eurodiverslanzarote 4 years
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Pelagia noctiluca.
This spring time.
Jellyfish are rare, only short periods a year we have some.
But they can be very beautiful! 馃悪
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eurodiverslanzarote 4 years
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The Black-Faced Blenny (tripterygion delaisi) are only yellow with a black face when they are a male and when they are normally in the mating season. 馃悷
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eurodiverslanzarote 4 years
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When you search a bit you can find the "Telmatactis cricoides" in a lot of variable colors! 馃彽
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eurodiverslanzarote 4 years
Morgen kijken! Zaterdag 25 april om 19:30 uur tijdens de Divexperience een online live presentatie over Lanzarote! 馃榿馃彎
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