#dkb teo smut
pentagonieslut · 1 year
hii!! this is my first time requesting something so sorry if its too vague, but i wanted to ask what do you think dkb's reactions would be to dry humping? appreciate your work and I'm glad to see a bb writing something on this app cause there's literally no dkb fics🥲
hi cutie ! i gotcha haha ! i put it in a headcanon type style too if that’s okay with you ! hope you like it ! <3
DKB REACTION : dry humping
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you were at a basketball game, him hugging you from behind as you stood up for the final 10 minutes
it was packed so you were already pressed up against him
him slowly bricking up is a lie- he’s been bricked up since you were looking a little too good for his liking in public. he wanted you to look the way you looked now in private
you knew it too that he was bricked..so you took it into your own hands
first pretending to stand on your tip toes to see the players
then pretending to pick something up
finally- outright going for it
his hands grabbing your waist tightly as he hisses
he moves up and down against you, letting out the tiniest whine
“fuck if we weren’t going to an after party i’d rip your clothes off right now”
he can’t hide it so he has to change clothes into bigger ones
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you guys were watching a movie
you were desperate to have some attention since he just revoked your punishment from testing him two weeks ago
deciding the movie was a good time to try to get some action, you moved
you turned around to koala bear hug him and play a ‘im tired’ card
he thought nothing of it and started stroking your back gently to lull you to sleep
moving your hips, he froze and glanced at you quickly thinking you were just joking
when you continued on he got what you were trying to do and let you continue
“babydoll if you wanted me to help you feel something, you should’ve asked”
he lifted his hips up as if to thrust into you causing you to whimper from his action
he just continues watching the movie and let’s you help yourself- his motto:
want it? work for it.
once you grinded harder down against him, continuing to make yourself get off
“did you finish princess? good girl, now let’s clean up this mess hm?”
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(his fucking arms,, i want him to choke me like he hates me with a burning passion)
you were doing the take me down dance that he created, preparing to do a dance video to it
both of you have the hots for each other but he doesn’t know how to ask you out since you’ve got the powerful aura that makes everyone bite their lips
you were wearing shorts since you’ve been practicing all day and just a sports bra
part of the choreography had you hovering above him- just a couple of inches above him
couldn’t stand the fact he was unintentionally be teased
your legs started hurting and you ended up sitting on top of him
which he was okay with
continuing to dance that part, you grinding on him as you only have a sly smile through the mirror
the loudest groan leaves his mouth
you both forget about the dance and he smashes his lips against yours as you continue grinding on him
once you stop and get off him as to not get in trouble, you wink at him and disappear for a ‘break’
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with him i highly doubt you’ll even dry hump
like deadass
wooyoung’s little brother frfr
as soon as he started
he’d stop and just fuck you then and there
please when he danced to PTSD
has the prettiest whines i bet
but tease him enough, he might just show you why he’s the head choreographer
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this is unintentional but
you were all in the car
they wanted to take you to this luxe studio they rented since it reminded you of the one you have back home
you were sitting in his lap, the road being bumpy
you planted yourself as hard as you could against him
the bouncing didn’t help the fact that every twist and turn you were grinding on his throbbing cock
whispers into your ear
“please try to hold onto something that will give you stability and not make you move”
his face was red because he was with his members
they wont let him live it down
his moans were about to burst through his throat
only wished for it all to end
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you were at the pool in the middle of the night
he had his eyes closed as he relaxed and listened to the music coming from the speaker
sneaking onto the daybed next to him
you grin and rather than hump him, you lick a stripe up his cock
simulating that you were sucking him off
you suck and he opens his eyes and moans
he’s pretty but that moan is prettier
lemme stop before my thoughts win
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y’all were sleeping
then it got hot
so you started moving whilst in his iron bear hug
he woke up because you were moving way too damn much
hearing your whines turned him on and he bricked up
“b-baby please? stop moving? let me sleep?”
he forced you awake and gave the cutest smile that had the scariest meaning behind it
sheepish apology
can’t recover so he dances away
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he’s so soft my heart 🥺
he’d be sort of surprised that you even asked him
this boy just smiled and says sure
you take it slow
the tiniest sound made by someone else besides the two of you makes him freeze
he’ll help you or try to make you feel good
might even pull something out his ass that yuta aniki taught him
he laughs at your whines and smiles softly
encourages you to do it as many times you like
he might even get handsy and do something for you instead
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“right now? for real?”
