#dj flapjack
jazmatazzzzzz · 4 months
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I finally got my hands on a small rave community magazine !! 🌈✨🤍🫧💜
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thoughtlessagitator · 7 months
le sighhhhhhh i wanna go see dj flapjack again :{{
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segaphantom · 5 months
I've been biting my tongue about this animation for SO LONG..
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saturnns-star · 2 years
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I like birds :)
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hooved · 1 year
i am literally unstoppable now that i have 109 yards of elastic string and a big box full of thousands of beads i haven't used in years
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bam-stroker · 1 year
DJ at the grill like "One LGBT coming up!!"
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[ID. Spongebob at the grill with 8 arms flipping krabby patties. End ID]
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ataahking · 1 year
Check out Wilkins Port on SoundCloud.
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tomivart · 3 months
it took me 5 hours
(I didn't sleep at night)
(i love gorillaz)
Ai cover credits: Dj Flapjack on yt
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ontheshroom · 2 years
Can you do an angst story of jack and singer!reader being together for a while, all of PG loves her and considers her a sister.
Jack and reader get into a really bad accident leaving the reader really hurt , up to you with the ending xoxo
All For Us
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Jack Harlow x reader
Tw: This is a heavy fic including grief/sadness and an accident
Help credit: @yamahex
Jack’s sweet voice fills the car as you drive down the road on the way to his show. It was his last show for his tour. The Atlanta streets are crowded and the rain has your windshield blurry. A ping draws your attention away from the road for just a split second to peek at the text from Jack.
Flapjack <3: Just wanted to let you know you can just walk in and go straight to the back, I let security know that you’re coming.
You pull your eyes away from the screen to see you’d run a red light. You sigh in relief that nothing bad happened and turn off your phone quickly cursing yourself for even checking it. The rain keeps coming down every minute it seems to rain harder. You hear the squeaks as your windshield wipers try to wipe away the rain. You hum along to Jack’s song, smiling at the thought of him. Meeting him has been the best thing to ever happen to you. You stop at the last stoplight seeing the venue just to the right of you. You wait patiently for your light to turn green when you hear a loud screech come from the right of you and you turn your head to see bright lights.
“Yo, where the fuck is y/n? I start in ten minutes.” Jack asks Urban, looking at his watch.
Neelam walks into the room with a shocked look on her face.
“There was just a badass crash outside, my heart goes out to whoever was involved.” She sighs sitting down next to Urban.
“Sad, but I could really give less of a fuck, do you know where y/n is?” Jack asks, growing impatient.
“Nah, she’s probably just driving slow because of the rain, I’m sure she’ll be here after the first song.” Neelam nods, going on her phone.
“Yeah, you’re right you know her cautious ass driving.” Jack chuckles.
A man comes in to help Jack get mic’d up before he has to go on stage. He smiles as he hears the fans chanting for him on the side of the stage. This is it, all that he’s worked hard for. He peers out just a bit to see if he could see you, his heart drops when he doesn’t but he knows you’ll be there soon. After a couple more comments from his Dj, Jack walks out jumping rapping Tyler Herro. He savors these moments, the time to look all his fans in their eyes and perform for them. He gets four songs in when all the music cuts out causing him to look around the venue. Neelam runs on stage with tears running down her face.
“Jack, It’s y/n.” She cries, pulling him off stage.
The world went silent after that. He can’t hear anything. He just walks out of the venue to see Neelam pointing to your smashed-up car. The car is not even a mile away from his venue. The venue you were supposed to safely be inside. He sees you on a stretcher being put inside an ambulance. He can’t see you through the rain, but he knows it’s not good. He feels Neelam pulling on his arm, he looks down and he swears for a second he’s looking at you. Maybe it’s just the height. He still can’t hear her. It’s like he’s high and stuck in a bad trip.
“Let’s go, Jack! We have to get to the hospital!” She yells at him pulling him away.
He steps into the black SUV sits down and looks out the window. What’s going on? Why can’t he wake up from this nightmare? Urban is trying to get him to talk but he feels numb. He can’t feel anything. He can’t hear anything. He can just see your car smashed and you being put inside the ambulance. What happened? Is this happening?
