#djskglsd this one feels weird to post idk why
scullyfemme · 5 years
holiday fluff: OK the Elf “you missed” kiss scene but it’s Mulder and Scully 🥺
Djsgvdslwgkl I’ve never seen Elf (not a big Will Ferrell fan) so I had to look up the scene I hope this is ok!!
Request some winter/holiday fluff!
Season 7 (Post-Millenium) | Tagging @today-in-fic​
You Missed
It was a cold January evening, colder than Scully felt should be allowed. Especially this far up north where there was more snow than the ground could handle. They had just wrapped up a quick case and their flight wasn’t until the next morning, so they were stuck here for one more night.
She found that she didn’t mind, though, as Mulder wrapped an arm around her to protect her from the cold in this tiny Vermont town that would never see them again. They strolled down the main street that oozed Small Town Americana from every red brick and cheerfully painted sign and Christmas decoration. It was just after dinner in a diner that could have easily been any small-town diner they’d ever been in, but it felt different this time. They were different this time. Their kiss on New Year’s had opened up something between them. Something they still hadn’t had a proper conversation about it for fear of ruining it.
They rounded a wrong corner, distracted by the decorations adorning the buildings around them, and found themselves facing a small, temporary ice rink. One they wouldn’t have even known about had it not been for a slight misstep.
Fate he would call it.
Luck she would say.
Regardless of their individual opinions regarding how they got there, neither of them complained about the situation. He paid for both of their skates despite her protests and she fixed his scarf before they stepped onto the rink. They went slow at first, it having been a while for both of them. Within a short amount of time, though, they were skating smoothly, in sync without realizing it, their hands brushing together.
Scully hit a rough patch of ice and instinctively grabbed Mulder’s hand for support, but then didn’t let go. He found himself wondering if she really had stumbled or if it was just an elaborate excuse. But he certainly wasn’t complaining, so he didn’t question it. They continued like that for a while, gloved fingers intertwined and no need for conversation as they completed lap after lap, content just to be together. To have this moment.
He glanced over at her, her cheeks tinged apple-red by the cold, and felt an impulse to kiss them. But he was hesitant, unsure how she would react, so he held off, gathering up the nerve. After a couple more laps, he felt brave enough and leaned down, his lips gently brushing against her cheek for just a moment before he pulled away to gauge her response.
She looked up at him with a smirk and skated around in front of him, both gently slowing to a stop.
“You missed.”
He blinked. “What?”
Her smirk grew into a smile as she moved a bit closer to him. “I said you missed.”
Before he could respond, she pulled him down by his jacket lapels and kissed him. Her lips were cold but warmed up quickly against his. He resisted the urge to pull her closer, to deepen the kiss in such a public place. It was as brief and chaste as their kiss on New Year’s and it felt just as amazing.
She pulled away with another smirk and a mischievous glint in her eyes. He felt bashful under her gaze, in awe of his partner and her ability to keep him on his toes.
“I think I’m all skated out, Mulder,” she said, her eyebrows quirking up ever so slightly as if to ask a question.
He knew what the question was. “Yeah, me too,” he said, responding both to what she said and didn’t say.
They joined hands again and exited the rink, returning the rented skates and rounding that corner again, this time heading the correct way to their motel where two rooms waited for them.
But they would only need one tonight.
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