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districtboutique · 2 years ago
Elegant Long Designer Dresses and Long Sleeve Midi Dresses for Women
Elevate your wardrobe with our stunning collection of long dresses for women. From long designer dresses to chic long sleeve midi dresses, D5 offer a variety of styles to suit any occasion. Our dresses are crafted from high-quality materials and designed with impeccable attention to detail, ensuring you look and feel your best. Whether you're attending a formal event or just looking for a stylish everyday look, our collection has you covered. Browse our selection of elegant long dresses today and discover the perfect addition to your wardrobe.
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24global-news-press · 8 years ago
Dallin Vaughn Tampa About
Dallin Vaughn Tampa
Age 32, born Dec 1992 Jacksonville, 32223-1647 Florida
Dallin Vaughn Tampa, 32 years old, is currently listed at 11725 Paddock Gates Dr, Jacksonville, 32223-1647 Florida and is affiliated with the Republican Party of Florida. He is an white, not hispanic male.
Overview of Dallin Vaughn Tampa
Lives InJacksonville, Florida DOBMonday, December 21, 1992 Phone Number (435) 272-2***
Dallin Vaughn Tampa Voter Profile
Party AffiliationRepublican Party of Florida Registered to vote sinceJuly 1, 2011 Voter StatusInactive Precinct605 Precinct Group0 Precinct Split605.1 Congressional District5 Senate District4 House District12 County Commission District6
School Board District7
Want to know more about Dallin Tampa?
Address History
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Public Records
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Dallin Vaughn Tampa Addresses & Maps
11725 Paddock Gates Dr, Jacksonville, 32223-1647 Florida
Parcel Details
Parcel ID1588510065R DOR Code Residential, Single Family Short Legal Description63-35 39-4s-27e .27 Total Living Area 4,379 square foot (407 sqm) Land Square Footage11,991 square foot (1,114 sqm) Acreage of parcel0.275 MGRS Coordinate 17RMP3876736547
Mailing Address
3661 W Silent Oasis Ln Herriman, 84096--2605, Ut
Other Data
Salary: $70,920
Net Worth: $773,230
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luna-3-clips · 2 years ago
Blue Lock Hunger Games
Winner + placements
Michael Kasier is the winner from district 11!
Tribute Placements
1. Kaiser 2. Isagi 3. Gagamaru 4. Anri 5. Shidou 6. Iemon 7. Naruhaya 8. Imamura 9. Snuffy 10. Bachira 11. Ego 12. Nagi 13. Endoji 14. Barou 15. Karasu 16. Lavinho 17. Luna 18. Noa 19. Kunigami 20. Sae 21. Cavazos 22. Hiori 23. Tsunzaki 24. Tokimitsu 25. Yukimiya 26. Aryu 27. Loki 28. J Wanima 29. Kurona 30. Reo 31. Aiku 32. Kuon 33. Rin 34. Okawa 35. Prince 36. Raichi 37. Kira 38. Chigiri 39. Sendo 40. Igarashi 41. Ness 42. Zantetsu 43. Kiyora 44. Nanase 45. Niko 46. Adam 47. K Wanima 48. Otoya
District Placements
1. District11 2. District1 3. District2 4. District12 5. District9 6. District3 7. District5 8. District8 9. District10 10. District7 11. District6 12. District4
4: Imamura 4: Gagamaru 2: Sae 2: Bachira 2: Noa 2: Kaiser 2: Nagi 1: Kunigami 1: Aryu 1: Tsunzaki 1: J Wanima 1: Naruhaya 1: Ego 1: Endoji 1: Shidou 1: Snuffy 1: Iemon 1: Kuon 1: Luna 1: Anri 1: Barou
I hope you enjoyed this series! I will not be doing it again (most likely) because my fingers hurt T-T and it takes a while to do.
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the-purpurhaj · 2 days ago
The Summary
The Bloodbath lila, angla, divineguld, and torkadblodrod form a suicide pact, killing themselves. ogiltig and brun work together to drown sma.
Day 1 brun, brun, and 448c get into a fight. brun triumphantly kills them both. liten and odet fight regnbags and ljus. liten and odet survive.
