#dinar candy
beritaselebterkini · 1 year
Dinar Candy Disebut Plakor Saat Video Call Dengan  Arfandi Suami Orang.
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Berita buruk mencapai Disjoki Dinar Candy. Dia dikabarkan menjalanihubungan dengan Arfandi, juga dikenal sebagai Ko Apex, seorang pria yang sudah menikah.
Masalah ini dihasilkan dari akun seorang wanita yang diposting Lambe Danu di situs gosipnya.
Wanita itu, yang mengidentifikasi dirinya sebagai istri sah Ko Apex, mengakui memiliki hubungan dengan Dinar Candy. Namun, posting akun gosip telah dihapus.
Dinar dengan enggan menjawab setelah diberitahu tentang rumor tersebut.
Namun, saat pertandingan tinju kemarin dengan Pamela Safitri, Dinar Candy menegaskan mengenal Ko Apex,yang menjabat sebagai promotornya.
Di baca juga :  Nagita Slavina Belakangan Ini Sering Pakai Kacamata Akibat Terkena Bola Tenis
Saya tidak akan mengomentari itu. Orang itu adalah sponsor saya, Anda tahu. Dia mensponsori saya untuk tinju kemarin.
Saya menyebutkan Dinar Candy di Kawasan Tendean Jakarta Selatan pada hari Jumat, 22 Februari 2023. Itu memiliki nama di celana saya dan merupakan produknya.
Dinar mengakui bahwa Aplikasi TikTok adalah katalisator untuk pertemuannya dengan Ko Apex. Dinar juga tidak membantah bahwa mereka pernah berbicara di video.
Dia menikmati menghabiskan uang untuk kenalan TikTok saya. Oh, panggilan video? Ya, dia menjawab.Ko Apex, yang dilaporkan sudah memiliki istri, juga tidak dikenal oleh Dinar.
Selain itu, dia baru saja bertemu pria itu. Dia baru mengetahui istrinya selama sebulan, dan saya tidak tahu.
Saya tidak yakin mengapa, tetapi saya terus-menerus diserang karena alasan itu. Saya tidak tahu, dia membuat 10 akun bahkan kemarin.
Dinar percaya Ko Apex masih lajang saat ini. karena pria itu menghubungi orang-orang di setiap kesempatan dengan ketekunan yang tinggi.
Kau memanggilku apa? “Dia sering menelepon saya, seolah-olah dia bekerja lagi.
Jika pria sering berhubungan, saya kaya sepanjang waktu, jadi saya berasumsi mereka lajang dan tidak benar-benar tahu, kata Dinar Candy.
DJ Dinar Candy menyampaikan beberapa berita yang tidak menguntungkan. Perempuan berusia 30 tahun itu diduga berselingkuh dengan suaminya.
Dengan memasukkan panggilan video pribadi antara Dinar Candy dan Arfandi, juga dikenal sebagai Ko Apex, dugaan perselingkuhan itu diunggah di akun Instagram lambe_danu.
Keterangan di akun tersebut berbunyi, Arfandi alias ko Apex adalah suami dari orang yang diduga memiliki hub dengan D.
Rekaman panggilan video Ko Apex milik Dinar Candy disertakan dalam posting. Tanktopnya terbuka dengan menarik, memperlihatkan sebagian dadanya.
Dinar Candy diduga melepas celana dan bra selama video call dengan Ko Apex pada satu titik.
Hubungan terlarang ini diduga bermula saat Ko Apex memberikan saweran pada Dinar Candy.
Dari satu momen tersebut berlanjut pada momen lainnya hingga berani menyawer via online saat Dinar Candy live di Tiktok.
Di baca juga : Farida Nurhan Menegaskan Operasi Untuk Angkat Implan Payudara Karna Dia Menyesal
Sebuah obrolan yang diduga dari istri Ko Apex, yang menegaskan bahwa dia telah mengajukan petisi perceraian untuk suaminya, juga dimasukkan dalam pos tersebut.
Ko Apex hanya memohon kepada istrinya untuk tidak bercerai setelah gugatan diajukan. Di bahwa dia hanya sebatas nafsu adalah satu-satunya alasan dia bertindak dengan Dinar Candy.
Istri Ko Apex juga mengakui mengirim pesan Instagram kepada Dinar Candy. Ko Apex tidak berada di level Dinar Candy, tapi dia mengelak dan mengakuinya.
