#disney. disney look at me. i need them back. it's serious.
bloodbroox · 24 days
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asajj is currently rescuing force users through the hidden path along with quinlan, in this essay i will-[GUNSHOT]
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mellowsadistic · 5 months
Couples Therapy - Part 1
After Angela cheats on her husband, she agrees to go to couples therapy with him, but each session with the therapist leaves her feeling less and less like a grown-up.
Angela tapped her foot impatiently while her husband spoke with the therapist privately, probably whining about how angry and betrayed he felt. They were both supposed to go in together in a moment, but for now she was stuck waiting in reception.
Really, she couldn’t understand why Eric was being so dramatic. It was only sex! It wasn’t as though she didn’t love him anymore. She just needed to have a little fun sometimes, that was all. They weren’t even thirty yet! He was twenty-eight and she was twenty-seven. Did he really expect her to settle down and stick to a single sexual partner when she was still so young?
But he’d insisted on seeing a marriage counsellor and she’d eventually agreed, albeit reluctantly. Their therapist was a man. How was he supposed to understand what it was like for a woman in her situation? And her first impressions of the office hadn’t been great either. The receptionist was a total bimbo!
Angela glanced over at her. She was dressed up like some bizarre fetish fantasy. Her long blonde hair was tied up in a pair of high pigtails, and her stripper-sized tits were crammed into a sparkly Disney princess top. Didn’t this place have a uniform? She looked like an overgrown six-year-old for goodness sake! And she’d been acting like one too when she’d tried to match their names to their booking. Her husband had been very patient with her stupid lisping voice and barely passable ability to read, but Angela had wanted to turn around and leave straight away. What kind of serious therapist’s office employed a woman like that?
At last the door opened, and the therapist stood in the doorway. He smiled kindly and gestured her to come inside.
“He’s weady for you now!” the bimbo receptionist chirped happily, looking up from what looked like a fashion magazine for tweens.
Angela rolled her eyes. “Thanks.”
She went into the office and the therapist closed the door behind her. Eric was lounged on a sofa facing a hard-backed wooden chair, looking perfectly relaxed. Angela sat down next to her husband, leaving a few inches of space in between them.
The therapist didn’t take a seat in the wooden chair, however. He took a tablet from his desk in the corner and stood in front of Angela.
“Here,” he said, handing it to her. She looked down at the screen in her lap in confusion. What was this for? Some sort of presentation?
“I find that girls always get a bit nervous in my office,” he said, talking to her in a light, overly friendly tone, as if he was talking to a nursery-schooler. “This will help you relax, okay sweetie?”
Angela scowled. She was about to launch into a furious tirade. She couldn’t stand being talked down to! Who the hell did this man think he was? If he assumed most women were like his ditzy receptionist then he had another thing coming. But before she could say a word, the tablet in her lap came to life. Brilliant pastel colours swirled and spiralled on the screen, sinking into a single spot in the centre, and her complaints died in her throat. She couldn’t take her eyes off it. It was just so pretty…
“There we go,” said the therapist in that same sweet tone. “That always takes care of fussy little girls.”
“Is there anything I have to do?” Eric asked.
Angela felt strange. She was vaguely aware of the men’s words, but it was as though they were coming to her from the end of a very long tunnel. Her attention was focused on the dazzling lights on the screen.
“Not a thing. Let me do all the talking. Did you hear that, Angela? We’re going to have a little talk, okay sweetie? Nothing to be nervous about. I’m a trained professional, after all. We need to have a little talk about how you betrayed your husband. About how he found out you were cheating on him. Because that wasn’t very clever of you, was it Angela? Getting caught.”
Angela shook her head, not taking her eyes off the screen. “Not clever,” she echoed. It was true. She shouldn’t have been caught. She should have been more careful not to let him find out. Because even though there was nothing wrong with what she’d done, even though she was completely in the right, Eric wouldn’t understand.
“That’s right, Angela,” said the therapist. “You’ve been a very dumb bitch, haven’t you?”
Angela frowned. That didn’t sound right. Dumb bitch. Was it okay for the therapist to call her that?
“Look at the pretty sparkles, sweetie,” he encouraged, and Angela sank back into the swirling lights. “That’s right. You’re just a dumb bitch, Angela. All women are, but you especially. That’s okay though. You don’t know any better – you’re just girls.”
Angela knew vaguely that there was something she didn’t like about what the man was saying, but she was too engrossed in the swirling colours to care. His words were like background noise. She could understand them if she concentrated, but it was so hard to focus with the wonderful patterns in front of her.
“Yes, you’re just a girl, Angela. Just a silly little girl. A big child. It doesn’t matter if you do something wrong, because you can’t be held accountable for your actions, can you? You’re sweet and innocent.”
Angela nodded eagerly, a dim smile spreading across her face. She hadn’t done anything wrong. If she wasn’t so distracted by her tablet, she’d have smirked at Eric. His stupid attempt to guilt-trip her with marriage counselling was backfiring on him. The therapist was on her side.
“Besides,” the therapist continued. “You didn’t cheat on your husband anyway, did you Angela?”
Angela was confused. She had cheated on Eric. Was the therapist going to help her cover it up? But Eric already knew, didn’t he? Surely that wouldn’t work! The lights on the screen grew brighter. They were so, so pretty…
“You didn’t,” the therapist said again. “In fact, it’s completely impossible for you to have cheated on your husband. You know why, I’m sure. It’s because of your embarrassing bedwetting habit.”
Angela wrinkled her nose and started trying to shake her head in disgust. She didn’t wet the bed! The therapist must be confused. He must be mixing her up with some little girl. Maybe one of his other clients was some silly little bedwetter who needed to be reassured that everyone had accidents now and again, but that certainly wasn’t her.
“Don’t… I don’t wet the bed…” she mumbled. Her words felt heavy in her mouth. It was hard to think. She just wanted to watch the pretty swirling lights.
“Look at the colours, sweetie,” the therapist told her. “That’s a good girl. You are a bedwetter, Angela. You wet the bed every night. You have done for quite a few weeks now. And what man would want to sleep with a woman who still pisses herself in her sleep like a dumb toddler? You’re very lucky your husband puts up with your babyish behaviour, young lady.”
Angela’s face slackened as the spirals spun faster and faster. Lucky. She was a lucky girl. She was lucky to have a husband who put up with her bedwetting. Another man might leave his wife if she started peeing herself every night. Especially if she’d cheated on him too. But Eric didn’t know about that. Did he? It was strange. For a while Angela had been sure he did. And the therapist didn’t seem to know either. In fact, he thought it was impossible for a bedwetter like her to cheat on her husband! She blushed even more brightly. How had she done it? Angela frowned slightly. She didn’t know. She couldn’t remember clearly. But the therapist was right – who’d want to have sex with some stupid, bedwetting baby-woman? Why would anyone sleep with her when it meant waking up in piss-soaked sheets, or next to someone in a sopping wet diaper. Her special protection. Her baby pants. Was the therapist still talking? She tried to pay attention.
“…because your husband puts up with you in other ways too, doesn’t he?” he was saying. “It’s not just the bedwetting. You actually have quite a few silly, childish behaviours that no adult woman should reasonably be expected to have. You…”
Angela tuned out again. She could feel his words entering her ears, but her attention was focused entirely on the lights in her lap. So pretty. Such pretty lights…
When she came to, the tablet was gone, Eric was standing up and putting his coat on, and the therapist was looking at her with a satisfied expression on his face. Had she fallen asleep?
“Ready to go home?” Eric asked her brightly.
Angela smiled back, a little hesitantly. She’d thought she was in trouble, but maybe she’d just been confused. She was such a silly girl sometimes. Such a dumb bitch.
Eric held out his hand, and she took it. It felt nice to be holding onto him. It felt reassuring. He held her hand all the way back to their house, and while he walked, she couldn’t help herself from skipping along beside him.
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Cabin Fever
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Summary: Jack has been very busy with the filming of his upcoming movie and focusing on making new music. When the time comes for the two of you to spend some quality time together it doesn’t go as planned which causes some problems to arise.
Warnings: SMUT, car sex, penetration, praise, oral (female).
“GIRLY POP” you laugh as you roll your eyes getting out of your bed to meet Jack down stairs in the living room. “What’s up Jack, how was filming?” You asked while you wrapped your arms around his shoulders, wrapping his arms around you, one of his hands on your ass while he kissed all over your face. “It was good, happy we’re almost finished finally” he said sitting the two of you on the couch with you on his lap facing him.
“I have a surprise for you though.” he explained with his hands outlining your hips. Confused you tilt your head  “A surprise, what is it?” “Well since I've been working and stuff I decided to rent out a cabin for a couple of days, it's big as hell and it has a lake and hot tub so get ready for some late night adventures” Gasping you pull him into a hug pressing a kiss onto his lips. “You didn’t have to do that Jack I would have just enjoyed your company here.”  
Shaking his head he lays a kiss to your cheek “It’s fine we need this and you deserve it baby, thank you for sticking by me through this.”, “I packed of a bunch of clothes for you, all we have to do is get in the car.” “Jack be foreal are we really going to a cabin right now?” you asked, thinking this was too much to be true. You remembered how one time he told you that he was taking you to a disney cruise but in reality he took you to a beach and taught you how to ride a surfboard with a Mickeymouse head on it. 
You really hope he was being serious because you were not trying to have your time be wasted. “This isn’t the “disney cruise, okay, we're actually going to a cabin” Nodding your head you decide to trust him. Getting up you two made your way to your bedroom to make sure he didn’t forget anything, surprisingly he didn't so you guys made your way into his white tesla and are now on the road. The ride wasn’t super long it was about an hour. On the way there you guys talked a lot. You were able to tell him about what's been going on at work and with your friend group.��
He told you a little about the movie and about new music that he wanted to make and some celebrity gossip which was very entertaining. As the ride came to an end you pulled up to the cabin that was surrounded by trees and a lake in front of it the sunlight reflecting onto it beautifully. You also noticed how there were already two cars in the driveway. Turning to Jack you ask him “Are there already people here?”, “Yeah you know I had to bring my people with me.” 
Rolling your eyes you buckle your seatbelt back in. “Take me back home.”, “What do you mean?, let go inside.” Shaking your head you respond “No i’m not going in there. I don't feel like being surrounded by a bunch of people whether they're your friends or not.” Sighing Jack ran his hands down his face before reaching over and unbuckling your seatbelt. “Comon don’t do this right now the same way you say you haven’t been able to see me they haven't been able to see me either it wouldn’t be fair to them or you. “
“I really don’t care Jack, you should have thought about that before you did this, now look at you.” Groaning Jack turned toward you, his hand covering your thigh. “Why are you acting like this any other time you have no problem hanging out with our friends, now all of a sudden you don’t want to be around them? You really make no sense to me.”  
“I could literally care less about anything you're talking about right now, take me home or i’m going to get an Uber” you started unlocking your phone and going to the uber app right before you felt your phone being snatched right out of your hands. “Your not getting a fucking uber and i’m not takin ungrateful ass home ethier so deal with it.” “I’m ungrateful because I want to spend alone time with you? Whatever.” You said crossing your arms against your chest. 
“You wanted to be alone with me baby?” Jacked asked  as he ran his hand up and down your thigh your breath heightened as you feel his rough hands on your smooth skin. Looking straight ahead you say nothing, not wanting to give in too easily. “Huh. You don’t hear me speaking to you?’ he asked as he reached over, unbuckling your shorts that you had on along with your panties. 
“It’s fine if you don’t want to talk, I'll get something out of you one way or another.” Using his hands he moves your body towards his seat to where the back of your head is now  facing the window and you're sitting sideways in your seat (a/n I really hope this makes sense since the reader is facing Jack instead of being across him.) 
With your bare core out Jack spreads your lips with his fingers before he closes his mouth around your clit, his tongue moving in a regular speed causing your head to tilt as you covered your mouth with your hands so no sound would escape from you. Jack saw this and moved his tongue against you faster as you used your other hand to grip his hair pulling him closer to you as your hips moved at their own pace meeting Jack’s pace with his tongue. 
The need you had to moan was unbearable. Your body felt hot as you could hear your boyfriend’s tongue move against you which caused you to get even more turned on as you felt your body start to shake. Two fingers enter you as you meet Jacks eyes as plunges his fingers in and out of your before his takes your cliit in his mouth again feeling you come undone against him as you gasped for air. 
He didn’t care though not even when you tried to pull him away from you he kept going. “Jack stop, baby i’m done!” you said as you felt him licking up the creamy substance that had escaped you. “You done fighting with me y/n?” He asked his head now laying on your stomach ,you nod still trying to catch your breath. “C'mere and sit on my lap pretty.” He commanded, pulling his seat all the way back unbuckling his pants and pulling his cock out of his boxers. 
Reaching over you put both legs on the side of him straddling him as you guide the head of his cock into your entrance. You both sigh as you ease him inside of you, missing him inside of you. Grabbing your hips Jack moves you along his cock make you take all of him and when you got all the way inside of you he threw his head back with his eyes closed shut. 
“C'mon give it to me Jack” you pleaded as you moved your hips toward his thighs starting to burn a little bit. “Fuck this pussy is way to fucking good to me pretty.” he groaned as he started to move his hips from under you. Wrapping your arms around his shoulders you attach your lips to his neck as you feel him starting to twitch inside of you. 
“Your going to make me cum so hard baby fuck” he exclaimed when he felt you cleching around him as you were appraoching your second orgasm. “Cum inside of me, fill me up with all of your cum” you said as you started to cum squeezing your eyes closed until you saw white feeling Jack fill you up with his cum as you tried to to control your breathing. 
Jack rubs your back and gives you a soft kiss on your forehead. “Next, time we’ll go on a trip with just the two of us, I just wanted to be able to please everyone at the same time, next time I got you though, maybe we’ll actually go on a disney cruise this time” Hitting his chest you laugh as he places a kiss across your cheek.
Jack's phone started to ring in the cup holder that it was in. Picking it up you hand it to him as you wait for him to answer. “What’s up Urban?” Jack said as he put the phone on speaker. “Why the hell are you guys still in the car hurrying so we can all go to the lake.” He said irritated before hanging up. 
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madwomansapologist · 1 year
Hi. Can you write a smut scene between the female reader and my favorite Disney character, Captain Hook from Disney’s Peter Pan 1953 original film that starts with love at first sight please? I have a serious fangirl crush on him.
hooked by you | captain hook
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Masterlist | Rules | Taglist | Library | More Captain Hook | AO3
synopsis: It happened. It finally happened. Hook defeated Peter Pan. He saw the silhouette flying above the clouds, readied the modified harpoon that fired a net, and finally managed to catch him! Little did he knew it wasn't Peter Pan.
warnings: DarlingSister!reader. female!reader. porn with plot. love at first sight. mention of erotic literature. that man is possessive. guns. chats about murder.
note: Thanks for your request, darling! I watched it again to write this, and I've just realized it's been almost eight years since I last saw Peter Pan. It was fun. And you made me realize I don't have normal pure thoughts about Hook. Like if I needed another character to be obsessed with. Hope you like it!
