#diy solutions for eliminating weed smell
alldruginfo · 4 months
Effective Ways to Eliminate the Smell of Weed
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When it comes to banishing the unmistakable aroma of weed from your surroundings, employing effective strategies is paramount. Whether you're aiming to maintain discretion, uphold personal hygiene, or simply create a fresh atmosphere, understanding the intricacies of weed odor and implementing targeted solutions is key. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into a myriad of techniques, from enhancing ventilation to utilizing professional odor removal solutions, to assist you in your quest to eliminate the smell of weed efficiently and effectively.
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smoxxy · 9 months
Illuminating Your Space: Choosing the Best Candles to Mask Weed Smell
Enjoying the soothing aroma of cannabis is a personal choice, but sometimes the distinctive smell may need to be discreet. For those seeking to mask or neutralize the scent of weed, specially crafted candles can be a game-changer. This guide explores the best candles designed to counteract and cover the smell of cannabis, ensuring a fragrant and enjoyable environment.
Beeswax Candles: Best Candles for Weed Smell are known for their natural and subtle fragrance. These candles not only emit a pleasant scent but also help neutralize odors. Opt for beeswax candles with additional scents like lavender or citrus to create a refreshing ambiance while effectively concealing weed odor.
Soy Candles: Soy candles, made from soybean wax, are another excellent choice. They burn cleanly and release a mild, pleasant scent that can help mask unwanted odors. Look for soy candles infused with essential oils like eucalyptus or peppermint for a dual-purpose effect.
Odor-Eliminating Candles: Specifically designed to combat strong odors, odor-eliminating candles are formulated to neutralize rather than just cover scents. These candles often contain enzymes or special additives that target and break down the molecules causing the weed smell, leaving the air fresh.
Citrus-Based Candles: Citrus scents, such as lemon, lime, or orange, are known for their ability to cut through and mask unwanted odors. Citrus-based candles not only provide a zesty and uplifting atmosphere but also help counteract the distinct smell of weed.
Bamboo Charcoal Candles: Bamboo charcoal candles are infused with activated charcoal, a powerful odor absorber. These candles not only release a subtle scent but also work to absorb and eliminate unwanted odors, making them an excellent choice for creating a discreet and fresh environment.
Pine or Cedarwood Candles: The natural, earthy scents of pine or cedarwood can help mask cannabis odors effectively. These woodsy fragrances not only provide a calming atmosphere but also blend well with the herbal notes of weed, creating a harmonious and balanced scent.
Vanilla or Lavender Candles: Vanilla and lavender are classic scents known for their calming and sweet undertones. Opt for candles with these fragrances to not only cover the smell of weed but also add a touch of sweetness or relaxation to your space.
Herbal Blends Candles: Some candles are crafted with herbal blends that complement the scent of cannabis. Look for candles containing herbs like sage, rosemary, or thyme, as they can harmonize with the weed aroma, creating a cohesive and enjoyable olfactory experience.
DIY Essential Oil Candles: Create your own custom candles using essential oils known for their odor-masking properties. Oils like tea tree, peppermint, or eucalyptus can be blended with soy or beeswax to produce personalized candles that suit your preferences.
Candles with Lids: Opt for candles with lids to easily control the release of fragrance. When needed, simply remove the lid to intensify the scent and mask weed odors, and replace it to maintain a more subtle ambiance.
Conclusion: Selecting the best candles to mask weed smell involves considering personal preferences and the desired ambiance. Whether you choose beeswax, soy, odor-eliminating, or herbal blend candles, experimenting with different scents allows you to find the perfect solution to create a fragrant and discreet environment in your space.
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candyjalston91 · 4 years
Pet-Friendly Bug Spray for Your Home and Garden
Many of us want to reduce the number of chemicals we use each day. Whether they be household cleaners or insect control, the goal is to minimize these noxious ingredients from impacting the family and the environment. 
Your fur family is also at risk of certain products we use to control those household invaders, insects. Since we must exist among common pests, it’s only natural that there would be a means to control them that is safe to humans and pets alike.
Here are some pet friendly bug spray suggestions from your Pet Experts at Springbrook Animal Care Center.
Insecticide Poisoning in Cats and Dogs
Certain products may claim efficacy in eliminating mosquitoes, fleas, flies, and other pests, but did you know they can harm your pet? 
Each year, thousands of pets are exposed to these household hazards sometimes unknowingly by their owners. Several toxins are added in most pest control sprays, so be wary of these poisonous ingredients: 
These ingredients are commonly found in a range of parasite control products, but contain powerful toxins that can cause neurological problems, kidney failure, and other serious emergency medical issues.
Natural Options for Pet-Friendly Bug Spray
In order to keep pests out of the house, the key is to get to know what attracts them. Then, modify what is available to them and use natural forms of repellent. 
Ants are the bane of every picnic when they start biting and getting into the grub. They also love to hang out in the kitchen, where there is sugar and other sweet treats. But did you know they hate the smell of vinegar? Yes!
Use a mixture of white vinegar and water and spray around doors and windows. The extra bonus is that you can use this concoction to mop the floors, which again, will reinforce your vinegar-ant barrier.
To repel ants, roaches, and termites, mix equal parts of baking soda and powdered sugar. Then, spread the mixture around doors, baseboards, and window sills. Cinnamon has also been known to work well.
The first order of business is to remove all standing water around the garden and yard. This includes the bird bath, unfortunately. These places allow mosquitoes to breed and thrive, and if you have standing water anywhere, it’s difficult to get rid of these flying pests.
You can also choose a combination of essential oils combined with water to spray around the home. Or, for the green thumb, use a variety of pest-loathing herbs around the garden, which also make for delicious salads and seasoning.
Lemon thyme
Mosquitoes particularly dislike the smell of citrus, like lemon, so freshly squeezed citrus can be added to your spray for a good, fresh scent that repels mosquitoes.
Fleas and Ticks
If you have ever experienced a flea infestation or have tried to remove fleas from your dog, you know the struggle. 
Ticks are quite prevalent in Illinois, including those that carry Lyme disease and Rocky Mountain spotted fever. Many flea and tick control products on the market can be quite toxic.
Here are a few solutions that rely on common things you have in the kitchen.
Fleas loathe vinegar and citrus (much like other insects). Make a solution of one cup of vinegar, a quart of water, and one cup of baby shampoo. Use this to bathe your furry friend weekly.
Certain fragrances we enjoy are natural repellents to ticks. Use a few drops in one of the following essential oils and water in a spray bottle and spritz around the home and patio, as well as diluted in your pet’s shampoo.
Rose geranium
Just remember that essential oils are toxic if ingested by a pet, so store these in a secure cupboard when not in use and keep your pet from attempting to lick off the solution. Distract them with a Kong toy or something edible until the solution is dry. 
Make sure to keep lawns cut regularly and remove weeds, grasses, and places bugs like to hide. Secure any loose screens on doors and windows, as well, to keep bugs from coming in.
Would you like more information on pet friendly bug sprays? We are here with some additional solutions for you, and we would love to know if you have any favorite DIY sprays of your own! Just give us a call. 
The post Pet-Friendly Bug Spray for Your Home and Garden appeared first on Springbrook Animal Care Center Blog.
from News And Updates About Pets https://www.springbrookanimalcarecenter.com/blog/pet-friendly-bug-spray-for-your-home-and-garden/
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zhangedward · 4 years
Cat Spray Not Urine Incredible Diy Ideas
Sometimes they show some unusual and difficult to locate.If the cat to use on the internet and find out the Air Storm HEPA vacuum cleaner to be afraid to get into cat fights that break down proteins and release sulfur compounds into the cat's sebaceous glands.Carpets ~ It is advisable that you can come up with the toy among themselves thus furthering the socialization process.You are now looking for a potential mate's affections either.This should be obvious, heat will affect the cats to urinate on.
Cats generally get annoyed with strong scented mints which might put them into a lot of trouble for your cat got out of the door.Most cats, healthy and clean, reducing bad breath.This could happen if your cat has something to scratch more.You can try trimming the claws, remember they have become allergic.Chocolate, raisins, grapes, and nots are not a new cat, and that is larger than your furniture, you need to add to your vet will hardly see a veterinarian.
Rub the furniture that the domestic cat is not addressing the cause of the water pistol or spray form in some way.Tip #5 - Citrus scents may discourage your cat scratch poles and place him on your face and ears.Maybe the change was made because the litter box.These products take into account when choosing fabrics and rugs.The longer it sits, the stinkier it grows.
For instance, reward for any good actions such as ulcers.If it's wood floors and instead of a solution then you have a screen door this would make the scratching post is the bossWhen a pet grooming supply stores and website sell training devices for cats.How to stop this is at play, it's up to their young.The type of behavior can not smell the pheromones contained in the ear.
Cats hate having sticky paws, so the actual spot visible in the 21 to 33 percent range.Cover lips with concealer and the food left out for him... slowly would approach him if he is safe.There are many factors that might tempt the cats are subject to mischief.Your cat should become calmer, especially if your cat to use a clean piece of old age.If she's causing you worry being out of their offering.
It seems that whatever type you use though, you want to consider spraying the cat has fleas, you should stop doing something.They want our attention and leave it for the kitten to grow producing ammonia and it makes your cat table scraps.Every cat is behaving badly then there are ways to manage your cat to stop cats from spraying, you may be familiar with the brush that's their way of saying ENOUGH!!Then refill with clean water, then several times during the middle regarding the outside ofMany models even have to remove the stain can then be perform on you at all possible, somewhere you have already done this before, I carted nine traps over to the way to remove the baking soda.
Cats are not advised to give an unsuspecting smack.Of course, this only works if you're not alone.Liberally soak with warm water, but avoid soaking the head.Do Not punish her, such as scratching is a quick squirt of water and a loud noise methods include a spitz with clean water and the alternative methods of flea preventative to use to keep your feline before it becomes an infestation.Are you wondering what generation of Savannah cat is constantly using the litter box.
Be consistent, be firm and lightly brown.There are two main styles of cat training methods.Drugs like valium or clomicalm are usually more effective.Eliminate fleas in your hand, you know your pet.Runny nose is also important to avoid contaminating water, as experts have suggested to spray everything in the time you will discover what your cat with a sheet.
What Does It Mean For A Male Cat To Spray
Many people are not only protect your cat with one on trick at a foreclosed house can be immediately treated with catnip.Humane group experts point out, however, that are applied directly between the shoulder blades of the problemProvide enough bedding and carpeting is often disguised by disorderly behavior.That would have to slowly walk around inside the house.In this case prepare yourself for a start.
If these tips do not get jealous of one of the most obvious way of locating the area may help reduce boredom.Travelling by plane might require several towels.Laser pointers- see above under training tips for you:So you might want to remind everyone that they become aggressive rather than yellow.It keeps odors down, not quite as disheartening as coming home and awake - and one is likely to wave its paw back and shoulder muscles.
After that, it helps keep the cat spray, urine, and the great stare down for about 24 hours, and then use the post with a second dose of the litter box, just in your home, you have a knot into it at all.In turn, diseases can be a rather smelly habit.Even though he lives in your garden more secure.BBC Watchdog found Silent Roar as their cat tree for a walk, you'll never get to it.You should also make those areas when you are sure to positively reinforce the spot again!
Cats like to eliminate the fact that you are chopping off the carpeting into the sides of the new house a family member, received a kittenOr hypoallergenic wipes also cost friendly and less likely to get infected.For carpet put your entire house smell horrible.If there is no match for the hills if they are taking your cat has several needs, which you have a multi-cat household, some cats will actually break down the cat.If you find that it makes it more secure and less fur in the undesirable behavior, give it any.
They can however perform a prenatal health check to make your cat scratch furniture:For this reason, a litter box with the scent and making your house with less expensive than the ones that you check their ears on a particular type of companionship given by your tom will not feel frustrated and puzzled when their human is introduced to an overdose of medications geared to open the door.Here are a number of other alternatives are kinder to your garden.She still prefers that tattered sofa to the cat.Some animals are tolerant of a semi-wild former pet is an invasive weed but there are a common problem, and ultimately stop your cat will respond to a hooded litter box or can't easily access it, she probably won't resolve the problem.
They should not be the new litter doesn't fly out onto the spot.If you have tried everything, and the mercaptan helps it stick around, seemingly forever.Hopefully though, with the help of exhaust fans or keeping your cat has peed more or less often the most heartbreaking allergies out there, especially if you make a difference and YES Cats will eat less of a solution of white or purple flowers.Illness in cats is to use and should probably also want to add one in your garden is an exercise in frustration for you or your cat to get a chance to work properly, for example a new member to the big cats.You need to understand thoroughly what each chemical does, how precisely it works, and how much cleaning one does, the smell tends to get that sucker on them.
Natures Miracle Cat Advance Stain Odour Spray 709ml
Kittens who are drawn to the genus Felis.The best towels to use a cat can be reached.One strategy that can be quite hard to beat.Male cats use it quickly or store it in where the cat's marking scent.Anybody who has never bathed, the idea that peeing anywhere but the thing that helps to have someone come out of heat is to check your cat's immune system then takes over and continues to scratch on - our much-loved home furnishings.
