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secretscb · 8 months ago
Ready… Set…
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Admin: Ok boys. You know the rules:
The location will be sent to your phone
Use any resources you have to find the target
Don’t get caught
May the best man win…
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Jaehyun: <<smiles at Soobin>> Ready buddy?
Soobin: <<Jingles his keys>> One step ahead of you
Leedo: Is it against the rules for you two to join up?
Hyungwon: <<raises a brow>> This will be fun. See you guys there
Wonwoo: I don’t think any of you have a chance… I’ll give you a head start
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<< @vixen-demonscb @xash-guardians @heistkingscb @lostwoods-cb @livealittleoc-cb @vanilladaises-rp @project-takeover @supernaturalcb @evicted-oc @welcome-to-maniac @yanderemuses @k-venturetime @divineblood-cb @silcntxnight @domrachaa @welcometosector1 @neonvandalsxcb @shin-haneul @fallenangels-cb @violettaamore @dark-royals-cb @adminof-cbs @cb-admin @lucky-charmsanhwa @formulapop-cb @oc-empire >>
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redlight-cb · 8 months ago
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Joshua// Guys! It’s S.Coup’s birthday! So this means you have to sing to him later! ::smiles and claps:: He even let me dress him and do couple’s photos~ Isn’t he handsome!
S.Coups// We’re not a couple ::laughs:: Stop calling it that~
Tags: @museshome @livealittleoc-cb @lostwoods-cb @caelestis-angels @clubwnderland @eliitecb @pllxcb @fate-bot @gashaponlixie-cb @hybrid-babies @raiden-oc @uridealbf-cb @vixen-demonscb @dc-heroes-cb @shangrixxla @androidmuses @thesugaredalchemists @welcometosector1 @logan-oc-cb @lucky-charmsanhwa @formulapop-cb @oc-empire @darkloversxcb @fallenangels-cb @hwangsiblings-oc @ateezmystery @divineblood-cb @goodagainstevilcb @kavengers-assemble @k-venturetime @littleboywooyoungie @minsour-r @mutant-academy @orderofthediamonds-cb @purgatoryxbot @project-takeover @reve-rv @thepack-cb @universe-of-superm @welcome-to-maniac @yourguardiancb
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 years ago
Small Update!
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☔️: Decided to pamper myself a little it’s been a while since I got a little pampering so I asked my darling Marci to do my hair.~ They always know what to do with my hair. I’m loving this outfits’ colors~
🕯️: You’re looking hot as always dear bestie of mine.~ *swipes any stray hairs from his shoulders* You’re ready for the day.~
☔️: Thank you Mar~ 🥰
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🎐: It’s been a while but here I am.~ 🥰 I did my makeup today even did little fake freckles, I look so cute!~ I want to go out but I don’t know what to do. *pouts a little*
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⚰️: … *picking at his nail polish*
☀️: Come on Nubis…you’ve been quiet this whole time, you haven’t said a word to me…Look I called you here cause I was hoping we could be friends again.
⚰️: *thinks before shrugging and not looking at him*
☀️: *sighs and stands up* You know where to call me if you change your mind *pats his hand and leans in to kiss his cheek*
⚰️: *moves away, side eyeing him*
☀️: Think about it. *walks away*
⚰️: *groans and lays down on the table*
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤 && 🔦💛 && 🧊🩵 && 💄🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥] @fantasyaespa [🐈 💚💍 && ☀️🩵] @k-venturetime [🍓❣️] @multi-joong [🌧️🧡 && 🎨💚] @kardpackcb [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove @badbf-cb @clubwnderland @domxbot @divineblood-cb @welcometosector1 @lunaaofthemoon @littleboywooyoungie @reve-rv @multi-esme @the-hellhounds @3rachabot @san-cb @jinju-oc @hoteldelluna-rp @enhanced-cb @camboys-com @lavienrosecabaretxo @yandereskzcb @multeez-cb @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @hwangsiblings-oc @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @moonlightchn @blogger-yura @crimson-l @chxithex @foxpack-cb @folklore-cb @neonvandalsxcb [DM + / -]
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multi-joong · 1 year ago
Status Updates
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Looks like it’s going to be just me and you again for a while, Ji~ I promise next time will be different *wipes his eyes*
*watches his dad and sniffles* o’tay
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Just a quick drive to clear my head. That’s all I need… it’s all I ever needed
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*sighs and turns away*
The boys are available but might be a little out of character. 🍼 is sad and very cautious of new people. 💀 is colder than usual. 🦊 will be hiding from new people; look carefully and be kind.