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After so much screaming and arguing, George and Mary finally left the house. You waved, wished them a good night, and locked the front door. What a mess. All that fuss because of a character from a bedtime story.
You went upstairs and opened the door to your sibilings' room, but the three of them were already asleep. You knew that Wendy didn't want to leave the children's room, you thought that if you talked to her that fear could be eased, but she was already sighing. Maybe tomorrow.
You entered your room and changed into your pearly nightgown. You saw your parents entering a cabriole from the wide window. When they disappeared, you ran into the backyard and released Nana from the leash.
Tomorrow you'll sort it out with your dad. George can be furious, your mom word it as passionate, but deep down he's the most caring father you could wish for. George is always barking, never biting.
And your night would have ended there if you hadn't looked up. You should have seen a starry night. A full moon. But you saw your brothers. Flying.
That's it. You went crazy. Mad. Lunatic.
"Peter, wait!" Michael cry out. "You forgot one sister!"
"Michael?" You shuddered. Insane. Completely insane. "Michael, is that you?"
"Wait a second!" Michael waved the teddy bear at you and disappeared into the sky. After a infinite second, he appeared with something glowing in his hand and flew towards you. "Think happy thoughts," he instructed you.
Then a glittering dust fell on you. You coughed and tried to clear yourself. Crazy. Completely crazy. When you looked down, you saw the ground. Which would be normal. If it wasn't too far away.
Michael took your hand. "I told you Peter Pan existed!"
"Oh. My God." You shouted. "Oh. My God." You were flying! Flying. No. No, you weren't. You closed your eyes, took a deep breath, and emptied your mind. When you opened your eyes, you saw the Big Ben. From above. "Oh. My. God."
"Don't be scared." Michael gave you two pats on the back. The same you do when he wakes up from a nightmare. He gave you his teddy bear. You hold onto it like it would protect you from anything. "We are going to Neverland!"
Then Michael flew again. You got to see John and Wendy flying up ahead, along with who could only be Peter Pan. You tried to follow them, but flying was a lot harder than the three of them made it out to be.
It was just a really realistic dream. Just that. A good dream about flying with your siblings.
Hugging the teddy bear, you slowly followed them. You passed chimneys, climbed through clouds, stood over the hands of Big Ben: always a few minutes late in comparison to them. But in the end, even with a lot of fear, you did follow them towards the Second Star to the Right.
Seeing Neverland, you felt butterflies in your stomach. It wasn't madness, it wasn't a dream, it was true. When the four stopped on a cloud, you thought you finally caught up with them.
Then something hit you.
It got tangled up in your body, heavy enough to make you fall. A net pulling you into the sea. You tried to fly, you tried to let go, but the more you moved the more you got tangled up in it.
The net was heavy, pulling you down, but it wasn't a sudden fall. You just couldn't go up. Which didn't mean it was comfortable. Yards and yards of fabric tangled up on you, just weighing you down.
A whirlwind of voices showed you that people were approaching, but you couldn't see anything. You just felt the impact against what must have been the ground. It didn't hurt, but it felt weird to stop flying.
"Finally, Mr. Smee, I will take care of my worthy opponent." You heard a rough, deep voice. People laughed at what he said. "I've waited years for it."
"That's not countin' the holidays, either", Mr. Smee complete. "Aye, there is the knife, Captain."
You tried to let go but only heard a deep chuckle. "Don't be a coward, my old enemy, face your fate." You heard the ripping of ropes. The weight on you began to lift. "Hook defeated you."
The knot holding the hammock came undone, and only then did you realize how much you needed to breathe without pounds of rope over your face. You blinked, the sun blinded you, and the black silhouette in front of you took on color.
And he was beautiful. You've read stories about pirates. Beautiful and funny stories like the ones Wendy shares with her brothers. But also about strong men, who know their ships like the back of their hands, who survive the ravages of the sea and vanquish the mightiest heroes. And you've also read about pirates who knew how to please a woman, dishonest men who kneel in front of their beloved, experienced men doing things girls shouldn't even know exist.
Hook reminded you of the latter type. "Disappointed?", you whispered. After all, it was just a dream.
Hook was frozen in place. Ready to slit Peter's throat and deliver him an honorable death, what was caught in his net was something far different than his little imp.
His heart was pounding so loudly that he almost didn't hear the question asked by the lady in front of him. Disappointed? How could he? You were more beautiful than any mermaid, more graceful than any woman he had ever seen, more delicate than any pearl. Wars would be fought in your honor and that would be the least any man with sense could do.
But his sailors are not known for being sensible.
"Of course we are!" One of them thought he had the right to talk to you. As if it wasn't already a miracle that he could see someone like you. "Where's Peter?"
Then Hook moved. He took the revolver out of his jacket and, without even looking in the direction he was aiming, pulled the trigger. The sailor fell overboard.
"Forgive me", Hook extends his hand to you. "My men don't know how to treat a lady."
You hesitated but accepted the touch. Hook set you on your feet again, more gently than you thought a pirate could display. "Apparently you kidnapped me."
"Aye, this is just a misunderstanding. See, I thought you were Peter Pan. It's not every day you see someone different flying over my ship."
"So... can I leave?" Your feet left the ground. Looks like you were already getting used to this flying thing. "And nothing will happen to me?"
Hook ran his fingers through his hat, a polite smile spreading across his face. "I would never dream of hurting you." Hook gestured toward his office. "May I apologize for the misunderstanding?"
"Drinks and conversation." Hook ran his fingers over his face. Good thing Mr. Smee shaved. It would be a horror if the love of his life met him in something other than his best version. "A proper apology."
You wouldn't normally accept such a request. To be alone with an unknown and dangerous man. Drinking with a man! But that was just a dream.
In his room, you floated around looking at the different shelves and finds. A pirate ship! It has so many treasures. "If you had captured Peter, would you have killed him?"
Your question took him by surprise. "That doesn't strike me as a conversation of lady interest."
As you turned, you saw Hook swapping the silver hook for a gold one. You smirked. "I showed interest, didn't I?"
Bossy. Ah, Hook knew you were his soulmate for sure. "I would have. Does that bother you?"
"No." You floated toward him, and sat down on the chair across from the table. Hook poured two glasses of some drink. You took the glass and thanked him, but didn't drink. "After all, this it's nothing but a dream."
"Dream?” Hook chuckled, downing his drink and sitting back in his armchair. “What convinces you of that?”
"I was at home, ready for bed, and suddenly I was flying to Neverland." You shrugged. "Clearly a dream."
Hook understood what was happening. Peter seems to have been confused. You are not a lost child. He never was careful. "I can prove this is not a dream."
Hook rose, slowly circling the table. In front of her, he leaned on the wood. "Aren't you going to drink?"
Only then did you remember the glass in your hands. You took a sip, a grimace came over your face. "Strong", you coughed.
"Here's the proof." Hook touched your chin, making you lift your head and look. Only he did it with the golden hook. "Ever felt something like that in a dream?"
You swallowed hard. "No."
"So that means you're alone with the most dangerous pirate on the seven seas, the person who wouldn't have thought twice about slicing someone's throat out, completely helpless." Hook leaned in until he could feel your breath against his face. "Does that bother you?"
"You don't seem interested in ripping my throat out."
He gave you time to walk away. To fly in the direction you wanted. To leave him without saying a single word. Hook gave you time, but you let him kiss you.
He tasted like the rum you ignored. The hook left your chin and slid down to your waist, pulling you toward him. You leaned into his chest, kissing him back. It was so wrong, so unlike anything you would ever do, but it also felt so good.
You pulled away for air, and felt his fingers caressing your cheek. When you opened your eyes, you saw that Hook was smiling. "Do you know how to be silent?" You nodded in agreement. "Excellent."
He lifted you from the chair, and in one swift movement sat you down on the table. Hook was strong. Too strong. He pressed his thumb to your lip, watching you with lust. "You were made for me."
Before you could say anything, Hook knelt. You've read about it in books, but you could never imagine it would be such a satisfying sight. A man so strong, so dangerous, brought to his knees by you.
Hook didn't even bother to remove your nightgown. He just stuck his head between the fabric, desperate to satisfy you. To make you feel the same way he felt about you. To make you scream for him and make everyone understand that you belonged with him.
And so you did. Feeling him delight in your curves, his tongue brushing against your lips, his fingers pressing into your clit. You tried to be silent as he asked, but after a while you stopped worrying about it.
"You..." You didn't even knew what you wanted to say. You just wanted to feel more. To feel completed. To feel more and more of him. "I think I had dreams like that before."
You felt him gasp against your sex. Hook rose, his damp face close to yours, and you felt your face burn. "Haven't I convinced you this isn't a dream yet?"
His fingers explored your lips again, applying just the right pressure. You moaned against his lips, Hook squeezed his eyes shut. "What else do I have to do to convince you?"
You smiled. "I think you know what you need to do."
He bit your lip. "As you wish."
His fingers entered you. Slowly, carefully, but no less willingly. He filled you, long fingers repeatedly penetrating your insides, and you were unable to do anything but hold on to his shoulders and allow him to do whatever he wanted to you.
The sound of your wet pussy was almost embarrassing. "You're mine", Hook whispered against your ear.
"As you wish."
He quickened his movements, fucking you with a devotion no one has ever shown you. So close, so glued to your body, Hook has guided you to orgasm. You shuddered against his fingers, your fingernails scratched his perfectly groomed jacket, your moans were uncontrollable.
"Do you still think I'm part of a dream?” Hook trailed kisses from your throat to your jaw. “Has anything this good ever happened in your dreams?'
You shook your head. It was as close to an answer you were able to give him. It was enough for him. Hook is patient. He can wait.
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GENERAL TAGLIST: @suakemi @notanalienindisguiseblink
if you enjoyed, please reblog! i promise it makes a difference ♡
@ madwomansapologist.tumblr.
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xxblairexxss · 1 year
Hunt Game (Charles Leclerc x reader) (p.3)
Series contain stalking, harrasment, sexual violence.
Word count : 5.5k
The first encounter.
Chapter 3
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You had never gone this long without going out of the house. You couldn’t even look out the window when you loved spending time on the balcony. Ever since you got the text messages, you have been living in constant fear. Fear of being watched, being stared at, being followed—but for some reason, you didn’t really want to tell Charles because it could be some kind of sick joke because, whether you liked it or not, your life wasn’t as public as you wanted it to be now that you had become Charles’ fiancée.
Charles, on the other hand, knew something was wrong, but he didn’t know how to bring it up without you shutting him off over and over.
"Hey, Charles! What’s up?" 
So, he opted to reach out to Lizzy and Martha because if you didn’t tell him anything, you would have told either of them. "Hey, Lizzy. I hope I’m not disturbing you?”
"No, not at all. Did you have a fight with Y/N?” It was unusual because she knew Charles and you would never get into a big fight. Lizzy would have described the relationship as all glitter and sparkles, as cliche as it sounded, because she knew both of you were just made for each other. There were a few silly arguments that you had told her, but never one that went so bad that it needed a third person to settle it down.
"No. I just wanted to ask if Y/N has ever told you anything recently. Anything odd?" He brought the phone away, being extra vigilant about every sound since he didn’t want you to find out about the call.
"No? As far as I remember, there wasn’t anything bizarre. Did something happen?"
"I’ll call you back. Thank you, Lizzy.” The call ended right away when he saw you walk out of the room all the way to him for a hug. "Hi, baby."
"Who are you talking to? You had heard him talking on the phone, but the call happened to end right when you were about to bother him, so you couldn’t catch what the conversation was about.
Charles rested his chin on the crown of your head, hands stroking on your back. "It was no one, baby. Do you want to go on a walk around town?"
"No, thank you. I just want to stay at home.”
"You don’t want to keep me accompany? I’m all alone." He smiled, seeing the way the ends of your lips lifted up as you touched his cheek. "What if someone hits on me?"
"Well, I’m sure my fiancé is a very loyal guy.”Charles didn’t say anything, but you knew that looked very well. It was the same look he had when he caught you trying to hide your plan to celebrate his birthday. The look that told you he knew you were keeping something from him. "It’s nothing, love. I just don’t feel like going out."
"Sure, then."
He was vexed; you saw it from the way he clenched his teeth, but Charles, being Charles, would never push you to talk if you didn’t want to. You felt bad because it felt like he was beating himself for not being able to do anything. He was ignoring you on his way out after grabbing his stuff, and you tugged on his sleeve when he was about to turn the door knob. "Can you wait for me while I go change?"
"You don’t have to join me if you don’t want, baby. It’s fine."
"No, wait for me. I’ll be quick. 5 minutes!" You left his side and quickly changed into proper clothes, at least without your Disney Princess-printed pyjamas.
Charles pinched on your cheek as you walked out in your matching pair of sweatshirts in brown, looking much more put-together. "I like you more in your mismatched socks."
"Shut up!" He laughed as you punched him in the chest. "Everyone’s going to make fun of me if I come out looking like that."
"No one’s going to look at you except me, baby. He followed behind, locking the door on his way out. "And so what if you come out looking like that? People are free to wear whatever they want.”
"Okay, sir. Don’t think too deeply about this.” You chuckled, seeing the way he was so serious about it as both of you walked past the emergency door. Charles felt the way you grabbed his hand, clutching it so tight, but didn’t say anything.
Your grasp on him stayed throughout the time, and he just thought it made you look much more adorable clinging to him the whole time. Contradictory to the last time you walked on your own, you had a very fun, chill time with him. He kept on pulling a joke, poking fun, and it erased all those scary incidents you had a few days ago.
"Baby, what do you call a small mother?” He was already in a fit of laughter before you could come up with an answer.
"Stop laughing! I’m trying to think!” He was stumbling and still laughing, which cracked you up as well. "I don’t know. What is it?"
"A minimum." He was expecting you to throw your head back, but you were too stunned to even react. "What? It’s funny!"
"You are so lame! How is that funny?” He looked offended which made you felt bad for not giving him the reaction he was anticipating, but you ended up laughing as he looked so cute, pretending to be hurt from being called dull.
"It’s funny, okay? It’s my kind of joke."
"Baby, wanna join me?"
"No." You stuck out your tongue, and he tugged on your hand, pulling you back towards his body, where he had nothing but a short pant with a towel draped along his broad shoulders. "They are interviewing Margot Robbie in 1 minute! I need to catch it live."
"Are you seriously choosing that over taking a shower with me?"
"Yes! Let go! I can’t miss it.” He rolled his eyes and smiled at the way you ran out to the living room, hurriedly turned on the television and folded your legs, feeling giddy from the intro alone.
