#disclaimers i love s12 eo and mean no hate towards this thread. i just think dw sees dollar signs
lesbenson · 2 months
Look I know it's Twitter and it's speculation, but it's some INTRIGUING speculation.
the gif usage really does it. dw is an asshole truly but i really think what chris said in the time after he left / before coming back is the truest stuff we’ll hear — he wanted higher pay (recurring theme in the dwcu so it tracks 😭) and i think he was just done with the show in a way mariska obviously wasn’t and isn’t and can’t be. he used to say he didn’t feel like he had anything left to do on the show, and when he talked about coming back for oc he was very clear that elliot needed to be a different character in some way for it to be believable and doable. i think it was like he could be convinced to stay on for s13 Only w a pay increase, but otherwise he was ready to move on. given where eo was in s12 (throuple at best) i’m sure dw wasn’t planning on any motion anytime soon and while it certainly wouldn’t have hurt the show to pay chris more and keep him on, it seems like there were a lot of shifts in that timeframe and dw was trying to really change up the show. i think dw was letting eo hit a wall and letting the chris thing blow up as an excuse. we know dw will always fire someone rather than keep paying them w the exception of mariska, who he won’t fire but undermines nonetheless. if she couldn’t convince him to keep kelli on last season as executive producer, i can’t imagine she could convince him to keep chris on Or that chris could be convinced to stay fr. not that it’s her responsibility but just like. this thread implies a huge idol thing between dw and mh that i think is actually more based in warrens writing of 2.0 liv. if dw actually worshiped mh like that a lot of things would be different lol.
also wasn’t there a rumor that they wrote liv leaving after elliot quits and then scrapped that bc m didn’t want to leave ?
tldr i do think it’s dw’s fault but i also think it was a lot more money hungry and emotionally detached
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