lapinbunwrites · 9 months
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Title: Proposal in the Snow
Ratings: Gen
Warnings: None
Fandom: Fire Emblem Three Houses
Relationships: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/Mercedes von Martritz
Characters: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Mercedes von Martritz
Additional Tags: Fluff, Slice of Life, Post-Azure Moon | Blue Lion's Route
Word Count: 1,359
Ao3 Link
From Mercedes remembers, the part of Adrestia she grew up in didn't get much snow. The snow they got didn't compare to the amount Faerghus got, especially not compared to Fhirdiad. She only lived in northern Faerghus for a short amount of time, but it still amazed her how much snow they get. On top of all of that, she felt warmth in her heart as she saw the children play in it. Throwing snowballs at each other, making snowmen, and creating random new games they could think of. All of it was so adorable and heartwarming.
"There you are Mercedes," Dimitri smiled, placing his hand on her shoulder. "Are you having fun watching the children?"
"Yes, they are quite adorable," she chirped, looking up to him. "It's nice to see them still filled with cheer after the war."
"That is true, it's always nice to see them with a smile," he said, kissing her temple.
Mercedes let out a little noise in agreement. She turned around to face him, placing her bear hands on his face to pull him down for a kiss.
"Why aren't your hands covered?" Dimitri said, kissing her back. "You'll get frostbite if you don't cover them."
Mercedes laughed a little as he pulled away from her. Her laugh became louder as he took her hands to cover them with gloves.
"There, now your hands won't freeze," he said, still holding onto her hands.
"Thank you, Dimitri," she said, giving him another kiss. "You always take such great care of me."
"You only do the same for me," he smiled, kissing her back.
"Anyway, what are you doing out her?" She asked, taking one of her hands out of his and placing her other hand on his triceps.
"Looking for you," he said, walking with her through the town. "I just wanted to spend time with you."
Mercedes felt her face heat up as she walked with him. "Oh Dimitri."
"What?" He asked, moving her hand into his.
"Nothing, I'm just happy," Mercedes laughed.
"That's always nice to hear," Dimitri smiled, trying to get her out of the town.
Before they could leave town, a little child had hit Dimitri with a snowball. For a split second he was scared since he accidentally hit the King of Faerghus but laughter shortly left his lips when Mercedes hit him in the face with a snowball fight. Everyone scattered everywhere, throwing snowballs all over the town. Before they knew it, both Mercedes and Dimitri found themselves outside of town.
"There you are, my sweet Mercie," Dimitri laughed, catching up to her.
"Dimitri, my king," Mercedes laughed, turning to face him. She walked up to him, placing her head and hands on her chest. She felt at ease hearing his calm heartbeat. "I was getting worried I wouldn't see you again after you let those little kids chase you into that corner."
"Sorry, they seemed very happy about their plan of attack," he said, wrapping his arms around her body.
"Well, I'm glad you came back to me safe and sound," she teased feeling his warmth encompassing her whole being. She let out a little whimper, holding onto his fur cape as she felt him unwrap his arms. "Dimi, please don't."
"I'm sorry, my angel," he said, moving his hand into hers. "There is one thing I wanted to do before we go home."
"What is that?" She asked, walking with him.
"You'll see," he smiled, leading her down the cobble path.
Mercedes nodded as she continued walking. She hadn't seen this part of Fhirdiad before, it was a bit run down but it was very lively. People were singing, dancing, and eating, it was so beautiful to watch. She was a little stunned that they weren't staying here, but going further out of the way. She let out a chirp when she saw the garden full of roses, she had almost forgotten this place. Dimitri had taken her here a couple of times before as a little date of his. Both times were picnics, but one was in the fall and the other was in the spring. Out of all the times she has been here, the winter was the most beautiful. Seeing the roses still blooming in this time of year and having frost on them, it truly was a sight to see.
She let go of his hand, walking up to a rose bush holding out her hand to the flowers. Their fragrant even smelled amazing, if she could keep these roses, she would. She turned back around, laughing when she saw her beloved boyfriend mess with his satchel. As cute as he was trying to get it open, she couldn't leave him there to struggle. Mercedes smiled, gently helping buckle the leather straps from their clasps. She walked around the garden, looking at every last rose before finding a bench to sit on.
"Mercedes!" Dimitri called out, walking around with a box in his hand. "Mercedes!"
"Over here!" Mercedes yelled out. "Just keep going straight."
