disenchantedhq · 3 years
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Auradon City was once a broken down old parrish where an abandoned palace sat but following the Cauldron War, His Majesty King Adam had decided to rebuild upon the barren town bones to create a city of such magnificence and splendor which could be seen from the southern foreign lands. It is the stronghold of The United Kingdom of Auradon, its most crowning achievement, and it is here that the royal palace was constructed. It had taken twelve years of nonstop building, starting in 1801, and has since become the permanent home of the royal family. Split into Eight Districts, each boasting their own unique businesses and points of interest, it stands as the largest city in all the land. Between the shopping of Centre Commercial, the entertainment of Upper District, the magic of the Enchanted Hills, and the pristine townhomes of the Garden District, there is much to be seen in Auradon — even in its Low Town and Seaside Ridge districts, which boast some of the best foods (and admittedly seedier delights). Welcome to Auradon City; we hope you have a splendid visit.
Below the cut is a tour of all eight districts of Auradon City, as well as information on the 22 points of interest labeled on the map. Starting here on it is suggested you mention location/time frame of your threads based in and around the city. Characters are free to journey to any district, with the exception of the Garden District which is home of the nobility and the only gated district in the city. Refer to the information below for more help in understanding the city and its layout. And as always — reach out should you have any questions.
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Slightly off center from the city, where the gated Garden District and Central Auradon meet, lays the Royal Palace. Home to their Majesties King Adam and Queen Belle, and their daughter Her Royal Highness Princess Emma, Auradon Palace is the newest castle in all of Auradon. While there was the abandoned Catherine Palace in the north of the city, King Adam and Queen Belle desired to create a brand new home to raise their family and rule over their citizens. It is what took up the majority of the twelve year construction project to create the capitol, and prior to its construction the family lived at either the chateau or King Adam’s former castle by the Enchanted Forest. At approximately 680,000 square feet, it is the largest palace in the entire continent. With a large guarded gate around it, and vast gardens between, it is an impressive sight to see from beyond, though few have been close. In the early days of Auradon, the King and Queen allowed for the citizens to come and visit frequently, to stroll the gardens and even tour the halls, particularly to spend time in the grand ballrooms (of which there are four within) and the library. But in recent times the gates closed off to the public as concerns over the royal family’s safety came into question. With over 2,300 rooms, 2,000 windows, 1,250 chimneys, and 67 grand stair cases, it is considered the most impressive architecture in all of Auradon and is home to many yearly events such as Queen Belle’s Ball, the Yuletide Ball, Rose Day Festivities, and much more. To get an audience in the castle is highly rare — state business is conducted often at The University or even at Queen Belle’s Chateau. Along its border gates are four guard houses where the elite members of the Royal Guard are housed on duty, with the castle grounds having a 24/7 security intel of over 100 guards on the grounds, spread throughout.
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Despite its name, the Garden District actually lacks in gardens but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a colorful nor beautiful sight. The only district in the city, aside from the palace, which has a gated perimeter (of which it shares gates with the palace) the Garden District is home to the other former royals of Auradon, those who relinquished their crowns for lesser titles when uniting the kingdoms in one grand country. At least, when they gather in town. With rows upon rows of gorgeous town homes, the sizes of which are far more impressive than meets the eye, the Garden District is the one district that is quiet for half the year. It becomes let when the social season begins and the noble families travel from their various home territories to the city to mingle. The townhomes have been built in likeness, tall and narrow from the outside, but deep and long, with balconies and tall windows from which the nobles may look outside onto the well polished paved roads. The fronts are beautiful colors, pastels that befit the families within, and from the back they have long lush backyards which many have manicured in the stylish designed gardens of the palace. Carriages are rare within the Garden District, where most walk around on foot, gayly greeting their neighbors. Gentlemen callers step into the charming stylish salons to call upon the refined ladies, who sit by the windows as they needle point. There are few buildings outside of the homes within the Garden District, and as such it is the smallest district within. The closer your home is to the castle, the higher your status. As such, the three Dukes and their families have town houses which are slightly larger and grander by the gates closest to the castle. The Earls are placed near to them, and the Viscounts and Barons are the furthest housed from the castle on the noble lines. On the northeastern end, facing the N. Rue De Destin you can find the untitled members of society in town homes which are still brightly colored but are all a bit smaller than the noble town homes. And on the north western side, facing Upper District you can find a few social clubs for men and women alike to attend, one public garden (though private to the citizens of the gates) and an assembly room for small gatherings of the Garden Elite.