“He’s in shock, honey,” Neelam says to Urban, trying to calm him down.
“He’s never acted like this before. Something’s wrong with him.” Urban says, shaking his head ‘no’
“It’s the shock.” Neelam sighs.
The ride to the hospital feels like a thousand years went by. They jump out of the car and quickly run to the front desk.
“Y/n Y/l/n, can we see her?” Neelam asks, taking on her motherly role.
“I’m sorry, she’s in surgery right now, you can wait until she can have visitors.” The lady smiles pointing to the chairs in the waiting room.
Why is she smiling? No one else is. She doesn’t know y/n she doesn’t know how okay she has to be. Jack sighs as he sits down, a sob escaping his lips as both of his friends hug him.
“This isn’t real. She’s okay, she’s gotta be okay. I need her. I need her.” Jack sobs.
“She’s going to be okay,” Neelam says, trying to make herself believe it.
Urban couldn’t help but let the tears fall from his own eyes. He saw you as his sister. He couldn’t lose you.
Hours pass before a doctor comes out announcing your name to see who was there for you. The three of them lift their heads and Jack stands up.
“Is she okay?” He asks, his voice weaker than it’s ever been.
“She’s stable as of right now. She received major head trauma from the crash and had to be put into a medically induced coma. We are hoping for improvement during the next couple of weeks.” A sob breaks out of Jack at the words.
You weren’t supposed to be in a coma, you were supposed to be laughing with him right now as the two of you ate some trashy food that you could only find this late at night. This isn’t real.
“Can we see her?” Neelam asks, rubbing Jack’s back as he looks down at his feet, letting the tears fall onto his shoes.
“You may. Follow me.” The doctor says leading them to your room.
Jack feels his world fall apart when he sees you. You look awful, but he still thinks you look beautiful. The closer he gets to you the more hurt you look. He can’t take it, he feels sick to his stomach. He walks into the bathroom attached to your room and shuts the door as he throws up. He wipes his mouth with his hand and flushes the toilet. He looks at himself in the flimsy mirror. He swears he could see you behind it smiling and holding on to him like you did when you were at home. You’re supposed to be at home. He sighs and turns on the sink and splashes water on his face. When he leans up and looks at himself in the mirror he flinches as he sees you in it, face bloodied and bruises prominent. He lets out a shaky breath as he opens the door and walks through it.
“I can’t, we gotta go. We’ll come back tomorrow.” He sighs, walking up to you and grabbing one of your hands before placing a soft kiss on your lips.
“I’ll be back, I love you” He whispers to you.
“Jack?” You yell.
You don’t know what’s happening. You saw the lights and then you were stuck in this dark void. You can hear, but you can’t see.
“Jack! Please! Come back!” You yell, but you get no response.
You drop to your knees and sob.
“Why can’t anyone hear me?” You sob.
Jack has a hard time falling asleep. He looks up at the ceiling and flashbacks of the both of you laying on his bed and talking run through his mind.
“Do you love me?” You giggle
“Do I love you, what kind of question is that?” He laughs sitting up and climbing on top of you.
“Well do you, love me?” You ask him
He brings his hands to your sides and tickles them
“Silly questions get silly answers.” He laughs, as you squirm under him, your laugh filling the room.
A tear falls from his eye as he thinks of the memory. Why? Why is this happening? Why’d the world let this happen? He sighs and pulls out his phone. He ignores all of the texts and calls he has from people apologizing for what he’s going through. He opens Twitter and the first thing he sees is ‘Trending: Rapper Jack Harlow’s girlfriend in critical condition after driver runs light.’ His eyes flutter shut at the sentence. He throws his phone across his room and rolls over, waiting for sleep to overcome him.
Jack wakes up to Neelam knocking on his bedroom door, it sounds so familiar to how you used to knock on it his head whips up so quickly he could’ve gotten whiplash.
“Jack, how are you doing, hun?” She asks, opening the door and sitting on the edge of his bed.
“I’m going through it, Neelam. She’s gotta be okay. I need her.” He shakes his head.
“She’s going to be okay, she’s a fighter and she’s strong,” Neelam assures
“She’s so damn strong, this isn’t the hardest thing she’s had to fight through.” He shakes his head, tears flowing from his eyes.
