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divevolkdiving · 3 months ago
Divevolk Intelligence Tech Co., Ltd
Divevolk Intelligence Tech Co., Ltd is a leading company that specializes in the development and manufacturing of underwater devices and equipment. They offer a wide range of innovative products designed to enhance the diving experience and provide valuable data for underwater exploration.
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lokaleblickecom · 1 year ago
boot 2024: Spannung pur bei der Verleihung des Dive Awards mit Hauptsponsor Curaçao
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Am Freitag, 26. Januar, wurde der 2. Dive Award der boot Düsseldorf mit großer Beteiligung der Tauchcommunity in den Kategorien INNOVATION, CLIMATE, DESTINATION, PRODUCT und PERSONALITY in der Halle 12 verliehen. Mit Spannung wurde die Auszeichnung der Gewinner erwartet, denn in jeder Kategorie waren hochkarätige Ideengeber der Tauchszene am Start. Hauptsponsor des Preises ist das Tauchparadies Curaçao. Durch den Abend führte das bewährte Moderatorenteam Anna von Boetticher und Jan Schulte. Mit den Stimmen der Jury, bestehend aus den Chefredakteurinnen und -redakteuren Alexander Kassler (TAUCHEN), Dr. Friedrich Naglschmid (Divemaster), Nina Zschiesche (wetnotes), Armin Süß und Herbert Gfrörer (taucher.net) und Dietmar Fuchs (VDSTsporttaucher) sowie den Tauchfans im Public Voting wurden folgende zukunftsweisende Ideen und Entwicklungen ausgewählt: INNOVATION: die patentierte Divevolk Unterwasser-Touchscreenmembran ermöglicht den Zugriff auf mobile intelligente Endgeräte. Für Sporttaucher kann das Smartphone zur Aufnahme von Fotos und Videos, zur Kommunikation, zum Absetzen eines Notrufs oder zur Positionsbestimmung an der Meeresoberfläche verwendet werden. Beim technischen oder wissenschaftlichen Tauchen ermöglicht die Touchscreen-Membran eine nie dagewesene Nutzung aller Apps, so dass  die Identifizierung von Unterwasserfischen oder andere wissenschaftliche Arbeiten auch im Wasser durchgeführt werden können. Der Gewinner wird das Preisgeld an eine Meeresschutzorganisation spenden. CLIMATE: Beim Projekt der Deutschen Stiftung Meeresschutz geht es um den Erhalt und die Renaturierung von Seegraswiesen im Mittelmeer: ein Citizen-Science-Projekt, in das Tauchzentren, Forschungsstationen, Touristen und Einheimische eingebunden sind. Bei dem Projekt „Die Meeresgärtner“ geht es um die Schaffung wirkungsvoller mariner CO2-Senken sowie den Erhalt und die Wiederherstellung der Biodiversität im Mittelmeer. Project Manaia schult Tauchschulen darin, Seegräser der Art Posidonia oceanica anzupflanzen und zeigt, wie Samen und ausgerissene Pflanzen wiedereingesetzt werden können. Die so geschulten Tauchzentren bilden das Meeresgärtner-Netzwerk Citizen Science: Einheimische und Touristen können bei den Meeresgärtner-Stationen Seegrasfunde zur späteren Renaturierung abgeben. Die Stiftung wird das Preisgeld in ein WetLab (Aquarium, eDNA-Analysen) nebst Kühlfach zur Lagerung von Seegrassamen und Seegraspflanzen an Bord des Expeditionsschiffes SY Waya Waya investieren. DESTINATION: Das Bergwerk Nuttlar ist seit 1986 auf einer Strecke von 12 km geflutet. Die gesamte Hardware aus Bergwerkzeiten (unter anderem Loren und Hämmer) ist noch vorhanden. Das Bergwerk ist für alle Taucher geeignet. Als einzige Location in Europa haben Sporttaucher die Möglichkeit, im Anfangsbereich zu tauchen und zu erkunden, ob eine weitere Ausbildung in diesem Bereich für sie in Frage kommt. Es gibt keine offizielle Location in Europa, die Sporttauchern ein solches Erlebnis bietet. Technische Taucher können Guidances entlang der Cave 1 Strecke buchen. Cave/Mine Diver können autonom tauchen. Aufgrund der geringen Tiefe ist das Bergwerk besonders für die Ausbildung geeignet. Taucher kommen mittlerweile aus der ganzen Welt! Ihr Preisgeld werden sie nutzen, um das Projekt Bergwerktauchen Nuttlar weiter auszubauen und es für Taucher noch attraktiver zu machen. PRODUCT: ENOS ist ein weltweit einmaliges System, das Taucher direkt und schnell rettet, ohne lange suchen zu müssen. Seit dem Launch 2004 auf der boot Düsseldorf hat das System alle Taucher binnen weniger Minuten gerettet. Es ist immer noch einmalig, kein anderes System ist autark: Ohne Funkzeugnis, aufwändige Rettungskette und Gebühren und ohne weitere Technik. Es kann sogar auf Schlauchbooten eingesetzt werden. ENOS besteht aus dem Empfänger an Bord und Sendern, die die Taucher