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Sitting to the east of Town Square and the Garden District, and bordered by the outer city tenet farmer lands, is the Centre Commercial. As it’s name suggests, this district is where the vendors and tradesmen of Auradon have settled. While there are small stylish apartments, it is known mostly for its Rue de Magasins where the most frequented shops for noblemen and women alike are situated. The most skilled Modiste in all of Auradon City can be found here, conveniently just a couple blocks away from the Garden District gates. Young ladies are constantly floating in and out of there, wearing the latest fashions and trends which originate right here in the capitol city. Its seamstress is the most heavily regarded in all of Auradon, and she makes her clothing with fine needle and the assistance of only the most skilled birds and mice in all the kingdom. Likewise the ‘Chip in a Cup’ Tea Shoppe can be found nearby, and is considered one of the prime cafes to take a sweetheart to when you wish to be unsupervised in public. Just outside of the Garden District Gates along Evermore Parkway sits a Gentlemen’s Club, a private society club for the noblemen to mingle and jest. While it is rumored some nefarious dealings happen within the clubhouse, it is overall a pristine company which devotes itself to charity and good works. Along with these hot spots there is a general shop, bakery, blacksmith, cobbler, and artisan guild centered here, among many other restaurants and shopping experiences. Centre Commercial’s motto is this — should you desire it, then you will surely find it right here!
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The southeastern most district in Auradon City, Low Town earned its name and reputation from a number of sources. Primarily because it is “lower” than the other districts, both physically and socially (though the beaches of seaside ridge are more southern), but also because of its poor maintenance and dense poor population which gives the overall district a less than savory public image. Similar to its neighboring Old Town, Low Town has cobbled streets which would be charming if they were cleaned and swept more often. While society on the other districts is more polite and the streets better taken care of, Low Town is full of foul mouthed sailors and vagrants that relieve themselves on the side of the road and who toss chamber pots from their second or third story windows. Most of Low Town is made up of banged up tenement houses and run down older buildings from prior to Auradon City’s construction. Housing the most docks on Auradon City’s coast, it’s one of the first places where poor foreigners dock when they wish to move to the city or see it. Among its points of interest are some seedier places, such as the Poison Apple Pub, oldest pub in the entire city which is hidden in a twisting alleyway, and a Brothel which is run by a Madam Plaisir and is said to be somewhere among the broken down buildings by the docks. Most of the Royal Guard and Royal Navy men can be seen patrolling the streets, supposedly on duty, keeping the citizens of Low Town ‘in line’, though they’re also known to frequent the establishments there — you can especially see the former at Madam Plaisir’s following a long voyage at sea. Any form of deviant behavior and entertainment exists here. Rumor has it that there is another private underground club, for those of certain persuasions which may not feel comfortable expressing themselves publicly just yet to meet other likeminded individuals, but its not public knowledge whether this place exists let alone where it may exist. It is also in this district where the Shadowborn boarding houses are, just by the border of Low Town and Town Square where they were first presented.
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Old Town is the oldest and mostly untouched part of Auradon City, with the exception of preservationists who try to keep it looking relatively nice. It borders the tenet farms and is less city than any of the other parts. More so a widely spread country parish, it’s the quaintest area in all of Auradon City. Old Town doesn’t boast many things of interest — there is the old Hall of Records here (though most relevant documentation is now housed at the University) and there are a couple older shoppes and a general store there. Among its more interesting finds is a large Farmers Market where the tenet farmers come to sell their stock, and then the most frequented stop of all is Maurice’s Emporium, a large and odd looking workshop run by the Queen’s aging commoner father. Here one can get a glimpse of the sort of mechanics and curiosities that will ‘become the norm’ of the future, all done at the hands of the master scientist and inventor. Aside from that oddity, Old Town is also home to the only orphanage in all of Auradon: Granny Willow’s Home for Orphaned Children. The orphans are known for wearing long red capes (for girls) or coats (for boys) and can often be seen walking single file through the village. They rarely visit the city itself, but make occasional trips to see the shoppes or catch a concert whenever the royal family is generous enough to pay entry for them. Old Town is mostly quiet, a small taste of country living within the borders of the big city, and is a great place to go for a little stroll or to get away from the hectic frenzy of the city.
