#disaster romance
marvelwitchergilmore · 2 months
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I’ve seen Twisters a couple of times now and something that isn’t being talked about enough is the way Tyler looks at Kate.
The best scene for this example (I can’t find a gif) is when they’re at the lunch with her mom and he tells Kate to keep her clothes on and she stands up.
He looks at her like she hung the fucking moon.
And I fucking LOVE IT.
How he comes to her and gives her the pizza, how he WAITS FOR HER TO OPEN THE DOOR AGAIN. How he talks with her at the rodeo and they work together to get people to safety. How he covers her from the car during the tornado. How he goes and finds her after it and he looks up at her bedroom window the day he leaves. How he brings her into the Tornado Wrangler Family and she’s herself again.
And THAT PICTURE SCENE. Oh my god- I’m melting. At first I thought he was the one taking it but when he was stood to the side watching and asked for a copy….god I love them.
I can imagine Kate finding that picture one day - maybe inside his cowboy hat, maybe somewhere in his truck so he can always see her when she’s not with him - and Tyler getting all smitten and blushing as she teases him relentlessly.
There might not have been a kiss scene but seeing the bts helps heal that small hole. But either way, Tyler and Kate’s foundation and growth of relationship is one of the BEST ever! And with the extra scenes after it ends, helps solidify the happiness and exterminate the fear that their story is left so open it might not exist after the movie.
But it does. It does exist.
This man DRILLED his truck into the ground outside to go after her. (Which is Iconic, by the way.)
That man fell in love at first sight, even if he didn’t fully know it yet. The minute he saw her, his eyes never left her. And I loved every second of their rivalry (and the way it hops between them both explaining a twister) and friendship and relationship.
This movie will forever be one of my top favourites.
Whether you like disaster movies, with a sub-plot of romance and comedy or not— please. Everyone. Go and watch this movie. Even if it is just to see the chemistry between these two characters.
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hawkewild · 4 days
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Twenty-Four
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Twenty-Four: Celebrations
Summary: (Y/N) meets Saiki's grandfather, and his friends celebrate his birthday.
Mouse Note: Thank you so much for everyone's support on this series, it means the world to me. Don't worry, the story isn't over, we'll return to Saiki and MC soon, but first I'm going to have an AOS! Logos and Pathos book and then a One Hell of a Love book and maybe some other things going on. I hope you guys enjoyed, I was super surprised by the support of this book, but it was so wonderful, and I hope you guys like this end
            (Y/N) walked through the shopping center, humming along to the song playing in their earbuds. They had gotten all the ingredients and supplies to try making macarons, so now all that was left was to go home and make them.
            Should I bring them to school and hand them out to people? thought (Y/N). In that case, I should get some bags to put them in.
            They paused as they passed a sad-looking man sitting dejectedly on a bench. “Excuse me, sir, are you lost?” they asked, stepping forward.
            “Huh?” The grey-haired man looked up. “What do you want?” he said grumpily.
            “I was wondering if I could help you at all,” said (Y/N), still friendly. They were used to people being rougher around the edges—Saiki was like that.
            “I don’t need any help. Leave me alone,” huffed the man.
            In a store nearby, Saiki was struck by a sudden feeling—something was going on with his grandfather. While his mother watched his grandmother try on teenager’s clothing, Saiki slipped out to check on his grandfather. He rounded a corner to look at where Grandpa Saiki had been left to fend for himself. Saiki nearly groaned. (Y/N) was speaking to him. Somehow, his family—weird as they were—kept meeting (Y/N). (Yes, his parents both liked (Y/N), but this was his tsundere grandfather. He couldn’t let (Y/N) get scared off by Grandpa Saiki’s outward rudeness). Saiki needed to intervene before Grandpa Saiki hurt (Y/N)’s feelings.
            “Well, sir, you look lost, and I don’t want to leave you to fend for yourself. Are you positive you’re alright?” asked (Y/N), smiling. “I know Shibuya can be a bit confusing sometimes. I got lost the first few times I visited.”
            Grandpa Saiki stared at (Y/N), still so friendly despite him being rude. “…I’m just waiting for my family. They went in without me.”
            “That’s too bad,” said (Y/N).
            “I fought with my grandson,” admitted Grandpa Saiki.
            Saiki stared in shock. (Y/N) had easily gotten along with Grandpa Saiki. It seemed everyone they met liked (Y/N) (or almost all). Not that Saiki could blame anyone. He liked them for a reason (innumerable reasons, actually).
            “That’s too bad,” said (Y/N), sitting down next to Grandpa Saiki.
            “He’s seventeen years old, and he’s my adorable grandson,” said Grandpa Saiki sadly.
            “You seem to care about him a lot,” said (Y/N).
            “But we fought, and now he doesn’t like me,” said Grandpa Saiki.
            “I’m sure he still cares about you,” said (Y/N) encouragingly. “Families have little quarrels all the time. You just have to make it up to him so that he knows you’re sorry about it all.”
            “But how?” said Grandpa Saiki.
            “A gift is always appreciated,” said (Y/N). “And if you want, I could help you pick something out. Your grandson and I are the same age, so maybe we have similar interests.”
            Saiki watched all of this unfold, dumbfounded. Grandpa Saiki was never so reasonable, and somehow, (Y/N) was handling him like any other person—easily, kindly. Curious, Saiki followed (Y/N) and Grandpa Saiki as they walked into a store.
            “What does your grandson like?” asked (Y/N). “Clothes, accessories, games, sweets?”
            “I’m not sure,” said Grandpa Saiki. “I know that he wears barrettes and glasses with all of his outfits and that he likes when my wife bakes.”
            (Y/N) chuckled. “He sounds like my friend. He really likes sweets and has glasses.”
            You’re so observant and yet so oblivious, thought Saiki fondly.
            (Y/N) led Grandpa Saiki to the grocery aisle of the store to show him the options for sweets. “There are brownies, cupcakes, coffee jellies, candy, all sorts of things. What do you think?”
            “Hm…I’m not sure,” said Grandpa Saiki. “What does your friend like?”
            (Y/N) laughed. “Well, my friend is really unique and has an obsession with coffee jelly. But I don’t know if every teenager has the same tastes as Kusuo.”
            Grandpa Saiki perked up. “Kusuo? As in Kusuo Saiki?”
            “Yeah,” said (Y/N), nodding.
            “That’s my grandson,” said Grandpa Saiki. I met one of my beloved grandson’s friends!
            “Really?” (Y/N) laughed. “What a coincidence! I’m his friend, (Y/N) (L/N).”
            “It’s nice to meet any of my grandson’s friends,” said Grandpa Saiki.