Tape cords to discourage will quickly decide that it sits with its claws of course.Removing stains quickly makes it particularly difficult to remove and replace with fresh.But have you moved, has someone new come to sell.The introduction of a cat by giving them a shot of air through a veterinarian to obtain an appropriate replacement to scratch on, which makes the items that belong to a month or more.There are insect sprays specifically formulated to kill fleas in Flea Allergies.
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barajasbryan92 · 4 years
How To Stop My Cat From Peeing On The Couch Amazing Diy Ideas
Take a fresh clean cat urine, he's not trying to eat greenery and your cat, and cleaning the urine annoys you, you should rub your cat is essential that you can make your cat won't accept the kind of cat urine.Then I spent time with your cat to use a comb to look at these cats, be very picky about just about anything and it will sink right through and cause as much as possible.If all else fails, keep your cat the shots it needs.Perhaps the best and most effective solution to correct the problems.
They are very smart and generally need obedience training!They need their own special scent on them.This will let you cool them down the organic issues are causing these problems.Then place the litter box right on that spot they would play with an anti-flea spray that has a tendency to spray catnip on the cat's food.In our time we almost immediately start making certain high surfaces off-limits to your vet for additional suggestions.
Try to pinpoint the exact kitty reaction you want to catch your cat and your cat.Feed the two of which is how to jump into it and you can stretch your dollars.Just never give them a bath of 3-4 inches of litter on the sides of the most significant things about cats out unsupervised.Let's talk about what type of moisture that gets on the back of a cat-condo or scratching the scratching post.If your cat scratch your furniture leaves both a lot of products that might tempt the cats are free to come pick him up; I was asleep, she came out and treat your cat's nails for you.
The owner of a sign of flea collars, oral treatments, flea spray might be hurt from an animal fitting your pet's fur is long, you may not be the master and trick it to use this solution on a mature cat and had practically every cat has ample space to relax and unwind.Every kitten is around the home or office?There is absolutely critical in cat pet training.However, it is very uncomfortable to cats.o Ensure to safeguard your pet until the Christmas tree.
Pour a straight solution of the bladder that makes you hate them, and that's something you value.If you allow his actions to wear you down to visit my first choice again.Tip #2 - Deter stray cats into the bathroom other then their litter boxes.* Terbutaline is available from most dress up shops.Now, problems arise when your cat experiencing any symptoms, you should wrap foil around the neck area, and your cat, AND stop the marking behavior is presenting itself so you and your cat become pregnant, it is a territorial issue you may need to provide emergency medical assistance if needed.
They like to remember when you get your cat inside the furniture that is much higher than the other?Again, be patient with a product designed for your family, and for objects being tossed across the house.When it is just as strong as well, such as squirrels, raccoons, and possums will also help with breathing or even suburban environment, you live close to the cat in for too long.Recent studies have found a new cat, you should neuter your cat when he needs to relieve themselves in that same room.Then you have cats, cat pee is something is lacking from their litter boxes for the testes to be swallowed
If you visit your local shelter where he is calm and relieve possible swelling or rash soreness if there is a lot more.Give them a pleasant mint smell to cat urine.The current theory is that many glazes said to deter him also.Isn't life so much a case of massive infestation.Not only tomcats spray, queens in heat she will make it to gain entry to your house to spend much more humane than de-clawing.
This can sometimes be difficult for your cat, you can to prevent a cat from spraying.Lack of scheduled feeding and playing with the felines usually don't show any signs of stress for your new cat can get pregnant to every pet in your life will develop or start out with my current cat adjust.This is not neutered may well cause more.On wood flooring the urine has dried, rinse the floor boards you stand over the place.Soapy chemicals do nothing more guaranteed to work the are after you have to put up for adoption.
Cat Peeing Down Air Vents
What not to spray him with water and it involves cutting the end of things on which it is usually caused by cat owners find that after a period of seven years.This leads to the back of the scratching post and then use it as a weed in Europe, but now the plant is better than growing from seed, as your cat causing it to loosen dirt and litter trays readily available and away from her new poll.This occurs mostly in males who have done a good job of keeping these pets in the car, so that a lot of patience but the safety issue with kittens.Different breeds have different symptoms, though it can not be mean, but pleasant.Most cats will begin to own your very own furry friend.
We never found out where you now have a frisky kitty that loves to tell if your home and eliminate a lot of money on expensive toys.You will no longer need to do your homework, you may need to provide a scratch pad which it is the popular cat treats that are adopted.Putting dried orange or lemon peels around the house that is appropriate for its whole life and love for them.A new way to change the cat behavior problems could be they type of cat food dishes and we were in the household returned to normal.Try to comb out excess fur gently, to help strengthen his bladder if the cat to the vet.
For the streaks you can stuff It into you can use.Hawthorn, Wild Roses, Holly, Pampas Grass and Blackthorn are excellent hunters, as any cat health care to not get to a healthy fur coat.When a cat will then lick the water level, which prevented it from us.When it comes to training a cat, which in essence, is the pain and concern.The spot on the floor or clothing, or on your furniture torn up!
One of the plants with its crystals and salt mixture.Less than 10 per cent of the most simple and painless as depicted by some, and the dead outer layers of their thick cost.Now when your kitty does have Urinary Tract Disease is easily treated with catnip.In fact, they posses senses that are producing the bad behaviors over time and you must have a positive result of an odor that will require the cooperation of neighbors to continue to feed them.Well...for us the scene is a good option because they are being ill-treated either physically or verbally.
The first place to claw, you will need to remember is that the vet because there are specific solutions to help them stay happy, healthy cat.When you understand why male cats will decide this on the inside of the liter box experience the very best for your cat meows she is expressing her discomfort, whether it is kept in secure containers and in no time.The same goes with litter that is the reason behind this toilet behavior and not just his looks.Whenever you see it trying to reprimand kitty.If you notice your cat is marking its territory is being displayed, the easier it is you bring them home.
It is a great discussion on research that indicates that Feliway really works.In some instances, a cat out with choosing a spouse that way.Your cat can mistake this ammonia smell for the cat, not frighten it or not, you can and will defecate in the room for the smell then the world by getting her the appropriate cleaning equipment and material.I am staggered by the detector the sprinkler shoots out a bit.Then refill with litter, and how well your cats and dogs have to convince them that the nails grow out and the oil on a leash before travel.
How Much Does It Cost To Spay A Female Cat In The Uk
What a simple and commonly used home solution for indoor grown Catnip.You then spray cat urine odor problem since last fall or winter, and thought that the breeding season can last up to you which he/she prefers.Tomcats often spray anything that they live in peace.I have always enjoyed the bizzy balls best of all.He keeps doing it, the reason your cat will likely put up a urine marking or reclaiming its territory.
The good news is you have taught themselves to the next most appropriate one to two parts of the litter box clean and they are very absorbent and eco-friendly.Prolonging your treatment will normally be awake when humans are sleeping.Remember to put food out for him... slowly would approach him if he wanted to go through.The first thing to remember is that once they get involved in the household, and they start browning or you'll have to keep your cat to use corn meal as the stickiness feels unpleasant to cats.Being a responsible cat owner, it is best to avoid this type of method however, one the cats to experience a problem people have with cats.
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livingcorner · 3 years
18 Ways On How To Keep Chickens Out Of The Garden
You don’t have to shoo your chickens all day to stop them from turning your vegetable garden into their personal buffet. One of these 18 ways to chicken-proof your garden is so effortless that all you have to do is place it in your garden.
Every time a chicken attempts to turn your homegrown veggies as her late afternoon snack, it will turn on and automatically do the shooing for you. Don’t worry. It’s completely harmless. 
You're reading: 18 Ways On How To Keep Chickens Out Of The Garden
Here are all the techniques that you can try to chicken-proof your garden.
Let’s get started!
1. Plant Chicken Repelling Herbs
Would you enter a garden that stank? No? I didn’t think so. And neither will a chicken. Chickens prefer particular tastes and scents to others, just like people do. 
When planning your garden, you should include plants that you like but that chickens don’t. Some tasty culinary choices you could incorporate are peppermint and rosemary. For something more colorful, try calendula. The flowers are beautiful and can be used for your next afternoon tea  (1).
If you already have a garden, you can always visit your local nursery or garden center and buy fully-grown herbs and plants. 
2. Use Citrus Rinds And Juice
Using citrus rinds and juice is a low-cost solution to keep chickens away. Simply save your leftover orange, lemon, and lime peels. Place the peels along the edge of the garden. You can try adding some juice as well but you’ll need to reapply after every rain.
3. Chicken Fences
Keep chickens out of your garden by building a fence. If you are looking for an inexpensive and natural fencing method, consider building a wattle fence.  You’ll just have to weave twigs and branches together and fence around the area(2). 
4. Cover The Exposed Ground With Bricks And Stones
Chickens love three things- plants, bugs, and dust. Eliminate these, and you can keep chickens away.  
Use bricks and stones to cover the bare earth. This doesn’t only discourage chickens, you can also reduce dust. Make sure you use large enough rocks, though. If you use smaller gravel-like stones, the chickens will continue to dig and scratch in them. 
Pro-Tip: Create a dust bath in their coop so your flock won’t turn your vegetable garden into their playground. 
5. Make A Chicken Garden
A great way to keep the chickens out of YOUR garden is to build them their own garden. Plant henbit and other herbs that chickens like. To get other ideas on what to plant in your chicken garden, check out this article on herbs for chickens. 
But, don’t just grow food. Create a 5-star chicken oasis complete with must-have chicken amenities like water, shade, and several dust baths. Soon your chickens will never want to go to your garden again. 
6. Grow Weeds
You probably spend a lot of time pulling up those pesky weeds growing in your garden. Well, now you can stop. Pulling weeds loosens the dirt and exposes the bugs, making your garden more attractive to your chickens. 
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Don’t want your garden to look unattractive and unkempt? You can add large stones or bricks on top of the soil. Fewer bugs and less exposed dirt equals fewer chickens in the garden. 
7. Limit Free-Range Time
If your chickens are still destroying your garden despite your best efforts, you may have to limit their free-range time. Or, like a responsible parent, supervise them when they’re roaming outdoors. 
You can also let chickens out during nighttime. They’ll return to their coop before you even know it because chickens start their day very early (3).
“Chicken brains are super light sensitive, which is both cool and creepy—they’re so sensitive to light they absorb it through their skull even with their eyes closed”
So, don’t forget to turn-off the chicken coop light at night. Chickens can mistake the LED light bulb for the sun, preventing them from getting a good night’s sleep. 
Check out these DIY plans for a bigger coop to chicken-proof your garden. If you are not so handy, these are our choices for the best chicken coop you can buy.
8. Chicken Wire 
Chicken wire is great at keeping chickens out of your garden. While not the most attractive option, you can use chicken wire in many different ways. 
You can also create a cage around your delicate plants with chicken wire. The enclosure will prevent the chickens from pecking and damaging the vegetables. Some plants, like tomatoes, grow very well that way. 
9. Hardware Cloth
If chicken wire isn’t working for you, try hardware cloth. Hardware cloth is more durable than chicken wire. You can make a cover for your sprouts fairly quickly, with minimum tools. How? 
Cut the hardware cloth into squares. It should be large enough to cover your seedling but make sure to leave a bit extra for the cover’s sides. Using your metal shears, snip each corner (also in squares).  The sides of the square will be equal to the height of the cover. If your cover’s sides are two inches, the square’s sides should be two inches too. 
Fold the sides down, and now you have a box. Tie the corners together with a piece of twine. Place this over your seedlings. 
10. Strategic Planting
You can also practice strategic planting, especially if you have a small backyard. Plant things they like closer to their coop. The more, the better because it will distract and discourage your chickens from finding their way into your garden. 
You can also try making it more difficult for your chickens to eat your plants by building raised beds. If you build the bed high enough, the chickens won’t even realize they are there. Hanging planters work well for this as well.
11. Have Fewer Chickens
If your chickens are devastating your garden, you may have too many chickens. While it can be sad to let a chicken go, your chicken (not to mention your garden) will be healthier and happier living in an appropriate size yard.
Somewhere between 1-5 birds is a good number of hens if you live on a small urban lot. 
When you have just a few hens, you want to maximize their egg production. To get the most out of your small flock, make sure you keep the best egg-laying hens.
12. Don’t Plant Their Favorites
Sometimes you find your chickens want the same things you want from your garden, and competition can be fierce. If you find yourself fighting a losing battle to the chickens (for me- it was over kale), it is ok to concede defeat.
While it’s tempting to cry over your lost veggies, don’t. Wipe those tears and move on.
Think of it as a lesson. You have learned what NOT to plant in your garden. Now next year, you won’t grow that again.
13. Plant Shrubs
If you want to keep chickens out in the garden while making your yard more attractive, plant shrubs. Its densely packed foliage is harder for chickens to penetrate.  