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The other southern district to the west of Low Town is the Seaside Ridge. With the eastern coast of it at a higher elevation, on a rocky cliff featuring a single lighthouse, and the western coast a vast sandy beach, Seaside Ridge is the picturesque brother of Low Town. With sand strewn streets lined with darling Tudor homes and colorful “beach houses”, it’s sometimes jokingly called the “mini Tirulia”. Within Seaside Ridge there are two docks which the Royal Navy call their ports, as well as the official entry way for foreign visitors. It is here that the world famous Benbow Inn, run by Sarah Hawkins, sits. Here you can find the best accommodations and breakfast in all of Auradon. But if the shepherd’s pie and in house brewed ale can’t tempt you, then look no further than a few blocks to the east where you can find the Auradon City location of Tiana’s Place — the restaurant owned by Lady Maldonia herself, serving up the Bayou de Orleans’ most cherished dishes, such as gumbo, jambalaya, po’boys and the best beignets in all the continent, at all hours of the day. Tiana’s Place is considered the crème de la crème of fine dining establishments in the entire country, and has only been open for three years now. Aside from the top notch dining, Seaside Ridge’s biggest boast in the long stretch of untouched, undockable sandy beach. A favorite place to take a stroll in the wind sand, or to dip one’s feet into the cool waters of the Audratic Sea; modest “bathing machines” have been showing up on the beach, giving visitors the chance to dress and take a dip in the somewhat murky waters of the southern shore — without the nudity common in Tirulia Beach. Come here to relax and play some cricket or take in the sun and salty sea air.
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Central Auradon is, funny enough, not in the center of the city but is still named as the center district. The largest district in all of Auradon City, it is technically the district which houses the royal palace. In Central Auradon there sits two docks which are heavily in use by the Royal Guard, and where foreign dignitaries, such as Imperial China, Agrabah and Kuzcotopia, dock when they are visiting. Here there is a large watch tower run by the Royal Guard, as well as the largest Guard’s Barracks. The latter is often the sight of commoner balls and parties, practically every weekend, which the elite rarely take part in but are known for being the most fun Royal Guardsmen get while on duty in the capitol. A perfect place to go and dance with a sweetheart when royal balls are not scheduled for the upcoming weeks. Aside from the Royal Guard headquarters, Central Auradon is also home to Town Square, a lot mostly in the center of all districts where a large statue of King Adam sits, watching over the citizens of Auradon City with a noble scowl. The statue itself is enchanted, being able to shift between the king’s human and beast forms, and is made of a shimmery almost iridescent stone. It was a gift from the Emperor of China following the incorporation of the city and has sat in town square since 1814, one year after the city’s official opening. Further west of town square lies the grandest cathedral in all of Auradon: Notre Dame, where the royals and nobility hold their grand wedding ceremonies and the majority of Auradon City’s populace attend church. A gorgeous and tall gothic building with large bells which are rung by the bell keeper Quasimodo on the hour and on special holidays / events. There is also a cemetery here, St. Lazarus, full of marble mausoleums where the nobility bury their dead. It is considered a great honor to be laid to rest in Auradon City under the watchful eye of the royal family, and some nobles even prefer to be buried there than back in their homelands.
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Upper District is ironically a quieter part of Auradon. This statement is ironic only because it is home to Auradon’s Grand Theater House, the largest and most impressive opera house in all the land. Here the soprano Madame De La Grande Bouche preforms regularly, and the greatest composers and royal orchestra call home. It is a highlight of the social season to attend the opera in Upper District and it is during that period in which the nobles are in town that the grandest shows and concerts are had. On the off season, the opera house is a bit quieter but they’re always ready to rev up a performance should any nobles appear in town on the off season. It isn’t cheap to get tickets so it mostly caters to the elite. It is rumored that within the opera house there is also a higher end gentlemen’s establishment, for those noblemen who don’t want to risk sullying their reputations by seeking out the brothel in Low Town, though there is little evidence to this. The singers and actresses of the theater are rather pretty and can easily win the favor of young amorous lords with or without a Madame managing. Aside from the opera house, The Univeristy of Auradon is also found in Upper District. A college (sadly) exclusively for male scholars, it is here where men come to study the law and science, and where the magistrates and lawmakers meet. The University is home to the Hall of Records, a museum on Auradon History, the biggest scholarly library, and a hospital where medical students practice on the ill. It has a gorgeous courtyard with incredible marble statues and is popular for strolls rather than stately visits.
