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notanartificialintelligence · 4 months ago
ah yes, the Ranboo Dinner Stream
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phatcatphergus · 1 year ago
Tubbos love language is so obviously gift giving and i love seeing his friends express their gratitude for it
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lunarhorrors · 6 months ago
hera (arg!guqqie) cathedrals…
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100blocks-archived · 2 years ago
ok guys i didn’t wanna say earlier to not doxx anyone but basically me and my cousin just had dinner in the same restaurant as q and his friends and then tubbo also walked in and we thought he was gonna have dinner w him but he met his other friends and it was super fucking funny to us also we didn’t realise we were sitting across from the hotel all the streamers are in and we saw pokimane, niki, aimsey and guqqie, shadoune and many others walk by 😭😭😭😭😭
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thelesbiandeli · 2 years ago
Ink Isn't Just For Maps
Ao3 link here 1,802 words TW for needles, blood, injury and alcoholism! Also Owen has some intrusive thoughts about rotting corpses which some may find gross or disturbing. Stay safe, peeps! Just to preface, this whole concept is about the four pirate factions being called bird names, then the faction members having the wings of their faction tattooed on their backs either when they join, or when they come of age if they were born into that faction!
Martyn hisses in pain at the cool sensation of the needle sliding into his back. He tightens his grip on Sausage’s hand, both of their knuckles turning white. Sausage’s comforting smile looks more like a grimace for a second, before he steadies himself and brushes a strand of golden hair out of Martyn’s face.
“You’re doing great, pájaro dorado, just a few more minutes and we’ll be done.”
Scar brushes his back with a cloth, causing Martyn to yelp in pain. He whispers an apology, before taking a step back to admire his handiwork.
“All done! We’ll need to bandage it for a couple hours, then it’ll be a few weeks until it’s healed up. Before then, you’re not allowed out on the ships. We don’t want to irritate it any more than necessary. Got it?”
Martyn nods sharply, trying as hard as he can to not move his shoulder blades. Scar slips his inks back into his bag, and slings it over his shoulder.
“Well, I’m going to be turning in for the night. Kyle, you know how to wrap these, I’ve left you some stuff. I’ll check up on it again tomorrow, okay?”
He waves goodbye, downs the last sip of his ale, and strolls out of the Kestrel’s tavern. The heavy wooden door slams shut behind him, making Martyn groan. Kyle slips into the seat behind Martyn that Scar was previously perched in, and starts to wrap lengths of bandage around his torso, making sure not to miss any of the newly inked skin. Sausage stretches, and hops up onto the bartop.
“We’re lucky that Scar knows how to do this stuff. We’d usually get Guqqie to do this, but-” He clears his throat, “We’re just lucky that Scar can do this. Real Jack-of-all-trades, he is.”
Oli laughs, and slings his previously discarded coat around his shoulders.
“How about one more drink to end the night? Unless you’re not up to it?”
He glances over at Martyn, who just slides his glass over the table to him.
“You’re on, ponytail.”
Owen registers the noise of his tent flap being pushed open, and the creak of the floorboards as someone walks in. He glances up from his book, and smiles at Scott.
“Hey Scott! Whatcha need?”
The ginger man smiles back, and winces slightly as he moves. He pulls his hand away from his side, both his hand and his shirt smeared with blood. Owen yells in surprise, and tosses his book aside.
“Scott! What happened!”
The brunet jumps up and rummages through his cabinet, extracting a medical kit. Scott limps over to Owen’s bed, and collapses onto it.
“I’m sure it looks worse than it is. I got into a bit of a scrap with some Kites on the way home, that’s all. Nothing I haven’t faced before.”
Owen frowns, but starts to inspect the wound. Scott’s fancy shirt is ripped open along his side, crimson staining the tattered edges. From this angle, he can’t see the wound properly, but it sure is bleeding a lot. He winces, and starts getting bandages out of his medical bag.
“Can you take your shirt off for me? I need to take a closer look.”
Scott gasps dramatically, and places a hand on his chest.
“Owen, you sly fox! Take me out to dinner first!”
Owen slaps him over the back of his head, and laughs.
“You know what I meant! Now, I can’t have the first son of the Denholm family bleeding out in my tent because he wouldn’t stop flirting with me.”
Scott sticks his tongue out, and pulls his shirt off over his head, hissing through his teeth as he moves his arms. Owen grabs his flask of water, pours some on a cloth, and starts to wipe away the blood. After a few minutes, there are drops of red-tinted water splattered across the bedsheets and the floor, but the wound is visible. A clean slice across his side, barely grazing his ribs. If it had hit a few centimetres closer to Scott’s torso, he may have suffered a hypovolemic shock and never even made it to the Heron’s base, left bleeding out in some dark section of the woods. His corpse might not be found for days, and when someone did stumble upon it, it would be rotting, ribs exposed by badgers and eyes glassy and col-
Owen shakes his head to get rid of the thought, and pulls out a small brown bottle of disinfectant. Dabbing his cloth into it, he runs it across the cut. Scott yelps, but nods for him to proceed. Through various hissed curses and some very creative insults that Owen will definitely be using when he finds out which Kite caused this injury, the wound is fully disinfected and bound with fresh bandages.