mitnehmen. Dieser wird im Notfall an der Wasseroberfläche eingeschaltet. Er sendet einen ersten Alarm und die GPS-Position der Taucher direkt an das Boot. Aus den eigenen GPS-Daten und denen der Taucher ermittelt der Empfänger nun Richtung und Entfernung zum Taucher, was er in einer deutlichen Grafik anzeigt. Der Schlüssel für die gezielte und schnelle ENOS-Rettung! Das Preisgeld geht an das Baltic Sea Nature and Heritage Project  (www.bsnhpa.org). PERSONALITY: Vom tiefblauen Ozean bis zur Plastikverschmutzung: Dr. Christine Figgener ist eine der engagiertesten Meeresbiologinnen, die sich leidenschaftlich für den Schutz von Meeresschildkröten einsetzt. Ihr Durchbruch kam 2015, als ein Video von ihr, in dem sie einen Plastikstrohhalm aus der Nase einer Schildkröte entfernte, viral ging. Mit diesem Momentum nutzt sie die Anziehungskraft dieser charismatischen Tiere, um weltweit auf den Zustand der Meere aufmerksam zu machen. Als Autorin, Wissenschaftskommunikatorin und Leiterin einer NGO in Costa Rica verbindet sie Forschung mit Herzensangelegenheiten. Mit Vorträgen von Schulen bis zu Universitäten inspiriert sie Menschen, sich in Meeresschildkröten zu verlieben und sie in ihrer Schutzmission zu unterstützen. Das Preisgeld steckt sie in ein Citizen Science Projekt, das die Liebe zu den Meeresschildkröten stärken soll: eine Online-Foto-ID-Datenbank für Meeresschildkröten, die bei Tauchgängen angetroffen werden. boot Director Petros Michelidakis dankte Jury und Fans im Public Voting für die gute Auswahl der Preisträger: „Unsere Gewinner sind ein Spiegelbild der innovativen Tauchszene. Hier steht die Welt nicht still, sondern ist ständig in Bewegung, um den Meeresschutz weiter zu befeuern. Tauchsportlern ist eine intakte Umwelt immens wichtig und der Schutz aller Gewässer ist quasi ihre DNA. Ich freue mich sehr, dass wir diese zukunftsorientierte Community in den Hallen 11, 12 und 13 an Bord der boot haben.“ Bildzeile: Gruppenbild mit den Gewinnern des Dive Awards der boot 2024: (v.l.n.r.: Team Bergwerktauchen Nuttlar (Kategorie DESTINATION) mit Laudator Alexander Kassler, Enos System (Kategorie PRODUCT) mit Laudator Armin Süß, Deutsche Stiftung Meeresschutz (Kategorie CLIMATE) Laudator Herbert Gfrörer, Dr. Christine Figgener (Kategorie PERSONALITY), Divevolk (Kategorie INNOVATION) mit Laudatorin Nina Zschiesche, Petros Michelidakis, Director boot Düsseldorf. Foto: Messe Düsseldorf Read the full article
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oceantrust01 · 1 year ago
Best Scuba Diving Waterproof Phone Cases 2023: Expert-Tested and Reviewed
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Scuba diving opens up a mesmerizing world of vibrant colors, unique marine life, and breathtaking underwater landscapes. Don’t you sometimes wish you could bring your phone with you, especially when you’re diving with a whale shark or manta ray? You’ll take selfies to a whole new level!  Well, you can! There are many waterproof phone cases that allow you to take your phone down. In this blog post, we’ll share some of our favorite cases for underwater adventures!   Key Takeaways - 2023’s top scuba diving waterproof phone cases offer enhanced protection and features, such as touchscreen access up to 60m depth. - When selecting a case for underwater use, consider factors like device compatibility, depth rating and touchscreen functionality. - Regular testing & maintenance of your waterproof phone case is essential for optimal performance. Accessories can also improve the experience. responsive="scroll" /] Top Scuba Diving Waterproof Phone Cases 2023 As technology advances, so do the options for scuba diving waterproof phone cases. In 2023, the top contenders include: - Oceanic+ Dive Housing - DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max Case - Kraken Underwater Phone Case - Sealife SportDiver Underwater Housing Each of these cases offers a unique set of features and compatibility options, ensuring there’s a case suitable for every diver’s needs. ⭐ Reviews – Best Waterproof Phone Housing Cases Oceanic+ Dive Housing The Oceanic+ Dive Housing is an innovative iPhone-compatible case that doubles as a dive computer, displaying vital dive statistics while capturing stunning images in RAW or HEIF format.  