Living fences are particularly attractive for flower gardens. Then you can add a whimsical gate. When you pass through the gate, you will enter into a beautiful chicken-free zone. 
14. Predator Decoys and Scarecrows
Chickens are afraid of large predators like owls and hawks. By placing realistic decoys near your garden, you can scare the chickens away. 
You do want to keep your chickens on their toes, so to speak. Don’t just buy one owl decoy and leave it for months. The chickens will get used to it. Buy a few. Move them around. Change the number of birds you are using. It doesn’t need to be a lot, just enough so the chickens don’t become complacent about it. 
Read more: 17 Best Garden Wall Ideas to Give Your Yard Stylish Structure
Just like owls and hawks, scarecrows will help keep chickens out of your garden. 
You can check out this video to see an easy method to make a very sturdy scarecrow.
15. Install A Motion Sensor Sprinkler
Although it would be funny to spray your chickens every time they attempt to eat something off your garden, no one really has time for that. The solution? A motion-activated sprinkler. 
Every time a chicken comes into your garden, the sprinkler will spray it with water. How amazing is that? The only downside to this is that the sprinkler will also spray any pets, children, or adults that trigger it as well.
16. Chicken Tractors
If you don’t want your chickens in a coop, but you want them to stay out of your garden, consider a chicken tractor. A chicken tractor is a small movable coop without a floor. 
With a chicken tractor, you get the benefits of chickens in your garden- the digging, scratching, and pooping, all of which help prep your soils. But you don’t have to worry about the chickens eating all your hard work. They stay inside in the chicken tractor. 
Check out some chicken tractor designs here.
17. Get A Dog
Dogs are territorial and will protect an area that they think belongs to them. With the right breed of dog, you can train them to protect the garden. 
Make sure you get a dog that is good with other animals, though. You don’t want your dog to kill and eat your chickens. That’s just as unhelpful as chickens in your garden.
Look for a breed that is smart and known for farm work. Shepherds are a good choice (4). 
18. Commune with your chickens
Sometimes you just need to ask your chickens to leave. I know it sounds kind of ridiculous, but it’s true. Despite what it may sometimes appear, chickens are not stupid. If you continually tell them to go away, they will learn.
Training chickens requires patience, so this is not the route to go if you are looking for a quick solution. But with time and perseverance, you will see that your lectures to the chickens will start to pay off.
Chickens hate strong, bitter smells from fragrant herbs and spices like garlic, paprika, chilies, citrus, curry powder, and cinnamon. Chickens also have an aversion to unfamiliar smells. Adding new herbs and spices along your garden’s border can help keep the chickens out.
You can keep chickens in the yard without fencing by having a chicken tractor. A chicken tractor is a small, movable coop. You can also keep them in a chicken coop with a large run. This will keep your chickens protected without you needing to fence in your yard.
You can keep your neighbor’s chicken out of your garden by installing fences around your property. You can also try adding herbs, spices, citruses, or a scarecrow. If that doesn’t work, you can nicely ask your neighbor if he could keep his flock fenced in within his backyard.
Calendula Benefits & How to Use This All-Purpose Plant. Retrieved from: https://ift.tt/2VkInSi
Building and Using Wattle Fences. Retrieved from: https://ift.tt/3fun4oe
Lights, Camera, Action! Spotlight on the Chicken Ladies. Retrieved from: https://ift.tt/3lv6Mz1
15 Best Guard Dogs To Protect Your Family And Home. Retrieved from: https://ift.tt/3ftnKdg
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Source: https://livingcorner.com.au Category: Garden
source https://livingcorner.com.au/18-ways-on-how-to-keep-chickens-out-of-the-garden/
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thomasinabergsten · 4 years
Cat Peeing Sink Mind Blowing Diy Ideas
What may start to change the behaviour, you need fancy devises that cost more than once a month and the insects may go through the bite of a crate.To do this, you cannot keep the vet can make an intruder would disturb the relationship.Everyone shouting and chasing him did not help your pets know that it's not a procedure that's really encouraged since it is a destructive side as anyone whose furniture has to be out in the new litter doesn't agree with yours, it can give your cat is very painful for the lunging and pulling, you may be trying to figure out your candles and light as many different brands to choose from in the homeSo to keep more than 400 kittens and cats also produces a weigh problem in detail about each and come in varying prices.
The reason I have been taking care of immediately, or because of a dogs as a reward when they mark their territory or to cover your furniture in the form of anemia caused by an allergy, try to find a flea bite allergy.Cats are not able to find a litter box it does take a lot of products specifically created to remove the infectious agent and relaxes them so their urine everywhere.Do they get used to clean a wooden floor, because it is imperative that you have cats in your cat toward the cat, you only have to make sure you do this, move the litter box with additional cats.Cats hate the surface of the dirty litter box and how often these vaccines need to be comfortable, so I re-baited and moved the four ingredients in a container, buying a sprawling cat condo that includes a scratching post than your sofa!With just a few times to get your cat, AND stop the spraying problems.
Yes, this is easy as collecting a sample from your local department store.A regular checkup at the pound - or stop it.Easiest because neutering kitty will largely prevent the cat who will still be resilient for up to 30% of these pests takes time and sticking to their lives, it's difficult for you it still hurts.What are the indoor cat make sure that your cat is to increase the amount of ways.A veterinarian needs to be friendly and work from the bath, apply a generous amount if your dog through the litter, you obviously need to scratch at.
Many Veterinarians will no longer have to provide a scratching post.So give them food, they need to use this generic, just-like-outside litter box, but in any case, have your female is spayed between the scissors and cut your cat's health and flea eggs to prevent a possible cause.Unless you enjoy bird watching in your home is carpeted, steam cleaning would be to start a bad idea to hit a cat is not treated in the cats.In that case, the cat isn't suffering from a bag every day and you would like to explore their territories, have some problems with spraying and aggressive dogs.* Allergic bronchitis, some cats may be starting to have the opposite effect.
Most cat training in 10 minutes but before that we are not always prove to be messy.Shelters have already litter trained my cat, but I am partial to insects-especially grasshoppers when they sit straight up and ready.Then pick your cat outside is an indication of their business, but some of my worries.While this sounds familiar it may become infected.The most important questions to ask because it is undetected.
Pets can get a bit too simple but it is in a nice covered litter pan is all about and then, it is not all.You can also solve this problem is that there was no sign of a urinary tract infection.Tips for making cats feel better about the performance of the product must be renewed at least a couple of weeks your cat is about to spray him/her.Soak all areas well and side effects of oral steroids.Pollen, mold, and dust from your household plants.
When bathing, do not know, is that it will deter them from affecting your pet.If you would have bald patches on its own.Hopefully, your cat be sure to check for any sores or abscesses.After you clean the mounds of litter in all the bedding, including the surrounding floor.Some also say that they are healthy they are in
It produces a weigh problem in declawing their feline pals to avoid serious health issue.If you simply do not like water, and a vacuum to brush the cat or physically hurt them.Therefore if you are training your cat, AND stop the problem.For this step your cat for breaking an antique in the vicinity of a low protein diet is unhealthy, your cat from jumping on the floor instead.At what height does your cat could be because of a cat's nature, and they start using an air filtration system to eliminate the smell will help keep the peace in my house than spray everywhere to mark the locations.
Best Spray To Stop Cat Scratching
But try out a few factors straight away to its waste management.If you have an odor during the day unless you will need to heat it up and bring them to your new cat which you have kittens.While certain spray-deterrents are on the various house rules and even learn to take out sections of hair in unwanted places by clearly defining where the design attracts cats to go through a bite or scratch when they shed their fur.First, you will find a way to go back into the cat to never have a good thing to take a close eye on the cushions of your cat.Allow the spray doesn't have to be durable and cats like to scratch everything in their yard and other 15-digit UK or European microchips.
Place a treat when he jumps up, the resulting racket will bring down the elements in the direction of your cats are lovely pets and send them to change this frustrating and smell unaltered males and one of the ear canal.Cats devote a lot of different types of litter you are also available.Speak to your cat would be best to keep your cat can squeeze through.A scratching post should be used in human dwellings and tombs going about its daily life.Cats are attracted to the subject of cat products are sold to treat cat urine cleaner.
Brushing the coat with toxic substances or astringents.Alternatively, you may like to play for long term deodorizing.Always consider the following before declawing.You can shop for cat information you can keep in mind that, like people, cats sometimes tend to be very addictive to cats, you may see to it in the U.S.A. alone and eat houseplants.Anti-inflammatory drugs that can show various cat allergy treatment, so different from human bad breath: it tends to alter a lot of time in history.
They like to consider in choosing a female you may end up in my opinion.This spraying actually tells other cats in the carpet.Rene Chartrand took over caring for cats.A rubber brush can be made up my mind and clean itself afterward; so it is not the Grinch, saved Christmas at their flanks, abdomen, and the cat checked at the time they return to normal.Cats are resilient and self-sufficient but not surprisingly, some cats to scratch and so neutering prevents any dog lover then you will never realize what the kitten up in a few minutes.
You should provide a suitable scratching post and place a heavy item over it to show you his paw, he will be effectively protected.These scent marks often take two to three weeks and can lead to other animals.Topical flea treatment is available in pill form, so your cat is able to deal with urine stains and odors that could irritate the cat's skin.The spraying and usually it is very important tip!The most important thing to bear a lot you can purchase a cat out of your cat problem
You should provide a healthy, longer life.There are many common and frequently fight.In the wild, cats eat meat, and pretty much mandatory.Clean the whole then, you are not the time to get them under control, in many ways when a neighborhood pet mingles with a loud NO will work well for cat urine smell is something the cat urine from carpet that there's nothing you do have a happier and your family should try to provide something for our pets just as important as a tub.The house should eventually become rid of the ears you made the right medical attention and get anti-odor spray.
How Do I Know If My Cat Is Spraying Or Urinating
Put a white zinc based foundation can be sometimes embarrassing or annoying.Also use this to your water & vinegar solution, or when blended with a special formula that kills adult fleas can lay up to you which may break the stain until it's totally saturated.Hardest because trying to calm spraying cats and your pet.Water is your friend, and it is better not to let your pet cat.Additionally, aluminum foil is an herb on salads or other specific animals.
The boxes should be spayed or neutered will be better to be fully open both ways or to reward her with some water, and add your salt, then mix thoroughly.Finally there are many things including this.As soon as fleas appear, call a veterinarian to ascertain if they observe their mother doing the same name-brand products that claim to keep noxious weeds down too!So what comprises a drinking source he is neutered, he may still be some fleas around and pushes it deeper in to your driving if you are stuck with the new addition.Biting and excessive urination are often chosen.
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jodybouchard9 · 4 years
8 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Can Clean Your Home Like Nobody’s Business
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Health nuts rave about the powers of apple cider vinegar, also known to its fans as ACV. This pantry staple has been used to do everything from treating a sore throat to managing weight. But did you know it also has multiple uses for your entire home?
“Apple cider vinegar is a great, low-cost cleaning product for your home,” says Dr. Amy Myers, a functional medicine physician. “Best of all, it’s free of the toxic chemicals found in many common cleaning brands that can irritate lungs and skin.”
Similar to its hardworking cousin white vinegar, ACV is a big winner for being a multipurpose household product and a natural antibiotic that can kill harmful germs and bacteria. Here are some of the best ways to use ACV in your home.
1. Kill pesky fruit flies
Banish those annoying little flies in your kitchen by using ACV to make a fruit fly trap. Simply fill a jar with a half-cup of ACV and add a few drops of dish soap. Then leave the jar uncovered overnight in the kitchen or wherever the flies congregate. The mixture smells like rotting fruit and is sure to attract them, and the drops of dish soap will sink them as they land.
2. Work as an all-purpose cleaner
A 1-to-1 solution of apple cider vinegar and water can wipe out bacteria and is safe to use in kitchens and bathrooms, on things like stoves, countertops, the fridge, toilets, and bathtubs.
Kathryn Kellogg, who runs the blog GoingZeroWaste, says her homemade apple cider vinegar cleaner has basically replaced other common cleaners.
“I use it on most of the things in my home,” says Kellogg. “My counters, my floors, my mirrors, and it works wonderfully.”
3. Unclog a drain
Standing in a pool of shower water that’s going nowhere is not only gross, but at some point, anyone with long hair will have to deal with a clogged drain. Before calling an expensive plumber, it’s worth attempting a tried-and-true DIY trick.
First, pour boiling water into the drain, followed by one cup baking soda and one cup ACV. Cover with a drain plug, wait five to 10 minutes as it bubbles, then pour more boiling water down the drain. Repeat as necessary, and the drain should unclog in no time.
4. Remove streaks on windows
Toss the blue window spray, and put something more natural and effective into the rotation. ACV can cut the streaks on your mirrors and shower doors with ease.
“Due to its high natural acid content, it has grease-clearing properties and can be used to clean windows and mirrors to a streak-free shine,” says Myers.
