#dinte abces
try-set-me-on-fire · 1 year
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pick me, choose me, love me
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Eddie wants to scream. Eddie wants to talk to Buck. There are questions he should ask - Do you know when the bleeding started? How long has it been? How bad does it hurt? Are you injured anywhere else? There is a conversation he wants to have - If I leave you here I don’t know that you’ll be alive when I get back. There are protocols, in disaster situations. If you can only save one person, you save the one most likely to survive. Beyond protocol, you always fucking save the kid. Beyond that, it's our kid. It’s our fucking kid, it’s Christopher, and I am going to get him to the surface and in doing so I am going to leave you for dead. But it’s Buck, and they never really needed words to talk, and Buck is still looking at him, and Eddie knows what he'd say. He'd downplay the injury. He knows the protocol. And he’d already said it, damned him out loud, he’s going to take you back up top and then come back for me.
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firmeromania · 9 months
Cum recunoastem o urgenta dentara?
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Recunoașterea unei urgente stomatologice este importantă pentru a acționa prompt și pentru a primi îngrijirea necesară în timp util. Urgențele stomatologice pot varia de la durere intensă și inflamație până la sângerare și avulsia dentară.
În acest articol, vom explora semnele și simptomele care pot indica o urgență stomatologică și măsurile pe care le puteți lua pentru a primi tratament adecvat.
Durerea dentară intensă este unul dintre cele mai comune semne ale unei urgente stomatologice. Dacă aveți o durere intensă care nu poate fi ameliorată de analgezicele obișnuite și durează mai mult de câteva ore, este posibil să aveți o infecție sau o afecțiune dentală care necesită tratament urgent.
De asemenea, inflamația gurii și a feței poate fi un semn al unei urgente stomatologice. Dacă aveți umflături în zona feței, a gingiilor sau a altor părți ale gurii, ar putea indica o infecție sau un abces dentar. Aceste afecțiuni necesită de obicei tratament imediat pentru a preveni răspândirea infecției.
Sângerarea excesivă a gingiilor este, de asemenea, un semn de urgență stomatologică. Gingiile care sângerează frecvent, în special în timpul periajului dentar sau a utilizării aței dentare, pot indica o afecțiune numită boala parodontală, care poate duce la pierderea dinților și deteriorarea țesuturilor gingivale.
Un alt semn important al unei urgente stomatologice este avulsia dentară, adică pierderea totală sau parțială a unui dinte. Dacă ați suferit o traumă dentară și vă lipsește un dinte, este important să consultați imediat un stomatolog de la Elveto-Dent.ro pentru a evalua situația și pentru a determina ce tratament este necesar. Alte semne și simptome care pot indica o urgență stomatologică includ:
Sensibilitate extremă la temperaturi calde sau reci
Dificultăți la înghițire sau vorbire
Leziuni sau răni în interiorul gurii (de exemplu, mucoasa orală deteriorată sau ulcerații)
Numeroasele carii dentare sau fracturi dentar
Un obiect străin (cum ar fi un fir sau un aliment) prins între dinți și care provoacă durere sau disconfort
Dacă prezentați oricare dintre aceste simptome, este important să contactați cât mai curând o clinica stomatologica ca ofera servicii in sistem de urgenta pentru a obține ajutor și tratament adecvat. Un exemplu este Elveto Dent, care ofera servicii de urgente dentare in sector 2 al capitalei.
Înainte de a merge la stomatolog, puteți încerca măsuri de prim ajutor pentru a ameliora disconfortul. Aplicați comprese reci în exteriorul gurii pentru a reduce umflarea și durerea. De asemenea, puteți utiliza analgezicele de vânzare liberă, cum ar fi ibuprofenul sau paracetamolul, pentru a reduce durerea. Este important să urmați instrucțiunile indicate pe ambalaj și să nu depășiți dozele recomandate.
Urgente dentare in sector 2 | Elveto-Dent.ro
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În concluzie, recunoașterea unei urgente stomatologice necesită atenție și conștientizare a semnelor și simptomelor. Durerea intensă, inflamația, sângerarea gingiilor și avulsia dentară sunt semne care indică o urgență stomatologică și necesită tratament imediat.
Asigurați-vă că contactați cât mai curând posibil un stomatolog și urmați măsurile de prim ajutor până când puteți primi îngrijirea necesară. În cazul unei urgențe stomatologice, tratamentul prompt și adecvat poate ajuta la prevenirea complicațiilor și la restabilirea sănătății orale optime.
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medicalfrenzy · 2 years
Cum ar trebui sa actionezi cand te afli in fata unor urgente stomatologice?
