#dingle bop the cat
unbearably-bear · 2 years
Doodle I did with a friend of mine, enjoy :)
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The writing says "The cat of a woman killed during the Salem Witch Trials, and now haunts the grounds hoping to find his long lost owner".
His name is Dingle Bop.
(I know the grammar is bad but I ran out of room to write)
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tobythesudriantram · 2 years
Learning with Mingle and Friends: Superheroes (Nermalized), A.K.A. a rewrite of Superheroes based on how I imagined it.
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*Mingle is looking around the house trying to find her friends.*
Mingle: ...Oh, didn't see you there. Hi! I've been trying to find Dingle and Donk all day, but I can't seem to find them anywhere!
*A mysterious tall figure runs between doors in the background. Mingle turns around in confusion, having heard a noise.*
Mingle: Hm? Who was that? *She walks out to Donk's bedroom, looking around in confusion. She then turns to the audience.* Can you see anyone in here?
*A small piece of green fabric sticks out from Donk's closet.*
Mingle: Oh? I should check his closet? Alright...
*Mingle walks over to the closet and opens it up, causing Donk (who's wearing a crocodile hat, green mask, black cape and matching green croc shoes) to hop out.*
Donk: HAI-YAH!
Mingle: AAH! Donk, it's me, Mingle!
Donk: ...Who's this Donk you are talking about? I'm the Croc! I have no idea who you are talking about!
Mingle: ...Donk, I can tell it's you...
*Donk pulls off his mask.* Donk: Mingle, nobody should know my secret identity!
Mingle: Secret iden... Ohhh, I see, you're playing superhero?
Donk: Playing? I am a superhero!
Mingle: Alright, alright... *Mingle assumes that Donk is simply playing around.* Well then tell me, Croc... *She allows Donk to put his mask back on.* What are your superpowers?
Donk: A... What now...?
Mingle: You know, a special ability that sets you apart from everyone else!
Donk: Ohhh, that! Well, uhhh... My superpower is a very powerful bite! Here, let me show you! *Donk walks over to a random chair in the room and attempts to chew through it... With little effect.*
*Mingle's trying her best not to laugh.* Mingle: ...Heheh... Nice superpower...
Donk: ...Something's wrong, I can feel it! Maybe I should try again later!
Mingle: Alright then... Say, uhh, Mr. Croc... Anything else you have that's worth mentioning?
Donk: Oh, yes! My two sidekicks! The Cyan Snacker and the Scrunkle-Dingle! The three of us always stick together to fight crime! Like-
*Boyfriend hops into the room, wearing a mostly blue costume with red gloves and shoes, a white cape and the initials 'CS' written on his hat.*
Boyfriend: beep bop boo skdoo bee!
Mingle: Ooh, hello Boyfr... Uhhh... I mean... Hello, Mr. Cyan Snacker! Say, what kind of superpowers do you have?
Boyfriend: babeep bebop skrrt skedop! *He takes out a chocolate chip cookie and eats it in one bite.* ...beebo boop bap bee- *Buuuurp!* ...bop bee...
Mingle: ...So you gain different abilities based on what you eat? Sounds interesting! *Giggle*
Boyfriend: beep bo boop! *He runs towards Mingle and hugs her softly. Mingle, in response, hugs back...*
Donk: Say, now I wonder where Scrunkle-Dingle is? We should definetly introduce him to you soon!
*Dingle's voice can be heard from outside.* Dingle: HEEEEELP!
Mingle: ...Hm? Was that Dingle?
Donk: *Gasp* He's probably been captured! Triple Trouble, roll out! *Donk attempts to hop out the nearby window, but ends up hitting his face on the glass.* Owww...!
Mingle: Oh no... You know what, Do... Mr. Croc? Maybe you should get some rest and let me and your partner deal with the problem? Here... *Mingle takes off Donk's crocodile hat and instead gives him an ice pack.*
Donk: But... I need to help...! My best friend is in danger...!
Mingle: Calm down, i'm sure your partner will help me out enough to help Dingle!
Donk: ...Alright... But please help him quick...!
*Mingle and Boyfriend run outside to see where Dingle is. Dingle (who's dressed in a grey cat hat, a matching tail and grey cape with black stripes) is sitting in a tree next to an actual cat...*
Mingle: Dingle? How did you get up there?
Dingle: I wanted to help this kitty cat out of the tree but now I can't get down! *Dingle looks down at the broken branches that he used to get up, which have now broken off the tree...*
Mingle: Don't worry, i'm sure I can help you! Mr. Cyan Snacker, you stay here, while I go get some things to help! *Mingle walks back inside and into the garage.*
Mingle: ...I think I know what can be helpful. *Mingle walks into the garage, standing in front of a handsaw, a ladder, a water bucket and a box of rubber balls. She then turns to the audience.* Which do you think will help the most?
*Mingle waits for the audience to respond.* Mingle: The rubber balls? *She thinks about what she could do: She imagines herself tossing the balls at Dingle until he falls down from the tree.*
Mingle: ...No, that seems very mean... Plus it could mean that Dingle could get injured! He is very high up after all!
