#disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata
chirpysanitizing · 3 years
Make Your Weddings Safe With Sanitizer Tunnels In Kolkata
Disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata are in demand as the second wave of the novel virus is back. According to healthcare experts and medical officials, the virus this time is more contagious, dangerous and life-threatening. As suggested by doctors and healthcare practitioners, there is an ample chance of getting infected through physical contact. This can happen via the spread of contaminated droplets originating from the oral and nasal passages, or by touching a contaminated surface. 
Steps To Undertake When Planning a Wedding Amidst Epidemic Disease Outbreak
With the wedding season now in full swing, it is imperative that the families of both the bride and groom make proper arrangements. Some of the key arrangements are:
An automatic disinfection system can perform contactless disinfection of the external surface to arrest the infection and avoid the spread of the germs further. Such disinfection tunnels, if installed at the entrance and points of the wedding venue, can be effective. Every guest entering the venue should pass through the system and get fully sanitized. 
All the entry, exit points should have an arrangement of hand sanitizers. Even in the wedding venue there should be stations at frequent intervals that consist of sanitizer sprays, liquid soaps and all other necessary sanitization items. 
Face masks should be made mandatory. No wedding guests should be allowed without proper masks. Also for the senior citizens special arrangements like ambulance, medical supervisors should be present in case of emergencies. 
These days double-chambered disinfection tunnels are highly in use. Chamber 1 sprays the disinfectant solution onto a person who is inside. Once the person enters chamber 2, he experiences hot air at 70 degrees celsius along with far-ultraviolet C rays (207–222 nm). The chambers consist of UV sensors that help in detecting a person’s presence.  
The significance of constructing disinfection tunnels in Kolkata?
Reports suggest widespread use of sanitizer tunnels are doing the rounds. However, there is no test that will give you a 100% proof how successful these methods are but will definitely give a mental satisfaction. Apart from the wedding season, disinfection tunnels find use in a variety of other public places like airports, railway stations, malls, etc. There are small occasions lined up as the festive season approaches. The crowd is ever increasing in the malls. Everyone is indulging in shopping and thus it means more gatherings, more exposure to the deadly viruses that are in the air. It is imperative to keep the safety quotient high. 
Chirpy provides superior quality sanitizer tunnels to clients across the nation. The brand has a highly proficient team of experts who offer flawless service within the stipulated time. They follow all the safety norms and also, precautions and the installations of such chambers commence under the supervision of experienced engineers. The sanitization machine price in Kolkata is as per industry standards and the price depends on the features of the tunnel.
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chirpysanitizing · 4 years
The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Sanitizing Tunnel Kit
Today’s world is suffering from various germs and viruses. Previous year the economic condition of the whole world was falling due to the harmful virus. As a result of a disaster, the appropriate protection has to turn out to be very critical as well as the most fundamental thing in the world. So the administrative officials of all nations all over the world have on track to take initiatives by making acquainted with all types of securities to protect from the corona virus. In the same way, several specialized and truthful tunnel machine companies have been desperate to deliver the sanitizing tunnel kit in Kolkata.
At present purifier or disinfecting channels are extremely compulsory. General authorities of the malls and markets consume sanitizing tunnels to clean the outward of the public spaces and save the public far-off from viruses and germs. Due to the excessive environmental pollution, different kinds of harmful viruses have increased in the air. People have a habit of consuming many products. Some of the foodstuffs and personal belongings are harmful to the atmosphere and straightforwardly damage the normal protection. Many disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata have already started to take the initiatives to set up the best sanitizing tunnel kits in public places i.e. shopping malls, schools, hospitals, etc.
There are some frequently asked questions regarding the protective elements of the Corona Virus. Those are really important to know to each and every person to get out of the misconceptions that are in their head.
Frequent Asked Questions Those People Have Asked On The Internet:
Are the hand sanitizers and sanitizing tunnels effective enough to protect from the Corona Virus?
The hand sanitizers prevent all kinds of germs and viruses. On the other hand, people prefer to use sanitizing tunnels where the crowds are much more than the normal places. People pour the mixture of various chemical elements in the sanitizing tunnels. The misconception among the people was that it may cause skin diseases and eye irritation etc. But the researchers have proved that the sanitizing tunnels are safe.
Where can people buy the antibacterial hand sanitizers and proper sanitizing tunnels?
After the destructive virus has entered the earth. Many chemical factories have taken initiative to make hand sanitizers and spread them to people at a very reasonable price. On the other hand, many efficient disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata manufacture sanitizing tunnel kit. 
‘Chirpy’ is one of the famous and reputed disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata. They supply disinfection tunnel machines and sanitizing tunnel kits in all kinds of public places at a very reasonable price. To know about their amazing products and services, please visit their official website- ‘Chirpy.co.in.’