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Indiferent de atentia pe care o acorda ingrijirii dentare, oamenii nu se asteapta niciodata sa se confrunte cu urgente stomatologice, cu toate ca acestea sunt frecvente si implica adesea durere sau leziuni dentare.
Urgentele dentare pot lua multe forme si pot aparea la orice ora din zi sau din noapte. De la un dinte rupt, o leziune a gingiilor sau sangerarea acestora, la un abces sau o infectie dentara dureroasa, toate aceste reprezinta motive pentru care bucurestenii se prezinta la cabinetul de urgente stomatologice non-stop din Iancului, din cadrul clinicii Elveto Dent, fiind totodata probleme reale pentru care ar trebui sa se actioneze cat mai rapid. De asemenea, este important de stiut cum sa se actioneze in cazul unor astfel de situatii, sfaturile prezentate in continuare venind in ajutorul celor care isi doresc sa poata interveni in cazul unei urgente stomatologice, indiferent daca este pentru ei sau pentru cei din jurul lor.
Identificarea urgentelor dentare
Dupa cum este mentionat anterior, exista mai multe situatii care pot reprezenta urgente stomatologice, cum ar fi dintii ciobiti, rupti sau iesiti din alveola, o lucrare protetica dezlipita, umflarea moderata pana la severa la nivelul fetei, a gurii sau a gatului. Prin urmare si modul in care se actioneaza in cazul acestora este diferit. Totusi, prezentarea intr-un timp cat mai scurt la cabinetul stomatologic din Iancului, Elveto-Dent, care ofera servicii de urgenta stomatologica, este esentiala.
Urgente stomatologice non-stop din Iancului | cabinet stomatologic din Iancului | Elveto-Dent.ro
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Pastrarea calmului
Este necesar ca pacientii sa isi pastreze calmul pentru a putea identifica tipul de urgenta dentara cu care se confrunta si pentru a putea prezenta cazul lui medicului dentist de la Elveto-Dent.ro. Astfel, specialistul poate oferi sfaturi importante care sa fie puse in aplicare, inainte de a ajunge in cabinet.
Folosirea remediilor de casa pentru ameliorarea simptomelor
Principalele simptome ale problemelor stomatologice grave, care necesita interventia de urgenta a medicului dentisti, sunt durerea dentara si umflarea zonei afectate, astfel ca ameliorarea acestor simptome va fi de ajutor pentru ca pacientul sa reziste pana la consultatia stomatologica in urma careia se va diagnostica problema si se va stabili planul de tratament.
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blazevillains · 2 years
ALSO i dint think it counts as textile art but friendship bracelets are fun too.like the ones where u tie a bunch of knots to get a pattern.Also what is tablet weaving and is it different from normal weaving
i think friendship bracelets are totally a textile art tbh !!!!! u are creating. textile. from stringl. yragh! and well yes it it a bit sifferent well very different. for one you have an inkle loom usually and you wrap threads around it BUT HERES THE KICKER !!!!!!! you have square cards. each with four holes labled a b c and d. you usually have four threads per card, arranged from a pattern into the abc and d holes. usually i note around 10 of these cards but idk. so esentially you thead the cards in either z (through the front) or s (through the back) depending on what the pattern says
and then u look to the pattern to see which cards to rotate. if its a white tile,forwards. gray tile is backwards. and after every rotation you pass a shuttle with thread in it through the area between the top and bottom strings to weave it together 💙 this all probably made no sense . if u want to see it in action i reccomend elewys of finchingfield on youtube she had some great educational content on it
basically you wave long strips <3 you make bands 💙 they can b used as trim for dresses pillows towls, made into bag straps, or any strap really i think. bracelets, headbands, dog leash, BELTS etc 💙 very cool i think
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am24x2 · 4 years
can you do the nsfw alphabet for hidan plz❤️🍥❤️
WARNING!!! Slight gore as in blood because it’s Hidan and that’s his thing…
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Not really his thing, we know this. He’s crude and annoying and the such, that much is obvious. However, if you get him in a good mood (aka doing everything he wants in bed), he may chalk up some type of aftercare being in cleaning or cuddling
Body Part
Like says, Hidan is crude, so it’s no surprise that his fav body part is your ass or your boobs. He likes to grab and squeeze and make lewd comments that would have a whore blushing, but they are compliments of some sort so do feel flattered
Hidan would likely cum on your stomach or your face, or your ass/back depending on your position. It’s a dirty image and he loves it, wanting you to stay filthy because of him and always grumbling when you clean up
Dirty Secret
It’s no secret that he’s a sadist, that’s like his whole thing. What is a secret though is he’s also a masochist, and not like the self harm masochist he is. He loves when you also cut him up, deep or shallow because he knows he can heal from it. It’s exhilarating and he loves it
Believe it or not, Hidan doesn’t have much experience. Who is crazy enough to sleep with him after all? But that doesn’t make him any less confident. But that doesn’t mean he’s not rough around the edges either
Favorite Position