Compatible with various iPhone models, including the iPhone X, iPhone SE (2022), and more recent models, the Oceanic+ Dive Housing offers the following features: - Utilizes the unmodified Bühlmann ZHL-16C algorithm with gradient factors to provide accurate dive information - Protects your device underwater - Weighs 2.15 lb (975 g) - Measures 9.7″ W x 4.4″ H x 2.7″ D - Backed by a five-year warranty This case, with a detachable lanyard, provides peace of mind for your underwater adventures. Users can enhance the functionality of the Oceanic+ Dive Housing by downloading the Oceanic+ app.  This app serves as a diving interface, enabling photo and video capture, displaying dive information, and operating as a dive computer. The housing seals your iPhone in a pressurized environment, ensuring its safety during the dive and allowing you to focus on capturing exceptional underwater images. DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max Case The DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max Case impresses with its full underwater touchscreen access, a depth rating of 60m (197 feet), and broad phone model compatibility, making it a top choice among waterproof phone cases for scuba diving.  This case is designed to work with newer phones like the iPhone 12/12 Pro/12 Pro Max/13/13 Pro/13 Pro Max. With the DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max Case, you can use the touchscreen underwater, and enjoy access to all applications and functions of your smartphone up to a depth of 60 meters. Sturdy and durable, the DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max Case offers excellent protection for your device during various water sports activities, including: - surfing - diving - snorkeling - skiing - kayaking The case is sealed to prevent water leakage using a vacuum seal and a sliding mechanism, ensuring the best underwater experience with peace of mind. The Oceanic+ Dive Housing is an innovative iPhone-compatible case that doubles as a dive computer, displaying vital dive statistics while capturing stunning images in RAW or HEIF format.  Compatible with various iPhone models, including the iPhone X, iPhone SE (2022), and more recent models, the Oceanic+ Dive Housing offers the following features: - Utilizes the unmodified Bühlmann ZHL-16C algorithm with gradient factors to provide accurate dive information - Protects your device underwater - Weighs 2.15 lb (975 g) - Measures 9.7″ W x 4.4″ H x 2.7″ D - Backed by a five-year warranty This case, with a detachable lanyard, provides peace of mind for your underwater adventures. Users can enhance the functionality of the Oceanic+ Dive Housing by downloading the Oceanic+ app.  This app serves as a diving interface, enabling photo and video capture, displaying dive information, and operating as a dive computer. The housing seals your iPho Kraken Underwater Phone Case The Kraken Underwater Phone Case is a versatile option that fits most smartphones, thanks to its adjustable shim system.  This case features a vacuum seal to prevent leaks, a built-in battery for charging, and is depth-rated to an impressive 85m (280 feet).  The Kraken Underwater Phone Case is compatible with a range of smartphone models, making it a popular choice for divers with various phone types. In addition, the lithium-ion battery will charge your phone while you’re on a dive.  Weighing approximately 1.9 lbs out of water, the Kraken Underwater Phone Case has maximum dimensions for a phone inside the case of 174.40mm x 8.8mm x 81.30mm.  With such compatibility and exceptional depth rating, the Kraken Underwater Phone Case ensures your device stays safe and functional during your underwater adventures. Sealife SportDiver Underwater Housing The Sealife SportDiver Underwater Housing is a reliable option for underwater photography enthusiasts, with a depth rating of 40m (130 feet).  Compatible with most Android models and all iPhones from iPhone 8 up to iPhone 15 Pro Max, this case offers a variety of features designed to enhance your underwater photography experience. The Sealife SportDiver Underwater Housing features: - A clear back for an unobstructed view of the screen and underwater environment - Quick and simple playback - Control of your phone’s camera functions through the SportDiver App - Touchscreen access underwater, so you can focus on capturing stunning images without worrying about your device’s safety. With sea and saltwater resistance and a moisture detection alarm, the best waterproof phone cases with a built-in screen protector ensure your phone is well-protected during your underwater adventures.  