#disabiltiy positivity
pink-bxxch-club · 2 months
I have scars too. But we're going to be okay
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zzzmoons · 2 years
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BASIC INFORMATION NAME: Blue Barrowcliffe NICKNAMES: the potential for blue based ones is endless BIRTHDAY: June 20 AGE: 20 HOMETOWN: Peterborough, Ontario, Canada BIRTHPLACE: Peterborough, Ontario, Canada RELIGION: Agnostic ETHNICITY:Black (Barbadian) and White (Unspecified) NATIONALITY: Canadian MAJOR: Health and Physical Education/Fitness JOB/EXTRACURRICULARS:  Paw & Order Pet Store / Basketball, Rugby (Hockey if there's that) RELATIONSHIP STATUS: Freshlu Single SOCIAL CLASS: Middle
PERSONALITY & BEHAVIOR HOBBIES: lots of different sports, hockey was his main one back home, running, basketball, camping LIKES: dogs, cartoons, bro time, sports DISLIKES: know it alls, asmr, controlling people QUIRKS: mouths words when reading, throws head back when laughing, uses mundane things as toys POSITIVE TRAITS: open minded, generous, easy going NEGATIVE TRAITS: gullible, restless, nosy
Blue's running mix ranges from Outkast to The Lord of the Rings soundtrack
His favorite color is green, his favorite show is Bob's Burgers and his favorite word is zamboni
He doesn't have any tattoos
He has dyscalculia, which is a learning disabiltiy that results in difficulty in learning and understanding arithmatic, which made Blue's road to university a difficult one, which might be why he's got a permanent smile on his face for the first week (but that could be more about fact 5)
He recently ended a pretty awful relationship, which is why he decided to go to school away from home. While he is homesick, he's extremely relieved to have distance from her.
WHERE DOES YOUR CHARACTER LIVE (please pick one): Frat (or Dorm if the frat hasn't picked him yet)
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I used to really enjoy grimdark magical girls as a teen. I enjoyed the subversion of the frilly girly trope and I enjoyed having my heartstrings tugged at when I got wrapped up in the story. But now, having not watching one in a long time, I’m slowly realizing that a lot of grimdark magical girl stories are just torture-p*rn of children? They’re not shows made for young girls like magical girl shows usually are, they’re typically made for men. The more I grow up and the worse the world gets, the more I’m enjoying the traditional magical girl stories more. I’m tired of grimdark this and gore that. I want more stories about the power of friendship and how it’s not a bad thing to be feminine and girly. I still enjoy the grimdark shows sometimes for the drama and some of them do have good things to say, but so many are just... for the shock value. And that’s not what I want out of my media consumption.
Instead of subverting the magical girl trope/genre by adding gore or violent death, I want to see more queer/non-normative magical girl stories. Whether they’re lesbians, boys, trans girls, nonbinary people, fat girls, girls with acne, autistic girls, girls with disabiltiies, etc. Or stories with more downtime for character development and a break from the trauma.
The only show I can think of doing that in the past decade or so is Precure. (historically there’s a few good ones like Revolutionary Girl Utena and Sailor Moon that had diverse characters/mature themes) Kira Kira Precure had lesbians and an autistic character (you can’t tell me Himari wasn’t autistic coded). Hugtto Precure had a male precure (just a cameo but it was important). There’s violence in precure and the characters go through some pretty rough stuff, but there’s never gore and there’s always a happy ending. It displays some really mature themes with its limitations- like Hugtto Precure showcases the unhealthy work culture in Japan. Star Twinkle Precure touched a bit on colonialism. Go Princess Precure is about the despair experienced when your dreams feel unobtainable. A couple of them touch on depression. idk I’m probably missing things
this isn’t just a Precure positivity post oops it’s my thoughts on the genre as a whole. I feel like a lot of media has skewed towards violence and pessimism and grimdark whatever lately and I’m just tired of it. The world is dark enough as it is, I want/need hope and optimism to keep me sane.
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Equal Opportunities For Our Brothers and Sisters with Disabilities
             Life as abled people can be very difficult from commuting, going to school or work, or simply doing our everyday activities. Be that as it may, the things we tend to take for granted like walking, talking, preparing breakfast, and the like are what some of our brothers and sisters with disabilities dream of doing but are not able to. Moreover, the world is slowly opening its eyes to the needs of these PWDs which is greatly beneficial for them so that they may experience the things we get to experience like going to school, working, and feeling like a functioning member of the society.
            In the Philippines, there are several steps the government has taken to provide a more inclusive environment for PWDs. The “Inclusive Education for Children and Youth with Special Needs Act” was proposed in April 2017 which aims to first, provide children and youth with special needs free and appropriate public education and related services in accordance to their, and in preparation for adult living and community life. Second, provide children and youth with special needs access to general education curriculum through the formal systems and alternative delivery services in education. Third, ensure that children and youth with special needs fully develop their potentials toward self-sufficiency and become fully participative members of society. Furthermore, even if we have special education for those with special needs, those are not accessible to everyone since not every parent or guardian of children and youth with special needs are financially stable to be able to provide education for them so having this act which aims to provide free education for young PWDs and have them be a functional part of society is a great step towards inclusivity.
            Last July 20,2019, the Department of Labor and Employment released a statement ensuring employment and livelihood opportunities for PWDs. According to secretary Silvestre Bello III, the government adheres to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabiltiy’s agenda which aims to provide inclusive growth and decent work for all. Moreover, according to the Republic Act No. 10524, at least 1 percent of all positions to all government agencies, offices, or corporations shall be reserved for PWDs and private corporations with more than 100 employees are encouraged to reserve at least 1 percent of all positions for PWDs. During the first quarter of 2019, 1,900 PWDs were given livelihood assistance of P1.51 million. That being said, it is good that the assistance provided to PWDs doesn’t stop with education. They are given platforms where they can practice and apply what they have learned in a professional setting.
            In addition, PWDs also receive special benefits according to RA 10754 - An Act Expanding The Benefits And Privileges of Persons With Disability. It is said that they are entitled to at least 20% discount and exemption from the value-added tax. This discount includes hotel and similar lodging services, restaurants and recreation centers, admission fees from theaters, concerts, etc, purchase of medicine in all drugstores, medical and dental services, fares for domestic air and sea travel, and in public transportation.
            All of those being said, it is great that we are able to see such efforts from our government to help improve the lives of PWDs and have them be a functional part of society through education, jobs, and benefits. Such efforts lead us to be one step closer to having an inclusive society where people aren’t judged for how they look and what they lack physically, mentally, or psychologically, but with what they can contribute and bring to the table.
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adastraradionews · 5 years
Four area adult care homes honored for person-centered care accomplishments
Four mid-Kansas area adult care facilties have been honored by the Kansas Department for Aging and Disabiltiy services for their achievements in providing and sustaining person-centered care. Among the facilities recognized at last week's LeadngAge Kansas fall conference in Lenexa for their work in sustaining person centered care in 2018 are Bethesda Home in Goessel, Pine Village in Moundridge, Showalter Villa in Hesston and Sterling Presbyterian Manor... now known as Sterling Village. KDADS Secretary Laura Howard said management and staff of these faciltiies have committed to person centere dcare and have made a positive change in how nursing home services are provided to Kansans and in improving the quality of life for those who live in these homes.
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