#divorce lawyer san diego
mesniklaw · 9 days
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Exploring the Divorce mediation service in San Diego
Divorce is a problematic cycle, frequently loaded with close-to-home and monetary intricacies. For couples in San Diego looking for a more genial method for dissolving their marriage, the divorce has turned into an undeniably famous option in contrast to customary suit. San Diego, divorce mediation and divorce legal counselors, offers essential administrations to assist couples with agreeing without requiring a quarrelsome court fight. This article investigates the advantages of divorce, the job of divorce between, and how San Diego's divorce from divorce legal advisors can aid this cycle.
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The Job of San Diego Divorce mediation
A San Diego divorce mediator is a prepared proficient that spends significant time assisting couples with settling their disparities without the ill-disposed nature of a court setting. The middle person's essential job is to direct the couple through conversations, guaranteeing that the two players can communicate their interests and inclinations. Go betweens assist with keeping the discussions zeroed in on reasonable arrangements instead of permitting feelings to wreck the cycle.
Arbiters in San Diego are gifted in compromise and grasp the lawful parts of divorce. Nonetheless, they don't give lawful counsel. Overall, they work to establish a climate where the two players feel appreciated and figured out, encouraging collaboration instead of conflict. The divorce mediator San Diego will probably assist the couple with arriving at a commonly satisfactory understanding that can then be introduced to the court for endorsement.
The couple holds command over the last arrangement in mediation. Instead of having an appointed authority force a choice, they cooperate to arrive at a goal that works for the two players. This feeling of control can prompt more prominent fulfillment with the result and lessen the probability of future contentions. Since divorce is a helpful cycle, it can help diminish the hostility frequently associated with divorce. This is particularly significant when kids are involved, as it creates a more certain co-nurturing relationship.
Advantages of Mediation San Diego
Savvy: One of the main benefits of mediation San Diego is that it is generally more affordable than a conventional divorce prosecution process. Court fights can be expensive, with lawful charges rapidly adding up. Conversely, mediation is ordinarily a smoother process, bringing about lower costs.
Divorce can likewise be quicker than suit. Conventional divorce cases can be delayed for quite a long time or even years, contingent upon the intricacy of the issues and the court's timetable. Mediation permits couples to work at their speed and frequently results in a faster goal. Divorce is a confidential interaction, though court procedures are public. This security can be especially significant for couples wishing to keep their issues out of the public eye.
The Job of San Diego divorce mediation lawyers
While middle people work with the cycle, San Diego divorce mediation lawyers, assumes a vital part in guaranteeing that the last understanding is legitimately solid and fair. These lawyers can give legitimate guidance to their clients during the divorce cycle, assisting them with figuring out their freedoms and commitments under California regulations. They can likewise audit the intervened understanding before it is submitted to the court to guarantee that it safeguards their client's advantages satisfactorily.
Divorce legal counselors in San Diego know family regulations and the mediation cycle. They can offer significant direction on complex issues like property division, charge suggestions, and child authority courses of action. By working closely with a go-between, these legal advisors assist their clients with exploring the legal parts of divorce while emphasizing arriving at a neighborly settlement.
For couples in San Diego considering divorce, A Healthy Divorce offers a more serene and helpful option in contrast to customary suit. With the assistance of a talented San Diego divorce from the middle person and divorce legal counselors, couples can manage their disparities, agree, and push ahead with their lives. Couples can save time, cash, and close-to-home energy by picking mediation while keeping up with more prominent command over the result of their divorce.
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abbylawgroup23 · 2 years
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ethanhunt02511 · 2 years
Our connection offers mediation at a fair rate as a sensible choice instead of the standard way with a legitimate division instructor. The adjudicator will help with each administrative matter, such as recording restricting notes. The control of the go-betweens is to help you put any struggles behind you and show up at a mysterious settlement where you and your regular partner can experience them independently.
Our san diego divorce mediation lawyers assist the two with getting together by showing up at an agreed arrangement by the two players. Extraordinary mediation values many benefits for a couple ascending to confine. Unlike arraignment, intercession relies upon direct correspondence among mates and legitimate counselors. It avoids significant deferrals and actual costs in partition or bundle.
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roosterforme · 5 months
Covering the Classics Part 11 | Bob Floyd x OC
Summary: When Anna hits rock bottom, she knows she needs to figure out how to put herself back together. But she also knows that leaving Kevin behind once and for all will require her to give up the only thing she wants from him. Maybe a shot at happiness with Bob would have been worth it.
Warnings: Fluff, angst, adult language, 18+
Length: 4400 words
Pairing: Robert "Bob" Floyd x Female OC (this story is part of the Beer Boy/Sugar and Jake/Jessica universe)
Covering the Classics masterlist. Check my masterlist for more!
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If this wasn't rock bottom, Anna didn't want to know what was. She spent Sunday night laying on the floor next to her bed alternating between crying and hyperventilating. Apparently she couldn't do both at the same time, because her body kept giving each activity its full attention before switching again. When she finally started to fall asleep around three o'clock, her ribs were aching so much, she didn't see how she would be able to teach in a few hours. But it didn't matter. She wouldn't be going to campus anyway.
When she woke up at six, she crawled to her computer and emailed everyone in her classes, informing them that she would not be in today and to work through the syllabus independently until their next class with her. All of the other professors pulled this kind of thing all the time, but she still felt guilty which triggered more tears. If Kevin somehow cost her a full time tenure position along with her happiness, she didn't know what else she had that he could possibly take from her.
When she thought about Bob, it hurt so badly she had to run to the toilet. And when she thought about Advanced Calculus and Advanced Physics, it hurt almost just as much. She was in love with so many things in San Diego, but she'd dragged her past here along with her even if she didn't want to acknowledge that fact. She'd brought this dark shadow along that tainted everything and left her wondering if she could fix any of it at this point. If she could even figure out how to start.
As she hiccupped alone in her bathroom, she knew she needed to mentally backtrack to New Jersey for the first time in a long time before she could focus on San Diego. When she crawled back toward her bed, she located her phone and found the contact information for her lawyer's office. It was late enough on the east coast that someone answered after one ring, and soon Anna had to use her scratchy, raw voice to try to communicate.
"When will my divorce be final?" she managed to ask as she propped herself against the wall. She left herself hungry every day, and she was living in this tiny room simply so she could pay these people to help her sort out her life, but the response she got was not ideal.
"Ms. Webber... your husband still has three days left to comply, but he has not done so yet."
Anna wanted to scream, but her throat felt like it was constricting. Why wouldn't he just let her have the one thing she wanted? She wasn't asking for anything extra, just the thing she worked so hard to make her own. She didn't even care about all of the money. But he wouldn't let her have it. Even though she didn't want to fight for anything else in the house, he still wouldn't comply. He was making hundreds of thousands of dollars now, and she wanted none of it back, but he knew that her manuscript was the one thing meant something to her. He would happily drag this out until she had nothing left.
She knew she needed to wait it out. It was her fault she hadn't filed sooner. She let Kevin's words destroy her even when she knew he was sleeping with Alyssa. She let him convince her that she needed him for way too long. "What happens in three days?" she finally asked.
"If he doesn't comply, then you can restructure your end of the divorce agreement, and we can try again."
Anna knew what that meant for her, but she didn't know if she could pull the trigger. Restructure it? There was only one thing she could remove. Kevin would come out clean as a whistle, and she would lose everything she hadn't already.
When Bob knocked on the door at seven in the morning after barely sleeping at all, Jessica looked concerned when she opened it, and Jake looked annoyed. "What's wrong?" she asked, reaching out and running her hand along his stubbled cheek. "Why haven't you shaved? Why do you look so upset?"
"Why are you even here?" Jake called from the kitchen where he was cooking breakfast in his uniform.
"I need to talk to you," Bob croaked, and Jessica pulled him inside and gently guided him toward the couch. She rubbed his back and didn't rush him as he sat there, and Jake even stopped turning to glare from in front of the waffle iron.
"Did you know Anna's married?"
Bob could tell by the sharp intake of breath and the way Jessica's hand came to a screeching halt on his back that she had no idea.
"She's what?"
"Married," he repeated without any feeling whatsoever. The handful of hours he'd spent around her were some of the best of his life, but he would have never let his friends try to push them together if he'd know. He should have let her keep him in the friend zone when she tried to let him know that's what she wanted. Mutual attraction be damned, she'd made marriage vows to someone else. He just wished he would have known.
"No," Jessica said adamantly. "How? She's got no rings, and she said she lives alone. She mentioned an ex before, but I'm virtually certain he's still in New Jersey. She... struggles with certain things, and if she was married, someone would be helping her make ends meet. I don't know where you came up with this, but no."
Bob took his glasses off and set them down on the arm of the couch while he ran his hands over his exhausted eyes. "Jessica. She told me she was."
"Well," his friend said as she wrapped her arm around his shoulders, "I'll ask her about it at lunchtime today. There must be some sort of miscommunication."
"I don't think so," he groaned softly. "We... slept together, and those were her parting words as she ran out of my house."
"You slept together?!" Jessica practically shrieked. 
"It's about damn time!" Jake called from the kitchen, clanging his spatulas together and whooping loudly.
But Bob was shaking his head and staring at the floor through his slightly fuzzy vision. He had his phone in his hand all night, trying to decide if he should call or text her, wondering if she went home to climb into bed with her husband. Scared that this was the reason why she squeezed herself into her apartment door before closing it abruptly when he drove her home.
"I should have backed off when she friend zoned me the first time. I should have never believed that I could be with a woman like her." A woman that inspired the best poetry he'd ever written in his life. A woman who made him want everything.
It finally dawned on Bob that there might be an irate husband in his future, and he would just have to take whatever came his way. Because there wasn't a chance that Anna didn't have her spouse wrapped around her fingers. Even if she had a lapse of judgement when it came to Bob, Anna's husband would know how good he had it and want to fight for her. Bob would just have to take it on the chin.
When Jessica kissed his cheek and whispered, "I'll try to sort this out," he just nodded with his shoulders slumped and his elbows digging into his thighs. But there was nothing to sort out. Anna would never be his, and now he would have to pay the price for the way she told him she was married about an hour too late to take it all back. Honestly, he never thought accidentally sleeping with a married woman was something he would ever have to deal with in his wildest dreams, and now that he was forced to do it, he was getting pretty mad.
Anna managed to give her Classics lecture on Tuesday morning with a sore throat after screaming into her pillow off and on for most of Monday afternoon. She hadn't eaten in days, and if anyone noticed her puffy, red eyes, they didn't mention it to her. She had quizzes to grade and reports to read, but when she went back to her office, the overwhelming scent of bread from the cafeteria made her gag.
There was a pack of peanuts in her desk along with a room temperature can of ginger ale, but she had no appetite yet. She was just in survival mode until she decided what to do when Kevin's time was up. Until she worked up the courage to talk to Bob and apologize.
He was the sweetest man she had ever known, and her lapse of judgement was going to cost her any chance with him in the future as well as her friendships. In fact, none of them were ever going to want to speak to her again, and that's what she deserved. If she would have just been honest with Bob, she wouldn't be in this mess. But San Diego was like a balm for her senses, making her feel normal where she knew she wasn't. Maybe Bob would have been willing to wait a few more months until she figured out her next steps. Maybe he would have accepted that she was legally separated from Kevin if her husband would just sign the fucking paperwork.
Tears were burning her eyes again just as someone knocked on her office door. She sat perfectly still, silently begging them to go away, praying that everyone would leave her alone until she could sneak out and go home later.
She knew that voice so well, and she was shocked to find that it sounded more concerned than angry.
"It's just us," came the second voice, and without another thought, Anna was on her feet, wrenching the door open as she started to sob. "Oh, Anna," whispered Jessica as she collected her into her arms.
Anna stood in the middle of her tiny office and cried and cried in Jessica's arms while her other friend studiously locked the door and dimmed the lights before reaching for the box of tissues on the shelf. "Here," she whispered, and Anna accepted a wad of tissues from her.
She tried to mop at her face, but it was a lost cause. Jessica pushed the loose strands of her red hair back from her eyes as she said, "Anna, we're here for you, but I think we need to talk. For real."
"We have some... concerns."
Anna tried to take huge gulps of air into her burning lungs as she gasped, "I'm really not okay. I hurt Bob."
Her friends looked at each other before Jessica said, "I think it's time you backtracked a little bit. Maybe all the way back to New Jersey."
"I hated it there," she told them immediately, wiping at her eyes as she sat on the edge of her desk, bracing herself for the interrogation to come. 
Advanced Calculus eyed her sympathetically before a look of steel locked in her gaze. "Are you married?"
Anna nodded slightly, cringing as she pictured Kevin's face. "Technically, yes."
"Anna!" Jessica exclaimed. "You slept with Bob!"
They knew. They knew everything. Bob told them, and they knew what she'd done. She cradled her forehead in her hands and said, "I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I hate Kevin. I don't think we were even married two years before he started cheating on me. I'm trying my best to divorce him, but he just won't fucking let me."
"What do you mean he won't let you?" Advanced Calculus asked, cutting off Jessica before she could screech again.
"He is ruining my life," Anna whispered, finally starting to feel more anger than anything else. "Like an idiot, I've let him ruin my life. I put him through medical school. I dropped out of Princeton to work two jobs to put my husband through medical school." Her voice faded into a soft yet harsh whisper. "Kevin promised he'd take care of me after that so I could finish my Ivy League PhD. But then he started cheating on me because I was always tired and boring and no fun. Because all I was doing was working to pay his tuition for four years straight while he fucked another medical student between classes. I caught them having sex in my car."
"No," both women gasped at the same time. But she just nodded as the memories she had tried so hard to keep at bay since she moved to California came roaring back.
"That's not a marriage," Jessica practically growled, reaching out for Anna's hand that she hadn't even been aware was shaking. "Not really."
"You're right," Anna agreed. "I'm a joke." She honestly felt like one. Images of Bob's face and the memory of his kind voice flooded her system. The way he looked at her and touched her felt like love. The things he wrote about her had her almost convinced he could love her back.
"You're not a joke, Anna," her friend told her. "You're a smart, capable woman who should have come to her friends months ago with all of this information."
"I hate Kevin!" Jessica shrieked before biting down on her own fingertips, and it was so comical, Anna might have laughed if she was in a better frame of mind.
"Yes," Advanced Calculus agreed. "Kevin sounds like an asshole. But you know who isn't an asshole? Bob. But right now, he kind of feels like one."
Anna closed her eyes as the tears started welling up faster. "I tried so hard. You have to believe me. But Bob is perfect. And he didn't think I was boring. But I wasn't planning on falling in love ever again."
"You love him?" Jessica snapped loudly. "You love him? Because Bob thinks you are in a loving marriage with your spouse!"
"Jessica, go sit in the desk chair and calm down," the other woman commanded, and Anna watched the petite, bespectacled blonde stomp around her desk. "Now, Anna, why didn't you explain this all to Bob before you rocked the man's whole world and then ran off into the night like Cinderella?"