“hyungs are going to come in soon”
“try it”
sitting in his lap on the dance floor
under the guise of finding a comfortable position
he moans out loud once
then chokes and turns red
keeps his head down
notices his precum showing
gets shy
is shocked that he can’t combat nor tease anymore
all because he’s chokeheld by you
now he wants to just go to his room and screw you until you black out
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lilyrennifer · 1 year
Always feel free to request! 😁
Please click HERE before you do for more information! Thank you! 🥰
🤭 Teo
Nothing So Far
Nothing So Far
🙄 GK
Nothing So Far
🤫 Heechan
Nothing So Far
Nothing So Far
Nothing So Far
🤔 Harry-June
Nothing So Far
🤗 Lune
Nothing So Far
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cheekykpopsmut · 1 year
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Teo, my love. I actually met him, and those arms were wrapped around me. I hugged him so tight! He asked for it and I held on as long as I could without security being called. lol
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gm--requests · 2 years
My Baby - Hard Daddy Dom! - Teo
g e n r e - s m u t. fluffy end
w a r n i n g s - hard dom teo, daddy kink, creampie, heavy degradation, spanking (ass & pwadussy), fingering, light praise, squirting, illusion to pre-existing relationship, soft ending, pet names (princess, baby, etc), dumbification, brief mention of gag usage, drooling/spit, crying, fucking on the floor the entire time, hair pulling   
o r i g i n a l  c o n t e n t - i did write this
w o r d s - 1,654
r e q u e s t s - closed
a / n - self indulgent. please know that this is not about infantilization and more about the dependency upon a dom. anyways this is written with a plus-size reader in mind. anyone, of course, can read it, and i highly encourage it because i worked hard on this piece, but there needs to be a common understanding that there will be no dramatic throwing of anyone through a wall or anything lmao. like the plus-size community is hella underrated and i hope that i do all my babies justice. also please leave feedback if you have any. also please do not engage in unprotected sex unless you are in a long term relationship with a trustworthy partner.  that being said please enjoy sex as much as you want with the use of aforementioned protection!
“Are you my baby?” Teo questions with a sly smile, his eyes dark and pupils blown with lust. His grip on your jaw pushing the bunched up fabric of your gag, into the sides of your cheeks. You wouldn’t be surprised if they were forming small bruises. 
You look up at him with glossy eyes, your chin covered in your spit. You sniffle and stare at him with pleading eyes. He shakes your head a bit, “Anybody in there?” His voice condescending, “C’mon princess, Daddy asked you a question. Are. you. my. baby?” 
A small, pitiful whine leaves your mouth and he tsks, “Haven’t I broken you enough for you to behave? I thought you were supposed to be my good little girl.” 
“Yessir,” you slur in a hoarse whisper that is muffled against the gag. The thought of him genuinely being disappointed and thinking you were a bad girl, pushing you to speak, “I’m Daddy’s baby.” 
He removes his hand from your face and flashes his bright smile at you, but it doesn’t quite meet the corner of his eyes, “Oh, so you are Daddy’s baby, huh? My good little girl? That means I don’t have to punish you anymore, right?” 
You nod frantically, shifting on your sore knees. The speed of your answer makes him chuckle, but the soft sentiment is cut short. His chuckles stop as his hand curls into the hair at the nape of your neck, yanking your head back. A yelp loud enough to reverberate against the fabric in your mouth, leaves you as the pain sets in and spreads. 
“Even if you are my sweet and well-behaved baby, I’m going to fuck you like the whore I know you are. Try and keep it down, alright?”
Your eyes well up with tears again as he moves behind you and unties the gag, only to immediately shove your head down against the cool faux wood of the floor. As your soft cheek smooshes against the cool ground, he watches gentle sobs wrack your body, making his voice soften. 