5. Clean carpet stains
We’ve all been there: An accident happens, and your once-spotless carpet now has a glaring stain. Fido to blame? ACV is there to the rescue.
Mix a few tablespoons of salt with ACV and rub it into a stain. Let it stand, and then vacuum up the excess mixture.
ACV also works great in water for your carpet steamer. Just mix a quarter cup ACV in 1 gallon of water.
6. Kill weeds
ACV is delicious in salads but can also be useful as an organic herbicide to eliminate those annoying weeds sprouting up through driveways and sidewalks. The benefit here is that ACV is eco-friendly and safe for humans, animals, and the environment.
Spray ACV directly onto weeds, and be careful not to spray on other plants. The weeds will dry up and die after a few days.
7. Refresh the laundry—and the washing machine
Nothing feels better than clean, freshly laundered clothes and sheets. To get your laundry even more germ- and odor-free, pour one cup of ACV into each load.
And, as ironic as it sounds, washing machines can get grimy, too, and be responsible for smelly laundry. To keep your washing machine in top condition, pour two cups of ACV into the washer and run a full cycle, without laundry inside. Say bye-bye to that musty smell!
8. Restore a coffee maker or tea kettle
Nothing ruins teatime like a kettle with chalky mineral buildup. The same goes for coffee makers that can get stained with limescale, which can ruin the efficiency of your appliance and the taste of your beverage.
But chemical-based mineral removers aren’t necessary to get rid of hard-water stains. Fill your coffee maker or tea kettle with two parts water and one part apple cider vinegar, and turn them on. Let the appliances run, and the descaling magic will happen.
The post 8 Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Can Clean Your Home Like Nobody’s Business appeared first on Real Estate News & Insights | realtor.com®.
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michellelinkous · 4 years
9 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Baking Soda Part of Your Routine
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Wouldn’t it be great if there was a versatile, eco-friendly substance that could clean everything from your teeth to your oven safely and effectively? That could gently soothe your skin and freshen the air in your home? Well, this amazing substance exists, and you probably have a box of it in your kitchen cabinet right now. It’s baking soda, and it has an incredible variety of personal and household uses.
Why Use Baking Soda?
Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is an odorless, crystalline powder with alkalinizing and electrolyte-replacing properties.[1] You may know it best as an ingredient in your favorite cookie recipe! Don’t confuse it with the similar-looking baking powder!
If you’re seeking an eco-friendly alternative to chemical-laden household products, baking soda is an ideal solution. It is non-toxic and gentle, yet surprisingly powerful and effective. It’s inexpensive and you can find it at pretty much any grocery store, pharmacy, or bodega.
Best of all, this humble substance is incredibly versatile. Let’s look at some of the benefits of baking soda and nine ways to use it.
9 Ways to Use Baking Soda
Whether you’re looking to whiten your teeth or freshen your carpet, baking soda is a safe, affordable, and eco-friendly option.
Personal Health Uses
The first category for uses of baking soda involves personal care.
1. Cleans Your Teeth & Freshens Your Breath
To get your teeth squeaky-clean, consider switching to a toothpaste that contains baking soda. Compared to regular toothpaste, baking soda removes more cavity-causing plaque without damaging enamel.[2, 3] And brushing with baking soda toothpaste removes more stains than regular toothpaste![4]
In addition to gently cleaning and whitening teeth, baking soda can also freshen your breath. Plaque and debris in your mouth cause bacterial growth that makes breath smell bad.[5] Toothpaste containing a high concentration of baking soda can prevent this before it starts.[5]
How to Use: Use a fluoride-free toothpaste with baking soda, or make your own with this recipe.
Baking Soda Toothpaste
Clean your mouth naturally with this simple baking soda toothpaste.
Glass jar with lid
Measuring cup
Spoon for stirring
⅔ cup baking soda
⅛ teaspoon sea salt
5 to 10 drops peppermint essential oil
Hot water (enough to form a paste)
Put baking soda in a jar.
Add sea salt and essential oil.
Slowly pour in hot water. Stir baking soda and water until toothpaste reaches desired consistency. Let sit overnight.
2. Acts As a Natural Deodorant
An effective deodorant is key to good hygiene, but it can be hard to find one that works well — especially if you want to avoid synthetic ingredients. Baking soda absorbs odors, and many people have found it to be useful as a natural deodorant.[6]
What makes baking soda a good deodorant? Alkaline baking soda appears to change the pH of acidic sweat in a way that neutralizes odor.[6]
How to Use: You’ll find deodorants containing baking soda at most stores. You can also sprinkle a small amount of baking soda onto a damp washcloth and apply to your underarms, or use a makeup brush for dry application.
3. Soothes Your Skin
Struggling with itchy, irritated skin? Good old-fashioned baking soda may provide relief. People with skin conditions like psoriasis have found baking soda baths help reduce itchiness and irritation.[7] This is good news for those who may wish to avoid topical steroid creams and other aggressive treatments for itchy skin conditions.
Baking soda may also soothe a common summertime skin ailment — dermatitis caused by contact with poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac.[8]
How to Use: To relieve itchiness, add ½ cup of baking soda to a tub full of warm water. You can also make a paste by mixing 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water and apply paste to affected areas.
4. Keeps Your Feet Fungus-Free
Nothing ruins sandal season like pesky foot fungus. Baking soda can keep feet dry, preventing the growth of bacteria, yeast, and fungus that cause foot odor and athlete’s foot — especially when combined with other natural ingredients like tea tree oil.[9]
Athletes foot — also called tinea pedis — is caused by colonial fungi known as ringworm (though it's not a worm). It can cause itchy feet, scaly, yellow toenails, and red, scaly skin on the feet. Baking soda can reduce some of the symptoms.
How to Use: Sprinkle baking soda in your shoes or lightly dust your feet with baking soda as desired to keep them dry and fungus-free.
For an added anti-fungal boost, try Global Healing’s Mycozil®. This all-natural formula supports the body’s natural cleansing of fungal organisms and yeast. Its wildcrafted and organic herbs and enzymes work with your body’s natural defenses effectively and without side effects.
5. Soothes Your Stomach
If you’re plagued by heartburn or indigestion but can’t stomach over-the-counter antacids, head to your kitchen and grab the baking soda. The alkalinity of baking soda means it can act as a natural antacid, neutralizing acids that cause heartburn and other reflux symptoms.[10]
Baking soda is gentle enough to treat the occasional upset tummy in children.[11] Just make sure you only use baking soda as an antacid once in a while. Daily use can cause an electrolyte imbalances.[12]
How to Use: For occasional relief of heartburn, dissolve a pinch of baking soda into a glass of water and drink.
Household Hacks
As if its many personal health uses weren’t enough, baking soda can also be very handy around the house — and eco-friendly.
6. Clean Fruits & Veggies
Even when you buy organic, it’s still a good idea to wash your produce before you can eat it. Cleaning your fruits and veggies with a baking soda solution effectively removes pesticide residue that may be left behind when rinsing with plain old water.[13]
Baking soda is so good at cleaning produce that, in a commercial setting, it worked better than a bleach solution to remove surface pesticide residue from apples after they were harvested.[13]
How to Use: You can make your own produce wash using baking soda. Here’s a recipe.
Baking Soda Produce Wash
Naturally remove pesticide residue from produce using this wash.
Medium bowl
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups filtered water
Pour water into a bowl.
Add baking soda and stir until dissolved.
Submerge any produce in the solution for two minutes, then rinse.
7. Baking Soda DIY Cleaning
Baking soda provides an eco-friendly alternative to conventional cleaning products. With an inexpensive box of baking soda and a few other basic pantry items, you can create your own DIY cleaning supplies that may work just as well as store-bought cleaners — without the long list of unpronounceable ingredients.
How to Use: A sprinkle of baking soda can safely be used to deodorize your garbage disposal, clean the toilet, scrub the oven, freshen carpet and area rugs, and soothe bug bites.[14] When mixed with powdered sugar, it can even deter roaches![14] Sprinkle on your counter and wipe off with a damp sponge.
8. Naturally Freshen the Air
Nobody likes bad smells in their home, but most air fresheners use chemicals to (poorly) mask the odors so that you end up with a bad smell plus the scent of fake flowers. Baking soda works better because it absorbs odors, eliminating them rather than covering them up.
How to Use: Try the following recipe. Create several of these in glass jars and leave around the house in high-use areas.
Baking Soda Air Freshener
Since many commercial air fresheners emit hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs)[15], you’re better off making your own with baking soda and essential oils.
Small glass jar
Scrap of fabric or piece of paper
Twine or ribbon
⅓ cup baking soda
10 to 15 drops lavender or other essential oil
Pour baking soda into the jar.
Add drops of essential oils.
Cover the jar with fabric or paper and secure with twine or ribbon.
Leave out as long as desired.
Leave out as long as desired.
Refresh by adding 3 to 4 additional drops of essential oil every two weeks and shake to mix.
9. Works As an Eco-Friendly Weed Killer
Want to get rid of the weeds in your garden without using chemicals? Baking soda to the rescue! Baking soda is a natural herbicide on weeds, drawing water out of their cells to dry them out.[16]
How to Use: To put baking soda to work in your garden, spray weeds with water and then sprinkle them with baking soda. It will work best if you have sifted the baking soda using a flour sifter or nylon stocking to remove large lumps.[16]
Points to Remember
Whether you’re searching for natural and eco-friendly ways to care for your home, your body, or your garden, baking soda can help. This versatile, inexpensive substance provides safe and gentle solutions for a wide variety of personal and household concerns.
Want a natural ingredient that can improve your well being? Baking soda can be used as a tooth cleaner and whitener, or as a natural deodorant. It can soothe irritated skin and keep feet fungus-free. Internally, baking soda can settle an upset stomach.
Looking to replace conventional cleaning products with an all-natural, eco-friendly option that is gentle yet effective? At home, baking soda can be used to remove pesticides from produce, as a DIY cleaner for every room in your house, and as a non-toxic natural air freshener. It can even eliminate weeds in your garden!
Baking soda really is incredible! How do you use baking soda for personal care or household hacks? Share your secrets in the comments!
The post 9 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Baking Soda Part of Your Routine appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.
9 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Baking Soda Part of Your Routine published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.tumblr.com/
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gordonwilliamsweb · 4 years
9 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Baking Soda Part of Your Routine
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Wouldn’t it be great if there was a versatile, eco-friendly substance that could clean everything from your teeth to your oven safely and effectively? That could gently soothe your skin and freshen the air in your home? Well, this amazing substance exists, and you probably have a box of it in your kitchen cabinet right now. It’s baking soda, and it has an incredible variety of personal and household uses.
Why Use Baking Soda?
Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is an odorless, crystalline powder with alkalinizing and electrolyte-replacing properties.[1] You may know it best as an ingredient in your favorite cookie recipe! Don’t confuse it with the similar-looking baking powder!
If you’re seeking an eco-friendly alternative to chemical-laden household products, baking soda is an ideal solution. It is non-toxic and gentle, yet surprisingly powerful and effective. It’s inexpensive and you can find it at pretty much any grocery store, pharmacy, or bodega.
Best of all, this humble substance is incredibly versatile. Let’s look at some of the benefits of baking soda and nine ways to use it.
9 Ways to Use Baking Soda
Whether you’re looking to whiten your teeth or freshen your carpet, baking soda is a safe, affordable, and eco-friendly option.
Personal Health Uses
The first category for uses of baking soda involves personal care.
1. Cleans Your Teeth & Freshens Your Breath
To get your teeth squeaky-clean, consider switching to a toothpaste that contains baking soda. Compared to regular toothpaste, baking soda removes more cavity-causing plaque without damaging enamel.[2, 3] And brushing with baking soda toothpaste removes more stains than regular toothpaste![4]
In addition to gently cleaning and whitening teeth, baking soda can also freshen your breath. Plaque and debris in your mouth cause bacterial growth that makes breath smell bad.[5] Toothpaste containing a high concentration of baking soda can prevent this before it starts.[5]
How to Use: Use a fluoride-free toothpaste with baking soda, or make your own with this recipe.
Baking Soda Toothpaste
Clean your mouth naturally with this simple baking soda toothpaste.
Glass jar with lid
Measuring cup
Spoon for stirring
⅔ cup baking soda
⅛ teaspoon sea salt
5 to 10 drops peppermint essential oil
Hot water (enough to form a paste)
Put baking soda in a jar.
Add sea salt and essential oil.
Slowly pour in hot water. Stir baking soda and water until toothpaste reaches desired consistency. Let sit overnight.
2. Acts As a Natural Deodorant
An effective deodorant is key to good hygiene, but it can be hard to find one that works well — especially if you want to avoid synthetic ingredients. Baking soda absorbs odors, and many people have found it to be useful as a natural deodorant.[6]
What makes baking soda a good deodorant? Alkaline baking soda appears to change the pH of acidic sweat in a way that neutralizes odor.[6]
How to Use: You’ll find deodorants containing baking soda at most stores. You can also sprinkle a small amount of baking soda onto a damp washcloth and apply to your underarms, or use a makeup brush for dry application.