"I freaked out," Anna whispered, swallowing hard. "He's the perfect man. He did everything exactly right, and he was exquisite." She looked down at the floor as she said, "I haven't been touched like that in years. Like I was worth something. I'm not even thirty yet, and my husband ditched me for someone else while actively bankrupting me." She was mortified by what she was telling them, but she couldn't stop herself now. "Kevin always said I should dye my hair, and he loved it when I wore makeup. But Bob... he likes my hair and my freckles. He likes the books I read. He thinks I'm smart." She felt her face warm up as she thought about his poems. "We had sex, and then he was looking at me, and he started talking about us. I can't be an us with someone when I can't shake Kevin."
Anna could practically feel Jessica freaking out in the chair behind her, but she kept her eyes on the floor. "If you need help with Kevin or money for a lawyer or something-" Jessica said, but Anna cut her off.
"No. I'm fine. But he's going to force me to decide if I'd rather have my freedom or my self worth. And right now, I can't decide what I want to let him get away with when he already took so much."
"Hey," her much calmer friend said softly, and Anna finally met her eyes. "We're here for you. Anything you need, okay? But I need you to promise you'll talk to Bob. The sooner the better." Then Anna watched her reach for her tie dye lunch box which she apparently brought in with her and pulled out one of her fancy containers. "Bradley made you some hummus, and I packed you crackers and veggies to go with it. Please make sure you're eating. And please talk to Bob. I need to go teach Differential Equations, but I'll text you later. Jess, you have Physics III in fifteen minutes."
Anna received two hugs that she barely returned, and when the two women were gone, she sank into her chair and managed to eat some of the hummus without gagging. Then she texted Bob, because if nothing else, she needed him to know how sorry she was for running out on him. How sorry she was for all of it.
Anna wanted to talk to him on Thursday evening. Bob had to fight the urge to offer to pick her up on campus and save her from having to take an Uber to his house, especially after the few details that Jessica told him about her finances. She confirmed that Anna was married. She also promised him that there was no angry spouse waiting to jump him in the In 'N Out parking lot. She also told him that he needed to give Anna a chance to clear the air. So he agreed. He was free on Thursday. It wasn't like he'd been doing anything except going to work and coming straight home all week, even avoiding Suzanne as much as he could. And he wasn't going to break his promise to Jessica, even though Nat told him to delete Anna's number.
Bob sat in his living room, staring at his new bookshelf in disgust. He'd let himself fall into a fantasy where he imagined someday Anna's books would get mixed up with his on the shelves. Where all of her dog eared novels would live alongside his pristine ones. He'd been subconsciously thinking about it since he met her.
His insides were churning with anxiety. Part of him wanted to scream at her that none of this was fair to him, but the other part knew that no matter what, he still didn't want to see tears in her brown eyes. He couldn't let her take all of the blame for this anyway. He'd even told Jessica that she pushed a little too hard and that she shouldn't do that again in the future.
When there was a knock on his door, it was hard for him to stand up. How was he supposed to do this? He dragged himself across his living room to his front door and carefully opened it to find Anna with the saddest expression imaginable on her face. She looked somehow smaller and paler than she should. She looked like she hadn't slept. And that's when Bob realized he must look the same way to her.
"Hi," she whispered, brown eyes darting around his face nervously. She held out a small bouquet of blue flowers and the books she had borrowed in his direction, and Bob noticed her hands were shaking. "Um, I got these for you. They look like the flowers on the cover of the Whitman poems, and I thought of you when I saw them at the store."
"Anna," Bob groaned as he took them from her along with the books. He moved out of the doorway so she could come inside, and somehow he still couldn't decide if he was angry at her or not.
"I'm sorry," she gasped, turning to look at him once she was halfway across the room. There were several feet of space between them, but he could smell her hair. She was wearing the jeans she wore last time she went to the Hard Deck. He knew what that shirt felt like between his fingers. He could tell she was trying not to cry as she said, "I'm just really sorry."
"Why didn't you tell me you're married?" he snapped, unable to hold back. He knew his tone was harsh as he added, "Why didn't you tell anyone?"
"Because I should have been divorced by now!" she practically shouted, and Bob was instantly more soothed by that sentence than he should have been. "You think I want to be married to the worst man I know?" He had so many questions already, but something told him to just let her keep going. "That's why I'm here. In San Diego. He was supposed to sign the papers so I could get on with my ridiculous life, but he won't!" She sucked in a deep breath before she said, "And it's eating me alive knowing what I kept settling for when you exist! Knowing that I could have been with a man like you."
Her lips were moving like she was shivering, and her eyes were wide and watery. Red blotches covered her freckled cheeks, and Bob just knew she was going to panic again. She made a helpless noise and rushed forward, ready to run, but this time he caught her in his arms, the books and flowers falling to the floor. He let her struggle for a few seconds as she cried, but he held on tight.
"Anna," he said softly. "You can't keep running."
Her body slumped against his. She looked up at him as he held her, and a few seconds later, she let her cheek come to rest against his chest. She nodded against him as she whispered, "I don't really have anywhere to go anyway."
Bob kept his distance while also somehow always being nearby. Anna knew he was probably expecting her to vanish again if he turned his back for too long, but she was too mentally and physically exhausted to move from his living room couch while he fixed some tea. It was getting dark outside, and it was nearly impossible to try to think about anything other than Sunday night when she felt truly free for the first time in years. 
Similar thoughts must have been on Bob's mind, because he was still occasionally looking at her like he used to. Then his cheeks would turn pink, and he'd duck his head before showing her a completely neutral expression. She took the mug of tea he handed her and whispered, "Thank you," as he sat down as far away from her as he could. She cleared her throat as she looked into her drink and said, "You're one of the kindest, most generous people I've ever met." She forced her gaze to his face. "I'm sorry I took that for granted. And I'm sorry I wasn't honest with you and the ladies."
Bob nodded but didn't speak for a minute. His voice was as gentle as always as he eventually said, "I'd like it if we could talk."
"Yeah," she agreed softly now that she felt like the fight inside her was gone and the tears had finally dried up.
"Where's your husband?"
She pictured Kevin standing in the perfect kitchen in the beautiful house on the cul-de-sac. "In New Jersey."
"Right," Bob replied in a reassuring tone. "You said you should have been divorced by now, so does that mean you don't want to be married to him?"
"I hate him," she whispered, back to staring into her mug. "And I'm sure he hates me, too. No, I don't want to be married to him any longer."
"You're separated?" he asked softly.
Anna shrugged, wishing more than anything that she could scoot a little closer to Bob and feel his hand on hers. "Not legally. He won't sign anything."
"Right," Bob repeated again. "Would it be too much for me to ask what happened? Because I really don't understand. I'm trying, but I'm still so confused, Anna."
Her brain was screaming at her to start crying again, begging her to fall apart or hyperventilate, but she didn't even have the energy for it. She took one long sip of her perfect cup of tea before setting it aside and turning to look at him. Even now, he had sympathy in his eyes. Whether that was because he now knew she and Kevin weren't really together or because he was always this sweet, she couldn't say. But he was everything she wanted and would never have again. 
"The short version is that I put him through medical school while he cheated on me. The long version is that he used up every bit of my money, let me work myself ragged, prevented me from finishing my PhD at Princeton, belittled me, and flaunted his extramarital relationship in my face. It was humiliating knowing he was cheating. It's humiliating eating sandwiches and peanuts for every meal now. But the worst thing is that he is holding my manuscript hostage, and no matter what I do, he won't let me have it back."
"Jesus, Anna," he gasped, making the slightest move like he wanted to reach for her before pulling back.
She slowly stood, and he looked up at her, trying to gauge what she was going to do, but she just looked down at him as she tucked her shaking hands behind her back. "You're perfect," she whispered. "You're Sky Writing. You're the handsome man from the bookstore who smells like tea and soap. You're Bob, the guy my friends knew I would fall in love with as soon as I met them." She took a step back, barely able to handle how he was looking at her like she still mattered. "But I don't know how to be an us with you. I know that's what you want, but I never wanted to fall like this again. I tried my best not to. I can't do this with Kevin's shadow behind me all the time. And I'm just really sorry I let it go as far as it did. Because now that I know so much about you...."
That's when the tears arrived, and that's also when Bob stood up. "Anna, I feel like-"
When he cut himself off, leaving the sentence hanging in the air for a few seconds, she took one long, last look at him and whispered, "I'm going to go." He didn't stop her from stepping over the flowers, walking out the door, and heading to the end of his street where she waited for a ride as the night air made her shiver, and her tear streaked cheeks finally started to dry again.
Oh, they both fell for each other. I'm not sure if Bob feels better or worse now. Kevin is an absolute dick, and we will hear from him in the next chapter. Keep fighting, Anna. Thanks @beyondthesefourwalls
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sorchathered · 5 months
Sweet Home Texas pt 1.
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Summary- it’s here! Chapter one of my new series/ my submission for my birthday Rom-Com challenge! I am straying from the plot of Sweet Home Alabama a bit but I hope you all love it!
Pairing-Jake “Hangman” Seresin x oc (Ella Mcree Seresin), Bradley Bradshaw x oc (Ella Mcree Seresin)
Warnings- language, drinking, eventual smut
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Stepping out of her shitty rental car into the dimly lit honky tonk parking lot Ella Mccree can already feel the pain of a headache forming behind her eyes. She flew out from San Diego on a red eye to get to this shithole, filled with enough anger to fly the damn plane herself. She swore when she was here the last time that she would never set foot in this damn town again and yet here she is, pushing through the sweaty bodies of horn dog cowboys and navy pilots to find the bane of her existence.
He’s here of course, holding court by the pool tables, looking every bit the cocky asshole he presents himself to be. He’s always been a bit of a douche, that was part of his appeal; well until it wasn’t. She couldn't help the way her stomach flipped as she looked at him, the memories flooding her mind would make anyone blush. First kiss, first time, her first everything had been with Jake Seresin, he was supposed to be the only one, but that hadn’t worked out as planned. Nothing had where they were concerned.
She squared her shoulders, his pretty boy looks didn’t work on her anymore and she was here in this tacky bar for a reason, he wouldn’t distract her. In her ridiculously expensive pumps and form fitting black suit she marched over to him and dropped her briefcase in the middle of the pool table, a chorus of what the hells ringing out as she rounds on him, perfectly manicured finger poking him in the chest, shock clearly written all over his face before he schools his features. She’d caught him by surprise; good, maybe this time he’d actually listen.
“Jake! You stubborn redneck hick, I swear to God if I have to cut your damn hand off and sign these papers myself I will.” If he was phased by her colorful vocabulary he didn’t show it, simply throwing back the rest of his beer and sitting it on the corner of the nearest table as he looked her over, the mischief in his eyes evident in his gaze.
“Hey baby, it’s been a while. How’re things at home?” He said with a grin, knowing it would absolutely irritate the shit out of her, he loved riling her up, it was almost like he had a death wish sometimes but then again being an ex fighter pilot just confirmed that.
“Hey. Baby?! Are you kidding me right now?! Oooh!! You are the most annoying person on the planet!” She said shaking her head jerkily and balling her hands into fists, she needed to get it together. There was a reason to be here, get it done and get the hell out of this town, don’t let him distract you Ella you’re better than this.
Someone behind her said something to the extent of damn I like this girl and out of the corner of her eye she caught sight of a brunette woman sending impressed looks her way. Well at least someone was entertained, she thought.
She leaned across him to grab the papers from her briefcase, his body stiffening under her and she knew despite his cool exterior she had him rattled. She ran a hand across his uniform top, noticing the falter in his grin as he blinked at her and slammed the stack of papers into his chest.
“I have sent these damn papers through your lawyer 4 times in the past 6 months and they keep coming back unsigned, if you are so incompetent that you can’t use a pen, maybe you shouldn’t be allowed to fly a jet, given your lack of a brain. Sign the damn papers Jake, it’s been 3 years. You very clearly aren’t interested in being a husband so why the hell won't you just divorce me?”
Everyone around them seems to go quiet at this, none of his coworkers even knew he had been in a serious relationship, let alone married.
He sticks a toothpick between his lips and pretends to mull over her words as she taps her heel on the sticky bar floor. She already knows what he’s going to say, the same bullshit line he’s given her their entire life. “You know damn well why Ella Bella, because I promised to love you til the day you die and as far as I can tell you’re still breathin’ so we’re still married.”
She rakes a hand through her wavy red hair and gives him a look that could burn the world down. “If I could go back knowing what I know now I’d have never made that damn promise. Stop holding me hostage and sign the damn papers, I’m not leaving town until you do.” She yanks up her bag and stomps out towards the exit, everyone in the group parting like the Red Sea to let her out. Meanwhile Jake still seems cool as a cucumber, completely unbothered as he lines up his next shot and chuckles as he watches her walk out of the bar.
“Uh you planning on giving us an explanation Hangman?” Natasha Trace is the first to speak up, she does enjoy seeing him brought down a peg from time to time but she’s pretty sure she’s seen him more upset over what was for lunch at the dining facility than he is right now.
“Oh that? Eh she’ll be alright, Ella is all bark and no bite. She knows how much I love her, just gotta remind her is all, she and I will be just fine when she comes to her senses.” He seems awfully sure of himself, but she’d noticed something he clearly didn’t. A big ass diamond ring on her ring finger, no wedding band in sight. She has a thought to say something but thinks better of it; let him crash and burn all on his own and maybe invite the girl out for lunch and some gossip if she can find out her number. Jake’s hometown is just a few miles out from the Kingsville Navy base they’re stationed at, maybe an old friend of his has her info, she files that away for tomorrow’s problems and grabs another drink.
Ella is heated, she clumsily fumbles her keys by her car door as she curses, she knew he wouldn’t go for it but damnit if she didn’t hope he’d come to his senses. They’d been split for almost three years?! What was keeping him from letting her go? Pride? Idiocy?! She didn’t have time for this, she had plans of her own and they didn’t include begging her delusional husband for a divorce for the millionth time.
Her phone began to buzz in her pocket as she finally got the car unlocked and settled into the seat. She heaved a sigh out and put on her brightest smile, answering the face time call with fake enthusiasm.
“Well? How’d he take it?” the raspy voice on the other side of the line says, tan skin and bronze hair and those puppy dog eyes she loves so much gazes at her over the screen, and he can tell she’s pissed. “About as well as I thought. I’m gonna be here a few more days I reckon, maybe I can get one of them to get him to pull his head out of his ass, because it definitely didn’t work like I hoped.” She says the last words with a waver in her voice, she hates that she’s tearing up over this.
Bradley Bradshaw sighs over the screen and runs his hand over his face, he knew it wasn’t going to be as easy as she thought. “Need me to come down there? I can hop a flight? We can order a pizza and get trashed.”
As good as that sounds, his presence would only make it worse, and they both know it.