Selain itu, istri Ko Apex mengakui bahwa Dinar Candy sering melihat suaminya saat dia menonton langsung Tiktok.
Posting ini akibatnya menarik perhatian publik juga.Selain itu warganet juga menyoroti ucapan Dinar Candy yang sempat mengaku bila dirinya tidak bisa ditawar hingga mengaku tak doyan suami orang.
Pasalnya dengan beredar video ini ia justru seolah menjilat ludah sendiri.
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jkt48fansberat · 1 year
Janda WOT mantul serba coklat
Update : Janda WOT mantul serba coklat Pacar minta kocokin dan sepong ke jilbab ungu lesehan
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Streaming full di : www,jkt48fansberat,my,id
ganti , dengan . atau bisa cek profile untuk situs alternatif
Nuyu Mieya dinar candy vcs TikTok Shop ceramah rumah tangga
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chefbabyna · 11 months
Indonesian DJ Dinar Candy’s rising star amidst viral video controversy
Dinar Candy, born on April 21, 1993, in the vibrant city of Bandung, Indonesia, is a multifaceted talent who has carved a unique niche for herself in the world of entertainment. With her exceptional skills as a DJ, she has managed to captivate audiences with her musical prowess and distinctive style. Her journey from her humble beginnings in Bandung to becoming a prominent figure in the…
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dreamy-love222 · 4 months
I used to write really long love letters to the boys I have had a crush on and hide them in my room.
My first love letter I wrote was when I was 11. It was In French my first language (at home we mainly talked French and sometimes the Tunisian dialect but even our dialect was different from the main dialect which was mostly Arabic with a bit of French words (because France colonised Tunisia) and English words because Americanisation of the Tunisian dialect…
So I wrote this letter on the weekend when I was in my grandmother’s old home in the Zahra (Tunisia) (my grandparents bought in the 80s) (they sold it in 2020 so they can live closer to my aunts because they grew old)
I spent 4 hours on this letter, it was about 6 pages long, I was confessing my undying love for Amir, see amir was a really interesting boy. He was the first in our class yet he was always causing trouble. I knew him since I was 5 years old and his mother was friends with my mom. He was cute but what really made me admire him is his intelligence. He pretended to not be serious about his studies but he was, his dad told him he has to be the first in order to do Judo after school. So he did everything to be the first. I admired his drive and his motivation to get what he want.
I remember in a math exam there was the mention of a dinar. That was the first time we ever got told to solve a problem with a dinar in it (dinar is like a euro) 1 dinar is 1000 millims (like cents) we were 7 or something so we didn’t know that. Except Amir. I know it doesn’t sound impressive but it was to me at that time. The problem was like Zayneb had 1 dinar that she got from her grandparents to buy candy. She bought 9 pieces for 50 millims (equivalent of cents)
How many millims does she have left
I also liked the attention he used to give me. He used to sit behind me in class and used to pull on my hair lol.
The teachers always complain about how nosy and not serious he is and how he makes his friends not pay attention in class.
He knew I knew how to draw because everyone in class knows and after lunch time we had free time and I would draw. Sometimes he would shyly ask me to draw him Mario/pikachu/sonic.
Since I was a kind little girl I would draw him what he wanted and the way his eyes sparkled when he sees my finished artwork made my day.
I was really good at sports too. So I would play soccers with the boys when I was younger than 10.
I was bullied from the age of 7 till I got out of this school. At 7 a traumatic sexual event happened to me, before that I was skinny and healthy. I never binged, I liked candy like all kids but one lolly would be enough for the day. But I started gaining weight. I remember I was 37kg at 8 years old and my classmates made fun of me for being that weight. Also became really closed off and I had a few accidents where I peed myself because someone touched me agressively behind my back and I got flashbacks of my nanny touching me… I became the weird girl that peed herself. No one would let that go. But still Amir continued to treat me the way he always have. He wouldn’t ignore me. Would sometimes tease me, never mentioned my accidents! He treated me normally when all the girls and boys in our class either ignored me or made fun of me.
When I didn’t have flashbacks I completely forgot what had happened to me (trauma related amnesia)
Everyone noticed how I started behaving. I became even more quiet and shy.