Night 1 magenta accidently steps on a landmine.
Day 2 No deaths occurred.
Night 2 purjolok strangles ultraviolett after engaging in a fist fight. rod attacks klappar, but blalila protects him, killing rod.
Day 3 tale and gron fight demon and purjolok. tale and gron survive. sonicjah shoots an arrow into cardboard's head.
Night 3 tale shoots an arrow at svart, but misses and kills spelutvecklare instead. djavulsksilver attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death. brun dies trying to escape the arena.
Day 4 dino, liten, and odet successfully ambush and kill sonicjah, infrarod, and svart.
Night 4 tale is unable to convince svard to not kill him. hajhaj attempts to climb a tree, but falls to his death. gul overpowers rutig, killing him. swim stabs odet while his back is turned.
Day 5 bla kills screenwriting with his own weapon.
Night 5 v1haj spears blavingad in the abdomen. purpur overpowers haj, killing him.
Day 6 dino taints attaarmad's food, killing him. blalila kills swim as he tries to run.
Night 6 ogiltig severely injures gul and leaves him to die.
Day 7 turkos silently snaps liten's neck. turkossma, gron, and dino successfully ambush and kill bla, ogiltig, and klappar.
Night 7 svard forces demon to kill gra or turkos. He decides to kill gra.
The Feast turkos falls into a frozen lake and drowns.
Day 8 turkossma stabs v1haj in the back with a trident.
Night 8 turkossma, dino, and blalila track down and kill rodgul.
Day 9 fuchsia, purpur, vit, gron, and svard track down and kill demon. blalila kills turkossma as he tries to run.
Night 9 fuchsia throws a knife into blalila's head.
Day 10 fuchsia bleeds out due to untreated injuries.
Night 10 gron shoots an arrow into purpur's head. svard strangles vit with a rope.
Day 11 dino dies from hunger.
Night 11 gron kills svard for his supplies. The winner is gron from District 1!
1. gron 2. svard 3. dino 4. vit 5. purpur 6. fuchsia 7. blalila 8. turkossma 9. demon 10. rodgul 11. v1haj 12. turkos 13. gra 14. klappar 15. ogiltig 16. bla 17. liten 18. gul 19. swim 20. attaarmad 21. haj 22. blavingad 23. screenwriting 24. odet 25. rutig 26. hajhaj 27. tale 28. svart 29. infrarod 30. sonicjah 31. brun 32. djavulsksilver 33. spelutvecklare 34. cardboard 35. purjolok 36. demon 37. rod 38. ultraviolett 39. magenta 40. ljus 41. regnbags 42. 448c 43. brun 44. sma 45. torkadblodrod 46. divineguld 47. angla 48. lila
--- District Placements
1. District1 2. District8 3. District9 4. District3 5. District6 6. District12 7. District4 8. District7 9. District11 10. District10 11. District5 12. District2
--- Kills
8: gron 8: dino 5: liten 5: odet 5: turkossma 4: blalila 3: svard 3: tale 2: brun 2: ogiltig 2: purpur 2: fuchsia 1: demon 1: vit 1: gul 1: turkos 1: purjolok 1: brun 1: bla 1: swim 1: v1haj 1: sonicjah
Round 1, Attempt 2
(seems to be the same seed, re-doing it anyway to be save)
(also 1 day per reblog from me as to limit post usage)
Orange: Names
Blue: injury scene / active fight
Red: Death scene
The Bloodbath
As the tributes stand on their podiums, the horn sounds.
svart breaks klappar's nose for a basket of bread.
turkos takes a handful of throwing knives.
rod grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.
lila, angla, divineguld, and torkadblodrod form a suicide pact, killing themselves.
sonicjah runs away from the Cornucopia.