“No baby, it’s ok. I’ll see you soon alright? I just need to go to my hotel and sleep, I’ll try again tomorrow. Maybe call Natasha and see if she can help me with some intel though? She seemed pretty interested in what was going on, and might be an ally.”
He knows Natasha Trace well, and she definitely would be very helpful if he asked, so he nods his head in agreement and ends the call with I love yous and promises of a back rub when she gets home.
He knows the bomb that’s going to go off as soon as Seresin finds out everything, but he also knows the real reason Jake won’t give Ella what she wants. It’s guilt plain and simple, and Bradley isn’t interested in watching his fiancée get hurt by his former rival anymore. Only Ella knows the whole truth, but are either men ready for it?
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A/N- this is gonna be a doozy y’all, prepare for these three to be put through the ringer! Next week we’ll get some more on Jake and Ella’s backstory and why they fell apart, hope you enjoyed chapter one!
🏷️ tagging- @attapullman @seitmai @bobgasm @sailor-aviator @jessicab1991 @roosterforme @bradshawssugarbaby @mynameismckenziemae
119 notes · View notes
bellaireland1981 · 1 year
Starting Over | 9
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Summary: You come home to work to find your husband of three years in bed with your supposed best friend. It’s the wake up call you finally needed to take your two year old daughter and get the hell out of Texas. With nowhere to go you head to your big brother in San Diego. The Dagger squad takes you under their wings, and shows you what having a family means. You get a fresh start… will you find your happily ever after?
Characters: Jake “hangman” Seresin x Sister! Reader, Bradley “Rooster” Bradshaw x Seresin! Reader (Eventually), Hangman x Phoenix , Adorable OC Gracie!   The Dagger squad
Word Count: 10454
Warnings: Angst, fighting, cheating husband, emotional abuse, eventual fluff, SMUT, Sweet uncle Jake, Adorable Rooster with a toddler… if I miss any please let me know. MINORS DNI
A/N: I don’t own the characters or storyline for Top Gun Maverick. All OC’s are mine. I DO NOT GIVE PERMISSION FOR ANYONE TO COPY OR REPOST MY WORK TO ANY OTHER PLATFORM! DON’T STEAL! Reblogs, likes and comments ALWAYS welcomed. THANK YOU @waywardodysseys​ and  @beyondthesefourwalls​ as always for reading over my work and helping me flush out ideas!!
Taglist is open! If I missed anyone who asked to be tagged, please fill out this GOOGLE FORM  to be added. It’s getting to hard to keep track of asks.
CH 1  CH 2  CH 3  Ch 4  Ch 5  Ch 6  Ch 7 Ch 8
You’d fallen into a new normal fairly easily. Gracie was loving daycare and the friends she’d made. You’d even managed to set up some playdates for her outside of daycare. You were developing a routine at the Hard Deck, setting up your own system for doing the inventory and falling seamlessly into the work there. You actually really enjoyed it too.
It’d been almost a month since your divorce. Things with Bradley were perfect. You knew beyond a shadow of a doubt that he was your forever love. He stayed over at the house with you and Gracie often, other nights you’d stay at his house. Neither of you liked sleeping apart.
Trent’s initial court appearance for the violation of the order of protection had been pushed back at the request of his lawyer. You’re not sure what the endgame was, he’d broken the order twice, he was only postponing the inevitable. Your lawyer assured you that you had nothing to worry about. The hearing for custody was scheduled for the following week on Thursday... It had taken longer than you thought to be scheduled, but you tried to stay positive. Gracie’s third birthday was two days later on Saturday and you were already busy planning a party. Jake insisted she needed a huge princess party. Bradley had agreed wholeheartedly, as had the entire Dagger squad.
“Sweetheart, I think we need a castle bounce house.” Bradley said, scrolling through inflatable rentals for the area on his phone.
“Where exactly do you think we’re putting this bounce house, Babe?” You asked, “The backyard is decent sized, but not bounce house sized.”
“You’re right.” He agreed, “We need a bigger venue.”
“You and Jake are out of control.” You laughed, “She’s 3.”
“I know, but this is the first birthday she’s had all of us.” He reasoned, wrapping his arms around you, “And it’s our first birthday with her as a family.”
“You make a good argument, Lieutenant.” You smiled, your arms wrapping around his neck, pulling him down to claim his lips. “I love our little family… and I love our big extended chaotic family.”
“I love YOU.” He said, smiling against your lips, “And our family.”
“I love you too, Brad.” You replied, kissing him once more before pulling back, “Ok, we’ll find a bigger venue…and get the castle bounce house.”
“We can see if Mav and Penny would let us use their yard?” Bradley suggested, “Or Mav’s hangar?”
“I don’t want to impose on anyone.” You said.
“Sweetheart, I promise they’d jump at the chance.” He assured you. “I’ll ask Mav tomorrow at work.”
Obviously, they’d been more than happy to host the party. Bradley called on his lunch break to let you know. It was your off day from the Hard Deck so you’d taken Gracie to go play at the park and run some errands. You were just getting ready to take her home for a nap when he’d called.
“Hey, Sweetheart, how are my girls?” He asked when you answered the phone on speaker. “We’re just heading home so Gracie can nap.”
“Daddy WOOSTA!” Gracie yelled from the backseat, “Mommy, can we pwease go see Daddy?”
“Hi, Princess,” Bradley replied to her, “Daddy has to go up in his jet in a little bit, Baby Girl. I promise, I’ll come see you tonight when I get done with work, ok?”
“OK, Daddy.” She said, “Wuv you!”
“I love you too, Princess.” He replied.
“Mav and Penny are happy to have her party at their house so we can finish planning with the bigger space in mind.” Bradley said, “There was zero hesitation too, Mav was like a kid at Christmas when I asked.”
“You should have seen Jake’s face last night when I told him there was a possibility of inflatables.” You laughed, “He’s a big kid.”
“We were picking out the perfect one before I called you actually.” He laughed, “Him and Phoenix just ran to grab a quick lunch together. They’re on the ground this afternoon so they get to eat a bigger lunch.”
“Come over tonight when you’re done, I’ll make sure you have a nice big dinner to make up for it.” You promised.
“And cuddles with my girls after?” He asked.
“Definitely.” You agreed.
“I’ll see you after work, Sweetheart.” He said, “Love you.”
“Love you too,” You replied, “Fly safe, Bradley.”
“Always.” He promised.
Party planning continued to go smoothly, although with Jake and Bradley helping, you found yourself having to reign them in constantly. You’d already had to veto the live ponies dressed as unicorns, which you learned later had been Mav’s suggestion.
“Penny, he’s as bad as Jake and Bradley!” You laughed, while unboxing an order of alcohol and stocking it on the shelves in back. “He suggested ponies dressed as unicorns!”
“You should have seen him in the Disney Store the other day when we went to get Gracie’s presents.” Penny replied, shaking her head smiling, “Between him and Amelia, I’m amazed we made it out of there without buying out the entire store.”
“I have to admit though,” You said, pausing from stocking the shelves, “I love seeing how much Bradley loves her, Pen. The amount of excitement he has over making this birthday so special for her, absolutely melts my heart.”
“One thing you will never have to doubt, Sweetie, is how much that man loves and adores that little girl.” She said, “In his eyes, Gracie is already one hundred percent his little girl and it doesn’t matter if there is a piece of paper that declares it, or DNA that proves it. He’s her daddy.”
“I love him so much it sometimes scares me.” You admitted, “I’m almost afraid I’ll wake up and this will all have been just a wonderful dream and I’ll be back in that nightmare of a marriage.”
“That part takes time, Y/N.” Penny said, “But I assure you, this is absolutely real. You’re free of him. Next week, I’m confident the courts will free Gracie from him. Trust that this is now your life and it’s not going anywhere.”
“Thank you, Penny.” You said, smiling, “For everything. You’ve been absolutely amazing.”
“You’re welcome, Sweetie.” She replied, “We’re family. I know you’ve heard it a lot since moving out here, but I’ll keep reminding you. This is just what you do for family.”
Once you finished work that day you picked Gracie up from daycare and headed home. Jake’s truck was already in the driveway when you got there.
“Looks like Uncle Jakey beat us home.” You said, pulling in next to him and turning the car off. You got Gracie out of her carseat and you made your way inside
“We’re home!” You called, walking in. You set your keys in the bowl next to the door and kicked your shoes off, before taking Gracie’s backpack and hanging it on the hook.
Jake came out of the kitchen, still in his flight suit but the top part off, tied around his waist. He must have just gotten home ahead of you.
“There’s my Princess G.” He said, holding his arms out for Gracie. She went straight to him to be hoisted up into a tight hug. You could tell he must have had a rough day.
“Hey, you OK, Jakey?” You asked, concern etched on your face.
“Yeah, I’m ok, Tulip.” He replied, offering a small smile. “Just a long, frustrating day where nothing went right.”
“That why you’re home early?” You asked.
“Yeah.” He sighed, “My plane’s grounded for repairs for a few days. I had a close call in the air today. It shook me.”
You stepped forward wrapping your arms around your brother and daughter as best as you could.
“I’m glad you’re OK, Jakey.” You said, “We’d be lost without you. We love our Jakey.”
“We wuv Unco Jakey.” Gracie agreed.
“I love you girls too.” He said, hugging you both tightly. “Life kinda sucked before y’all showed up on my doorstep. I’m really glad you’re here.”
“We’re really glad we’re here too.” You agreed.
A few hours later, Bradley and Phoenix showed up, both concerned about Jake. Phoenix had been in the air with Jake when he’d ran into problems, her heart in her throat until he’d been safe on the ground. Bradley had been listening from inside his plane, waiting to go up.
“I’m glad you’re OK, man.” Bradley said, “Scared the shit outta us. Thought you’d have to punch out there for a minute.”
“Me too.” He said, “I’m lucky I was able to get the engine to refire so I could save it.”
“Now I know how you felt when I had the bird strike.” Phoenix admitted. “It’s not a great feeling.”
“Darlin’, watching you punch out and your plane actually crash about killed me that day.” Jake said, pulling her into his arms. “I couldn’t get to you fast enough. Then it killed me not to be able to hug the shit out of you and reassure myself you really were OK.”
“New rule.” You said, knowing it wouldn't be enforceable, but needing to say it nonetheless, “No punching out, no crashing, no getting hurt. If you take a plane into the air, you land that plane safely on the ground or carrier you took off from.”
“We’ll do our best, Sweetheart.” Bradley smiled, pulling you against him, kissing the top of your head. “None of us want to punch out or crash. It kinda sucks.”
“It doesn't feel great.” Phoenix confirms. “Even when it’s textbook, that shit hurts.”
Jake and Phoenix ended up heading over to her place that night. Jake knew he’d be in for a rough night and he didn’t want Gracie to see him upset.
After dinner, Bradley and Gacie were playing in the living room while you finished getting the kitchen cleaned up after dinner.
“What are you building, Princess?” Bradley asked her while they built with her legos.
“I making a big big castle.” She replied, “Fow you, mommy and me. So we wiv togever! And Unco Jakey and Aunty Nix too.”
“That is a big big castle.” He smiled, his heart melting. “You’d like it if you, mommy and I all lived together?”
“Yes, Daddy!” She beamed, excitedly at him, before continuing to build.
“Princess, Daddy would love that too.” He replied, his voice thick with emotion. He’d already been thinking about asking you to move in with him. Truth be told, he really wanted to marry you, but he knows you just got out of a really bad marriage and you might not be in a hurry to jump into another marriage. He made a mental note to talk to Jake tomorrow though, he wanted to get his blessing to proceed, knowing it would be important to you.
Later that night long after Gracie was tucked into bed you and Bradley were laying in bed cuddling before going to sleep. You were tucked into his side, your arm draped over his middle, fingers tracing patterns over his chest.
“Have you noticed that lately Gracie has started to drop the Woosta and just call you Daddy?” You asked, tipping your head up to look at him.
“I have.” He replied, a smile playing on his lips, “I’ll admit, as much as I loved hearing her say ‘Woosta’ and being ‘Daddy Woosta’, just being ‘Daddy’ is a whole new and amazing feeling, Sweetheart.”
“I know it happened really fast and we didn’t really talk about it in depth…” You said, “You’re really OK with her calling you Daddy? I just don’t want you to ever feel like you were forced into that role…”
“Sweetheart.” He said, stopping you. He pulled you up and flipped you both so you were lying eye to eye on the bed. “I am one hundred percent on board here. Being Gracie’s Daddy is an honor that I am so grateful you’re trusting me with. From now until forever, that little girl is my little Princess. I’m her Daddy.”
“I love you Bradley Bradshaw.” You whispered, tears falling down your cheeks.
“I love you too, Y/N Seresin.” He replied, gently wiping the tears away and leaning in to kiss you. “From now until forever.”
Bradley’s POV
The next day at work, he went to find Jake in one of the classrooms before he had to go up in the air to fly maneuvers.  He’d already talked to Phoenix earlier that morning, needing her take on the situation before tackling the conversation with Jake. She assured him that it wasn’t crazy to be thinking about moving in or marriage this soon, that sometimes the right people meet at the right time and it’s just meant to be. She also said that he had nothing to worry about with Jake.
“Hey, you have a minute?” Bradley asked, walking into the classroom Jake was using that day.
“I’ve got nothing but minutes until my plane’s fixed.” He replied, “What’s up?”
Bradley made his way in and hopped up on one of the tables at the front, fidgeting nervously.
“Rooster.” Jake laughed, “What’s up, man? Why are you acting so damn flighty?”
“I was playing legos with Gracie last night.” He said, deciding to start with the easier of the two questions. “I asked her what she was building and she said it was a ‘big big castle’ so that her, Y/N and I can all live together. With room for Unco Jakey and Aunty Nix of course… that might be negotiable though.”
“I wouldn’t be so sure with that one.” Jake said laughing, “Princess G is a determined little one and would find a way to make it all happen. What did you tell her?”
“I just told her it’s something I’d really like too.” He replied, “I didn’t want to make any promises I couldn’t deliver. She’s started to call me Daddy though more and more instead of Daddy Woosta… and I REALLY like that.”
“Have you talked to Tulip?” Jake asked, “What’s her take?”
“On the title or living arrangements”? He asked.
“Both.” Jake clarified, “I’d say both are pretty big.”
“She’s the one who asked if I’d noticed the change in my title with Gracie last night, and asked if I was really Ok with her calling me Daddy.” He said, “I definitely reassured her that I’m more than happy that Gracie calls me Daddy because as far as I’m concerned she IS my little girl.”
“Ok, so that’s good.” Jake shrugged, “And did you talk to her about moving in?”
“That’s part of what I wanted to talk to you about today.” Bradley admitted. “Seemed like something I should run by you… both because you’ve become my best friend and because you’re the most important person in Y/N’s life.”
“Bradley, I’d have already run ya off if I had a problem with you being with my sister.” Jake said, smiling, “You’re probably the only one I WOULD trust with her heart and with Gracie. I pretty much knew from the beginning that they were going to steal your heart and that you’d be the one to claim Tulip’s. Moving in together is the logical next step. As much as I love them being with me, at least I’ll know that with you they’re both happy and safe…and in the same damn town.”