"Straight?" He asked, walking around for a few minutes to find her. "Oh, there you are."
She gave him a gentle smile as he wobbled his way towards her. "Are you okay?"
"Ye-Yes, I'm fine," he reassured her, tripping over his feet, and dropping his box. "Oh, where did it go?"
"Where did what go?" She asked, looking at the ground around them.
"Nothing," he said, getting down on his knees.
Mercedes slowly moved her body down to the ground, feeling around to see if she could find his lost item.
"My angel, you don't have to help," he said, his lips beginning to pinch together.
"It's alright, my king," she said, placing her hands on his face. "This is important to you."
"Yes, it is," he said, trying to get her back on the bench. "I want to be the one to find this object."
"Dimitri, please let me help you," she pouted as she struggled out of his grasp.
"No, it's alright," he reassured her, letting her go. "I am more than capable of finding a box."
"A box?" She asked, getting back on her knees. "Why do you have a box?"
"It's uh, nothing," he said, stumbling over his words.
Mercedes let out a gasp, finding the box under the chair. She let out a groan when she felt Dimitri pull her into his embrace. "Ouch."
"I'm sorry Mercedes," his breath becoming faster. "Are you okay?"
"Yes, I'm fine," she reassured him, pressing her back against his chest. "I'm more concerned with you."
"I'm fine, but do you mind handing me that box?" He asked, moving his hands into hers.
She stretched out her hands, feeling his hands on her forearms.
"Mercedes," he pleaded, not trying to get the box back from her.
"Dimitri, this is!" She gasped as she opened the box. She turned her body to face him, giving him a big kiss. "Dimitri, I love you!"
"I know," he smiled, kissing her forehead.
"No wonder you were acting weird!" Mercedes smiled, pressing her back against his chest again. She took one good look at the ring, seeing that the gem was in the shape of a sun. "This is such a beautiful ring!"
"Yes, it was my birth mothers wedding ring," Dimitri agreed, placing the band on her ring finger.
"Are you sure I can have this?" She asked, entwining her hand with his.
"Of course. My father said my mother wanted me to give it to the person I wanted to marry," he smiled, holding her hand tightly. "Mercedes, will you marry me and become my queen?"
"Yes, of course I will!" She chirped, turning her body around to give him a kiss. "I love you so much!"
"I love you too," he said, kissing her back as he fell onto his back, crunching some of the snow.
Mercedes got up from the ground with help from Dimitri, dancing before they went home.
Their wedding was held in the spring in the same garden that Dimitri proposed in. They were surrounded by their friends, families, and the roses that Mercedes loved.
I almost missed @ferarepairweek lmao. I was not about to miss that, I want to try to push the DimiMercie agenda show my love for them. They always warm my heart. So I combined two prompts together because I missed the first four days and right now I have days one and two together, snow and proposals. A while ago I wrote a piece about Mercedes reminiscing about her proposal when she was pregnant and I wanted to showcase that or at least some of it. I'm so happy that I was able to in this fic.
I am also hoping to do a couple of more before this event ends. I have a few more ships that I want to do, I have like five more that I want to. I don't know if I will be able to get to them all, but I hope I can. I have so many I want to show ;;;;
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outerspacebun · 2 years
So it’s Rodrigue week and since I don’t have the time and energy to write the prompts I want to write so I’m going to do a master post of head canons and stuff I have for Rodrigue and for these said prompts. So prepare for a very long post. The prompts I am going to combine are Mrs. Fraldarius, Felix and Glenn, Felix’s Uncle, Faerghus 4: The Old Generation, and the Blue Lions. This is also going to have a shameless plug of my ships. laskfjf this is a warning I guess.
To start off, Mrs. Fraldarius:
Rodrigue’s wife name is Amelia von Atalanta and she is from a Barony in the Alliance territory and her village is small.
They never met until they went the Officers Academy when they were 20 years old.
There first meeting was a little messy and very awkward. Erwin purposely made her mad and she chased after him to beat him up. When they met, she had Erwin’s face in the dirt. Godfrey had to diffuse the situation and apologized to Rodrigue and Lambert who also witnessed the situation.
She later apologized to him about.
The beginnings of their relationship was rocky.
At first, Amelia didn’t like Rodrigue because his uptightness about knighthood and his retainership. But when they started to put effort into their relationship, they did fall in love with each other.