Scott flops face down onto the bed, and groans. The process had started in the late evening, but now his pocket watch reads that it’s nearly midnight. The rest of the Herons will have either gone to bed or drunk themselves into unconsciousness by now. So much for the fun night he had been rushing home for.
Owen hums in confusion, and Scott cranes his head around to look at him.
“What is it? Don’t tell me it’s gotten worse.”
“No, that's not it. I was just wondering about your tattoo.”
Scott chuckles, and rolls over onto his back. He’s so used to the culture of the faction isles that he almost forgot that the new recruits may not know of the strange tradition. It feels almost alien, the concept of a pirate without their faction’s wings spread gracefully across their back and arms.
“It’s just a tradition. It’s kind of stupid, but it stops anyone from defecting to another faction. Hypothetically, at least.”
He thinks back to when he spotted his brother at the factioning, dressed up in the clothes of a Nightingale. Even the idea of defecting seemed impossible until then. Owen either doesn’t notice or brushes off his sudden change of tone, and stretches out so he’s on the bed next to Scott.
“So those are Heron wings?” Scott nods, and Owen continues, “I presume that the other factions have their birds wings, then. When can I get mine?”
“Probably in a couple days. Cleo will do yours for you, she’s the best artist we’ve got. She did mine a couple months after she became a Heron.”
Owen tucks his hands behind his head, and glances over at Scott.
“But you’ve been a Heron your whole life, haven’t you? How come you only got them after they joined?”
“It’s a coming of age tradition for those of us born into it. We can technically join a different faction when we’re old enough to decide, but no one does. It’s looked down on.”
Owen wrinkles his nose and sticks his tongue out, making Scott giggle.
“When I became a pirate, I thought I could get away from all the rules. Turns out you lot have a lot more standards and traditions than I thought.”
“‘You lot’? You’re one of us now! And what, did you just presume we were all a bunch of lousy Kites or self-centred Kestrels?”
Scott grins, and reaches for a pillow to hug into his stomach. Owen chuckles, and waves his hands around meaninglessly in the air.
“Well, that’s what my tutors taught me! And now I can see that that’s not true, obviously.”
“Obviously. I’m clearly much more threatening than a Kite.”
“Are you sure about that? You did scream at the spider El put in front of you at dinner yesterday.”
Scott makes an offended noise, sits up, and pushes his pillow into Owen’s face. The two struggle for a second, before Scott flops back down, this time sprawling out over Owen’s chest.
“Fine, maybe I’m not the most savage pirate there is. But you’ll protect me?”
Owen grins, and runs his hands through Scott’s hair.
“Of course I will. What sort of friend would I be otherwise?”
The two lie in a comfortable silence, and by the end of the hour both are deep in the realms of sleep.
Acho lies on his back, staring up at the stars from the topmost branches of the Nightingales tree. They come up here to clear their mind sometimes, and tonight is one of those nights. One of the Kites had pushed him into the harbour, then one of the new Nightingales had spotted the design across his back while he was climbing out the sea, visible through his soaking shirt. And of course they had to question it.
And if someone questions him, he’s always going to start questioning themself. Why did he even leave the Herons in the first place? They had a perfect life, and the expectations put on him should have been a motivation, not a reason to abandon their family. His parents probably hate him, and Scott had given up trying to find him months ago. But that's no one's fault but theirs.
Even now, when they’ve found a comfortable life living among the Nightingales, free to do whatever they want, his legacy is still there, emblazoned on his back and spreading along his upper arms. The longest of the inked primaries graze his elbows, making it hard for them to wear anything with short sleeves. It’s a punishment in a way, how contrasted his own wings are to the rest of his factions, theirs barely reaching their shoulders.
They stare up at the moon, its perfect crescent shining above them. At least that’s one of the predictable things in this world. With a sigh, he swings their legs over the edge of the branch he’s laid on, and slides down into the crown of the tree, wincing slightly as he scrapes the backs of his legs on the bark. There should still be enough drink left at the bar as long as no one’s tried to drink themselves to sleep. That’s his job, thank you very much!