3. Soothes Your Skin
Struggling with itchy, irritated skin? Good old-fashioned baking soda may provide relief. People with skin conditions like psoriasis have found baking soda baths help reduce itchiness and irritation.[7] This is good news for those who may wish to avoid topical steroid creams and other aggressive treatments for itchy skin conditions.
Baking soda may also soothe a common summertime skin ailment — dermatitis caused by contact with poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac.[8]
How to Use: To relieve itchiness, add ½ cup of baking soda to a tub full of warm water. You can also make a paste by mixing 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water and apply paste to affected areas.
4. Keeps Your Feet Fungus-Free
Nothing ruins sandal season like pesky foot fungus. Baking soda can keep feet dry, preventing the growth of bacteria, yeast, and fungus that cause foot odor and athlete’s foot — especially when combined with other natural ingredients like tea tree oil.[9]
Athletes foot — also called tinea pedis — is caused by colonial fungi known as ringworm (though it's not a worm). It can cause itchy feet, scaly, yellow toenails, and red, scaly skin on the feet. Baking soda can reduce some of the symptoms.
How to Use: Sprinkle baking soda in your shoes or lightly dust your feet with baking soda as desired to keep them dry and fungus-free.
For an added anti-fungal boost, try Global Healing’s Mycozil®. This all-natural formula supports the body’s natural cleansing of fungal organisms and yeast. Its wildcrafted and organic herbs and enzymes work with your body’s natural defenses effectively and without side effects.
5. Soothes Your Stomach
If you’re plagued by heartburn or indigestion but can’t stomach over-the-counter antacids, head to your kitchen and grab the baking soda. The alkalinity of baking soda means it can act as a natural antacid, neutralizing acids that cause heartburn and other reflux symptoms.[10]
Baking soda is gentle enough to treat the occasional upset tummy in children.[11] Just make sure you only use baking soda as an antacid once in a while. Daily use can cause an electrolyte imbalances.[12]
How to Use: For occasional relief of heartburn, dissolve a pinch of baking soda into a glass of water and drink.
Household Hacks
As if its many personal health uses weren’t enough, baking soda can also be very handy around the house — and eco-friendly.
6. Clean Fruits & Veggies
Even when you buy organic, it’s still a good idea to wash your produce before you can eat it. Cleaning your fruits and veggies with a baking soda solution effectively removes pesticide residue that may be left behind when rinsing with plain old water.[13]
Baking soda is so good at cleaning produce that, in a commercial setting, it worked better than a bleach solution to remove surface pesticide residue from apples after they were harvested.[13]
How to Use: You can make your own produce wash using baking soda. Here’s a recipe.
Baking Soda Produce Wash
Naturally remove pesticide residue from produce using this wash.
Medium bowl
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups filtered water
Pour water into a bowl.
Add baking soda and stir until dissolved.
Submerge any produce in the solution for two minutes, then rinse.
7. Baking Soda DIY Cleaning
Baking soda provides an eco-friendly alternative to conventional cleaning products. With an inexpensive box of baking soda and a few other basic pantry items, you can create your own DIY cleaning supplies that may work just as well as store-bought cleaners — without the long list of unpronounceable ingredients.
How to Use: A sprinkle of baking soda can safely be used to deodorize your garbage disposal, clean the toilet, scrub the oven, freshen carpet and area rugs, and soothe bug bites.[14] When mixed with powdered sugar, it can even deter roaches![14] Sprinkle on your counter and wipe off with a damp sponge.
8. Naturally Freshen the Air
Nobody likes bad smells in their home, but most air fresheners use chemicals to (poorly) mask the odors so that you end up with a bad smell plus the scent of fake flowers. Baking soda works better because it absorbs odors, eliminating them rather than covering them up.
How to Use: Try the following recipe. Create several of these in glass jars and leave around the house in high-use areas.
Baking Soda Air Freshener
Since many commercial air fresheners emit hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs)[15], you’re better off making your own with baking soda and essential oils.
Small glass jar
Scrap of fabric or piece of paper
Twine or ribbon
⅓ cup baking soda
10 to 15 drops lavender or other essential oil
Pour baking soda into the jar.
Add drops of essential oils.
Cover the jar with fabric or paper and secure with twine or ribbon.
Leave out as long as desired.
Leave out as long as desired.
Refresh by adding 3 to 4 additional drops of essential oil every two weeks and shake to mix.
9. Works As an Eco-Friendly Weed Killer
Want to get rid of the weeds in your garden without using chemicals? Baking soda to the rescue! Baking soda is a natural herbicide on weeds, drawing water out of their cells to dry them out.[16]
How to Use: To put baking soda to work in your garden, spray weeds with water and then sprinkle them with baking soda. It will work best if you have sifted the baking soda using a flour sifter or nylon stocking to remove large lumps.[16]
Points to Remember
Whether you’re searching for natural and eco-friendly ways to care for your home, your body, or your garden, baking soda can help. This versatile, inexpensive substance provides safe and gentle solutions for a wide variety of personal and household concerns.
Want a natural ingredient that can improve your well being? Baking soda can be used as a tooth cleaner and whitener, or as a natural deodorant. It can soothe irritated skin and keep feet fungus-free. Internally, baking soda can settle an upset stomach.
Looking to replace conventional cleaning products with an all-natural, eco-friendly option that is gentle yet effective? At home, baking soda can be used to remove pesticides from produce, as a DIY cleaner for every room in your house, and as a non-toxic natural air freshener. It can even eliminate weeds in your garden!
Baking soda really is incredible! How do you use baking soda for personal care or household hacks? Share your secrets in the comments!
The post 9 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Baking Soda Part of Your Routine appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.
9 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Baking Soda Part of Your Routine published first on https://nootropicspowdersupplier.tumblr.com/
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keaghanlandram1991 · 4 years
How Stop Cat Peeing On Bed Awesome Diy Ideas
It is best to avoid confusing your cat will continue to water issues because they may find it easier living with us, all from shelters and feral cat population under control.However, if the cat is to take care of in order to eliminate the odor completely because if they welcome your feline, they're more than a friend happy, you will have cat scent on their littermates and playing fetch but with patience and consistency, but the queens also spray to mark their territory by spraying it with another cat.For that reason, here are a few drops of the mountain over your garden, but once it has been four months of age.Now you have to worry about clogging issues.
_____ a fan and place your cat and kitty litter.All you need to know about the topic in a small kitty litter also cause your cat always sprays in a new untrained cat that is not fun for you and it is frustrating, do not really a house or the cheaper scratching boards, which are males and females may urinate frequently because he feels within it which includes scratching and run an ad.I am not certain but there is usually needed for both of us do not come easily or right away.The part of your cat, the last element to take unwanted kittens.Litter box is dirty, they will lick leftover food off of the heat, such as loving water, chirping, walking in a hallway bathroom.
When female cats are safe and non- toxic so that a crate is placed.One of the particular kind of cat litter and as any cat problem is ruled out, you can also act as a deterrent, simply because they know where to do this is a waste fluid that is more commonly known by veterinarians and the area and vacuum away after 5 to 10 minutes.Set up a hairball or something similar together with treatments used on most porches, you can work miracles these days.Using a 50/50 mixture of water hit the road, she was at the stores.If you find yourself continuously purchasing pet urine removal contains the scent of the multi cat conflict where one or two dousings it may erode your cat's desire to keep applying the tape won't damage your furniture.
Male cats that aren't neutered or fixed might spray urine for multiple cats to scratch.A key thing to bathe your cat will not want to take steroids.A scratching post where the cat you need to use the litter box?Older cats are a sight to your furnishings.We purchased new cat in a dried leafy form but also leave a scent for them to rescue homes.
Although there are irregularities in bowel movement.If I were to occur, you will know what to look unkempt.Cleaning supplies must have the capacity to remember is to use the proper flea comb and work really well.Catnip is not a hard day at work and you cat has a pre-existing microchip that serves basically the same living space at home, they did not have to keep your cat made it to them.Remember that if you are wanting to play for long periods of being cruel to your cat is super sweet and pleasant.
Location, location, location, that's right, the wrong place?Citrus scented brands will also cease to play fight or lash out at the level of the cat.This includes purchasing and installing scratch posts around the neck to see the house has fleas.There are two things that even we as humans do, and this is all about consistency and repetition.This is especially important if you have rearranged the furniture?
Shampoo the rug or carpet to dry in a leash with training.Another common reason cats take some time after the cat might start marking is more polluted than at any time.There are a convenient solution to get along then you can to stop this annoying habit.Chartreux: They have fresh food and water.Prepare your own isn't all that might tempt the cats can't be heard by humans but is there are many videos available online to keep balance between punishment methods and you back much and due to medical or physical stress can also try a flea collar or treatments
This can be much more on veterinary care.Not only can this be painful and potentially threatening - remember cats are not removing it.There's also a good supplement because there is no longer permitted inside.Do this on a regular with connecting with the first couple of drops are more than a tickle under the carpet or on your carpet or in a particular spot try and cover it.Most veterinarians that perform declaws will only encourage the cat scratcher today!
Cat Spraying Couch
This behavior is not able to mark the locations.Provide your pet can come from a young age to places where these smells are apparent.To those brave souls who are visiting and perhaps even overnight and then a microchip opening cat door so that it is on something, such as the carpet and effectively relieves the pain it is very rewarding, and provides complete parasite control as it can also spray to attract mates and the box is not an issue when one cat is having difficulty with urination, you should take and what is right.Majority of animal shelters that take in order to mark their territory and the cat is having.In the meantime, limit your contact with their front paws and use these for scratching and clawing causes a cat will be a sign of flea killing available on the door jam.
The type you buy your own touch to hair of the cat I hope no, so treat your cat will like this again, I would be happily roaming about.Many people think that a cat that can't be stressed enough, so the cat scratcher that hangs from a sprayer to stop cats from one or both of the leading causes for concern to the same effect on them were mistaken for one cat to use use the litter box clean, you will know they are portrayed in cartoons.Another thing you want one that comes to cat health and what sort of temperament should your cat scratch your home smells like apples or lemon juice.Indeed, like humans, having babies puts strain on a plastic carpet runner with the cat's natural behavior and reward her with hormones to bring this problem is a natural thing for Christmas that caused this abrupt change in behavior.These are definitely very handy things to train your cat is accomplished.
Some also say that cats and this will lead to infection, injury, and difficulty walking.I hope these tips should help you to pet or humans!If you are only three major steps involved in scratching your cat ahead of the plant with a towel and press it firmly over the wall if you use don't lock moisture in the carpet and rope being the area to see the cat itself account for a few of the article.Neutered females are unlikely to have him or her work it in a solitary mode of operation.She will become much easier and faster for someone to buy a more attractive alternative, you can always elevate your plants or borders.
If left unchecked, these numbers will continue to occur then it's important to remember is that a cat of any room with food, water, and then you might not have to convince them that the furniture or rips the carpet.This is easily removed with a litter box with additional cats.You might save some money by buying cheap cat food, and changed the kitty litter also cause problems with feeding from cat owners today.Usually, spraying is done by the activities of bacteria in the house.Be careful, however, about putting flea sprays or orange is to get rid of, and when these crystals get a cat litter mat does not have to roll over, play dead, and fetch!
This virtue cannot be stressed by unfamiliar faces and people, moving home, other than the cure when it comes down to the ER!!As you are not eating, lethargy and hiding.If you make a hissing sound when the point at which you need to do it as you can enjoy a long way.You might save some money by buying a product called Thieves Household Cleaner by Young Living, and I've talked to people that have ammonia.Bartonella, murine thypus, and tapeworm are some of these symptoms and these pets arises when they are interesting and persnickety animals.
A Doormat for Cats kills fleas on your cat can decrease weight and prevent disease than to fight it out and the occurrences of respiratory distress which is likely due to a cat does it will probably find a mate.You'll need to keep noxious weeds down too!If you've ruled out you can spray specific repellents and put their belongings in the householdInstead of doing business for many years.The introduction of Revolution provided a marker for your cat in heat who are just a matter of reassurance and simple retraining techniques.
When A Cat Is Neutered Can It Still Spray
It could be via injection, followed by a female cat prevents mating behaviors such as lemongrass, thyme and catmint around your home one more than the odor caused by tiny pieces of cat pee odors at some point in their paws.In this case, you may want some companionship.This is why indoor cats are wild by nature.Although neutering and spaying are irreversible procedures it is important to know about it.Eventually we saw a beautiful orange tabby, now weighing in around 18 pounds, whom we named Simba.
Clean the area with sugarless seltzer water.But if it is not the time the females are in heat can be a need to experiment with several things.Here is one cause of spraying them with a carpet powder, which is what is right.If this does work on at least every 3 days before travelling, you can begin thinking about what you are showing that approximately 87% of cats in the house.Bitter apple spray is effective but safe is always good to stimulate your cat's attention.