For Rodrigue, he fell in love with her after one sparring session they had, he fell head-over-heels for her. He beat his ass, it confused her.
He truly fell in love her when he was passing by the infirmary. She was there cleaning and he watched her and heard her sing. This was a couple months into the Officers Academy.
That being said, they were betrothed a couple of months into knowing each other.
As a way to court Amelia, Rodrigue would give her flowers, especially roses since she is known as the Winter Rose. But when he found out that she could cook and sew, he would buy her sewing supplies and hunt for animals for her to cook.
She loved these as a way of courtship.
Rodrigue used to have very long curly hair in his 20s. And as a way to bond, Amelia would braid it and put roses in his hair.
When Amelia found out that Rodrigue could dance, she asked him to teach her. She made him promise to dance everyday they spent together.
There is this tradition in Faerghus where you give the person you are marrying a betrothal gift. Rodrigue wanted to give her something he made, but three things, he didn’t know how to sew, he knew that Amelia didn’t like jewelry. But he really wanted to make her something he made.
So what he does, he knows how to make jewelry and makes her a rose shaped hair pin for her betrothal gift. She absolutely loves it and only takes it off if she is asleep or to clean it.  
Even though Rodrigue said it she didn’t have to give him a betrothal gift, she still sewed him the cloak he wears (the one we see in 3 Hopes/Houses). He says it’s one of the best gifts he has ever received.
They have nicknames for each other. Amelia’s nickname is Winter Rose for her thorny words, her coldness, and her beauty. So Rodrigue will lovingly call her Winter Rose, Little Rose, or My Rose. Rodrigue’s nickname is Roddie but he hates. But he never hates it when Amelia says it.
While they were betrothed, Amelia wore the Fraldarius engagement ring. But when Rodrigue truly proposed to her, he handmade her a rose wedding ring.
Their first date was to the beach.
Amelia unknowingly will say something really romantic to Rodrigue and his heart will stop because she is being to cute.
He absolutely loves her smile.
She fell in love with him because he could sing, his kindness, and his willingness to put effort into her and their relationship.
For their wedding, they braided cords together as a symbol of their promises to each other. For one of their promises, they promised each other to embarrass their children and their grandchildren.
After getting very close to Rodrigue, Amelia would be able sleep easier at night. Him being near her and the scent of jasmine that he would put on, would help her sleep at night. When he was gone, he gave her this plushy and put the scent on it for her to sleep with.
Felix and Glenn:
Felix and Glenn are born ten years apart
Glenn was unexpected but they both were attached to him.
Glenn is closer to Amelia than he is Rodrigue but he still loves his father very much.
Glenn was born crestless, but was still heir to the Dukedom of Fraldarius
Because of this, Rodrigue’s mother attempted to have Glenn and Amelia killed, but always failed. His mother put Amelia’s and Glenn’s lives on the line and if he didn’t choose her, she would kill them. Rodrigue choose his beloved wife and son. In the end, she went after the two and because of it, and in the end, Rodrigue had to kill his own mother.
Glenn was named after a field that Rodrigue would take Amelia to when they were dating, but no longer can go to because they inherited Fraldarius.
Felix was name Felix because he was a giggly little baby. 
When Gunnar came to Rodrigue about betrothing their children, Rodrigue said no.
Gunnar’s bargaining chip for getting what he wanted was to continue the Fraldarius family line/to have an heir with a crest. Rodrigue said no, that Glenn didn’t need to have a crest to be worth something or to be heir to house Fraldarius or to have an heir with a crest and such. And that Glenn would make house Fraldarius stronger the way he wanted to, whether he decided to get married to a man, a woman, someone who was trans or nonbinary. Whether or not he would get married and have children. Glenn would do it his way.
Then it was for what little resources Galatea had. For what food they could produce, what little money they had, or for Pegasus knights. Rodrigue still said no. Both of them were struggling for food and didn’t want to make it worse, Fraldarius had enough money since he is the second highest ranking/second richest noble in Faerghus so they didn’t need money, and he didn’t need any Pegasus knights because they had plenty.
Then it was black mail. Gunnar used Rodrigue killing his own mother as leverage as a way to get Ingrid and Glenn to be betrothed. Rodrigue didn’t want to lose his family he had and not see them for what could be years because he killed his mother, so he agreed. This put a small rift between Glenn and Rodrigue. But they do still love each other.