            You’re only saying that because you met (Y/N). They’re the best of my friends, thought Saiki. They’re the one he loved.
            “It’s a pleasure to meet his family,” said (Y/N), bowing politely. They grinned. “And now you know exactly what to get him!” They nodded to the coffee jelly. “Get him some coffee jelly and he’ll forgive you for anything.”
            “Thank you,” said Grandpa Saiki, picking up a package. “You’ve been a great help,” he said as they headed towards the counter to pay.
            “Of course,” said (Y/N). “Tell Kusuo I say, ‘hi!’ ” They bowed. “And, again, it was nice meeting you.” With a final wave, they headed off.
            Saiki watched his grandfather pay for the package and walked out. Somehow, this situation had turned in Saiki’s favor.
            When (Y/N) is involved, everything gets better.
            That night, as he ate his grandfather’s apology, he smiled and thought of (Y/N)’s kindness.
            Saiki sighed as he got up to leave class. Everyone had been bothering him today. Even minor characters like Amp and Kusuke had made an appearance. The cameos were off the charts, and Saiki knew that meant trouble, so he wanted to escape.
            Additionally, though, people had been acting strangely around him. His friends (bothers) weren’t hanging around quite as closely as normal and avoiding being around him. Ordinarily, that would be a good thing, but…
            “Hey, pal, let’s go home together. The runt says we should talk about tomorrow,” said Nendou.
            “Wha—?!” Kuboyasu stared at Nendou in alarm.
            “You idiot!” said Kaidou. “What are you doing?! That’s not what we planned.”
            “Huh? But it’s my pal’s—”
            “Shut up! Let’s go,” said Kaidou, dragging Nendou towards the door.
            “Come on, you guys,” said (Y/N), ushering them away. “Bye, Kusuo! See you tomorrow!”
            Saiki sighed. With his telepathy, he knew exactly what was going on, and despite his current respite from their bothersome schemes, it was just going to come around and become an even bigger problem for him in the long run.
Yare yare.
            “Nendou made me nervous,” said Kaidou as he looked out the window with the group by his side.
            “He almost ruined our plan,” said Hairo, shaking his head.
            “You almost ruined it, too, Chiyo,” warned Teruhashi.
            “I let my guard down. I’ll be more careful,” said Yumehara.
            “So where’s Nendou?” asked Kuboyasu.
            “I sent him home. With his brain, he can’t keep up with this plan,” said Kaidou.
            “That’s for the best,” said Hairo.
            “We’ve been preparing this for a week,” said Kaidou gravely. “We can’t afford to fail.” He unraveled the plans. The top read “Operation: Surprise Birthday Party for Kusuo Saiki.” “We can’t afford to fail. Now, let’s start the strategy meeting…for Operation Surprise Saiki, which is taking place tomorrow!”
            (Y/N) shook their head and chuckled. They had tried to intercede, but at this point, they were going to let the plan go through. They’re all put too much work into it.
            “Tomorrow, after school, Aren and I will lure Saiki to the location of the party, which is my house,” said Kaidou. “We won’t talk about his birthday at all. When we get to my house, I’ll go get something to drink, Aren will take him to the room. When the time seems right, Aren will set off a cracker. That’ll be the signal to say, ‘Happy Birthday!’ Then, I’ll bring out the birthday cake, and the surprise will be a big success. I wonder what the look on his face will be…”
            Poor Kusuo. (Y/N) smiled to themself. Hopefully he’ll remember they all have good intentions. I mean, even if his birthday is actually in August…
            Outside the door, Saiki sighed as everyone went on and on about their excitement and the gifts they prepared. At this point, he couldn’t tell them they had the wrong day. Not when Kaidou read aloud his proclamation of friendship. Not when (Y/N) was involved and so happy (even if he did wonder why they hadn’t corrected everyone about his birthday).
            A little smile appeared on Saiki’s face. Yare yare. So troublesome, and yet he was willing to put up with them. For some reason, anyway.
            “Saiki went home?!” cried Kaidou.
            “Yeah,” said Kuboyasu grimly.
            “I warned you, he likes to leave school as soon as possible,” chuckled (Y/N).
            “What do we need to do now?” said Kaidou.
            “Do we put a stop to it?” wondered Kuboyasu.
            “Not after all this time. Time for plan beta!” said Kaidou.
            “We have a plan beta?” wondered (Y/N).
            Sure enough, the entire group—Yumehara, Mera, Kaidou, Kuboyasu, (Y/N), Hairo, and Teruhashi—was soon crouching around the corner from Saiki’s house.
            “I’ll explain again,” said Kaidou. “First, we ring Saiki’s doorbell. When he comes out, we all pull the crackers. The Emotional Saiki Plan.”
            “What if someone else answers?” asked Kuboyasu.
            “We will explain it and make them let us in,” said Kaidou. “Let’s go!”
            The group headed towards the door and rang the doorbell. (Y/N) smiled and shook their head. Whoever opened the door, they knew Saiki had a trick up his sleeve. Going along with something so steeped in emotions was not Saiki’s way.
            The door swung open, and Saiki stood there.
            “Surprise!” called everyone, cracking the crackers.
            Saiki’s eyes widened in surprise, and he smiled. “What? What is this?”
            “Today’s your birthday, right?” said Teruhashi brightly.
            “Yes, but…”
            Aha. (Y/N) giggled behind their hand. That wasn’t Saiki. It was Mr. Saiki since today was his birthday.
            “We came to celebrate your birthday!” said Hairo.
            “Wow, really?!” said Mr. Saiki, beaming from Saiki’s face. It was odd to see it, but (Y/N) at least could see through it. “You know my birthday?”
            “Of course, Saiki,” said Kaidou.
            “ ‘Saiki?’ ” repeated Mr. Saiki, still happy.
            “Hey, pal!” Nendou walked up. “I heard it’s your birthday!” He held up a watermelon.
            “Nendou, you came, too?” said Mr. Saiki.
            “He managed it,” said Kaidou, nodding.
            “Come on in, all of you,” said Mr. Saiki.
            “Thanks, Saiki!” said Yumehara, heading it.
            Wow, no one has noticed how differently “Kusuo” is acting, thought (Y/N).
            “You seem to be enjoying yourself, (Y/N),” said Teruhashi curiously. “You keep smiling and laughing.”
            “I’m just having a really good time,” chuckled (Y/N).
            It’s still going? thought Saiki. He had thought this would end quickly.
            “Thank you all so much,” said Mr. Saiki. “I would never have expected Kusuo’s friends to celebrate my birthday. I’m deeply moved.”
