samsungdude-tmbl · 3 years
Hi guys,
I know it is a bit late to post that, but I really wanted to talk about it. Let's dive right into it.
Discord is a great platform for exchanging words, smiles and talks.
When you signed up on Discord, you probably didn't read the Discord guidelines. I wanted to talk about it because due to what happened in May 2020, Discord still didn't include guidelines about r@cism.
If you search on Google "discord guidelines r@cism", if you go on the first link that pops up, some people say that no matter what color you are (even if you're black) you shouldn't say the n-word.
On that forum page, Discord did not reply to someone comment about that subject. They didn't even updated their guidelines concerning r@cism.
In conclusion, I found this offensive and careless about r@cism.
I want Discord to update their guidelines page.
Does this have an impact on the fact that they didn't add this to their guidelines ? Yes, because someone could say the n-word as much as they want/would and they still won't get banned from Discord.
So it means that, r@cist people could insult black people as much as they want and not facing consequences. Please tag them so they update their community guidelines about r@cism.
Again, I am not a Karen (even if I'm a male), I just want things to be fair for everybody/everyone so Discord will not boycott fonctionnalites that every1 loves.
Please Discord, Make Things Fair and Right for everybody on dscrd, cause social media should be negativity-free/hate-free.
Plz tag @discord and share it everywhere on social media to attract Discord attention.
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