10 minutes into the interview, your phone wouldn’t stop ringing. The text tones rang within every second, pulling your attention away. Lizzy must be getting into another fight with his boyfriend again because the only time your phone would go off this bad was when she got her boyfriend forgot to close the toilet lid or Martha complained about her life as a mom.
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Your blood ran cold. It was a picture of you and Charles walking out of your apartment. He was there. He was actually there, but you were too abstracted and unaware of your surroundings whenever you were with Charles. Deciding to ignore the text again, you put the phone away and try to take your mind off it when the text tones turned into an upcoming call. The number on the screen was the same one as the one who had been texting you this whole time. It rang, your phone vibrated for a minute, and it turned back to a black screen. Then it rang again and again, this time without any gap in between each call. You eventually picked it up, hoping it would stop, but you regretted it almost immediately.
"Stop calling me!"
The other end of the line was silence. You would have expected them to go off judging on how urgent the phone calls came in, but all you heard was the sound of someone breathing.
"Who are you? What do you want from me?"
"Please stop calling me."
"I miss you.” They spoke in a low voice, sending chills running up and down your spine. You were about to end the call when they started to sob. "I can’t go on a day without seeing you. Please open the door."
Then came a knock. It wasn’t a loud one full of urgency. It was a soft, gentle one, but eventually turned into an aggressive one; the door handles moved up and down in a forceful way, making you tremble as you stepped away.
"Open the fucking door, Y/N.” They whispered and you heard them started laughing through the call, and the knocking stopped.
When Charles walked to the living room, he saw you leaning against the wall. He heard the sound of something dropped hard from the living room which he assumed was the sound from your phone which was facing down on the floor as he saw you in the state. His brows knitted when you came running and threw yourself against him, making him stumble back before hugging you back. "I’m scared. Please tell them to stop. You need to help me, honey.”
"Woah, slow down, baby.” He cradled your head against his chest while trying to catch you blathering against him shirt. "What’s going on?"
"Someone —" The knock on the door came again, and it made you shudder with horror. Charles was quick on his step to open it, but you pulled him back, shaking your head persistently. "Don’t open the door."
"Why?" The knock came again.
"No, please, don’t open the door.” Charles looked back as the sound of knocking came again. "Please, please, don’t open it!"
"Okay, okay! I won’t."
"I don’t feel safe.” You muttered. For once, the home you had been living in for years—the home that had been the witness to the growth of your relationship with Charles—became frigid, cold, and unfriendly. "I don’t feel safe, Charles."
"I don’t know what they want." You felt tears well up in your eyes as Charles cupped on your cheeks.
"Who are you talking about? 
"I don’t know.” Your words became a mumble when you clung on to him, too tired to talk about it even more. It was tiring because you badly needed him to make it stop. You knew he would be someone who could put it to an end, but how would you be able to get him to help you when you didn’t even know where to start? You were only able to say, "I don’t know," because that was all you knew. How do you explain to him that you had been living with a constant feeling of being watched, and it all happened all of a sudden? You were doing fine, living in your colourful bubble of life last week, and then it all went down the graph without notice.
It was exasperating as well, because you didn’t even know what they wanted. whether it was something serious or if it was all just a sick prank. You did get a number of messages from Charles’ followers at one point in your life where they said some nasty stuff, but it eventually stopped without you having to tell your fiancé about it. It made you think that maybe this could be one of them as well,
that maybe it will stop.
So the calls and messages remained as your surreptitious secret.
Charles wanted to push further because none of the words you said made sense. He had never seen anyone. He didn’t know why you went frantic over a knock when it wasn’t anything new. The delivery man would always leave a knock or two to confirm that they left the packages in front of the door because pressing a bell would cause too much fuss, especially if there were plenty of packages being delivered at different times.
Later on the day, when you were trying to distract your mind by working on a puzzle piece in the room, he went to get your phone that was left and forgotten. He didn’t turn it on, though you wouldn’t mind it. Just like how you were free to check on his phone. He didn’t feel the need to check on it at the moment, so he put it aside. He even went to open the main door, and just as he expected, there were plenty of packages placed outside, meaning the knock from earlier had to be from the delivery man.
Were you losing it? What was going on? But he didn’t tell you. He didn’t say anything about the knock or the packages because, though he hadn’t seen anything absurd, he knew something was bothering you.
It felt like breathing fresh air from your hotel room.
You badly needed this change of scenery. While Charles needed to be in the paddock early in the morning, you chose to stay behind and spend some time alone. Just like any other race week, you would bring your journal book and go to a random cafe that Google suggested. It wasn’t anything new, and Charles knew that too.
He perceived it probably had something to do with you being in a different country, but he was glad that you were still sticking to what you loved to do, even after what happened last week. Not saying that it all had ended, though he wished it had, but at least you weren’t being anxious all the time.
"Have you brought your sticker set? 
You chuckled. "No, I don’t need them. I just wanted to write on the page, so I only need,” You picked up a few pens and highlighters from the table. "this!"
"Why not?" Charles put on his watch and walked towards you, hands placed on your waist.
"Because I feel like writing today.” His lips on your shoulder lines made you giggle.
"Call me if something happens, alright? Spam me with pictures and texts." He left more trails of kisses on your neck, making you laugh on purpose, as that was all he needed to hear before he left.
"I know! Go now or you’ll be late, honey.” You whined, pushing him towards the door. He should have been at the paddock by now but still taking his sweet little time. You could never get how he never felt anxious about being late.
"If I don’t pick up your call, then just —“
"Call Joris. I know! Good luck, honey!” You tiptoed and pecked his cheek before shooing him off. He would spend another 10 minutes lecturing and reminding you about the same thing over and over if you didn’t stop him.
"Here’s your double chocolate macadamia cookie."
You had been sitting at the cafe nearby your hotel, updating your journal and trying to draw a few random things you could think of when the waiter placed a plate of cookies on your table, one that you didn’t order. "Oh? I think you got the wrong table because —"
"I don’t think so. Someone paid and asked us to give it to you. Enjoy!"
You had been staring at the cookies since the minute the waiter walked away. Anything with macadamia had always been your favourite, but you weren’t sure if you should just take what was given to you. Even if it was given for free.
"That looks good.” You looked up from your table and saw a guy dressed up in a black jacket. He casually took the empty seat by your side and placed his sling bag on his side. The way he acted so relax made it seem as if you had made a plan to meet up with him beforehand. You were taken aback, and it was very obvious from your expression because he cocked his brow, waiting for you to say something.
“I—um," You kept on looking at his seat while trying to figure out the most acceptable words without coming off rude, but it seemed like he had gotten the idea off from your expression.
"Oh, is this seat taken? I’m not going to be long. You write?"
He looked at your journal, and you realised his iris moved and trailed the lines of words you had written, as if he was reading it so you subtly moved your hand across the page before closing it. No one has ever read anything in it except for Charles, and you certainly didn’t feel comfortable having a random stranger invaded not only your space but your privacy.
He realised you weren’t comfortable because, just like your fiancé, he had actually analysed your body movement for weeks, but it was his first time seeing you up close without the paddock barrier.
and without Charles.
"I write too.” He bent down and took out a green notebook with a striped marker pen, placing it on the table. "I thought you liked macadamia; why don’t you eat this?” He lightly pushed the plate of cookies and you looked away, feeling painfully unbearable from his way of approach.
You didn’t reply, and you hoped he would leave you alone, but he stayed, eyes glued on you, as if he wanted you to know he was looking at you and wasn’t gonna back down though you had been ignoring him. You saw he tried to come up with another topic as he straightened his back, but before he could say anything, your phone rang.
"Hi, baby. Where are you?” Charles’ voice came on the other line.
"I am at a cafe near the hotel.” Your voice almost came out as a whisper.
"I got a few hours of break before P2. You want me to come pick you up?"
You wanted to stay longer, but not when there was a stranger who happened to sit at your table, staring at you with his fist clenched, as if he were ready to throw a punch at someone, so you said yes, though you didn’t actually want to bug him.
"Are you leaving?” He asked when you took your pens, which were scattered on the table. "Stay with me."
"Leave me alone!" You winced when he suddenly grabbed on your wrist.
"What is wrong with you?!” He had a wrathful voice, the same one you heard on the phone last week. You should have trusted your gut. Right after he sat by your side, you smelled a very distinctive smell, the same one from the elevator incident, but you tried to play it cool because you might be exaggerating to think that there was only one person in the room with the scent, but it was all connected when he raised his voice as he pulled you back on your seat.
"Let me go, or I’ll scream.” You went back, and he let go right away, but you didn’t miss the disgruntled look. It was the look that made you feel like he was capable of doing something more.
Charles brought you back to the paddock where you stayed in Ferrari’s hospitality, away in a place where no one could come in except if you were part of the invited guests or you worked for the team. You felt much safer in here, wishing for the rest of the week to pass by without any other scary encounters, but little did you know, there were a few pictures taken by someone when the man sat by your side.
Someone he had asked for help and came prepared with a camera.
Like always, you would always arrive at the paddock with Charles early, as he had a busy day ahead with the media before the actual race. While your fiancé got caught up in his schedules, you had been spending time with Kika at the restaurant. She was Pierre’s girlfriend, and you had met her earlier this year when they both started dating. Though she wasn’t someone whom you would meet at least once a week, both of you would always be together every race week.
"I met a creepy guy last Friday.” You gave in. You wanted to keep it hidden and sealed in your little box and get it buried under the sand until it eventually faded away, but it was hard because until you shared it with someone else, it would keep on lingering in your head.
"Who?!" Kika’s eyes widened.
"I don’t know. I don’t want to assume things, but I felt like he was the same guy who had been following me back in Monaco.” You replied while tracing your fingers on your wrist, recalling the grip he had on you.
"Did Charles know?"
You looked at her perturbed face and bit your lips. That was enough of an answer for her, because she looked at you with incredulity. "I don’t want him to be worried about me."
"You are his fiancée. He’s always going to be worried about you, even when you tell him nothing.”
You heaved a sigh. "It’s okay. It will probably stop soon."
"What if it doesn’t?"
"It will." You reassured her. No, it was more like you tried to remove your own doubts that it would get better soon.
If only you knew what he had planned for you, you wouldn’t actually wait a second to tell Charles about this.
When the whole catching up session came to an end, you were walking back to Ferrari’s hospitality when someone yanked on your arm and forced you to follow them somewhere secluded. 
The small, narrow area in between the buildings.
"Scream then. I would love to hear you scream my name. Stay still!”
You squirmed in his grip, brows knitted together, trying to perceive his words. You didn’t have to get a clue from his scent now that you recognised his face. His deep brown eyes bore into yours, one that sent chills to your body even if you only caught a glance from it. The deep smile lines that developed around his cheeks when he smiled at you, the kind of smile that made you shiver. The way he looked at you was the same way as a lion salivating over a deer. You felt naked. He traced his tongue across your neck and you felt disgusted. He was so close, glued on your body that you could feel the way his chest rise within every breath he took and he was so, so calm.
Before you could do anything, he pushed you aside and walked away, mixing in with the rest of the strangers.
"See you in a few hours, baby. Wish me luck?”Charles gave a cheery smile and engulfed you in a hug.
You wrapped your arms around his neck as he kissed you on the cheek. You had only seen him for a few minutes when he occasionally dropped by to pay you a visit in between his rests, and you were thankful because it was so short that you weren’t having a hard time trying to hide your shaken state, therefore it wouldn’t distract him from the race that was less than two hours away. "Good luck, honey. Come back to me in one piece. Promise?"
"Promise." He locked his pinky with yours and brushed his lips on your finger before leaving the room. "I love you."
Unknowingly, his phone had received two pictures from an anonymous number as soon as he handed his stuff to Andrea. One that would cost him the race if the text came a minute earlier.
When the race ended, Charles was required to change into a much more comfortable outfit before the post-race press conference, and that was when he finally checked his phone. As soon as he saw the pictures, he felt paralysed. It was a picture of you with another man, seeming to be holding hands at a cafe, while the second one was a picture of you hugging the man, which seemed to take place before the race as you were wearing the same clothes. There weren’t any other texts that came along. No other clarification. It was just a clean snap and sent.
"Oh? Have you done with the press conference?" You looked up as he walked in, assuming that the scheduled plan ended earlier or it was postponed.
"Would you mind explaining this?" He handed you his phone, and the prominent cheek apple on your face vanished right away.
"Where did you get this?"
"Oh, so that’s much more important? The first thing you could think of was not what happened, not to clarify who the man was, but where I got it from." He was in such utter disbelief that he couldn’t form any other words and just let out a chuckle. "If you need time to come up with an explanation, then I’m giving you time.” He stormed out, leaving you unnerved.
After the press conference, he walked back into his room to take his stuff, and you sat there, feeling invisible because not only did he not say anything to you, he didn’t even spare you a glance.
You were on a call with your parent with no earphones or AirPods in. Though he wasn’t in the camera as he walked in, your mom saw it when you looked up from your iPad, your head moving left and right as if you were looking at someone behind the camera.
"Is Charles back, honey?” She asked.
“N — not yet, mom.” You glanced at him as he put his phone charger into a small bag and a few other things on the table while playing deaf.
"I haven’t talked to him for a while. Is he doing fine?"
"He is doing fine..” He then walked pass your side and left. There was no trace of him in the driver’s room anymore. All there was left was your stuff. Your hair clip, your phone, your jacket, and your handbag. Everything that belongs to you that you have yet to pack.
Since you had lied to your mom that Charles wasn’t finished with the press conference, she went on to talk about a different topic, seemingly to think that you were in no urgency to end the call while you, on the other hand, were so sure that Charles would have been at the hotel already. The only thing that stopped her from continuing her next topic was when you told him you were running out of battery.
"Bye, mom. I’ll get back to you later. Take care of yourself!”
"You too, darling.”
You pressed the end call button and made haste to gather your stuff right away, putting them all in your cute tote bag while your lipstick, lipgloss, and any small makeup products were in your small handbag. You had always been someone who could never do anything in a rush, and Charles was probably resting in the hotel room by now, so you didn’t see any point in chasing the time because you still needed to grab a cab.
That was what you thought until you opened the door and saw Charles standing outside, playing with his phone while he was leaning against the wall. He put his phone away when he saw you in the corner of his eyes and took a step closer to take the stuff you had in your hand.
"I thought you left..." You mumbled.
"I’m upset, but you are still my responsibility. I’m not leaving you here all alone.” Charles replied, yet it felt so distant. It was dry and monotone, which was enough to tell you that he wasn’t done yet with the issue. "Stay here." Just as he thought, you would always leave something behind no matter how many times you checked, so he always had to go into it again, regardless of how bothered he was. And there he saw, your hair clip on the couch and slipped it into his small bag before walking out, leaving you to chase after him.
"Did I leave anything?" 
"No, you didn’t.” He couldn’t help but to grin a little when he saw your slight smile, feeling a little proud that you weren’t being careless this time without his help.
