dimiclaude13 · 4 months
i've been thinking lately in the concept of family.
The family concept has been widely divided into two statements that might seem contradictory at first: Ones - the most traditional people you'll ever find - would say that family means bloodline and a set of experiences attached to it. Others - more open minded, if you wanna say so, - would argue that family is the people who take care of you and give you a safe environment to grow in and not necessarily someone with whom you just share genetics.
Even though I firmly believe that a bloodline is not important in whether we should consider someone as family or not, I do believe that shared experiences are a must.
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Maybe it's me who is a bit sensitive, but ain't kindness and community the foundations of humanity? With the second definition on mind, wouldn't everyone be your family? Don't get me wrong, that sounds good if a little (too much) utopian. And yes, the world is a hostile place, but not all who help you are willing to forge a strong emotional link with you... they're just... humans. People are nice, or at least i wanna think so (or even we NEED to).
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For me, what really makes a family it's kinda a mix of both definitions. Isn't it funny that everyone is right in a certain part of what family is? (but it makes sense, at the end of the day, everybody is part of one or will be, so you can't be wrong or, at least, not at all) .
Family is people who have lived experiences similar to yours that will guide you because they decided to do so. And I find beautiful. And I know this that I'm saying is not new. But it's something everyone needs to realise. And words don't occupy space, so here they are. Also, reading it and even vocalise it is necessary sometimes. Thoughts can be buried in fear, emotive actions, such as reading it or finding someone who shares your thoughts, can't be left apart, just fought, but they'll end up winning.
After knowing what family is, I know that I have the best. And I'm not exaggerating. It's not big, but it's mine. And I wouldn't change it.
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Before we end up, I've come to find curious the concept of chosen family. Family doesn't appear just because. Family is not magic, the only magic there is what you can feel (at risk of sounding corny af) when you're together. And it doesn't need to be necessarily romantic, the person you love the most could be someone that comes imposed such as your brother, a friend you met in hs or your boyfriend. Who knows? But family is not chosen, family is forged like a sword that could slash all the badness.
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I've got so much left to say, but my fingers don't know how to type their way through these feelings. Writing this has taken several days (and it's been honestly thanks to someone I consider like family overcoming his fears, which has made me not only write this but to post it). I don't know why because words have come like a rush, like a cascade. Simply, I wanted to use the best letters, the best points and comas, the best spaces. I feel that it's been this way due to the emotional attachment I've got to it (and honestly, everyone has it). I'm finding this repetitive, so i might cut now.
Long story short, family loves you, knows you because they have lived with and through you. And it's just good. I love my (chosen) family.
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