Rodrigue taught Glenn how to hand-make jewelry and he taught Felix to sing.
Felix and Glenn know how to dance because they watched Rodrigue and Amelia dance every night.
Glenn does not look his father, but looks like his mother.
Rodrigue was going to give Glenn his cloak that Amelia made while Amelia was going to give Felix her hair pin to Felix. Amelia and Rodrigue were going to give their wedding rings to Felix because they both kind of figured Glenn was going to make his own.
Glenn decided to call off his betrothal to Ingrid after he traveled to Duscur, but was never able to.
Rodrigue never betrothed Felix off because he wanted his son to make his way through life on his own. Plus he knew the betrothal for Glenn put a rift between the two.
Rodrigue always writes to his sons when he is away.
Rodrigue and Felix do talk out their problems in a healthy way and repair their relationship.
In Verdant Wind, when Felix becomes a teacher, they have a mission going through Gronder field. Felix’s daughter finds Rodrigue’s dead body and Felix is heartbroken. Something more heartbreaking, he isn’t exactly on common grounds with his own son.
Rodrigue taught both Glenn and Felix what is to be a Duke.
Rodrigue taught Glenn how to use a lance. He taught Felix how to use a sword. Amelia taught Glenn and Felix how to use magic and Glenn how to use a sword.
At first, Rodrigue was really concerned that Glenn wouldn’t get along with his little brother. Glenn wasn’t too thrilled to have a younger sibling. But as soon as Felix was born, Glenn became protective of him and the two were very close. It made both Rodrigue and Amelia very happy that they were very close.
To this day, Rodrigue will say that Glenn and Felix were the best gifts Amelia has ever given, the best gifts anyone has given him. And he truly means it.
Rodrigue’s nickname for Glenn is GG and blue star (Glenn’s favorite flower)
Rodrigue’s nickname for Felix is Fe or little blue giggle. He laughed a lot when he was born.
Whenever Felix or Glenn would get sad, Rodrigue would wrap them up in his cloak. It would was big and the smell of their father would help calm them down.
Rodrigue would also sing to Glenn and Felix when they were young. It put them right to sleep.
Rodrigue would tell them stories to help them fall asleep, and when he was gone, or when Amelia was gone, Glenn would read bedtime stories to Felix.
Felix’s Uncle:
His name is Sidhbh Fiahd Fraldarius
The two were close, especially growing up with their abusive mother and when their father left when they were young.
Rodrigue would always take the abuse from her so Sidhbh would have to feel the hurt and pain she inflicted on him. He would especially take blame whenever his brother would do something bad by accident.
They are three years apart
While Rodrigue was betrothed to Amelia, and loves her dearly, Sidhbh accidentally fell in love with her. He never meant to and never said anything to his brother and his soon-to-be-wife.
Sidhbh is crestless, not that he cares.
While Sidhbh loves his brother, he was always jealous that he was always stronger and could never beat Rodrigue in a fight. He also keep this to himself.
Rodrigue trained to be a Holy Knight, while Sidhbh to become a Mortal Servant.
Rodrigue is more reserved and introverted while Sidhbh is more optimistic and outgoing. Rodrigue was always jealous that he was able to make more friends and keep them.
Rodrigue finds it very cute that Glenn and Felix calls his friends aunty and uncle. Like Uncle Lambert, Uncle Matthias, etc.
Faerghus Four: The Old Generation:
The previous Faerghus Four was Lambert, Saraphina (his betrothed/wife), Rodrigue, and Matthias.
Lambert, Saraphina, and Rodrigue cannot cook to save their lives. They have all burned stuff down and waste so much food by accident.
Matthias can sort of cook. Nothing fancy, but something to get by if they are in dire strains. Matthias was so happy when Amelia came into the picture.
Saraphina is the one saving all of their asses all the time. Lambert hates it because he doesn’t want his beloved angel to die. They fight about this from time to time.
While Lambert cares about Gustave, he constantly has to take breaks being around him.
Saraphina despises Gustave to the point where Lambert has to keep them away from each other.
Lambert is a Bow Knight
Saraphina is a Dark Flier
They each babysit each others children.
Matthias hates it the most. He only wants to take care of his own son.
Mattias’ first wife’s name is Raven von Vestra.
Rodrigue is the only one to not remarry.
Lambert and Saraphina were betrothed since Lambert’s birth. And they are helplessly in love.
Saraphina is a year older than him.
