gerudospiriit · 1 year
@divineprank replied: You're wrong because while the ocean's embrace and the promise of finding a new land to call home in an attempt to restart is alluring, one cannot deny the undeniable challenges that the submersion has brought to the structural integrity to the lands we love so dearly and call home, we cannot deny how our timeless heritage has languished beneath the waves and we cannot deny how much this idea actually hurts my feelings. In this essay, I will
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" No...no I'm definitely right. It needs to drown. Trust me. "
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Continued from (x) || @divineprank
She can feel the panic rising from within her. Maybe transforming in front of all these Gerudo was a bad idea, but thinking of the alternative, she could've possibly been killed for her masquerade as a wolf. All of the eyes locking onto her doesn't help the panic (only worsening it), and the chest binder she's wearing underneath her shirt isn't helping, either. The Hylian holds onto the necklace, trying to divert her attention somehow before things get worse.
That all changes once Ganondorf speaks. Her eyes widen as he begins before she can't bear to look at him anymore, now staring at the much more comforting ground. The least she can do is nod, hoping he (and the rest of the Gerudo) won't get upset with the lack of eye contact.
Oh shit, how is she going to explain herself? She feels like her throat's gone dry, but she needs to say something. She starts fiddling with her necklace as she starts, "I was just born like this and didn't figure it out until a couple years ago. I've got lightning magic too, but I tend to just use my shapeshifting; it lets me turn into any animal, or at least all the ones I've tried." The Hylian can feel herself shaking, but that's got to be enough, right?
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Your interpretation is really interesting from what I've read on your Carrd and from our interactions! How you've shaped the backstory for your Ganondorf is super creative, that version of Hyrule and the Link and Zelda are great too!
From (x)
{Ahhh, thank you so much!! I try my best, and hearing you enjoy these versions of Zelda and Link & my version of Hyrule makes me smile <3}
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twilightsage · 1 year
shout out to @divineprank
cuz i now have almost 150 icons now
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linklewinklewoman · 1 year
I will do my responses to @divineprank and @multiplelivesinline later. I promised mom we'd pumpkin paint today. I will try to remember to take cute pics!
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gallanthowl · 3 years
LOZ Ask Game (Accepting!)
😤 Any Zelda-related Pet Peeves?
Tbh, the only one that really comes to mind are the cutscenes you can't skip. Some of them get tiring after a good few playthroughs, the worst offender being the opening to Wind Waker. Ngl, I could fall asleep waiting for that one to end. :'D
🙊 Unpopular Zelda Opinions?
I feel as though the Rito in botw are a biiit overrated tbh. I find the Zoras and Sheikah more interesting, and wish the Gorons would get some more love. Though, of course, this could be me just not looking hard enough, ahaha--
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@divineprank​ wanted a starter <3
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“What business do you have here?”
There was curiosity in her eyes, though not innocently so. Rather than immediately peg him as a bad person, in spite of her dreams, the woman would give him a fair chance. Though she remained on guard, just in case. It would be better not to be taken by surprise.
“Is there anything I can assist with?”
0 notes
gerudospiriit · 5 months
It's within the heart of the royal Gerudo chambers that a grand fireplace crackles and pops. Its flames casting a warm, orange hue that dances across the sandstone walls of the desert's impressive fortress, effectively banishing any shadows to the deepest corners of the room. The heat of the healthy fire pushes back against the cold desert evening that seeps through the solid structure; the cold wind deliberately defying the Gerudo King by daring to bleed through the aged seals of his windows. Several torches line the walls of Ganondorf's private quarters, every one of them is a cage housing an orange-and-red prisoner that locks the desert chill in an ambient dance routine of comfort and warmth.
A pair of Gerudo recline upon a practical expanse of thick quilts and blankets, fine pillows, and smooth sheets that have been expertly fitted to the Gerudo King's personal sanctuary of comfort; his imposing bed acts as refuge from the harshness of the wicked desert outside. Soft cushions invite much-needed repose, blankets of fur against bare skin cocoon both Nabooru and her Ganondorf in a realm of private luxury.