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chirpysanitizing · 4 years
Sanitizing Tunnels To Your Rescue From Harmful Surroundings
Everyone and everything is growing at a much faster rate around us which has its own set of pros and cons. However, because of our fast-evolving world and super competitive lives, we all ignore how infectious and polluted our surroundings have become lately. The work profile and competition in the market is more than enough to spend our time being anxious, however, it is not enough now. We have realized how health hampers our environment as well as our situations have become. The situation we all are in is living proof, as of why nothing is more important than keeping ourselves fit and fine.
It is no hidden truth that all these pollutants are a result of mankind’s malfunctions itself and its removal is our responsibility too. However bad the situation has become we have to take matters into our hands before we cannot do anything about it. Therefore installing sanitizing tunnel kits for making our surroundings safe can be our best foot forward to achieve social safety against harmful germs and pollutants. The need of these sanitizing tunnel kits are now, more than ever! Lets us examine how these safety tunnels can help us overcome the toxicity prevailing in our surroundings
How Is Sanitizing Tunnel Kits Advantageous To Us?
A sanitizing tunnel kit includes certain equipment that we have to assemble to prepare a sanitizing tunnel from it. Which provides us a safer environment. It includes tools such as meters, nozzles, disinfecting sprays that aim at cleaning up the germs and pollutants from us. Here are some ways through which these sanitizing tunnel kits help us achieve a better and safer environment. 
Most people worry about their uses before investing in it. Which is not a smart step as our safety is concerned. Most people have the misconception of considering sanitizing tunnel kits. A luxury whereas it totally compliments every necessity in our life. However, this sanitizing tunnel kit is super affordable as well as effective.
They are primarily helpful to public spaces like railway stations, hospitals, schools. And all of that to control the spread of germs and viruses among the masses. It provides a perfect portal of sanitization which includes not only killing. The germs laying on us but also on the belongings we carry. 
For making your surroundings safer for yourself and other people, buy sanitizing tunnel kits as soon as possible. Do not let the pollutants affect you and your surroundings with these effective and safe sanitizing tunnel kits.
You can look out for Chirpy, it is a leading sanitizing tunnel kit and disinfecting tunnel manufacturer in Kolkata.  Therefore sanitizing tunnels can help you clean anyone or anything that passes through these tunnels.
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chirpysanitizing · 4 years
Use Sanitizing Tunnel Kit To Fight The Enemies You Can’t See!
As the content of contaminants and pollutants is increasing in our environment, so is the risk to lives for all of us. Many lives fall prey to these contaminated environments every year, in such a scenario new technologies are being developed for good. 
Science has become advanced and every problem, fortunately, has a more potent solution for it. Therefore the solution for removing the pollutants from the environment is sanitizing tunnel kits.  With the rise in pollutants and germs, the popularity of disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata is also skyrocketing. The increase in the demand and supply of sanitizing tunnel kits is evidence that more people are investing in their health, which is a very good thing to do. As nothing is more important than us being ailment -free, where getting any disease is so easier nowadays. The first step towards a healthy life to reduce the effect and intake of pollutants and germs in our lives. 
We should try to reduce the inhalation of pollutants as much as possible. Keeping ourselves free from any harmful germs, viruses and pollutants should be our prime goal, and it is what 2020 taught us as well. Let us look into the methods of how these sanitizing tunnel kits help in providing us a safer and cleaner environment everywhere.
How To Stay Safe In This Contaminated Surrounding? 
Always make sure your house is safe from harmful germs and microbes. Do frequent cleaning for the spaces and get rid of all the dirt and dust accumulated in every space. For achieving this, you must take proper precautions by wearing gloves and masks, covering your face properly.  Give proper cleaning to glass surfaces, doorknobs, handles, switches, phones, sinks, etc, and everything that is frequently touched by people. Since these places are touched frequently, cleaning them should be your priority. After you complete your cleaning, do wash and do not forget to sanitize your hands or use hand wash.
Public places like Railways, airports, shopping malls, and so on should take preventive measures, in order to safeguard everyone from all kinds of harmful bacteria, microbes, and pollutants. It is when sanitizing tunnel kits come into frame. Since people visit these places very frequently and these places are generally overcrowded.
These are the ways by which you can keep your surroundings safe evening after being outside your home.
However, your/ administration work can be cut by half with sanitizing tunnel kits. These tunnels have automatic nozzles that spray a disinfecting solution. It is a disinfecting agent that works effectively on diseases causing bacterias that keep us safe.
To make your surroundings more secure for your loved ones, look out for Chirpy, a leading disinfecting tunnel manufacturer in Kolkata. They provide a 100% safe and potent sanitizing tunnel which is very adorable as well. 
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chirpysanitizing · 4 years
Disinfection Tunnel: A Hopeful light Or Never-Ending Darkness?
Disinfections have a whole new meaning ever since the coronavirus outbreak. The demand for disinfection and sanitizing tools is skyrocketing and new such methods are being emerged. Tools such as sanitizing tunnel kit, disinfection tunnels are being manufactured to give masses a safe and secured life not only in their home but everywhere.