448c stays at the cornucopia for resources.
liten scares ljus away from the cornucopia.
screenwriting retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia.
blalila runs away from the Cornucopia.
dino grabs a backpack, not realizing it is empty.
svard runs away from the Cornucopia.
purpur retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia.
ultraviolett grabs a shield leaning on the cornucopia.
gra runs away from the Cornucopia.
ogiltig and brun work together to drown sma.
attaarmad scares brun away from the cornucopia.
hajhaj finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.
spelutvecklare runs away from the Cornucopia.
purjolok runs away from the Cornucopia.
haj and gul fight for a bag. haj gives up and retreats.
odet finds a bag full of explosives.
infrarod runs away from the Cornucopia.
djavulsksilver finds a bow, some arrows, and a quiver.
bla finds a canteen full of water.
fuchsia runs away from the Cornucopia.
v1haj runs into the cornucopia and hides.
rodgul grabs a sword.
vit runs away from the Cornucopia.
magenta runs away from the Cornucopia.
cardboard grabs a jar of fishing bait while turkossma gets fishing gear.
demon retrieves a trident from inside the cornucopia.
rutig runs away from the Cornucopia.
regnbags runs away from the Cornucopia.
demon runs away from the Cornucopia.
gron snatches a bottle of alcohol and a rag.
swim rips a mace out of blavingad's hands.
tale grabs a backpack and retreats.
Day 1
dino is pricked by thorns while picking berries.
vit and attaarmad split up to search for resources.
infrarod begs for purjolok to kill him. He refuses, keeping infrarod alive.
demon, turkossma, svard, haj, and svart hunt for other tributes.
spelutvecklare practices his archery.
purpur diverts ultraviolett's attention and runs away.
gron defeats swim in a fight, but spares his life.
hajhaj practices his archery.
klappar, ogiltig, and rodgul hunt for other tributes.
demon travels to higher ground.
brun, brun, and 448c get into a fight. brun triumphantly kills them both.
blalila chases gul.
rutig receives an explosive from an unknown sponsor.
magenta chases screenwriting.
sonicjah thinks about home.
liten and odet fight regnbags and ljus. liten and odet survive.
blavingad tries to spear fish with a trident.
tale discovers a cave.
djavulsksilver tries to spear fish with a trident.
v1haj receives fresh food from an unknown sponsor.
bla sees smoke rising in the distance, but decides not to investigate.
cardboard sprains his ankle while running away from fuchsia.
gra injures himself.
turkos practices his archery.
rod goes hunting.
Fallen Tributes 1
9 cannon shots can be heard in the distance.
lila District 2
torkadblodrod District 2
divineguld District 5
sma District 5
regnbags District 6
brun District 7
angla District 9
448c District 9
ljus District 12
Night 1
magenta accidently steps on a landmine.
demon tends to his wounds.
screenwriting looks at the night sky.
vit, v1haj, liten, and svard tell each other ghost stories to lighten the mood.
infrarod begs for gron to kill him. He refuses, keeping infrarod alive.
svart tries to sing himself to sleep.
attaarmad climbs a tree to rest.
purjolok quietly hums.
gra, blalila, and tale discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
odet passes out from exhaustion.
turkossma quietly hums.
rod receives clean water from an unknown sponsor.
sonicjah, dino, rutig, and brun sleep in shifts.
gul starts a fire.
turkos, ogiltig, and blavingad discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
swim and hajhaj tell stories about themselves to each other.
ultraviolett and spelutvecklare tell stories about themselves to each other.
djavulsksilver, demon, and cardboard discuss the games and what might happen in the morning.
klappar and rodgul tell stories about themselves to each other.
fuchsia questions his sanity.
purpur defeats bla in a fight, but spares his life.
haj starts a fire.
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district5boutique · 2 years ago
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Reem Acra Resort ‘23 - preorders available now- ——————————————- #reemacra #resort #district5 #district5boutique #luxuryfashion #luxuryboutique #vestido #vestidos #fashionlover #boutiquefashion #shoponline #pretaporter https://www.instagram.com/p/Cj7IprNOyoQ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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district5marakez-blog · 6 years ago
District 5
by Marakez
Marakez is a leading real estate developer in Egypt
With a complete portfolio of residential, commercial, entertainment and retail projects. With projects such as Mall of Arabia, Aeon Towers, and District 5, we have expanded our offering to ensure that our products cater to the entire market. District 5, our latest project, is an ambitious mixed-use development that will reshape East Cairo living, which only Marakez, with our experience and track record in retail, services and residential development, can bring to life.