They chuckle slightly at the dark joke, and continue to clamber down the tree. He’s not exactly proud of the habit, but they're not going to be able to get to sleep without some help tonight. Hopping off one of the lowest branches they can be bothered to climb to, he falls the last two metres onto the soft grass and fallen blossoms. Dusting off their trousers, he picks up their blue naval coat from where it lies discarded at the roots of the tree, and slings it over his shoulder. With a slight slump in his shoulders, they begin the short walk back to the centre of the Nightingales base, looking to find a nice comfortable seat at the bar to pass out at for the next eight hours.
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nerdyenby · 2 years ago
Blue time :D I’m watching Shelby
I love Shelby’s outfit so much, I definitely wanna get that sweater when it comes out
I’m absolutely loving this story time (Shelby wound up picking up a bunch of stuff people (Scott, Ran, Aimsey, Guqqie, Michela, and Jack) left behind after a dinner and couldn’t find who a jacket belonged to, meanwhile Jack asked literally everyone else in the group if they saw a jacket)
Also what a group, them <3
Shelby crushing parkour!!
The gang!!! Team time :))
Skipping tgttos or skybattle is so based, Scott is such a real one
Rocket Spleef
This team is so chill, I love them
Rip, friendly fire
“Im gonna be banned for team griefing” “That would be a first” […] “Hey, I do like to be top of my class” Walli my beloved
“Some would say psychological warfare is worse than physical” 😂
I keep forgetting Red is there, he’s so quiet 😭
Grid Runners
Scott absolutely dragging Walli through the mud is everything I never knew I needed
Best game time :))
They crushed it!!!
Yeah that was so tough for so many people
Battle Box
Watching people be good at bb is never not a great time
“Two more boxes to battle real quick” “Whose boxes are we battling?” I love this so much actually
“Since when are we a battle box team?!??” Since your team was announced and I predicted y’all winning :))
People are cowards, so true Shelby <333
Sands of Time
Imma need Red to be so very vocal this game, I feel like I’ve heard him speak maybe three times this event
Yeah that red path was rough
Solid run, nothing too crazy but they got a safe score
Scott listing Jojo, Aimsey, and H as the ideal sot senseis is so based
Everyone making jokes about Shelby’s spilled coke being of the non-cola variety
“Hydrophobic: the only good kind of phobic” I love Shelby so much
Ace Race
“We like to break the mold, y’know, team killing…” “You better not find a way in this game to do that” “Shelby, I like to make the impossible possible” “If you do that, I can’t be anything but impressed about it” Walli’s so fun, I haven’t seen his content but he’s such a hoot in mcc
Shelby calling herself a sheep 😭😭😭
*falls into the void once* “Every choice I’ve ever made was a bad one”
Parkour Warrior
Have I mentioned that I love Shelby
She’s popping off!!!
Ah the hubris
Yeah this event is crazy close
Hole in the Wall
Walli thinking the letters were random 😭
Sky Battle
“It’s just battle box but with everybody together all at once” so true!!
Walli popping off!!!
Shelby looking both ways before crossing the bridge is inarguably correct but it’s so reminiscent of pedestrian safety I’m cackling
Scott immediately rooting for red :))
“I LOVE AIMSEY” so true Shelby!!!!
“Hotguy’s got one” “??” She doesn’t know 😂
“Should I try to reverse psychology the universe?” go for it, Scott, if anyone can it’s him
The absolute comedic timing of Aimsey’s quick shot is everything
It’s Aimsey’s world, we’re just living in it
Walli’s going on Shelby’s dni, real and true /s
I love post-MCC calls with my entire soul
Every social media is just making the best possible changes rn mhm /s
Sincerest apologies to aqua, I’m a loser <333
Also red but they know, I’m always rooting for ran, aimsey, and scar but I on principle refuse to believe in Ranboo actually winning anything /aff
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amymybeloved · 2 years ago
haha, Dinner! :D
So lol, DINNER! AU FNCSDJNCSJDFNCFJFND Ran has to make a follow up stream, it was so funn and hnfndnf Im gonna just put all my theories/ things I noticed here <33
Ranboo’s Family:-
Ranboo- Adopted Child (test tube baby)
Freddie- Cousin
Jack- Grandad
Aimsey- Sibling
Eryn- Sibling? I think-
Second Family, That's on the table:-
Billzo- Freddies’ Accomplice?
Guqqie- Aimseys’ s/o
Tommy (Bug boy)- Random guy that for some reason showed up.
Shown Story Quick Recap:-
Ranboo Intros the stream by saying these lines,
“You know getting stabbed, no, murdering someone, no, getting taken over by an evil ancient entity but there is one thing that stands out among all of them, because there is nothing more scary than a family dinner.”
Then proceeds to show late, Aimsey joining first, with a tag along,Guqqie who we later on learn is Xirs s/o. Keep in mind along with bringing someone, they both also wear the wrong style.
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Next joins Jack, aka the grandfather, immediately after being seated, he drinks an entire bottle of Wine straight.