“Thanks, Jake.” Bradley said, “That means a lot. Honestly, it was game over for me the first day when Gracie threw her arms around me and called me ‘Woosta’. I’d have given that girl anything she wanted that day.”
“Remember that when she’s a teenager, sneaking in after curfew and trying to use those big eyes and dimples against you.” Jake laughed.
“Oh Shit” Bradley groaned, “I’m never letting her leave the house. I know what teenage boys are like. They can’t go near her.”
“Good luck with that.” Jake said, “Give me a call though, I’ll be backup. What was the other thing you wanted to talk to me about?”
“It’s more of a asking now for later kinda thing.” Bradley said. “I don’t know if or when Y/N would be ready to even think about marrying again… but if she’s ever on board to give it another shot… would you be OK with  me asking your sister to marry me?”
“Of course I am.” Jake said, standing and yanking Bradley off the table into a rough hug, clapping him on the back before stepping back, smiling widely. “She might surprise you, Man. You probably won’t have to wait as long as you think until she’s ready. You may want to start thinking about rings. I see the way my sister looks at you…it’s the same way I look at Nat. Between you and me and the walls… I’ve been thinking along those lines myself lately.”
“No shit!” Bradley exclaimed, “Proposing or moving in? Both?”
“Both.” Jake said, “It’s been on constant repeat since yesterday with the not so nice reminder that with this job we never know what the next day will bring. I just don’t know if it’s too soon. I don’t want to spook her.”
“I acutally was talking to her this morning before I came to talk to you.” Bradley said, “Kinda needed reassurance that I wasn’t about to die for one, and that I wasn’t rushing things. She told me not to buy into the whole social norm timeline for relationships bullshit. Two people meet or come together when they’re supposed to and it doesn't matter what the timeline is. Plus, let’s be honest, the two of you have been flirting with the idea of being together long before you made the move to BE together so that counts towards the bogus timeline right?”
“So… ring shopping this weekend?” Jake asked, chuckling, “To be prepared…”
“I have my mom’s ring that I was planning on giving Y/N, but I will absolutely go with you.” Bradley said. “How do you think Gracie will take the news that we won’t have a castle for all of us to live together?”
“We promise her Disneyland.” Jake said, “And weekend sleepovers with her favorite Uncle and Aunty Nix.”
“So…bribery?” Bradley clarified.
“Yup!” Jake laughed.
Your POV
By the time the weekend rolled around, you knew that Jake and Bradley were definitely plotting something. There’d been a lot of hushed conversations and text messages back and forth. Friday you and Phoenix had enlisted Bob’s help at the weekly dinner to try to ferret out information without any luck. You’d even contemplated using your own daughter.
“Those two plotting together makes me nervous.” Phoenix admitted while you were cleaning up the kitchen together after dinner on Friday night.
“EXACTLY!” You exclaimed, “Whatever it is, probably means trouble. I think I saw them bringing Mav into the mix too.”
“We may need to ask Penny to see if she can put out feelers.” Phoenix suggested, “If anyone can reign in Mav and the boys in it’ll be her.”
“Or at least find out what’s going in.” You reasoned.
“If nothing else, I’ll work on Jake tomorrow night while we’re hanging with Gracie.” Phoenix said
“Am I being kicked out for a super fun fort night again?” You asked, confused. Before she could respond Bradley and Jake came in carrying the rest of the dishes.
“Not being kicked out.” Jake laughed, “So dramatic, Tulip.”
“I asked if Jake and Phoenix had plans, and if they minded if I stole you for a date night ahead the upcoming week.” Bradley said, wrapping his arms around you from behind and resting his chin on the top of your head. “I know this week is going to be a rollercoaster, so before it gets crazy, I wanted to carve out some time for the two of us.”
“And it’s a win-win, because we get time with Princess G.” Jake said.
“Speaking of…”Phoenix said, “Where is the little nugget?”
“With Mav.” Bradley chuckled. You turned in his arms so you were facing him, wrapping your own arms around his neck and stealing a quick kiss.
“I’d love time for just the two of us tomorrow night.” You told him, “I’m really hoping that by this time next week everything will be settled and we won’t have anything left to worry about.”
“You and me both, Baby.” He replied, kissing you softly.
The next morning Jake and Bradley disappeared for several hours. You definitely made a mental note to ask Penny if she knew what the two were plotting. You decided to call Phoenix to see if she wanted to go shopping for some birthday party supplies.
“Since our men are off on a top secret mission, do you want to go get some party supplies for Gracie’s birthday with me?” You asked her.
“Absolutely!” She agreed, “Give me like twenty minutes and I’ll head over.”
“We can pick you up.” You suggested, “Save you a trip.”
“I’ll need my car tomorrow anyway, this way I’ll already be there when it’s time for you and Bradley to go out.” She said.
“Makes sense.” You agreed, “Maybe we just need one giant house at this point instead of three separate dwellings.”
“You might be onto something.” She laughed.
Once Phoenix had arrived you all headed out to the party store. You put Gracie in the cart and headed straight to the Princess aisle, gathering up plates, cups, napkins and other decorations you’d need. Phoenix insisted on a helium tank and enough balloons to float the house. By the time you left the store your trunk was loaded with supplies.
“How about we run to the Disney store and let Gracie pick out a princess dress to wear to her party?” Phoenix said. “We’ve got time before the boys are done on their mission I’m sure.”
“Those dresses are super expensive.” You said, “Any luck getting info from Jake on that?”
“It’ll be my treat for her. She needs a princess dress for a princess party.” Phoenix insisted. “And nope, he kept changing the subject then distracted me.”
“Bradley did the same thing.” You laughed. “And, are you sure? We can find a princess dress cheaper I’m sure…”
“Y/N, Disney Store. NOW.” She replied, playfully glaring at you, before turning to look at Gracie in the back, “Sweet girl, do you want to go pick out a Princess dress from the Disney Store for your birthday party with Aunty Nix?”
“YES!” Gracie exclaimed, “I wuv you Aunty Nix!”
“I love you too, Gracie!” Phoenix said, turning back to smile widely at you. “See? My girl wants a princess dress.”
“When she’s a teenager and still expecting the princess treatment, I’m sending her to you and Jake.” You laughed.
“We’ll take her.” She agreed, getting a soft dreamy look on her face. “Honestly, I love the idea of still being with Jake when Gracie is a teenager.”
“I have no doubts that you will be.” You assured her. “My brother is absolutely in love with you, Nat. I’ve never seen him as happy as he is with you, nor have I ever seen him as content. He’s himself with you, he lets his guard down and is the most at peace around you. He’s never been that way with anyone else before.”
“I love him too.” She said, “Completely in love with him. Not going to lie… it scared the crap out of me at first. I started to see cracks in the cocky Hangman exterior after that last mission, but it was when you and Gracie got here that I really got to see the softer side of him. You say it’s me that brings it out in him, but I think it’s you and Gracie that brought that out in him.”
“So we call it a group effort.” You compromised, chuckling. “The point is… He’s not going anywhere. His heart belongs to you, Nat.”
“That’s good because mine belongs to him too.” She smiled.
Jake’s POV
They’d left that morning once the jewelers had opened. Phoenix had gone back to her apartment late the night before, saying she needed to get some laundry and stuff done there. It made it easier only having to get past Tulip. He knew she was suspicious, but hopefully she’d just think they were plotting something for Gracie’s birthday.
“How can I help you gentlemen this morning?” An older man asked, greeting them from behind the glass counter filled with rings. He was smiling at them as they stepped closer to the cases.
“We’re shopping for engagement rings.” Jake replied, already starting to feel overwhelmed by the sheer options.
“Well congratulations.” He said, looking at Bradley, “What do you have in mind”
“Not me!” Bradley laughed, “I’m here for moral support.”
“My apologies, Sir.” The man said, turning red. Jake looked over at Bradley laughing, relaxing immediately.
“It’s fine.” Bradley said, “That’s definitely going into the best man speech!”
“Of course it is.” Jake chucked, shaking his head. “Nat’s gotta say ‘yes’ first though.”
“She will.” Bradley said confidently, his eyes wandering over all of the options. “What are you thinking for her?”
“She’s not really into flashy jewelry.” Jake said, “I’ve never really seen her wear anything more than earrings and occasionally a simple necklace when we go out.”
“And she’s not going to want anything that’ll get in the way when we’re flying.” Bradley pointed out. “If she decides to wear it while flying. She may opt to put it on dog tags or leave it on the ground.”
“Maybe we should have let Tulip in on this mission and brought her along.” Jake groaned. “What does your mom’s ring look like? Maybe that’ll give me a starting point?”
“It’s a solitaire set in a gold band.” He replied, “It’s pretty simple, but it meant the world to her. I’m actually thinking I’ll bring Y/N in and we can get wedding bands to match it, that way she still gets something new.”
“Rooster, you know she won’t care about it not being new right?” Jake asked, “The fact that it was your moms and has meaning to you will make it the most precious thing in the world to her.”
“I know.” He shrugged, “I just figured that after everything she’s been through, she deserves a little bit of new and spoiling.”
“I have no doubt that she and Gracie will be plenty spoiled.” Jake said, “OK, so let’s start with solitaires.”
“Those are over here.” The man behind the counter said, directing them over to the case with all of the solitaire sets. “We have several options to choose from, as well as matching wedding bands.”
“Shit there are a lot of choices.” Jake sighed, “Ok, so set or solitaire and band? What’s the difference?”
“The set can be welded together so it would become one ring after the wedding.” The man replied, “Some prefer that as opposed to having two separate rings.”
“Ok, that makes sense.” Jake replied, “I think she’d probably rather have that.”
“I think so too.” Bradley agreed. “Less to keep track of.”
“Perfect. Set it is.” Jake said, “That narrows it down some.”
“Does she wear more gold or silver jewelry?” Bradley asked, “I never really pay attention.”
“I think gold.” Jake replied. “I know the necklace she normally wears is a gold pendant.”
“Ok, I’d go with a gold band then.” Bradley suggested, scanning the case of rings.
They both looked over the solitaire case but nothing really jumped out at either one of them.
“Perhaps, something a little more detailed than a solitaire set but not overly showy will be more to her taste?” The man suggested, “We have some lovely sets over here that showcase a larger center stone with smaller stones to the sides that also have matching wedding bands. They’re simple, elegant, and quite stunning.”
He directed them to a case further down the row with rings that were a little more elaborate than the solitaire sets yet still not overly flashy, just as he’d described.
Jake let his gaze wander over the options trying to picture them on Nat’s finger before falling on that looked perfect.
“That one!” He exclaimed, pointing to the set closest to him in the front. “May I see that one, please?”
“Certainly.” The man smiled, pulling the set from the case and gently setting it in front of Jake. It was a yellow gold set, the engagement ring had a larger center diamond just like the man had said then tiny diamonds making up the band about ¾ away around the band. The wedding band was contoured to fit with the engagement band and had tiny diamonds paved into ¾ of the band as well. It was beautiful and elegant without being gaudy and overly flashy. It was simple but not plain. It was perfect.
“This is the one.” Jake said. “I’ll take it.”
“Umm, shouldn’t you maybe find out a price on that first?” Bradley asked, chuckling.
“Doesn't matter.” Jake said, shrugging, “She’s worth it.”
The man went to start the paperwork and process the sale. Jake felt like his heart was about to beat out of his chest. It felt like his body was on fire and breathing was becoming very difficult.
“Jake.” Bradley said firmly, seeing the change in him. He turned to the salesman, “Do you have a bottle of water at all?”
“Yes.” He said, hurrying to the back room and returning quickly with a bottle of water in hand.
“Jake, take a drink man,” Bradley ordered, “Slow deep breaths and concentrate on taking a few sips of water.”
Jake took the bottle, sipping slowly, trying to stay focused on just taking oxygen into his lungs and slowing his heart rate.
“If you’re not ready for this, we can totally come back another day.” Bradley assured him, “You don’t have to jump into anything. There is absolutely no rush.”
“It’s not that.” Jake whispered, “I am ready. I love her. I want to marry her… it just… it got real… and every time I’ve ever gotten really close to actual happiness or my life being really good… it’s all gotten yanked from under me. I guess… I just… panicked.”
“I get that.” Bradley said, putting his hand on Jake’s shoulder. “It’s easy to panic when things go well and everything falls into place when you’re so used to it all going to hell or the floor dropping out from under you when you think you’re on solid ground. But one thing I’ve managed to learn since coming back to Top Gun and even more recently since meeting your sister… is sometimes… it’s ok to trust the good stuff. Life doesn’t always have to suck. People don’t always leave. It’s ok to let others in.”
“The world won’t come crashing down?” Jake asked, a small smile finally making its way to his lips as he glanced over to Bradley.
“Nope.” Bradley replied, returning the smile, “The world just gets bigger and brighter. It gives you even more reason to come home. Hell, man it makes this life MORE worth living. Because let’s face it, were we REALLY living before we let those women in? Honestly?”
“I’d call it more existing.” He agreed. “Ok… this is me… trusting that the universe is not going to turn against me here. I’m going to buy the ring, and when the moment is right, I’m asking Nat to marry me.”
“And we’ll all be there to celebrate the two of you  when she says ‘yes’.” Bradley said, clapping him on the back. “Come on, it’s time to go drain your bank account.”
“Worse case scenario, we find that really big house that Gracie wants and we all live together to help cut down on other expenses.” Jake teased, walking over to the counter. “Sorry about that, Sir. What’s the damage?”
“Nothing I’ve not seen before, I assure you.” He smiled gently, before giving him the total. It wasn’t nearly as bad as either of them imagined. Needless to say Jake would not need to empty any accounts. He did however decide to use his credit card because while it wasn’t an exorbitant amount of money, it wasn’t chump change either. Growing up the way they had, he never felt comfortable running his accounts too low now.
Once the ring had been paid for, the salesman polished the rings and placed them both in separate ring boxes then into a small bag. After thanking him for this help, Jake and Bradley headed out of the store and towards Jake’s truck.
“Alright, now I have to hide this until the right moment…” Jake said, “And try not to panic and word vomit the second I see her.”
“That would not make for a very romantic proposal story for your children one day.” Bradley laughed. “I word vomited after buying Mommy a ring…”
“I think that’s why I love when we get to keep Gracie for Tulip when y’all have date nights.” Jake admitted, “I love watching Nat with her… it’s easy to imagine how it’ll be with our own kids one day.”
“I get it.” Bradley smiled, “I get the same feeling when I’m with Y/N and Gracie. I’d love to have more kids with her too.”
“Gracie needs a baby brother.” Jake agreed, smirking, “Maybe name him Bradford Bradley Bradshaw?”
“You know, I’m really happy nobody suggested that to my parents when they were naming me.” Bradley said, glaring at Jake. “We will not be continuing that trend…I won’t do that to my kid.”