“Have you responded to any calls or texts?” Neelam asks, she was always focused on making sure he took care of himself.
“I don’t give a fuck about any of that right now, Nee.” He rolls his eyes.
“You can’t just let this situation overcome you. It’s fucked up, everyone is sad, but we can’t become engulfed in the sadness because when we finally bring her back home she’s gonna yell at us about it, and you know it.” She smiles, reminiscing on how adamant you are on everyone being cheered up and taking care of themselves no matter what was going on with you.
“This is different.” He sighs.
Urban comes into the room with tear-stained cheeks. Jack’s heart breaks at the sight of his best friend looking like that. The last time he remembers him looking like that was when they were much younger. Jack doesn’t know how to explain the bond he has with you but he knows it was strong.
“This shit doesn’t feel real.” Urban shakes his head.
“It doesn’t.” Neelam and Jack agree.
Jack spent all of Saturday and Sunday sulking and trying to wrap his head around the situation, he couldn’t bear seeing you yet, everyone accepted that not forcing him to.
“I need to go to the studio, can you make that happen?” He asks Neelam over the phone.
“You know I always can, go down to 62nd studio, they’ll have a room open for you,” Neelam says to Jack. He gives a quick thank you and then hangs up.
His feet feel heavy as he walks into the studio, the slow beat that 2fo sent him stuck in his mind. He connects his phone to the speaker and gets to writing. He spends hours in the studio with his phone on do not disturb and just his paper and pen. He smiles looking down at his finished product. It was some of his most honest work yet. He didn’t have all the people that he needed with him to record so he leaves the session as is.
Every time Jack goes to visit you they tell him you’re getting better and better by the day. That you’ve been healing quickly and correctly. Every time he just tells them it’s because you’re his fighter. He’s gotten more comfortable being around you in the hospital, sitting and talking to you about his day.
“Nah, cause today was one of those days I needed you in the car, I’m driving down the main street and I get you not there was a man in a silver sparkly speedo, I was dying!” He laughs.
“I know you were. Were you riding with Urb? I bet he got a video of it.” You’ve gotten more comfortable responding to him even if there wasn’t a reply.
“I miss you, baby. Every day feels like hell when you’re not in my arms.” He confesses.
“I miss you more. You’re my everything.” You whisper, a tear falling from my eye.
“The fans miss you too, I joined a space the other night just to tell ‘em I’m doing okay.” He smiles.
“I miss them too! They’re funny as hell. I bet they were worried about you, so I’m happy you did that.” You smile.
“Druski misses you, he made a post dedicated to you, too.”
“Man, I miss my bestie, I hope he knows I’ll be okay and that I’m fighting hard.” You smile, another tear falling.
“Urb is still a mess. He misses you more than me and I didn’t think that’d be possible.”
Your heart breaks at his words. You’ve never known anyone quite like Urban. The connection between the two of you was immediate. He was destined to be your best friend.
“I miss him too, so much.” You let out a sob. Why can’t this just be over?
Jack began to consistently go back to the studio the better you got. He felt more honest with his writing than he’d ever been before. The hurt and pain got emotions out that his fame had started to paint over. The last time he saw you the doctor told him you would be waking up any day now the more and more they withdrew the drugs that put you into the coma.
Jack was in the booth when Neelam runs into the room waving through the glass telling him to come out.
“Y/n’s up!” She squeals.
Jack grows a smile that everyone had been missing on his face. He grabs his phone and rushes out of the studio with Neelam and Urban to the SUV waiting outside for them. It felt like the SUV wasn’t even pushing ten miles an hour. He couldn’t wait to hear his girl's voice, to feel her touching him back, or to even just see her pretty eyes that he got lost in every time.
The three of them run out of the SUV and to your hospital room as quickly as they could. Jack smiles when he sees you sitting up in the bed, watching tv. He wraps his arms around you softly cherishing having you up again. He pulls away to see you looking at him with a blank face.
“Uhm, who are you?” His stomach drops at your words.
“Baby, it’s me, it’s Jack. C’mon.” He says sitting on the bed hoping you’d remember anything, everything.
