#djx judith
renbisco · 10 months
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uh- how do i draw in fnf style again-
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Anyways, have Minus DJX Boyfriend designs (including Beta and MB)! ^^
Still thinking of names-
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pico-digital-studios · 5 months
Into, Across and Beyond! Scripting: Clashing Beliefs
Like with "X for Danger", this scene is a mini-crossover with Funkinverse by @robovoidfrog, another Spider-Verse themed crossover with beep-boop rappers.
(Agent Blueballs is owned by Malicious Bunny; this interpretation is owned by LemonDew)
During one quiet evening, Benjamin was on his way back home, quietly singing to himself.
Benjamin: 🎵 Then you're left in the dust... Unless I stuck by ya~! I'm a sunflower... I think your love would be too much! 🎵
On his way, however, he heard someone land behind him.
Benjamin: Huh?
He turned around, seeing someone with purple eyes in the shadows.
Benjamin: Who's there? You're not one of those creeps, are you?
<It's funny. I've been getting that quite a lot.>
Another iteration of Boyfriend stepped out of the shadows, albeit slightly taller, with long, dark hair, and much duller skin.
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Benjamin: Huh? Another me?
???: <And you thought you'd already seen plenty of alternate "Boyfriends" in life, Miku?>
Benjamin: Who are you, exactly? And... what happened to you for your skin to wither like that?
???: <It's classified.> *sigh* <Never mind. I'll explain it for you; I'm from another dimension.>
Benjamin: You are? Guess that explains your differences compared to me, huh?
???: <My name... is Agent Cam "Blueballs" Malicious. I run an elite strike force dedicated to protecting the multiverse from harm.>
Benjamin: Then why did you come here then, Cam? Nothing's threatening me here right now from alternate realities.
Cam: <It once did, though.>
Benjamin: W-What do you mean?
Cam: <I bore witness to the creeps that wound up in that dimension out of our usual bounds, and I've been stuck trying to get guys like them back to their dimensions before all of time and space collapses. I'm also fully aware of your little friend from a neighbouring dimension trying to mess with the space-time continuum just to disrupt HIS canon event.>
Benjamin: Canon-? Oh, great... Another Miguel-type guy.
Cam: <Urgh... And please don't get me started on the Spirit and that little time-tinkerer back on Earth-103122.>
Benjamin: I already know about circumstances from other dimensions, sheesh!
Cam: <Ugh. Got quite the attitude, I see. Well, I've not as much reason to have to be here, considering your dimension does confine to the canon points and has remained stable. Surprisingly more so than I'd expect, considering some things had changed.>
Benjamin: And? What's the point you're trying to ask?
Cam: <I was going to ask if you wanted to join my strike force. Help protect other dimensions from harm, and work alongside others like you. You can make so many new companions there, Benjamin, and I'll be there to keep you on the straight and narrow.>
Benjamin thought about it for a moment, before stepping back.
Benjamin: I'm alright with what I've got, Cam.
Cam: <You're skipping out on an opportunity like this?>
Benjamin: If I wish to interact with more "-friends" like Softie, Evan and Lexi, I can do it outside the confines of some fake utopia.
Cam: <You could be one of THE best recruits available for the job-.>
Benjamin: I'm not joining your little cult, Malicious! I've already seen the Spider-Society's failures, and you're going to make those same mistakes. I'd rather hang out with other counterparts of myself not bound to your ideals of fate.
Cam: <Benjamin, we've all wanted to live the life we wish we had, myself included. Believe me, I've tried. And the more I tried, the more damage I did. You cannot have it all, kid. Being "Boyfriend" is a sacrifice. That's the job. The job you signed up for when you dropped out of high-school. I need you to come with me, Ben.>
Benjamin (glaring): I'm. not. coming.
Cam (suddenly speaking): I wasn't asking, Miku!
Judith (DJX GF) (through comm): Hey, Cam, cool it a bit, will ya? We shouldn't be capturing every -friend we come across!
Benjamin: Y-You were intending on CAPTURING me?! You're WORSE than Miguel!
Cam: <Urgh... You could've kept quiet about that, Judith. We'll talk later.>
He advanced towards Benjamin, his TP infection showing on his arms as he went to grab the kid.
Benjamin: Get off of me!
Cam: <At least you won't have to worry about being alone. I'm sorry in advance, kid.>
Benjamin just spat at his face in response.
Benjamin: What part of "I'm not coming" slipped out of your infected mind?!
Cam: <Ben, this is what happens when you attempt to break the canon. I broke it myself, and paid horribly for it.>
Benjamin: I'm sorry about what happened to your alternate Girlfriend, but how do you know that it's attributed to "canon"? It could've been something else entirely!
Cam: <Your friend violated canon by causing this universe to come into existence.>
Benjamin: Leave Pico out of this!