            (Y/N) coughed at the mention of “Kusuo’s friends,” but luckily, no one seemed to notice.
            “You’re our friend,” said Mera.
            “Happy birthday,” said Hairo.
            “Yes, Saiki!” said Kaidou. “By the way, Saiki, are your parents here?”
            “My parents don’t live with us,” said Mr. Saiki.
            “Whoa, really?” said Hairo.
            “My mother lives in the family home, and my father is no longer with us,” said Mr. Saiki.
            He’s walking right into trouble with that one, thought (Y/N). They decided to step in. “Oh, yeah, he’s traveling for work right now.”
            I’m glad someone has worked it out and is helping.
            “What? No, he’s—”
            “Come upstairs,” said Saiki directly to his father’s mind.
            “Huh? Is that Kusuo?” wondered Mr. Saiki.
            “Kusuo?” repeated Kuboyasu.
            “I need to head upstairs for a moment,” said Mr. Saiki awkwardly, leaving the room.
            Alright, I’ll hold down the fort. I wonder what Saiki’ll do now. Have his dad continue the party or end it or…actually come down himself? (Y/N) hoped he would. Even if it wasn’t his birthday, they wanted to spend some time with him and give him the present. All of his friends did.
            Upstairs, Saiki explained the situation to his father, who nodded.
            “Oh, I see. That’s what I thought. I thought it was strange,” said Mr. Saiki.
            “You were totally into it,” said Saiki.
            “The surprise is over, so you want to switch places?” said Mr. Saiki.
            “No. Keep going,” said Saiki, giving a thumbs up.
            “You want me to keep going?!” exclaimed Mr. Saiki.
            “It’s not my birthday. I can’t pretend it is,” said Saiki, pushing his father back down the stairs.
            “I’m not you, Kusuo. I can’t pretend that I am. I think (L/N) already figured it out,” said Mr. Saiki.
            “They did. They’re observant. But they won’t say anything,” said Saiki. “I’m counting on you.” I can’t respond to their kindness.
            Pretend to be Kusuo, thought Mr. Saiki, standing before the door. He opened it. “Yare yare. Sorry for the wait. Yare yare.”
            I don’t say yare yare that much.
            “We’re sorry for interrupting your birthday while your father is away,” said Kaidou.
            “Oh, it’s fine. He’s coming back today,” said Mr. Saiki quickly.
            He’s really not like Kusuo at all, thought (Y/N).
            “And why’d you used the term ‘not with us?’ ” said Kuboyasu. “That sounds like he’s dead.”
            “You shouldn’t talk about your dad that way,” said Hairo, shaking his head.
            “M-My apologies,” said Mr. Saiki.
            “Well, anyway,” said Teruhashi, trying to break in.
            “Look, we finished the cake!” said Yumehara brightly, holding up the box.
            “It turned out great,” said Teruhashi.
            “Especially the face,” agreed Yumehara.
            They took the cake out and put it on the table. It was all smooshed and melted.
            “Oh, no,” the girls said, deflating.
            Oh dear, thought (Y/N) sympathetically. It’s so hard to shape cakes and keep them looking good.
            They should have gotten (Y/N) to help them.
            “It got smashed in the transit,” said Teruhashi in disappointment.
            “But you made it with lots of love, so that’s what matters,” said (Y/N).
            “What?! Love?! No, no! It’s just friendship! A friendship birthday cake! Besides, Chiyo made it with me! We put a ton of work in together!” rambled Teruhashi in a panic.
            “We’ll make another,” said Yumehara, looking at Mr. Saiki. “I swear, it looked perfect!”
            There’s no choice.
            “Wow, look! The cake is reforming!” said Hairo, staring at the cake.
            “The sponge cake is rebounding,” said Kuboyasu.
            Thank you, Kusuo, thought (Y/N). They knew he’d save his friends’ feelings after they worked so hard for him even if misguided).
            “Wow, this is amazing,” said Mr. Saiki, looking at the Saiki-shaped cake. “It looks delicious.”
            That is something Kusuo would say, thought (Y/N), grinning.
            “Just wait, you’ll really be moved!” said Mera.
            “We have a surprise for you,” said Kuboyasu. “A video letter—”
            Mera held up the camera, and Nendou’s face hit it. It fell to the ground, broken.
            “Oh,” said (Y/N), disappointed since Mera and Kuboyasu had worked hard on it.
            “Oh, no, that’s no good,” said Mr. Saiki.
            “Sorry, Saiki.” Kuboyasu took off his glasses. “Go on. Hit me. Everyone, hit me.”
            “Kuboyasu, there’s really no need for that,” said (Y/N) quickly. “It was an accident.”
            Yare yare.
            “Hey, look! It’s working,” said Kaidou, staring at the TV screen as it displayed the video letter.
            “It’s fixed,” said Hairo in happy amazement.
            “Alright!” said Kaidou. “Raise a glass and let’s start the feast.”
            “Cheers!” Everyone lifted their glasses.
            The party was in full swing. (Y/N) hung back since they felt awkward interacting with their crush’s father in such a context (also, they were disappointed Saiki himself wasn’t there), but everyone was having a great time. Some people armed wrestled, they joked, they laughed, and they bonded with one another—already a tight-knit friend group getting closer.
            Upstairs, Saiki sat and psychically monitored the party so that his dad didn’t screw anything up for his reputation or give away his psychic abilities.
            “Oh, there you are,” said Mr. Saiki, popping his face upstairs. “Your dad’s a star!”
            “Good for you.”
            “Well, you want to switch soon?” said Mr. Saiki.
            “No thanks. Hurry back now,” said Saiki. “I would only be a buzzkill.”
            “So what?”
            Saiki looked up at his dad in slight surprise.
            “Go on, Kusuo,” said Mr. Saiki. “You must feel some gratitude toward them. You didn’t want to hurt their feelings, so you asked me to cover for you. But that’s not right. They all came here for you, Kusuo. Even if you do hurt their feelings, you should go to them.” He turned and walked away.
            Saiki paused and watched him go. “Who are you to lecture me?” He stood.
            “I’m your father!” exclaimed Mr. Saiki.
            Saiki glanced at the stairs and walked down. He paused outside of the living room. Now, how do I get rid of them?
            “That was a huge success,” said Kaidou.
            “Saiki seemed really happy about everything,” agreed Teruhashi.
            “(Y/N), you didn’t give him his present,” said Yumehara.
            “I’ll give it to him later,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “He seemed very energetic. He must have really liked all of this,” said Hairo.
            “Yes, but something didn’t seem quite right,” said Nendou.
            “That’s true. It’s like the walls around him are stronger than ever,” said Kaidou.