As if the steaming hot water could wash away those burning feelings on your skin, you spent what felt like hours in the bathroom scrubbing every part of it without realising that it was reddened and irritated until you looked at yourself in the mirror. You felt strong emotions towards resentment then you were afraid of him. It felt like you allowed him to have the upper hand for being too weak, and baulked at yourself for making it worse now that it entangled with your relationship with Charles.
When you were done with the last step of your skincare, you walked out of the bathroom to see that your phone and iPad were all connected to the charger. Charles must have checked them while you were in the shower, though he hasn’t been talking to you.
He was well dressed, standing in front of the mirror, and combed his fingers in between the curls of his hair while you remained seated on the bed, hugging your legs against your body.
"I don’t want to go." You muttered, breaking the cold air in the room.
He remained still, eyes still locked on his reflection, while you waited for his reply, which didn’t come.
You scooted a little further on the bed and tugged yourself under the cover. You didn’t have to look back to know he was already gone to the post-race party when you heard the door close. That was when the tears you had been holding in the whole day came rushing all at once, and you didn’t have to hold back every sob now that you were left alone.
"Charles!" Pierre arrived at the lobby to see his friend alone, sitting in one of the fancy armchairs, with arms resting on his legs as he played with his phone. "Where’s Y/N?"
"She’s in the room.” Charles’ reply was short and stiff.
"Okay…? I smell a fight.” He replied, joining him. "Was this about the creepy man?"
Charles’ fingers stopped scrolling on his Instagram feed as he looked up at the other guy. "What creepy man are you talking about?"
Pierre’s mouth formed an ‘o’ when he got the slightest idea of what was the issue here just from the question. "She didn’t tell you?"
"She told me nothing, dude. Literally nothing. She probably think I was incapable of helping her.” He pressed his tongue against the inside of his cheek.
"Kika told me Y/N felt like someone had been following her. It could be the same guy she encountered back in Monaco.” Pierre grasped his friend’s shoulder, giving it a squeeze. "I don’t think she’s not telling you had anything to with your incapability. She probably thought it was a right thing to do and wanted to figure it out on her own.”
If Pierre had the ability to see what was in Charles’ mind at the moment, he would have seen those lines from dots to dots of him trying to think of any correlation from what Pierre had told him with the way you were acting last week and the pictures he got from an anonymous number.
It couldn’t be from the same guy, right?
"Oh, there’s Kika. Wanna tag along?” Pierre stood up as his girlfriend joined the group.
"Oh, I’m not going to the party, actually.” Charles gave a smile and shook his head, declining the offer.
"Then what are you even doing here?”
"I’m waiting for my food delivery. Y/N hasn’t eaten anything.” He turned his phone back on and clicked on the food delivery apps to check the estimated time of arrival.
"What?" Pierre stared at his friend in disbelief. "You are waiting for your food delivery looking like that? Like, I get it, you are the Charles Leclerc, but you kind of went overboard. Just join us, dude."
He rolled his eyes and straightened his white shirt. He was indeed dressing up as if he were ready to get drunk, but you only told him you weren’t going at the very last minute, so his actual purpose of leaving the room was to order your favourite food and wait for it to be delivered down at the lobby. "I’m not going if Y/N’s not going. You know that. You two have fun."
The sound of the door unlocked made you flinch in your bed. Charles walked in with a few paper bags in his hand, and you sat up in surprise, seeing him coming back only after an hour. He took off his watch, placing it back where it was before he left the room. "I thought you were asleep.” He blurted while rolling up his white shirt sleeves up to his elbows.
"You are not going to the party?” Your voice was small, a little quivering as you tried to hide your sobs.
"No.” He saw you wiped the tears from your cheeks with the back of your hand, obviously lacking the courage to react or act on your true self in front of him after the disagreement. The tear-stained cheeks looked more obvious now that he sat down in front of you. Though it had only been a few hours since the argument, he felt like he hadn’t seen your beautiful face since forever. You felt his eyes on you as you sat up, giving him a tiny smile that you could master after you patted on your damp cheeks. The smile that gave his heart an ache, making him feel bad for blowing up on you like that. "Come here, baby."
When he pulled you in for a hug, you would have wished you hadn’t put on any skincare that night because another round of hot tears streamed down your face, and you squeezed your eyelids shut in the hope your tears would stop while you clung to him.
"I’m sorry." You wept in his arms, choking up on your tears.
"It’s okay, baby. It’s okay." He ran his arms up and down your back as you cried in his arms for as long as you wanted, until your sobs ultimately subsided. "We are not talking about it tonight, okay? I know you don’t feel like telling me yet. It’s fine. And I don’t need you to cry again because,” He rested his hand on your chin. “your eyes are puffy enough.” He chuckled along with you before standing up to get the paper bags. “Let me show you what I got for dinner.”
You gasped at the huge amount of selection as he bought out one after another. The paper bag didn’t seem heavy as he walked in with it, so you weren’t expecting the table to be full of food. It could feast a group of people. "How did you get this? They don’t do delivery?”
"It wasn’t that hard.” He replied, taking the cutleries from the paper bag and handed a pair of fork and spoon to you. It was actually hard. He called the restaurant and he was denied at first. He had to arrange someone who could drive 40 minutes all the way to the restaurants and prepared a list of order on the side so it would be easier. Not to mention that he had to change the order a few times as some of them were not available. It was a whole workout he had down at the lobby.
Charles’s coming back to the hotel wasn’t in his plan. He had been standing near your room, thinking of a way to get you out of the room without looking suspicious on the surveillance camera, but the driver had to come back and ruin everything for him. It didn’t seem like the pictures he sent were enough to cause a storm in the relationship but that should be fine. He had a lot of things planned.
✧.* general tag list! @i83andrew @cltrlne @karmabyfernando @ohthemisssery @ru-kru @tastebaldwin @f1obessed @love4lando @shinrjj @ietss @leclerc13 @darleneslane @buckybarnessweetheart @xcinnamongirl @boiohboii @formula1mount @judespoision @alwaysclassyeagle @scenesofobx @mrsmaybank13 @vildetry06
If your usernames were crossed, meaning I can’t tag you! Let me know if you would like to be removed or to be added to the tag list! Or if I missed anyone!
303 notes · View notes
lamnwar · 7 months
Hello! Very specific request. I have a job at a Themepark, basically I work as a Disney princess there (aurora). Its for children to sort of meet their Disney role models, favorite prince/princess. I read them stories, take pictures with them, etc. Could you sort of do a headcanon-esque scenario of how the gom will react to a partner with such a job? Maybe how some of them will be mildly jealous of the assigned prince? This was so embarrasing to type out omg if your uncomfortable with any part of the request/dont wanna do this lmk! No pressure, whatsoever. Love you, stay safe!
Hiiii thanks for the request! 💕 It was such a fun one to write and omggg you gotta be extra pretty to be working as a irl disney princess 😭
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SHE'S A PRINCESS // KNB Headcanons
Context: in which you work as a theme park princess and your boyfriend feels some type of way about it
Pairing: GOM x gn! Reader (gender not specified
Warning: fluff, nothing too serious, slightly suggestive but safe for all audiences!
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I don't think Akashi really went to theme parks as a kid so he's probably a bit surprised to know that playing a princess there is an actual job
Literally stunned the first time he sees you in costume like, his girl is just so pretty!!!
Would come on regular visit just to see you because my man is obsessed with how gorgeous you are and how well you play the role
The way you show so much grace and you are so nice to all the people that come to you
Would be the kind to take pictures of the public with you because he absolutely gets it, you are a princess
Talking of which, "princess" progressively becomes a new nickname he uses for you
He doesn't mind that you work with another guy as your assigned prince, but if dude tries to make a pass at you, he's as good as dead 💀
Smiles softly as he looks at children coming to you thinking you're the real character
And the way you're just so sweet with these kids aaaahh! my man just falls in love even more from seeing that
To Midorima, a job's a job, so he doesn't think much of it
He took some time before visiting you at the park and actually seeing you in costume
This DEFINITELY awakens something in him, trust me
Would obviously not admit to it but he really falls even more when he sees you in your princess get-up
He would occasionally visit you, but to make sure you're doing ok and is not too exhausted
He's such a meticulous guy that he'll sometimes help you out with your costume
Got a crease on your dress? he's on it already! Need someone to curl your hair at the back? he's your man
Not even surprised by the little kids who are convinced that you are a true princess, because you absolutely look the part
But sometimes these kids would get a bit sneaky and ask you if you really love the prince
It's hard to answer that question when you know that your boyfriend is nearby and he can hear you well
But you'll just look at Shintaro while you say "yes, I do love my prince" because thinking of him is the only way you can express genuine love
That guy could easily steal your job, let's be real
I mean he's just that pretty!! no offense to you but it's just the truth
When he comes and sees you at the park, you better believe people mistake him for a prince
And when they see the both of you together? Yeah, you might as well be a real royal couple
He's your best hype man too, goes around telling everyone that you have to be the best princess of the whole theme park
Doesn't mind the guy who works with you as your assigned prince, since he knows very well that he has nothing on Kise
I mean... he really can't compete
But he might a bit pouty when you play your role a bit too well, acting lovey-dovey with your prince for the public
He gets reassured when you come to him later and give him a kiss on the cheek
Not sure if it's allowed for you to break character like that, but it really doesn't matter if it's for Kise 🤭
Aomine kinda makes fun of your at first when you tell him that your job is to be a (fake) princess
But he's quick to shut his mouth the first time he sees you
Like... damn, that just unlocked a new kink
You're so damn beautiful he goes mad
Obsessed with princess! you
Has beef with a 6 yo once because that kid was looking at you for a bit too long for his taste
It's kinda funny because he's being ridiculous, but still
At first, very much against you having to work with another dude, especially when you have to play pretend a couple
But it doesn't last long because you told him once you're only his and it's enough to switch his mind
Now he brags to these kids that you're actually his
"See that gorgeous princess? Yeah she's in love with me"
"But what about the prince?"
"She loves me more than the prince"
A big PR disaster for the park, btw, but he couldn't care less
The most beautiful princess in the park is his, and he'll never lie about it
Very intrigued by that job of yours
What do you mean, you get paid to be a princess?
Honestly looking at him, you're confident he can book a job as a pretend royal
His physique is very prince-like, can't say that much about his personality
Comes to the park often so he gets to see you + eat nice snacks!!
Buys you food too when he's here, so you do not starve
Nods in agreement every time a kid points at you all impressed
"Yeah, she's indeed the prettiest"
Plays the game and tells people that you *are* a real princess
Weirdly enough, he gets hungry seeing you in costume
I mean that puffy pastel dress? Girl, you look like a pastry
Doesn't really like you working with a prince
He just doesn't get it! Like, what do you need a prince for? People like the princess more anyway
Even when you tell him it's part of the act, he's pouty about it
It's cute though, in its own way!
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just-prime · 1 year
Ahsoka is so slow I could cry. She was trained by Anakin and presumably Obi-wan and several other Jedi, and Rosario can hardly do an actual lightsaber twirl, let alone make me believe she could survive Ventress, Maul, Grievous, or Vader, survive order 66, or run in a way that looks fast. Bo-Katan moves faster, Shin moves faster, Sabine moves faster, Ezra moves faster, even Ewan's lazy twirls while walking around and not actively engaged in battle in the prequels were roughly as fast as Rosario's in an actual duel.
It's also canon that in this era, in a less prequels flashy version of standard Jedi abilities, a Jedi can leap SEVERAL feet. Luke in ROTJ- even GROGU can jump higher, while Rosario's feet are consistently glued to the ground. Her choreography and speed are so inconsistent with this established era and people keep writing it off and praising it as her fighting like a samurai now, even though it makes NO sense for her to, given who trained her. She isn't A New Hope Obi-wan, nor sad cave dwelling Obi-wan who hasn't stretched or lifted a weapon in a decade, and a 44 year old Jedi is still supposed to be in their prime.
I truly wonder if part of it is that they can't keep her lekku on properly if she does a flip, and they are shorter because they were meant to be more practical, but I'm really not seeing a character agile enough to need stunt modified lekku.
If they couldn't bring this to life in live action convincingly, it should have remained animated and each passing week demonstrates this more and more.
I'm sorry to anon into your inbox like this, but your post about the last episode has been so refreshing, and I've felt like I've been watching a completely different show than other people and don't know how they considered any of the actors ready. (Rosario has said she was training during filming). Thank you for your brutally honest take, you're spot on on all counts.
Couple of things.
A) I agree with everything you just said. Always feel free to come and rant into my asks.
B) I HAVE BEEN ANTI TINY LEKKU SINCE MANDO S2. It's laughable that we've seen cosplayers with more Rebels accurate headpieces. And of course everyone defends it with the 'it wouldn't be fair to the stunt person to have them try and do flips in that' and it's like NEWSFLASH Ahsoka isn't doing flips anyway!!! And sure, they probably stuck Rosario in a 5 week sword training class, but she's clearly not had to do any serious combat training given how clunky her fights are. And again, this was also a problem back in Mando s2, only she was in the middle of a foggy woods, so it was easier to hide the fact that she is incompetent when it comes to fight choreography.
C) "If they couldn't bring this to life in live action convincingly, it should have remained animated" Exactly. This is why every passing day I am increasingly pissed that this show killed and ate the animated Rebels sequel series that was in fucking development. Everything about this show, from Ahsoka, to Hera (hell, even TBoBF cameos like Cad Banes) prove that Disney is not willing to shell out for a decent makeup and/or CG designer. No shade to the artists that are currently working on it, they are doing their jobs to the best of their abilities. What I mean is they didn't have anyone on set that was in a high enough positions to say 'Hey, have any of you heard of contouring?' Like, just looking at the alien makeup of the OT...which somehow holds up better than state of the art Disney budget makeup. It's just fucking embarrassing at this point. There is no reason everyone should look as flat as they do, but it's no surprise that they do when mary elizabeth winstead is celebrating that her makeup only took an hour. Sure, it's understandable that you don't want to be sitting in the makeup chair every morning of hours on end, but in the end you are an actor who signed up to play an alien...Suck it up buttercup.
D) I totally understand how hard it is to be not liking this show right now. The amount of people who've told me that "well, clearly it's just not made for you" after I point out a simple fact that a character is out of character is painful. Looking at twitter after each episode as everyone seems to think Filoni is creating the second coming is painful. Because it really does feel like we're watching a different show than them.
Okay, I think I covered everything. Thank you again for your kind words and your wonderful rant!!!
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fanfictionalraven · 6 months
Piece by Piece Pt 6
Title: Piece By Piece Pt. 6
Summary: It’s date night for Dean and the reader.
Characters: Reader, Dean Winchester Sam Winchester, Original Characters
Word Count: 4,013
Warnings: Implied smut
Author’s Note: This story was originally posted by myself under the account Winchestersgirl92. It was published in 2017.
Read Piece by Piece Pt. 5 here.