Here, particularly, we are discussing the disinfection tunnel and sanitizing tunnel kit. As they have shortly gained worldwide popularity by providing a safer environment outside the home too, resulting in an increase of disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata. These kinds of disinfecting tunnels can be commonly seen in the entrance or exit of public places.
The disinfecting tunnels are basically a walkway whose nozzles spray disinfecting mist or sometimes sanitizers on you as you walk through them. It is believed to kill germs and viruses including the life-threatening COVID-19. These disinfecting tunnels are available in various styles, sizes, and kinds and are already installed in public spaces around the country either by the administration or by the public space owners as well. Various disinfecting tunnels have already made their way in states like Delhi, Tamil Nadu,  Karnataka, Kolkata and Kerala,  Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and the list goes on increasing. 
The Reason For The Chaos Surrounding Disinfecting Tunnels:-
If you are wondering what is the disinfecting mist made of, which is yielding the tunnels so much popularity? Then, let us know that this disinfecting mist is nothing but sodium hypochlorite solution. It is a solution that uses sodium and chlorine compounds as a bleaching or disinfection component. This topic has been a center of debate not only in India but all around the globe. Its effect in killing coronavirus is still questionable, however, it being a disinfecting spray can be considered well. 
Apart from the uncertainty, the usage and production of disinfecting tunnels and sanitizing tunnel kits are increasing day by day. Some people consider it to not at all harmful on human skin while equally lethal for the covid 19 viruses. On the other hand, there are people who examine the benefits and disadvantages these disinfecting tunnels bring in. Companies like Chirpy are working towards making these disinfecting tunnels more beneficial and harmless to humans than before. 
What can be done to avoid being tricked is to take this tunnel as a supplement with various other protection measures and not an option for it. A small increase in the amount of sodium can result in skin and eye irritation among us. Therefore, the government should always take steps to regulate the number of unnecessary chemicals being used in such tunnels.
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chirpysanitizing · 4 years
Guaranteeing Safety and Hygiene with Sanitation Tunnels in Kolkata
Sanitation is one of the most common parameters to maintain community well-being. It helps in protecting health, safeguards against chronic diseases, and thus extends the lifespans of people in that area. Sanitation or disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata have set up to deal with all kinds of germs and bacterias that are harmful to humans. 
As we discussed that sanitation, hygiene and cleanliness form the basis of a sustainable and healthy lifestyle, thus every actionable measure should be taken to practice cleanliness measures. Today, most of us live in a polluted environment, drink water laden with deadly chemicals, and have food that is mostly adulterated. Do you think the continuance of such a lifestyle is going to benefit us? Children too are victims of this crisis.
It is true there are officials who make it a point to treat water before making it consumable, check the food quality before supplying it to markets but still certain risks still prevail.  Since air pollution is one of the toughest challenges and we cannot survive a minute without oxygen, it is our duty to try to mitigate the challenges. We spend more hours outside than in our respective homes. As a result, we remain exposed to all the harmful pollutants and germs that are present in the air. 
Therefore manufacturers of sanitation tunnels are setting these up to keep all the infection-causing microbes away. 
What Protection Measures Should be Taken when Using disinfectants?
The disinfection tunnels spray a solution of Sodium hypochlorite on to the person who walks into the unit. The common belief is all the bacterias and germs that might have adhered to the person’s clothes, bags and shoes will be washed away. However, there are certain guidelines imposed by WHO that need to be maintained when spraying disinfectant solutions. 
The amount and the concentration of the disinfectant should be correctly selected. While a bare minimum does not solve the purpose of fighting germs, a greater dose might cause skin irritation.
Pets and kids should not be brought into close proximity during the spraying of the solution. Also, avoid mixing bleach and ammonia to the solution as these can have a damaging effect on the health of the tiddler as well as your pet. 
Once you come out of the tunnel, make sure you apply a good dose of hand sanitizer or disinfectant wipes. This is crucial because we tend to touch our face a lot with our hands or eat food, so keep a check on this.  
Possibly you should have your sunglasses on or an eye mask that helps you protect your eyes against the disinfectant since you might be allergic. Additionally, masks covering your masks should also be worn. 
For sanitizer tunnel machine price in Kolkata, you need to get in touch with the producer or the manufacturer. Contact Chirpy, the best disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata for high-quality compact tunnels.
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chirpysanitizing · 4 years
Drive Away Covid-19 Blues with Disinfection Tunnels, this Durga Puja
Tough times require powerful and tough solutions. With the coronavirus wave still believed to create more destruction to life and business, effective measures to curb the spread of this disease are more important than ever. With the most major festivals around the corner, people need to take hygiene and sanitation more seriously. Thus, the setting of disinfectant sanitation tunnels in Kolkata and in other cities of the country is the need of the hour. 
How COVID-19 will affect Festive Season Fun?
There is already excitement in the air, as Kolkatans are busy preparing to welcome the warrior Goddess Maa Durga. Though the puja spirit is dampened to some extent due to the fear of the virus, the citizens are putting a brave face and are continuing their arrangements. 