            “Maybe he was trying to hard to go along with us,” said Kuboyasu.
            “Oh, no, that’s terrible,” said Yumehara.
            “He should just be himself,” said Hairo.
            (Y/N) nodded. “We accept him how he is.” For who he really is.
            Yare yare. You’re the ones who are acting strange. Saiki opened the door.
            “Hey, pal, what took you so long?” Nendou grinned at him.
            “Saiki!” The group beamed at him.
            “Yare yare.” Saiki shook his head and sat down.
            He watched as everyone eagerly chatted and joked, leaving him a little more alone—not wanting him to “put up his walls again.”
            “Do you want a piece of cake?” said (Y/N), sitting down beside him and lifting a plate.
            “Yes,” said Saiki, instantly taking it and taking a bite.
            (Y/N) leaned in, smiled, and whispered, “Welcome to the party, Kusuo.”
            Saiki looked at them and nodded. Ah, well. He could avoid them all tomorrow. He supposed this wasn’t terrible.
            “Why didn’t you tell them it wasn’t my birthday?” asked Saiki. He floated the plates he was cleaning to (Y/N), who set them in the drying rack. “You know when my birthday is.” It wasn’t accusatory, just a plain question.
            “They made the whole plan before they even told me,” said (Y/N), shrugging. “At that point they’d put so much work into it that I couldn’t help but let it keep going.” They chuckled and nudged him. “Besides, that’s the exact same reason you let it go on.”
            “No, I just couldn’t convince them not to,” said Saiki.
            “Uh-huh,” said (Y/N), rolling their eyes with a laugh. “You know I see through you by now.”
            “See through me?”
            “Yep,” chirped (Y/N), grinning.
            Saiki looked at them, nearly asked them a question, and then stopped.
            “Oh, Kusuo, before I forget, I got you a gift,” said (Y/N), heading back into the living room.
            Saiki followed. “But it isn’t my birthday.”
            “I decided I might as well get into the spirit of things,” said (Y/N) brightly. They held up the present. “Tada! Open it up.”
            Saiki curiously opened the box and found a book(?) inside. He glanced up. This wasn’t a sweet or something themed on a sweet like (Y/N)’s usual gifts.
            “Look inside,” said (Y/N), grinning.
            Saiki lifted the album out and opened it. He stared. It was a photo. Of Café Mami. He turned the page. Now there was a photo of the sports festival, him running his race. Christmas with his friends. The beach. Okinawa. Karoake. London. Him having…fun. His friends with him. People celebrating, smiling.
            “I know you’re not big on being with people, but I know I really loved—liked having these moments with you,” said (Y/N). They smiled sheepishly. “So I guess this was partly a gift for me, but I, uh, I hope you can see these moments as fondly as I do.”
            Saiki looked between the photos and (Y/N). No. He wasn’t an extrovert. He didn’t seek others out. He found most incidents bothers. But…
            But in every one of these memories, there was something Saiki did like. Yes, he was…fond of his friends. This was the only moment he’d admit that. However, more importantly to Saiki, (Y/N) was in every one of those memories. They didn’t feature in any of the photos, but he knew they were behind the camera with a smile on their face. That was the reason Saiki instantly loved the photos. They held (Y/N)’s joy.
            And that was the reason Saiki loved them.
            “I love it, (Y/N),” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) beamed. “I’m glad.”
            “…I love it because you made it,” said Saiki. “You always put so much heart into what you make.”
            (Y/N) blushed. “Thanks, Kusuo.”
            “Even when I’m ungrateful, you’re still so kind,” said Saiki, stepping forward.
            (Y/N) looked at Saiki. “We’ve talked about this before, Kusuo, I don’t care that you’re not into words of affection. That doesn’t matter to me.”
            “It does. It does to me. Because you deserve to know that you’re a good friend and that I…I value you.” Saiki swallowed. This was it. “I like you, (Y/N).”
            (Y/N) started as they heard Saiki speak without telepathy. “You—You what?”
            “I like you,” repeated Saiki. “As…as more than a friend.”
            “You do?” A smile spread across (Y/N)’s face. “Really?”
            Saiki nodded jerkily.
            “Oh, Kusuo. I like you, too,” said (Y/N). They let out a joyful laugh. “I really, really like you, Kusuo. I have feelings for you.”
            “I do, too,” said Saiki. “I didn’t phrase it right.”
            “You phrased it just right,” said (Y/N), stepping up and taking Saiki’s hand daringly. They cleared their throat. “Can I-Can I kiss you, Kusuo?”
            Saiki looked at them, and he found that the idea of affection with them was as appealing as ever. He nodded and held their hand tighter.
            Saiki and (Y/N) leaned, hesitant, unsure of themselves, but perfectly comfortable with one another. They were willing to try something new with the person they loved.
            Their lips touched, and Saiki and (Y/N) pulled back for a moment. But the separation lasted for but a second as they leaned back in, kissing once more, more confidently, more eagerly.
            When they finally separated, (Y/N) and Saiki were both pink, and (Y/N) let out a little laugh at the rush of joy. Saiki felt their hand in his and gazed at the beautiful smile he had fallen for. There was only one thing he could say.
            “Oh, wow.”
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kangmoon27 · 3 months
CHAOS DISASTER | Jungkook Oneshot ff
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Pairing: King-obsessed Jungkook x Princess Y/n [Royal Au,]
Summary: You meant no harm to anyone but with you not being by the king's side is a threat to everyone, chaos disaster will happen cause the king Is out there ready to throw kn'fe in everyone's throat without you by his side.
Tears falling. A dark cloud screams with lightning. Slippy mud. Rain falling. Everything is literally going through the same thing that you feel. Almost like it simplifies you, like the whole world is on the side of your feelings.
Is this how love should be? Painful?. You thought it's about happiness, feeling of satisfaction, the feeling of being loved, cherished, cared for, admiration but none of those feelings even went through your life. For you love is all about sadness, betrayal, hurtful, harmful, it will only hurt you and you should run before you even bury yourself in that stupid love that everyone believes and that's what you're doing right now. Running for your life.
Running for your remaining life that was drained because of that stupid love. No one can love you and no one will love you and that's all you have to believe. No more stupid butterflies, no more sweet kisses, no more romantic music, no more slow dance. You must bury them. No more.
Birds crys as well as you as well, falling onto your knees begging your heart to stop beating just to make the pain go away. Nothing is left, you're drained out.