“Colour?” he questions, the grip he has on your hair loosening.
“G-green.” You whimper. 
“Are you sure, baby?” His tone slightly worried.
“P-please!” You cry out and his smile returns, his hands coming to grab at the fat of your ass. 
“You really are such a pretty little slut for me, huh?” He hisses out through gritted teeth as his hand comes down hard across your ass. The action makes you scream out, body lurching forward at the force. Without giving you time to recover his hand is coming down again and again. After the first couple of hits, Teo digs his fingers into the flesh of your ass, spreading your cheeks apart to get a better look at your pussy. He watches with a smirk tugging at his lips as your dripping hole flutters around nothing. 
When he spits thickly on to your slit, you almost grimace at the lewdness of it. The spit cools and makes your entire body twitch a bit.  He doesn’t give you too much time to think about it as he shoves two fingers in your painfully empty cunt. 
Instantly your legs begin to shake, the much needed pleasure making your sobs louder. Teo laughs behind you, but it's lost its condescending twinge, "Does that feel good baby? Is this what you needed?" 
You nod awkwardly, weakly, your face still pressed into the floor, "Please Daddy, m-more, please, please, pl-" 
He stops your miserly pleas with the addition of a third finger and a hard yank of your hair, forcing your head up from the floor, "Don't push your luck, baby." 
All you can do is continue to cry out, doing your best to push against his fingers, hoping to get them to reach the parts of you that only his cock can. However, he doesn't let you do this for long. 
"You're misbehaving," he hisses, removing his fingers and slapping at your pussy, the sting sharp. Your face is once again smooshed into the ground as his hand connects again, this time the force being applied to your clit. Your entire body jumps forwards at the feeling, drool pooling beneath your open mouth onto the floor. 
"Are you going to apologize for that or are you just going to act like a whore? I mean who enjoys being treated like this? You're supposed to be my good baby, when did I make you such a needy bitch, hmm?"
You can barely think straight, his words managing to hurt your feelings while also turning you on more. Teo laughs dryly at the incoherent mumbles leaving your mouth. 
"I suppose," he speaks as he works to remove his boxers and press his tip against your entrance, "Daddy'll just be forced to fuck some sense into you." 
He makes good on his statement, pushing his full length into you harshly. Your lips part in a silent scream, his low groan almost echoing in the quiet. 
"S-shit," he huffs as he sets his brutal pace. Your hands balled into fists on either side of your head as he fucks into you like an animal. Your moans coming out as broken cries as he fills you over and over again. His large hands dig into your soft hips as he holds them up, "C’mon baby, what happened to all the pathetic pining you were doing earlier." It isn't really a question, but you try and answer anyway.
"Hhh I, I-" you do your best but your first orgasm is building too fast and your thoughts are too scattered for you to grasp onto anything cognitive. 
Teo folds his muscular body over your soft one, one hand still holding your hip, the other reaching around you so he can press his fingers to your sensitive bundle of nerves. The second he applies any pressure you wail in pleasure, your eyes roll back, as his ministrations quickly become too much to handle. His fingers circle your clit maybe four times before you feel your body seizing. Teo sucks air sharply between his teeth as you clamp down around him. He fucks you through the first orgasm and when you start to pull away he just laughs bringing his hand from its previous actions to grip your hips once again. He fucks you with so much force you swear you can feel him in your stomach. 
As you beg him to stop, he scoffs, "Isn't this what you wanted? To be used and fucked like this? Take it then, yeah?" 
Fresh tears stream down your face as he forces your hips back to meet each of his thrusts. Drool smears across your face and the floor as he humps into you. The overstimulation and feeling of him so deep are starting to bring pain. The soreness mixing with the blinding amounts of pleasure is starting to cause the pressure in your lower abdomen to return. Teo doesn't miss a beat. 
"Again? Already? I didn't know my sweet little baby would love being taken forcefully this much." His voice a bit strained, but his pace never breaking. His grip turning harder, your skin stinging underneath each finger, "You look so pretty and pathetic crying and drooling all over yourself like this baby. Daddy making ya feel good? Gonna cum for me again? C’mon baby, wanna feel it one more time, then I'll fill you up real good okay?" 