If Lambert had his way, he would never had remarried and he yearns to be with Saraphina again.
Lambert and Saraphina have matching wedding rings. Lambert’s wedding ring has moons all around it while Saraphina’s wedding ring rock is in the shape of the sun.
Saraphina and Lambert were going to pass down their wedding rings to their son Dimitri.
Saraphina is known as Faerghus’ sunshine and when she passed, everyone felt the gaping whole left when she died. But the person who hurt the most was Lambert.
Rodrigue is a little shit and would annoy the crap out of his friends from time to time.
Saraphina would pull harmless pranks on people. She would pull so many pranks.
Lambert, Rodrigue, and Matthias could never say no to Saraphina.
None of these four can sew.
Their is a scar on Rodrigue’s face that he got from when Saraphina tried to sew.
Lambert and Saraphina welcomed Raven and Amelia into their friend group with open arms.
Saraphina always had a hard time with noblewoman because they didn’t like her. She was an unconventional noblewoman herself always training and didn’t care for traditional feminine things. Though she does want to learn how to sew and cook.
Saraphina is the daughter of a Marquess, but her father’s whereabouts are unknown. And she doesn’t have a great relationship with her mother.
While they care for Gunnar, they aren’t too close to him.
The Blue Lions:
Rodrigue adopts all of them.
He is a big papa bear that is protective of all of them. These are my beloved little son’s friends, so now Felix’s friends are now Rodrigue’s children.
He is proud of all of them.
Rodrigue and Dedue’s relationship consist of them talking about cooking and food. Rodrigue constantly gives Dedue herbs and spices from him and his wife. They always talk about their knightly-hood and regales each other about stories of when their were young with their friends and family.
Rodrigue wishes he could be closer to Ashe. Them both being soft boys, they would talk to each other about stories they were told. Rodrigue would tell Sidhbh about different stories to help him sleep and forget their mother and their problems. Ashe would talk about the stories that his older brother would tell him and his siblings. They would have so much fun talking to each other about stories they had made up to get their families to sleep.
Sylvain is actually rather close to Rodrigue. Rodrigue just kind of adopted him into his family because of Matthias and Miklan being a dick. He often looks out for Sylvain and will scold Matthias to no end about how bad of a dad he is being. He is very annoying about it and he does not care. Rodrigue taught Sylvain how to use the lance. Unknown to Rodrigue, Sylvain has a huge crush on Amelia that fades away but never left. Sylvain gets his temper from Rodrigue, funnily enough.
Mercie! He adores Mercie. They talk about sewing and how bad he is about it and the multiple times his wife tried to teach him. He also thinks she would be a great queen for Faerghus. She is utterly surprised that he compares her to Dimitri’s mother and that they are similar in a lot of ways. She can only hope that she could live up to her and he reassures her that she doesn’t have and she will make her own way as the next queen.
Annie! He loves her as if she was his own daughter. He will show her off and boast about her anytime he can. He loves the fact that his own son is a little like him. He fell in love with a badass woman who can kick his ass. He thinks she would be a fine duchess and that Felix and Annette would make Fraldarius even better than what Rodrigue and Amelia have done.
While he does think of Ingrid of a daughter, and cares for her dearly, he doesn’t show off her skills or anything since there is a little bit of a strain with their relationship. With Glenn’s death, she never let him down on his failure and lashed out at constantly about his own son. She always acted like she was the only one that lost Glenn and no one else. He never did tell her about what happened between him and her father.
Rodrigue wish he could be closer to Byleth since she Felix’s professor and teacher and the fact that Sylvain is absolutely in love with her. Most of their conversations are of them training. Whatever is said, is between their weapons. But he does really care for her and does treat her like a daughter and that she understands Felix.
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shokuheshi · 2 years
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she always wanted to learn embroidery but didn't think she could until now  some transfem dimitri I drew for fe trans week on twitter! the prompt was “past/future self”. very into mercedes/transfem dimitri where she teaches her needlework (already canon in the game with these two) and helps her dress up 
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knowelspole · 4 years
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steamedzing · 3 years
For fe3h_ndweek I wrote some dimimercie! Just in case, mercedes has a special interest in religion, so be careful if that's a trigger! This one shot covers multiple prompts!
ff.net link: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/13858833/1/An-eye-for-an-eye
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princessesaphi · 3 years
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Sweet moment...