It's raining cats and dogs. He tries to find a big tree to stop over and let the rain at least calm down. He settled himself under a hundred years old bristlecone pine tree. The cold blaze made him shivers, both arms find its way to wrap around his chest while watching the rain drops end in mud. As he's about to sit after an exhausting day he spotted a huge pile of fabric laying on the slippy wet ground.
The thing that instantly went to his thoughts is that he can use it so that at least he could keep himself warm under the cold blaze and rain drops pouring out. He walked towards it, pulling and forcing to take it in his direction when he suddenly noticed something. It's not just a pile of fabric but a woman. He was stunned and didn't know what to do but eventually he did what anyone would do if they are in the same situation and that is to help the girl and pick her up. He put her down under the tree and started wiping her face covered in mud. Looking at her unconscious face the man couldn't help but to memorize the beauty of the girl he's facing right now. He could feel his chest wanting to be ripped and offer his heart to the lady.
He chuckled and slapped himself to wake up from his dream. There's no way this woman would like him. Not when he's the laughing stock of the ton with his ugly face and poverty. No one would want to even be with him.
After an hour, the cloud finally stopped crying. He fixed himself and settled to leave but before he went. The man knee down offering the unconscious girl his bottle of water and some food. Clearly he's not a fool or that kind to just take a woman to his house and be that chaos in his life and he made that clear after looking at her for the last time before he walked away and went home.
Door cracks letting the other person know her brother is back. She turned around and immediately offered warm fabric that will help him dry himself.
"Have you heard the commotion in the kingdom? The princess is missing brother." The teen said while helping her brother to take his shoe off and put down his things.
The elder sighs and looks at his sister. "How many times do I have to tell you to not get yourself involved in those kingdom and palace things Myani".
"But brother-" as the younger one tried to defend herself her brother cut her off "No more Myani, no more".
He left her sighing and went straight to the table where his sister prepared food for both.
"The ton talks about the reward that they will get as soon as they find the princess, they said it a huge amount of gold and-"
"MYANI!!" Everything went silent after the man shouted. He angrily threw his food away and went out shutting the door behind her. She silently eats her food while looking down, instantly regretting everything she has done.
"Excuse me, may I ask for your help?" He turned around and saw the same lady he saw on the Forest just an hour ago. "What do you want" he said directly asking her. "Food a-and clothes if ever" she said.
It took a few minutes of his stares to finally let her in his house, offering her food and clothes that are owned by his sister. "What's your name? You're so beautiful" Myani asked. Looking at her soft skin and flawless features truly made her amazed by her beauty. "Wait are you princess?!" She asked excitedly.
"I-I am. I'm Y/n and you are?" You asked making the teen jump around in happiness. "Are you seriously the princess? But they said you run away, why? Don't you like being the Princess?." You were taken aback by the sudden question and the man seems to notice that even if he's standing a little far away from you.
"Myani that's enough, go and sleep now" as the man commanded, the teen couldn't do anything besides listen with a pout in between her lips.
"T-thanks, it's uncomfortable talking about it." You said. You continue eating your food while being watched by him.
"I'm returning you tomorrow." He said.
You stopped eating and look at him in horror, that's the least thing you thought about after meeting him.
"I'm no harm" you said with a low voice as the fear began to eat your entire brain and soul. Just the image of you returning to that hell is the end of you.
"You, yourself here is going to be the end of mine and my sister's life. I think you're aware that the king is already out there looking for you ready to throw a kn'fe in anyone's throat just to find you is that what you meant by not a harm?" He said while looking at you dead in the eye.
"Please don't, I'll do everything you want just please don't bring me back to that cruel monster." You immediately stood up and kneel In front of him but your begging seems to not have touched his heart a bit.
With a heavy heart you immediately stood up and decided to offer yourself to him, pulling the stand of your clothes and eventually stood up nked right to his face. "What are you doing?" He asked.
"Do whatever you want but please don't take me away from here. This is the only place I feel safe so please I'm begging you." His warm hand grabbed your shoulder. "You don't have to offer yourself, princess. But I hope you understand that I only care about my sister's safety." Picking your clothes and covering your exposed bdy with it before leaving you behind being helpless.
"What do you want?" The king asked.
"Peaceful life away from all your sins and evilness." Jungwoon said making the king laugh.
"You still haven't changed a bit brother. You came here offering me my beautiful bride just to ask me for a peaceful life? Chaotic. I have my word written in stone that whoever brings me the princess back will get whatever they want and you're actually the one who did so without feather question being asked just tell me what you want. Anything." The king said.
"I already said what I want" Jungwoon said making the king laugh once again.
"I think you're aware that the only place where you can live peacefully is dea'h right?, I believe that's where you wanted to go as well as our sister Myani right?."
As soon as the king said that, jungwoon couldn't help himself and immediately threw a hard punch in the king's face. "She doesn't have a monster brother like you. I'm trying to give her a good life!! away from your evilness!!"
Jungkook just laughed. "You're acting so pathetic, just admit it, you want my throne, you're jealous and furious about me being the king and not you, and it's because you're ugly and unwillingly for our people to follow your order with that kind of face, they even said you're the monster here."
Jungkook stared at his twin and shoke his head before pulling jungwoon's hate tightly making the other twin kneel in front of him. "Who would have thought that you're my own twin, we're nothing alike, you're the disaster between the two of us."
"You know what I actually wanted to see Myani if she suffered the same fate as you." With that jungwoon fight over trying to pin down the king but couldn't. "Don't you dare come closer to her!! I've already given her up for you!! So don't you dare touch Myani with your dirty hand." Jungwoon stated.
"Oh yeah, Y/n my beautiful wife, isn't she beautiful? So you actually reunited with our other sister last night huh, did you tell Myani about her Being her sister and her soon to be sister in law?" Jungkook smirked.
"You're cruel" Jungkook looked at Jungwoon for the last time before his knights threw him out of the castle.
"Please stop. Stop this please I'm your sister. " You begged him to stop but he didn't, begging him only made him feel more in power, more in control and that's the feeling he loved the most.
"And I'm your king, your husband." He said and growled after burying himself deep ins'de you. Your screams are like music to his ears.
"At least you've met your brother and sister before you get locked in this castle again. Don't worry my love, we will fill this kingdom with our numerous children." The king started making you lose your mind.
You don't know how long you can handle the chaotic happening in your life right now.
He's clearly not yet satisfied, he pulled you up and slapped your face. Several servants entered his chamber nked. You're drugged down, pin in bed as they hold your both hand and feet, offering you to their king.
The sensation is so good, so euphoric, hard ridges rubbing against your cl't as he slides into you. You almost forget about the other, but then he starts working his way into your a's, grunting with exertion as you m'an. Too much, too big, too full. You just couldn't help yourself.