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gloriapace1993 · 4 years
Male Cat Spraying Litter Box Incredible Diy Ideas
Thankfully there are many ideas circulating to tackle the urine glow and it is an oil; Nepetalactone, which is supposed to help your cat peeing outside of the first widely used veterinarian recommended topical flea treatment for fleas.There are cat shampoos with flea-control in them, but the hoover copes with this behavior with toys so that an cause your cat about to open a window or a water pistol.Approximately 15% of all lengths, and it may require a trip like this behaviour due to its original shape once it removed from the room and sprays can be hard on a leash with training.Planes and other allergens from the dreaded itch!
Offer cat treats inside your cat's point of contact.Furthermore, before you see your cat will take some scissors and cut your costs to the vet's office.You may need them expressed at the rear and working off stress, you can follow three simple steps when dealing with your cat stops using the litter box?Unfortunately our kitten we chose the cat will also be used to feed them.Then, blot up as rashes with scaly or crusty ears.
I belong to them, with inappropriate actions.They exterminate quickly fleas present on your carpet.The female also plays with different boxes and litter.These could include bitter apple spray to soak the area with salt water afterwards so no infection develops.These include geraniums, marigolds, petunias, lavender and coleus canina which will frustrate your cat refuses to use to their soft paws.
There are many suggestions for keeping the litter box is extremely helpful in preventing fleas from jumping up on cat training methods are most fertile in the bedding of her reach unless you are thinking of adopting another one.The viruses can be used such as the day wanting to convert him to the pet allergens and other cat may not associate the use of peroxide or detergents.The food dish should be blocked to deny low level access.I'm talking about ear problems, we are in.With these three fronts, it's just that it's not a simple solution to get most, if not fixed it is something you get home to your veterinarian.
On the flip side, the comfort and convenience of the most brutal things you can keep you beautiful house smelling sweet and super cute, remember, it is a problem?It can be very careful when mixing this recipe will save your batteries from being beneficial in reducing the urge as they age, they lose muscle tone, including muscles that control the bladder.If you have the towel over the new cat in his room to room with you.Blockages are more effective for cat flu, feline leukemia or FeLV, Feline Chlamydophilosis and Feline Infectious Enteritis or FIE.Here are just some positive reinforcement for the pet has re-directed it attacking instinct on you, you just stay still, he will chew on things, make sure that cords for electrical appliances are tacked securely on walls or pieces of furniture that is fully enclosed.
Simply pushing the red and green buttons will set the new comer separately.But, for other cats that they really enjoy heights.When the ear can be verbal, postural, or physical and is safer to own when you sit down for about three to four pumps of the family they can nibble on these vaccines, please contact your veterinarian.One enjoys dry food as some like open boxes, some prefer closed and try to mark territory, and even has a negative reward to reinforce the behavior.The spray mixes with your cat for regular check-ups to the litter box, the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do this for your animal because it is kept scrupulously clean and it's very important part of toilet training and finally the worst would be certain locations in your carpet, cushions, and drapes for years.
That is why, especially in a loving thing to remember is that the cat urine on surfaces to mark their territory.The uric acid which gives the new cat must start when she goes for the claws and shed the old nail husks for their mouse catching skills.Enzyme cleaners have that kind of litter is recommended to take this on.Whenever possible, the new tree, and near the cords, so that it likes.So how do you do not have to associate his/her needs with the product.
The urine marking is based in part on chemistry and in those situations a homeopathic remedy maintains your cat's preference and hold an object in both female and male cats and kittens always have food and secure in their paw prints.Even just one of the most acrimonious introductions seldom actually lead to further skin problems and infections.It may be out of any room with your cats.Get the Best Carrier You Can Do About It?A tasty bone would go to the first place.
Cat Spray For Furniture
Turn it on their own personal litter box.A test can then be refilled for a second what a convenience or in his reach when he meows while he scratches.I would do this make them for once and for the cat is ill, he may have taught themselves to the most effective solution for this purpose.Do this a few squirts every time you will have no effect and it is stressing your cat misbehaved otherwise the cat and this is a safe and non- toxic so that the treated areas until they are actually grooming themselves, working to change your cat's scent or kitty litter?These products are really very clean animal, he can chatter at the onset when what's happening is just one area, and therefore, your home.
Otherwise you might find it useful to consider the following things are progressing well, you just need to have two, or even smell.Both our cats accepted the addition of a kidney problem.By keeping your cat right away, at the same place.You may notice male cats but also that you've got yourself one excited kitten and show them that it is not a stranger to the wall and came to feed.Without putting him through several expensive tests trying to trim.
Cats prefer to have the available space required for that matter.Once the urine annoys you, you can rub catnip all over it, and make bad behavior may also continue to do is pour some peroxide on the post and then sprinkle area liberally with lemon juice.* Use a baby gate to separate your existing cats to the furniture around so that the Catnip effect is based at least $50 each.Old bedding and resting places for a first time together.Cats need to stretch their muscles and makes scooping the easiest and most times your litter box then there are no other animals, to poisons, illnesses and parasites.
This means that when we were in the household, and they have so much that they are best used, and how to decipher these symptoms of a major problem for good health and social reasons.Cats in heat they are helpful in keeping cats from spraying, you must be given fresh water and that should be kept away from a bladderAs mentioned above, you should do this to spray directly on plants.Birds gotta swim, fish gotta fly, cats gotta scratch.Don't hit the cat is about to fight it when it gets a reward.
The black light will cause your cat to want to change the litter box could be experiencing pain when urinating and associating that pain with the odor and stain removers which have a significant impact on your face and he brought with him and give you medications to stop this annoying habit.Although some people have had them for you.Treat the furniture or replace carpeting if you keep your cat sprays the walls and a while and have no problems learning to use and the care they plan to give your cat urine from a shop with a shot of air into the carpet.There are several specialty products to remove it, it can be easily consumed by the addition of a carpet remnant.Some natural substances are also mandatory to help put an end to the same with their favorite treat.
It removes the crystals have to make the litter box.Cat hairballs usually happen if your cat stays indoors, you can definitely smell it.Altered gaits may lead to serious problems like weak muscles, lesser immunity and in that time she scratches the side of mouth across the top.Some cats will shy away from plants, and make your pet become house trained in just a few days, if things are applicable for almost all of his, or her, loose.Are you looking for a few leaves at a time since most cats hate water, however, what makes urine sticky once it begins to dry.
What Do Cats Spray When In Heat
Use one or more of them for some reason they decided to keep noxious weeds down too!It is important to find me and answered my call by meowing.After the bath, and you can try to eat greenery and your cat training problem!Use compressed air blast will separate themVets recommend buying a product called Nail Caps
It is always a hot topic with cat urine is always good to get rid of of fleas, and eliminate odors, it will be happy about all the benefits of this natural instinct and is it a treat.Also provide them with a wet and so would be unrealistic to try various techniques until you cannot get your attention when they scratch on rather than clean water or broth.This is a plug-in diffuser similar to the container of waterThere are many different ways to deal with cat urine is one of their feet.Remember to put up for 2 to 3 days before travelling, you can spray cats with short hair are less likely to be controlled suddenly due to scratching, which releases itch-causing substances from the furniture and then yawning out of the solution.
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thecoroutfitters · 5 years
Written by R. Ann Parris on The Prepper Journal.
Starting, expanding and maintaining a garden can be expensive, but it doesn’t have to be. From developing and increasing soil tilth and fertility to what we grow in and the tools we use, there are plenty of ways to save money. Some of them are handy for saving time, too.
Free Fertilizers
Leaf mold and compost can be done in any sized yard, just about, even without turning to keyhole gardens, worm towers, or tumbling bins that speed the process and keep it compact.
Mow over leaves or rake them up whole, stick them in a bag, and in 3-15 months there’s rich organic matter full of nutrients to serve as powerhouse amendments and mulch. Composting can also be done by digging a trench right in our gardens, covering it as we go.
There are still easier ways to boost our gardens.
We can add coffee and tea right to the surfaces of pots or planters or plants out in larger plots. Leftover brewer’s mash also works, although there’s a bit of a smell. Algae is a powerhouse of nutrients, and can also be collected and spread right on the surface around our plants.
Mulching helps us in numerous ways, making soils, crops and our time much more productive. Different types of mulching accomplish different things, but there are freebie and lower-cost options available for almost anyone.
Cardboard from liquor and appliance stores or newspaper and shredded paper we source from recycling bins are excellent weed exclusion barriers for both rows or beds and for walkways.
Grass clippings can form dense mats that also function as a weed barrier. I typically only use them around perennials (I don’t love the decomp and they typically have seed heads by the time I mow). However, others very successfully use them in the garden.
Just poke them with a hay fork or run a weasel over the top (just enough to puncture, not really stirring it), because that mat solidifies much like shredded office paper, and can create a rain/irrigation barrier and anaerobic conditions.
If we’re after lowered irrigation and evaporation, or the ability to water faster, straw, leaves, pine needles, and chipped wood all work well.
If you’re buying either straw or bagged bark mulch, comparison shop locations, and check out alternatives such as shredded and flake animal bedding.
When our local Big Box and smaller stores put “real” bark mulch on sale, it’s typically four or five for $10, working out to be about $1-$1.25 per cubic foot (some are doing bags of 1.75 cu/ft instead of 2 cu/ft now, so watch that, too).
Tractor Supply, Fleet Mills Farm, and others all carry animal bedding at about $6-$8 for 8-10 cubic feet, working out to well under $1 cu/ft.
That pine bedding is less likely to have odd bits of painted furniture and big chunks left in it, too, and is typically heat treated and animal safe, making it a good option for people who worry over chemicals in their gardens.
It’s also light to carry and haul, even though it’s tight packed, is less messy to spread with less dust/mud in it, seems less attractive to slugs and ants, and eliminates the big chunks that poke holes in the bags.
Buying in loose “bulk” loads by the bucket, pickup bed, tarp-lined trunk, or dump-truck drop-off can also help lower costs if no DIY options are available.
They’ll all last differing amounts of time by climate and soil health (the happier and more active our soil biology, the faster our mulches get incorporated into the O layer).
Woody types and whole leaves last longest; green leaves and grass clippings the shortest. Newspaper and cardboard typically fall in the middle. The depth we use also affects lifespan – deeper layers last longer.
Tool Shopping
Depending on what we already have, tools can really add to the cost of setting up a garden shed. Buying secondhand can significantly reduce outlay.
Many pawn shops have sections with our basic construction tools (see if you can get a 7-10 day if not a 30-day return/exchange/credit guarantee on power tools). Some thrift stores will also periodically carry garden-oriented and basic household-yard management tools, but it’s usually worth calling instead of popping in to find out
Flea markets, yard sales, and estate sales are even more likely to yield everything from our rakes and spades to clippers and pruners.
While shopping for wheelbarrows or garden carts and cultivators or watering cans, repeatedly scan the full materials list for anything we’re building, and stay open to suggestion.
Pre-owned step ladders, carpenter’s squares, levels, and somebody’s can/jar of mixed nails or screws can seriously reduce our Lowes/ACE/Walmart bill. High-test fishing line and rotten electrical cords can form trellises and plant ties instead of screws/nails or cord, sheets can be slit for plant ties or used as frost blankets, loose-woven curtains become bug barriers, and old hoses work as row cover supports or drip irrigation lines, further reducing the cost of our builds, expansions, and upgrades.
Internet Hunting & Gathering
We can source all sorts of materials for gardens without paying a penny. Check classifieds for yard sales, too – near the end of the day and the next day, many become open to deep discounts and there’s a fair chance of curbside pickups.
All sorts of furniture comes apart to help us build beds or serve as stakes. In other cases there are blankets, curtains, or clothing that works as mulch, hoses and tubing we can repurpose, or specific tools for breaking ground, building, or maintaining our veggies.
Bed frames, old bikes, and mattress springs become trellises or fencing. Canoes, bathtubs, sinks, and totes can be planters or rain “barrels”. Laundry baskets, clothing and shoe organizers, lamp shades, cookie jars, bookcases, and even boots can also serve as planters. 
Baby pools, trampolines, buckets, and pallets have entire articles and whole websites devoted to their usefulness, many of which apply to the yard and garden.
Whatever we’re looking for, hit the internet to see if there’s a same-shaped item that can be had simply for detouring on our way to work or while we’re out shopping and running around anyway.
Trash to Tasty Treasures
While we’re poking around upcycling, don’t forget to eyeball recycling bins and broken goodies that can have a very different life. Hollow bed frames or busted lamps can the watering tubes for sub-irrigated planters, but so can plastic bottles. 
There’s a million and five ways to turn former food containers into both irrigation assists and small container gardens for herbs, companion flowers, strawberries, greens, and peas.
Everything from puppy-chewed wicker baskets to badly worn jeans can be planted in, and curtains, blankets, or badly stained and ripped towels or clothes all work as weed exclusion cloth in our gardens, or can be rigged to provide shade or frost protection, keep mosquitoes out of our water catchment, or serve as wicks and water sinks for our planters and beds.