"Please D-daddy," you hiccup, "I- I'm gonna-" is your only warning before you begin squirting around him. Teo pulls out and brings his hand to your clit again, his dick twitching as you messily cover him in your release. 
His voice his low as he whispers into your ear, "What a good fucking girl, making such a mess for Daddy. You make me so proud baby."
Your body twitches in the aftershocks, but you manage to hum at him happily.
"Do you want Daddy to cum in you or do you wanna be cleaned up, princess?" 
"I-in me, please," you mewl, eyes pleading and voice small. 
A soft, genuine smile falls across his lips, "Alright baby, I'll be really gentle okay?"
Teo sits on the hardwood floor, back up against the foot of the bed, and watches as you meekly crawl towards him. He helps you straddle him, your plush thighs pushing into either side of him, as he slowly helps you slide down his length. 
"You just sit here pretty girl, Daddy'll do all the work, m'kay?"
You nod and wrap your arms loosely around his shoulders, burying your head into the crook of his neck and he slowly fucks into you. His arms flexing as he guides your soft and pliant body up and down his length. He makes sure you hear each of his moans, quiet and just for you. 
"M-my precious baby. You did so good for me and now you're letting me fuck you like this." He chokes out over the pleasure. Your soft whimpers helping to bring him closer and closer to his end. "I never wanna stop fucking you. You just feel so good. I'm g-gonna cum soon. F-ffuck princess, feel so good." 
His words and the feeling of him in this more intimate way make it hard for you not to clench and flutter around him, even if your spent state. 
"Hah- hhhuh- fuck I'm- fuck baby," is all he manages before his languid thrusts stop, his hips pressed fully against you, as he empties inside of you. His arms wrapping around your squishy body, as he holds you tightly to him. His mouth leaves breathy, wet kisses on your shoulders and neck. 
"Thank you princess," he mumbles as he holds you, "Are you feeling okay? Was that what you wanted?" 
"Mhm," you sniffle, "thank you Daddy." 
You can feel him smile, "of course, anything for my baby. Now," he preens, "let's go get you cleaned up."
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floriwoo · 3 years
im so sorry for all of the stuff ive sent in but what would dkbs reactions be when you randomly ask to suck them off? (🍗)
noooo don’t be sorry i love writing about dkb they’re one of my faves rn ♥️
(also i wasn’t exactly sure if people would be comfortable with me writing about yuku even though he’s legal so just let me know how you feel about that please!)
honestly i see him as the type to tell you beforehand that he’d never turn down a blow job so you knew what to expect
even though you initiated it, he would take control pretty quickly
he’d have you lay on your back while he fucks your throat so he can see how your neck bulges
the whole time he’d be praising you and telling you how good you are being for him
he’d definitely take care of you afterward too
please he’d be so flustered
like i can picture his wide eyes and how his ears would turn red
he’d be sort of apprehensive at first but he couldn’t control the blood rushing down to his dick
he’d mumble a response that you couldn’t hear. you’d be like “huh?” and then he’d say “yes, please” all shyly
you’d sit in his lap and make out with him to make him relax before pulling his pants down and getting to work
the silence that would follow after you randomly asked to suck him off....
like it would turn him on but he’d be so speechless
it’d take a while for him to gather his thoughts and respond, and for a second you would worry that you were too bold
but then he’d be like “i guess i can’t turn down an offer like that”
okay but i’m imagining him making little “hm” noises as you run your tongue over his cock
instantly puts him in sub space like,,,
he’d be so excited that you think of him in that way without even being prompted that his heart would start racing and he’d let you take the reins
you tracing your fingers down his body would drive him crazy, and the way you’d grip his hips to pull him closer to the edge of the couch would make him feel so small
his speaking voice alone is so sexy that i Know this man’s moans would be so hot i need to take a deep breath
the ways his thighs would buck up when you first lick the tip of his cock skcjvjdk
this little shit
you saying that makes his ego 100 times bigger
like he knows he’s hot but you asking him that out of the blue really boosts his confidence
probably would wanna make it a competition
like you’d both give each other head and whoever cums faster has to pay for dinner
he would definitely lose and be like “best two out of three?”