Your POV
After the trek to the Disney store, where Gracie had indeed found the perfect dress and matching accessories (Nat had insisted they were needed), you all stopped for lunch before heading back to the house. You ended up pulling into the driveway at the same time as Jake and Bradley.
“Where did you lovely ladies adventure to?” Jaked asked, getting out of the truck.
“Unco Jakey!”  Gracie called from the backseat, “Out! Out! Pwease!”
“You’re being paged, Uncle Jakey.” You laughed, as you got out and went around to the trunk. “We went to get party supplies for Gracie’s party and then Aunty Nix insisted on a trip to the Disney Store for Gracie Girl’s outfit for the party.”
“Let me grab the bags, Sweetheart.” Bradley said, coming over and stealing a kiss, “Missed you this morning.”
“Missed you too,” You smiled, kissing him back. “Did you and Jake have fun?”
“Yeah, it was good.” He replied, smirking, “We accomplished our mission.”
“You’re not gonna tell me what it was are you?” You asked, laughing.
“Nope.” He confirmed, “Not happening, Baby.”
“Worth a shot.” You shrugged, smiling, “Come on, let’s get this inside. Gracie needs to go down for a nap.”
Phoenix came around and helped the two of you carry all of the bags inside while Jake carried Gracie into the house. You put all the bags with supplies in the laundry room for the time being so they were out of the way.
“Gracie, it's time for your nap, sweet girl.” You said, finding her sitting on Jake’s lap on the couch, telling him all about the Disney Store.
“You can show me your dress when you wake up my sweet Princess G.” Jake promised.  
“Ok, Unco Jakey.” She agreed. “Daddy, you take me nite nite?”
“I sure will, Princess.” Bradley smiled at her, walking over to scoop her up into his arms. “Give Mommy hugs and kisses first.”
“Sweet dreams, Gracie girl.” You said, hugging and kissing your daughter. “Love you.”
“Wuv you too Mommy.” She replied, hugging you back. “Wuv you Aunty Nix and Unco Jakey.”
“We love you too.” They replied as Bradley carried her off to bed.
Bradley left after Gracie woke up to go get ready for your date. He hadn’t wanted to leave while she was sleeping and risk upsetting her. As promised she immediately demanded to show off her new princess dress and accessories to Jake as soon as she’d woken up. You and Phoenix helped her into the outfit and she paraded into the living room to show her uncle. You knew right away you’d have your hands full once she hit the teenage years.
“Wow, Princess G.” Jake exclaimed, “You look absolutely beautiful, sweetheart! Just like a real life princess!”
Gracie beamed at the praise, twirling in the living room to show off the dress, full of giggles. All three of you had your phones out snapping pictures and taking video.
“You’re going to be the prettiest princess in all the land and especially the prettiest at your party, Sweet Girl.” You told her. “Let’s take it off though for now so it doesn't get ruined before your party ok? Do you want to put on one of your costume Disney dresses?”
“Yes pwease!” She exclaimed, not quite ready to be done with dress up, but not wanting to ruin her new dress either.
A while later, Jake and Phoenix send you off to go get ready for your date, taking over with Gracie. You’re not exactly sure what Bradley has planned but you know it doesn’t involve blanket forts this time. You took a quick shower and freshened up, opting to not wash your hair as that would take too much time to style afterwards.
You went through your closet, not really sure what to wear. You really needed to think about expanding your wardrobe, but really hated to shop for yourself.
“Nat!” You called out from your open door, a towel wrapped around you, “I’m having a wardrobe crisis!”
“On my way!” She yelled from the kitchen where she was helping Jake cook. A minute later she slipped into the room, “Alright, what do we have to work with?”
“Not much.” You sighed, “I don’t know where we’re going or what we’re doing and I don’t have a whole lot of options.”
“Ok, no worries.” She assured you, “We’ll find something. You’ve got some pretty dresses, we can glam up or make them casual depending on what we need. Want to text Rooster to find out what the evening calls for?”
“Good idea.” You replied, “I’ll just call him though. It’s faster.”  You grab your phone from the bed and call Bradley.
“Hey, Sweetheart,” He answered, “Everything ok?”
“No.” You replied, sighing “I have no idea what to wear because I don’t know where we’re going and I’m currently hating my closet.”
“Ok, well that’s an easy fix.” He laughed, “I’m sorry you’re hating your closet, Sweetheart. We can go shopping and find clothes you don’t hate. I’ll even happily carry all your bags and will make sure you have an unlimited supply of iced coffees while we shop.”
“I love you.” You replied, smiling, all of the anxiety that had been building suddenly melted away, “I’m sorry for the mini freak out.”
“I love you too.” He replied, “And you’re allowed any sized freak out whenever. You don’t have to apologize for that. As for the date tonight… I’m picking up take out and we’re having a picnic on the beach. Then coming home to get comfy and cuddle in bed and watch a movie and eat snacks. Does that help?”
“Yes.” You replied, “It helps a lot. And it sounds absolutely perfect.”
“I’ll pick you up in a little bit, Sweetheart.” He promised, “I love you.”
“I’ll be ready.” You replied, “Love you too.”
After hanging up you took a deep cleansing breath then turned to Phoenix.
“Ok, we need something for a beach picnic.” You said, “Then we’re going back to his house and watching a movie and eating snacks, so I’ll just steal one of his tshirts at that point. The man is literally perfect.”
“He definitely knows how to read you.” She smiled, “Last night he was trying to decide between a big fancy dinner date or a more low key just the two of you no pressure kinda date. I’m guessing the phone call just now may have tipped the scales.”
“Oh God, you mean he may have had reservations somewhere and just completely threw his plan out the window because I’m a basketcase?” You said, on the verge of another freak out.
“And even if he did,” Phoenix assured you, “He would be absolutely fine in canceling it and changing it last minute if it meant making you happy. That man will do literally anything in his power if it puts a smile on your face. But more importantly, that’s what we do for those we love… we adjust as the situation calls for it. Jake and I would do the same for one another. It’s normal, Y/N.”
“I’ve never had ‘normal’” You admitted, “But, I would do the same for him.”
“See? Perfectly normal and healthy relationship.” She smiled, “Now, come on, let’s get you ready and on your way to your perfect date.”
Twenty minutes later you were dressed in a simple maxi skirt with a tshirt knotted at the waist and a pair of sandals. You were alerted to Bradley’s arrival by Gracie’s squeal of delight at her Daddy walking in the front door..
You made your way out to the living room to find Bradley already on the floor playing with Gracie. Jake and Phoenix were in the kitchen finishing up getting dinner ready for the three of them.
“You look beautiful, Sweetheart.” Bradley said looking up and smiling from his spot on the floor.
“Thank you.” You replied, smiling back at him, “You’re looking pretty handsome yourself.”
“Princess G, dinner’s ready.” Jake said coming out of the kitchen, looking over at you he smiled, “You look beautiful, Tulip.”
“Thanks Jakey.” You smiled back, “And thank you again for keeping Gracie tonight.”
“No thanks needed for that!” Jake replied, “I never turn down time with my favorite Princess.”
Bradley stood up and scooped Gacie up with him, hugging her and giving her lots of kisses making her giggle.
“Daddy!” She exclaimed, “That tickles!”
“Just getting all the kisses to power me up!” He reasoned, chuckling.
“Come give Mommy hugs and kisses, Gracie.” You said, holding your hands out to her and taking her from Bradley. “I love you, Sweet girl. Be good for Uncle Jakey and Aunty Nix and Mommy will see you tomorrow, ok?”
“Ok, Mommy.” She said, hugging you back, “I wuv you too!”
You set her down and she ran off to the kitchen.
“Have fun you two.” Jake said, winking, “See you tomorrow.”
“Thanks, man,” Bradley said, “Ready to go, Sweetheart?”
“I am,” You replied, “Let me grab my bag quickly.”
Bradley drove you to a semi private beach and pulled the Bronco into a parking spot. He came around to open your door and help you down from the passenger seat before reaching into the back to grab a blanket and a picnic basket before taking your hand and leading you down to the beach.
“Where did you find an actual picnic basket?” You asked him, as you walked to a secluded part on the beach.
“I borrowed it from Penny.” He replied, setting the basket down to spread the blanket out on the sand. You helped him to smooth out the corners, slipping your shoes off to set at the edge.
“Did you change plans last minute because I was freaking out?” You asked, wanting to confirm Phoenix’s theory.
“I decided in the moment that this would be more in line with what you needed is all.” He replied, smiling softly, “I know this week is going to be a lot for you and the last thing I wanted was to add to the stress and anxiety. This way it’s just the two of us, no stress or pressure.”
“I love you so much, Bradley.” You beamed, leaning over towards where he was seated and softly kissing him, “You’re so good to me, I’m so lucky to have you.”
“I love you too, Sweetheart.” He replied, kissing you back, “And I am the lucky one. You’ve literally given me a family, Baby… so much more than I ever thought I’d have in my life.”
“We’re not going anywhere.” You smiled. “Gracie and I are all yours.”
Bradley pulled out the food from the basket along with glasses and a bottle of wine. He’d picked up Italian take out from the restaurant you’d gone to on your first date.
“Recreating our first date?” You asked, smiling.
“The good parts.” He replied, filling your glass of wine. “Let’s change the ending though.”
“I’ll drink to that.” You laughed. “I’d say your odds of getting me in bed tonight are VERY good, Lieutenant.”
“I can work with those odds.” He smirked, “That would make for a much better ending than the first date for sure.”
“It would indeed.” You agreed. “Although, technically you got me in bed that night too.”
The two of you ate your dinner, talking, laughing and flirting with one another. You only drank a couple glasses of the wine, Bradley only drinking one because he was driving. You put the cork back into the bottle to save it for later.
“Want to go for a walk before we head back to the house?” Bradley asked, once you’d both finished eating.
“That sounds perfect.” You replied.
He stood up and reached his hand down to help you up. You both left your shoes on the blanket, walking barefoot in the sand along the water.  You walked hand in hand just enjoying the beautiful evening. The sun was starting to dip lower in the sky, casting a pinkish glow to the horizon.
“The other day, when Gracie and I were playing, I asked her what she was building…” Bradley said, stopping and pulling you around to face him. “She told me she was building a big castle for you, me and her to live in… and Uncle Jake and Aunty Nix.”
“That would need to be a pretty big castle.” You smiled.
“I don’t think we’ll find any big castles in southern California near the naval base.” Bradley said, “But… I would really love for you and Gracie to move in with me…or for us to find a place closer to Jake if need be for Gracie…I just really want to live with my girls. Will you and Gracie live with me, Sweetheart?”
“We absolutely will!” You smiled widely, wrapping your arms around his neck, your fingers threading into his hair, “Your house is already perfect, Bradley. There’s no need to find anything new. We just want to be with you too.”
“I talked to Jake about it already,” He admitted, “I wasn’t sure how Gracie would do with being separated from him again. We came up with a plan… it involves occasional sleepovers at Uncle Jake’s on the weekends and a trip to Disneyland to soften the blow.”
“So bribery?” You laughed.
“Yup!” Bradey agreed, “Also, I figured we’d recreate her Princess room for her at our house… so it’ll be a win-win for her.”
“I think the fact that she’ll be living with YOU full time will be enough of an enticement.” You smiled, “I like the sound of that though, ‘our house’.”
“As of right now Sweetheart, that’s exactly what it is.” He said.
“In that case,” You said, “How about we go collect our stuff and go home, Lieutenant?”
“That’s a fantastic idea.” He agreed, leaning down to capture your lips before spinning you both around and heading back down the beach towards your stuff.
Bradley pulled the Bronco into the driveway, shutting off the ignition and getting out to come around to help you out. Instead of helping you down from the Bronco, he swept you up into his arms, carrying you bridal style towards the house.
“Bradley!” You exclaimed, laughing, “What are you doing?”
“I’m carrying you over the threshold into our home.” He replied, winking at you as he carefully maneuvered to unlock the door without dropping you. “It’s tradition.”
“I don’t think that applies to moving in together.” You answered, smiling at him, “That’s marriage.”
“Well, we’re making our own rules here.” He said, stepping into the house and kicking the door closed with his foot. “Welcome home, Sweetheart.”
“I love you,” You said, pulling his head down to kiss him gently.
“I love you too.” He replied against your lips, “I can’t wait to move you and Gracie in here” He let you slide down so you were standing in front of him, but kept you wrapped in his arms. Leaning down again to place gentle kisses along your jawline, moving to your ear and down your neck.
“And when do you think you’re wanting that to happen?” You ask, your fingers threading into his hair, your head tipping to the slide to allow him easier access to your neck.
“Tomorrow too soon?” He asked, nipping at your ear, causing a shiver to run down your body.
“We might need more than a day to get things ready and to make that happen.” You replied, your voice shaky, “But we’ll go with soon.”
“ASAP.” He said, kissing his way back up before claiming your lips, his tongue slipping into your mouth meeting your own. His hands moved down over the curve of your hips, around to your butt, pulling you tighter into him.
Your hands wandered down to the buttons on his shirt, undoing them one by one until you could slide the shirt off his shoulders, letting it pool on the floor at his feet. He was left in a white fitted tank top that you quickly pulled from where it was tucked into his jeans and pushed it up and off of him with his help, throwing it to land with his other shirt.  You let your fingers wander over his broad shoulders, gently tracing a scar on his left shoulder…moving up on your tiptoes to gently trail kisses where your fingers had been, drawing a soft moan from Bradley. His hands are resting on your hips, giving you free reign at the moment. You continue to trail soft kisses over his chest, sternum, and collarbone, moving up to your tiptoes to kiss along the scar on his neck , letting your tongue lick along the raised edge.
“Shit, Baby, you’re driving me crazy.” He groaned, his voice thick with need, “You’re so fucking hot.”
“You’re pretty damn hot yourself, Roo.” You said, nipping at the sensitive skin on his neck by his ear. “Feel like moving this to our bedroom?”
“Jesus, Sweetheart.” He rasped, lifting you off the ground, causing you to laugh and wrap your legs around him as best as you could with your skirt in the way. He hurried up the stairs to the master bedroom, not stopping until he was in the room and falling with you onto the bed, causing you both to erupt into a fit of giggles.
“Hi.” You whispered, once you’d both stopped giggling. You were lying under him on the bed, he was bracing himself on his arms to keep the majority of his weight off of you.
“Hi, Baby.” He replied, leaning down to peck your lips in a soft gentle kiss, before moving down to slowly trail kisses to your neck and the shell of your ear, whispering “I think you’re wearing too many clothes.”
“What do you plan to do about it.” You asked, squirming against him, trying to gain friction where you needed it the most.
In reply, he sat back up, pulling you with him. He continued to kiss over your neck as he hands ran over sides, to the knot at the front of your tshirt undoing it and pulling it up over your head. He tossed the shirt off to the side, not caring where it landed.