However the word of the mouth from health officials is, this festive season is going to double up the chances of the virus spread. Yes, however distasteful and unfortunate it may sound, but this is the truth. With people hovering on roads, shopping, and eating outside and refusing to stay quarantined the preachings of social distancing are seemingly going down the drain. Though masks are everyone’s sole best friend, the significance of far more effective methods to contain the virus or drive it off is necessary. 
This brings our discussion to sanitation and disinfectant tunnels. These types of tunnels if set up in more and more numbers will help in reducing the virus spread. 
Why is it important to set up Disinfection tunnels?
The tunnels can be set up in major public places- at the entry and exit points for spraying liquid disinfectant sanitizer when a person enters a particular building or area. 
For those who are unaware of these tunnels still, we will help them know this better. 
When a person enters this semi-enclosed tunnel, the liquid disinfectant (Sodium hypochlorite solution) gets sprayed on them automatically through the nozzles present. It is believed that the solution is effective in killing all the germs and viruses. 
There is also a non-contact alcoholic sterilizer for sanitizing hands. This ensures proper sanitation and maintaining hygiene protocols. 
A carpet containing sterilized water is present on the floor. This again is effective in cleaning all the dust and germs on the shoes. 
Thus, sanitation tunnels will be an important addition to places that have the potential of being crowded like shopping malls, railway stations, airports, and the most important puja pandals. Also, there should be an additional warning about the importance of following the sanitation guideline more rigorously. If you want your family members and loved ones to be safe, you need to practice these. 
If you want to set up these tunnels, then get in touch with Chirpy, the best disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata. They will give you cost-effective, and safe tunnels that will be beneficial in controlling the virus spread to a certain extent. 
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chirpysanitizing · 4 years
Disinfection Tunnels in Kolkata 101: All You Need Know
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What is a Disinfection Tunnel?
Disinfection tunnels in Kolkata have become extremely popular in order to knock out COVID-19. No matter where you go, airports, malls, restaurants, etc., you'll come across such tunnels everywhere dealing with the current pandemic. However, since it is a new thing to many, people often find themselves bombarded with questions. 
To begin with, you have come across such tunnels earlier at the entrance and exit of various spots. However, earlier these tunnels were not disinfection tunnels in Kolkata as they did not spray any sort of disinfectant on people. However, considering the current situation, these tunnels disinfect people by spraying a chemical solution on them through the nozzles attached to the tunnel. This happens for a few seconds before the individual enters or exits a certain premise. The disinfection tunnel comprises sodium hypochlorite solution which is one of the best disinfectants to kill various viruses. 
What are the Benefits of Disinfection Tunnels?
Many tunnels are implemented with the technology of imaging which automatically reads your body temperature and displays the same on the screen. The data ranges from 25 to 45° C with an accuracy level of plus-minus 5 °. If the tunnel comes across an individual suffering from corona, a bell will ring, thereby notifying others about the same. Additionally, these sanitization tunnels in Kolkata are making mass sanitization extremely fast and convenient, ensuring a safer environment for everyone. 
What are the Different Types Of Tunnels?
The rise of the pandemic is compelling various public places to install these tunnels in different shapes, sizes, and prices. The price of these tunnels ranges anywhere from 10,000/- and more depending on the usage, requirements and features. You can also buy steel and chrome tunnels with a lot more specifications. People are installing 8 nozzle disinfection tunnels in Kolkata to achieve the highest form of safety in public places. 
Key Elements of the Disinfection Process
The Disinfection Solution: Disinfectants are basically a chemical solution made to inactivate harmful bacteria on inert surfaces. A 2% solution of hydrogen peroxide found in a disinfection tunnel in Kolkata has the capacity to kill such harmful bacteria, thereby achieving a high level of disinfection in just a few minutes.
PPE Kits: These are mainly curated for emergency workers or frontline protectors such as doctors who are working closely with the patients to cure them of the deadly coronavirus. While purchasing PPE kits, opt for one made of breathable material and allows biohazard protection.
Disinfection Spray Pumps: These are mainly chemical applicators that are extremely helpful. One can project the liquid spray without getting too close to the surface. These are used for disinfecting, residential, commercial, and industrial facilities.
The Best Place to Buy Sanitizing Tunnel in Kolkata
If you are looking for the best disinfection tunnel manufacturer in Kolkata at the best price, check out Chirpy or get in touch with them. They are extremely popular and the only largest producer of disinfection tunnels in Kolkata with excellent service as and when required. They are making sure to provide a safe living environment amidst the pandemic with their quick, non-intrusive techniques. 
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chirpysanitizing · 4 years
How Kolkata is Fighting Against COVID-19 in Public Places?
It's 2020 and coronavirus is ruling the world. The virus has spread globally and every country is making sure to fight the condition in the best possible way. India is one of the most seriously affected nations and occupies the spot among the top ten countries in the nation. However, India is taking all sorts of initiatives to fight the virus. From making it mandatory to wear a mask to encouraging everyone to use sanitizer, the nation is leaving any stone unturned. With Kolkata being one of the most affected countries, how is the city fighting COVID-19 in public places? Thanks to Chirpy, a disinfection tunnel manufacturer in Kolkata, who is providing such tunnels to every public place across the city.
