#dink dunk had the right idea in their email.
insertcleverurl · 1 year
What's that, Stanley? What... gender am I? Hm... Well, Stanley, you should know that I don't really experience 'gender' in the way you humans do. It's such a.. stifling concept, really, especially for someone that's not as bound by flesh as you tend to be. But if I had to choose one, I suppose- Yes, I suppose that if I had to choose one, I'd go with male. There, is that a good answer, Stanley?
Oh, wait, what's that? There's more on the paper? Then why were you covering it, then? "What gender are you... attracted to?" Ha! Ahahah! Ohh, Stanley, you little scamp. Very funny. You're a real prankster, you know that? Hahaha! Hah.... Still male, though.
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