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Between working at the hospital and being a single mother, you didn’t have a lot of time to be glamorous. Sure, you’d been on a few dates and even had a couple of serious relationships but they didn’t last long and your last date had been over a year and a half ago. You’d actually forgotten this dress was hanging in your closet until M.K. found it. It was a simple black dress that Lily had talked you into buying for a date you ended up cancelling at the last minute. You’d been meaning to return the dress but it slipped your mind.
“Momma, wait,” M.K. says, watching you closely. Your hand freezes. You’re leaning over the bathroom sink about to start your make-up for the night. You look over at your daughter, curious. You’re fresh out of the shower, your hair is still up in a towel and you’re only wearing your robe. You didn’t exactly have time to wait.
“What is it, M.K.?” You ask, trying to remain patient. She smiles at you sweetly.
“I don’t think you should wear a lot of make-up,” she tells you. You stand up straight now.
“No?” You ask. She smiles wider, showing off those dimples, and shakes her head.
“Daddy already thinks you’re beautiful,” she says. Your eyebrows raise in surprise.
“Did he tell you that?” You ask. She giggles and shakes her head. You nod slightly, looking back into your make-up bag. “Then how do you know?” You lean back into the mirror and she rolls her eyes.
“Because he’s got the prince look,” she says. You stop again and sigh, standing back up. You drop your powder back into the bag before lifting her up to sit on the edge of the counter.
“What’s the prince look?” You ask her. She smiles and shakes her head, like you’re asking her the silliest question she’s ever heard.
“In the Disney movies when the prince looks at the princess. Daddy looks at you like that,” she explains. You stare at her now, stunned. Clearing your throat, you look back at your make-up bag. Now that you think about it, Dean had never seen you with a lot of make-up. It didn’t matter that first night and it didn’t seem to matter now.
“Can I wear just a little bit?” You ask, looking back at your daughter. She laughs a little and nods her head.
“Just your eyes. You always make them look really pretty. And some lipstick,” she tells you. You smile widely and kiss her forehead before moving back to your make-up bag. You carefully apply your eyeliner and mascara. As you move to your lipstick, M.K. watches. “Are you nervous?”
“A little,” you admit, glancing at her. She reaches over and puts her hand on your arm, comfortingly.
“It’s just Daddy,” she says. You laugh lightly and nod.
“I guess it is. How should I do my hair?” You ask her as you pull the towel off your head.
“Like you did when we took those pictures,” she tells you. You nod again, knowing exactly what she means. Down and natural. Your phone starts to ring in the bedroom and you set M.K. down on her feet.
“Can you get that for me?” You ask. She nods and runs into the bedroom as you start to dry your damp hair out. She doesn’t come back in until you turn the blow dryer off and when she does, she has the phone to her ear.
“She’s gonna wear that black dress she bought when you went shopping together and I told her not to wear a lot of make-up cause Daddy thinks she’s beautiful and she’s going to wear her hair down like I like it,” she says into the receiver. You look over and can’t help but laugh. “It’s Aunt Lily,” she tells you. You nod and reach for the phone, tucking it between your shoulder and ear.
“Doesn’t sound like you need my help at all,” Lily says, laughing. You smile as you walk back into the bedroom.
“I know. I’ve got my own little live-in beauty consultant,” you tell her, winking at M.K. Lily laughs again. “Sweetie, I’ve gotta get dressed,” you say, nodding towards the door. M.K. nods and runs from the room, closing the door behind her. “Should I have listened to her?” You ask into the phone. You can almost hear Lily roll her eyes.
“That dress looks amazing on you. You’ve never needed to wear much make-up. And your hair always looks lovely down. She’s a smart kid,” she says. You smile to yourself and nod, slipping out of your robe.
“Okay. Thank you,” you say. You put the phone on speaker and toss it onto the bed.
“You sound nervous,” she observes. You roll your eyes now, starting to get dressed.
“You sound like M.K.,” you tell her. She laughs again and you sigh. “I’m scared to death, Lily. I knew him for one night when he was 19. What if he isn’t the same man?”
“He probably isn’t. Are you the same person you were that night?” She asks. You frown slightly as you slip into the black dress. She takes your silence as her answer and continues. “It’s just a date, Y/N. If it doesn’t work out, then at least you’ll have the answer you’ve spent the last 11 years looking for.” You sit on the edge of the bed and slip into the matching black heels.
“You’re right. Thank you, Lils,” you tell her, picking the phone back up.
“It’s what I’m here for. Now get down there before M.K. tries to break down the door,” she says. You laugh and tell her goodbye before hanging up. You take one last look in the full-length mirror on the back of your door and nod appreciatively. If you were being honest, M.K. did pretty good helping you out. You looked good.
You take a deep breath before going down the stairs. You hear laughter coming from the dining room and turn the corner. It grows quiet instantly. M.K. and Sam are sitting at the table, smiling over at you widely. Dean, in the suit he’d been wearing yesterday, is staring at you, his mouth hanging open. Apparently, you looked really good.
“Wow,” Dean says quietly. You look down, blushing now.
“Isn’t she pretty, Daddy? Like a princess,” M.K. says, smiling proudly. Dean glances at her and laughs lightly, nodding.
“Yea, she’s really pretty,” he says. You look up at M.K. now and she winks at you. You bite back a laugh then look at Dean to find he’s staring at you again.
“Ready?” You ask him. He blinks then nods and walks over, taking your hand in his. You look at Sam as Dean starts to pull your hand. “Don’t play the cool uncle and let her stay up too late or binge on candy.” Sam laughs and waves a hand at you.
“Have fun,” he says. Dean pulls on your hand again and you allow him to lead you from the room and out the front door. You follow him to the waiting Impala where he holds the door open, allowing you slide into the passenger seat. You look around and smile as he makes his way around the car. It was exactly as you remembered it. Dean gets in on his side and looks over at you. He smiles and you can tell that the memories are returning to him as well.
The drive is silent, Dean navigating the town like he’s been here his whole life. He pulls the car into the parking lot and you find yourselves in a line of other cars waiting to be parked. Your eyes widen slightly. This was the nicest place in town. You’d been brought here once and it certainly wasn’t for a first date. You look over at Dean to find he’s frowning. He glances at you and tries to smile.
“Hate valets,” he admits. For the first time, you notice just how nervous he looks and you almost laugh. You reach over carefully, placing your hand on his arm. He looks at you, curiously.
“This isn’t us,” you tell him, shaking your head. “We are not five-star restaurant people.” You see the tension release in his shoulders almost instantly.
“Sam found it and told me to bring you here,” he says. “I gotta be honest, Y/N. I’ve never really taken a girl out on a real date before. Not like this. I don’t have any idea what I’m doing.” You smile and look at the line of cars in front of you.
“Get back on the road. Take a left then the second right. The Burger Joint, that’s what it’s called, is gonna be on your left. They have a drive-up window,” you tell him. He tries to fight back a smile.
“Are you sure?” He asks. You roll your eyes quickly.
“Dean, I’ve been here. I can’t even read the menu,” you say. He lets out a laugh and throws the car into reverse quickly. Following your simple directions, he easily finds The Burger Joint. There’s a car already at the window so he stops, waiting behind them. You slide over into the middle seat and he looks at you. “I’m gonna order.”
“Yes ma’am,” he says, smirking slightly. You wink at him then reach for his tie.
“Why don’t we get a little more comfortable?” You ask, loosening it for him. He smiles widely and pulls it off before tossing it into the backseat. His jacket and your heels follow it quickly. You watch as he undoes the top couple of buttons on his shirt and fight back the urge to finish the job.
“Better?” He asks, looking at you as he rolls his sleeves up. You tear your eyes from his arms and nod, smiling. The car at the window moves on and Dean pulls up next. You lean over and see him smiling at you widely.
“Hey, Y/N!! How are you?” The woman at the window, you know as Mama G, asks. You smile back at her.
“I’m good. How are you?” You ask her. She smiles and shrugs her shoulders.
“Can’t complain. Got a hot date tonight?” She asks. You look at Dean and he nods once. Smiling, you look back up at Mama G.
“This is Dean. M.K.’s father,” you tell her. She smiles widely, looking at him.
“Really now?” She asks. Dean smiles at her and nods. “Good. What can I get for you two?”
“Can we get two double bacon cheeseburgers with everything?” You stop and look at Dean for confirmation. He smiles widely and nods. “A large fry should be okay. And…what dessert do you have tonight?”
“Cherry pie,” she says, writing on her pad.
“Two slices please,” you add quickly. She nods and slides the window closed. You lean back into the seat and find Dean staring at you, grinning. “What?” You ask, laughing. He shakes his head slightly. “That’s Mama G. She’s owned this place for longer than we’ve been alive and she is everyone’s Mama. She’s a great woman with an amazing story.”
“I bet,” he says, nodding.
“You’re still staring at me,” you tell him. He laughs lightly and shrugs.
“Can’t help it,” he says, that grin still plastered across his face. You lean in and press your lips to his quickly. You pull away too soon and his hands gently cradle your face, pulling you back into him. The kiss is slow, his lips moving against yours. One hand slides back, his fingers threading into your hair. He pulls away and rests his forehead against yours. “You look beautiful tonight. Have I told you that yet?”
“Not in so many words but I kinda got the idea,” you tell him, smiling. You look down at your dress and run the fingers over the fabric. “I actually bought this for a date a few months ago but cancelled it at the last minute. M.K. ended up sick. I think she was faking it though. She didn’t really care for him. Course she’s never really cared for anyone I dated.”
“Really?” He asks, his hand finding yours.
“Always told me you were gonna come back for us,” you admit. He laughs lightly and nods before pressing his lips to your forehead.
“I’d have come back a lot sooner if I’d been able to find you,” he says, his voice soft. You smile and shake your head, taking his face in your hands.
“Let’s not worry about lost time. You’re here now,” you tell him. He nods before capturing your lips with his own again. A cough draws you away from each other and you both look up at the window. Mama G is smiling a knowing smile as she holds out a bag.
“Thanks,” Dean says as he takes the bag from her. He hands her some cash.
“You two behave yourselves now,” she tells you both with a wink as she hands Dean his change. You feel yourself blush again before Dean pulls away from the window.
“Where to?” He asks. You’re just about to slide back over to the far side when his arm comes around your shoulders, holding you close to his side. You look back at him to find he’s waiting for an answer.
“Ummmm,” you close your eyes, trying to think. “Drive out of town. See if we can find somewhere…private.” You open your eyes and are surprised by the look that greets you. He’s frowning.
“Y/N, we don’t have to – to do anything,” he says. You smile and shake your head before pressing a quick kiss to his lips.
“Dean, that’s not what I’m saying. I would rather go park in the middle of a field and talk all night than go to the city park where it’s just going to be noisy and all my neighbors can find us,” you tell him. He smiles now, relief in his eyes.
He hits the main road and drives out of town. After about 10 minutes, you spot a dirt road and point it out to him. It dead ends and he cuts the car off. You smile widely as you get out. The road had ended in a clearing tucked away between two wooded areas. The night sky was clear and star-filled. Nothing but the sound of crickets and a trickling stream nearby meet your ears. Perfect.
You turn back to the car and grab the bag of food. Dean’s rummaging around the trunk as you close the door. You move to his side and your eyes widen slightly.
“Wow,” you say. In the trunk was the largest assortment of weapons you’d ever seen. It looked like something from the movies. He looks at you and frowns slightly.
“Sorry,” he mumbles. “Ah-ha! I knew it was in here somewhere.” He pulls out a blanket, the same blanket he’d wrapped the two of you in all those years ago, and slams the trunk closed.
He spreads the blanket out a few feet out from the car and you both take a seat. You hand him one of the burgers and he starts to ask you questions again while you eat. He asks you every little question he can think of for the next hour. They’re all questions about you and the pregnancy and birth and M.K. growing up. When he finally pauses, you pull the empty Styrofoam container that once held a slice of pie from his hands.
“Alright. There is literally nothing else for you to ask, Dean,” you say. You see him frown as he looks out into the distance. “Will you tell me what happened to you?”
“It ain’t pretty,” he says. You move a little closer to him and touch his cheek.
“I don’t scare easy, remember?” You ask him. He smiles a little then sighs before falling onto his back. You lie on your side, supporting yourself with your elbow. Your other hand comes to rest on his chest. He reaches up, taking your hand in his as he stares up at the stars.
“Dad died. Same demon that got Mom. Then Sam was having these visions cause he had demon blood in him.” He glances at you now but you keep your face under control. He wasn’t going to run you off that easily. “The demon was trying to build an army of these super-powered humans. And Sam got killed.” He looks at you again and this time your face betrays you. “Don’t worry. That’s all Sam babysitting tonight. I made a deal with another demon to get him back.”
“That doesn’t sound like a good idea,” you say, your voice quiet. He smiles a sad smile and shakes his head.
“They gave me a year. Sam and Bobby tried to find a way out but couldn’t. I spent a year in Hell before – well, before the angels pulled me back out a couple months ago,” he says. Your eyes widen as you stare down at him.
“You spent a year in Hell?” You ask, trying wrap your mind around his words.
“Felt like a lifetime,” he says, his eyes far away. You squeeze his hand and his eyes blink back to your face. “Now we’re working for Heaven’s douchebags trying to stop the apocalypse.” You let out a laugh.
“I take it you don’t particularly care for the angels,” you say. He sighs and shrugs.
“I don’t think they’re telling us everything,” he says. You nod and he pulls on your hand slightly. You smile and lay in his side, his arm wrapping around you tight. Your head comes to rest on his chest and you feel him move, placing a kiss on the top of your head.
“The apocalypse, huh?” You ask. He nods, his hand running along your side slowly.
“Yep,” he says.
“Sounds dangerous,” you muse. He lets out a laugh.
“Yep,” he says again. You nod and feel him squeeze your waist slightly. “You still sure about this?” He asks. You sit up slightly, looking at him.
“Yep,” you say before leaning in and kissing him. He smiles and his fingers thread into your hair as your lips move against his. Just like before, you feel 17 again. His fingers leave goosebumps in their wake as they move along your arm slowly. A chill runs down your spine and he pulls away.
“Cold?” He asks, his voice suddenly huskier. You smile and look around.
“It is October,” you say. He smiles now too and starts to sit up, allowing you to move first. You look back at him and he brushes his fingers against your cheek.
“Maybe we should move to the car,” he suggests. You smile a little more and rise to your feet, fixing the skirt of your dress. Dean gathers the empty food containers and you pick up the blanket. While he’s stashing the trash in the trunk, you glance at him then slide into the backseat quickly. You lay the blanket in the floorboard and wait. The trunk closes and Dean moves around the car. He reaches for the driver’s side door before realizing you aren’t in the front. He slips into the backseat as well, pulling the door closed behind him again. He watches you for a moment then opens his mouth to speak. You reach over quickly and place a finger over his lips.