“I know, I was just fucking with you.” You smile, a laugh escaping your lips.
“You’re so fucked up.” He chuckles, pushing his tongue against his cheek
“I haven’t kissed you in, I don’t even know how long, are you gonna kiss me?” You ask him with a smile he couldn’t say no to, not that he wanted to anyways.
He gently pulls you into a kiss and kisses you like it was the last time he’d be able to. You pull away and smile cupping his cheek and rubbing your thumb along it.
“I missed you.” You tell him
“I missed you, too.” He smiles, happy to have his girl back.
“Urbsicle, where you at brother?” You smile, opening your arms and inviting him for a hug.
Happy tears stream down his cheeks, happy that you’re okay. He walks into your arms and hugs you tightly causing you to groan out in pain.
“Damn, I know you missed me but I was still in a car crash.” you joke.
“Shut up.” He mumbles, happy to have you back in his arms.
The second he pulls away Neelam has you in her arms.
“You had me going through it, bitch.” She laughs.
“Girl, you had me going through it, coming in here telling me how scared you were for Jack.” You chuckle.
The three of them freeze.
“You could hear us?” Jack asks, his face covered in shock.
“I could, I could respond too, but y’all couldn’t hear me.” You nod.
The doctor walks in with a smile.
“I’m happy to see this reunion, so, Y/n. We’re gonna have you stay here for about three more days just so we can monitor you and make sure everything is alright and then after that, you can go home and we’ll set up some physical therapy for you.” He smiles at you.
“Sounds perfect.” You smile back at him.
3 months later
Jack wouldn’t let you out of his sight. You couldn’t even pee without him standing outside of the door. He claimed it was because you were gone for so long. He was just happy you were back home though, he didn’t like to mention that you were in the hospital, but neither did you. Urban made sure you were okay at all times. If you were hungry he was either asking to order the food for you or make it. You’d tell him he didn’t have to but there was no use in arguing with him. You went on Instagram Live with Druski out of nowhere and the smile he had on his face was so heartwarming. He even came over to Jack’s apartment that night to see you in person. Neelam would send you calls and texts like crazy checking up on you and making sure the boys were treating you right. You know, like a mom. Dj Drama had some gifts sent to Jack’s apartment for you that you told him weren’t needed but he always took care of you like that, taking care of you after Jack had introduced you to him as his girl. All of PG drove to Atlanta to see you, it was so exciting to see all of them. Jack made a couple of jokes about how they hadn’t driven to see him after he sprained his ankle after a show that one time when they all lived in the same state. It made all of you laugh. You were happy to be home. You were happy to be with Jack. You were happy to be alive.
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enchantedchocolatebars · 11 months
Hexsquad Halloween Party Headcanons 🎃 🍭 🍬 🏚️ 🎉
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• She's dressed up as The Good Witch Azura. 💚
• The Party Host.
• Sets up a pleasant scavenger hunt for her party guests.
• Conducts a costume contest and declares that everyone is the winner by the end of it.
• Bakes Halloween cookies with Amity.
• She's dressed up as Hecate. 🧡
• EXCITED about Luz's decision to dress up as Azura. 💚
• She gives cute temporary Halloween tattoos.
• "Abomination" punch was prepared by her for the party in a cauldron punch bowl (The mix consisted of grape juice, fizzy soda, and raspberry sorbet).
• Together, she and Luz carve a heart into a pumpkin and add their initials.
• She's dressed in a black devil costume.
• Takes pictures to add to her scrapbook.
• Participates in a murder mystery and zombie apocalypse game.
• Comes across pumpkin flowers while outside and places them in a little pot.
• He's dressed up as Chief O'Bailey.
•Flapjack's presence at the party makes him very happy (he's alive and well).
• Is fond of all the sweet Halloween treats at the snack table.
• White boys it up on the dance floor!
• Cheers Willow on when she's bobbing for apples.
• He's dressed up as Captain Avery.
• The party's DJ.
• Participates in Halloween trivia.
• Matt Tholomule is the victim of his pranks.
• Appreciates the cheesy horror films of the human realm.
• She's dressed up as a pumpkin!
• Makes Halloween bracelets.
• Plays truth-or-scare with Masha and their friends.