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The northernmost district of Auradon is actually one of the oldest parts of the city, and heavily reconstructed. That’s because what is now Enchanted Hills used to be the Imperial City of St. Petersburg. Here there sits the abandoned Catherine Palace, the castle owned by Czar Nicholas and the Romanovs before their assassination in 1788. The palace and surrounding city went to disrepair and was the inspiration for King Adam to convert that entire southern area into the grand capitol Auradon City is today. Catherine Palace was originally suggested for the royal family, but they didn’t want to take up the home of the Czar. Not when rumors persisted that his daughter still lived somewhere. Instead they took the Czar’s country home and made it into Queen Belle’s Chateau, and spent much of 1810-1812 reconstructing Catherine Palace. It is now rebuilt and its maintenance kept up should the Grand Duchess prove to be alive. While it’s a beautiful sight, Catherine Palace isn’t the big draw of Enchanted Hills. It is the park which it is named after, The Enchanted Park, which gives it its reputation as the most beautiful district. This large park brings much needed greenery to the city, miles of labyrinthine gardens, winding paths through weeping willows, lanes with cherry blossom trees lining them, and an enchanted lake where the water is said to have magical properties which can heal from all manners of spellbinding enchantment. It boasts four grand fountains and over 75 marble statues all depicting various legends from Auradon history, as well as a large memorial in commemoration of the Cauldron War. It’s a garden made of fairy magic which preserves its beauty and flora through all seasons, always comfortably warm and sunny even if it’s snowing outside. The perfect place to take a stroll with a prospective spouse. Last of all, Enchanted Hills is home to the Fey Borough, or the neighborhood where the faeries live, much like the Garden District is for the nobles. Faeries from all over, even Pixie Hollow, come to settle here throughout the year to learn from elder faeries and to assist the royal family of Auradon. Their parlors are always open to those good hearted folk in need, and even just for an ear to listen to your troubles. Here they promise that that wish, that dream your heart makes, can truly come true. Just have a little faith and trust, and maybe even some pixie dust, and see it all become reality right before your very eyes!
And that my friends is Auradon City! As the roleplay continues and my vision of Auradon expands, I may continue to add to this to give more and more details on our main setting. Please refer to this page often to catch up on updates and have an understanding of the city, and please use as much of this as you can for reference! Auradon City has a lot to offer setting wise and culturally do have fun with this information and use it for your plotting and threading going forward. If you have questions about specific places mentioned or how to use them in threads, simply post in the #questions section of our discord or DM me directly. I’ll expand upon anything you guys want, this is mostly to give a general idea. You can use the images as reference as well but remember they’re more inspiration and not exactly the rule. Obviously the Royal Palace ISN’T Versailles, but it has a similar vibe. And note that each district has more hotspots than what has already been labeled, I’m just giving you guys a few places to use and offer a broad spectrum of settings within the city. You can be creative as well and talk about alleyways, homes or the kinds of stores and establishments that should exist within a regency or georgian era city that weren’t detailed here. And if you have suggestions for any hot spots — let me know! I will gladly take input and add to the ever growing Auradon of disenchanted!
As always, hit me up with any questions you have! I hope you’re all able to find this post helpful and to use it to further flesh out the universe. ☺️
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disenchantedhq · 4 years
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And with that all the playable roles are posted! I know this has been a long time coming and you guys have been excited to see all the faces in the roleplay. Take your time looking through the posts and seeing all the open roles. As mentioned in the discord: since this is a private group the application process will be very simple. Once you’ve made decisions on any roles you want to play, just copy the information on their post and fill in any relevant info on there and then submit them all together onto the main. There are a couple members currently not present who had expressed interest in certain roles so I would ask you just not apply for those roles until they are on and we can talk out any conflict. You can also discuss claiming on the discord ooc to check in with other players over which roles they may be interested in. And if you have any questions about the skeletons or face claims, please feel free to message me on discord and we can talk it out. 
Thanks for your patience everyone, I hope you enjoy the character list! 
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disenchantedhq · 3 years
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Do you hear that, dear readers? No, it’s not the wild scribbling of this writers pen. It’s the sound of dozen’s of carriages being pulled down cobblestone streets to the costal town of Old Corona. It’s that time of year once again. Rapunzel herself is celebrating another year around the sun, and all of Corona is ready and waiting to send off hundreds of lanterns into the sky. And like always, the week long celebrating - a bit much, even for me - will conclude with a ball. 
I am not sure about all of you, but this writer is absolutely delighted at the idea of all the mischief and scandal that might occur during this week. After all, we remember what transpired during Mad Day, correct? Or perhaps we could all use a refresher as to what the nobles of Auradon have gotten up to in the past month?