he bursts out laughing at first because he thinks you’re kidding
but then when he sees your expression he realizes you’re serious and raises an eyebrow
“damn, you’re that horny?”
literally almost makes you leave the room because of how much shit he gives you
doesn’t change the fact that soon his cock is in your mouth and he’s whining your name
stone face vibes
like no expression on the outside but inside he is freaking out
he’ll say “i mean, if you really want to” while his brain is like “oh my god that’s so hot asdfhfkfbc”
you run your hands up and down his thighs before sinking to your knees in front of him
he lowkey doesn’t know what do with his hands. he keeps switching between resting them on his legs and putting them behind his head until you literally grab his wrist and put his hand in your hair lol
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pentagonieslut · 11 months
s/o being naked for the first time
gn!reader (except yuku is female due to scenario)
requested by 🐇 anon !!
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so cute, he's happy that you decided to strip in front of him
..not really. he purposely walked in to watch you get naked
licking his lips like he's dehydrated
"so. since i already saw you in just skin, can i hit?"
you're so mad at him, you ignore him for a week
"baby please forgive me"
chocolates and a card that begs for sex
don't judge. him, jeongsik, and changmin will be in the stu for the next comeback so he needs something
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you didn't realize he was in the shower
so you walked in ass naked
he heard the door open and looked up
smiling so mf hard, his jaw might break
"baby, i'm in here! wanna join?"
you were cold so you didn't care at this point
"sorry love, didn't know."
"don't worry, i didn't see anything"
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he was working out like usual and glanced up to see you staring into space whilst eating chips
you were in his zip up hoodie he bought since he was obsessed with oversized clothing
also thought he would be a comedian and hide only your underwear
standing in front of you, he placed a kiss on your nose
"oops. looks like the button is broken..let me eat you"
pushing him away in annoyed
he pushes you down and chris brown's 'take you down' plays in the background like a sitcom
get comfy on the counter; he loves your bodyline
gwang hyun
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chicken eating competition
your robe was slipping off slowly
you didn't notice it until you finished both boxes
gwang hyun still had the first leg in his hand
"god you're beautiful-- i mean a beast. shit!"
has to walk away to cool down
comes back and stares at you
"your sexy level reached infinite level"
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"i- sorry- go ahead"
you laughed and allowed him in
the sex fiend was so shy
finds the stocks article interesting when he hates looking at it
sings a random ass song
"why so shy?"
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sleeping but opened one eye when he heard you get out of bed
noticed you changing quickly and his brow raised unintentionally
decides to question it when he's fully awake
thinks your ass looks good and wonders how it'll bounce
straight fucking liar
"did you leave for work? i was out cold"
lewd dreams not barbie dreamz
he'll get you by surprise though don't worry
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he's technically already seen you naked
bear hugs you and whispers
"let's do it before i have to go to dance"
and so, you do it
he praises your body and coos
can't stop touching you
soft skin, his favourite
became feral and is willing to skip dance
you force him away after a while and struggle to close the door before you really can't make it to work yourself
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lowkey mad you didn't tell him about the photoshoot
you both were doing sexy modern traditional kimono shoot
your kimono was showing a lot of shoulder and even a slight peek of your chest
in changing room, you changed into the other one and applied more lipstick and perfume
"please don't let anyone take more photos of your boobs except me"
defiant and lowers both sleeves of the kimono halfway down your arms
so sexy oh wow (BRAVE please let DKB do the sexiest of sexy concepts i'm begging you. like full on horny at first scene bbs, abs, muscles, backs, tongues, choreographed sex, sweating, in song moaning, so hot international bbs are the only ones able to watch the mv, i will even buy all versions of the album and only listen to just that specific album for the rest of the year, dilf core, bimbo core bbs, ass shaking, sugar daddy x sugar baby au)
harry june
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bath time oishii-kunare
busts in and is ready to jump in
shrieks in slight shock
"sorry! i'll come back!"