• Aids Camila in passing out candy to the trick-or-treaters who arrive at the door.
• After the party ends, she and Masha (who's dressed as a scarecrow) go out and enjoy pumpkin lattes together at a coffee shop.
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kittensnax · 1 month
Being hit with an overwhelming psychic wave telling me I need to buy a jester hat after seeing old vlogs of DJ Flapjack wearing one
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tentacletournament · 2 years
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Written polls and links under the cut!
Squig (Among Us) VS Impostor (Among Us)
Remus Sanders (Sanders Sides) VS Albert Wesker (Resident Evil)
Octillery (Pokemon) VS Malamar (Pokemon)
Mizuki (Arknights) VS Andreana (Arknights)
Ood (Doctor Who) VS Dalek Sec (Doctor Who)
Ventricosus (Land Of The Lustrous) VS Aculeatus (Land Of The Lustrous)
Pretzel (Just Roll With It) VS Aqueous Annie Bell (Jellyfish Felonies)
Squidward Tentacles (Spongebob Squarepants) VS The Queen Jellyfish (Spongebob Squarepants)
Ln'eta (Sucker For Love) VS Estir (Sucker For Love)
Marie (Splatoon) VS Captain 3 (Splatoon)
Glow Squid (Minecraft) VS Ghast (Minecraft)
Squilliam Fancyson (Spongebob Squarepants) VS Marco Diaz (Star vs The Forces of Evil)
Ken Kaneki (Tokyo Ghoul) VS Ayato Kirishima (Tokyo Ghoul)
Itona Horibe (Assassination Classroom) VS Korosensei (Assassination Classroom)
Monomon The Teacher (Hallow Knight) VS Sibling (Hallow Knight)
The Rot (Rain World) VS Mikitaka Hazekura (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure)
Gnosis (Mythic Ocean) VS N'zoth (World Of Warcraft)
The Wall Monster (Johnny the Homicidal Maniac) VS Hank (Finding Dory)
Jelly (A Narwhal and Jelly) VS Soundwave (Transformers)
Slenderman (Creepypasta) VS The Old One (Wizard 101)
Kran (The Rise of The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles) VS "Turn The Lights Off" (Tally Hall)
Pearl Houzuki (Splatoon) VS Frye (Splatoon)
Davy Jones (Pirates Of The Caribbean) VS Take Luka (Vocaloid)
Caelum (Anime Campaign) VS Jason Todd (DC Comics)
DJ Octavio (Splatoon) VS Callie (Splatoon)
Londo Mollari (Babylon 5) VS Fukami (Wadanohara and The Great Blue Sea)
Geryuganshoop (One Punch Man) VS Onionsan (UNDERTALE)
Horrorterror (Homestuck) VS Hatchan (One Piece)
Kala Mer'ri (Monster High) VS Professor Inkling (Octonauts)
Blooper (Super Mario Franchise) VS HP Lovecraft (Bungou Stray Dogs)
Cthulhy Squele (Monster Girl Doctor) VS The Creature (Carrion)
Hermaeus Mora (The Elder Scrolls Series) VS Zoe (Monster Prom)
Shiver (Splatoon) VS Agent 4 (Splatoon)
Ebrietas (Bloodborne) VS Octokittens (The Mechanisms)
Ninomae Ina'nis (Hololive EN) VS Vel'Koz (League Of Legends)
Stephano (Reflection) VS Dharkon (Super Smash Bros Ultimate)
Dr. Octopus (Spiderman) VS Olivia Octavious (Spiderman)
Hastur (Identity V) VS Omeluum (Baldur's Gate 3)
Tentacruel (Pokemon) VS Lord Helix (Pokemon)
Nightmare Sans (The Underverse) VS Ultros (Final Fantasy)
Marina Ida (Splatoon) VS Agent 8 (Splatoon)
Squid Ink Cookie (Cookie Run) VS The Kracken (Mythology)
Ursula (The Little Mermaid) VS Killer Bee (Naruto)
Michiru Ichijou (Mieruko-Chan) VS Cthulhu (Lovecraft)
Weed (Transistor) VS Squid Girl (Squid Girl)
Octodad (Octodad) VS Paul (Children of Time Trilogy)
Mind Flayer (Magic: The Gathering) VS Azul Ashengrotto (Twisted Wonderland)
Venom (Venom) VS Eight Armed Willy (The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack!)