Lord August Fitzherbert has officially returned from his time away. If you can recall, he was last seen abruptly leaving the Faerie Bacchanal with a solemn expression. It has still yet to be said what caused such an exit, but we’re confident it had something to do with Miss Theodora Le Bouff. She was the last person to speak to the Lord. But he was not the last person she spoke to. No, that was Mr. Damien Gothel. Miss Le Bouff seemed to be smiling and laughing at everything word exchanged with him throughout the night.
Other shocking displays we witness was not one, but two incredibly public kisses. Scandelous, is the only word that suits such situations. One was shared between an engaged pair, Lord Phineas Charming and his fiancé Miss Sonya Sudayev. The other, was a not so publicly entangled couple. Miss Sabine Facilier and Mr. Marcelo Clayton. Once again this author asks, what is the courting ritual like within The Shadow Realm.
Lord Eadric Pendragon grew very close, both physically and emotionally, to Miss Li Yue, and to no one’s surprise - especially this writers - the two announced a courtship close thereafter. Love was in the air for so many it seemed. Because after emerging later in the evening sopping wet, both Lark Andersen and Lady Gwendolyn Andersen nee Dallben, quickly announced their engagement. This writer still speculates the marriage was quite quick for a love match, but their families insist the two have been enthralled with each other since childhood. 
For the rest of the Bacchanal, most of the Ton was experiencing all that enchanted faerie food has to offer, thanks to the High Prince of the Faerie Court himself, Sevastyan Petit. He claims it was all in good fun, but this author is not so sure. After all, what would cause the prince and his courtier, Silverbell of Neverland, to have such a public disagreement that caused to two to have a second, very public disagreement at the wedding of Lord and Lady Andersen?
But enough speculation, and enough about Mad Day. What else has been occurring within Auradon in the past weeks? Well, Lord Citrouille has been entertaining a handful of women. His distant cousin, Miss Lydia Tremaine was seen leaving his office. Perhaps to make amends, or could there be something more devious there? He and Lady Drusilla White-Prince have also been seen a handful of times together. Once at the university library, and again at the Andersen wedding, talking in private. Could a possible courtship be on the horizon? What we find most confusing is that Lord Citrouille was seen leaving Miss Teddy Le Bouff’s house on one occasion, and this writer was under the impression that they did not get on well. Or... is that all a cover? 
What this writer finds to be the most shocking and intriguing information of that night is that the daughter of Maleficent and the daughter of sleeping beauty, Miss Faerilyth Moor and Lady Briar Rose Basille, were spotted chatting in the courtyard. And even more interesting, she escorted the daughter of Sleeping Beauty home that night. 
We will give a reporting on the interactions within the week. But until then, this writer will be enjoying the warm sun in Old Corona. Be on your best behavior, Auradon, or your worst. We will be here to see it all.
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disenchantedhq · 3 years
The Following Roles have been updated with new face claims (linked for convenience):
Child of Merlin
Child of LeFou
Child of Cruella
Child of Gaston
Child of Rasputin
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disenchantedhq · 3 years
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Headlines of the Week:
The Northmen Invade: In less than one month the annual Camelot Games are to be held in the land of its namesake, and we’re already hearing reports of visitors from the North Ridge and further beyond Auradon borders arriving in the city ahead of the competition for last minute training and to seek sponsorships from the wealthy noble houses. While many competitors have descended upon Auradon City, among the most notable is the heir to Her Royal Majesty Queen Merida of DunBroch and the child of Camelot’s own heroes Lady Kayley and Sir Garrett, as well as descendants of some of Auradon’s own General Li’s war comrades. Most of the northerners have been seen around the barracks which have been reconfigured into training grounds for the athletes, drawing an uncommon crowd down at the docks. This year is expected to be larger than before as it is believed that alongside the usual competitors and select members of the nobility that compete, the Shadowborn will be allowed to sign up for the events. (Event Date: June 7th through the 12th, sign ups begin end of May)
Corona Prepares for Birthday Festivities: Elsewhere in the city, we are seeing purple flags bearing golden sun crests going up on every corner as we near the birthday of her Ladyship Rapunzel Fitzherbert of Corona. As is yearly tradition, the royals of Auradon are expected to head westward to the city on water in order to participate in the week long festivities to honor the Countess of Corona. This year’s festivities are expected to be more grand than the years before as invitations are rumored to be extended to the Shadowborn currently residing in the city for the social season. While no information has been given at this time as far as what to expect during the five day event, we know at the least there will be the annual releasing of the lanterns on the evening of her ladyship’s birthday, just following sundown. (Event date: May 26th through the 30th)
The Society Section; Marriage Announcement: As previously announced, a wedding has taken place on May 13th, 1825. The Honourable Gwendolyn Dallben has been wedded to The Honorable Viscount of Atlantica and Royal Naval Captain, Lord Anderson. The newly wedded Lord and Lady Andersen are expected to spend a fortnight in Tirulia before returning to Auradon City. It has been reported that a salute from a line of naval officers took place outside the Notre Dame Cathedral following the service.