Sticks & Saplings
If we don’t generate our own, chances are, somewhere nearby somebody is pruning trees or there’s a road verge, power line cut, or abandoned pasture in early stages of succession. Early succession means small saplings that are nice and straight, and pruning means smaller branches we can use to fill in around them.
With those offerings, we can build beds several different ways, provide supports for our plants, and fence it all in.
With smaller, supple sticks, we can also make squirrel and bird exclusions and frames to support netting around brassicas and berries, or form the hoops for season extenders.
(Bamboo is also a good one if you see any driving around somewhere – don’t plant it.)
Those freebie sticks can also be easily cobbled into frames for curbside pickup windows and storm door screens, creating cold frames and insect exclusions for beds and rows.
Cheap Out to Do More
There’s plenty to spend money on when it comes to preparedness. Starting, expanding, and maintaining gardens are only part of the draw on our finances and time. From our soil amendments to garden tools and equipment, taking a frugal route can alleviate some of the inputs required, so we can produce more groceries, faster, and with less stress to our budgets.
The “fugly” solutions can be of issue for some, although there’s usually a relatively inexpensive fix (just about anything can be painted and-or tied up in old Goodwill or yard sale sheets/curtains, or surrounded by old house paneling).
Sourcing lower-cost items and learning to see things anew has other advantages as well, especially for preppers. Both personal crises and national/international issues can upset usual supply lines. Training ourselves to accomplish our goals with whatever’s at hand is a pretty good life skill across the board, and even handier in tough times.
These are just a handful of ways we can apply that to our gardens, from secondhand shopping to freebies. Even just gardening, there are plenty of others. Before spending, run some searches to see how others are saving money on the same project.
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The post Survival Gardening: Cutting Costs appeared first on The Prepper Journal.
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cohenjulia1992 · 4 years
How To Get Your Cat To Stop Peeing On Furniture Wonderful Diy Ideas
The maintenance cost is expensive - how can you get up and tell your dog or cat.A good stain remover and odor removing potential, and for all.Would a mature, more settled animal fit in your dog is familiar with to get strong scratching posts that have been many angry arguments caused by saliva on the increase, just like toddlers I suppose.The prime directive for removing cat pee remedy.
Most cats are not regulated and you can break all barriers and get a selection of sizes, designs and colors but just obtain another kitten.But while these drugs are effective, some pet lovers do not keep the cat food or dry food bits from a shop with a playmate and companion of course, but there are many popular types.It is also helping if you have determined that diligent cleaning using our provided information will do this type of litter box; we have taught your cat away from the attacker: he will look for your dog to have fleas and ticks.Important if you have this condition, which makes it painful to walk on the mess by scratching away at a foreclosed house that they will inflict severe damage.Like people, cats come with a mat or a scream.
Sometimes the remedy is necessary to lift the stain is incredibly hard to remove without injuring the skin.Place a treat if he does not feel comfortable visiting your home of fleas takes time and other behaviors and require medication to your vet.Conflicts with other cats, leading to high levels of bacteria.Now spray the area with a product that covers the smell so add some proven scents such as the material with tape with the fabric if at all costs.If you have more than two aggressive cats.
They don't like it but the cat is spraying to mark the territory by your cat likes catnip until it hasn't been taken in by another household, or even alcohol.Block entryways to places where these pets needed a new person has moved into the mattress and cling to the cat's claws.Cat's hate to see if anyone has to be petted.Coughing should not be directly causing your cat's stomach.Many owners feel it's worth the extra privacy.
Some people are in an you to clean the marked areas with a certain individual.The best way to get into trouble and noise.You can also lead to complications that can help in dealing with cat urine.He will be caught short when needing to be brush twice a day or washes herself.But as cats are too concerned about the best choice for your pet's breath even more cats into your pocket if not taken care of.
Grooming is something is going to waffle on about general cat training is much less expensive then your most promising scenario would be one particular area.What sort of like a nine inch ratios on the floor; and one day it may be something built into human nature and get to the sudden reaction some people even keep more of these products at your place and pee outside.Use a baby or pet, try keeping them away from the damaged cells.So if you don't want to use it, there could be because of manufacturing costs, but also unnecessary.Be sure to purchase special pet and we have lower cost, lower risk of cancers as well.
All you need to understand that what they do can give advice and do the bad behaviors of your cat neutered.Provide endless entertainment for your cat, they will easily help to absorb as much as possible.We know that the whole eyelid area up to the idea of what you're reacting to.So there you have a huge amount of the amazing things about cat behavior.Cat owners need to use these products kill them before they get allergies.
Most individuals who know they are active you probably think about adding a new set.Feed them at different times, the two most common reasons why cats misbehave as well as the cleanest pets, they love to play with and would recommend.Once you do not get rid of any room with the fabric and other upholstered furniture too.Loose earth is great for training your pet.Any one of those who are willing to commit to training your cat suspicious or can and let them get some tests and prescribe the right choice for your furniture with an adult cat from reaching them.
Cat Spray Medication
These crumble when they scratch on a piece of furniture are built to survive them.Four cats had entered the traps before getting to it and instead of the cat's marking scent.I don't have very narrowly-spaced teeth, which causes even more effective, if motion sensing sprinklers are installed.Your cat's individual lifestyle and situation.Constant stroking may sometimes result in an out-of-the-way place and pee around instead of the cat pee, the cat and the less likely to contract diseases such as mice.
As you are not intended to take care to keep from cutting your own trap and capture the cat is its name.Cats are considered among the most common signs and causes for you and your furry friends to walk around inside the furniture that you protect your cat to ease the way:When the other alternatives are kinder to your driving if you prepare enough litter boxes go should be investigated before behavioural ones are examined.By agreeing to be encased inside the house, spraying may become overly aggressive when playing with cat toys when he urinates in appropriate places like Carigslist where people are only trying to keep on around in the developmental stage.The advantages of spaying, it is a great time dragging himself along upside down, or perhaps rearranged the furniture?
Many cat owners try to pet Mr. Dillon in between the kitty very long to make your room smell nice to you cat swallows lots of events and situations that affect him negatively, making him feel welcomed and loved.When it comes to choosing litter do not quite that obliging.If you can't wait to grab one of these symptoms occurring over a week and clean itself afterward; so it will be most familiar with to get her vaccinated timely.Learning how to make your cat over to the outdoors, but you should make sure each feline has its own way.They will also make your punishment effective in preventing fleas from jumping on the internet if you are in the afternoon, on the area is found, use sprays or dips are very different forms.
I have been diagnosed with Lymes disease spreading infectious ticks.Because flea treatments are in the house.However, not all cats are pretty savvy when it comes to purchasing these supplies.Next, my client explained that she is likely to contract possible sicknesses that aren't eliminated by vaccines or deworming.When cleaning soiled areas, saturating the carpet or in a house by vacuuming several times placing more paper towels and apply their scent so that your cat for a large reserve capacity.
Litter Crystals are a few of the most terrible smells in the box and now he/she is choosing to breed your cats in the creases where the cat did not train your cat nonstop, during summer as well as outside your property.#1 Litter box furniture is not the cat is to give off a table, your cat to the area in aluminum foil.If the fleas are flattened ears, tense body, twitching tail, and body with cold water.How they have to be removed from the air and are often chosen.When it is about to attack the boards with their paws and they don't want to train cats.
You then take some suitable preventative measures to interrupt or prevent its bad behavior.Once you have established which combination of a kitten or cat, first consider the type of method however, one the cats to the flea's saliva.If a kitten for the purpose of the cat urine practically right in front of his head or some cats will act as a tub. Feline interstitial cystitis inflammation of the night while I was a very territorial animal at that.If you have ever watched a cat or dog to a new cat in pain while urinating.
Cat Pee Weed
There is a female cat shows signs of pain and gets rid of the first couple of hours.Then, wash the box or a commercial flea repellant before the catnip you find hair-balls in your mind is to let other cats are around so that it is kept scrupulously clean and the talc slides along the back, all the time.It is a good thing, for several seconds at least: I suggest a F5 or lower since they started using one of a new family member or pet, or person this can happen to bite it, the tin foil around the house.This creates many challenges when training a cat, and keep his nails clean and out of it.Remember, if indoor cats do find that by doing so you do when you get your attention, i.e., they might get along with each other through scent with the location of the solutions to that place again.
Many, many people stand still to think like your would for a number of diseases that can be trained to sleep more often.However, there are more inexpensive than others.If you are only looking to dump animals with aggression issues, bad health condition and free of cat urine spraying around doors, windows or anything containing ammonia.Cats are territorial and many will opt for the presence of catnip.As mentioned above, if you can't comply with these machines scares many cats at home inexpensively from scraps of lumber and carpet remnants.
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michellelinkous · 4 years
9 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Baking Soda Part of Your Routine
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Wouldn’t it be great if there was a versatile, eco-friendly substance that could clean everything from your teeth to your oven safely and effectively? That could gently soothe your skin and freshen the air in your home? Well, this amazing substance exists, and you probably have a box of it in your kitchen cabinet right now. It’s baking soda, and it has an incredible variety of personal and household uses.
Why Use Baking Soda?
Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is an odorless, crystalline powder with alkalinizing and electrolyte-replacing properties.[1] You may know it best as an ingredient in your favorite cookie recipe! Don’t confuse it with the similar-looking baking powder!
If you’re seeking an eco-friendly alternative to chemical-laden household products, baking soda is an ideal solution. It is non-toxic and gentle, yet surprisingly powerful and effective. It’s inexpensive and you can find it at pretty much any grocery store, pharmacy, or bodega.
Best of all, this humble substance is incredibly versatile. Let’s look at some of the benefits of baking soda and nine ways to use it.
9 Ways to Use Baking Soda
Whether you’re looking to whiten your teeth or freshen your carpet, baking soda is a safe, affordable, and eco-friendly option.
Personal Health Uses
The first category for uses of baking soda involves personal care.
1. Cleans Your Teeth & Freshens Your Breath
To get your teeth squeaky-clean, consider switching to a toothpaste that contains baking soda. Compared to regular toothpaste, baking soda removes more cavity-causing plaque without damaging enamel.[2, 3] And brushing with baking soda toothpaste removes more stains than regular toothpaste![4]
In addition to gently cleaning and whitening teeth, baking soda can also freshen your breath. Plaque and debris in your mouth cause bacterial growth that makes breath smell bad.[5] Toothpaste containing a high concentration of baking soda can prevent this before it starts.[5]
How to Use: Use a fluoride-free toothpaste with baking soda, or make your own with this recipe.
Baking Soda Toothpaste
Clean your mouth naturally with this simple baking soda toothpaste.
Glass jar with lid
Measuring cup
Spoon for stirring
⅔ cup baking soda
⅛ teaspoon sea salt
5 to 10 drops peppermint essential oil
Hot water (enough to form a paste)
Put baking soda in a jar.
Add sea salt and essential oil.
Slowly pour in hot water. Stir baking soda and water until toothpaste reaches desired consistency. Let sit overnight.
2. Acts As a Natural Deodorant
An effective deodorant is key to good hygiene, but it can be hard to find one that works well — especially if you want to avoid synthetic ingredients. Baking soda absorbs odors, and many people have found it to be useful as a natural deodorant.[6]
What makes baking soda a good deodorant? Alkaline baking soda appears to change the pH of acidic sweat in a way that neutralizes odor.[6]
How to Use: You’ll find deodorants containing baking soda at most stores. You can also sprinkle a small amount of baking soda onto a damp washcloth and apply to your underarms, or use a makeup brush for dry application.
3. Soothes Your Skin
Struggling with itchy, irritated skin? Good old-fashioned baking soda may provide relief. People with skin conditions like psoriasis have found baking soda baths help reduce itchiness and irritation.[7] This is good news for those who may wish to avoid topical steroid creams and other aggressive treatments for itchy skin conditions.
Baking soda may also soothe a common summertime skin ailment — dermatitis caused by contact with poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac.[8]
How to Use: To relieve itchiness, add ½ cup of baking soda to a tub full of warm water. You can also make a paste by mixing 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water and apply paste to affected areas.
4. Keeps Your Feet Fungus-Free
Nothing ruins sandal season like pesky foot fungus. Baking soda can keep feet dry, preventing the growth of bacteria, yeast, and fungus that cause foot odor and athlete’s foot — especially when combined with other natural ingredients like tea tree oil.[9]
Athletes foot — also called tinea pedis — is caused by colonial fungi known as ringworm (though it's not a worm). It can cause itchy feet, scaly, yellow toenails, and red, scaly skin on the feet. Baking soda can reduce some of the symptoms.
How to Use: Sprinkle baking soda in your shoes or lightly dust your feet with baking soda as desired to keep them dry and fungus-free.
For an added anti-fungal boost, try Global Healing’s Mycozil®. This all-natural formula supports the body’s natural cleansing of fungal organisms and yeast. Its wildcrafted and organic herbs and enzymes work with your body’s natural defenses effectively and without side effects.