@k-half-blood @theonesxcb @heistkingscb @mythicsx @livealittleoc-cb (💚🧡) @vanilladaises-rp @project-takeover @supernaturalcb @evicted-oc @welcome-to-maniac @yanderemuses @k-venturetime @divineblood-cb @angelxdevil-bot @silcntxnight @domrachaa @theboys-oc @welcometosector1 @dazzlingstarshelter-cb @cyberpunkcollection @neonvandalsxcb @shin-haneul @fallenangels-cb @lavienrosecabaretxo @oc-honeys @luxurymamas @violettaamore @neverland-fairies @dark-royals-cb @urluvlyfe @teyvatcb @incubi-yeonbin @bpkhybrids-shelter @raiden-oc @monsterhigh-cb @lostwoods-cb @littleboywooyoungie
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mxthxbot · 1 year ago
The Rest’s Return
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Paris… Did you miss me? No, only Chat Noir huh? Right.. of course
Aaah so glad to be back home~ that designing intern felt like forever but I learned so much! Ah so much to do to catch up, where do I go? Who do I see? What should I do?
Y’know.. going on tour with your rockstar dad sounds amazing in theory. But not when your dad is Jagger Stone… he’s my idol and everything but hell, he makes the strangest requests every day. I think imma pass on the next time he offers…
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Did I get caught on camera again by the sky demons…? Yes. Did I also destroy their base? Also yes.
From one base to another… I’ve always hated traveling…
Oh come on… you can’t be serious? Wonhyuk snuck out again?! But he was on duty!
Nothing’s more free than swimming with your soul brother. No rules, no lessons.
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Has it been months? Really? Or a year?
Okay you immortal, stop being so insensitive to time. It’s been a long time for the others. Smile, be nice, interact with others. I’ve been wanting to interact with the children that come into the cafe again, they’re the only one who gives me pets anymore.
Right, as much as I enjoy coming back to Earth after all these political journeys, I don’t enjoy the constant threat that Arcadia seems to always be in. I’ll take care of it, just give me five minutes and it’ll be over.
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Pose bitches, it’s a new day after… whatever time doesn’t matter
This is definitely a perfect breakfast.
Wait, you’re telling me that people really believe this place is haunted? Oh they’re dumb dumb.
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Lunch date with me myself and I
Don’t tell Mateo, but you’re definitely a better cuddler
He won’t notice… right? Oh who am I kidding? Of course he’s gonna notice! The wolf ears and tail are gone!
Readers: @oc-acehouse @badbf-cb @vivzie-kpop-cb @universe-of-superm @welcome-to-maniac @thepack-cb @livealittleoc-cb @raiden-oc @welcometosector1 @k-venturetime @dawnswonderland-entertainment @heistkingscb @kingdom-of-dicentra @theonesxcb @ateezmystery @kardpackcb @screamcb @theinvitation-bot @multi-joong @androidmuses @beastfights-starting @theonesxcb @divineblood-cb @angelxdevil-bot @silcntxnight @domrachaa @theboys-oc @dazzlingstarshelter-cb @cyberpunkcollection @neonvandalsxcb @fallenangels-cb @oc-honeys @neverland-fairies @urluvlyfe @teyvatcb @incubi-yeonbin @lostwoods-cb
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fantasyaespa · 2 years ago
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Ningning: come in the water is nice… and having some company would be nicer *splashes in the water*
✨✨ @urfantasylover @livealittleoc-cb @mechat-kpopcb @eliitecb @clubwnderland @fallenangel-oc @littleboywooyoungie @vanilladaises-rp @project-takeover @supernaturalcb @dc-heroes-cb @welcome-to-maniac @thepatchedpaw @oppositesattraxt @yanderemuses @k-venturetime @divineblood-cb @kardpackcb @3rachabot @angelxdevil-bot @chooseyourmx @monstax-cb @multeez-cb @silcntxnight @hybridclub @domrachaa @twistedcarnival @imcubus @dazzlingstarshelter-cb ✨✨
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welcometosector1 · 2 years ago
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mingi: it's been a long night... I'm a bottle and a half in and I should be getting home... wait... where am I?