Factors to Consider When Choosing a Scuba Diving Waterproof Phone Case Choosing the right scuba diving waterproof phone case requires careful consideration of three main factors: depth rating, touchscreen compatibility, and device compatibility.  These factors will ensure that your case meets your specific needs and keeps your device safe during your dives. Depth Rating A key factor in choosing a scuba diving waterproof phone case is its depth rating. The depth rating indicates the maximum depth at which the case can protect your phone from water damage, ensuring that your device remains safe and functional even at greater depths underwater.  Waterproof phone cases are tested extensively to determine their depth ratings, with cases being exposed to various depths of water for a predetermined period to ensure their waterproof integrity. Exceeding the depth rating of your waterproof phone case may result in: - Water damage - Malfunctioning of your device - Loss of warranty - Condensation buildup Hence, selecting a case with a suitable depth rating, like the recommended IPX8 rating for scuba diving cases, is fundamental for your diving needs. Touchscreen Compatibility Underwater touchscreen compatibility is essential for scuba diving phone cases, as it allows for easy underwater phone usage and photo-taking. Not all waterproof phone cases offer touchscreen compatibility, but most are designed to allow full touchscreen access. With touchscreen-compatible cases, you can easily operate your phone’s camera, adjust settings, and access other features without having to remove your device from the case. Certain cases, such as the DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max and the Oceanic+ Dive Housing, offer exceptional touchscreen capabilities. They allow complete access to your phone’s functions underwater, even at considerable depths.  These cases enhance your underwater photography experience, ensuring you can capture stunning images without any hassle. Device Compatibility Device compatibility is another critical factor to consider when choosing a waterproof phone case for scuba diving. Ensure the case you select is compatible with your specific device model, as not all cases fit all phone models.  Some cases, like the Kraken Underwater Phone Case and Sealife SportDiver Underwater Housing, offer adjustable systems or compatibility with a wide range of devices, making them suitable for most smartphones. Before purchasing a waterproof phone case, verify that it is designed for your specific phone model, or check the product dimensions and compare them to your device’s dimensions to make sure it will fit comfortably.  By selecting a case or a phone pouch that is compatible with your device, you’ll ensure the best protection and functionality for your underwater adventures. How to Test and Maintain Your Waterproof Phone Case Regular testing and maintenance of your waterproof phone case are necessary for its long-term durability and efficacy. Here’s how you can test your case: - Fill a sink or bucket with water. - Place a piece of paper or a tissue paper in the phone, not your actual phone. - Submerge the case in the water for a few minutes. - Carefully remove the case from the water. - Check for any signs of water leakage and see if the paper is wet.  - Make sure to dry the case thoroughly before using it again. In terms of maintenance, follow these steps to keep your waterproof case in good condition: - Clean your waterproof case regularly with a damp cloth. - Dry it off thoroughly with a soft towel. - Inspect the case for any signs of wear and tear. - Check its waterproof capabilities to ensure it continues to protect your device during your underwater adventures. Accessories to Enhance Your Underwater Photography Experience Accessories can significantly improve your underwater photography experience, simplifying the process of capturing striking images. A camera lens can help you achieve a wider field of view or capture macro shots, while lighting equipment such as strobes and LED lights can improve the color and contrast of your underwater images. Mounts can also prove invaluable for underwater photography, offering additional stability and hands-free shooting. By investing in these accessories, you can elevate your underwater photography game and make the most of your dives. Expert Tips for Capturing Stunning Underwater Photos The art of capturing striking underwater photos demands practice, patience, and appropriate techniques. Adjusting your camera settings, such as color correction, exposure control, and focus settings, can greatly improve your underwater photographs by compensating for the unique challenges of shooting underwater.  