Hidan may admit the two of you are in a relationship, or not, but either way whatever your status is with each other, his favorite position is doggy style. Loves to dominate you and what easier way? Also gives him a nice view and easy access to everything
Hidan can be goofy at times, but not the way everyone may think. It’s not giggling, laughing as minors accidents happen or awkward positions, it’s not like that. It’s more of him letting his guard down and not worrying about looking so “cool” in front of people
We’ve seen this man, not a hair is out of place on his head, and that means not a hair is out of place in his pants either. As odd as it may seem, he’s very neat, but also as normal as it may seem, it’s because he’s so worried about keeping up his appearance around others even if he claims he doesn’t care
Not really his thing, obviously. Don’t expect to be seduced either even, like he’s the type to drag you off and get down to business. There is no rose petals, no candles, no nothing really. Unless you put that effort in that is
Jerk Off
No man likes to jerk off when they have someone else to do lewd things to, but he will if he has to if you’re away on a mission of course. However, he may jerk himself off in the bedroom to get under your skin and to make you beg for him, or to finish himself off on your face
Hidan has got a blood kink and it ain’t no secrets. It could be your blood it could be his, but he loves the sight of it and it really turns him on. No matter what, be prepared to have some towels nearby to clean up, and if it’s you getting cut up, a medkit as well
Honestly for Hidan, any time any place is good for him, but always reluctantly goes to the bedroom. May sneak a quickly from you in the kitchen or living quarters if it’s just the two of you, but he’s in no way going to make it easy for you to stay quiet
You and his lust are his motivation. Well, your body fuels his lust from a dull throb to a raging fire. It’s dangerous yet also flattering, having someone so obsessed with you. It’s like wielding a beautiful knife to hone your skills
There really isn’t a no with Hidan, he’ll try anything and everything since his life really isn’t at risk. If anything, just don’t chop his head off, it’s annoying for him
Hidan loves to give and receive, but he’s a guilty man so he prefers to receive than give. Loves to watch you go down on him but also loves watching your squirm under his tongue
Things with Hidan are usually fast and rough, there’s nothing slow about this man maybe besides the speed he walks. But with Hidan, never expect a moments rest or for it to be easygoing
Loves quickies, but also loves to take his time with you. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t love taking his chances in public/semi-public where eyes could see. It adds to the thrill of it all and he loves watching you squirm anxiously
Like mentioned before, there is no real risk to Hidan so he’ll do it all. That doesn’t mean there’s no risk to you so be careful. As much as he hates to, he will stop if you ask and will do something else if you’re not comfortable with whatever you’ve been doing
Being immortal has its perks aka a shit ton of stamina. This crazy son of a bitch can go all night so I hope you don’t have any place to be the next day because you won’t have the stamina for it
Hidan will happily use boys in the bedroom, but don’t let that get to your head. He’s all you need and don’t forget that. It doesn’t matter how many toys you two have, in the end if he got rid of it all it wouldn’t matter
Is likely the most unfair out of the bunch. Will tease you on end for hours and to be a real jerk may not even let you finish that night. And with that knowledge, will hide the toys previously mentioned so you can’t get yourself off
Hidan can get wild and if it’s just the two of you won’t be afraid to voice just that, be it actual words or just noises. Can manage to silence himself with a heavy bite of his tongue though be it to stay silent all together (in public) or to simply hear you better
Believe it or not, Hidan likes to be cut up by more than just himself. Usually he’s pissed when people hurt him in any, it’s an annoying inconvenience after all, but when you hurt him it really turns him on. Use that to your advantage
Dint bring this up with Hidan, if anything exaggerate, but Hidan is average. He may be a bit thicker than most, but in terms of length he’s pretty average with a slight curve and is cut. It’s nothing fancy but it sure is fun
He’ll never admit it, but he does miss you when you’re away or he’s away. He’ll say it’s all for sexual reasons, you know, he misses sleeping with you but there’s more to it he won’t admit. It may take you awhile for you to realize it, and even longer for him to think about such feelings
As mentioned, Hidan has high stamina, so he’s not one to tire, but that doesn’t mean he’ll stay up after you guys are done. Most the time he’ll fall asleep right after, or he’ll leave you to get cleaned up. Very rarely though, will he stay up and do whatever you like be it cuddling or talking
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medicaladvertorial · 2 years
Cele trei simptome care anunta nevoia unei interventii la urgente stomatologice
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In general, oamenii amana vizita la medicul dentist pana in momentul in care problema cu care se confrunta se agraveaza, iar simptomele acesteia devin de nesuportat. In acest caz, poate fi necesara o interventie de urgenta. Un cabinet stomatologic in care se asigura servicii de urgente stomatologice in sectorul 6 este clinica Plaza Dent, din Bucuresti.