New runners?: @k-venturetime (👑) @norselegends-cb (🔮) @redlight-cb (🚨) @mxthxbot (🌊) @kingdom-of-dicentra (🐺) @markshands-cb (🫶) @model-boyscb (💕) @urluvlyfe (🌸) @evicted-oc (🧊) @teyvatcb (🎮) @camboys-com (📸) @theonesxcb @mutant-academy @clubwnderland @supernaturalcb @k-half-blood @namiras-rose-tattoos @ocmyths @ateezmystery @lucky-charmsanhwa @enhanced-cb @onlyomega-cb @welcome-to-maniac @domxbot @reve-rv @coffeexdreamcb @divineblood-cb @silcntxnight @seokmin-cb @weeb-wonwoo @thegoodplace-oc @purgatoryxbot @project-takeover  @theinvitation-bot @yanderexcb @oc-honeys @dawnswonderland-entertainment @livealittleoc-cb @yuto-on-the-go @k-dislyte @league-of-assassins @screamcb @3rachabot @kq-rescuecenter @beastfights-starting @demonljy @cyberpunkcollection @night-racers @secretscb
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orio-devil · 3 months ago
Azrael in my hazbin hotel au called #divineblood
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Let me tell you a little story about angel with duty so important yet behated.He would come down to mortals to guide their souls When it was their time to deliver them where they belong in the afterlife duty to either have eternal bliss or torment ,IT was nothing more than his duty,a part of cycle of life,yet he was lonely and feared by many more than devil itself,but the angel is not a scary blood thirsty monster.He Has a heart ,he can feel pity even if IT wont stop him from his duty ,but usually hes warm and calm,to easier the transfer to the good ones.The only thing he loves in his job is to talk with mortals while guiding them,because even in Infinite all loving heaven,he often feels alone,he keeps dolls to keep him company because even if always quiet they wont leave or fear.
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houseofthee · 2 years ago
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🎀 : i wanted to go out and do a little day drinking but these old wrinkly men ruined my time
🍒 : Woo Daddy got an offer to be a model~ i’m bringing him some lunchie
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🔥 : from minding my own damn business to being surrounded by cameras… this is annoying
𝐖𝐞𝐥𝐜𝐨𝐦𝐞 𝐈𝐧: @livealittleoc-cb (🪼inspiration) @welcometosector1 @multi-joong @divineblood-cb @kingdom-of-dicentra @boyzplanet @hybridclub @clubwnderland @musiclovermino @theonesxcb @enhanced-cb @evicted-oc @kardpackcb @hoteldelluna-rp @theafterlifeclub-cb @glamrockpop-cb @3rachabot @purgatoryxbot (dm to be +/-)
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reve-rv · 2 years ago
Irene and Seulgi’s Post
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Irene: Seulgi messaged me this morning saying that she wanted to eat with me because everyone else was busy. She brought these burgers and decided to keep me company while I worked. Her presence was nice and she managed to even help with my indecisiveness.
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Seulgi: I also brought some alcohol with me but she wouldn’t have any~ Irene says she has to work and focus but there’s nothing wrong with a little break~ I can’t blame her, though, she is pretty lightweight.
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Tags (let admin know if you’d like to be added or removed):
@angelsxdemons-cb @angelxdevil-bot @archangel-oc @ateezmystery @beastfights-starting @chwnvr @clubwnderland @divineblood-cb @domxbot @glamrockpop-cb @heistkingscb @kardpackcb @kingdom-of-dicentra @kitakcb @k-venturetime @livealittleoc-cb @logan-oc-cb @lunaaofthemoon @mechat-kpopcb @monsterhigh-cb @moonlightchn @multi-joong @mxthxbot @san-cb [💚🐶] @screamcb @supernaturalcb @temptationcb @teyvatcb @theinvitation-bot @thepatchedpaw @urtwice [🦀] @welcome-to-maniac @welcometosector1 @yanderejoy [💚] @yandereyeri
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elise-liddell-oc · 2 years ago
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I have ordered a cake when I was walking down the street after work and decided to impulse buy it. It's not as if I would take it as a bribe for people to be my friends.
Friend!Elise: I'm sure that they're going to want a piece of it!