“You’re so damn beautiful, Sweetheart.” He said, his eyes roaming over the skin he’d exposed. His hands ghosted over your  breasts, moving to your shoulders, bending his head to allow his mouth to follow the path of his hands. He reached around to undo the clasp of your bra, before gently peeling it away from your body and tossing it to join your shirt on the floor. “Lay back, Baby.”
You laid back against the pillow, giving him easy viewing access to your now half naked self.
“Bradley” You moaned, “Please… I need you…” You could feel an ache building deep inside that only Bradley would be able to satiate.  
“What do you need, Sweetheart?” He asked, leaning down to plant kisses over your collarbone, moving down towards the tops of your breasts. His hand moves to your right breast, gently squeezing before his thumb rubs over the sensitive nipple.
“Need you to touch me” You begged, your hands threading into his hair.
“I am touching you.” He teased, chuckling. He dipped his head down, his hot tongue licking over your nipple before taking the whole thing into his mouth, sucking hard and effectively stopping any train of thought you were capable of. You gasped, moaning his name, your fingers tightening in his hair.
“Brad…” You cry out, releasing your fingers from his hair and moving your hands down over his shoulders to his back, fingers digging into him wherever you can reach. “Fuck… feels so good.”
He moved his hands down to the waistband of your skirt, his mouth following over your skin, trailing kisses down your torso before he’s sitting up, and tugging off your skirt and panties in one motion. You let out a breathy giggle at his sudden impatience to have you completely naked.
“Now you’re the one wearing too many clothes, Lieutenant.” You teased, sitting up. You move your hands to the button of his jeans, undoing it and slowly lowering the zipper, your hands brushing against his arousal in the process. With the newly found access, you run your  hand over his hardened cock now only covered by his boxers, wrapping your fingers around as best as you can, stroking him with his pants still around his hips.
“Baby, as fucking amazing as that feels,” He moaned, “I have other plans that don’t include me coming in my boxers with you stroking me off.”
“Hmm and what do these plans include then?” You asked, smiling at him innocently, continuing to apply pressure but moving lower on his shaft.
“You’re a minx.” He growled, grabbing your hands and pinning you back against the bed, his lips capturing yours in a heated kiss, his tongue pushing into your mouth to dance over your own. After a moment he pulled away so you could both catch your breath while he took the time to finally divest himself of his jeans and boxers before moving back up over you. “My turn, Sweetheart.” he said, sliding his hands up your thighs, his thumbs moving to your inner thighs, pulling your legs apart to expose your already wet center.
“All this for me, Baby?” He asked, running one hand over through slick folds, drawing a moan from your lips. He maneuvered himself down onto the bed so he was now lying between your thighs, his broad shoulders now keeping you spread open, his arms coming around to brace himself and cradle your sides.  You nearly jolted off the bed at the first swipe of his tongue through your folds, the only thing keeping you secured to the bed was his body. “Fuck you taste good, Sweetheart.”
“Brad…” You whimpered, arching towards him, needing him to sooth the deep ache he’d created in your core. Your hands fisted in the sheets at your sides, desperately trying to anchor yourself to something. “Please…”
“I’ve got you, Baby.” He promised, dipping his head again and licking a stripe through your wet folds once more before latching his mouth to your clit and sucking, causing you to cry out his name. He continued to run his tongue over your pussy and clit, alternating between licking and sucking, driving your pleasure higher and higher. Your hands moved from the deathgrip they had on the sheets, to your fingernails scraping over his shoulders, to finally threading your fingers into his hair, holding his head to you.
“So close…” You gasped, “Bradley…. Gonna cum.” You panted, trying to suck in oxygen, the band of pleasure tightening in your belly, each swipe of his tongue driving you impossibly higher.
“Let go for me, Baby.” He said, looking up at you. He latched his mouth onto your clit, sucking hard as he thrust his ring and middle fingers into your pussy, curling them in a ‘come here’ motion, hitting your g spot. It was enough to snap the band and send you soaring over the ledge into an intense orgasm, your inner walls clenching down around his fingers.
“Bradley!” You cried out, “Oh fuck!” He continued to slowly move his fingers in and out of your pussy while you rode out the orgasm, waiting for you to come down, kissing your inner thigh and whispering words of praise.
“You doing, OK, Sweetheart?” He asked, smirking up at you from his position.
“Up here… now.” You replied, reaching for him. He happily complied, moving so he was once more leaning over you, his lips coming down to claim yours. You let one hand move to wander over his back, the other moving between you to stroke over his now very hard cock, precum leaking from the tip. “I need you inside me… want you to fill me up, Bradley.”
“Fuck, Sweetheart.” He growled, attacking your lips in a fiery messy kiss, tongues battling for dominance, teeth nipping at your lower lip, before he pulled back to gasp, “Guide me home, Baby.”  He returned to kissing you fiercely, bringing his hand up to thread into your hair, his other arm supporting his weight so as not to crush you. You stroked his shaft from base to tip twice before lining him up with your entrance, his tip slipping into your folds, gathering your slickness before he pushed in further. You brought your arm around so both hands were now moving over his back, fingers digging in. You wrapped your legs around his waist, opening up and allowing him more access.
“Don’t tease, Bradley.” You whined, when he still hadn’t pushed all the way in. “Need you, please!” you started to beg.
Unable to deny you, he thrust fully into you, his hips slamming against your own as he fully seated himself inside of you, the tip of his cock hitting your cervix. The movement caused you both to let out a deep moan, clinging to one another in desperate need.  He gave you a moment to adjust to his size, even though you’d been sleeping together now since your divorce was finalized, Bradley was still well endowed and you needed a moment to adjust each time.
“I’m good.” You gasped, letting him know he could move now, arching up into him and clenching your inner muscles.
“Oh, shit you feel so damn good, Sweetheart.” He groaned, “Taking me so well…” He started to pull back until he was almost all of the way out and then slammed back down, pushing all of the way in again. He set a  steady pace, moving in and out, driving you both closer and closer to a mind shattering orgasm.
“Don’t stop….” You begged, your nails digging into his back, surely leaving crescent shaped marks for later. “So close…please.”
“Not stoppin’, Baby.” He promised, slightly out of breath from the exertion, “You feel so fucking amazing… can’t get enough.”  He continued his brutal pace, slamming into you, his cock hitting your g spot with every thrust. He reached between your bodies to rub his thumb over your clit, “Give it to me, Honey, cum on my cock…let me feel it.”
The combination of him hitting so deep, his thumb relentless on your clit and his words, pushed you over the edge. You felt your walls clench down around his cock, trying to lock him inside of you, every muscle in your body tensing up as pleasure washed over your whole body.
“Mmm, shit, Bradley!” You gasped, the pleasure of the second orgasm overwhelming you, this one more intense than the first one, “Fuck… love you… so… much.”  
“Jesus you’re squeezing me so tight…” He moaned, close to his own orgasm. His rhythm becoming more erratic, “Love you so fucking much Sweetheart…. So close….. Fuck…. Cumming…”  he brought his mouth to yours, capturing your lips in a desperate kiss as ropes of his hot cum painted your inside walls, filling you impossibly full.
Once spent, he collapsed onto you, careful not to crush you. You wrapped your arms around him holding him tightly to you, enjoying the feeling of being connected as you both returned to Earth. After a few moments, he rolled over, taking you with him, so you were now lying on top of him, your head resting on his chest, content to listen to his heartbeat.
“We need to get cleaned up, Sweetheart.” Bradley said quietly after a few minutes, “I should probably get the leftovers out of the Bronco too.”
“I don’t wanna move.” You complained, snuggling in closer to him, causing him to chuckle.
“How about we grab a quick shower, I get the leftovers dealt with, then we cuddle in bed the rest of the night.” He suggested, holding you tighter, “And every night after that… because you and our baby girl are moving in!”
“We are…” You tip your head to look at him smiling brightly, “I can’t wait. I’ll get to go to bed with you and wake up with you every single night…except when you deploy…those nights will suck.”
“Those will be few and far between, Sweetheart.” He said, “We won’t worry about those just yet.”
“Ok.” You agreed, not wanting to focus on anything depressing. “How about tomorrow we talk to Gracie about moving in… maybe we can start looking at some bedroom furniture for her and make a plan on when we can make it official.”
“Sounds perfect.” He said, “Let’s take her to pick out her new bedroom decorations and we can start decorating her room. The sooner that’s ready to go, the sooner I get my girls home.”
“Someone’s impatient.” You teased, turning your head to kiss his chest. “But I get it. I’m ready too. I love you Bradley Bradshaw.”
“I love you too, Y/N Seresin.” He replied, tipping your face up to his and leaning down to gently kiss you, “You’re my whole world, Sweetheart.”
A/N: Sorry this one took so long to get out! Next chapter we return to court! It’s time to free GRACIE!  Let me know what you thought of this one! We had a lot of new developments in here <3 
@harrysgothicbitch​ ,
, fulla02 ,
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sunlightmurdock · 1 year
Ceasefire | 0.9 | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
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Synopsis: Bradley Bradshaw is in San Diego, summoned to Top Gun for the first time. Commander “Hyde” Simpson is his flight instructor, and she doesn’t have time for schoolboy crushes.
Warnings: ex-husband!beausimpson, divorce, age gap (rooster is somewhere between 26-28, reader is 38), power imbalance between instructor and student aviator, swearing, angst
Spotting him across the floor of a Navy gala, handsome and all-American, chiselled and stoic — convincing him to fuck you in the back of his sensible but stylish Cadillac that same night. You have always been too wild for Beau Simpson. His mother had tried to warn him about this; about you.
Maybe you were too much, maybe he was never enough — just doomed from the start, that’s all you know for sure. Making yourself smaller for him, making yourself tidier, calmer, you’re done with every single compromise that you’ve ever made for that bastard of a man.
Truthfully, Beau wasn’t that bad. If he had just listened earlier, or if he had just listened at all, you wouldn’t be half as furious as you are this morning. You’ve been psyching yourself up all weekend and there is no stopping you now. Days until Rooster graduates and he’s out of your class, a couple of weeks before his next posting.
Enough time wasted. Beau winds the hands on his watch, barely listening to Bernie listing off his plans for the end of his first week as a newlywed.
Your boots clatter loudly, thudding with each step along the hallway. You don’t bother knocking, you’ve spent enough time waiting for Beau’s permission. Armed with gossip that is more than enough to save your ass, you just about stop yourself from kicking the door open — opting for the handle instead.
The door swings open and slams into the wall, Bernie tenses and droplets of his lukewarm coffee spill onto his khakis.
Cocky as ever, your soon to be ex-husband smiles coyly from behind his grand looking desk, morning sun spilling through the blinds and illuminating the frosty blue of his eyes. “I don’t believe that we have a meeting scheduled, Lieu—“
“Cut the shit, you son of a bitch,” You interrupt him, eyes alight with fire as you carry forwards into the office swiftly enough to make Hondo stumble back and out of your way. You slam the papers down onto his desk, eyes wide, nostrils flared. He hasn’t seen you this fired up about something since he pulled the head off of Dylan’s doll and handed him a baseball. That was a big fight. Beau glances downwards, but he already knows what the papers are. “Sign.”
Beau squares his shoulders and narrows his ice-cold eyes at you, sitting back in his chair calmly.
Hondo swallows and smooths out his uniform, still tripping over his feet as he struggles towards the door. “I’m going to give you two some space.”
The door closes behind him and Beau raises his eyebrows expectantly at you, “Without my lawyer present?”
“Have whatever you fucking want, the savings, the assets — I refuse to spend another fucking second on this Earth as your wife.” You bite back, grabbing one of his dumb, expensive pens from the holder and slamming it down on the paper.
Beau scoffs and shakes his head, “What’s with the hysterics? — Is this about the wedd—“
“Yeah, it’s about the wedding.” You lean forwards and rest your palms on the desk, squinting your eyes at him seriously. Beau glances down at the picture of Taylor on his desk, silently terrified of the day that she looks at him as defiantly as you do. “It’s about you not keeping your damn hands to yourself.”
He rolls his eyes and leans back folding his arms over his chest, “I kissed my wife — sue me.”
Your pupils blow wide open. You lean in closer to him, the smell of his morning coffee filling your nostrils. The thought crosses your mind to just pour it in his lap. No, you've got something that will hurt more than that.
“Your wife,” You draw the word out, glaring ahead at him, venomous, “Went home on Saturday night and had mind blowing sex while you sat on your fucking own. Thanks for the parting gift, Beau. Now, fucking sign.”
He stares at you. Gaze hardened, used to people quivering and keeling over at his whim. Not you. You’ve never been that way.
He laughs and grabs his coffee cup from the desk, purely because it’s too early to be drinking scotch. Though, having this conversation this early on a Monday morning is having him rethinking things. “Sign so that you can go and be a whore? — Yeah, I’ll have to think on that one, baby.”
Whore. It’s practically worth reminiscing. The first word his mother ever said to you. Fitting, that he spits it back in your face now. He looks like her when he’s cold like this.
You don’t falter in the slightest bit, khakis fitting snugly around your curves as you lean further forward. “He graduates next week, and I’m introducing him to the kids. I’m serious about him.”
“Great, you’re fucking a high schooler.” Beau scoffed as he sets the mug back down.
You give him a second. That’s all it takes. Cyclone’s a lot of things, but he isn’t dumb. His face changes. Now it’s his turn. Pupils blown, nostrils flared, enraged.
“He’s — I thought that you were fucking kidding! One of your students? — Jesus Christ, Hyde!”
You glare at him, banging your hand against his desk, “Keep your voice down.”
“Keep my voice down? — I’m going to make sure everyone who has ever thought you were worthy of a promotion finds out about this!” Beau shoves the desk and stands up sharply, jutting forwards like he’s going to tackle you.
“You say a damn word, and I’ll tell everyone about that fucking twenty year old that you fucked in our bed!”
Bernie. Beau stares at you blankly. Bernie, loose-lipped at the best of times and busy spilling secrets to Hangman for most of the reception on Saturday. Beau — who had been drunk out of his mind, and who had spilled his secret about the sharp-witted, young bartender who he had taken home the week before.
You watch your ex-husband scramble for leverage in his own mind; he’s already certain that his indiscretion is not half as bad as yours — you’ll still be in a much worse situation than he will.
Your lips quirk. “Did she tell you that she’s in flight school by the way? — That makes you her superior, huh?”
Studying a man for years leaves you with certain skills. The oh-so familiar ‘oh shit’ look has become one of your favourites. It suits him to look so dumbfounded.
You pick up the pen again and hand it towards him. “Sign — or you fuck us both over.”
His brows knit together just slightly. His head moves like he’s trying to shake it, just slightly. He takes the pen from your hand numbly as he searches your face. Looking for any semblance of the woman he loved.
“What did I do for you to hate me so much?”
You stop yourself from rolling your eyes. You stop yourself from leaping across the desk and shaking him, smacking him — cursing his name, because he still doesn’t fucking see it. He still has no idea.