Aici se prezinta pacientii care se confrunta cu diferite probleme dentare, de la umflaturi si abcese dentare, la luxatii sau fracturi dentare. Indiferent despre ce tip de urgenta stomatologica este vorba, exista 3 tipuri de simptome care se regasesc la majoritatea pacientilor. Acestea sunt:
Durerea dentara este si una dintre urgentele stomatologice
Unul dintre principalele motive pentru care oamenii ajung la cabinetul de urgente stomatologice de la clinica PlazaDent.ro este durerea dentara, care nu mai cedeaza nici dupa administrarea de analgezice. In general, aceasta apare in momentul in care o problema dentar, cum ar fi o carie, avanseaza, ajungand la nervul dintelui, afectand uneori chiar si gingia.
Umflarea de la nivelul fetei
Fie ca este vorba despre umflarea unui dinte, a gingiei sau chiar a fetei, o consultatie stomatologica de urgenta este absolut necesara. In acest fel medicul dentist poate identifica principala cauza care a dus la aparitia acestui simptom si gravitatea acesteia.
In functie de problema se va stabili si planul de tratament, care poate fi inceput imediat si care se poate intinde pe parcursul a mai multe sedinte.
Abcesul dentar
O alta situatie pentru care oamenii se prezinta adesea la clinica stomatologica din sectorul 6 mai sus amintita este si abcesul dentar, care anunta existenta unei infectii la nivelul radacinii dintelui sau chiar la nivelul gingiei. Acesta apare, de obicei, ca urmare a unei carii dentare care a avansat foarte mult in interiorul dintelui, favorizand acumularea de bacterii.
Urgente stomatologice in sectorul 6 |  clinica stomatologica din sectorul 6  |  PlazaDent.ro
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In acest caz, medicul stomatolog va drena puroiul acumulat in abces si va prescrie un antibiotic, pe care pacientul trebuie sa il administreze conform indicatiilor primite.
Toate aceste situatii pot fi insa prevenite printr-o igiena orala adecvata si prin consultatiile stomatologice periodice.
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doctorgeniusposts · 3 years
3 situatii care reprezinta urgente stomatologice, dar oamenii se trateaza acasa
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Oamenii reactioneaza diferit in momentul in care se confrunta cu o problema de natura medicala. Daca in cazul unei anumite probleme de sanatate, acestia merg la medic pentru investigatii, in cazul unor probleme dentare care reprezinta urgente stomatologice, acestia se trateaza initial acasa, pe cont propriu, si numai cand observa ca aceasta nu se amelioreaza, apeleaza la ajutorul unui medic dentist.
In general, oamenii se prezinta pentru urgente stomatologice numai in cazuri extreme, cum ar fi traumatisme sau fracturi dentare, ori daca au o durere foarte puternica de dinti, care nu trece nici dupa administrarea de analgezice. Dar exista o multime de alte situatii care sunt considerate, de catre medicii de la PlazaDent.ro si nu numai, urgente stomatologice și pe care oamenii le trateaza, initial, cu superficialitate. Printre acestea se regasesc:
Abcesul dentar
Abcesul este o infectie localizata la nivelul unui dinte, determinand aparitia unei inflamatii dureroase. In astfel de cazuri, foarte multi oameni apeleaza la auto-medicatie, desi stiu ca acest lucru nu este recomandat pentru nici un fel de afectiune.
Totusi, aparitia unui abces reprezinta o urgenta stomatologica in cazul careia medicul curata zona pentru a evita infectarea si altor dinti, recomandand tratament cu antibiotic.
Clinica stomatologica din sector 6 | Urgente stomatologice | PlazaDent.ro
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Cariile profunde sunt urgente stomatologice
Cand oamenii observa aparitia unui mic punct de carie pe un dinte, acestia ar trebui sa se prezinte rapid la stomatolog. Cu toate acestea, unii dintre ei amana vizita la medic, ducand astfel la avansarea cariilor in profunzimea corpului dintelui. In aceasta situatie, problema cu care se confrunta acestia este o urgenta si trebuie tratata ca atare.