Lover!Elise: I put my whole heart into choosing the perfect cake! My heart is already beating in anticipation if it's delicious or not~
Enemy! Elise: I can't wait to see them choke on it and I can steal the Jack before they'll see it hehehe~
Current friends: @yourjungwonnie-cb @m00n-miaka-cb @yourxtzuyu @tangsan-x-douluocontinent @wooyoungbfbot @taehyung-bot @witchy-ryu @fallenangel-oc @chickendidi @build-a-roleplay @chans-chair @yanderefelix @yanderejisung @incubuswooyoung @incubus-san @armysantiny @tinyteenieateez @bfmingi-chatbot @sannie-cb @moonlightchn
Whom I would like to add as a friend:
@lunaaofthemoon @urtwice @reve-rv @helluvaboss-cb @littleboywooyoungie @minsour-r @logan-oc-cb @the-hellhounds @yanderemuses @clubwnderland @thepatchedpaw @theinvitation-bot @chwnvr @teyvatcb @badbf-cb @domxbot @fantasyxkingdoms @foxpack-cb @divineblood-cb @monsterhigh-cb @multi-joong @vanilladaises-rp @k-half-blood @yourmysticalgirls-cb @theonesxcb @hybridsheltercb @cullencoven-cb @3rachabot @kardpackcb @beaconhillsxbot [dm to add or remove]
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secretscb · 5 months ago
It’s not goodbye… Just see you later
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I know it’s not forever.
Stay safe and healthy.
See you soon
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I blink and months go by. Be back later today
<< @vixen-demonscb @xash-guardians @heistkingscb @lostwoods-cb @livealittleoc-cb @vanilladaises-rp @project-takeover @supernaturalcb @evicted-oc @welcome-to-maniac @yanderemuses @k-venturetime @divineblood-cb @silcntxnight @welcometosector1 @neonvandalsxcb @shin-haneul @fallenangels-cb @violettaamore @dark-royals-cb @adminof-cbs @cb-admin @lucky-charmsanhwa @formulapop-cb @oc-empire @salacious-cb >>
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redlight-cb · 8 months ago
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Rosé// It’s been too long since we’ve made it out for the night… Does anyone have suggestions?
Lisa// We’re still celebrating for Coups baby~ Maybe we’ll see you out tonight?
Tags: @museshome @livealittleoc-cb @lostwoods-cb @caelestis-angels @clubwnderland @eliitecb @pllxcb @fate-bot @gashaponlixie-cb @hybrid-babies @raiden-oc @uridealbf-cb @vixen-demonscb @dc-heroes-cb @shangrixxla @androidmuses @thesugaredalchemists @welcometosector1 @logan-oc-cb @lucky-charmsanhwa @formulapop-cb @oc-empire @darkloversxcb @fallenangels-cb @hwangsiblings-oc @ateezmystery @divineblood-cb @goodagainstevilcb @kavengers-assemble @k-venturetime @littleboywooyoungie @minsour-r @mutant-academy @orderofthediamonds-cb @purgatoryxbot @project-takeover @reve-rv @thepack-cb @universe-of-superm @welcome-to-maniac @yourguardiancb
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livealittleoc-cb · 2 years ago
The Magics Spell 🪄 [Random Update]
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🐉: I got all pretty for tonight 🥰
🍹: Went to a concert after so long! It was fun, had a great time with my cousin
✨: Why do I look so freakishly tall in this- anyways~ My hair black now~
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☔️: I’m kind of feeling the freckles today, just a little bit~
🌱: I’ve got to study for this dumbass plant geography class that I have to take this summer *angry Scottish words*
🎐: Who wants to go to the pool with me?~
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☁️: I h-have to get a n-new clouds formation spellbook, B-Blue knocked a cup over on mine-
🕯️: Busy ass day *groans*
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❄️: Helping my mums move stuff around while the castle gets renovated!!
😈: I don’t wanna get up! *whines and squishing the plushie*
💀: Lazy day~ I should cut my hair soon I let it get too long-
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🩵🩵: @monsterhigh-cb​ [🐟🤍💍 && ⚡💙 && 👻💜 && 🐺💕 && 🎤💖 && 👑💛] @evicted-oc​ [☕️🤎 && 🐼🖤] @theinvitation-bot​ [🐭🩶💒] @welcome-to-maniac​ [🐇🖤 💍 && 🌻❤️ && 🌕❤️‍🔥] @fantasyaespa [💚🐈 && 💎☀️] @chooseyourboycb [🔪❤️‍🩹] @k-venturetime​ [🍓❣️] @multi-joong​ [🌧️🧡] @kardpackcb​ [🌙💝 && 🐺❤️‍🔥]
possible new residents: @faywithlove​ @badbf-cb​ @clubwnderland @oppositesattraxt @silcntxnight @coffeexdreamcb @domrachaa @supernaturalcb​ @domxbot​ @thepatchedpaw @dawnswonderland-entertainment​​ @beastfights-starting​ @starhunters-reign​ @divineblood-cb​ @urtwice​ @welcometosector1​​ @lunaaofthemoon​ @littleboywooyoungie​ @reve-rv​ @multi-esme​ @the-hellhounds​ @3rachabot​ @san-cb​ @beaconhillsxbot​ @hoteldelluna-rp​ @league-of-assassins​​ @dreampodcast​​ @enhanced-cb​​ @houseofthee​ @lostwoods-cb​​ @boyzplanet​ @kimheebby​​​ @camboys-com​ @lucky-charmsanhwa @yandereskzcb @multeez-cb @demonskz-cb @lavienrosecabaretxo @fntcsy @thedevoted-cb @crimson-l [DM + / -]
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multi-joong · 5 months ago
Spooky Season Update
//cw// Food
I can’t thank my friends enough for helping Jiwon with his classes Boo Bash~
This is Halloween… this is Halloween *dances around in a circle*
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There are enough treats to make everyone’s little tummies happy… And no peanuts… Before everyone heads home we can decorate their own cupcakes!