Cam: <Listen, kid. You have a choice between saving one person and saving an entire world. Every world.>
Benjamin: Like the alternate Salty, I'm willing to do both! I'm not afraid to say it to your face and revel in it, Blueballs; canon events SUCK!
He activated his ECHO ability to replicate the TP infection harmlessly on his arms before pushing Cam back. His eyes glowed yellow to symbolise his angelic self.
Benjamin: You're one to talk about "canon" when you clearly don't abide by it yourself! In fact, I'm willing to bring an entire TEAM into the equation to screw your philosophy over! If Gwen Stacy's universe could survive a canon aversion, MANY more universes can! I'll give you one chance, Malicious. Either you leave my world, or you're in for an extreme butt-kicking.
Cam shook a bit before HIS eyes became pitch-black with purple sclera, and glared angrily at his younger counterpart.
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Cam: (telepathic) <The youth of today, huh...?> (speaking) Seems like you and that white-haired mistake aren't so different, after all, huh? And considering you're so adamant on averting canon when your friend averted YOUR demise... (maniacal laugh) Alright, then, kid! If that's how you want to make your move, then let's dance... anomaly!
(Cue their clash between each other)
After whatever cover represents this battle, Benjamin managed to trip Cam up.
Benjamin: Last warning, Malicious. Book it, or you're dead!
Cam: <You could've listened. This would've been so much easier otherwise.>
Benjamin: *sigh* Look. You don't have to keep going down this route. Your own Society's faith in you is going to be in shambles if you keep up this behaviour. Please... turn back from this dark route. We can get that TP infection out of you, and you can live a genuinely happy life if you're not dead-set on letting others perish to an algorithm.
Cam: ... <I don't always like what I have to do, Miku... but I still know that I have to be the one to do it. I've given up too much to stop now.>
He got back up.
Cam: <If that's how you wish to be, then there's no reason for me to associate with you anymore unless you decide to intervene further. And if you try that, I will send the Funkin' Society's whole wrath upon you. Guess that's one more -friend I have to add to the anomaly list, then. Farewell... Miku.>
Cam walked off into a portal.
Benjamin: If that's how he wants to play it, then it's a chance I'll take when the time comes. The other Salty's got his band in his side of the action, so I'll try to make my own to face down Cam with.
As he continued on his way, he found a special lavender watch on the ground, clearly placed there by someone before.
Benjamin: D-XML's work, huh? I'll take it.
He activated its communicator feature.
Gracie (SNS GF): Who's this?
Benjamin: Benjamin Miku, the Boyfriend of Earth-111723. You must be the one leading the Gang against the Funkin' Society, right?
Gracie: I am, yes. I see you got XML's watch safe and sound.
Benjamin: Mhm. I encountered Blueballs and gave him a butt-whooping of my own, and now I'm amongst those he's classed as anomalies. But I'm ready to do whatever it takes to defy his twisted canon and contribute in saving Salty and putting an end to The X!
Gracie: So you want in to our own band?
Benjamin saw Brooke (VS OURPLE GUY BF with his son), Toon BF, Mobian BF, Aloe Mano, D-XML, Golden BF and Boom (Electro Funkin' GF), each still on the search for Salty.
Benjamin: Once I've acquired my own crew to help out? Yeah. I'm in!
So Benjamin got to gathering his own team to assist Gracie's team, and with the fate of the Friday Night Funkin' multiverse on the line, he was ready to give it his all to help others around him.
To be continued...
Below is the unedited sprite for Cam/Agent Blueballs that I made, along with the original Benjamin sprite for comparison and an armless alt for different poses. I'm still not sure how to get the pics back in top quality in a small size for you guys, but I'll work on it.
(And yes, Cam's in the same art style as a nod to that gag of Miguel not maintaining the same animation style between universes.)
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So, I can drop the team members that Benjamin was able to gain below:
IAB!Softie (younger than the base Softie, but with the right amount of courage)
Barbara (Arrow Funk GF)
Soft Pico (the original; there to get Softie back from the Society's clutches)
MIX Boyfriend (specifically an alternate counterpart, since the original's working in the Funkin' Society and replaces Web-Slinger)
B-Bot (BF from Mega Man: Funkin' Heroes)
Return Funkin' Girlfriend
Mii Boyfriend
Evan (Childhood Memories BF; mainly as emotional support)
Neo Girlfriend (also there to get Neo BF out of the Funkin' Society's cult-like hold)
BluBuni (Bunfriend's genderflip counterpart (Leideri's take) from one dimension; accents more cuteness than anything)
Bently Forceloyed
IAB!Softie and Evan were immediately on-board with this goal, though as for the others:
Barbara joined the group after she had to keep Judith from admitting Bidu into the Funkin' Society by force.
Soft Pico and Neo Girlfriend joined to get some answers as to where their boyfriends had been dragged away to.
The alternate MIX Boyfriend just needed the right payment to be brought on board.