Squidina (The Patrick Star Show) VS Tamaki Amajiki (My Hero Academia)
Nightmarionne (Five Nights at Freddy's) VS The Kraken (Atlantis)
Lady Luctopus (Psychonauts) VS Oswald the Octopus (Oswald the Octopus)
Cecil Gershwin Palmer (Welcome To Nightvale) VS Khoshekh (Welcome To Nightvale)
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The Irritable Bowel Showdown competitors have been decided!!!
Thank you for your patience, everyone! The participants have been chosen, the bracket has been tentatively created, and preparations for Round One are underway!!!
Thank you for the feedback on my poll about the number of participants. Although the option for accepting further submissions had the most support, after narrowing down the eligible participants to 102, I decided it would be best to continue with the current number so the tournament could begin! As a result, some characters with a higher seeding will automatically move to the second round to accommodate the awkward number of competitors.
The full roster is as follows:
Alphys from Undertale Amu Hinamori from Shugo Chara anon who shit on couch from real life Asahi Azumane from Haikyuu!! Bambi from Dave & Bambi Barry Bluejeans from The Adventure Zone: Balance Belphegor from SMT/Persona series Benrey from Half-Life VR but the AI Is Self-Aware [AKA HLVR: AI] Bor'dor Dog'son from Critical Role (Campaign 3: Bells Hells) Bubbie from The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack c!Tommyinnit from Dream SMP Carlton Ulysses Wheezer from Jimmy Neutron Chidi Anagonye from The Good Place Clark Kent from Superman Craig Boone from Fallout: New Vegas Dabi from My Hero Academia Dareth from LEGO Ninjago Dave Strider from Homestuck David Rose from Schitt's Creek Dean Winchester from Supernatural Deandra The New Girl from The Most Popular Girls In School Declan Lynch from The Dreamer Trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater Dimitri 1 from 101 Dalmatian Street DJ from Beast Wars II Doctor Sung from TWRP Dr Crygor from Warioware Elmo Monster from Sesame Street/Elmo's Potty Time Enid Mettle from OK K.O.! Let's Be Heroes Filbo Fiddlepie from Bugsnax Geralt of Rivia from The Witcher God of Indigestion from The Discworld series: Hogfather, by Terry Pratchett Griffin McElroy from real life Hailey from Hatchetfield Nightmare Time Harrowhark Nonagesimus from The Lockes Tomb Hatsune Miku from Vocaloid Henry the Green Engine from Thomas and Friends Hinata Shouyou from Haikyuu Hiroshi Yuuki from Full Dive: This Ultimate Next-Gen Full Dive RPG Is Even Shittier than Real Life! Isaac Moriah from The Binding of Isaac James Tiberius Kirk from Star Trek: The Original Series Jane Doe AKA Soldier from Team Fortress 2 Jean Pierre Polnareff from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Johnny Sasaki from Metal Gear Josuke Higashikata from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Jotaro Kujo from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Juniper Sloan from Camp Here And There Kakashi Hatake from Naruto Kanata from Gokurakugai Kuruto Ryuki from AI: The Sominum Files - Nirvana Initiative Kuwabara Kazuma from Yu Yu Hakusho Lan Zhan (Lan Wangji) from The Untamed Larry Appleton from Perfect Strangers Loki the cat from real life Magellan from One Piece Mari from Yellowjackets Marinette Dupain-Cheng from Miraculous: Tales of Ladybug and Cat Noir Marvin Grossberg from Ace Attorney Megatron from Transformers Mr. Tang from Lego Monkie Kid Napstablook from Undertale Naruto Uzumaki from Naruto Nekomaru Nidai from Danganronpa Niki Shiina from Ensemble Stars Nyack of the Rana’for from Not Another D&D Podcast Ochako Uraraka from My Hero Academia Okuyasu Nijimura from JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Onceler from The Lorax Owen from Total Drama Panty Anarchy from Panty and Stocking With Garterbelt PaRappa from PaRappa the Rapper Porky Pig from Looney Tunes Primis "Tank" Dempsey from Call of Duty Zombies Queen Chrysalis from My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic Raji Shenazard from Snow White with the Red Hair Reigen Arataka from Mob Psycho 100 Rock Lee from Naruto Roy Kent from Ted Lasso Rung from Transformers Saint from Rain World Sakaeguchi Yuuto from Ookiku Furikabutte Senri from Koisuru