I was always melancholic. I used to always think about why my Daddy was so far away, why he had to leave to work in Paris as an orthopaedic surgeon… why he left me… but it got worse once I got abused because I thought if he was at home maybe i wouldn’t have had a mean nanny and her nasty boyfriend that always touched me in places I didn’t want to be touched. Mind you she only stayed for a month and then went to jail for grand theft from us. She basically stole 3 months of hard work that we never got back and her fiancé / bf left her so he won’t get in trouble. I remembered the touching but never the extreme moments of rape.
Anyway. So I was the weird kid because of all of this right? He still treated me the same and when no one else was watching he would ask me if I was okay. He was friends with my bullies but whenever he was around they wouldn’t be mean to me.
One of his friends started sexually abusing me when I was 9. It was the end of the school year and I was wearing a jean skirt and a hot pink tank top with hello kitty drawn on it and sneakers… his name was Youssef. (This dude forced me to greet him the French way when I met him again in 2022 March, kiss him on both cheeks it was awful I was completely neutral but my heart was beating so fast and I was so glad my cousin was with me and she felt that something very weird was going on) (he also tried dming me when he found my insta, saying how hot I am and how he wants us to be a couple, needless to say I blocked his ass) the abuse happened in tutoring sessions with my teachers present. He would touch me under the table and do anything to get to me, even with his nasty foot and would take my hand and make me touch his private parts. Ugh just thinking about it makes me shiver. Also when I hear tights ripping I get mini flashbacks, like my vision goes blurry and I find myself scared to death.
So Youssef at some point touched me when I started growing body hair (after summer 2015?) I was 12 then and the abuse went on for that long. And after he would abuse me he would make fun of me with the other bullies. He made a disgusting face and still touched me anyways, and and he started calling me a gorilla and a man. A cow and a fatty in Arabic. All the boys started calling me that and it made me feel like a monster… when I was just a little girl minding her own business that got touched without her consent when she was attending expensive tutoring sessions my mom payed for so I get better grades.
Anyway Amir defended me saying that they aren’t real men if they treat a girl like that. And I really appreciated that because he never really stuck up for me like that. He when they said I was fat he told them it’s true I was a bit overweight but I was really good at sports. I also did gymnastics at the time and ballet. So I could do some impressive tricks in gym class.
From that point on I started seeing him in a different light. He was the first man that defended me from other people who wanted to harm me. My dad was busy in Paris working and providing for us. But at least Amir was there. I started seeing him as my Savior. He was always there.
During the year of the 7ème (Tunisian school system I was 12) I developed a huge crush on him.
And I made a best friend called Yasmine, she wasn’t overweight but she was heavier than me (67kg, taller, super fit, puberty hit her early) (I was 62kg when I first turned 12 then my weight skyrocketed ) and I found her very pretty, she was a very light blonde with turquoise eyes that I found absolutely gorgeous (eyes exactly like dabi’s just a bit greener) (kinda had my first girl crush on her but I thought it was friendship) we both liked anime and drawing and we were in the painting club in our school) so I called her after I went back home from my grandparents home (it was a 2 hours long drive from there to home) and I read her the letter. She was like ewww you like himmm???? Out of all the guys in our class?? And I was like yes. He started having a deep voice, always wore sauvage(Dior) perfume. Has a very symmetrical face with harmonious features. was taller than me. Had a good sense of humour…. What’s there not to love. Anyway she wasn’t convinced but she was like you’re my BFF I’ll always be here for you… I took my letter to class on Monday. During after the school lunch time we went back to our class and there was a teacher watching over all the students of our class.
I was sitting next to Yasmine. We were talking about my love letter, and Amène was sitting behind us with her friend, that was also a beautiful girl with big brown eyes, porcelain skin and long silky dark brown hair. They were eavesdropping. And they were shocked that I liked Amir.