The two remain lovingly tangled together as large hands are careful to comb through the second-in-command's long, crimson locks. In spite of his rough skin and deep cracks that mark the abuse his hands have suffered, each strand of Nabooru's hair is like silk beneath his calloused touch; her precious locks of soft and delicate hair serves as a sharp contrast against his ruined hands. Yet, Ganondorf has no difficulty in his practiced movements, fingers gathering hair with no trouble. Slowly, Ganondorf divides her crimson strands into multiple thick locks, his skilled hands gather and weave each separate collection of hair together. Movements are slow and tender, adept fingers weave her hair around itself with perfection as he works his way downwards. Ganondorf seems slower than usual, working with a more noticeable affection present behind his actions, much more admiration of Nabooru's long, perfect hair as his hands--as familiar with her hair as they usually are--gently twist and wind her hair into a thick braid.
Ganondorf's inner turmoil rages like a tempest; unseen yet keenly felt. The weight of today's decision hangs heavily upon his soul, hardly a tangible burden yet it's one that attacks him from the inside. He doesn't feel the need to say it out loud, no, his grief radiates from his very being in a silent lament for the loss of his identity and the deep and sacred connection to his people that he once maintained so proudly. His brilliant crimson heritage, a lion's mane; soft strands long, and flowing, lost to the cruel edge of Nabooru's blade. A poison seeps through his veins, spreading its tendrils of remorse and regret. Sickening him with a taste bittered by the knowledge that he has forsaken the traditions of his ancestors. Especially so, having bent to the will of those whose very names he curses under his breath; men whose necks he would love to see snap and crumble underneath the strength and power of the very hands that now perfectly braid the delicate locks of Nabooru's beautiful hair. The King of Thieves, once proud and defiant, now bows beneath the weight of his own choices. His spirit heavy with such a burden, he is only able to find just one solace, one fleeting moment of spiritual respite... The simple privilege of braiding the hair of the one he loves. In their tender intimacy, Ganondorf finds a brief reprieve from the storm that rages within him; it's a fleeting glimpse of peace and perhaps an ease to forgive himself, granted to him by his Nabooru.
She held the blade with a shaking hand, like a young Gerudo nervous about her first real battle. However, the opponent she faced was not one of flesh and blood. Not a monster or beast of the wild. Instead, despite attempts to come up with another solution, another way to appease their xenophobic neighbors, she faced a gorgeous mane of hair, grown and tamed with the greatest of care as was custom of a Gerudo monarch.
Nabooru did her best to mentally prepare him--and her--for the task at hand, and only when he urged her to quit stalling could she find the courage to swipe the blade upward through the hair she held in her other hand, freeing it from his scalp. She bit back a gasp at the drastic change so as not to further discourage the king. She let the remnant of his mane fall from her fingers.
As she tidied up the cut and dusted stray stands of hair from his shoulders and back, she did everything in her power to reassure him. Telling him he still looked as handsome as ever. That Shini would no doubt be able to make another crown for him better suited for shorter cuts. That, someday, once they eased tensions with Hyrule, he could grow it back out. And quickly, because she understood over the years, their people developed a potent serum for hair growth.
It had little effect, the king's mood made more than obvious with his noncommittal grunts and his refusal to gaze at his reflection in the mirror. In how h e insisted on braiding her long locks in an obvious act of mourning for what he lost. And though he often played with her hair and she did the same with his, braided it or styled it when they shared each others intimate company, she could sense his mourning with each pass of her hair over another strand. With how his movements, slow and steady, mindful and careful, held more reverence than usual. An act of mourning his own loss.
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When he reached reached the bottom of the braid, she turned around in his lap and flung her arms over his shoulder, face buried in his neck. She squeezed him. " I'll cut mine too. In solidarity, " she insisted, her voice sounding braver than she felt about the idea when she spitefully refused to cut her hair as most warrior women tended to.
She nuzzled his neck before leaning back, seating herself on her thighs with her knees on either side. Visage set in a stubborn scowl, she held his gaze.
" I'll do it. You can even do it for me. "
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‘i want you to know my main foe is zant, i dont even know you, like from what everyone tells me you really dislike/hate me/want to kill me but i dont know you, and i hope your ok with that.’
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Continued from (x) || @divineprank
"I'm useful?" Please ignore the voice crack and the meticulous bouncing of his leg. "Not trying to, uh, tell you you're wrong or anything, but you sure?"