He watched you slowly stop loving him every single day for years and did nothing to stop it. He reacted with fury and cruelty. Even now, he wakes up every morning with the intention to hold you back. A hot poker to your throat, there isn’t a single word that you can manage to say to him.
You exhale slowly and shake your head.
“I don’t hate you.” It’s the truth, you’re not sure that you ever could — even if he’s trying his best to make that happen. You stare at the floor, nudging the toe of your boot against a chip in the wood. “I hate that you made this such a mess, when it could’ve been over months ago. But I don’t hate you.”
It’s more of an answer than he probably deserves, he knows that. He holds onto his breath, turning his chin downward as he scrawls his signature on the dotted line, turns the page and does the same again. He knows where the pen needs to go — he’s been staring at these forms for once and waiting for you to change your mind.
Setting the pen down against his desk, he pushes the document back towards you.
“Who is he?”
“Don’t, Beau.” You sigh, picking the paper up from his desk and turning away. You open his office door and close it with more civility than he deserves.
It’s a hard time to get divorced — 8am on a Monday morning. It weighs on his mind through his morning briefings, the starts of his weekly catch-ups. The thought of you, down there in the classroom with those animals drooling over you. He taps his foot under the table as some two-star admiral drones on about unmanned planes.
“So, is Hyde as mean in bed as she is in the sky?” Javy grins, torso twisted to look back at Jake and Rooster’s desks behind him. There’s a movie playing on a projector in front of them about stealth maneuvers, but every time Javy looks forwards, all that he can think about is you moaning Rooster’s name this weekend.
Jake grins, leaning across towards Rooster, “Has she ever made you cry, Bradshaw?”
Rooster’s lips quirk, tugging at an amused smirk as he kicks back in his seat, “Shut the fuck up.”
“Does she make you call her Commander?” Javy grins, spurred on, his entire face consumed by the smile as he tries to stop himself from laughing.
Jake snorts at the idea, twirling his pen between his fingers, “So, you guys ever fuck on base?”
Rooster has been trying to look ahead and keep his mouth shut, and ignore their comments as much as he can, but they’re still his best friends — and he can’t pretend he isn’t proud of himself.
He leans just slightly towards Jake and lowers his voice, “She sucked my dick in the supply closet near pre-flight once.”
“No, she fucking didn’t!” Coyote whispers excitedly. Rooster swings his foot forwards and kicks the back of his chair, glaring at him. The three of them glance sheepishly back towards the front.
“So, Hyde sucks dick?” Jake whispers, deep in thought at the idea. “I woulda thought she was too mean for all that.”
Rooster’s lips quirk softly. He gives a gentle shake of his head and turns his attention back towards the screen. “She’s not mean.”
“Not to you.” Coyote replies with a small chuckle. Rooster smirks, then nods.
“No wonder after what we heard on Saturday. Oh, Rooster, fuck, I’m gonna—“ Jake stops abruptly as Phoenix turns around, bewildered. He gives her a small nod of acknowledgment. She glances between the three of them and then shakes her head, turning back towards the front.
Rooster bites his cheek and Jake and Javy snicker around him. He knows that he makes you feel good, and he’s proud of that. Jake and Javy can tease all they want. Rooster hopes they find someone like you someday.
“She does have nice tits.”
“Watch it.” Rooster bites. Jake’s lips quirk as he turns his attention back to the screen. He knew that he was going to get that reaction, he just wanted to see how far he could push Rooster.
As the video finishes, you dismiss the aviators to pre-flight and sit back in the office chair. Sitting at the back of the class, Jake and Rooster are the last to leave. Jake’s grinning at you as he walks towards the door.
“Cut it out, Hangman.”
He turns and winks back at you, “Don’t worry. I’ll keep your secret, Teach.”
Turning, he finds Cyclone standing a few feet down the hallway. He’s out of your line of sight but he’s staring straight at Jake.
Jake remembers being back home in Texas, young and stupid with nothing better to do than hop into the bull’s pen and race to see if he could jump out before he was impaled. He has looked a pissed off bull in the eyes many times, and he recognises that look on Cyclone’s face.
Jake leans his head back and groans, knowing that he shouldn’t find this as funny as he does. He raises his hands in defence and starts to walk backwards.
“Alright, Sir—“
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mlleclaudine · 1 month
Visit Tamara de Lempicka’s First U.S. Retrospective in San Francisco This October
by Kate Mothes - Colossal, August 13, 2024
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“Young Girl in Green (Young Girl with Gloves)” (c. 1931), oil on board, 24 1/4 x 17 7/8 inches. Digital image © CNAC/MNAM, Dist. RMN-Grand Palais / Art Resource, New York, courtesy of Centre Pompidou, Paris.
Nearly one hundred years after Tamara de Lempicka (1894-1980) first exhibited her work in San Francisco, a sweeping survey of the storied and glamorous artist opens again in the city. This October, at the de Young—part of the Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco—the show marks the artist’s first U.S. retrospective and illuminates new details about her life.
de Lempicka’s bold, stylized figures have become synonymous with the 1920s, an era characterized by opulence, sophistication, and youthful optimism. She incorporates Art Deco design elements, like geometric facets, tonal contrasts, and city architecture framing idealized faces and flowing, fashionable garments. She sought to create recognizable paintings with a freshness and clarity that set them apart from what she called the “banality” of art she saw around her. And among other Art Deco-era painters like Diego Rivera or Rockwell Kent, who often painted large murals featuring crowds of people, de Lempicka distinguished herself by focusing predominantly on portraits.
The artist’s early life has long been a source of fascination. For years, she was thought to have been born Tamara Rozalia Gurwik-Górska in 1894—although she claimed variously that she was born in 1898, 1900, and 1902—but recent research reveals her birth name was Tamara Rosa Hurwitz. She moved to Saint Petersburg, where she married a prominent Polish lawyer named Tadeusz Łempicki, and then traveled to Paris, where she studied painting. “At the beginning of her career, de Lempicka chose to sign her works using the male declination of her surname, ‘Lempitzky,’ effectively disguising her gender and adding to the confusion surrounding her origin story,” says an exhibition statement.
By 1928, de Lempicka had become the mistress of Baron Raoul Kuffner de Dioszegh, a wealthy art collector, and she divorced from Łempicki in 1931. When Kuffner’s wife died, the artist married Kuffner, and she became known in the press as “The Baroness with a Brush.” The couple moved to the U.S. in 1939, and although her work fell out of fashion during World War II, a 1960s revival of Art Deco style ushered in a comeback. She eventually moved to Mexico in 1974, where she died in 1980.
More than 120 of de Lempicka’s works will go on view in San Francisco, including her most celebrated portraits, early experimental still lifes, rarely seen drawings, and a selection of Art Deco objects from the Fine Arts Museums’ collection. Tamara de Lempicka runs October 12, 2024, to February 9, 2025, after which it will travel to the Museum of Fine Arts, Houston, from March 9 to May 25. Find more on the de Young’s website.
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“Brilliance (Bacchante)” (c. 1932), oil on panel, 14 1/4 x 10 5/8 inches.
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“Portrait of a Man (Thadeusz Łempicki) or Unfinished Portrait of a Man,” (1928), oil on canvas, 51 x 31 7/8 inches.
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“Arums” (1935), oil on canvas, 25 7/8 x 19 3/8 inches.
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“Irene and Her Sister” (1925), oil on canvas, 57 1/2 x 35 1/16 inches.
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“Saint-Moritz” (1929), oil on panel, 13 3/4 x 10 5/8 inches.
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“Portrait of Ira P.” (1930), oil on panel, 39 3/8 x 25 9/16 inches.
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Thérèse Bonney, “Tamara de Lempicka working on ‘Portrait of Tadeusz de Łempicki'” (c. 1929), gelatin silver print, 9 3/8 x 7 inches.
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thatlovinfeelin · 2 years
Flightless Bird | ten | Bradley Rooster Bradshaw
Synopsis: Josephine Wilson Miller is alone for the first time in her life. She got married after her first year of college and became a housewife, but that life is gone now. So she runs to San Diego, to her childhood best friend Jake, where she meets the man who could very well be her salvation.
series warnings: unplanned pregnancy, just pregnancy in general, talks of infertility. past mental and emotional abuse. anxiety. talks of women's reproductive systems (idk)
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“My client is not in agreement with these terms.”
Josephine clenched her fists. She’d been in this damn conference room for two hours while her lawyer argued with Michael’s. She just needed this to be over already. He was the one that kicked her out, so why the hell wouldn’t he just sign the damn papers and be done with it?
“I think you’ll find these conditions are more than favorable for your client,” Her lawyer responded calmly, “Mrs. Miller isn’t asking for any assets, in fact she wants nothing from your client. Mrs. Miller’s only request has been made very clear, we feel it’s quite simple.”
Jose could hear Michael mumble something on the other end of the phone. She knew he was there, of course, even if they hadn’t said a single word to one another. They’d been going back and forth through their lawyers for weeks now. But he kept dragging his feet at every turn, making every possible excuse as to why the divorce wasn’t fair.
“You and your client are asking my client, Mr. Miller, to sign away his rights. This is no simple matter.”
“I think you’ll find, given the situation that-”
“Michael, can you hear me?” Jose cut off her lawyer. 
“Mrs. Miller, please.”
“I’d like to speak with my husband, since legally, we’re still married. Michael?”
She could hear him clearing his throat, “I’m here.”
“Why are you being so stubborn? You’re the one that made this happen,” Jose reminded him softly, “I’m not asking for anything more than what you made clear you wanted.”
“Oh, that’s how you see it?” He scoffed. 
“You threw me out, in the cold. I had nowhere to go, because I didn’t have a life outside of you. All because I dared to say I wanted to keep the baby,” She reminded him, “You didn’t want anything to do with either of us, and you still don’t. Stop acting like you do.”
“No, no, you made that choice. You chose to leave.”
“You can keep everything, the apartment, the money, all of the investments we made. I don’t want any of it anymore,” She pleaded, “Just sign the papers, please Michael. Stop the cycle here, don’t be like your father. Don’t use this child…my child…as a bargaining chip.”
“Josephine, you just love to paint everyone else as the villain in your story. It’s always everyone else’s fault, never your own. You told me you weren’t able to conceive, so we made a different life for ourselves. Don’t blame me because you lied and changed your mind.”
Jose held onto her stomach, feeling his words hit her like knives, “You know I never lied about that. You were at so many of those appointments. Michael, please think about what you’re doing. You’re trying to use an innocent little baby girl as leverage. She hasn’t done anything yet, she didn’t choose to exist, but she does. It isn’t her fault.”
The silence seemed to be so loud it almost hurt. Her lawyer sat quietly next to her, waiting for the next move. Up until now, Michael and Jose hadn’t spoken to one another since she left New York. Aside from the text messages Michael sent to tell her to get Jake off of his back.
“It’s a girl?”
She wasn’t sure if she imagined the sound of his voice breaking or not, “I found out last week. She’s healthy, ten fingers and toes. Mi, our marriage was over a long time before she came about. You know it just as much as I do. Don’t punish her for our mistakes.”
“You want me to sign away all of my rights to her.”
“It’s just as much for her as it is for you. It’ll protect you, no one could ever claim you have to pay any type of support. Your name won’t go on her birth certificate, as far as anyone is concerned, I’m her only parent. Michael, you can continue to live your life with no strings. You can find someone who will actually be good at all of the games. I was never fit for that life, no matter how hard I tried.”
“Josephine, I-”
“We loved each other once, Michael. I know we did. But those kids that fell in love and got married have been gone for a long time now. We’ve been holding each other back and hurting each other at every turn. So please, do right by our daughter. The best thing you could ever do for her is give her up.”
“I-” He took a deep breath, “You’re right. The papers will be faxed to you no later than tomorrow evening.”
Josephine sunk back in her chair with tears swelling in her eyes, “Thank you.”
“Yeah Mi?”
“You’re going to be an amazing mother,” He said softly, “Our daughter…your daughter is lucky.”
“I hope one day you get to see her, Michael, but it will always be her choice.”
“Goodbye, Jose.”
“Bye, Mi.”
When Jose came bursting through Jake’s front door three hours later with signed divorce papers in her hands, she didn’t expect to run right into Jake and Phoenix on the couch. They both jumped up, quickly moving away from one another. Which only seemed to make Jose laugh. 
“Sorry, don’t mind me,” Jose held her hands up, “Go back to whatever it was you were doing. I’ll just leave.”
“Hey wait!” The other woman yelled, “How did it go?”
“Well, the next item on the to-do list is to legally change my name back to Wilson,” She shrugged, “Michael agreed to sign the papers. The office sent them over an hour ago, I’m officially no longer married.”
Jake and Natasha were on Jose in an instant, both hugging her tightly. Jose laughed and hugged them back. Her baby might not legally have a father, but she already had some of the best family. In another world, Jose might be scared about doing this without a partner beside her, but she knew she wouldn’t be alone. She would always have Jake, and Phoenix, and Bradley and anyone else that came along with them. She was making her own little family. 
“How did you manage it?” Nat asked her once they all settled into the living room. 
“I think I appealed to the boy I fell in love with. There was still some humanity left in there somewhere.”
“Have you told Bradley?” Jake questioned. 
“No, I came straight home to tell you.”
Natasha pulled out her phone, “I’m telling him to get his ass over here.”
“What? Why? Nat stop!”
“Too late,” The woman grinned, “You probably have less than five minutes.”
“I say she has two,” Jake chimed in, “He’s pretty fast.”
“Why did you do that?” Jose questioned, standing up. 
“Because you like him,” Natasha shrugged, “And you’re single now.”
“I’m pregnant! It doesn’t matter who I like!” Jose argued, “Jake! Help me!”
“Sweetheart, we’ve had this conversation one too many times already,” Jake sighed, “And I’m tired of Bradshaw playing a one sided game of twenty questions about you while we’re on base.”
“He asks about me?” 
“Too much,” Jake rolled his eyes, “In any other situation I wouldn’t be supporting this. I know you’re scared, but I also know the two of you have some kind of bond that I don’t understand. I trust him. So, let your guard down for a minute.”
“You know why I can’t do that,” Jose argued. 
“Don’t use her as an excuse,” Jake was standing in front of Jose now with his hands on her shoulders, “It’s okay that you’re scared, but don’t use your daughter as an out, okay? Be a big girl and accept the fact that you have feelings.”
“Jake, I think it’s a good day to sit out on the back patio, don’t you?” Natasha questioned, wiggling her eyebrows. 
“Phoenix, I think that’s a great idea,” He smirked, leaning over to kiss Jose’s forehead, “Holler if you need us, Sweetheart. Play nice.”
“I hate you both so much right now.”
It took five minutes for the knock on Jake’s door. Josephine’s hands were all sweaty by the time she reached for the handle. She didn’t know what she was supposed to say, or what Natasha even said to get Bradley over here. 