Yasmine was suspicious but we ended up showing them the letter. They were absolutely shocked because it was such a long romantic letter, I literally thought I was going to marry this boy. Talking about how I would love it if he was my first kiss… how we would have a home together. How much i admired him as a "man" and what qualities i admired about him. how manly strong and intelligent i thought he was… how i wanted him to be my husband and the father of my children. i really wrote that haha. (i didnt know how babies were made LMFAO) (maybe thats why my grandma was so upset when she read my letter) (but my mom told me when i was five that children were made out of love and i thought i would magically become pregnant after i get married and i would just have to wait one year after marriage and then i would get pregnant LOLOLL)
Anyway I keep getting off topic but!!!! She took my letter and told me « after this you will become a couple with Amir »
She walked all the way up to Amir. She told him to come next to our table and she whispered something I didn’t hear in his ear. He went so red and started reading the letter out loud. Everyone that could hear it was shocked. And I could tell he was going through all kinds of emotions while reading it. After what felt like an eternity of him reading the love letter that I wrote in French. He said he couldn’t believe his eyes and it was the best thing that has ever happened to him. That it was so well written and that he will cherish it forever. Then Amène told him ( his friends (my bullies) that were sitting behind him were listening) that she didn’t wrote it, Sarra did while pointing at me. He was disgusted and threw the letter on the ground saying ew and that he took back everything he said about it. He told me he would never be with me. Ever. That he didn’t find me pretty or cute. That he only loves Amène. It was the worst rejection ever. My heart shattered in million pieces. It hurt me so bad. I had tears in my eyes and I asked the teacher to go to the bathroom. She let me go.
So yeah that’s the story of how little Sarra got rejected for the first time. I still liked Amir but not as much as I did before. Because I didn’t want to love someone who will never be with me.
We are still friends on facebook but we never talk lol. Maybe I should mention this to him… because it was so silly looking back but it really did hurt.
Another moment worth mentioning is that while on a break in PE class I went to the girls bathroom to wash my face and it was empty, the boys bathroom was next to it and Amir went at the same time. The girls bathroom makes your voice echos so I started singing. I loved singing (still do) I was singing we were staying in Paris?? Or closer… I am not sure and the echo effect amplified my voice. When I got out he looked shyly at me and told me I had a really amazing singing voice and that I should be a singer… It made me fall in love all over again because I wasn’t used to compliments… my brother would always tell me that my voice was terrible and I should shut up.
Anyway all my classmates that made fun of me switched up after I lost weight and got rid of my acne. And he was the one that sent me the friend request on Facebook haha… keep in mind at this point I was one year younger than all of my classmates only in France I repeated two years and I found myself as the eldest classmate. Which feels freaking awful btw. Don’t get as bad as I did and have to get hospitalised for months and repeat years. Waste years.
Should I talk about Mehdi next? I think I will.
(I hope someone reads this and I haven’t wasted my time talking about insignificant school girl crushes…) is this interesting guys? Am I wasting my time? Ughh I want to feel closer to my moots haha… you should share your rejection or first instance of crushes… I would gladly read.
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epiceponym · 2 years
Jangan lupa kunjungi chanel youtube saya ya!!
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artisindio12 · 16 days
foto edit dinar candy
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inforhits · 24 days
Dinar Candy bagikan momen bahagianya saat wisuda
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pardomuansitanggang · 2 months