“Don’t talk,” you tell him, quietly. He nods once and you immediately replace your finger with your lips, sliding your arms around his neck. He lays you back slowly, his hands moving along your sides. He breaks away from your lips and looks down at you.
“Are you sure you wanna do this here? I mean we can go back to the house, to a bed,” he says quickly. You look at him and roll your eyes.
“If we go home, we’ll have to wait for her to go to bed. You wanna wait another two hours?” You ask. He stares down at you for a moment before his lips start to work along your neck. You let out a laugh and run your fingers through his hair.
Much later that night, Dean rolls the Impala up to the house and parks on the side of the road. You’re sitting in the middle, tucked closely into his side, completely spent. He presses a kiss to the top of your head before you sit up and look around, sleepily. He slides out and you follow him, his arm coming around your waist instantly.
“You know, there’s room in the driveway for both our cars,” you tell him as the two of you make your way up to the house.
“Easier to get out if there’s an emergency,” he explains. You nod slightly and pull your keys from your purse, handing them to Dean. He unlocks and opens the door, allowing you to step inside first. You can hear the TV on in the living room and glance at the clock on the wall. It was way past M.K.’s bedtime. Dean closes the door and locks it before the two of you step into the living room. Sam looks over the couch and smiles.
“Hey,” he says, his voice dropped low. You look over the back and find M.K. asleep, curled into his side. “She’s been out for a while. I just haven’t gotten around to moving her.” You smile and move to step around the couch when Dean catches your elbow.
“I’ve got her. You go on up to bed,” he tells you. You smile and peck him quickly on the lips.
“You’re coming too, right?” You ask. He lets out a soft laugh and nods.
“Right behind you,” he says. You lean over the couch and sweep M.K.’s hair from her face before kissing her temple. On the way back up, you kiss Sam’s cheek quickly.
“Thank you,” you tell him. He laughs lightly and shrugs.
“We had fun,” he says. “G’night, Y/N.” You wave a hand at him before going up the stairs. Dean watches you go then steps around the couch. He carefully moves his arms underneath M.K.’s sleeping frame and lifts her up, resting her on his shoulder. Her arms move sleepily to rest around his neck and he smiles.
“Thanks, Sammy,” he tells his brother. Sam smiles and rises to his feet, turning the TV off.
“You two have a good time?” He asks as they start to make their way to the stairs, Sam turning the lights off.
“Oh, we had a great time,” he says. Sam lets out a laugh and shakes his head.
“Thanks for the nightmare fuel,” he tells him, stopping at M.K.’s door. He pushes it open and Dean winks at him.
“Night little brother,” he says. Sam nods and goes down the hall to the guest bedroom. Dean carefully lays M.K. down on her bed, thankful she’s already in her pajamas. She opens her eyes slowly and smiles at him.
“You’re back,” she mumbles. He laughs softly and nods, running a hand over her hair.
“We are. Go back to sleep,” he tells her. She nods and rolls onto her side. Dean takes the blankets and drapes them over her before turning to leave the room.
“Daddy,” M.K.’s tiny voice comes from the bed. Dean stops and looks back at her. “Can you turn on my light?” She asks, pointing to the nightlight plugged into the wall. Dean looks at it for a moment then back at her.
“You scared of the dark?” He asks. He can just see her head bob up and down. He smiles and walks over, turning the little flower shaped light on. He moves to the side of her bed and leans down, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Nothing in the dark is gonna hurt you as long as I’m around.” He tucks the blankets in around her then leaves the room, closing the door behind him.
Read Piece by Piece Pt. 7 here.
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withered-tears · 28 days
@polyhexian talking about darius made me remember, i had a whole ass prediction about something that TOH was building up to, but never really went anywhere (who knows, maybe if disney hadnt fucked them over and gave them a proper season 3..)
Episode starts in the past, following a late teen/young adult darious, maybe as an assistant to the then abomination coven head? (if only to give the character an excuse to hang around the emperors coven) who meets the Golden Guard.
GGtakes one look at how uptight and overconfident darius is (or at least is projecting to be) and goes lmao im gonna drive this kid crazy. And starts to just follow him around, critiquing his magic, or just being a nuance in general, darius HATES HIM SO MUCH. we get a bit of a montage showing that thru a couple of years the bickering turned into a mentorship, maybe GG teaching him how to fight without being too dependent on magic:
"why you keep just standing still while sending your goo goo boys-" "never call my abominations that again" "-to attack? you are gonna get your ass kicked. cant you at least cover yourself in the stuff and make some armor or weapons outta it?" "thats stupid"(internally: "holy titan why i never thought thats thats SO cool???") and so and so.
forward some more to belos oficially naming hunter the new golden guard, we see darius who looks indiferent but shows clear signs of grief. he mostly ignores hunter, then one day hunter approaches him with some orders like "Coven head, the emperor needs you to blah blah blah" and we4 get a close up of darius who looks HORRIFIED and he internally goes:
"I recognize.. that annoying voice"
basically darius realizing theres SOME REALLY FISHY SHIT happening here, either this is GG's kid who he never mentioned for some reason, or who knows what. And thats what drove darius to look deeper into belos and his plans, to figure out what the FUCK was up with hunter.
maybe he figures out the grimwalker angle, maybe he doesnt, but he is at least suspicious of hunter (maybe even a tad resentful, about being a replacement/copy/imitation thing something?? of his mentor/friend)
i dead ass was SURE that they were gonna bring back the annoying voice line for a serious moment like that, kinda sad it never happened qwq
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rascalentertainments · 2 months
Wish Granted Angst
Y'all want angst? Here's a sneak peek/rough draft at a future chapter featuring some. Keep in mind some of the dialogue or descriptions might get altered later or even new stuff added. So this is just because I'm nearly halfway through Chapter 6 and I want to put something extra out (AND BECAUSE I'M SO EXCITED TO GET TO THESE BIG MOMENTS, ITS TAKING SO LONG.)
The teens finally made it out of the sight of the guards. They gave them a good chase, but they're no match for a star.
When they got to Bazeema's secret hideaway, they decided to rethink their strategy. Star let Dahlia help Flazino down and onto somewhere where he could rest.
"What did I tell you all? I told you those two were evil! They're pure nutcases!" Gabo exclaimed as he folded his arms in satisfaction.
"Yeah, yeah. You were right, no need to rub it in..." Simon replied as he yawned. He then went to find a place he could easily doze off for a minute.
Star returned to his human looking form, but his glow wasn't as bright as usual. Asha noticed Star wasn't flying about all care free like he normally does. In fact he looked like he didn't want to fly at all.
"Hey, Star. Are you all right?" Asha placed a hand on his shoulder. His mind seemed to be lost somewhere else.
"Yeah...I'm fine." The star replied, but his voice wasn't cheerful as usual, and she could see his smile was gone.
"Hey, isn't this a good thing? Where's that smile of yours?" Asha reassured him with her own smile. "We're so close to saving everyone! We got Flazino back and we can come up with a way to free those wishes. You said it yourself, you can take on Magnifico!"
Star's mind went back to when Magnifico nearly trapped Star in his staff. He could still feel the green chains wrapped around his wrists, from when he was being pulled in.
"Don't worry, its nice and roomy so it'll be like you're back in space! It'll feel like home!" the king told him in his crazed state.
That wasn't home, that was a nightmare. He couldn't go back to up there. He won't go back to being alone. NEVER AGAIN.
"Asha.... I don't think I can beat him." Star admitted to her.
Asha's eyes widened. "What? Star, you never talk like that. What happened to 'I can do just about anything'? We've come too far now!"
Gabo cut in: "Oh please don't tell me that the one thing that can beat the king is quitting on us now!"
Star backed away from Asha. "Look, I just need to think, all right?" Looking annoyed, he walked, not flew, past Asha and others and made his way outside towards the forest.
Asha couldn't believe it, but she could feel it: For the first time, Star was scared....
Don't worry, he'll be back to his normal self soon, and it'll be thanks to Asha. I really am working on the idea that they really do help each other. When one's down, the other always helps them up! Just a small dose of WG since I'm still working on extra content when I can, including those extra redesigns! Also, since WG is a more comedic centric take like Hercules and other older Disney films, I want scenes that are more serious to hit harder. Hope I'm developing it right though, lol.
@oh-shtars, @uva124, Are you proud? Did I write the angst right? *tail starts wagging* 😂
@ishadow246 @tumblingdownthefoxden @annymation @chillwildwave
@snackara @your-ne1ghbor @gracebeth3604 @signed-sapphire
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angelasscribbles · 1 month
Bad Parenting Chapter 3: Settling In
Series: Bad Parenting
Fandom: The Royal Romance
Pairings for series: (Riley x Liam x Max) + Riley x Drake
Featuring: Leo, Oliva, M!OC Hudson Rys and F!OC Lilith Nevrakis
Rating: G
Warnings for this chapter: None
Word Count: 1,622
A/N: Wow. I posted chapter 2 almost two years ago! 🙃I had thought this was more or less abandoned at this point but.... well, here we are.
My other stuff: Master List.
Original series this spun off from: Bad Romance. More specifically Bad Romance Disney Adventure.
After the events in Disney Adventure, Leo finds himself in possession of his thirteen-year-old son Hudson for the summer. Unfortunately for him, Hudson isn’t that impressed with Leo’s newfound desire to be a father.
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Hudson reluctantly agreed to let Leo show him around the palace. His sulkiness gradually gave way to awe as his errant father regaled him with not only tales of Cordonian history but his childhood growing up in the palace.
“Ok, you and Uncle Liam I get. Why did the other kids live here?”
“Oh, well,” Leo grew serious. “They lost their parents. Well, Liv lost both of hers. Drake and his sister Savannah lost their father, then their mother kind of…. Left them here and went back to the U.S.”
Hudson’s face hardened. “So, they had a mother like mine?”
Leo’s heart went out to the kid. Genevieve had rather abandoned him to pursue her own interests. Guilt sliced through him as he wondered if being in his son’s life sooner would have made a difference. “Bianca had her reasons. The ranch her father left behind really did need her, and she was sunk in her own grief. I’m not saying it was right, but her kids were given a choice, and they wanted to stay here.”
“Must be nice to be given a choice.” Hudson slotted his hands into his pockets and turned his head away. His usual surliness had been replaced with sadness.
Leo wasn’t good with emotions…. Or words…. But he was good with adventure. “Hey, want me to show you the secret passageways?”
“What?” Hudson’s head jerked up and his eyes widened. Curiosity sparked through him. “Honest to God secret passageways?”
“Oh yeah. Some of them are used by the guard, but there a few that only the royal family know about.”
Won over by the thought of being let in on an exclusive secret, Hudson felt excitement stir in his chest. “Yeah, that sounds cool!”
After a morning of exploring the palace, they met Regina for lunch.
“I thought the dining room would be bigger.” Hudson glanced around the elegant, but perfectly normal sized dining room.”
“This is the smallest one actually,” Leo informed him, “For the exclusive use of the royal family. We host guests in one of the larger dining rooms.”
“How many dining rooms does this place have?”
“Eight,” Regina answered as she crossed the room to greet them. “Four small, private dining rooms, three larger banquet rooms and of course, the grand dining hall for state events. Leo, how lovely to see you. It’s been far too long.” She hugged her stepson tightly and then turned to eye the carbon copy that had followed him in. “And you must be Hudson. I’m so happy to finally meet you! I’m Regina.”
Hudson executed an awkward bow. “Nice to meet you too, Your… majesty?”
“No need for that, young man. You can call me Regina, or Grandmother, if you like. Can I hug you?”
She embraced him, then held him at arm’s length as her eyes ran over his face. “You look so much like your father did at this age!”
“I do?” Hudson sounded surprised. He wasn’t sure he believed it. His eyes slide sidewise to take in the man that had fathered him. Leo was objectively good looking. The very image of a fairy-tale prince. He didn’t look like that, did he?
“You do! Now, come, sit. I’ve had the kitchen prepare cheeseburgers for lunch. I was told you like those, is that true?”
The boy perked up at the mention of his favorite food. “Oh, yes!”
They sat at a long table. Hudson counted ten seats. Food was deposited in front of him, in addition to the cheeseburger, there were French fries, tater tots, and onion rings. Regina assured him that their chef had thoroughly researched American cuisine. There was also salad but only Regina had any.
Regina seemed nice, and he warmed up to her quickly. It wasn’t her fault that his father was a deadbeat.
Halfway through the meal, Leo’s phone buzzed. He glanced down, his face lit up. “Oh! It’s Bert! Max must have told him I’m in town!”
“It’s okay,” Hudson told him, “Take it. I’m fine.”
“You sure?”
He rolled his eyes. “Yes, I’m inside a fortified palace with my grandmother.”
“Right.” Leo felt a pang of disappointment that the kid was fine without his attention, followed by a sliver of relief at getting a break from the constant crushing disappointment that fatherhood had so far turned out to be. “I’ll be right back.”
Regina hadn’t ruled by Constantine’s side all those years without learning to pick up on subtext and body language. “How are things going with your father?”
Hudson snorted. “He’s not much of a father, is he?”
“I’m not excusing Leo’s behavior,” Regina said carefully, “but I think he finds it hard to connect with people because of his trauma, so he tends to keep them at arm’s length. Again, I’m not excusing him for not being in your life up until now, but there’s a good chance he stayed away because he thought he was doing you a favor.”
“Doing me a favor, how?”
Regina sighed as she wiped the grease from her fingers on a monogrammed linen napkin. “I know it’s hard to tell from his blustery manner and constant sarcasm and jokes, but Leo struggles with feelings of self-worth. He was abandoned by his birth mother, that has a lasting effect on a child.”
Hudson felt that like a gut punch to the stomach. “Yeah, well, then he should have known better than to abandon his own child.”
Regina gazed at him appraisingly for a long moment. It wasn’t her intention to sew division between the child and his mother, but she did want to defend the man she thought of as her son. “Are you aware that he didn’t know you existed until you were ten?”
He paused with a french fry halfway to his mouth. “What?”
“You were eight years old when the paternity claim was filed. You were nine by the time we had the results. The crown receives at least twenty paternity claims a year against one member of the family or another. The men in question never see most of them. They get vetted through our legal department. If there’s enough evidence that the mother is telling the truth, a paternity test is conducted. You were nine by the time it was determined that Leo was your father. Child support, including retroactive support, was approved by your Uncle Liam. Unfortunately, Leo was out of the country, and by the time he was located and advised of your existence, you were ten.”
“Still…. That’s two and a half years….”
“As I said, I’m not excusing anything. But it’s not like he knew from the beginning.”
Hudson hesitated, his eyes darted to the doorway, then back to his grandmother. “You said he experienced trauma?”
She nodded.
“What kind of trauma?”
“His mother left. His first stepmother was murdered. He was the victim of an assassination attempt, and then his brother was injured in an attack that was aimed at him. He carries that guilt. He carries the guilt of abdicating and dropping all this on Liam. And his father was not emotionally present. He had no role model for this.”