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hockeyrepair · 3 years ago
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@mromartorres81 El Presidente, we should start an official “San Jose Sports Complex” Committee eh? This 10 block square has: ✅SJ Giants AA Baseball ✅SJSU Football ✅SJSU Golf Driving Range ✅US Open SJSU Tennis ✅Batting Cages & SJSU Baseball field ✅Lacrosse, Archery, Soccer ✅Beach Volleyball ✅Ice Hockey ✅Figure Skating ✅Curling ✅Speed Skating ✅Sled Hockey ✅Disc Golf at Coyote Creek ✅NHL/AHL 6 rinks ✅BAHR - Repairs ALL sports #SanJose #SJMade #Locals #SJSU #NHL #AHL #Coaches #Sports #Unity #INCLUSION #Community #District5 #SJSUSportsComplex (at Sharks Ice) https://www.instagram.com/p/Chp9G4vvmEm/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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wuestenigel · 6 years ago
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Bokeh Photo of Ginger surrounded by Carrots and other Vegetables
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jlow8999 · 6 years ago
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#LiiVResidences #Freehold #District5 #SGLandedGroup #YourTrustedLandedPeople #call82928999jerrylow #OTT #NLG (at Asia/Singapore) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnXVKiXB0b3/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1v0ya8lpgz6dz
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markjoeckel · 3 years ago
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My first Unity Council meeting getting rolling. #district5 (at City of Arlington, TX - City Hall) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU_IqqBlgEU/?utm_medium=tumblr
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districtboutique · 2 years ago
Discover the Timeless Elegance of Tony Ward Couture and Bridal 2023 
Tony Ward is a name synonymous with elegance, glamour, and sophistication. The Lebanese designer has made a name for himself in the fashion world with his stunning creations that are a true work of art. From red carpet-gowns to bridal wear, his designs are timeless and capture the essence of femininity. In this blog post, we'll explore Tony Ward's journey as a designer, his signature style, and what makes his couture and bridal collections so special.
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constantinmarburg-blog · 7 years ago
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Da geht die #sonne auf bzw.: Wer #intakt nicht kennt, hat's #leben verpennt - zumindest im #jazz. #unermüdlich in der #erfüllung ihres #bildungsauftrag bietet die #jazzzeit heute abend hierzu die #gelegenheit, und zwar von 20 Uhr bis #mitternacht. Ganz #hartgesottene gucken #tatort, aber hören #radiounerhört #marburg. - #rum901 #intaktrecords #globeunityorchestra #globeunity #alexandervonschlippenbach #district5 #districtfive #paulamereller #tapiwasvosve #florianegli #weirdbeard #davegisler #martinaberther #ricobaumann #sarahbuechi #stefanaeby (hier: Radio Unerhört Marburg)
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nitroandking · 4 years ago
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Day off ✌️😍💫 . . . . #bikemarket #district5 #quan5 #adventuretime #dayoff #saigon (at Tphcm Q5) https://www.instagram.com/p/CErsN3oD3Hm/?igshid=12abo7b6x8rfa
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theclosetratchet · 5 years ago
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I am very very sad right now. Legit crying. Wow. The things this man has seen, endured and changed for Black people in this country. Wow I am so so sad. Rest in power, sir 😢😢 #JohnLewis #District5 #Atlanta #CivilRightsMovement #icon https://www.instagram.com/p/CCx5Py3pl7p/?igshid=khn5ynxrxksk
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district5boutique · 2 years ago
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The new Mark Bumgarner Collection- preorders available ———————💕———————- @markbumgarner #markbumgarner #district5boutique #district5 #vestido #vestidos #vestidodefesta #luxuryboutique #luxuryfashion #boutiqueshopping #boutiquefashion #pretaporter https://www.instagram.com/p/Cjtw9tlrirE/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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austinnguyen412 · 5 years ago
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Khổ qua cà ớt giản dị cho bữa tối 🍲📸 #evening #friday #dinner #khổquacàớt #bòviênhộtvịtmuối #district5 #saigon #saigonese (tại Quận 5) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7bVt0QgGzT/?igshid=1dyqzsenpvvsf
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