Bokura wa Ichou ga Yowai Shauna Shipman from Yellowjackets Shit in Pants Guy from Johnny The Homicidal Maniac Shoichi Irie from Katekyo Hitman Reborn Spamton from Deltarune Spock from Star Trek: The Original Series Steven Universe from Steven Universe Tagora Gorjek from Hiveswap Tenzil Kem (aka Matter Eater Lad) from DC The cat from Lyle Lyle the Crocodile (movie) The test subject who shat in the elevator from Portal 2 Tomura Shigaraki from My Hero Academia Toshinori Yagi/All Might from My Hero Academia Triss Merigold from The Witcher Books Vetinari from Discworld Walter Tattersall from Yellowjackets William Afton from Five Nights at Freddys Yamaguchi Tadashi from Haikyuu!! Yami Sukehiro from Black Clover you the voter from real life Yuuga Aoyama from My Hero Academia Zhao Yunlan from Guardian
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For the asks: 5, 16, 23
5. Favorite color?
-I love neon green!💚
16. Favorite movie?
-Lately I've been back into Detective Pikachu and Digimon The Movie 😍
23. Have you ever met any celebrities?
-I don't know if they technically count as celebrities per se, but I've met some popular DJ's like E*Tank and Alex Prospect and S3RL and Flapjack. They're all quite humble and down to earth in day-to-day life💖
Thank you so so much for the asks, these were so much fun! 😊
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swampgallows · 2 years
it really did fuck me up when i realized i was praised for making art just because it was a quiet activity. i really love djing when i do it and when i find a good transition, i love listening to these records over and over, but i swear my family, despite being musical, stifled my "instrument" on purpose because they hate my music lol. ive wanted turntables since i was like 15 and finally bought them myself at 21, then got abused a bunch and still couldn't drive so i was scared of playing out. i was overshadowed by flapjack anyway, despite getting him into hardcore in the first place. im sure he'd deny it now though he loved exaggerating it back when i was useful to him.
it's also hard i think to pursue something like djing when you're a girl because you always need a chaperone. you can't just do wild shit all the time like sleep on some random promoter's floor or show up in another country by yourself to meet with people you don't know and play at a derelict warehouse in an unsafe neighborhood. jimni has a very close posse, sparky's been w their partner for like a century, and most other female djs either don't last or they're dating other djs. i think he wanted us to all be a dj collective, but it would never be equal. we would just belong to him and look like followers or hangers-on, not valued in our own right. we'd always be a package deal; book flap and get 2 hardcore djs free! and the gabber scene became unsafe for me for years, so of course i wasn't gonna try to play out to an audience that were all automatically against me (if they booked me at all).
but anyway im enjoying my old gabber records in the dark, trainwrecking alone in my room, teeth rotting in my mouth, and covid barring me from returning to a scene that didn't seem to want me anyway. sucks. i keep saying ill stream but who the hell likes my music anyway? i guess i could just do it for nobody, just to force myself to do it more and get better. to what end? to just continue that pattern til all of me starts rotting? great!
ill be fucking floored if i make it to 2025.
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acaciapines · 1 year
1 2 3 for the owl house bits!
hi bestie <3
gonna put all three of them up here, n talk on all below the cut!
1. Intruders - The Antlers
hunter says, “i can’t stop thinking about him.”
it’s hard, always, to talk when he’s like this. he’s not stuck anymore but it often feels like he is, no matter how many times flapjack presses care to his sides, thumps his massive doggy-head next to hunter’s small cardinal talons and repeats good boy! favorite boy! over and over again.
“scary?” flapjack asks. his tail thumps dully against the floor, where hunter’s hidden himself away in a corner of luz’s room. it’s just him here, today. that’s another thing he can’t stop thinking about. being left alone. being trusted like that.
