monsters-- Mari becomes a huge ladybug creature complete with mandibles and two pairs of arms, and Adrien becomes a cat creature with warped limbs and sharp teeth. While our two heroes aren’t interested in one another romantically, they find that they treasure and love eachother deeply, and that’s enough for them- it’s always been enough. Highly recommend the rest of the series as well!
Honorable mentions (stories that aren't ace but do fit the spirit in my credited opinion. They're also just a real kick to read):
Tangled Ribbons and off book by @sadrien
These two stories do a fantastic job in establishing deep friendships in the characters before they begin to harbour honest romantic intentions, which reads so nicely to me and is also just so so beautiful. Highly recommend either of these!
Boys get Dresses, Girls get Suits - @dragonchris
This one’s a gen story and not focused on romance- instead, Alix tackles gender roles in the school, and her class has her back. Very fun!
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coccolithophore · 7 months
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✨💭 a nightmare a dream a fairytale 💭✨
some concept art i did for my npc atlas and their relationship w my gf’s character anya like… 393893 years ago
anya @threeofswords
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cardboardramen · 4 months
maybe i should take my tablet to uni and just draw there,,,,,,
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plasticsandwich · 1 year
i need everyone to cheer for me so bad this coming week pray for me lest i haunt you from my grave
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*shaking violently*
Mcr show in 2024
Mcr show in 2024
Mcr show in 2024
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perfavor · 1 year
her şeye ok ama sesime edilen iltifatlara ÇOK şaşırıyorum beni gerçekten çok seven insanlar bile dürüstçe sesimin kötü olduğunu söylüyorlar
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eldelasuerte · 17 days
what do u think bugs' parents were like? Considering we got some brief insight on Daffy's parents in tlts, i wonder how bugs' parents treated him?
Probably like this
Yeah tough love, following the story of "whats up doc" putting him into piano lessons since he was little, that seems really pushie to me at a short age dkdn
I think they were the kind of parents that give the silent treatment when they disagree or get mad at you, i use to have the hc that he stood up to them and faced them but now that some other material has come up seems to me like the classic case of Bugs being a people pleaser, he might accept the shit of his disembodied (since weve never seen them onscreen) parents and not anyone elses... Interesting
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obscureother · 3 months
i LOVE phantom of the opera! congratulations on your clearly excellent taste, i hope he takes you on a ride on that sick ass underground gondola thing and y’all can sing some music of the night and whatnot.
wJqhsbd thx omg!! fellow phan, treasured you are. 🖤 💙
he has to keep my s/i from jumping in the lake sometimes cos theyre dumb lolol. but they do play piano or organ together <33 (even if there is only a dinky yamaha keyboard depending on how we're interacting, through me or s/i pfnd-)
thx so much for the f/o wishes tho dkdn :"0 <33 do you have a favorite phantom or phantom(s) as well? or even someone other than the phantom as your favorite :00 ??
any other phans, tell me your favorites too 👀 im on Phantom of the Opera Amino, but i dont go on there too often. the content kind of died down on there.
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pip-n-chips · 1 year
IT ISSS!! and I'm spending the beginning of it playing tears of the kingdom dkdn fun game
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thevqid · 1 year
listening to the hbs on repeat like im actually goinfcrazy
i don’t know how to do the read more thing so i just won’t tag it yet !
but when he went “if you keep asking me to mark you like that” UAUAUAUUAUQDVAVAVAHR DKDN
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rebelwhodoesntknow · 1 year
Some blockers have the option to whitelist some pages so you do get their ads. I have ecosia whitelisted, otherwise they dont get a cent dkdn. Idk about adblocker ig it must have it too, if youre interested
Honestly that may be a good idea, although I now have to completely delete this adblocker because for whatever reason it doesn’t allow you to do superscript in Google docs. Seriously.
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theskyexists · 6 years
Watched: Ocean's 8
I watched ocean's eight. It has that classic ocean's ...steady unfolding of the heist. Not really a climax. And crazy scene transitions that you do in like Adobe somethingorother. Best things:
1. the main narrative was simple but good and perfectly paced.
2. The characters were rather fun if a little flat but very crunchy and detailed.
3. It was feminist just for existing as it did (which they even lampshaded)
4. They explicitly challenged any male outrage about feminising the series with the last line.
5. Cate Blanchett played a real absolute for sure definitely EXQUISITE lesbian. And the subtext was REAL. And..it was great.
6. I actually laughed out loud multiple times and the dialogue was very snappy
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iwanfalsinfo · 7 years
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from @ibnu_mu - Kesetiaan masih ada Setidaknya menjadi cita-cita Itu sebabnya aku disini Menemanimu Kami akan selalu ada dan Setia H-7 Seri Konser Situs Budaya - Kerajaan Batak #iwanfals #konserbersihfals #oi #orangindonesia #fansfals #dksh #dkdn #serdaduiwanfals #iwanfalsfans #iwanfalsinfo #iwanfalsmania
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Crying Children
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Done whilst listening to some new (old but i just now came across them XD) fnaf songs.
App used: Medibang
Drawing tablet: XP-Pen
tools: Plastic Crayon
Fandom: Five Nights at Freddy's
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slymanner · 3 years
me a couple months ago: oh man amphibia is great i should get more into the fandom and make my tumblr amphibia themed!! it'll just be a fun new show addiction i don't expect too much to happen :)
literally blinks for a second
all my cool new besties and mutuals in addition to way too many new followers just spawning in
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mixxiw · 2 years
watched the short film with uo and po it was so nice🥺
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