*Mingle looks at the handsaw.* Mingle: This? *She once again thinks about what would happen: She imagines herself sawing off the branch that Dingle is sitting on, causing him to, once again, fall down.*
Mingle: What? That seems plain silly! And again, Dingle could get really injured! Even more so than with the balls!
*She looks at the water bucket.* Mingle: What about this? *She thinks about what would happen: She could have Dingle jump down into the water bucket for a safe landing.*
Mingle: That sounds good, but I think this bucket's a bit too small - Dingle could miss and fall onto the ground instead!
*Finally, Mingle looks at the ladder.* Mingle: There, that should be much safer! *She imagines what to do: She sets up the ladder, climbs up it and takes Dingle, along with the cat, out of the tree.*
Mingle: Smart thinking! *She winks to the audience, before taking the ladder and walking back outside where Dingle is. However, now Dingle and Boyfriend are both on the ground, Dingle with his hand scratched and head hurt and Boyfriend with his back injured due to Dingle falling onto him.*
Mingle: Oh no, guys, what happened!
Dingle: The... *Sob* The cat scratched me and I fell off...!
Boyfriend: b-beep bop skdoo bo! *Boyfriend and Dingle both start crying.*
Mingle: Oh no, guys... Don't worry, i'll get you some help in a second... *She takes out her phone and calls 911.*
*...A few minutes later, the doctors arrive to help Dingle, Donk and Boyfriend, and the firefighters are there to take the cat out of the tree.*
Dingle: *Walks up to Mingle with a bandage around his head and a cast on his hand.* Hey Mingle?
Mingle: Yes?
Dingle: Sorry if we caused a problem...
Donk: *Walks up to Dingle and Mingle, with a bandage around his head.* We just wanted to help out, but we caused an even bigger problem...
Boyfriend: *Walks up to Dingle, Donk and Mingle, with some band-aids on his back.* bop bee boo skdoo bo bop...
Mingle: Awwww, guys, don't worry... It's not your fault... You just need to know that there's a difference between pretending to be a superhero and being a superhero! When you see a big problem like what you just saw, you need to ask someone else for help... Trying to deal with the problem yourself may make it even worse!
Donk: Oh... So... Do we just... *He takes off his mask and cape.*
Dingle: Yeah, I don't think we deserve these anymore... *He takes off his cat hat, tail and cape.*
Boyfriend: bop bee boo... *He takes off his gloves and cape.*
Mingle: Ohhh, guys... You don't need to give up... Here, I've got something that may interest you! Follow me! *She leads the three back inside and into her room. She turns off the lights.*
Donk: ...Mingle?
Mingle: Who's this Mingle you speak of, hm? *The lights turn back on, and Mingle is dressed in a red bustier, a blue mini-skirt, red knee-high boots and a golden belt.* Because I am Wonder-Fox! Come on now, let's fight some bad guys! Look, there's Mr. Piranha over there stealing money! *Mingle points to a small plush toy in the corner next to a bag full of play money.*
Donk: Yay! Criminals, beware! The Four-Way Fracture is now on patrol!
Dingle: Woohoo!
Boyfriend: Beep!
Mingle: Thanks for helping us out! See you later! *Mingle waves to the camera before running off with her friends to play, ending the episode.*
Credits: @friendlyfox34 - The series, plus the original Superheroes episode. @comforting-cartoons - Cyan Snacker BF concept. DC, Marvel and everyone else - The superhero concepts. And, of course, me! - Writing the story, plus the original idea.
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partidoconservador · 4 months
Damn, Yo, the whole world just turned into a nuclear skibidi bop pow!
In other news, the sheer amount of skibidi gyatt rizz happening here is off the charts – only in Ohio, baby! Duke Dennis did you pray today? Livvy Dunne’s out here rizzing up Baby Gronk while the sussy imposter pibby glitch is wreaking havoc in real life. Sigma Alpha Omega male grindset is strong, Andrew Tate goon cave vibes mixed with Freddy Fazbear’s pizza panic.
Colleen Ballinger smurf cat is duking it out with strawberry elephant, and blud dawg shmlawg IShowSpeed is bringing the turbulence. Ambatukam! Bro really thinks he's Carti while literally hitting the griddy the ocky way. No edging in class, not the mosquito again! Bussin' Axel in Harlem and Whopper Whopper Whopper Whopper got us all singing.
1 2 buckle my shoe, goofy ahh Aiden Ross, Sin City Monday left me broken. Quirked up white boy busting it down sexual style, goated with the sauce John Pork. Grimace shake, Kiki do you love me, Huggy Wuggy Nathaniel B, lightskin stare, biggest bird Omar the referee, amogus uncanny, wholesome Reddit Chungus, Keanu Reeves pizza tower, zesty poggers Kumalala Savesta.
Quandale Dingle glizzy rose toy Ankha Zone, thug shaker morbin' time DJ Khaled. Sisyphus Oceangate Shadow Wizard Money Gang, ayo the pizza here PLUH, nair butthole waxing, T-pose Ugandan Knuckles.
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