“yeah,” hunter says, echoing, “scary.”
sometimes flapjack is better at emotions than him. or—always. always, flapjack is better at emotions than him. it’s…weird. he’s something like a daemon, isn’t he? isn’t his job to be good at this stuff?
“no jobs.” flapjack grins at him. “just us. together.”
“together,” hunter says. “i like that.”
2. Where Do You Go – Flor
she’s glowing, luz thinks.
it’s like—SHE’S SO PRETTY!! it’s all alight down her bond and luz doesn’t know what to do with ANY of it, and mari isn’t much better so she can’t talk, because—because—
we weren’t supposed to have any of this. mari’s frozen where alma’s curled and purring around her, stretching out and grinning up at luz, blue eyes sparkling. there’s low whale noises mixed with some sort of poppy song luz hasn’t ever heard spilling in from the kitchen, where gus and king have gotten into dj-ing with some of eda’s human things she’s letting them use.
and luz is here and amity is here too and it’s all—
we weren’t, luz agrees, and amity offers her a hand and she takes it, bouncing on her feet, wearing literally an outfit that is half-pajama, and amity’s still blushing, and so is SHE, and, mari, don’t be scared, don’t you see? we have this now!
3. Wake up – Eden
she offers him a hand.
“what.” hunter stares at it flatly. he’s been lying on her couch since he regained the ability to be in his body, all curled into himself with flapjack sprawled over him, heavy and crushing.
“it really sucked,” luz says. she doesn’t pull her hand away. mari’s perched on her shoulder as an owl, talons sliding down like they’re reaching for hunter. “all of that. didn’t it?”
hunter says, “sure. but—”
“and i dunno what to do with any of it,” says luz. “but you were there, too. and—and i don’t know. maybe you aren’t comfortable. maybe i’m not, or i shouldn’t be. but there was nobody else there but us two. and that has to mean something.”
flapjack lifts his head and hunter misses the added weight of it, but in return flapjack presses love you into hunter’s back with a paw, curling claws that scrape gentle against his back, and it’s stupid, and weak, but hunter needs it anyways.
“okay,” hunter says. flapjack presses his nose to luz’s hand. mari flutters down to take up position on hunter’s head, her talons knotting in his hair.
it should feel weird. bad. like something. that’s how it goes, isn’t it? daemon, palisman, whichever—they touch a human or a witch, and it’s overwhelming.
but hunter’s not any of those things, is he?
lets play a game called 'how much of this is still canon' lol. i think the answer is...not a lot! its really fun to see how much things have changed.
1: this is post hollow mind! ive always wanted hunter to stay at the owl house after it, 'cause for Reasons its after hollow mind he finds out hes more like a daemon--and since flapjack refuses to leave when hunter runs they sort of just pass out lol.
its so weird to see flapjack have dialogue!! flapjack has always been a silent character but originally i think i was going to let him sign...that sure has changed! as for Why he doesnt talk. (stares at most daemon aus) yeah i have some things im going to end up saying.
2: lumity!! awww there's not too many of them dnfgdfg and i dont have a whole lot to say on this one. i will say tho that lumity happens differently in the daemon au! i told myself that it happens when it feels right, which turned out to be in very different circumstances than in canon! but i like where it ended up.
luz and mari are doing so bad yall...its so funny to see luz this happy right now she is um. not <3 she n mari go the fuck through it and yes even their relationship with amity is hit by that, though things do look up.
lumity <3 theyre so sweet.
3: oh my GOD this is super early post hollow mind stuff...the entire idea for this au was born with hollow mind and snowballed from there so no WONDER i was writing it first.
none of this is still canon. hunter probably wont regain the ability to change his forms for a LONG while after hollow mind. partly bc Trauma partly bc i like writing him as a bird :) yes this au is being written by a bird thank for for noticing.
also! wow this is from when i was going to send all four of them into belos's mind lol. i decided that mind magic works where only daemons/palismen go in--so hollow mind is actually just hunter and mari, which is great, because, while luz and flapjack get along pretty well, hunter and mari fucking hate each other until they're bonded by the events of hollow mind. sort of hard to hate each other after that.
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