Your head is spinning, your entire body on fire as he thr'sts in time. It feels like you’re being torn apart, and yet each stroke electrifies your nerves, sending waves of pleasure up your spine and through your limbs.
Your climax is forceful, your c'nt and a's clamping down on them as you cry out, tears blurring your vision as ecstasy overpowers you. Moments later, the king let his own groans, sticky seed filling you, overfilling you, dripping down your a's and between your th'ghs.
"This is the welcome greetings that I always want from you. But next time I'll make sure you won't escape me again." He said before pulling you up again. Tied you up in the chair and made you watch him doing himself with his sinful m'an calling out your name.
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mamawasatesttube · 5 months
one of the funniest aro traits i have is that i NEVER notice people i know being romantically into each other. they can be the most obviously pining couple in the world flirting ridiculously hard right in front of me and ill just be like wow, look at us three besties all just hanging out :) and then they'll be like btw we're dating now! and ill go WHAT???? oh that was romance??? WHOA. like yay happy for you!!! i just didn't clock it at all whatsoever!!!! (part of this is that im just an affectionate person with my friends and ill happily flirt with my besties and physically lay all over them with absolutely no romantic intent. so i forget that sometimes people are flirty or always concerned with each other for romantic reasons. like. EVERY time it's just oh YEAH... i forgor again...)
anyways, i like to hand this to bart allen, aroace extraordinaire. guy who just straight up forgets romance is real and not something they made up for video games with romanceable companions. he's happy for his friends when they say they're dating someone, bc they're happy so yay! but until they come out and say it he will NOT clock any sort of romance going on.
now i also like to imagine that when the gang are all like in their late teens to early 20s, there's some RIDICULOUS lesbian drama going on. cassie and cissie have been kinda sorta dancing around each order for ages, but then after kon's death and resurrection cassie got distant and cissie and anita started spending more and more time together, and cassie isn't proud to admit it but she maaaay have gotten jealous and fucked rose about it, and now cissie is giving her the cold shoulder. and rose keeps flirting with cissie even though she and cassie keep having unplanned hookups, and anita just asked cassie to be her plus one to a wedding and cassie is shocked she didn't ask cissie and what's going on?! is anita hitting on her??? omg??? wait but what's going on with cissie?? and....
anyway, all of this to say cassie is going the fuck Through it and it's a mess that she keeps bemoaning to kon while languishing on his couch and eating all his ice cream (kon is listening wide-eyed like "wow. if i ever need romantic advice, i'll ask you and then do the exact opposite of whatever you say.") this whole ridiculous affair is going on for months.
until one day there's a core four sleepover and kon is like soooo is it the time of night where we start unpacking the latest developments in cassie's love life? and cassie goes AUURGHGHRHH!!!! yes but oh my god shut up don't say it like that auugghhhh
and bart just looks at her and tilts his head like a puppy dog and asks "wait. you have a love life?? since when???"
cassie gawks. kon looks positively gleeful.
and then tim starts laughing so hard he doubles over and accidentally slams his head into the corner of the coffee table hard enough to get a mild concussion. bart's aro swag claims yet another victim
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field-cryptobotanist · 4 months
I'm sick of love songs and breakup songs and partying songs.
More albums should be telling an entire fantasy book's worth of a story.
I want a knight going to war returning and falling in love with a witch they that helps them with the nightmares.
I want eldritch monsters driving people to madness or killing people in alleys.
Robot cowboys finding the meaning of life
Does anybody have any cool suggestions??
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epic fail <3
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letojessica · 2 months
"you speak as if from a distant dream" "come with me" welcome back orpheus and eurydice welcome back patroclus and achilles
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lavendarr00 · 19 days
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Solas & Lavellan | Dragon Age Inquisition (1/10)
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lilyoutloud · 9 months
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*Hides deep personal trauma behind a thin veneer of quips and lies* 😎 perfect
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sboochi · 2 years
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(In which the kids get picked without gender distinction)
What if we were hunger games tributes and pretended we're falling in love but you actually have always had a crush on me and oops now I'm actually falling for you ahah
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pianokantzart · 9 months
I don't think we talk often enough about Princess "Commissioned A Giant Golden Statue Of Her And Luigi Dancing Together" Daisy and Princess "Has A Giant Topiary Of Mario's Face In The Center Of Her Garden" Peach smugly side-eying each other while being equally incapable of clearly expressing their feelings to their respective crush
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anonymousewrites · 4 months
A Not-So-Disastrous Romance (Book 1) Chapter Seventeen
Kusuo Saiki x Reader
Chapter Seventeen: Delinquent Run-In and Teruhashi’s Home-Visit
Summary: Kaidou is scared of Aren because he discovered his past, and Saiki is scared of how the world gives Teruhashi whatever she wants.
            After school, which had been normal for (Y/N) but filled with Kaidou’s thoughts of how scared he was of Kuboyasu since he had discovered he used to be a delinquent for Saiki, the three headed back to their homes, walking down the same paths and roads.
            “Saiki, (L/N), want to grab some food?” asked Kaidou as they rounded a corner.
            “Hey,” said a boy in a group of four, much taller and muscular than Kaidou. The group grinned menacingly.
            “I know this is sudden, but could you lend us some cash?” said another in the group.
            Kaidou tried to back away, but one boy dragged him back. Two got on either side of Saiki.
            “You can’t escape either,” said one.
            (Y/N) took a step back, but the last one stepped towards them. “Not you, either!”
            Saiki, Kaidou, and (Y/N) stood in the center of the group of delinquents, cornered.
            “Give us your money!” One grabbed Kaidou by the collar, and Kaidou deflated in fear. “Don’t ignore me!”
            “Leave him alone,” snapped (Y/N), stepping forward.
            Don’t get involved! Saiki didn’t want them getting hurt.
            “Do you want some of what he’s having?” sneered the leader, shoving Kaidou back into a wall.
            (Y/N) narrowed their eyes. They had a pretty good punch, but they saw the metal baton in one of their hands, and they knew they couldn’t do much about that.
            “(Y/N), don’t,” said Saiki, sending the words directly into their mind. He would step in if they got put in danger, but he’d prefer for them to avoid it altogether.
            “H-Hey, ignore them,” said Kaidou bravely (still shaking, though). He lifted up his wallet. “Here’s my wallet.”
            Saiki had to admit, he was proud of Kaidou for drawing the attention intentionally back to himself so that (Y/N) wouldn’t get hurt.
            “Wow, look at all this cash!” said the delinquents gleefully.
            “Now you two,” said another, stepping again towards Saiki and (Y/N).