About Chirpy-
Chirpy has earned its name and reputation as one of the best disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata. With the help of new-age infrastructure and cutting edge technology, Chirpy is dedicated to providing superior quality tunnels. Their service extends across the nation to clients spanning from different parts of the country. Imbued with an in-house team of experts, they aim to provide excellent service to their clients within the promised time. What's more? Their services are carried out under the administration of experienced engineers and quality experts to ensure safety features.
How Chirpy is Helping Kolkata Fight Covid?
As we have mentioned before, Chirpy is one of the biggest disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata. These tunnels are installed at major public places like the entrance of the malls, departmental stores, hospitals, etc. These tunnels are implemented with a chemical solution that is sprayed on an individual when he/she goes through it. The chemical solution helps in sanitizing the people, thereby delivering a safer environment to all. 
The disinfection tunnels are of two types- 8 nozzle and 11 nozzle tunnels. The 11 nozzle tunnels are used in places like hospitals, airports, and railways as these places need better sanitization. Additionally, these tunnels are also implemented by body temperature reading technology to read a person's body temperature. The accuracy level of it is plus-minus 5 degrees. If the tunnel is crossed by someone suffering from corona, a bell will ring, thereby notifying others about the same. Additionally, these tunnels in Kolkata have given an edge to mass sanitization, thereby making it extremely fast and convenient. The tunnels are filled with sodium hypochlorite, a strong solution that can kill viruses of all sorts, even coronavirus. The spray takes place for a few seconds, however, is extremely an effective method to eradicate the virus. 
What is the Price of Such Tunnels?
In the shadow of the pandemic, most of the public places are considering installing such tunnels. The tunnels vary shape and sizes. The price of these tunnels depends on the shape, sizes, and features it is imbued with. The sanitizer machine price in Kolkata ranges from somewhere around 10,000/- and more depending on the usage, requirements, and features. Additionally, one can also buy steel and chrome tunnels with more features and advantages. Hence, Kolkata is taking every step to provide the dwellers with a better environment. Thanks to Chirpy for making things faster and simpler. 
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chirpysanitizing · 4 years
Sanitizing Tunnel or Showering Tunnel: Which One Would You Prefer?
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The year 2020 has been a year of panic and stress for even the most relaxed and stress-free people around. This year has been a witness to the shattering of economies; time all over the world has come to a standstill, and the sudden outbreak of the Covid-19 pandemic has allowed death to treat humans like dominoes. This sudden outbreak, causing panic and chaos worldwide, led to a massive hike in sales of N95 and other types of masks, hand washes, gloves, sanitizers, etc. The widespread spread of the virus has made the masses aware of the necessity for maintaining hygiene. A major part of this war that is being waged against the virus can be fought smoothly with the sanitizing tunnel for Covid-19, which makes sanitizing easier and gives you a win-win situation.
What is a Sanitizing Tunnel? What is its utility?
A sanitizing disinfection tunnel is a sanitization chamber that consists of nozzles. The nozzles spray a mist of disinfectant on the person going through or standing inside the chamber. The mist of disinfectant kills the different types of viruses and other pathogens that possibly are on the human body when the person passes through the tunnel or chamber.
Role of Chirpy in the Covid-19 situation: how does the company aid Kolkata?
Chirpy, an Indian manufacturing company based in the city of Kolkata in West Bengal, is one of the top manufacturers of the sanitizer tunnel in Kolkata. Chirpy provides you with the latest quality mist nozzle sanitizing tunnel for providing protection against Covid-19. This tunnel, unlike most other sanitizing disinfection tunnels built by other companies, does not drench or soak you in the moisture of the sanitizer. Chirpy’s quality product encloses you in a temporary mist of disinfectant which leads to the desired result of disinfection without being drenched in your nice outdoor clothes.
Why should you choose Chirpy?
Based on your personal preferences, you can choose from a wide range of varieties while shopping for a sanitizer tunnel in Kolkata as Chirpy provides you with options for 8 or 11 nozzles, which eject the mist. Choosing from Chirpy’s collection is equivalent to making a wise life choice as choosing the same from most other companies would be wise only if you are looking for a washroom shower experience. The function of sanitization during these pandemic times is crucial; and at this hour of chaos and horror, Chirpy comes to the rescue with its sanitizing weapon. Choose from their wide range of mist nozzle sanitizing tunnel to earn a satisfying experience of maintaining hygiene and protecting yourself and your loved worms during this hour of emergency.
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chirpysanitizing · 3 years
Strategy To Avoid Deadly Germs And Bacterias Via Sanitizer Tunnels
Setting up disinfection tunnel kits at the entrances of public places like hospitals, airports, railway stations, shopping malls, offices, and residential complexes is gaining popularity. The reason being before entering such highly crowded places, it is important to go through proper screening. This not only ensures personal safety but also minimizes the risk posed by the presence of others. 