slams door before you can even invite him
too bad
could've gotten sucked
comes back in
"let me join you"
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pentagonieslut · 1 year
ahhh i'm finally finding a dkb blog + who's taking nsfw !! in your opinion, what are each members biggest kink?
can i be 🎸 anon?
of course you can ! nice to meet you 🎸 anon !
one / two sentence thoughts included so no cut lol
harry june: kigurumi joi
the thought of you dressing up as one of his favourite anime characters like erza from fairytale as you lay across the couch and pretend to clean your sword- nonchalantly instructing him to slowly orgasm.
yuku: corruption
call it cliche or what you want but this cute lil sun right here?? he’s the fucking moon when he gets down to business and you let him corrupt you in role play.
junseo: size
talk shit. do it fr- he’s a fucking giant and you’re fucking tiny. imagine the way he just engulfs you and makes you belly bulge everytime he’s fully inside.
lune: narratophilia sensationphilia
interactive storytelling with this man narrating as he tells you how elsa was really born (sorry children), dragging an ice cube across your collarbone oh so gently.
GK: voice
his deep voice, GWORL PLEASE HES IN THE ‘VOICE THAT ROTS IN THE BACK OF YOUR BRAIN GANG’. he loves the way his voice sounds when it gets deep and sensual, speaking lowly into your ear as your voice only gives a squeak or whine.
heechan: orgasm play n denial whilst watching katotropnophilia and edging
long one yes i know but he’s jus so kinky i couldn’t help it. he literally reminds me of wooyoung in every way possible- watching you get close to your orgasm and then leaving you be by pulling out so fast you’re shaking and crying to be filled just to cum.
teo: muscular merinthophilia
let’s say it all together children!! that’s right. choking, muscles, katotropnophilia, he’s got the same things and wants more.
D1: temperatured ice
the coldness of his tongue on your chest as the last of the ice melts, he smiles at how he feels your goosebumps and hugs you to let you feel his warmth.
echan: praise frfr
as papa leader, it’s his job to praise his members and he praises you the same exact way. when you do good.
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pentagonieslut · 9 months
you’re a whore thigh riding DKB ✨
hard dom, aggression, mean, bully, dkb treating you like a whore, my protest for the horniest DKB comeback, please send DKB on tour in the US so i can be front row and go backstage to fuck yuku n changmin like a good whore, i’ll be their sex relief for the rest of their time as idols, will marry one of them with no complaints, will birth mini DKB, won’t say shit on the internet that they all have one baby mama, won’t bang on the door to demand my child support (like i really fucking should with their fine asses), will sit there looking pretty, can be sex relief every tour, dongil and changmin will be taken care of properly during album production, want me out of sight out of mind can happily do it as long as they know they have a kid, my other cute little bb whores here will also imagine being helpless on heechan or junseo’s thigh. because i know you are being a huge whore right now. how cute you are.
got you. how eager you must’ve been.
patient b-whores. <3
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pentagonieslut · 1 year
Who do you think in DKB would be a sub or a dom or a switch
it’s a good mix of both but if i’m being honest, i feel like they’d all be switches.
i see D1 as a switch (sub lean) because he’s head leader / mama leader. he’s got 8 other kids, plays a director role in the team, and has to be collected at all times if echan is down. sometimes he jus wants to be taken care of and babied too. whether in bed or not.
echan has a dom lean and he’ll still dom even when he’s tired. it’s his way of relaxing when he doms and has you tied up to the point you can’t move and he dubs you his sex doll when you’re like that. he jacks off slowly to your whines and whimpers as you’re getting fucked by a dick machine, a vibrator on you, and a vibrating butt plug. don’t forget the gag ball. now if he was really tired, he’d be so subby he’s whining and quite literally- a baby. you massage him and coo him to sleep gently as you slowly drop down on him to cockwarm him as his eyes close and he bobs his head to the recorded audio of your soft moans (that you decided to give him as a gift for when he’s away).
teo is straight switch. he’s willing to sub for you whenever you want because he’s just that whipped. if you mention it randomly about him being tied up or putting a cock ring on him, he’s ask you if you’d want to do it right then and there or go buy it to do it as soon as you leave the mall. now if he doms, he’s got the softest domming ever because he feels like he doesn’t need to go too hard unless he is asked or pushed to his limits.