Missing Person’s Report: Two weeks following the May Day festivities, including a soirée at the Fey Burrough, it has been reported that a Light-Talent Never Pixie by the name of Honeybea has gone missing. Honeybea was said to be in attendance at the party but reportedly went missing some time prior to midnight and the fireworks show in the Enchanted Park. The case has been taken to Detective Basil of Baker Street who is asking the public for any information they may have regarding the disappearance. Honeybea is the child of the Light-Talent Pixie Iridessa of Neverland, and was last seen wearing a bright yellow ‘dress’ of sorts according to witnesses at the soirée. The Prince of the Vale, H.R.H Sevastyan Petit is likewise seeking any information the public may have.
Royal Ballet Announces Next Show: The Auradon Royal Ballet is preparing for their 1825 Winter Season by announcing a staging for a new ballet. The show is Swan Lake, a debut based upon the story of Viscount and Viscountess Schwann of the titular providence. The ballet is composed by a young composer by the name of Pyotr Ilyich Tchaikovsky and is being sponsored by Sir Jean-Bob, a Baronet from the providence of Swan Lake. The Opera has announced that the show will debut by end of the year. Auditions for principle roles are slated to be held by summer’s end for any and all skilled dancers in the city, with Sir Jean-Bob expressing an interest to see a fresh face star as the White Swan.
Sea Battle Ensues with The Black Pearl: News from the sea has revealed a scrimmage with the infamous pirate ship The Black Pearl took place, just off the port at Tortuga. Two Royal Naval Ships were involved in the sea battle, namely H.M.S Trident and H.M.S Lancelot. Adm. of the Fleet, Admiral Andersen of Tirulia was aboard the H.M.S Trident which answered a distress signal off the coast of Tortuga where The Black Pearl commenced battle with and inevitably sunk H.M.S Lancelot. Casualties were said to be at a “comfortable minimum“, with little to no damage coming to the mother ship. Before the navy could further engage with the pirate ship, they disappeared seemingly out of thin air. Rumor has it a new captain helms the ship as Captain Jack Sparrow was last seen in Port Royale awaiting trial once again. The navy is currently protecting trade lines between Auradon and eastern allies such as Kumandra, which have come under pirate fire within the last few years.
Welcome to the first official (or perhaps second if you count the engagement announcement) edition of The Auradon Herald — a new feature to the roleplay which will be posted periodically as a means to help add more layers to the world, keep everyone in the know of in universe going on’s and news, as well as give updates to future events and to mostly maintain the advancement of time in the game. As we gear up for more in game events and plot drops, The Auradon Herald will give players some inside information on both the playable events and on things that would be happening in the world which characters should be in the know of even if they don’t directly pertain to the characters’ day to day lives. Unlike Lady Chattermore’s Society Papers, The Auradon Herald isn’t here to gossip or theorize about characters’ personal lives or to summarize events — it’s here to help flesh out the universe and help the progression of time.
That being said, The Herald will feature some society news such as marriage and wedding announcements. While Lady Chattermore will always have her piece to say about society’s personal lives, it is highly important for official announcements to be made in the local papers. In regency era your union was not considered legitimized by society standards if it wasn’t reported in the newspaper, and as such all royal or noble pairings should be included in the Herald’s postings. As more matches are made, we’ll collaborate with players to make sure their weddings are duly announced as well as the marriage and any relevant information.
Basically the Herald is here to keep you up to date on in game dates, news and upcoming events, as well as offer conversation points for the drawing room. Utilize it as you will!
With this edition of the Auradon Herald out, we want to let everyone know the current in game week is Sunday May 16th to Saturday May 22nd, 1825, and all interactions should be presumed to take place during this time. You are encouraged to resume any interactions on the server for the wedding as well as starting anew on the dash with the following week. We will be entering the next event, Rapunzel’s Birthday Festival, in about 1-2 weeks, so keep tuned in for the post for the next event.
As always, feel free to reach out with questions or if you would like to collaborate on future announcements! ☺️
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