People were mostly under lockdown, only those who were working in emergency sectors had the permission to step out. But now with the lockdowns coming to a halt, more and more people are stepping out. The airports are already open, people from different states and countries are moving to and fro. This gives ample scope of bringing in the infection. Thus airport authorities and staff are taking more interest in proper safety measures to reduce the spread of the virus. 
Features of Sanitizer Tunnel Machine-
The portable structures are of steel or of PVC with the distance varying from 16 ft to 25 ft. 
There are two variants of the tunnels- static and dynamic. 
In the static type, the person rotates inside the tunnel for 10-15 minutes. The disinfectant gushes out from the nozzle  arranged in the whole  circumference. 
The dynamic type is a walk-through passage where the person moves for 15-20 mins and the officials spray the disinfectant. 
How To Stay Safe And Take Precautions To Maintain Safety?
When at home, do not touch your face frequently every time. Do remember to sanitize your hands after frequent intervals, especially after you touch certain things. 
Setting up disinfectant tunnels is a must, especially in front of public places in order to ensure safety. 
Thermal screening of all the entrants and staff should be scheduled. Effective frequent sanitization is also very important, especially the deep cleaning of washrooms should be supervised. 
Keeping distance from your immediate co-passenger when availing of public transport is mandatory. As per Government guidelines, this distance should be a minimum of 6 feet. 
Can Sanitization Tunnels Be Dangerous to Human Health?
According to health officials, sanitizing tunnel kits can pose a danger to most people. The reason being, the spraying of bleaching agents on the skin can lead to skin burns, rashes, and irritations. Many more believe that disinfection tunnels for hospitals, banks, malls, railways stations, airports, and other public places will increase the potential risk instead of reducing it. However, the key lies in using disinfectants that do not harm the skin, and most importantly there should be guidelines that list down how to use these tunnels effectively to combat the virus. 
Chirpy designs the best-quality disinfectant tunnels that vary in shape, size,  and material. They are the best disinfection tunnel manufacturer in Kolkata. Depending on these factors the cost of the units vary. The basic ones cost far lower than the high-end chromium and steel tunnels. 
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chirpysanitizing · 3 years
Sanitizing Tunnel Kit For Public Consumption: A Boon Or A Bane?
Manufacturers of Kolkata infection control systems and the use of hygienic equipment are increasing daily among the population. In addition, masks, detergents, sprays, these vehicles have also become part of our lifestyle and have made our outsiders safer. Disinfection has a completely new meaning since the outbreak of the coronavirus. The need for disinfectant and sanitizing tunnel kits is growing and new such methods are emerging. Tools such as tunnel cleaners, disinfectants were designed to provide the masses with a secure and secure life not only in their homes but everywhere.
Here, in particular, we discuss the disinfection tunnel kit and the sanitizing tunnel kit. As they soon gained international popularity by providing a safe environment outside the home as well, which led to an increase in the production of antimicrobials in Kolkata. These types of disinfectants can be most noticeable at the entrance or exit of public places.
Antimicrobials are actually a means of transportation in which their microphones spray a mist of disinfectant or sometimes cleansers for you as you travel. It is believed to kill germs and viruses including the life-threatening COVID-19. These disinfectant tunnels are available in a variety of styles, sizes, and types and have already been installed in public places across the country by managers or owners of public spaces. Various antimicrobials are already in place in Delhi, Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kolkata and Kerala, Bihar, Uttar Pradesh, and the list continues to grow.
A Complete Analysis Of Disinfectant Tunnel Kit:
If you are wondering what the fog is made of, it makes the tunnels so popular? After that, let us know that this fog is nothing but a solution of sodium hypochlorite. It is a solution that uses sodium and chlorine compounds as part of bleaching or disinfection. The article has been the center of debate not only in India but around the world. Its effect on coronavirus killing is still in doubt, however, whether it is a disinfectant tunnel kit can be considered.
Despite the uncertainty, the use and production of disinfectants and sanitizing tunnel kits are increasing day by day. Some people consider it harmless to human skin while equally killing covid 19 bacteria. On the other hand, there are people who evaluate the pros and cons of these incoming antibiotics. Companies like Chirpy are working to make these antimicrobials more profitable and less harmful to humans than before.
What can be done to avoid being deceived into taking this tunnel as an addition to various other forms of protection and not its option? A small increase in the amount of sodium can lead to irritation of the skin and eyes between us. Therefore, the government should always take steps to control the number of unnecessary chemicals used in such tunnels.
For more information you check out Chirpy’s website, they are disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata.
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chirpysanitizing · 3 years
In What Ways Disinfection Tunnels Can Help To Stop The Virus?