Aparitia unei hipersensibilitati dentare
Cauzele care pot determina aparitia unei dureri dentare in prezenta unor stimuli, precum lichide sau alimente la temperaturi extreme, sunt destul de variate. De aceea, in cazul in care unii oameni se confrunta cu o astfel se situatie, acestia ar trebui sa mearga la stomatolog, cum sunt cei din cadrul Plaza Dent, o clinica stomatologica din sectorul 6.
Prin urmare, cu oricare dintre aceste probleme s-ar confrunta sau orice alt disconfort de natura stomatologica, oamenii trebuie sa se prezinta cat mai curand la dentist.
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Ce trebuie sa stii despre abcesul dentar si de ce sa mergi la o clinica stomatologica cand te confrunti cu el?
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Un abces dentar este o colectie de puroi care se poate forma in interiorul dintilor, in gingii sau in osul in care sunt fixatdintii dintii. Acesta este cauzat de o infectie bacteriana. In termeni medicali, un abces dispus la capatul unui dinte se numeste abces periapical; iar un abces in gingie se numeste parodontal.
Pentru tratarea unui abces, cei care se confruntacu aceasta afectiune pot merge la PlazaDent, clinica stomatologica din sector 6, Bucuresti, unde vor beneficia de serviciile de calitate oferite de echipa de medici stomatologi. Mai multe detalii despre clinica, dar si despre aceasta afectiune, sunt oferite pe site-ul PlazaDent.ro.
Abcesele dentare pot fi adesea dureroase, prin urmare exista si cazuri in care nu dau durere. In ambele cazuri, persoanele in cauza ar trebui sa mearga la un dentist, insa, daca este vorba de prima varianta, abordarea corecta este sa se mearga la urgente pentru ca infectia sa se trateze fara intarziere.
Care sunt simptomele unui abces dentar care trebuie sa conviga ca trebuie sa se mearga la urgente stomatologice?
Simptomele unui abces pot include:
- o durere intensa la nivelul dintelui sau gingiei afectate, care poate aparea brusc si se agraveaza treptat;
- durere care se raspandeste la ureche, maxilar si gat pe aceeasi parte cu dintele sau gingia afectata;
- durere care se inrautateste atunci cand pacientul sta intins, ceea ce ii poate perturba somnul;
- roseata si umflaturi la nivelul fetei;
- un dinte decolorat sau slabit;
- gingii inflamate, rosii si umflate;
- sensibilitate la alimente si bauturi calde sau reci;
- respiratie urat mirositoare  sau gust neplacut in gura.
Daca infectia se raspandeste, este posibil ca pacientul sa faca febra si sa se simta rau. In cazurile severe, acestuia ii va fi greu sa deschida gura complet si va avea dificultati la inghitire sau respiratie. Multi  ajung la urgente stomatologice in sector 6, la PlazaDent, in aceste conditii.
Urgente stomatologice in sector 6 |  clinica stomatologica din sector 6 | PlazaDent.ro
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In functie de localizarea abcesului si de cat de severa este infectia, posibilele tratamente includ: tratamentul canalului radicular, extractia, incizie si drenaj. Anestezicul local va fi de obicei utilizat pentru a amorti gura atunci cand se face unul dintre tratamentele mentionate mai sus.
Antibioticele nu sunt prescrise in mod obisnuit pentru abcesele dentare, dar pot fi utilizate daca infectia se raspandeste sau este deosebit de severa.
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enigma-and-chill · 7 years
Just a reminder
It’s not Toni’s fault that Betty and Jughead are broken up for now. It’s the Black Hoods fault and partially Archie’s fault for breaking the news totally wrong, so now Jughead will be really frickin insecure and bruding the next episodes. This is something called conflict. You can’t have a good, well written, interesting story without any conflict. Bughead will get back together eventually, probably soon, but this show would get really fucking boring if everything was happy abc worked out. In real life, crazy and sad shit happens and when killers and sneaky ass psychos are running around Riverdale, high school relationships certainly aren’t safe when literal lives aren’t. So please dint be pathetic band dramatic and petty and hate the show or Toni (who we haven’t even gotten to know as a character too well yet) of Vanessa or any of the cast and crew over this. I love Betty and Jughead too but at the end of the day they aren’t real and it’s not that big a deal.
TLDR: Don’t their tantrums over the Bughead shit— they’ll probably be back together soon and this conflict is necessary. So don’t be hating on anyone especially the cast and crew.
