#divendres de femboy
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90s Skater Fem-boy
90s Grunge ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday by @gloomiegalaxie 💝
#gloomie's femboy friday#femboy friday#divendres de femboy#TGDONE#TGDONE: Luka#VanLeaSillies#90s grunge
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L'Ángel Enlluernador del Prat~ Cryptid
First time participing on Gloomie's Femboy Friday 🛹
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Llampec Blau del Medi-Terrani ~ Cryptid
First time participing on Gloomie's Femboy Friday 💝
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Cottagecore ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday by @gloomiegalaxie 💝
As there was no theme this friday, me and my friend Lea decided to start at the beginning and this is my part of Cottagecore theme of Femboy Friday ❣️
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Fairies ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday by @gloomiegalaxie 💝
As there was no theme this friday, me and my friend Lea decided to made second theme (that we didn't do) and this is my part of Fairies theme of Femboy Friday ❣️
Cute friends below cut line ⬇️
Loretta and Eolo
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Straight face ~ Cara seria
Beach Fit ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday 3/3
And this is his other outfit, thanks for attending this Femboy Friday with Luka and Chris. 💓 ���🦊😎~ I aquest és el seu altre outfit, gràcies per atendre aquest divendres de Femboy amb Luka i Chris. 💓
Photoshoot in collaboration with @lea-heartscxiv with our original characters Luka and Chris from TGDONE. This last photo taken by him.
#gloomie's femboy friday#divendres de femboy#TGDONE#TGDONE: Luka#VanLeaSillies#en serio no se que hacemos con este niño que le pasa como a mi#cara seria cuando sale en casi todas las fotos 🤣
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Is he the best? Skate with me!
Cyberpunk ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday by @gloomiegalaxie 💝
We know it's not Femboy Friday it's Femboy Sunday? But we tried to have it by Friday and it was an impossible task. Lea and I are still not sure if Luka will use a classic, a longboard, a cruiser, etc… But in this world for this time it will be a longboard. Thank you to all CC creators (me included 😋)
Luka flirting with Chris below cut line ⬇️
The bar had just opened, that's why it's so empty.
#gloomie's femboy friday#gloomie's femboy sunday?#divendres de femboy#o diumenge de femboy?#TGDONE#TGDONE AU#TGDONE: Luka#VanLeaSillies
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Beach Fit ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday by @gloomiegalaxie 💝 1/3
Photoshoot in collaboration with @lea-heartscxiv with our original characters Luka and Chris from TGDONE. These first ones were made by me, but we share the same gameplay so the second and third batch are photos taken by him.
Secret photo below cut line ❤️🔥
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Beach day with friends
Beach Fit ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday 2/3
After sliding down the water slide a few times, Evans' youngest son took a few pictures of them. ~🦊😎~ Després de lliscar-se unes quantes vegades pel tobogan d'aigua, el fill petit dels Evans els va fer unes quantes fotos.
Photoshoot in collaboration with @lea-heartscxiv with our original characters Luka and Chris from TGDONE. This second and the third batch are photos taken by him. First part of Chris from Lea here
#gloomie's femboy friday#divendres de femboy#TGDONE#TGDONE: Luka#TGDONE: Chris#Christian “Chris” Ramírez#VanLeaSillies#new ship unlocked 🔓 will be ChrisLuka or LukaChris? 🤔
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Monochromatic Grey ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday by @gloomiegalaxie 💝
I don't know why but above I feel as if Luka came out of a 70's film noir. I don't know how to describe but if not film noir, something something about 60s/70s.
+4 sexy photos plus their look without black and white filter, below cut line ❤️🔥⬇️
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☆English☆ First look of Friday Femboy, as always in collaboration with @lea-heartscxiv, as they are our original characters that are part of TGDONE's story.
☆Català☆ Primera vista del Friday Femboy, com sempre amb la col·laboració de @lea-heartscxiv, ja que són els nostres personatges originals que formen part de la història de TGDONE.
☆Español☆ Primera vista del Friday Femboy, como siempre en colaboración con @lea-heartscxiv, ya que son nuestros personajes originales que forman parte de la historia de TGDONE.
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Luka i la masia (Extras)
Luka estava pensant en una forma de guanyar l'aposta que li va fer a algú.
Però tant pensar li va deixar el cap socarrimat.
Així doncs va agafar la càmera i sabent que ja havia perdut, es va fer una foto que va enviar directament al guanyador. Luka: Que et fotin, no soc capaç.
Tot seguit es va dirigir a la Mariona i seguint els consells del seu amic Chris, la va netejar i consentir.
Finalment li va donar menjar.
I en acabar, se'n va anar a descansar, tot pensant…
Luka: «Merda, però no acabo de cuidar justament un dels animals de la masia? Hauria guanyat l'aposta...»
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Mare meva com està en Luka de maco , cada divendres es posa molt maco!
Noah et quedaràs sense ell! 🥺
Iba hacer una apuesta pero mejor no hacerla, porque seguro que Luka se pone más serio 😂
Straight face ~ Cara seria
Beach Fit ~ Gloomie's Femboy Friday 3/3
And this is his other outfit, thanks for attending this Femboy Friday with Luka and Chris. 💓 ~🦊😎~ I aquest és el seu altre outfit, gràcies per atendre aquest divendres de Femboy amb Luka i Chris. 💓
Photoshoot in collaboration with @lea-heartscxiv with our original characters Luka and Chris from TGDONE. This last photo taken by him.
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Llampec Blau del Medi-Terrani un bonic espècimen , de una espècie que encara no es sap de què prové... Ya que camina com un humà però té ales i molts ulls.... Mmmm 🤔
Llampec Blau del Medi-Terrani ~ Cryptid
First time participing on Gloomie's Femboy Friday 💝
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