It took her less than a second to realize just how nervous she was. Which seemed weird, she never really felt nervous around Bradley. Always an overwhelming sense of calm, yet not her heart was pounding like it might burst.
“Hey are you okay?” Bradley asked frantically the second Jose opened the door.
“I’m fine,” She said quickly, “I promise, everyone is okay.”
“Phoenix said I needed to get over here as-” Bradley stopped and looked at the woman in front of him, “Why are you smiling like that? What’s going on?”
Jose reached forward, pulling Bradley towards her. His eyebrows were pinched together as he put his arms around her. Despite everything, Jose couldn’t think about anything other than the man before her. 
“I’m free,” She told him softly, “He signed the papers today.”
“Jose, that’s amazing,” His voice was so tender it made her heart seem to jump. 
“I meant what I said,” She whispered, “I want you in my life.”
“I’m right here.”
She had to get on her toes, which in her current state was harder than it should have been. Bradley stayed still, not wanting to scare her. But he liked when she seemed braver, he liked when she was like this. Her eyes flicked back up to his for a moment before she leaned in the rest of the way. 
Then it was just them. Just Bradley and Jose, and the sparks that she wasn’t going to ignore anymore.
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williamsmaddie · 6 months
[ greta onieogou, female, she/her ] — whoa! MADDISON “MADDIE” WILLIAMS just stole my cab! not cool, but maybe they needed it more. they have lived in the city for TWO YEARS, working as a FASHION MAGAZINE ASSISTANT. that can’t be easy, especially at only 30 YEARS OLD. some people say they can be a little bit STUBBORN and DEFENSIVE , but i know them to be COMPASSIONATE and GENEROUS. whatever. i guess i’ll catch the next cab. hope they like the ride back to BROOKLYN!
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B A S I C   I N F O R M A T I O N
full name: maddison avery williams.
nickname(s): maddie
age: thirty (30)
date of birth: june 21st, 1994
hometown: san diego, california
current location: brooklyn, new york
ethnicity: half black, half white
nationality: american
gender: cis female
pronouns: she/her
religion: not religious
political affiliation: left wing
occupation: fashion magazine assistant
living arrangements: living with teagan wilds
language(s) spoken: english and spanish
parents: clayton williams, 68, psychologist and professor at ucsd. victoria avery-williams, 66, divorce lawyer.
siblings: ethan williams, 40, married. amber williams, 35, engaged.
P H Y S I C A L    A P P E A R A N C E
face claim: greta onieogou
hair color: black
eye color: brown
height: 5'8
tattoos: a dolphin on her right shin, carpe diem written on her ribs, under her left boob and a rose with thorns on the back of her right arm - all done in australia
piercings: three in left ear and two in right ear
clothing style: there's no such thing as overdressed and a minimal closet
usual expression: always with a smile on her lips
distinguishing characteristics: smile, soft brown eyes
physical ailments: none
neurological conditions: none
allergies: nuts
sleeping habits: if she's stressed, she either sleeps for 5 hours or wakes up every hour
eating habits: there's more take-outs than she'd like to admit
exercise habits: reformer pilates twice a week and strength training with a PT another 2 days
emotional stability: a solid 7 unless it's fashion week, then it's down to a 2
sociability: due to her kind and bubbly personality, she is very sociable but has a hard time having tight relationships
body temperature: cold feet at all times
addictions: online shopping and tiktok (she blames her content creation side hustle for the endless hours she spends on the app)
drug use: never
alcohol use: she loves her end of the day red wine glass
positive traits: compassionate, generous, empathetic
negative traits: stubborn, defensive,
fears: failing at her job and disappointing her family
weather: blue sky, sunshine and a breeze, the perfect spring weather
colour: purple
music: pop and indie
movies: devil wears prada
sport: american football
beverage: mojito
food: taco tuesdays
animal: dolphins
maddie is the youngest of three, born and raised in san diego. daughter of a psychologist with a phd and a divorce lawyer, emotions were always talked through. however maddie never truly thought hers were as valid as the rest of her family's.
with a 10 year gap between her and her older brother, ethan, maddie always looked up to him. he was always the golden son, straight a student and quarterback that got him a scholarship to ucla. after that, there was med school, a surgical residency and a family of four.
she worked really hard throughout her teenage years to get in her dream school and follow her brother's footsteps. in high school she was the cheer captain and the president of the fashion club that she founded herself. while academically she didn't have the same aspirations as her brother, as the youngest she was also allowed to dream out of the box.
fashion and arts had always been something maddie loved from a young age. it was normal to find her painting or sweing outfits for herself, sometimes for her sister.
amber and maddie never saw eye to eye and would spend days fighting. amber was always a free spirit in the family and very opinionated. maddie would often dime her light to let her sister shine.
by the time she graduated high school, maddie had gone through a bad break up that changed a lot of the way she thought. she ended up deferring from her first year in ucla and against all odds, she went backpacking across the globe.
from southest asia to australia where she stayed for longer than she anticipated and lived to the fullest, away from all the expectations of home. her last stop was south africa for a month before heading to south america where she volunteered teaching english at schools and learned spanish fluently.
by the time she returned to the us, she had found her own person and went to college to study fashion. it was during this time that she got closer to her sister and after she graduated, they both moved in together in a little apartment in santa monica.
the fashion job market was really hard to get in and maddie started working in social media, styling small influencers for exposure and doing content creation on the side herself. it didn't work out the way she thought it would and she ended up working for a social media agency for 2 years.
she was almost giving up when the dream opportunity found her and she moved to new york city to be an assistant at a fashion magazine known world wide.
living in the city for the last 2 years with a roommate that has become like a sister, teagan wilds, less than a hour away from her brother and her twin nieces, maddie can't complain about her life right now. she's waiting on a promotion to become a stylist at the magazine but she wants to keep herself grounded in case it doesn't happen as soon as she's expecting it.
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Mediation Administrations as Legal Counselors of Divorce Mediation
Separate is frequently a sincerely and monetarily burdening experience. It means finishing a considerable part of one's life and starting a new, often dubious way. For the overwhelming majority, the conventional suit course can worsen the pressure and struggle intrinsic in separate from procedures. This is where separate from intervention comes in as an essential other option. In San Diego, separate from intervention, legal counselors and separation middle people offer a more friendly and practical method for exploring the disintegration of a marriage.
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Advantages of Divorce Mediation
Financially savvy: One of the main benefits of separation intervention is its expense proficiency. Conventional separation cases can be costly because of lawyer charges, court costs, and delayed procedures. Mediation, then again, as a rule, includes fewer meetings and lower general costs.
Classification: Mediation is a confidential interaction. Unlike legal disputes, which become part of the openly available report, Mediation meetings are classified. Mediation San Diego can be pivotal for people wishing to keep their issues out of the public eye.
Command over the Result: In intervention, the separating two or three has more command over the last arrangement. They cooperate to find arrangements that are best for their exceptional circumstance instead of having an appointed authority settle their choices.
Mediation Administrations in San Diego
San Diego Mediation Center  offers an assortment of mediation administrations custom-made to meet the different necessities of separating from couples.
If you are searching for separation from intervention as a choice to question goal (ADR) for a family regulation issue, we can take care of you. When you have both consented to the particulars of your separation procedures, our reasonable, financially savvy intervention administrations can assist you with trying not to go through this alone and recruiting a costly legal advisor.
Quiet Separation Mediation Administrations: Zeroing in on establishing a tranquil and agreeable climate, this assistance assists couples with exploring the close-to-home parts of separation.
Divorce mediation in San Diego through A Healthy Divorce, it presents a practical option compared to customary prosecution, offering various advantages like expense reserve funds, privacy, and quicker goals. San Diego, separate from Mediation attorneys and judges, is prepared to direct couples through interaction with empathy and mastery. Separating couples can progress toward commonly valuable arrangements by picking Mediation, guaranteeing a smoother change in their new lives. Whether you are looking for a separation, go-between, or an intervention legal counselor, San Diego has abundant assets to help you through this difficult time.
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~Dear Charlotte: Prologue.
Note: Here is the official first part of Dear Charlotte. I hope that you enjoy this little flashback to the first meeting between Evan and Charlotte at Comic Con in San Diego.
“They say after every storm, comes a rainbow… He was the storm in her life. Within herself she discovered the rainbow.” 
-Unposted letters |Sonali|
Friday, July 10th, 2015, was the day that Charlotte’s life changed. Normally she and her husband would be celebrating their wedding anniversary on that date but today, it was the day that Charlotte and Miguel’s divorce was officially granted. Their marriage was ok in the beginning but when their oldest, Leo, was born, things seemed to dwindle from there. Don’t get her wrong, Charlotte tried her best to make it work with Miguel but eventually she had to choose between the safety of her young child and her marriage. Leo was her choice, and she wouldn’t have it any other way. Leo (and the baby that unknowingly and currently sat nestled safely in her belly) was her life after all.
Leaving the lawyer’s office, Charlotte was on cloud nine. She felt free and like nothing could touch her. Unfortunately for her, as she drove past the McDonald’s on highland street, Charlotte’s car started to smoke and make a strange stalling sound. Charlotte groaned to herself because that could only mean one thing, well, maybe it was more like two things. One, it meant that she’d be late to lunch with Leo and her mom, Gloria and the second thing, it meant that she’d have to borrow money from her parents to get the car fixed and that was something she didn’t like doing.
As quickly as she could, Charlotte turned into a parking lot and got out to try and inspect the car, but wouldn’t you know it, the stupid hood wouldn’t open and to top it off, people were walking around and watching her without stopping to ask if she was ok. This included the guy on the bench in a far and darkened corner. He kind of freaked her out if she was being honest.
“You shouldn’t be so close to that.” A male voice said from behind her. Charlotte jumped and clutched her chest, feeling the pounding of her heart.
“Excuse me?” Charlotte asked.
“The car. Not safe.” He mocked, making overdramatic gestures with his hands. Charlotte frowned at him. The nerve!
“Well, thank you so much captain obvious.” Charlotte replied sarcastically, not impressed with his manner.
Charlotte turned back to the hood of her car and tried to open it again, but she was stopped when the man stepped in front of her.
“Hey, I’m perfectly capable of doing that, thanks.” Charlotte snapped. The man ignored her and tried to open the hood himself, but to no avail.
“Well now, bet you feel pretty stupid.” Charlotte mocked, a triumphant smile on her face.
“Just trying to help is all.” He replied, wiping his hands on the front of his pants.
“I don’t think making fun of someone counts as helping.” Charlotte told him.
“You’re right. How about we start over.” He suggested.
Charlotte stood there and contemplated his suggestion.
“Charlotte.” She spoke, holding her hand out for him to shake.
“Evan.” The man replied, placing his hand in hers. He inwardly breathed a sigh of relief because it didn’t seem that Charlotte knew who he was, and he was glad for that. He could just be himself.
They smiled at each other before the car made a final sound and fully died. Charlotte hung her head and grunted in annoyance. It would be more than a fix.
Charlotte grabbed her phone from her pocket and went to turn it on, but it would seem that the device had other plans as it was now fully dead.
“Asshole phone.” Charlotte cursed, tapping the cracked screen in hopes that it would generate enough power so she could at least call her mom.
Evan noticed her dismay and fished his phone out of his pocket.
“Here, you can use mine.” Evan offered, handing her his phone. Charlotte smiled and gratefully accepted it.
“Thanks. I’ll not be too long.” She told him, dialling her mom first.
“Take as long as you need.” He said, making Charlotte smile her million-dollar smile. It made Evan’s heart flutter just slightly.
“Hi mom, it’s me.” Charlotte spoke as her mother answered.
“Lottie honey, are you on your way?” Gloria asked as she helped Leo into his car seat, not even realizing that her daughter was calling from a number that wasn’t hers.
“There’s been a problem with the car, which means that I need you to come and get me.” Charlotte explained as she could hear Leo in the background singing to himself as he usually did.
“Again? Lottie, I thought you just got it fixed.” Gloria replied, making Charlotte pinch the bridge of her nose.
“Mom, can we please not do this right now. I just need you to come and get me.” Charlotte said, slowly losing her patience.
“Alright but we are going to have to talk about this.” Gloria said as she started her car.
“I’m in the parking lot of the convention center.” Charlotte said. Gloria’s brows raised; it was going to be practically impossible to find her daughter with comic con going on.
“Where are you standing exactly? It’s so busy I won’t find you otherwise.” Gloria responded.
“You’ll see me mom. The car is still kind of smoking.” Charlotte said.
“Ok, hang tight, we’ll be there shortly.” Gloria replied as she and Charlotte bid their goodbyes and hung up.
“Everything ok?” Evan asked as he finished up his cigarette.
“Yeah. My mom is coming to get me.” Charlotte told him. Evan nodded and gave her a warm smile.
“Do you mind if I call a tow truck? I need to get the hunk of junk out of here.” Charlotte asked. Evan smiled.
“I don’t mind. I’m kind of hiding anyway.” Evan told her.
“Sounds ominous.” Charlotte replied, raising her brow.
“Quite the opposite actually. Just need a break from the mad house in there.” He answered, pointing to the building behind him. Charlotte nodded and dialled the tow company.
When Charlotte got off the phone with them, she handed Evan his phone back and thanked him for the use of it again. It was good timing too as Charlotte caught sight of her mom’s car.
“Well, thanks again.” Charlotte said, holding her hand out for him to shake once more.
“It was nice meeting you Charlotte.” Evan replied, taking her hand in his and holding it a little longer than he perhaps should have.
“It was nice meeting you too, Evan. Take care.” Charlotte said, breaking contact and walking off toward her, who he assumed, was her mom.
Evan smiled to himself. He was not going to forget this beautiful sarcastic woman. He was captivated by her after all.
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lawyersdatascraping · 2 months
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primusfamilylaw · 2 months
Top Tips for Finding the Best Family Attorney in San Diego
Our guide is here to assist you when you need the top family lawyer in San Diego. For divorce, child custody, and other family law issues, we offer comprehensive advice on locating the best family lawyers. You may make an informed choice and select the best lawyer to protect your interests by using our professional advice and suggestions. Put your faith in our resources to help you get in touch with knowledgeable, compassionate experts who can handle challenging legal situations. Securing the best family attorney San Diego has to offer these days.
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lewisconrada · 6 months
Sunnen Law Divorce Lawyer San Diego
Top rated divorce attorney in San Diego. Breaking up is hard, and sometimes things don't pan out the way we hoped. Deciding to get a divorce is tough, but it might just be the right step forward for you and your loved ones. As you turn the page to start a fresh chapter in your life, it's crucial to understand your legal choices. The team at Sunnen Law in San Diego is here to support you through these challenging times.
With a solid 25 years of combined experience under our belt, we've guided hundreds of families in San Diego County through the complexities of family law, especially when kids are involved. It's crucial to have a experienced family and divorce lawyer by your side. Why not give us a call to chat about how we can help? Our friendly legal experts are ready to discuss your case.
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2550 5th Avenue, Suite 515
San Diego, CA 92103
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