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(Both Jack, Aimsey and xirs accomplice Quqqie have seemed to hit something on the way)
After that, Freddie joins,with another unexpected guest, Billzo,But this time Freddie seems to have been in correct and formal attire, Billzo, is the complete opposite. Freddie keeps on talking about their trip to the Maldives Along with Bill, but they also seem like they are hiding something.
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Then  Eryn joins, as he enters, he has a very loose stance, and brings his own drink, for only himself, He is dressed very casually.
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They Carry on at dinner as normal, they were talking
When Tommy just kind of walks in.He calls himself BugBoy and is wearing a very poorly made SpiderMan outfit, he acts very out of place.
Freddie keeps on mentioning the Maldives, but keeps reminding Billzo to not talk about the Red Jewel.
We are also part of this dinner, as a guest, But we are very shy and scared, and never respond, we know this because Tommy tries to come up to us.
The people are getting ancy and ask when the food is coming, Which Ranboo replies, 
“It's coming soon”
Jack is talking about how he was in the war of Nam.
Jack dies, Ranboo revives Him.
(He does this 3 times throughout the dinner)
Ranboo tries to calm the situation by telling the table to say one thing they are thankful for.
We find out Guqqie and Aimsey are married and have children.
Freddie and Aimsey have a bad relationship
Ranboo finally announces that the food is here,and everyone is happy.
As Ranboo seemingly gets up to get the food, he grabs the knife from the table, this of which only Freddie notices.
Ranboo confirms that the food is MOST DEFINITELY here.
The screen fades into black, and is written:
The food was not there. The Dinner lasted 100 hours.
Only one survived.
Ranboo will Return.
Head Cannons:-
The first line: “You know getting stabbed, no, murdering someone, no, getting taken over by an evil ancient entity but there is one thing that stands out among all of them, because there is nothing more scary than a family dinner.”
This is what I THINK this means, Ran was taken over by an ancient entity, and is being told to murder their family because in theory their family dinner is scarier than the entity, so in turn, the entity wants to destroy (Unalive) everything Ran finds more scary.
Ranboo finally announces that the food is here,and everyone is happy.
The food was a knife to the throat, yk not the best, but it is what it is.
Another HC is that everytime they have a guest he serves the guest the previous guests.
Only one survived.
That one person is Aimsey.
Their sidekick
Aimsey back stabs his wife (Guqquie) with the help of Ran quite literally.
And Aimsey also helps hide/cook all the bodies :)
That's It For Now, If I Get More I Will Update This :D
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fourdancingmoths · 2 years ago
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Same energy.
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guckies · 2 years ago
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Some extra screenshots - they shouldn’t have given billzo a gun aimsey deserved that gun no doubt though
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pngjamie · 2 years ago
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Forgot to proper post these lol
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froggo-is-here · 2 years ago
Family dinners are my worst nightmare
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daymoony · 2 years ago
everyone everyone tell me your theories or headcannons about the dinner stream or any of the people that were in it Please
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Anyone knows what the fuck that dinner stream was? Me either, so here's a fanfic about the family and Dinner!Ranboo's mindset
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benchtrioupdates · 2 years ago
I just joined the Ranboo stream. What is happening? Did I miss something at the beginning?
there is zero way to explain that stream. it was chaos. it was family dinner. the eight of them were all just acting out a family dinner. the entire time. the audience was a cryptid that refused to leave ranboo was adopted aimsey and guqqie were married with kids tommy was bug boy there is no coherent way to explain this stream
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demonadelem · 2 years ago
Hi. Me again. The one with the genloss Ranboo.
So I found an Aimsey and a Guqqie curled up in my shed a couple days ago. After way too much combing through the internet, I managed to identify them as a dinner Aimsey and a dinner Guqqie. And they are bonded.
I managed to catch them yesterday and now the pair is quarantined in my garage. I already contacted my local Wildlife Rehab Center. They were the ones who recommended that I try trapping and quarantining the pair (probably a shite call, but they are understaffed and overfull so what can you do). Don’t worry, my Ranboo does not have access to where they are quarantined. However he seemed very interested in the new scents on my clothes after I got the pair settled.
So my question is: in your professional opinion, after the 3 week quarantine, if the dinner Aimsey and dinner Guqqie seem receptive to living indoors, would it be safe to try the introduction process with my genloss Ranboo?
When I comes to genloss Ranboos you know as much as I do, perhaps you could introduce them separated by a cage wall with a mesh? It's just so they can't smack each other but can see and smell each other.
This is part 2 here is part 1
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gardenergulfie · 2 years ago
Wait Sniff’s family doesn’t approve wtf???
Aw Aimsey and Guqqie are encouraging them! This is so cute I hope they show up again I hope Sniff takes them up on the offer of dinner and friendship
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