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grogv · 3 years
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fe3h ❥ dimitri x mercedes (for @garlandgerard hbd!)
“i want to keep sewing and training with you, even after you've become king. i want to be your friend.” “but... i have no right to stand beside you.” “please, i can't hear any more of this self–deprecation! i just want to be by your side. is that so much to ask?” “mercedes... i want the same thing. if you allow it... i wish to stay by your side.” “i'm glad i'm not the only one who feels that way. let's spend a little more time here together. just the two of us.”
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lochnessies · 3 years
Something to cheer you up: https://archiveofourown.org/works/34359061
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stringcheeseboiii · 2 years
Thoughts on Dimimercie?
greetings, anon!! thanks for chatting :)
hmm... dimimercie...
well, to start off, this is actually a combination of two of my absolute favorite characters. and as for dimitri, he's very, very shippable (as others before me have pointed out).
however, i don't love them as a romantic couple. sure, i do love their adorable a-support (i love that line that goes something like, "why don't we stay here for a while longer... just the two of us..."), and their relationship throughout the game is a very interesting one, to be sure. i think it can definitely be read as romantic, especially because their a-support is much more romantic than lots of others!! i have nothing against the ship and if i was in the right mood, i'd probably pair them up for a story or i'd consider unlocking their paired ending. :)
my personal preference, though, is to see them as good friends or in a sibling-type relationship. :D
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lapinbunwrites · 2 years
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Title: A Normal Day At A Festival
Ratings: Gen
Warnings: None
Fandom: Fire Emblem Warriors 3 Hopes
Relationships: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd/Mercedes von Martritz
Characters: Dimitri Alexandre Blaiddyd, Mercedes von Martritz, Sylvain Jose Gautier
Additional Tags: Fluff
Word Count, 2,100
Ao3 Link
Dimitri let out a long sigh as he looked at his desk. It was going to take him forever to get this paperwork done. He was hoping to get it done by now so he could spend some time with his dear Mercedes. Even though they were in the middle of a war, there was still the Day of Devotion Festival still taking place. He might not like to relax, but whenever there was a festival, he would take the time to spend it with her. But his stacks of paperwork were trying him.
He shook his head as he looked at the stack of papers after he finished the missive he was going to send to Margrave Gautier. He rubbed his temples before grabbing the next set of papers. While he worked, he heard the stomping of armored boots coming his way, breaking the silence he had.
“You’re Majesty,” a faint voice said as he knocked on the door.
“Yes, Sylvain,” Dimitri sighed.
“May I come in,” Sylvain asked, messing with the doorknob.
“Yes,” Dimitri said, not looking up from his desk as he entered the room.
Sylvain sighed as he walked into Dimitri’s office. “I hate when Mercedes is right?”
“Why is that,” Dimitri asked, signing off on the paperwork.
“Because it means you aren’t relaxing and stressing yourself out with your duties,” Sylvain explained, closing the door behind him.
“If I don’t get this done, I will be set back for many moons,” Dimitri said, letting out another long sigh.
“You are really going for the absentee husband and father aren’t you,” Sylvain glared.
Dimitri put down the paper and quill to pinch the bridge of his nose. “That’s not my intention.”
“How can it be when you and Mercedes aren’t married yet and have no children together,” Sylvain teased.
Dimitri glared at Sylvain.
“Ahahaha, just a little joke,” he reassured him, walking over to him. “In all seriousness, today is Day of Devotion. You should celebrate it with the people you care about. Your family, your friends, your lover!~”
Dimitri closed his eyes and unintentionally broke his quill.
“Ahahaha,” Sylvain nervously laughed. “All jokes aside this time, you really should go.”
“I wish I could, but I have too much work to do,” Dimitri reminded him, grabbing a new quill.
“As your friend, I say no,” Sylvain protested, placing his hands on Dimitri’s and dragging him out the door. “I will look at these myself and finish it for you. Today is a special day and you should be spending it with the woman you care about.”
“Thank you, but no thank you,” Dimitri said, placing his hands on the door panel.
“This didn’t work when we were children, it’s not going to work now,” Sylvain said, forcefully shoving him out the door. “Now go have fun.”
“What about you?” Dimitri asked, turning to face Sylvain.
“I will be fine,” Sylvain reassured him with a smile. “Consider this my present to you for today.”
Dimitri turned back around and started to walk away.