Using external strobes or adjusting your camera’s built-in flash settings can also help illuminate your subject and reduce backscatter. Another important factor in capturing stunning underwater photos is practicing buoyancy control. Adequate buoyancy control allows you to accurately compose your shots and maneuver closer to your subjects, resulting in clear and focused images.  By following these tips and using a reliable waterproof phone case, you’ll be well-equipped to capture breathtaking underwater photos during your dives. Summary In conclusion, the Oceanic+ Dive Housing, DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4 Max Case, Kraken Underwater Phone Case, and Sealife SportDiver Underwater Housing are the top scuba diving waterproof phone cases for 2023.  When selecting a case, it’s essential to consider factors such as depth rating, touchscreen compatibility, and device compatibility. Additionally, investing in accessories and following expert tips can greatly enhance your underwater photography experience. With the right case and techniques, you can capture stunning images during your underwater adventures and create memories that will last a lifetime. Frequently Asked Questions What is the best waterproof case for scuba diving? We like the Pelican Marine Case, SealLine E-Case, and Submersible Dry Box by OtterBox. Selecting the best waterproof case for scuba diving depends on your specific needs, the type of equipment you want to protect, and the depth of your dives.  Do waterproof phone pouches really work? Waterproof phone pouches are great for protecting your device from water damage, as well as from outdoor elements like sand, dirt, and mud. They even float and come with lanyards for easy portability. Tested at an aquatic center pool, they kept the phone dry and safe - so yes, waterproof phone pouches really do work! Is there a fully waterproof phone case? Oceanic+ Dive Housing, DIVEVOLK SeaTouch 4, Kraken Underwater Phone Case, and Sealife SportDiver are all fully waterproof phone cases.  What is the best iPhone 14 Pro case for diving? For diving, the best iPhone 14 Pro case is the OtterBox Fr Series as it has the highest rating of 10/10. SPIDERCASE, JOTO Waterproof Phone Holder Pouch, Tempered Glass and Ghostek NAUTICAL Slim are also great options for underwater protection. What is the importance of a waterproof phone case's depth rating? The depth rating of a waterproof phone case is important as it indicates the maximum depth at which your phone is protected from water damage. This ensures that your device remains safe and functional even when submerged to greater depths underwater. Read the full article
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tourism360vr · 2 years ago
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Soon perhaps new housing for our phones, with comparisons and recommendations. Dentro de poco quizás nuevas carcasas para nuestros teléfonos, con comparativas y recomendaciones. #smartphonephotography #smartphone #smartphonehousing #smartphonecase #housing #case #divephotography #diving #weefinesmarthousing #sealife #easydive #diveshoot #divevolk #seatouch4max #phonehousings https://www.instagram.com/p/ChSsfm3KpZK/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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yasuhirotakabachiblr · 2 years ago
水中でフルタッチスクリーンを備えた世界で唯一のスマートフォンハウジングSeaTouch 4 Max 本体価格:$229.00(33,000円前後) 水中に日常を持ち込める。 今までの水中でのスマートフォンの水中ハウジングは強固なもので、水圧に押しつぶされない様にできていてタッチスクリーンは使えませんでした。 DIVEVOLK社のスマホ水中ハウジングは水中でもタッチスクリーンが使えます。 このスマホ用水中ハウジングに入れるだけで陸上と同じようにダイビング中にスマホが使えます。 今までのスマホハウジングとSeaTouch 4…
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gadgetflow · 6 years ago
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DIVEVOLK All-In-One Diving Assistant - https://thegadgetflow.com/portfolio/all-in-one-diving-assistant/
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concretemineralscoupon · 2 years ago
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DIVEVOLK Coupon Codes & Offers. Apply This When You Checkout Among the many reputable stores in the e-commerce market, DIVEVOLK is a particularly famous store when it gains the trust, love, and trust of many consumers for its great products they bring to the market...