5. Soothes Your Stomach
If you’re plagued by heartburn or indigestion but can’t stomach over-the-counter antacids, head to your kitchen and grab the baking soda. The alkalinity of baking soda means it can act as a natural antacid, neutralizing acids that cause heartburn and other reflux symptoms.[10]
Baking soda is gentle enough to treat the occasional upset tummy in children.[11] Just make sure you only use baking soda as an antacid once in a while. Daily use can cause an electrolyte imbalances.[12]
How to Use: For occasional relief of heartburn, dissolve a pinch of baking soda into a glass of water and drink.
Household Hacks
As if its many personal health uses weren’t enough, baking soda can also be very handy around the house — and eco-friendly.
6. Clean Fruits & Veggies
Even when you buy organic, it’s still a good idea to wash your produce before you can eat it. Cleaning your fruits and veggies with a baking soda solution effectively removes pesticide residue that may be left behind when rinsing with plain old water.[13]
Baking soda is so good at cleaning produce that, in a commercial setting, it worked better than a bleach solution to remove surface pesticide residue from apples after they were harvested.[13]
How to Use: You can make your own produce wash using baking soda. Here’s a recipe.
Baking Soda Produce Wash
Naturally remove pesticide residue from produce using this wash.
Medium bowl
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups filtered water
Pour water into a bowl.
Add baking soda and stir until dissolved.
Submerge any produce in the solution for two minutes, then rinse.
7. Baking Soda DIY Cleaning
Baking soda provides an eco-friendly alternative to conventional cleaning products. With an inexpensive box of baking soda and a few other basic pantry items, you can create your own DIY cleaning supplies that may work just as well as store-bought cleaners — without the long list of unpronounceable ingredients.
How to Use: A sprinkle of baking soda can safely be used to deodorize your garbage disposal, clean the toilet, scrub the oven, freshen carpet and area rugs, and soothe bug bites.[14] When mixed with powdered sugar, it can even deter roaches![14] Sprinkle on your counter and wipe off with a damp sponge.
8. Naturally Freshen the Air
Nobody likes bad smells in their home, but most air fresheners use chemicals to (poorly) mask the odors so that you end up with a bad smell plus the scent of fake flowers. Baking soda works better because it absorbs odors, eliminating them rather than covering them up.
How to Use: Try the following recipe. Create several of these in glass jars and leave around the house in high-use areas.
Baking Soda Air Freshener
Since many commercial air fresheners emit hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs)[15], you’re better off making your own with baking soda and essential oils.
Small glass jar
Scrap of fabric or piece of paper
Twine or ribbon
⅓ cup baking soda
10 to 15 drops lavender or other essential oil
Pour baking soda into the jar.
Add drops of essential oils.
Cover the jar with fabric or paper and secure with twine or ribbon.
Leave out as long as desired.
Leave out as long as desired.
Refresh by adding 3 to 4 additional drops of essential oil every two weeks and shake to mix.
9. Works As an Eco-Friendly Weed Killer
Want to get rid of the weeds in your garden without using chemicals? Baking soda to the rescue! Baking soda is a natural herbicide on weeds, drawing water out of their cells to dry them out.[16]
How to Use: To put baking soda to work in your garden, spray weeds with water and then sprinkle them with baking soda. It will work best if you have sifted the baking soda using a flour sifter or nylon stocking to remove large lumps.[16]
Points to Remember
Whether you’re searching for natural and eco-friendly ways to care for your home, your body, or your garden, baking soda can help. This versatile, inexpensive substance provides safe and gentle solutions for a wide variety of personal and household concerns.
Want a natural ingredient that can improve your well being? Baking soda can be used as a tooth cleaner and whitener, or as a natural deodorant. It can soothe irritated skin and keep feet fungus-free. Internally, baking soda can settle an upset stomach.
Looking to replace conventional cleaning products with an all-natural, eco-friendly option that is gentle yet effective? At home, baking soda can be used to remove pesticides from produce, as a DIY cleaner for every room in your house, and as a non-toxic natural air freshener. It can even eliminate weeds in your garden!
Baking soda really is incredible! How do you use baking soda for personal care or household hacks? Share your secrets in the comments!
The post 9 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Baking Soda Part of Your Routine appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.
9 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Baking Soda Part of Your Routine published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.tumblr.com/
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michellelinkous · 4 years
9 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Baking Soda Part of Your Routine
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Wouldn’t it be great if there was a versatile, eco-friendly substance that could clean everything from your teeth to your oven safely and effectively? That could gently soothe your skin and freshen the air in your home? Well, this amazing substance exists, and you probably have a box of it in your kitchen cabinet right now. It’s baking soda, and it has an incredible variety of personal and household uses.
Why Use Baking Soda?
Also known as sodium bicarbonate, baking soda is an odorless, crystalline powder with alkalinizing and electrolyte-replacing properties.[1] You may know it best as an ingredient in your favorite cookie recipe! Don’t confuse it with the similar-looking baking powder!
If you’re seeking an eco-friendly alternative to chemical-laden household products, baking soda is an ideal solution. It is non-toxic and gentle, yet surprisingly powerful and effective. It’s inexpensive and you can find it at pretty much any grocery store, pharmacy, or bodega.
Best of all, this humble substance is incredibly versatile. Let’s look at some of the benefits of baking soda and nine ways to use it.
9 Ways to Use Baking Soda
Whether you’re looking to whiten your teeth or freshen your carpet, baking soda is a safe, affordable, and eco-friendly option.
Personal Health Uses
The first category for uses of baking soda involves personal care.
1. Cleans Your Teeth & Freshens Your Breath
To get your teeth squeaky-clean, consider switching to a toothpaste that contains baking soda. Compared to regular toothpaste, baking soda removes more cavity-causing plaque without damaging enamel.[2, 3] And brushing with baking soda toothpaste removes more stains than regular toothpaste![4]
In addition to gently cleaning and whitening teeth, baking soda can also freshen your breath. Plaque and debris in your mouth cause bacterial growth that makes breath smell bad.[5] Toothpaste containing a high concentration of baking soda can prevent this before it starts.[5]
How to Use: Use a fluoride-free toothpaste with baking soda, or make your own with this recipe.
Baking Soda Toothpaste
Clean your mouth naturally with this simple baking soda toothpaste.
Glass jar with lid
Measuring cup
Spoon for stirring
⅔ cup baking soda
⅛ teaspoon sea salt
5 to 10 drops peppermint essential oil
Hot water (enough to form a paste)
Put baking soda in a jar.
Add sea salt and essential oil.
Slowly pour in hot water. Stir baking soda and water until toothpaste reaches desired consistency. Let sit overnight.
2. Acts As a Natural Deodorant
An effective deodorant is key to good hygiene, but it can be hard to find one that works well — especially if you want to avoid synthetic ingredients. Baking soda absorbs odors, and many people have found it to be useful as a natural deodorant.[6]
What makes baking soda a good deodorant? Alkaline baking soda appears to change the pH of acidic sweat in a way that neutralizes odor.[6]
How to Use: You’ll find deodorants containing baking soda at most stores. You can also sprinkle a small amount of baking soda onto a damp washcloth and apply to your underarms, or use a makeup brush for dry application.
3. Soothes Your Skin
Struggling with itchy, irritated skin? Good old-fashioned baking soda may provide relief. People with skin conditions like psoriasis have found baking soda baths help reduce itchiness and irritation.[7] This is good news for those who may wish to avoid topical steroid creams and other aggressive treatments for itchy skin conditions.
Baking soda may also soothe a common summertime skin ailment — dermatitis caused by contact with poison ivy, poison oak, or poison sumac.[8]
How to Use: To relieve itchiness, add ½ cup of baking soda to a tub full of warm water. You can also make a paste by mixing 3 parts baking soda with 1 part water and apply paste to affected areas.
4. Keeps Your Feet Fungus-Free
Nothing ruins sandal season like pesky foot fungus. Baking soda can keep feet dry, preventing the growth of bacteria, yeast, and fungus that cause foot odor and athlete’s foot — especially when combined with other natural ingredients like tea tree oil.[9]
Athletes foot — also called tinea pedis — is caused by colonial fungi known as ringworm (though it's not a worm). It can cause itchy feet, scaly, yellow toenails, and red, scaly skin on the feet. Baking soda can reduce some of the symptoms.
How to Use: Sprinkle baking soda in your shoes or lightly dust your feet with baking soda as desired to keep them dry and fungus-free.
For an added anti-fungal boost, try Global Healing’s Mycozil®. This all-natural formula supports the body’s natural cleansing of fungal organisms and yeast. Its wildcrafted and organic herbs and enzymes work with your body’s natural defenses effectively and without side effects.
5. Soothes Your Stomach
If you’re plagued by heartburn or indigestion but can’t stomach over-the-counter antacids, head to your kitchen and grab the baking soda. The alkalinity of baking soda means it can act as a natural antacid, neutralizing acids that cause heartburn and other reflux symptoms.[10]
Baking soda is gentle enough to treat the occasional upset tummy in children.[11] Just make sure you only use baking soda as an antacid once in a while. Daily use can cause an electrolyte imbalances.[12]
How to Use: For occasional relief of heartburn, dissolve a pinch of baking soda into a glass of water and drink.
Household Hacks
As if its many personal health uses weren’t enough, baking soda can also be very handy around the house — and eco-friendly.
6. Clean Fruits & Veggies
Even when you buy organic, it’s still a good idea to wash your produce before you can eat it. Cleaning your fruits and veggies with a baking soda solution effectively removes pesticide residue that may be left behind when rinsing with plain old water.[13]
Baking soda is so good at cleaning produce that, in a commercial setting, it worked better than a bleach solution to remove surface pesticide residue from apples after they were harvested.[13]
How to Use: You can make your own produce wash using baking soda. Here’s a recipe.
Baking Soda Produce Wash
Naturally remove pesticide residue from produce using this wash.
Medium bowl
1 teaspoon baking soda
2 cups filtered water
Pour water into a bowl.
Add baking soda and stir until dissolved.
Submerge any produce in the solution for two minutes, then rinse.
7. Baking Soda DIY Cleaning
Baking soda provides an eco-friendly alternative to conventional cleaning products. With an inexpensive box of baking soda and a few other basic pantry items, you can create your own DIY cleaning supplies that may work just as well as store-bought cleaners — without the long list of unpronounceable ingredients.
How to Use: A sprinkle of baking soda can safely be used to deodorize your garbage disposal, clean the toilet, scrub the oven, freshen carpet and area rugs, and soothe bug bites.[14] When mixed with powdered sugar, it can even deter roaches![14] Sprinkle on your counter and wipe off with a damp sponge.
8. Naturally Freshen the Air
Nobody likes bad smells in their home, but most air fresheners use chemicals to (poorly) mask the odors so that you end up with a bad smell plus the scent of fake flowers. Baking soda works better because it absorbs odors, eliminating them rather than covering them up.
How to Use: Try the following recipe. Create several of these in glass jars and leave around the house in high-use areas.
Baking Soda Air Freshener
Since many commercial air fresheners emit hazardous volatile organic compounds (VOCs)[15], you’re better off making your own with baking soda and essential oils.
Small glass jar
Scrap of fabric or piece of paper
Twine or ribbon
⅓ cup baking soda
10 to 15 drops lavender or other essential oil
Pour baking soda into the jar.
Add drops of essential oils.
Cover the jar with fabric or paper and secure with twine or ribbon.
Leave out as long as desired.
Leave out as long as desired.
Refresh by adding 3 to 4 additional drops of essential oil every two weeks and shake to mix.
9. Works As an Eco-Friendly Weed Killer
Want to get rid of the weeds in your garden without using chemicals? Baking soda to the rescue! Baking soda is a natural herbicide on weeds, drawing water out of their cells to dry them out.[16]
How to Use: To put baking soda to work in your garden, spray weeds with water and then sprinkle them with baking soda. It will work best if you have sifted the baking soda using a flour sifter or nylon stocking to remove large lumps.[16]
Points to Remember
Whether you’re searching for natural and eco-friendly ways to care for your home, your body, or your garden, baking soda can help. This versatile, inexpensive substance provides safe and gentle solutions for a wide variety of personal and household concerns.
Want a natural ingredient that can improve your well being? Baking soda can be used as a tooth cleaner and whitener, or as a natural deodorant. It can soothe irritated skin and keep feet fungus-free. Internally, baking soda can settle an upset stomach.
Looking to replace conventional cleaning products with an all-natural, eco-friendly option that is gentle yet effective? At home, baking soda can be used to remove pesticides from produce, as a DIY cleaner for every room in your house, and as a non-toxic natural air freshener. It can even eliminate weeds in your garden!
Baking soda really is incredible! How do you use baking soda for personal care or household hacks? Share your secrets in the comments!
The post 9 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Baking Soda Part of Your Routine appeared first on Dr. Group's Healthy Living Articles.
9 Eco-Friendly Ways to Make Baking Soda Part of Your Routine published first on https://smartdrinkingweb.tumblr.com/
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