We all now know that most states in India are functioning under a lockdown again. As the life-threatening virus attack is increasing its power, there is more news of hospitalization and deaths. Life seems to become a standstill as the fear of survival is gripping every citizen. In these difficult times, the installation of sanitization tunnels in Kolkata can reduce the spread of the virus and keep people safe. It is true that healthcare professionals can use PPE kits, but the general public also needs protective measures to keep them safe and healthy. For this, maintaining proper hygiene protocols, social distancing, and sanitizing tunnels are essential safety aids. 
Steps To Eliminate Harmful Microbes Using Sanitizing Tunnels In Kolkata:
The station has a non-contact alcoholic sterilizer. It is specially added for disinfecting hands. This is the first course of action that a person needs to follow when he enters the tunnel. 
The next step involves the spraying of mist through the inductive sprayer. It safely eliminates all kinds of risks. 
The third step involves the removal of dust and other foreign particles from your shoes. A carpet containing sterilized water is kept on the floor.
Where Should Officials Install Disinfection Tunnels?
Airports and Railway Stations: Though there are restrictions on interstate transport, there are some flights and few trains operating. With passengers coming from different places and boarding the flight, it is necessary to keep them and the staff safe. Thus installing disinfection tunnels can be extremely beneficial. 
Hospitals and Super Speciality Clinics: This is one of the busiest places in town and its importance cannot be emphasized enough. As patients, their families, and medical staff gather in the hospital, it is important to take maximum precaution. Having disinfectant tunnels at the entrance of hospitals and clinics will help to curb the rising number of affected people. 
Social Gatherings: Once the lockdown is over, there can be any social gatherings including weddings. Installing contactless sanitizer tunnels helps everyone stay clear of harmful microbes and disease-causing germs. 
The Only Limitation That You Should Be Aware Of: The concentration of the disinfectant should be carefully controlled else it can be harmful to human skin. As per the NCL-ICT report, 0.2-0.5% of Sodium hypochlorite solution (200-500 ppm) is safe. Anything more than that should be restricted. However, in the case of emergencies, the concentration should increase to about 0.05%. Failure to abide by these rules can backfire and in turn, cause disruption to health. 
Chirpy, the leading disinfection tunnels manufacturer in Kolkata, designs powerful yet cost-effective tunnels with proper security features. All you need to do is give them a call, and they will get back to you to fulfill your requirements. They offer various types of disinfection tunnels and you can choose to depend upon your use and requirements. Some o the variants are:
Basic Lite Model equipped with 8 nozzles
Basic Disinfection Tunnel equipped with 11 nozzles
Chirpy Smart Model
Duo-Disinfection Tunnel 
Mono Disinfection Tunnel
Transparent Disinfection Tunnel
With improved designs, the sanitizer tunnels from Chirpy can protect you at your work as well as in residential areas.
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chirpysanitizing · 4 years
Everything You Need To Know About Sanitizing Tunnel Kits
The current epidemic has deprived us of all the good things in our lives. Whether it is our workplace we want to get back to or educational institution or just catching up with an old friend for coffee. Life has suddenly come to a standstill as the world outside our home doesn't seem to be secure. Environmental degradation is at optimum and it hampers our health condition  like no other time. Therefore, what comes in handy in this situation is a sanitizing tunnel kit. Hence by thoroughly considering the need for a safe and secure environment, the government is setting up a sanitizing tunnel kit or disinfection tunnel in Kolkata. Let us have a thorough analysis of how sanitizing tunnel kits helps in providing you the best. 
Why Do We Even Need These Sanitizing Tunnel Kits?
After washing our hands or sanitizing them, when we pass through these disinfecting tunnels in Kolkata. A liquid disinfectant comes out and sanitizes throughout along with your belongings. This spraying is possible as these are 11 nozzle disinfect tunnels for hospitals, schools, and public spaces. 
As there is an abundance of demand in the market for these disinfecting tunnels considering the current situation. These tunnels can be seen in various places in Kolkata and around the nation. However, there are some things to keep in mind before finalizing the purchase. Below are some factors to study about disinfecting tunnels in Kolkata or your city. 
Concerns Surrounding Sanitizing Tunnel Kits:-
The disinfectant that comprises the sanitizing tunnel kit  includes a sodium solution, which is a commercial bleaching agent. It is useful in cleaning up swimming pools and drinking water, therefore one can easily estimate its repercussions. 
The tunnels are of 11 nozzles that help to spray one portion of this solution per million. According to the World Health Organization, regulating the use of this bleaching agent should be mandatory as it can lead to paradoxical situations. For example, eye infection, skin irritation, and so on. This disinfection tunnel in Kolkata mainly comprises a spray machine, pressure pump, power supply, connectors, cable tie, and other important things. These sanitizing tunnel kits come in a lot of varieties and also its expense can largely vary too.
Therefore, it is very vital for you to get a sanitizing tunnel kit that abides by every health concern and doesn't affect you in the long term. Hence Trust the only best disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata whose tunnels can fight germs and provide complete safety. Hence set up these disinfectants tunnels in more and more public space to ensure safety outside our home as well. However, do keep in mind the regulation and amendments one need to follow for best results. Contact Chirpy now to get the best disinfecting tunnel in Kolkata.