“I mean… his brother seems like a good dad. He could have tried.”
“He’s trying now. Maybe that could count for something?”
Hudson made a noncommittal hum as he returned his attention to the chocolate milkshake the kitchen had made especially for him.
Despite his disdain for his father, he couldn’t deny that the entire palace had rolled out the red carpet to welcome him.
A kid could get used to this.
They spent the afternoon swimming. The palace pool was impressive, but it didn’t take long before he was complaining of boredom.
“How could you get bored in this pool?” Leo gaped at him. He brought him to the largest of the palace’s three pools. The one with water slides, waterfalls, fountains, bubblers, a lazy river, a volleyball net, three basketball hoops, and four hot tubs.
“I mean…. It’s great, but it would be better with more people.”
“People that aren’t me, you mean?”
Hudson shrugged. “Just…. Kids I mean.”
“I could call Max and get Ellie and Xander—”
“I mean kids my age!”
He liked his new cousins just fine, but they were much younger than he was.
Leo grinned. His son finally wanted something he was good at. “We could throw a pool party. Invite all the noble families that have teenagers. We could even include the kids of the palace staff, make sure there’s a lot of people. It’ll be a real banger!”
“Really?” It was the first time Hudson had responded to one of his ideas positively.
“Oh yeah. We’ll hire a live band or a DJ, or hell, both! We’ll serve a lot of food, maybe have door prizes or something. Whatever you want.”
“But I don’t know any of those people…”
“You will. This can be your introduction to Cordonian society. A welcome party.” He leaned in with a twinkle in his eye. “You’re a prince. Everyone is going to be clamoring to get to know you. Trust me on this.”
“Right, a prince.” That still didn’t seem like a real thing. He had grown up in a middle-class suburb in California. Until recently, he had attended public school. He had been raised by a single mother. Nothing in any of that screamed privilege, much less royalty.
But here he was, spending the summer in a palace, having the kitchen cater to his likes, and being told he could throw a massive party like the ones he’d only ever seen on TV.
Yeah, a kid could definitely get used to this.
Maybe the summer wasn’t completely ruined after all.
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dylansslutt · 2 years
piss off / a.b
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summary : you play priscilla in the new movie leading you and austin to get close
warning : smut
  your eyes made contact with his as he enters the room, you lightly getting touch ups before the interview. everything has been so different between the two of you, his demeanor seems indifferent than before.
 you knew him and his “gf” he hasn’t made it official have been struggling with the distance, but you had nothing to do with that. sighing as they state the 3 minute mark.
 “hello, love.” you mutter to him as you both sit down. he smiles as his eyes never left your sight. “you look beautiful.”
 you slap his arm jokingly, “oh shush.” your eyes land on a water bottle near him, “can you hand me that water bottle please?”
 he nods grabbing it, handing it over your fingers touch. nothing meant by it but for some reason when you look up as you pull away you notice his eyes shift down.
 “you guys ready for the interview? this is maria she’s the one asking the questions today.”
 you nod, “of course, hi!” she sits down across from us, “hello, it’s a pleasure to meet you both.”
  after the interview which went well, you and austin had a photo shoot across town. “it’s for the vogue magazine with you both, we have the limos on the way.”
 “that’s not necessary, we can just ride together? right?” he looks over at you, leaving you to nod slightly. “yea, y’all can take the next one when it arrives and meet us over?”
 my manager looks over at his and never less agree, leaning down to grab my bag. austin grabs it first along with his. “you didn’t have to do that.”
 he smiles softly, dimples showing “i know.”
 he heads forward you trailing behind, you glance down at your phone surprised to see a text from someone you haven’t talked to in months. your dating history isn’t all that simple either.
 you were on disney for one show, hannah montana then you started doing adult movies. leading you to end up dating a few people, like josh hutcherson for two years when you landed a role in the hunger games.
  you two were still great friends actually, but after that you dated around a few until the last four years excluding your breakup last year, well practically...
 the person who messages your phone was the messy drama exploited break up with harry styles. who you fell deeply for until your acting and his tours got in the way, and the fact he cheated.
 H: i feel crazy... i still miss u
  shoving the phone into your bag, looking back up as we reach the limo. the door swings open as the bags were taken from austin. you enter inside and lean back with a sigh as austin climbs in.
 looking away, you didn’t need this right now. “do you think they have any liquor in here?” the question came off as a joke but it wasn’t. austin slides a drawer in the middle and appears champagne.
 “thank god.” reaching forward and grabbing the bottle and glass, you notice austins look.
 “don’t.” you mutter, he could easily read you since how long of a time you both spent together.
 your phone dings again making you roll your eyes, popping the champagne open and pouring a glass. “you want?” you look at him, him shrugging before leaning forward grasping a glass.
 “pour me one darling.” you smile softly, pouring his glass. setting the bottle in a drink holder, you take a sip before glancing at your phone.
 H: call me tn? i’d like to talk - h
 “god now he acts like i dont know who’s texting him, jesus.” the words escape your lips before you could stop them. austin looks at you serious now.
 “okay, what’s up?”
 “harry is texting me.” his eyes widen, “wh-what? i thought you two were done done?”
 you nod, “we are! yet he saying he misses me. i- i don’t need this right now, i just gonna drink my drink and ignore it all.”
 austin chuckles, “you are so stubborn.” you glance over at him, “yes indeed, but he cheated and i am not falling for the makeup sex.”
  the word sex alone shifted the atmosphere, “well, what do you want?” the question seems innocent until you catch his eyes. downing the rest of the champagne before pouring another glass.
 “a good fuck.”
 his eyes darken as he licks his lips, trying to ignore the feeling you got. you lean back against the seat. “we have a good 45 minute drive.” eyes widening as your head whips to look at him.
  “what is that suppose to mean?” the words were soft as he leans forward. “well you said ‘i ne-”
“ i know what i said, i mean’t your point.” you cut him off leaning forward slightly.
 “im offering you that.”
 “but what abou-” he shakes his head, “i am not a cheater, we aren’t together and she knows that.”
 with that being said you kiss him, but this time you kiss him. not in the script, not in front of the camera, just him. his stumble was fire against your skin as he pulls you across his lap.
 a few pieces of hair fall down in front of your face, his eyes staring into yours as his hand comes up to cup your cheek, “so beautiful.”
 the honesty surprises him almost, as he pulls you down onto his lips. his other hand coming up around your neck. “look so fuckin’ good in this dress.”
 you smirk as you feel him grow hard, “looks like you get to fuck me in it too.” he bites his lip softly before sliding your dress up and flipping you back onto the seat.
 “what are you d-” his head dips down as kisses your thighs making your eyes widen slightly. his hand reach up higher under the dress before he slips his fingers around the fabric of your panties.
 tugging them down, the slip off around your heels him grabbing your thighs once more glancing up at you. “fuck austin.”
 “tell me what you want, baby.” his voice was deep and your head went back as you mutter the words. “touch me please.”
 sounding so needy, his finger enters you as he kitten licks your clit. eyes shutting as a soft moan escapes you as he pulls away. “gotta be quiet baby.”
 he delves back in, finger and tongue filling your stomach with a deep pit. him sliding another finger in as he continues his assault with his tongue. your hands went to his hair, tugging at it softly making his grip tighten around your thighs.
 his fingers pull away, making your eyes snap open. he sucks his fingers before leaning down to kiss me, “taste so good.” his words sent a shiver down you, allowing you to taste yourself on his lips.
 he unzips his pants slowly, you watching him as he shuffles a little to move them down. pushing your thighs open wider, he leans down capturing your lips as he grasps your neck.
 you felt him through his boxers, the thick bulge aching for you. hand sliding down, cupping him through the fabric his teeth sink softly into your bottom lip.
 a soft moan was hidden by his lips, making him pull away and shove his boxers down. eyes on your core, he spits on it sliding his tip up and down gathering the spit.
 his hands pull your legs up higher, pulling you closer making you gasp as he enters you slowly. feeling the stretch of him fill you up, eyes rolling back slightly at the feeling.
 his grip tightens as he leans down, almost hovering over you as he moves slow to give you a chance to adjust. “so fuckin’ tight.”
 you look at him, “i need you to go faster.” as like a switch flips he lifts up, leaning back slightly before going deeper than before making you gasp.
 he starts picking up the pace finding a momentum that sent your tits almost bouncing out the dress. your grasp his arms then the seat behind you, holding on as he pounds into you.
 “fu-fuck.” the moan escapes your lips, his hand coming up around my throat cutting my oxygen off slightly. “look so good taking me like this baby.”
 your eyes roll back as his thumb rolls over your sensitive bud, legs shaking slightly. “im gonna cum daddy.” he pounds harder than before holding your legs tight, not letting you move away as your stomach feels like an explosion.
 he comes down and kisses you right as the moan leaves your lips, the wetness coats him as he strokes a few more times before pulling out and cumming into my panties.
 he leans down kissing my heaving body, barely any air able to enter as your legs shake desperately. “did ya’ use my underwear as you cum rag?”
 he scratches his neck, “yea my bad.” as you sit up more he pats your hair, combing it down a little with his fingers. you watch him intently as he shifts his gaze onto yours again.
 without saying a thing he leans down kissing you, your eyes shut momentarily before he pulls away. “still taste good...” he laughs as you blush, “so you’ve said.”
 “that help any?” you nod softly, “for now, yes.”
 “good thing there’s always a next time.” you glance up at him surprise he mentions another time. “next time?”
he shrugs, “who knows maybe you’ll get sexually frustrated again, and come crawling to me.” gaping at him in shock, “oh im gonna kill you!” you laugh as he kisses you instead.
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warcorrespondence · 5 months
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@ceeturnalia/traveller wrote this fic called aftermath, usa. I read it a little while back, and then I proceeded to think about it for a long time. It's about love, and about trauma, and the ways we love and the ways we trauma, and how maybe none of them look great from the outside, but we are on the outside, so maybe we should all shut up.
(Shocking no one, @ep6bastogne recommended it to me, but I'm stealing a march on writing the review)
fandom: generation kill
pairing: bradnate
explicit, 24616 words
I started this while sitting on a beach, a calm and idyllic setting if ever there was one, with my heart racing and my jaw clenched.
A month or two before, I said to @screwby, "I really just want an angsty road trip fic, is that so much to ask?"
And behold! The angsty road trip fic of my dreams! Only this particular road trip is precipitated by Nate getting shot.
He stops a couple of bullets intended for the President of the United States (no, he’s not Secret Service, just in the right place at the right time, standing there being Nate Fick). He recovers enough to call Brad to come pick him up from the hospital.
They drive across the country, from DC to San Diego, and it becomes clear that whatever their feelings for each other, they haven’t spoken in 10 years. And yet Brad dropped everything to come get him.
It’s a trip of recovery, of Nate’s health both emotional and physical, of their relationship, of what they meant and could mean, and what they decide they do and will mean to each other.
It's by turns rough and moving, gentle and brutal. It's sexy and sweet and funny all at once.
Is this a long quote? Yes. Yes it is. But it also, for me, fully encapsulates what this fic does, like a punch in the gut (or a weak, post-gunshot attempt at violence).
"I'm asking you for help," Nate says. "You fucking retard." Nate's weak left hand lands on Brad's arm, fist closed. "Was that… was that a punch?" Brad stares, swallowing the rest of the wash of emotion. "Because what I saw was the most limp-wristed pussy faggot attempt at violence since that time Person got in a catfight with a fucking Laker girl." "Fuck you," Nate says, hitting Brad again, a little harder this time, but the effort shows on his face. "Brad." Brad takes his hand, gives the fingers a squeeze. "You're serious." He looks back to the road, the white lines and the blue sky flying by. "Sooner or later, whether or not I want to go back will cease to be an issue." Nate's voice drops, shaking a little. "They'll fuck around for a while longer, probably months, maybe even years, but I'm going to have to. And I'm going to need. Help." Ten years where Nate didn't call, where the emails tapered off and finally stopped altogether. Nate graduated, Nate got married to some Back Bay princess, Nate wrote a book that barely mentioned Brad at all. Nate moved on. And Nate somehow knows, when Brad meets his eyes again, and he shakes his head. "I tried. But I missed you every fucking day," he husks. Brad bites down on the inside of his cheek. He's thirty-nine years old, he's a man, he's a Marine. He's not going to break down like some screaming teenage girl, pissing herself and crying at the latest Disney Channel dicksuck's concert. "You too," he says. Nate leans back in his seat, his whole body going slack. "Wake me when we hit Utah," he says, and closes his eyes.
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magnorious · 6 months
The Reveal that Changed Percy Jackson
*Spoiler Alert*
I’m talking about the Nico vs Cupid scene in book 8, House of Hades. I picked this scene, even though there were a great many in the original series that defined Percy Jackson as a story far more meaningful than just “cool tweenage demigods with magic and superpowers who fight evil”.
When this book came out, Nico vs Cupid was almost all anyone talked about. Why? Because Nico came out. Nico, an explicitly gay character in a book published by Disney, in a rather high profile series. Nico, the little angsty brat displaced from the timeline, comes out of nowhere with a world-shattering reveal.
House of Hades is already the darkest book in the series and, I think, the most polished and successful with this tone and how it feels so complete. While Percy and Annabeth are in Tartarus, the constant clever and horrific callbacks to quests from prior books quite literally come back to haunt them. The others trying to carry on without them, the ridiculously high personal stakes, the drama, the storytelling, it spares no expense in this book.
The Nico vs Cupid scene was something else, though, and all these years later… I’m not so sure it was done for the better.
Independent of the Big Reveal, this scene does a lot of things we’d never seen before in this series, namely this: Cupid is scary, and no one expected him to be.
Percy Jackson, though it does have its serious moments, is the series where the god of wine wears leopard print shirts and the god of the seas has a fishing chair for a throne. These characters quip and joke even when they’re trying to be intimidating and Percy’s personality, snarky and sassy and very rarely shooting straight, undercuts a lot of the attempts at looking competent and threatening (and we love him for it).
They’ve fought gods and monsters and demigods and characters have died really tragic deaths, but for the most part, these serious moments all come when we expect them to.
This scene comes out of nowhere and for anyone who hasn’t read the book in a while, here’s the context: Percy and Annabeth are in Tartarus and Nico is kind of the de-facto leader in their absence, knowing the most about Tartarus of the remaining crew. He and Jason are sent on a side quest to go retrieve the Staff of Diocletian from Cupid and Nico is not at all happy about this venture, but we don’t know why beyond that he’s Nico and he’s never happy.
Right out of the gate, Cupid is not at all who we expect him to be and this fight scene, absent of Percy, is suddenly very serious. Cupid doesn’t quip, he doesn’t show himself, and he fights dirty. The god of love, not the god of war or anything we expect to be violent and dangerous.