GK is more like dom lean too but soft. he’s gentle and he’s wild at the same time. the whispers or the soft compliments he’d give you. OH MY WORD. “good girl, like that.” then the next second he’s “you fucking whore, you wanted to be fucked so badly you just had to be a brat didn’t you?”
lune def is more dom. like way more than switch. if he becomes a sub or switch if he’s really stressed. maybe even if you catch him by surprise. cuff him to the bed in the middle of his sleep surprise. that’s when he’s going to laugh and get slightly nervous because he knows how you get when you dom. you’re a brand new person and you don’t hold back anything against him. as soon as he sees you and he’s cuffed to the hook on the wall with no escape, he’s going to try to bargain with you. once that fails, he braces himself for the whippings. now if he’s rage sexing??
heechan is like teo. but he would rather dom a million times more and rather than pleasure you meat to meat (jeez louise*), he’s happy to see you beg to cum on his thigh. laughing and giving an eye smile as he watches you shudder and shake- not to mention he’s entering his sadist side and when he’s too far in it takes him a while to come back. with the vibrating panties he forced on you since you two decided to sex wrestle (and you clearly lost), he was messing with the speed and strength from the app he had on his phone. “go ahead, cum for me you needy bitch.”
junseo..he’d switch but then he’d end up getting you and becoming the dom again because he’d very much use his strength and body size against you. “but you like it when you’re fucked dumb and look like an ant i Can step on.” he only smiles and says come here gently before fucking you into next year.
yuku would switch (sub lean). he’d dom and be so soft it was almost like you were innocent and not having sex whatsoever. literally you could do it in public and people would think you’re literally making out. if he’s subbing, he’s giggling shyly and watching shaking silently as he reaches his fifth orgasm of the day, begging you for more and calling you senpai in the cutest tone ever.
harry june. my mans. he’d big dick it out and he’ll prove you wrong. like thinking with my dick next level shit. even i’d get pissed off at him. but then if he subbed?? OH HO HO HO SHIT IS GOING DOWN. harry june, there’s no fairness in this sex game. grabbing him by his dick and squeezing it as he moans in pain and stands there, biting his lower lip. “come on Harry, fuck yourself against my hand. let me see how fucking cute you look rutting against it.”
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pentagonieslut · 10 months
inexperienced gk who talks like he is the most experienced person but in the bedroom , you learn otherwise
"i'm telling you man, you just gotta grab her and give her no choice!" gwanghyun said as lune chuckled awkwardly at his friend's exclamation. "what do you mean?" lune asked as gwanghyun rolled his eyes. "bro. fucking for real? get her when she's distracted. she's on the bed on her phone watching tiktok? dive right in. slip a finger or two in and play innocent or whatever. you're good at feigning ignorance." lune nodded and marked in his head to try it out.
"how many bodies do you have gwanghyun?" changmin asked from the couch, glancing away from his twitter porn timeline quickly. "for me to know and you to guess."
gwanghyun was over at your place and things got heated. teasing each other here and there. "screw me gwanghyun." you whispered in his ear as he pulled away and turned red instantly, looking away.
"what's wrong? don't want to? we don't have to." you said quickly, worry entering your voice immediately. "it's not that.." he trailed off and it clicked immediately. "oh so you front around the others?" he fidgeted as you licked your lips and grabbed his tie, yanking it towards you instantly. "well you poser, i might have to make you a gigolo."
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pentagonieslut · 1 year
hi again! im having dkb brain rot as usual and i was wondering who do you think prefers rough sex vs who prefers soft sex?
hi cutie !! late im sorry but here you go !!
idk if 18 is legal age in kr or if it’s still 20 so han harry june is excluded. if you’d like to argue abt it then refer to global news n my gtkm. /nm
soft sex:
the boys who like soft sex are because they’re gentle and it’s more their pace. going slow and gentle because it’s more romantic in their opinion and makes them feel like they’re respecting you until they know what all you like.
our rough boys are like wolves. as soon as they see you do something that’ll make them bricked, they’re right on you and attacking the neck. whispering things into your ear, not giving you chance to breathe or even process what’s happening because that want to see you shaking.