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Continued from (x) || @divineprank
Shoulders squared, fists remained balled tightly at his sides while standing before the other Gerudo male. Calm, but wary: Ganondorf wasn’t exactly new to the concept of parallels – his essence having existed for long enough to filter through several heroes and princesses. To say, however, he had ever encountered another version of himself would be an outright lie.
Electric gaze scans his visitor; the first thing that comes to attention is the other man’s clothing. Very reminiscent of Gerudo culture, and yet, he sports a regality that Ganondorf can’t particularly attribute to his own royalty within the warrior-race they both share.
The back of his left hand buzzes, it itches. It feels as though tiny pins attacked just the surface of his skin as the other Gerudo grew close to him. Such sensations usually resonated when Ganondorf was in the presence of his divine contemporaries – as if the King of Evil had any doubt of who stood before him. “I do not waver in the wake of encountering my own reflection. My knees will not wobble within your presence.”
‘Another’ Ganondorf. The Gerudo leader supposes he is hardly surprised by such audacity.
While he takes on a tenser stance, the Gerudo before him stands in a much different way. The other keeps his hands clasped at his back and relaxes his shoulders and posture, still standing tall enough so it doesn't seem he's cowering at his replica. After all, he has nothing to fear. He does need to look down slightly, seeing as he's over eight feet tall and the other seems to be the relatively average size of a Gerudo.
He notes this Ganondorf looking over him, most likely trying to gauge another so-called Ganondorf. So, he does the same; it's only fair, right? Similar clothing, definitely Gerudo. Then he locks on to the man's face. His gaze brings something else: the striking difference in sclerae and his pupils. Unlike the usual whites one would typically see, they're a dark grey, and his pupils are a rhombus shape instead of a circle.
That comment makes him chuckle at his counterpart. A smile, complete with sharp teeth from practically every tooth, creeps on his face as he steps closer. "Temper, temper. I give no reason for you to be so belligerent. I merely state a fact, and you scramble to assume I want you trembling like a newborn."
Another step, this time letting his left hand fall to his side. "You do not frighten me either." Even his nails looked off; long, sharp blacked claws.
He can feel his hand tingling at the closer proximity and knows full well that all three pieces are shining brightly.
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risingsouls · 2 years
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@divineprank​ asked: What is Nabooru's opinion on the witches? ...Y'know... b-before the brainwashing.
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[OH BOY. There’s a topic. So, the short version is she didn’t like them. Partly because she didn’t like or care for the use of magic (and I actually HC that it was taboo among the Gerudo but they were kind of...an exception. But that’s a really long story and nothing I’ve done much with). She also didn’t trust how much sway they had in the tribe even though they weren’t really around much? So not exactly a good foundation for that. I have a lot of half-baked HCs about Twinrova and magic and the Gerudo in general that I should really write out.
But to go into more depth, the animosity probably really took off when she and Ganondorf became more involved and Twinrova made it very clear they weren’t a fan of Nabooru. They thought she was too rebellious and a bad influence on him and his plans and Ganondorf let that slip at least once because I’m sure it frustrated him to hear. So that didn’t really help their case with her either.]
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gerudospiriit · 5 months
"I'll prepare one of the hearths, then. And I will peruse my grand library for a book befitting your specific needs tonight."
".....I was joking. I don't need all that. I'm going to be fine."
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Darkening shadows.
“My god and my true lord..i have done what you have asked. I have kept an eye on that grove of blinding endless light and as you said that boy arrived, just when you said he would. a speck of darkness in all that blinding light...yet i am confused, nothing happended and for a moment overwhelming shadow took the space, i sent scouts but they have yet to return and now i have lost all eyes on the boy..that space still holds light overwhelming..and the boy has if disappeared or hidden by something much more ancient then even I. Shall i up my searches?”
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gerudospiriit · 5 months
A dark laugh. He seriously considers her words, tongue-in-cheek as he knows them to be. "Must I dismiss you for the day? Don't force me to command you to your quarters, Nabooru."
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" You're being dramatic. As usual, " she tacked on in a mumble. " I can still do my job just fine. I don't need to be commanded anywhere. "
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