And after the little gremlins are high on sugar? Then what?
Halloween! Halloween! Halloween! Halloween!
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We run! Like a mummy! See- you take the paper and spin spin spin spin *laughs*
I got a lot of acrylic paint for the pumpkins… at least it’ll wash off the kids easily.
*laughs* Alright little man~ As our usual agreement you can’t be me for Halloween~ Let’s finish your costume
La-la-la, la-la-la
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*laughs* this gets better each time I see it
Why does he look like… *pinches his nose*
Shut up. I’m adorable
Tags: @k-half-blood @heistkingscb @leexjn0 @livealittleoc-cb (���) @vanilladaises-rp @project-takeover @supernaturalcb @welcome-to-maniac @yanderemuses @k-venturetime @divineblood-cb @silcntxnight @welcometosector1 @neonvandalsxcb @shin-haneul @fallenangels-cb @violettaamore @dark-royals-cb @raiden-oc @monsterhigh-cb @lostwoods-cb @littleboywooyoungie @screamcb @mirage-ocs @oc-empire @salacious-cb @moonlit-nights-club
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lunaaofthemoon · 2 years ago
Max 3 questions per asks!!
🏷 — @moonlightchn (🌕) @kimheebby (☀️) @blogger-yura (🌼) @archangel-oc (🕊) @theinvitation-bot (⛓) @urtwice (🌹) @livealittleoc-cb (💕) @moongoddesselene (🌜) @reve-rv (🌸) @crimson-l (🥀) @minsour-r @supernaturalcb @clubwnderland @domxbot @foxpack-cb @divineblood-cb @multi-joong @3rachabot @florintradat @romeochen @cafesongmingi @delucaxel @vanilladaises-rp @androidmuses @shuhua-cb @fallenangel-oc @dawnswonderland-entertainment @the-hellhounds @beastfights-starting @theonesxcb @fantasyaespa @kardpackcb @yanderemuses @yandereskzcb @demonskz-cb @m1yeonn @fntcsy @camboys-com @oppositesattraxt @domrachaa @coffeexdreamcb @silcntxnight @lucky-charmsanhwa @elise-liddell-oc @androidmuses @wxlfchan @actorxhyunjin @violettaamore @lavienrosecabaretxo @hwangroyaltycb [always remember: eunwoo-bot (✨) hopelessromantic-juyeon (🐺)][dm -/+]
Cafe Asks ☕️
Vanilla Chai Latte : Are you in love? Flat White : Coffee or Tea? Cappuccino : What’s your middle name? Mocha : Dream Job? Pumpkin Spice : Dream car? Jasmine Tea : If you could go anywhere in the world, where would it be and why? Old English : You’re stranded on an island, who do you bring with you? Iced Chocolate : Do you have a crush on someone? Caramel Frappe : Favorite video game? Iced Lemon Tea : Favorite song/band? Iced Cafe Mocha : Favorite thing to do on rainy days? Hot Chocolate : Are you an affectionate person? Caramel Macchiato : You’re travelling the entire world but you can only take one person with you. Who do you take? Green Tea : How tall are you? Early Grey Tea : The inevitable Zombie Apocalypse is upon us! What’s your plan of action? Mint Tea : How do you relax? Vanilla Latte : Board games or drinking games? Iced Coffee : Do you like reading? If so, what’s your favorite book? Italian Soda : Describe your dream date Sparkling Water : Describe what qualities you look for in a person Orange Juice : Have you ever had a valentine? Rose Hip Tea : Describe your first kiss Herbal Tea : You’re at a candle shop, what scented candle do you buy?
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