            Saiki moved slightly in front of (Y/N).
            The delinquent reached out towards Saiki. Kaidou jumped in between and pushed the delinquent back.
            “Run, Saiki, (L/N)!” cried Kaidou, and the three took off away from the delinquents.
            “Wait! Stop right there, bastards!” cursed the boys, running after them.
            Saiki and (Y/N) kept their speed up, staying away from the delinquents, but Kaidou, thanks to his lack of physical ability, started falling back, and the boys grabbed him.
            “Kaidou!” said (Y/N) in alarm, preparing to stop and help him.
            They’re way too nice, sighed Saiki, slowing to a stop. If it was Kaidou, maybe he’d turn back since he helped him escape, but since it was (Y/N), he’d definitely stop.
            “Hey, Saiki, (L/N), what’s up?” Kuboyasu rounded the corner that Saiki had reached intentionally in his run. He paused as he saw Kaidou being held by the delinquents. “What is this?”
            “Kuboyasu, run away!” said Kaidou urgently. He knew Kuboyasu was strong, he’d seen it himself, but his instinct was to sacrifice himself for his friends (rather honorable). “Take Saiki and (L/N) with you and run.”
            “Hey, do you have cash, too?” said one delinquent, walking up to Kuboyasu as the other three kept an eye on Kaidou, Saiki, and (Y/N). “Did you think we would let you just go?”
            Kuboyasu back-fisted the delinquent. “I used to be a delinquent,” he said, letting the boy fall. “So after I transferred, I tried to be a law-abiding citizen.” He walked towards the next delinquent that went running towards him.
            “You’re dead!” he cried.
            Kuboyasu punched him, and he fell to the side. “But this path is tougher than the path of a delinquent,” said Kuboyasu. “I can’t stop myself if others are looking for a fight.” He punched and kicked the next boy. He approached the final delinquent who still held Kaidou tightly. “This is me.”
            “What?” said the delinquent fearfully.
            “Don’t touch my friends!” shouted Kuboyasu, punching him in the face.
            Kaidou stared at Kuboyasu, sparkles and tears in his eyes. “Kuboyasu…” he spoke in awe and thanks.
            “Come on. I’ll make sure you guys get home alright,” said Kuboyasu, turning away.
            “Thanks, Kuboyasu,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Saiki just nodded. (Y/N) had ended up alright, so that was enough.
            “Yeah, thanks,” said Kaidou. “I thought you’d be scary as a delinquent, but it turns out you’re still really cool.”
            Kuboyasu glanced at him in surprise. “You knew?”
            “Of course,” said Kaidou, puffing out his chest and returning to his usual self. “Did you think you could deceive my demonic eye?”
            “Really? I thought I blended in perfectly,” said Kuboyasu.
            “We don’t care about your past,” said (Y/N), shrugging.
            “Right!” said Kaidou. “What matters is who you are now and who you’ll be in the future.” He reached out, and Kuboyasu shook his hand.
            “What a nice moment,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            Kaidou winced as Kuboyasu’s strong grip hurt his hand.
            “He’s weak,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “Still a nice moment.
            “Kusuo, why are we at your neighbor’s house?” said (Y/N). They had come over to work on homework with Saiki, but they had made a sudden exit from his house to the neighbor’s.
            “Yuuta needs babysitting,” said Saiki.
            “You don’t like babysitting, so why are we really here?” said (Y/N), grinning as they read him perfectly.
            “Teruhashi asked my mom to teach her to make cookies, so she’s coming over. I decided to watch Yuuta over at his house to avoid her,” said Saiki.
            “Got it,” said (Y/N), laughing since Saiki went to such trouble to avoid Teruhashi.
            “Hey, hey, come on, I want to watch TV!” said Yuuta. “Cyborg Cider-man No. 2, Cherry Blossom Lemonade, come on!”
            “Coming.” That show is just an ad.
            The doorbell rang.
            Yuuta ran up the mic to answer it. “Yes?” he said nervously. Clearly, he didn’t like strangers (but not enough to not mistake them for superheroes).
            “Sorry, I made a mistake.”
            (Y/N)’s eyes widened. It was Teruhashi’s voice on the other side. She had managed to get the house wrong but found the one where Saiki actually was. The universe really does look out for her.
            Yuuta opened the front door and peeked out. “Who are you?”
            Teruhashi panicked. “Sorry, I pressed the button by mistake.”
            Yuuta disappeared and pulled (Y/N) and Saiki to the door for “protection” from the strange lady. (Children were immune to Teruhashi’s charms, which got her frustrated).
            “Come on, Cyborg Cider-man No. 2, Cherry Blossom Lemonade! I need you two to make sure everything’s okay!” said Yuuta. “Someone suspicious is here.” He dragged them into the doorway.
            “Yare yare.”
            “Hi, Kokomi,” said (Y/N), waving. They were as friendly as ever, even if Saiki was disappointed.
            “Saiki? (Y/N)?” Teruhashi blinked in surprise.
            “We have no choice but to return to my house,” said Saiki to (Y/N).
            “I’ll stick with you, and you’ll survive,” said (Y/N) encouragingly.
            That made Saiki felt better.
            “Welcome, Kokomi!” said Mrs. Saiki, smiling at Teruhashi as she entered the kitchen. “And (Y/N), welcome back in. I was hoping you’d stick around, too. Would you like to join us cooking?”
            (Y/N) brightened. “I love baking.”
            That was true. (Y/N) wanted to be a confectioner, and Saiki had the honor to try some of their creations (absolutely delicious and made him fall for them more. The way to someone’s heart, especially Saiki’s, was indeed through their stomach).
            Darn it, I thought I’d get private time with Mrs. Saiki. If she likes me, then Saiki will like me more, thought Teruhashi. Not that it matters, but, after all, boys like a girl more if their parents like her, and I’m the perfect pretty girl, so of course Mrs. Saiki would want me in her family, and then she’ll say that to Saiki, and he’ll say “oh, wow!”
            Yare yare.
            “It has been a long time,” said Teruhashi, smiling at Mrs. Saiki.
            “It has,” said Mrs. Saiki. She smiled. “Oh, and hello to you, too, Yuuta.” She laughed as she looked at (Y/N) and Saiki standing with Yuuta held by Saiki. “From this angle, you two look a married couple.”
            Teruhashi stared at (Y/N) and Saiki, and he nearly sighed as her thoughts spiraled, but his own embarrassment at his mom’s words kept him quiet. He didn’t mind the idea. Marriage was just existing with a person you care about and getting to spend time with them (and hug and kiss them), so that didn’t sound bad at all for Saiki. Not if it was with (Y/N).