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clinicamedicala · 6 years
Diferenta dintre urgente si non-urgente stomatologice
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Dintii nu au nicio retinere in a va ”instiinta” despre faptul ca aveti nevoie de o interventie stomatologica de urgenta. Indiferent daca v-ati lovit puternic in zona gurii in timpul unei competitii sportive sau daca aveti o durere severa de dinti, va trebui sa va prezentati la un cabinet stomatologic cat mai curand posibil.
Cunoasterea diferentei dintre o situatie urgenta si una mai putin urgenta, va poate ajuta sa limitati panica din momentele de criza.
Sunati la cabinet pentru o programare de urgenta cand aveti o durere severa de dinti, cand ati pierdut un dinte, cand dintele a fost rupt sau spart, cand observati un abces sau cand gingiile se umfla. Orice problema cu gingiile sau cu dintii care implica durere severa sau sangerari in curs de desfasurare, necesita apel la cabinetul medicului dentist. Raspunzand rapid la urgentele dentare, sansele de a salva dintele si de a preveni deteriorarea permanenta, cresc considerabil. Atunci cand solicitati o consultatie de urgenta pentru o leziune dentara, reduceti si riscul de a avea nevoie de servicii de restaurare in viitor.
Daca aveti o usoara durere de dinti, mici fisuri la nivelul unuia sau mai multor dinti, ati pierdut plomba, coroana sau podul, nu merita sa va alertati, ci sunati pentru o programare obisnuita intrucat nu este necesara o intalnire urgenta cu medicul stomatolog.
Indiferent ca va confruntati cu o urgenta sau doar a aparut o problema suparatoare, incercati sa ramaneti calm. Imediat ce veti obtine o programare, specialistii vor solutiona tot ce este necesar astfel incat sa redobanditi starea de bine.
Elveto Dent este o clinica stomatologica in sector 2 si are specialisti care abordeaza si situatiile de urgenta. Asadar, cand aveti o problema, indiferent daca este urgenta sau nu, apelati cu incredere pentru o programare. Pe site-ul http://www.cabinetstomatologicsector2.ro/ veti gasi toate informatiile de care aveti nevoie pentru a va da seama ca Elveto Dent este exact ce cautati. De ce Elveto Dent? Pentru ca are specialisti pregatiti pentru orice situatie, acestia preiau si solutioneaza cazuri de urgente stomatologice cu ajutorul echipamentelor de ultima generatie, iar la final puteti plati in rate!
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Abc thingie
a - age: Younger than 15, all imma say b - biggest fear: skunks, don't ask, it's a thing c - current time: 4:13 d - drink you last had: water e - every day starts with: waking up of course f - favorite song: Just about anything by Breaking Benjamin or Daughtry g - ghosts, are they real: in my opinion? No h - hometown: Montgomery County in upstate NY i - in love with: Benjamin Burnley j - jealous of: dogs tbh, they have such simple easy lives k - killed someone: not yet, except for that ladybug I sat on that one time (I felt worse about that than I'd probably feel about killing most people tbh) l - last time you cried: this morning cuz I was choking on a cracker and reflex tears m - middle name: Katelyn n - number of siblings: Only child o - one wish: to be successful in life p - person you last called/texted: this dork named Ryan I'm somehow friends with 😂 q - questions you’re always asked: "What is love?" (The fact that I can't say that in my head and hear my own voice kinda scares me) r - reasons to smile: dank memes and bacon s - song last sang: Over You by Daughtry t - time you woke up: no clue, around 8 maybe? u - underwear color: too lazy to check but blue I think v - vacation destination: New York City(specifically Staten Island), I go there a few times a year to visit family w - worst habit: biting my nails and the skin around them x - x-rays you’ve had: idk lmao, a few? 😂 y - your favorite food: dint really have one z - zodiac sign: Taurus I thought it would be fun to tell y'all I did this backwards, not sure why but eh, why not Tagged by - @choicesimaginesandmore I tag - whoever wants to do it 😄
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medicalfrenzy · 2 years
In ce situatii sunt necesare tratamentele de endodontie si cine le realizeaza?
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Medicina stomatologica are, la randul sau, mai multe ramuri, pentru care medicii dentisti se specializeaza, de la implantologie si ortodontie, la endodontie, fiecare tratand o anumita problema a dintelui. Endodontia este ramura stomatologiei care trateaza afectiunile din interiorul dintelui, de la nivelul pulpei dentare.
Daca in cele mai multe situatii, orice medic poate efectua un tratament endodontic, cunoscut si ca tratament de canal, in cazurile complexe poate fi necesara experienta si expertiza unui medic specialist, pentru care bucurestenii pot apela la serviciile de endodontie din sectorul 6, din cadrul clinicii Plaza Dent.