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chirpysanitizing · 4 years
What Does The Success Of Sanitizing Tunnel Kits Depend Upon?
The administration has been very quick and efficient in putting up 11 nozzle disinfectant tunnels for Kolkata and the major public spaces in and out of the city. These 11 nozzle disinfectant tunnels can be seen in the entry/exit of various spaces such as Hospitals, Railway Stations, Airports, and even offices. 
The sanitizing tunnel kit has a solid steel pipe that controls the amount of disinfectant that will come out as a spray from these 11 nozzles. The motive behind setting up these 11 nozzle disinfectant tunnels for Kolkata and other cities is to safeguard the masses from harmful pollutants and germs. Therefore these tunnels effortlessly and hassle-freely sanitize anyone and everyone who passes through it.
There are a number of factors on which the success of these Sanitizing tunnel kits depends, let us study some major factors among them.
Factor Affecting The Uprising Of Sanitizing Tunnel Kits Today:-
The manufacturing and construction of these disinfection tunnels include various materials such as aluminum. Therefore, it becomes very important for the disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata to cross-check the material and use standard quality products only. 
The other thing that the disinfection tunnel manufacturer in Kolkata should look after is the quantity and concentration of chemicals in the disinfectant. As the manufacturer should not forget that these chemicals are going to come in contact with human skin including children. Therefore the quantity and the chemical concentration in these disinfection tunnels should regulate and limit the harsh chemical use, which aims at making its usage paradoxical. 
The surface to be disinfected is also one of the  major factors that determine the sanitizing tunnel kit’s success in today’s world. 
Therefore, these are the factors that can either break and make the upsurge of these disinfection tunnels, as it already is! The skin exposure and children usage part should be given due importance too. It is very important for the disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata to take these factors into account and work towards the betterment. 
The usage of these disinfectant tunnels has been in the news various times mostly for the goodness it brings into our lives. However, its operation is facing objection as well owing to the fact that people consider the chemical harmful to the body. As long as the level of chemicals is regulated and examined, sanitizing tunnel kits do not possess any sort of danger. Therefore, as long as the disinfection tunnel manufacturers keep it in mind, their popularity is constant. 
For getting the best sanitizing tunnel kit, Chirpy is something you should look into. There are one of the best disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata, they abide by the rules and regulations thoroughly. With 100% safe chemicals it provides you nothing but utmost safety. 
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chirpysanitizing · 4 years
Misconceptions About the Sanitizing Tunnels and their True Facts
Today’s world is suffering from a covid-19 situation. But they are also trying to fight this harmful virus. The financial state of the whole world is down falling. As a result, proper safety has become crucial as well as the most significant thing in all over the world. So the government representatives of each and every country all over the world have started to take initiatives familiarizing all types of defenses and safeties to get rid of the coronavirus. 
Similarly, some professional and trustworthy tunnel machine companies are on the condition to provide sanitizing tunnel kits and sanitizing tunnels in Kolkata. China was first affected by a coronavirus, so it also took the initiative to built-up the sanitizing tunnel machines and tunnel kits to use in their industrialized areas. After China, many nations in Europe and Asia have started to develop sanitizer tunnel machines and sanitizing tunnel kits to protect their country. 
Disinfectant or sanitizing tunnels are highly necessary at present.  People use sanitizing tunnels to clean the surface of public spaces and keep the public far away from viruses. Due to nature pollution, the numbers of different kinds of harmful viruses have increased in the atmosphere. People have a tendency to consume numerous products. Some of the products are really harmful to the environment and easily destruct natural immunity. Many disinfection tunnel manufacturers in Kolkata have already engaged to take the inventiveness to install the best sanitizing tunnel kits in every public place i.e. shopping malls, schools, hospitals, etc. 
The sanitizing tunnel kits should be the best while these are installed in the places. But People have heard some rumors that there are so many disputes in sanitizing tunnels. As a result, it may cause health issues. The mixture of various chemical elements may lead to serious diseases such as eye irritation etc. But it is absolutely not right. Tunnel machine can be made easily and can be used without any hesitations. 
Misconceptions About the Sanitizing Tunnel:-
There are two chemical mixtures in the sanitizing tunnel. There is a bleach of hypochlorite and Hydrogen Peroxide mixed in the diluted water and spread it the mixture of the sanitizing tunnel.
According to many people that this chemical mixture can cause serious health problems.
Now the main thing is to assure people that the chemical mixtures are used in the sanitizing tunnel for safety purposes. 
Many renowned chemists have confirmed that Hydrogen Peroxide or bleach is used for absolutely safe concentrations. 1/50 hydrogen peroxide in the water is absolutely safe and it is recommended by WHO. 
‘Chirpy’ is one of the famous and reputed sanitizing tunnel kits in Kolkata. They supply disinfection tunnel machines in all kinds of public places at a very affordable price. To know about their amazing products, please visit the official website- ‘Chirpy.co.in.’
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