Elemen Kunci Pembelajaran dan Asesmen Bermakna dalam Pendidikan, PARDOMUANSITANGGANG.COM – Pembelajaran dan asesmen bermakna adalah pendekatan yang fokus pada pengalaman belajar yang relevan dan mendalam, serta penilaian yang memberikan wawasan tentang pemahaman dan keterampilan siswa secara komprehensif. Berikut adalah elemen-elemen penting dari pembelajaran dan asesmen bermakna: Pembelajaran Bermakna 1. Kontekstual dan Relevan: – Materi pembelajaran dikaitkan dengan kehidupan sehari-hari dan situasi nyata, membuat siswa melihat relevansi dan manfaat langsung dari apa yang mereka pelajari. BACA JUGA : NASIONAL UU NO 7 TAHUN 2017 DINAR CANDY TOTTENHAM PORT FC NASIONAL TOMMY SOEHARTO 2. Berpusat pada Siswa: – Pembelajaran difokuskan pada kebutuhan, minat, dan gaya belajar siswa. Siswa berperan aktif dalam proses pembelajaran. 3. Pengalaman Aktif dan Kolaboratif: – Siswa terlibat dalam kegiatan praktis, diskusi kelompok, proyek kolaboratif, dan pengalaman langsung yang memungkinkan mereka menerapkan pengetahuan dalam situasi nyata. 4. Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek: – Siswa bekerja dalam proyek jangka panjang yang menuntut mereka untuk menyelidiki, merancang, dan menciptakan solusi terhadap masalah nyata. 5. Refleksi dan Metakognisi: – Siswa didorong untuk merenungkan pengalaman belajar mereka, mengidentifikasi apa yang telah mereka pelajari, dan bagaimana mereka dapat menerapkan pengetahuan tersebut di masa depan. BACA JUGA : LIRIK LAGU DI DIA RONGKAP HI LIRIK LAGU EME NI SIMBOLON LIRIK LAGU GAMBIRI TOPI PASAR LIRIK LAGU GARIS NI TANGAN LIRIK LAGU GONDANG NAPOSO 6. Penggunaan Teknologi: – Teknologi digunakan untuk mendukung dan memperkaya proses pembelajaran, memberikan akses ke sumber daya yang beragam dan memungkinkan pembelajaran yang lebih interaktif. BACA JUGA : SWEDEN NATO INTERNASIONAL IRAK VS VIETNAM MODUL AJAR PENDIDIKAN AGAMA ISLAM KELAS 8 FASHION INDOSAT JURGEN KLOPP
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beritaasiaterpopuler · 2 months
Imbas Kasus Ko Apex, Dinar Candy Terancam Asetnya Rp7 Miliar Raib
Kasus hukum yang melibatkan Ko Apex, seorang pengusaha terkenal dalam industri hiburan dewasa, telah memunculkan berbagai dampak yang signifikan, termasuk bagi tokoh publik seperti Dinar Candy. Dinar Candy, yang dikenal sebagai seorang model dan selebriti media sosial, kini menghadapi ancaman terhadap asetnya yang mencapai total sekitar Rp7 miliar. Ko Apex, yang merupakan pemilik sekaligus…
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gondar007 · 7 months
MATA GUE KEMANA2 INI‼️ Om Ded doang yg udah nyobain‼️😯 DINAR CANDY - Praz Teguh
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nadhinevp · 8 months
Dinar Candy
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dogboyheaven · 9 months
I’m so broke until my first paycheck in January I’m eating pocket candy for lunch
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bentengsumbar · 1 year
Dinar Candy Bongkar Honor Promosi Judi Online, Sebegini Jumlahnya | BentengSumbar.com
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dessola1 · 1 year
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Adesola Stephanie Adepoju .
Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman .
Candy .
Tall and handsome .
Wearing the same outfit .
Doing the same pose .
Kissing each other .
Loving each other .
Wearing a jacket .
Wearing a hat .
Eating food .
Playing the guitar .
Adesola Stephanie Adepoju .
Zendaya Maree Stoermer Coleman .
999 Googolplex Posts .
999 Googolplex Followers .
999 Googolplex Following .
999 Googolplex likes .
999 Googolplex comments .
999 Googolplex views .
999 Googolplex Kuwaiti Dinars .
999 Googolplex Nigerian Naira .
999 Googolplex United States Dollars .
999 Googolplex British Pounds Sterling .
999 Googolplex Euros .
999 Googolplex Chinese Yuan Renminbi .
Date : Monday July 3 2023 .
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kapol-id · 2 years
Gempa Cianjur, Dinar Candy dan Aldi Taher Hadir di Cianjur Hibur Anak-anak di Pengungsian
Gempa Cianjur, Dinar Candy dan Aldi Taher Hadir di Cianjur Hibur Anak-anak di Pengungsian
KAPOL.ID – Selebritis asal Cianjur Aldi Taher dan Dinar Candy menghibur anak-anak di posko pengungsian Kampung Cilebak, Desa Talaga, Kecamatan Cugenang, Kabupaten Cianjur, Selasa (6/12/2022) Kedatangan Dinar Candy dan Aldi Taher disambut meriah dan ceria para ibu-ibu maupun anak-anak. Di posko yang terletak di depan SDN Lebaksari itu, keduanya mengajak anak-anak terdampak gempa Cianjur untuk…
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goriaucom · 2 years
Cerita Adik Dinar Candy Selamat dari Gempa Cianjur, Lompat Lewat WC Lari ke Lapangan
JAKARTA - Gempa di Cianjur, Jawa Barat, yang terjadi pada Senin (21/11/2022) menyisakan cerita bagi Dinar Candy dan keluarga. Pasalnya adik Dinar Candy bernama Cecep alias Teteng nyaris menjadi korban. http://dlvr.it/SdDW3b
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