Cand sunt necesare tratamentele de endodontie?
Indicatia pentru tratamentul endodontic este in principal inflamatia pulpara sau pulpita. Aceasta este cauzata de o infectie persistenta in canalul radicular. Pulpa poate fi inca vie, dar uneori tratamentul se efectueaza pe o pulpa necrotica.
Suferinta pulpei duce la durere (durere de dinti), umflaturi si/sau uneori la formarea unui abces. La examinarea facuta de medicul dentist din Drumul Taberei, de la clinica mai sus mentionata, afectarea canalului este suspectata prin percutia dintelui (reactie dureroasa), prin testul la rece (dintele se simte foarte rece sau nu se simte nimic) si prin utilizarea unui vitalometru, care arata starea nervului. O radiografie a dintelui este folosita pentru a confirma afectarea.
Prin urmare, situatiile in care medicii dentisti de la PlazaDent.ro recomanda tratamentul de canal includ: cariile profunde, care au ajuns la pulpa dentara unde se afla nervul, un dinte rupt care nu poate fi refacut cu o obturatie, pulpa iritata in urma unui traumatism, dinte care necesita o coroana, dar care are nevoie de suportul suplimentar al unui stalp. In acest fel pot fi evitate extractiile dentare, mentinand deci integritatea danturii.
Endodontie din sectorul 6 | dentist din Drumul Taberei | PlazaDent.ro
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Etapele tratamentului endodontic
Tratamentul endodontic sau de canal are ca scop indepartarea pulpei inflamate sau infectate. Astfel ca medicul va face o deschidere in dinte, sub anestezie locala, pentru a avea acces si a indeparta pulpa deteriorata. Apoi, dentistul curata canalul prin largirea si dezinfectarea acestuia.
Dupa ce interiorul dintelui a fost curatat si sigilat corespunzator, dentistul reface partea dintelui aflata deasupra liniei gingiei.
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Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Slams Trump’s Overtures to Ukraine: ‘America’s National Security is for Sale’
During a speech on the Senate floor on Monday, Congressman Hakeem Jeffries of New York slammed Donald Trump’s overtures to Ukraine, saying that “America’s national security is for sale.”
Jeffries, who is one of the most powerful politicians in the House because of his role as chair of the House Democratic caucus, asked senators, “If we allow the president’s misconduct to stand, what will we say to the 68,000 men and women in Europe right now who courageously and admirably wake up every day ready and willing to fight for America’s security and prosperity?”
He continued later, “What message do we send them when we say ‘America’s national security is for sale’? That cannot be the message that we want to send to our Ukrainian friends or our European allies or to our children and our grandchildren who will inherit this precious Republic,” Jeffries added, “and I’m sure it is not the message you wish to send to our adversaries.”
Rep. Hakeem Jeffries: "America's national security is for sale…cannot be the message we want to send to our Ukrainian friends or our European allies." "And I'm sure it is not the message that you wish to send to our adversaries." https://t.co/NoMPwt2vhr pic.twitter.com/t6xjxGgyVO
— ABC News Politics (@ABCPolitics) February 3, 2020
Jeffries has been a rising star in the Democratic party for years and that future has only brightened as he has fulfilled his role as one of the seven House impeachment managers. In that role, he has argued the case for impeachment alongside other notable congressmen, Adam Schiff and Jerry Nadler. Arguing in support of the president was famed O.J. Simpson lawyer Alan Dershowitz and White House counsel.
Though the Senate is sure to acquit Trump and is not even expected to hear from witnesses, Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi has been pleased with the performance of the impeachment managers.
During a press conference last week, Pelosi said that the managers have been “magnificent custodians of the Constitution.” She added later that “by dint of their content, their presentation, their historic perspective, and their tone. They have made us all proud and I’ve told our colleagues, they give us a magnificent example to follow.”
from IJR https://ift.tt/2UhwOIG via IFTTT
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xhemilbeharaj · 5 years
Rilindja/ Bir Selman i nënës kë të qaj më parë
Rilindja/ Bir Selman i nënës kë të qaj më parë
Videoja e Lefter Allës duke thithur kokainë e publikuar në Abc News nga gazetari Artan Hoxha ka qenë temë kryesore mbrëmë dhe sot në vend.
Abc News i mori mendim disa deputetëve në Kuvend nëse duhej shkarkuar apo jo Lefter Alla pas videos në fjalë, ku nuk munguan edhe përgjigjet epike.