See more: https://www.couponupto.com/coupons/divevolk
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isurfit · 5 years ago
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#stretching in the #infinity #pool #beachlife @divevolk https://www.instagram.com/p/B1SutkGohQb/?igshid=sb85mkndaxsw
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rasppberri · 6 years ago
Underwater Diver Smartphone Cases - The 'DIVEVOLK' iPhone Diving Case Doesn't Inhibit Functionality (TrendHunter.com)
(TrendHunter.com) The ‘DIVEVOLK' iPhone diving case works effectively to keep the device protected and functional when heading underwater for a dive to make it essential for avid aquatic enthusiasts. The... source http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/iphone-diving-case
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divevolkdiving · 2 months ago
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Underwater Camera Case for Iphone 15
Underwater Camera Case for your iPhone 15 is essential for protecting your device and capturing unforgettable moments underwater. With a wide range of options available on the market, choose a case that suits your needs and preferences. Contact us at 8618826716166.
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zarahoffman · 6 years ago
Underwater Diver Smartphone Cases - The 'DIVEVOLK' iPhone Diving Case Doesn't Inhibit Functionality (TrendHunter.com)
(TrendHunter.com) The ‘DIVEVOLK' iPhone diving case works effectively to keep the device protected and functional when heading underwater for a dive to make it essential for avid aquatic enthusiasts. The... source http://www.trendhunter.com/trends/iphone-diving-case
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whatchamagadget · 6 years ago
DIVEVOLK All-In-One Diving Assistant
Use the touchscreen on your iPhone underwater with the DIVEVOLK All-In-One Diving Assistant. This all-inclusive device comes with everything you need to use all phone functions like touchscreen and hardware buttons underwater. In fact, DIVEVOLK works at a depth up to 164 feet. The diving assistant includes a wireless controlled synchronous strobe, diving earphone, and underwater housing. In addition, it establishes an open platform for future diving apps and even works as a control terminal for your diving equipment. Moreover,..
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divevolkdiving · 4 months ago
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Diving housings are Used to Help Capture Photos and Videos
A diving housing, also known as an underwater housing, is a protective case designed to allow cameras and other electronic devices to be used underwater, typically for scuba diving and other aquatic activities. For more information call us @ 8.61883E+12
For more details - https://www.divevolkdiving.com/products/divevolk-seatouch-4max-underwater-iphone-diving-housing-iphone-diving-case-compatiable-for-iphone-12-pro-max-13-pro-13-pro-max
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divevolkdiving · 4 months ago
Divevolk Intelligence Tech Co., Ltd
Divevolk team is a group of people who never compromise and stick to their dreams. We are committed to the research and development of intelligent equipment for underwater communication, interconnection, and interaction, providing brand new experiences for global diving and water sports enthusiasts, and continuously improving underwater safety. With our own R & D center, a number of domestic and international patents have been obtained. The brand "DIVEVOLK®" is currently registered in the United States, Australia, Malaysia, Japan, the Philippines, the European Union (28 countries), and China. For more information call us @ 8.61883E+12
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divevolkdiving · 7 months ago
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Looking for the perfect iPhone 13 case for scuba diving adventures? Check out DiveVolk's top-of-the-line protective cases designed to keep your device safe underwater!
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divevolkdiving · 7 months ago
Divevolk Intelligence Tech Co., Ltd
Divevolk Intelligence Tech is dedicated to pushing the boundaries of underwater technology, enabling divers to explore the depths with ease and capturing stunning visuals of the underwater world. Their products are trusted and utilized by professional divers, underwater photographers, and researchers worldwide.
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