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pentagonieslut · 1 year
who do you think in dkb would have a praise kink?
def hyung line + lune + junseo
before anyone comes for me- lune is a middle son LMAO
but with hyung line:
echan would be sitting on the couch and watch you sit on the coffee table across from him. in your sexiest lingerie, smiling as he struggles to not lose the bet you made. with a shit eating grin (that usually was on his face) on YouTube face, you watch him strain so hard his neck veins pop out. “look at my cute little channie! you’re trying so hard that veins are popping out!” the groan that’s would leave his lips as he tilts his head back and has an imagination for through his head of how he wants to take you right then and there. too bad he’s frozen up because his kink has been triggered. “oh no baby, don’t look like that! you’re so good at holding back, this challenge will end in six days! then you’ll be even bigger than you already are and can fuck me all you want. remember, only you know how to make new black out.”
…he lost in ten minutes.
anyways. teo wouldn’t realize he had a praise kink until you said it one night in the middle of screwing. “god you’re amazing. please don’t stop teo.” you moaned out as he stilled for a second and got hot. after much more begging and praising him, he liked it so much.
“jeongsik, you look good tied up like this. such a pretty..needy..daddy. don’t you agree?” you’d ask him as he’s cuffed to the pull up bar he had. “p-please do more.” HED only ask quietly. you knew. “of course cutie. you look so good, i have to continue until you’re begging to be praised on how you taste.”
for d1, he’s one to like it but hate it. because of how you did it. you knew he already had the kink as one of the leaders of the group. hearing compliments make him feel good.
you were walking with him in COEX and that’s when you smiled and spoke aloud. “wow dongie, you fuck me sooo good i love the way you move!” “d1! d1! d1! dongil! dongil! dongiee! your moans are the prettiest moans ever, maybe we should let everyone know what’s it sounds like?” the shade of red he turned WOULDNT exist WHATSOEVER.
“god. let’s go home.” shaking your head, you only smiled and whispered in his ear. “my dongil, you’re so red, that whimper you just made? it’s what i expected from a cute man like you.”
lune..he’s so pretty..
it’s a battle between the two of you. he praises you because it makes you squeak at times and he loves the way you suck him off. you praise him just to make him embarrassed and try to make him lose his face and temper. he hates it when you try him in public. damn. such a shame that he was actually having a schedule in another city.
“oh the game? yeah i can play.”
“what is the name of a pig fart?”
“tonkatsu” his victory. “oh by the way lune, you look so pretty! i saw the instagram posts. you’ll look even prettier if you wear the handcuffs.”
his ears turned red and he hung as fast as he could as everyone else laughed.
junseo is big. you’re tiny.
you’d be feeling him slip into you and you’d groan because even after all this time, he’s still too big for you. “baby you’re taking me so well.” “just a little more baby. you’re doing good.” “my pretty baby. you did so well.”
i jus- SCREAMS
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pentagonieslut · 1 year
what are your thoughts on dkb with a breeding kink? 🤔😇
from now on if its okay I'm gonna be 🍄 anon!
of course cutie !! enjoy your stay in this chaos realm ! <3
okay now if i’m bein fr, i feel like that’s a secret yuku kink. like he’s going to say it in the cutest way possible too. “lemme breed you n we can have a mini dkb squad.”
we already know which boys will be so into it and want to add inflation in. there’s no words because while one might play it off as an accident, he’s secretly smiling and waiting to go again.
junseo not so much.
lune…is the one..who’s being…’breeded’
Harry..thinks with his dick so it depends.
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pentagonieslut · 1 year
okay okay okay okay
hear me out
love and leashes movie
but with…
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ahem anyways..
i shall rot in thought of it 😩
… look at you you simp. mhm. you. 👀
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pentagonieslut · 10 months
my bbs here,, who’s buying the light stick on first release n doing the first generation bb fan club thingy??
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pentagonieslut · 9 months
DKB and thigh riding? 😩
do i play nice and make it soft? mm..do i?
should i play nice?
what do you think?
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