E njëjta pyetje iu drejtua edhe deputetit socialist Bujar Çela, i cili u përgjigj se “nuk dinte gjë pasi…
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sksworldschool · 5 years
Parents looking for admission in CBSE school in Noida can choose SKS World School for the bright future of their child.  
We have been able to achieve the feat of one of the best international school in Greater Noida by the dint of hard work of our teachers. Teachers at SKS World School are well qualified and experienced. The teaching methodology at SKS is student friendly. Instead of focusing on rote teaching teachers at SKS one of the top ranking school in Noida Extension inculcate the habit of meaningful learning in students. Learning is fun at SKS World School.    
We have an avant garde infrastructure at SKS World School. Our impressive building is spread in about 3 acres with a perfect ambience for an aesthetically chartered school building. Classes at SKS one of the best international school in Greater Noida are well spacious and integrated with computer & projectors. The reception area provides one of the best school facility in Ghaziabad with solutions of all the queries of visitors. We have a vast playground as well in the school premises spread over a length of 150 meters. Proper care has been taken while the establishment of canteen so that the food is stored and served in the most hygienic conditions. SKS World School one of the top ranking school in Noida Extension provides the facility of Science lab, Math lab, Robotic lab & Computer Lab as we believe that Nobel laureates are created in the school labs. SKS one of the best international school in Greater Noida also poses an air conditioned library. We take pride in ourselves for aesthetically designed infrastructure at SKS World School which caters the need of young minds as well provides satisfaction to their parents.  
     Safety and Security
For all parents seeking school admission in Noida we are very well aware with their concern for their child regarding safety. Safety is the top most priority at SKS World School. At academic level we offer self defense classes under the guidance of trained professionals. SKS one of the best international school in Greater Noida has its own fleet of transport to provide safe and comfortable journey to its students. Each vehicle is equipped with GPS system, fire prevention equipment and security personnel. For us safety of our students is as simple as ABC- ALWAYS BE CAREFUL.
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parezcomafalda-blog · 6 years
Do You Know? Home Decor Products Can Be Developed At Home?
download PaulDo You Know? local Decor profit Can last Developed by Home?Home work Articles | May 24, 2017Hiring an interior decorator can be expensive. fmovies online it is important to get concept on the internet to save money on your home decoration be it a new home or old home that you have renovated. The swanky home and palatial hut has live an essential part of the personal life from time immemorial. When we have a house or we are on the verge of buying a new home, it is imperative to decorate the home so as to make the home Promised Land like feeling.As a body of fact, the local has been always premeditated as the heaven and our ascendant have always taught Columbia to manufacture our home by keeping it hygienic and trim as well as making it harmonious. Hence, it is extremely important to maintain a balance with these detail such as harmony, sterilization and decoration.It is credible that later buying home you are surely break short of money. appeal becomes an uphill task to trim the family due to deficiency of the budget. However, location there is will, there is a way. The internet is a largess these daylight to make your delusion fulfilled.There are ample of home decor ideas convenient on the internet which is perfectly free of cost. effective are abounding benevolent and amateurish artist those are eager to help superfluity by dint of their artistic feats. If you go through these articles and blogs, then you can easily develop the ideas of making your home a heavenly place.There are copious blogging entryway your will find the people have shared their opinion as to how to spruce up home by means of biodegradable work and why it is significant to decorate your home. You can win all these ideas after spending a single farthing to whatever interior decorator.Getting ideas for home or office flounce is as easy as ABC on the internet. You package get sense as to how to decorate family even with disposable furniture or morsel or it could be the dexterity that your son has developed in his strategy in the school.Buying central is not an uphill task inasmuch as there are many options available in the retail to enjoy home notably whenever you are in job. However, maintaining the home put up be unduly difficult for you require recurring load for the maintenance of home which is an extra duty apart from the allowance for your house.Though securing ideas from the WWW is easy, it is extremely important to appointment the ecommerce portal exactly to receive ideas. a little the commodity that are being disposed of only jar be freely developed or customized at home with little training if you have an artistic feat.So to speak, making installed shopping for home decor is expensive which you may not be frequently able to buy at the authentic outset although you have already used quite a lot of money for either your home or office. Hence, it is better to visit ecommerce portals to gain interpretation and earn it exhausted by the professionals who well conversant in scheming home dcor products.Developing and designing familiar dcor amount at local can extremely save your money. Apart from experimental the information superhighway you vessel buy any magazines and books to get concept on family dcor.Donald haul is a prolific reporter who include been hand informative substance and blogs as to home trim accessories. father has further than a decade of experience in the meadow of inventive writing pertaining to domestic decoration.
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