B-Bot, Return Funkin' Girlfriend and BluBuni simply joined the crew out of the goodness of their hearts.
Mii Boyfriend getting admitted into the Funkin' Society was hijacked partway through, and he simply relegated to Benjamin's side since he needed something worth doing.
As for Bently, when he was dealing with a multiversal trespasser in his dimension one evening (sometime after Benjamin's run-in with Cam), said trespasser being a cartoonish lunatic known as Max Chaos, Cam came along to assist him (even interfering with a planned ambush that would've knocked Bently out cold). And trust me, Cam's already well aware of Max's antics in his dimension.
Max: What's up with dis whole trouble tryna mag me anyway, mac?! Bently: To keep this city safe from bandits like you! Max: Bandit?! Why- I'm new here! Dis is my first time doin' a crime. Ya see, I grew up- Cam: Silence! Bently: What's his reputation like? Cam: <Ran over and destroyed numerous planets in a cartoon gag, literally shattered the fourth wall, can grab a nuclear warhead from hammerspace, and he's got a huge bounty on his head in his world.>
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(Art by @mcgamejolter)
And though the two cooperated well in sorting him out, it came to a halt after B-Bot and Neo Girlfriend interfered in his attempt to recruit Bently in. And after this came out, the kid instantly wanted nothing to do with Cam and was willing to fight through EVERY -friend under his lead to put an end to so-called "defined fates" and truly make his own way in life. This got him as a member of the crew to help stop The X.
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minusgangtime · 2 years
(They exist in the Vibinverse too :>)
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(*also minuses your DJX Girlfriend (Judith)*)
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inkandpaintleopard · 6 months
Oh wait, I was looking through the DJX twitter again trying to find concept art for werewolf Judith and came across this
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So I guess that answers your question!
I’ll definitely be thinking about this for a bit; yeah the way the rule seems to be that there IS no rule, everything is just Different, that’s interesting.
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minusgangtime · 1 year
-mod Shelby
(These robots aren't cishet :D)
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X (He/Him) - Pansexual, Trans Man
Judith (She/They) - Abrosexual, Transfeminine Non-binary
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Wyatt/Y (He/They/It) - Omnisexual, Genderfluid (male lean)
Zane/Z (He/They) - Bisexual, Demimale
X/Xavier (He/Him) - Pansexual, Trans Man
Jayden (She/They) - Bisexual, Polyamorous, Transfeminine Non-binary
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minusgangtime · 1 year
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-mod shelby
(Wyatt/Y (DJX Beta):
Sexuality headcanon: Genderfluid (male lean), Omnisexual
OTP: Him and Jayden!
BROTP: Him, Zane and Xavier!
NOTP: None?
First headcanon that pops into my head: Part of an animatronic techno band and plays the keyboard! :D
Favorite line from this character: None yet
One way in which I relate to this character: (idk)
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Nothing?
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Cinnamon roll-
Zane/Z (DJX MB):
Sexuality headcanon: Demimale, Bisexual
OTP: Him and Jayden!
BROTP: Him, Wyatt and Xavier!
NOTP: None?
First headcanon that pops into my head: Unlike his friends, Wyatt and Xavier, he was kinda... unfinished when built (hence no hair and ears)- Some say whoever built him ran out of parts or they were lazy to finish him up- Anyways, he's also part of a techno band and plays the guitar :v
Favorite line from this character: None yet
One way in which I relate to this character: (idk)
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Nothing?
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Cinnamon roll-
Xavier/X (DJX Blue/Minus X):
Sexuality headcanon: Trans Male, Pansexual
OTP: Him and Jayden!
BROTP: Him, Wyatt and Zane!
NOTP: None?
First headcanon that pops into my head: Nothing much to say about him, but he's also part of the techno band and is the DJ of the group!
Favorite line from this character: None yet
One way in which I relate to this character: (idk)
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Nothing?
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Cinnamon roll-
Jayden (Minus DJX Girlfriend/Minus Judith):
Sexuality headcanon: Transfeminine Non-binary, Bisexual, Polyamorous
OTP: Her and the Boyfriends!
BROTP: None yet? Strange...
NOTP: None-
First headcanon that pops into my head: The Boyfriends' partner and the leader of the techno band and the lead singer! :>
Favorite line from this character: None yet
One way in which I relate to this character: (idk)
Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character: Nothing?
Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?: Cinnamon roll-)
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minusgangtime · 2 years
(The DJX Minus Boyfriends' names are Xavier (DJX!Blue), Wyatt (DJX!Beta) and Zane (DJX!MB)- X, Y and Z are their stage names)
(They're a band of techno animatronics teaming up with Jayden (Minus Judith) :P)
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minusgangtime · 2 years
(Is it okay if I start randomly talking about these guys- 👉👈)
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minusgangtime · 2 years
(I can't think of proper names for the DJX Minus Boyfriends-)
(But Minus Judith's name is Jayden and they're also a transfem enby ^^)
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