He’s whispering in characters’ heads, throwing them around like ragdolls, and taunting Nico ceaselessly all in Jason’s POV. Cupid gets some seriously badass lines, too.
“I’ve been to Tartarus and back,” Nico snarled. “You don’t scare me.” I scare you very, very much. Face me. Be honest.
Love is no game! It is no flowery softness! It is hard work—a quest that never ends. It demands everything from you—especially the truth. Only then does it yield rewards.
“Oh, I wouldn’t say Love always makes you happy.” [Cupid's] voice sounded smaller, much more human. “Sometimes it makes you incredibly sad. But at least you’ve faced it now. That’s the only way to conquer me.”
In all this, unfortunately in Jason POV, we’re primed only once by a previous god finally acknowledging that gays exist in this universe. This universe, based on Greek Mythology, famous for its not-straightness. Even then, audiences have spent 7 and a half books accepting that there won’t be any gays. No one is expecting this from Nico.
So when it comes, when Nico reveals he has a crush on Percy… the fandom lost our minds.
And I’m not so sure that’s a good thing, looking back. On the one hand, obligatory “we need representation,” but on the other, there was this one reviewer who knew what was up long before anyone else did.
She’d said something along the lines of raising damning concerns that Nico’s entire character arc was now defined by his homosexuality, that this scene frames all his anger, all his hate, all his rage and depression, about this one aspect of his character, and diminishes him because of it.
All these years later, I’m disappointed to say I agree with her.
This book series’ only major canonical gay (so far) is forced out of the closet with a proverbial gun to his head
Now, Nico likely never would have come out without that gun, but the way it happened, especially in front of Jason who he’s not friends with, showing Jason his memories because it’s not Nico’s POV and Jason has to see somehow because Nico sure won’t detail those scenes himself is... not good?
Jason handles it well, as well as he can given that this is Nico, and Cupid is an explicit villain so him forcing Nico out is in-character and not my problem. The narrative forcing Nico out is the problem—that this is a big reveal both to Jason and the audience is the problem.
The book isn’t new and with respect to when it was written and who wrote it, it’s not a terrible scene or terrible representation. But it’s not just forcing Nico out of the closet, either.
All of Nico’s character development is retroactively pinned on his sexuality
I get it. Nico’s… 14? 14 and from an era where being who he is was a death sentence, with zero education on the matter. Internalized homophobia is a thing (though Nico doesn’t actually seem to hate himself for being gay, he hates himself for crushing on Percy. Nor does he hate other gays or the concept).
Nico, though, is the one demigod who can summon any ghost he could dream up to teach him to hate himself a little less. He could have summoned the ghost of Freddie Mercury and what a dazzling mentorship that would have been.
The way the scene is framed makes it look like all of Nico’s rage comes from this one relationship, when it comes from so much more. He’s a son of Hades, a god no one trusts or likes and is synonymous with death, evil, and deceit. His sister, his last living relative, died on a quest as just a teenager. He has no friends at camp, powers that scare people, and is almost a century removed from everything and everyone he knew in his old life.
And he went and left camp *only* because of his crush on Percy? Not for any other reason?
When he does get his crush on Will, that only makes it worse. Nico did have friends, even if he didn’t believe it. He did have Percy and he’d earned the respect of his fellow campers after the Battle of Manhattan. He back-slid in HOH for this reveal, as if a romance is the only thing that could make him happy.
Cupid’s message is the narrative’s message: The only way to conquer love is to face it [in combat]
With a gun to his head, in front of a veritable stranger, instead of in, I don’t know, therapy with Apollo? There couldn’t have been any other way to fit this reveal in? He couldn’t have made his own group therapy session with other ghosts? Persephone or Demeter never sat this boy down for The Talk with a literal captive audience?
And that it’s a “reveal” at all, in incredibly dramatic fashion, a plot twist for shock value. The book couldn’t drop hints in Nico POV? Couldn’t casually state it anywhere at any time in the previous 3 books? Couldn’t treat it at all like this is normal and not a life-or-death situation?
I just feel bad for the kid. Nico can’t be the only demigod who has a guilty, unrequited crush. Cupid is forcing this out of him because that crush happens to be on another boy.
It’s in Jason’s POV
This world shattering, deeply personal reveal, and the character who’s having it isn’t even the narrator. Jason is a fine character and I know why it’s him out of everyone who could have gone with Nico, but this should have been solely Nico’s moment, not Jason’s commentary about Nico’s moment, being a non-consenting voyeur into Nico’s very personal memories about Percy.
Even if it’s not Jason’s POV to retain the surprise, it certainly starts to feel like Jason’s POV to retain the surprise. Jason can still be present, but even then—Cupid needed Nico to face Cupid, not Cupid and Jason.
It sucks because the scene as a whole, removed from the context, is incredible. The choreography, the pacing, the intensity of the battle, Cupid as a villain and Nico and Jason’s desperation to just stay alive.
Its impact on the series can’t be ignored. Blood of Olympus is no one’s favorite. It’s a terrible last book and not all that great as a book, period, but the ending?
Among other travesties, Nico confronts Percy, tells him he had a crush on him, and then *immediately* starts pining after Will. Percy doesn’t get the chance to talk to him, stunned at this reveal. They never have a heartfelt conversation about it, what this means for their friendship, how Percy never noticed or how this makes him feel, if he’s at all guilty for potentially leading Nico on and being a bad friend.
We get none of that. Nico just finds a pretty blond boy after, what, four years pining after Percy? One awful confrontation with Cupid and a few lines of dialogue traded with Jason and all his angst and moodiness is cured off-screen.
Can’t Nico go five minutes where he figures out who he is before he’s trading one crush for another? Can he not define himself independently of who he likes for just a couple chapters? He tells Jason after the Cupid fight that he’s over it, but… c’mon, he’s absolutely lying there, or he wouldn’t have been so hurt and upset and hesitant to reveal himself.
I love that he’s popular now, I love that he does have a healthy relationship (one that eclipsed the whole fandom for better or for worse), but the way he went about becoming popular still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. Nico did walk so the rest of the series' extended universe could run. We did get Solangelo, we got Apollo being Apollo, we got a world based off Greek Mythology that stops straight-washing history. It's just a shame that he had to be forced out the way he did, and that his whole character is now defined by his relationship with Will.
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maweallgotohell · 10 months
Heyyy ik you’re working on something rn, but if you still want to do requests I’d request something fluffy with Jerome… like cuddling or being touchy or whatever. I’m a hoe for fluffy soft stuff, personally :)
Hey hun <3
Thank u sm for your request.
And sorry I’m so late with this 🥲
I literally have 27 story drafts for the Cam character stuff and 3 stories I started to write, and somehow I’m working on all of them from time to time but somehow I need so fuckin‘ long to finish 'em.
But requests are something to distract myself from those if I’m having kind of a writers block on them so here we fuckin‘ go, baby!
Fluffy Jerome would include:
• him being touchy. Literally all the time.
I’m sorry, but I can’t see this guy ever letting go of you, honey, nah ah.
He is always touching you, in whatever way. It doesn’t have to be holding hands all the time, even tho he loves that. How your small and soft hand fits in his large and rough ones so perfectly - It’s just chef’s kiss honestly.
When you two watch TV and sit on the couch together, cuddled up in a warm and cozy blanket, that’s big enough for the two of you, you mostly lean against him. First with just your shoulder and then with your head.
He doesn’t say anything, not wanting to interrupt the comfortable silence while watching some nostalgic disney movie,
but he nearly always puts an arm around your shoulder, laying his hand onto the top of your head, pulling you closer in the motion. Then he just softly caresses your hair with his thumb while smiling to himself when you cuddle yourself up into his side even more. It’s just so cute tbh.
He also can’t stop smiling when you two are literally anywhere and you intertwine your pinky fingers. It’s just so fuckin‘ cute to him. Like a lost puppy. And he does that sometimes too. Jerome holding physical contact>>>>
• yeah, as I already mentioned, I’m hardly convinced he loves watching Disney movies
And I believe that his inner child is obsessed with the Disney princesses. Those movies are his favorite.
When you watch those, he always criticizes if the prince, or whoever “saves“ the princess, does something stupid while trying to save her. He then explains to you, how he would save you in such a situation, which would obv be a way sm better than theirs, because u are his princess and his plan to save you would be bulletproof.
Even tho it’s a joke, he makes up those plans kinda seriously, because he wouldn’t ever risk losing you. Ever.
He‘d also appear randomly and sing Disney songs. I’m fuckin serious darling.
You’re in the kitchen, making pancakes?
Not without musical accompaniment, babe.
The kitchen door swings open and your bf storms in, blasting ‚Be our guest‘ from Beauty and the Beast on full volume while dancing gracefully around the kitchen, acting like Lumière and knowing literally every. single. word and phrase.
He should’ve gone to broadway instead of becoming a serial killer.
First, you always break out in laughter, obv. But then you join in. How couldn’t u, really?
Couple goals, if u ask me.
• okay here comes another thing I literally ALWAYS imagine happening when yourein a relationship with him.
Like, you obv think he’s pretty. Super incredibly pretty. And most of the time he isn’t really insecure about anything but he has his moments where he feels like not being enough for you. Which obv isn’t true.
You then always take a moment to really tell him how much he means to you.
You also have these random moments where you just realize over and over again how much you love him. Like, obv you know that, but I think we all know these moments where we look at a person we know and suddenly this wave of admiration washes over us? This can’t be only me guys.
Like imagine you two preparing dinner or something and you take a quick glance at him slicing tomatoes but you’re not able to take your eyes off of him.
Eventually he notices and looks back at you questioningly but amused.
„ Yn, you good? Do I have something on my face?“
You shake your head. Then you take a step forward and put a hand on his cheek, tracing his scars with your thumb.
„ What is it then?“
You follow your thumb with your eyes, admiring every single inch of his face.
„Nothing…“, you say, still not looking him in the eyes.
„You’re just so pretty.“
He loves these moments just as much as you do. Sometimes he still can’t get his head around the fact that somebody, and then even such a cute, loving and beautiful person like you, really genuinely loves him so much.
Sometimes he even shed a tear but psst-
Don’t tell the rest of the league ;)
Jk he wouldn’t really give a fuck if anyone saw him crying. His masculinity isn’t that fragile and those are tears of joy at that so yeah
Our baby is a slaying queen-
Anyone making fun of him could end up with a bullet right between the eyes so there isn’t really a risk of that as well
But he mostly just doesn’t cry. After the abusive time with his mom, he somehow just stopped crying. He shed so many tears through that time, that there kinda weren’t any left.
And if he cries, he just does it in your presence, because you’re his comfort person and he knows he’s safe with you.
It’s so cute-
Hope u like it. I‘ll edit this later if you don’t mind-
And I’ll probably post more of this kinda stuff bcs tf this is cute so yeah.
If anything you had in mind wasn’t in here, feel free to let me know <3
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baileypie-writes · 13 days
~Responding to Sayings Glitter Force Stans Use~
When in conversation or arguement about Smile Precure and Glitter Force, Glitter Force stans tend to use the same sayings/excuses. These are my responses to them. Feel free to use them!
Also, if I missed one, let me know and I’ll add it!
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“They’re the same shows.”
No, they are not.
If you did your research, you’d find that Glitter Force changed and cut out many things. Here’s a brief list:
- Names were changed to English ones
- Most Japanese culture was removed
- Any scenes/episodes that were deemed “too emotional” were removed.
- Any scenes that could imply romantic interest between two girls were removed.
- All music was changed, including background music
- More CGI endings were made for Glitter Force/Smile Precure, though they’re very poor quality compared to the originals. They learned their lesson for Doki Doki though; only using the original 2.
Due to all these changes, many episodes were cut; 8 in Glitter Force, and 19 in Doki Doki. This left the shows with many plot holes and ruined character development.
“But it was my childhood.”
I understand that. It was mine too. But you have to understand that it doesn’t change a thing about Glitter Force. It’s still problematic, and it always will be.
You can still watch Smile Precure though. It can give you the same feeling of nostalgia as well.
Choosing to support a show you know is problematic, simply because it was your childhood is a very immature thing to do. Especially when the original can be easily found.
“They made it easier for English kids to understand.”
While this may be true, they still would’ve understood just fine if it was dubbed accurately. Kids understand that people all around the world are different. And it’s important to teach them about different cultures anyway.
Besides, many popular children’s media explores different cultures. Take a look at Disney, for example. Most of their movies are not set in English speaking countries, but children still love them regardless. They genuinely could not care less if a character has a name they’ve never heard of before.
“You expected me to know that at 8 years old?”
I am fully aware that you had no clue it was problematic. You just saw a show with cute and colorful characters, and watched it. So that’s why I’m informing you now.
“It’s not whitewashed, it’s westernized/Americanized.”
Westernizing/Americanizing does not mean erasing culture.
The definition of whitewashing is:
“To alter something in a way that caters to white people.”
Sound familiar? Because that’s exactly what Glitter Force did.
“It’s just a show. Calm down.”
The fact that it’s a show doesn’t make racism any less serious.
“You Precure fans are always so intense and quick to correct!”
I can assure you, most of us are not. We’re just trying to inform you that Glitter Force is problematic.
Also, this is the internet. If you say something even slightly wrong, you’re gonna get corrected. So it’s not purely a Precure fan thing.
“But Pokémon did the same thing.”
Yes, you are correct.
However, Pokémon first came out in the 90s, so practically nobody in America understood Japanese culture, or knew what anime was. It’s still whitewashing, of course. But that’s what was done back then.
To my knowledge, Pokémon doesn’t remove all culture anymore. They just change the names. Which, for this specific situation, is definitely needed. For the Pokémon, a lot of their names wouldn’t make sense in English; their names in Japanese literally being English words like “thunder”(Jolteon) and “Ghost”(Gengar). So changing the names is alright in this instance. And for the people, it was too late to give them their original names, since they’ve had the same English one for over 20 years. So that’s fine.
Glitter Force, however, had no excuse. It was made in 2015. At that time, anime was receiving a huge spike in popularity. Also, Japanese culture was way more understood. So there was no need to whitewash it.
“You can watch a show without supporting it.”
That is correct. However, this situation is different. It’s not like you have no other option. You can just watch the original instead. So choosing to watch the whitewashed version is supporting it.
“It’s not my problem.”
Knowing a show is whitewashed, and continuing to watch it when you can just watch the original instead is your problem.
“I don’t care.”
Ok? It’s not my fault you don’t care about racism. Sounds like something you should work on yourself.
“But I don’t want to read subtitles.”
There are a few fandubs of Smile Precure out there that are way more accurate than Glitter Force. The voice acting may not be as good, and the mic qualities can be subpar, but it’s really not that bad!
“But I’m too scared to go on pirating sites.”
I get it. Thankfully, as mentioned above, there are a few, legal fandubs available!
“And the world keeps spinning/Womp womp.”
Please shut up, and find a new and creative response.
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