            (Y/N)’s cheeks warmed, and they chuckled. “I guess so,” said (Y/N), but they avoided Saiki’s gaze in case that made him uncomfortable. Still, the thought was a nice one. They really liked Saiki. They could spend forever with him.
            “I’ll get the ingredients ready if you two just wait here,” said Mrs. Saiki, completely oblivious to the reactions her words had elicited.
            “Of course, we’ll wait right here,” said Teruhashi, smiling as Mrs. Saiki walked away. She glanced at Saiki and found that Yuuta was staring at her strangely. What’s he looking at? Perhaps he’s experiencing his first love. Smiling, she said, “Hello, Yuuta!” He hid his face in Saiki’s chest, and (Y/N) had to smother a laugh at the intense reaction. This brat, thought Teruhashi. Fine, I’ll try something else. She straightened and picked up the box she’d put on the Saikis’ table. “I brought some cake! Do you want some?”
            “Cake?!” said Yuuta eagerly.
            “Oh, that does sound good,” said (Y/N), and Saiki nodded. Their massive sweet-tooths were always up for some confections.
            They sat down, and Mrs. Saiki rejoined them to open the box. Teruhashi had gotten pieces for herself, Saiki, Mrs. Saiki, and Mr. Saiki, but since Mr. Saiki wasn’t there and she had gotten an extra (due to being a pretty girl), she had enough for everyone.
            “I have an extra piece, so if you would like to, you can have some,” said Teruhashi, smiling.
            “Oh, they look delicious!” said Mrs. Saiki. There was a lemon cake slice, a yellow cake with strawberries on top, a cupcake, a chocolate cake slice, and a heart-shaped cake with “love” written on it.
            Teruhashi’s eyes widened in panic as she saw the last one. That was the free one she’d gotten, but she hadn’t seen it until then. What type of impression would that send to Saiki?!
            “Oh, who is this one for?” said Mrs. Saiki, holding up the heart-shaped cake.
            “Oh, I don’t know!” said Teruhashi quickly. “The chef picked them all out! It was a surprise! I guess he thought it would taste good! It doesn’t mean anything!” Her cheeks were bright pink as she panicked. “Everyone can take whichever one they want.”
            “Alright!” said Yuuta excitedly.
            “Thank you so much, Kokomi,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Thank you.” Saiki would never refuse a sweet.
            Why did he give me that cake? Teruhashi sat down. Still…I would like Saiki to eat that one.
            Her hopes were crushed as Yuuta eagerly bit into the heart-shaped cake.
            After they finished their treats, Mrs. Saiki smiled and said, “Well, thank you so much, Kokomi.” She looked at Yuuta. “Make sure you thank Kokomi. It’s polite.”
            “Thanks, ma’am!” said Yuuta.
            An arrow pierced Teruhashi at the old-woman (in her mind) term.
            Mrs. Saiki didn’t notice and continued, “Would you and (Y/N) like to get started on the cookies, now?” The phone rang before the two could answer, and Mrs. Saiki rose to answer it.
            Teruhashi glowered at Yuuta, imagining all the ways she could get her revenge in the future for him slighting her so terribly.
            Saiki decided to use this to his advantage.
            (Y/N) recycled the cake box and placed the dishes on the counter to be washed later.
            “Oh, I’m sorry, Kokomi, (Y/N),” said Mrs. Saiki, putting down the phone and looking at the two. “I forgot that I had a town council meeting!”
            “Oh, then I’ll come again,” said Teruhashi, bowing.
            “It’s no problem, we’ll do it another time,” said (Y/N), smiling.
            “Oh, no, no, you can wait here if you want to,” said Mrs. Saiki. “It should end in thirty minutes. Ku, keep (Y/N) and Kokomi company.”
            “I was the one who invited (Y/N) over,” said Saiki.
            I’ll be alone with Saiki! realized Teruhashi.
            (Y/N) and Yuuta are here, thought Saiki.
            “Bye, I’ll be back soon,” said Mrs. Saiki, grabbing her purse and heading out.
            Instantly, Yuuta turned towards Saiki and (Y/N). “Can I watch TV?”
            Don’t you have your own TV? griped Teruhashi inwardly, but out loud, she just said, “Let’s watch TV!” She turned on the TV for him. I cannot get angry at this child. If I can distract him and (Y/N), then Saiki and I can have a moment alone.
            “We’re going to watch TV to avoid Teruhashi, aren’t we?” whispered (Y/N).
            How do they know what I’m thinking? Saiki nodded, and the pair sat down on the couch.
            Teruhashi stared. They’re watching TV, too?! She deflated. I guess we can’t be alone.
            The only one I wanted to be alone with today with was (Y/N), and you interrupted that, thought Saiki.
            “What is this show about? It seems cool,” said Teruhashi, attempting to get Yuuta to like her again.
            “I’m watching this. Be quiet,” said Yuuta.
            Teruhashi was stricken as he rudeness towards her continued. She couldn’t take any more. Swaying on her feet, she turned towards the door. “I just remembered something. I need to go home. Tell your mother I’m sorry.”
            Saiki looked down at Yuuta and smiled proudly. The kid had done what he couldn’t and scared Teruhashi off. Now after Yuuta’s mom got back, he and (Y/N) could spend some time alone. (And maybe (Y/N) would bake for him…that sounded like the perfect day).
            Yuuta just stared intently at the screen as Cyborg Cider-man No. 2 and Cherry Blossom Lemonade fought Baron Cola. Then, a third superhero entered the scene, a woman with blue hair and a sweet smile.
            “I am Peach T Girl!” she declared. “And I am here to help defeat Baron Cola.”
            Oh no. Saiki watched as, in Yuuta’s thoughts, Peach T Girl appeared as Teruhashi—the two looking strangely similar. Not again. No.
            Yuuta leapt up with a grin. He could have all three superheroes here if he got Peach T Girl back. He ran towards the door. “Wait! Peach T Girl!”
            “The world loves her too much,” said Saiki.
            (Y/N) chuckled. “More like Yuuta loves that show too much.” They stood. “Come on, if we move out of the living room, Yuuta will make her sit down and talk to him about being a superhero and distract her from you.”
            You’re an angel. Saiki stood and followed (Y/N). Maybe he would get some quality time with them without too many idiots around.
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be-gay-do-witchcraft · 7 months
Also I need people to appreciate how both Kaidan and Liara go from
“I’ll have them home by 10, sir”
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To “Your kid calls me daddy too”
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mamawasatesttube · 1 month
it shouldve been ives........... man.......
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frnkiebby · 6 months
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we love a good whore on the floor~🎃
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