“Heh, what’s one year by myself on the Day of Devotion? All the fun playing games, being with family,” Sylvain joked.
Dimitri looked back and scowled at him.
“I’m joking, I’m joking,” Sylvain said, shooing him away.
Dimitri rolled his eyes and walked away before he changed his mind. He walked around the camp, looking around for Mercedes. When he couldn’t find her, he rode his way to Fraldarius Castle. As he tried to walk through the sea of people looking for her, he got jostled around. He continuously suppressed groans as he got strewn about.
“Dimitri,” a woman softly said, placing her hand on his arm and tugging him aside.
“Mercedes,” Dimitri softly said, shocked.
“So you came,” she chuckled. “How wonderful! Now we can celebrate together!”
“Yes,” he smiled as the two began to walk . “What shall we do first?”
“Hm, there are a couple of things I want to do,” Mercedes said, placing her finger on her chin. “There is a couples baking contest going to happen in a little bit. Oh! There is also a floral arrangement!”
Dimitri chuckled as she endlessly talked about what she wanted to do. It became louder as she took him to the stage.
“I should not be surprised that you want to enter the baking contest,” Dimitri said, giving her a peck on her cheek.
“Hehe,” she laughed and smiled.
“Well, let’s try to win then,” Dimitri smirked.
As they got to the stage, Dimitri made it a point to listen to everything that Mercedes said. As she instructed, he grabbed the bag of flour. He struggled to open it, and when he did, it went everywhere. He faintly smiled as he heard Mercedes laugh and instructed him to use what they have. Once all the dry ingredients were together, he watched her carefully add in the wet ingredients. He grabbed the spoon from her and gently started to stir the batter.
His smile grew bigger when she placed her head on his shoulder and watched him stir. He felt her gently place her hand on his arm so he wouldn’t over mix the batter. Afterwards, they started to make the dough into round balls and placed them on the baking sheet.
While Dimitri stood stiffly in front of the oven, patiently waiting, Mercedes began to hum. He watched her and was shocked as she held out her hand to him. He took it, twirling her into his arms. In the middle of their dance, the two fell down. Dimitri chuckled softly as he saw her beet red face through the flour. He helped her up and cleaned the ingredient off.
In the end, they lost the competition for forgetting that the cookies were in the oven. They ended up being burned and very bitter. He held out his arm for her to hold onto as they left the area. He led her to another room with not very many people around.
“Why don’t you sit here,” he said, helping her sit down.
“Mhm,” she agreed, looking up to him.
“I will be right back,” he added, turning around.
“Where are you going?” She asked, grasping his hand.
“I’m not going back to work. It’s a good surprise,” he reassured her.
He felt her let go as he began to walk again. Walking around, he made his way to a room full of flower vendors. He looked around, finding a vendor selling only one type of flower. One that he needed.
“Why hello there, Your Majesty,” the vendor said, cheerfully. “It’s surprising to see you at one of these festivals.”
“I suppose that’s true,” Dimitri responded, taking a bouquet of lavender.
“Word has it you were dancing on stage with a certain beauty, hohoh,” they laughed, taking the flowers from him.
“How do you know that?” He gasped as he watched them wrap the gift.
“Word travels fast in a festival,” they replied, handing him the gift. “Everyone was surprised to see their esteemed, stiff, and rigid king dance. But everyone seemed to enjoy it. It’s like their spirits have been lifted.”
“If it helps, I guess I’m happy,” Dimitri said, smelling the flowers. “Thank you.”
“Hehe, you’re welcome,” they said as Dimitri paid and left.
He grabbed a couple of more things before heading back to Mercedes. When he got back, he was in awe of her. He watched as she hummed and danced around the area. He placed his gifts on the table and took her hand to dance with her again.
“Welcome back,” she greeted with a smile.
Dimitri nodded as they danced. When they were done, he led her back to the table and handed her the gifts.
“Oh my!” She gasped, taking them from him. “I love these!”
“I thought you would,” he said, watching her smell the flowers herself. “I thought, maybe I could braid your hair.”
“Hehe, why dear?” She asked, looking up at him.
“You…You always wanted to have someone do it for you,” he stuttered as his face became blush. “And I thought I could attempt to do it for you.”
“I would love that,” she said, kissing his cheek.
The two sat down and Dimitri took out the brush he bought. He slowly, and carefully, brushed her hair. As he took three sections of her hair, he became lost in thoughts. Even though it was long gone, he did miss her long hair. It was perfect for braiding. Nonetheless, he was surprised at how soft her hair was. How could he be when she took great care of herself?
