disneydarlingdiva · 9 months
I miss being on this platform a lot.
I miss the community it gave me when I didn't have one.
I miss the way that by just asking people questions enough times that we became best friends.
I miss making posts about positivity that people would look forward too.
I miss being able to scroll for days at a time and never get bored.
I miss how happy I was to talk to people whose real names I'll never know.
I miss the absolute joy I felt when the black panther fandom started and black women were the main characters in fanfic.
I miss the people I made different discords with.
I miss the blackout and reblogging beautiful black people on my page and seeing it on my timeline.
I miss that long ass what does the sky look like post.
I don't miss the bots though. Fuck that shit.
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