After tying her braids with ribbon, he grabbed the lavender that Mercedes cut. Along with delicately placing the flowers into her hair, he also placed a few gems next to the flowers. When he was done, he handed her a hand mirror.
“Oh, hmmm,” she said.
“Is everything alright?” He asked, putting everything away.
“Hehe, no it’s nothing, your braiding is surprisingly good,” she reassured him.
“Heh,” he chuckled. “The biggest reason why I know how to braid hair is Sylvain made me learn it with him in his skirt-chasing days. He said something about impressing women by helping braid their hair.”
“Hehe, that definitely sounds like him,” she laughed.
“Sylvain pestered Ingrid and Felix to practice on and I just had to help out,” he added, pulling something out.
“Hehe, I bet they were annoyed to get pestered about it,” she teased.
“Surprisingly no,” he replied.
“That is a surprise,” she laughed some more.
“I suppose,” he lulled out as he looked at the box in his hand. “Mercedes.”
“Hmm?” She asked as she turned to face him.
“I want you to have this,” he said, handing her the intricate box.
“May I open it?” She asked, taking it from him.
He nodded.
“Oh my!” She gasped. “This is a knife!”
“Mercedes, is everything alright?” He asked, taking a hold of her shoulders. “You look like you just saw a ghost.”
“Ah! I’m sorry, I should know better to think Faerghus and knives doesn't mean the same thing as the Empire and knives,” she apologized.
“What?” He asked, loosening his grip.
“Oh, I guess I never told you,” she recollected herself. “In Adrestia, knives are seen as a death threat.”
Dimitri scrunched his eyebrows and looked around the room. “Huh? Well, that might explain something.”
“Hm?” Mercedes asked, tilting her head.
“It’s nothing,” he reassured her.
“Do you mind telling me why you gifted me a knife?” She asked, placing the box on her lap.
“In Faerghus, gifting someone a knife can mean two things,” he started to explain. “Both meanings are adoration but in two different ways. One is love together until death and the other one is separation and new beginnings without the person you are gifting the knife to.”
“The second one is a bit tragic don’t you think?” She said, tracing her finger over the knife. “How do you know the difference?”
“If you gift someone with a knife with gems, like this one, you know that someone loves and wants to be with you until death,” he explained, placing his hand on hers. “A knife without gems means separation. It tells the person, ‘I care about you, but we must go our separate ways and live our lives without each other.’”
“It’s kind of tragic with the second one,” she mused, lacing her hands with his. “I love you, but I have to let you go since how we are is hurting the both of us. Or it could mean people need to leave because there are other more important things to do, even if it's without each other.”
“Yes,” he agreed.
“This has azure gems in it, so I guess,” she said, stopping her train of thought.
Dimitri leaned in and gave her a kiss. “Please accept this.”
“I gladly will,” she smiled, returning the kiss. “Where did you even get this?”
“It was my birth mothers,” he answered. “My father had it specially made for her.”
“Oh, how sweet of him,” she chuckled.
Dimitri nodded.
“Well, the night is still young, we probably should go do a few more activities before we call it a night,” she suggested, closing the box.
“Like what?” He asked, standing up and helping her up.
“Maybe some shopping. I do want to get more sewing supplies and ingredients,” she added, holding his arm.
“Very well,” he agreed.
The two walked around, grabbing a few supplies before heading back to camp. Unlike most nights, they stayed together in one tent.
Hewwos! Here is my gift for FenrirMonstrum on Ao3 since I participated in @fefanevents Secret Santa! One of the ships they listed is DimiMercie and boy howdy you guys probably know this ship owns my heart lmaooo.
Unrelated, I'm currently in a winter advisory/snow storm. If you are, please stay warm and safe!
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outerspacebun · 6 months
Fuck, I really wish I could do a Netteflix and a DimiMercie zine. I need more them in my life.
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lapinbunwrites · 2 years
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Decided to draw a little more. Here are some more FE 3H Moms. We have Aisla Lucia  Cuínn (Dimitri’s birth mother) and Raven von Vestra (Miklan’s mother). Here is the post I made about Raven sfal;sdfjksf I still need to make one for Seraphina and another one for Amelia (who isn’t shown here). I also have a name for Sylvain’s mother, and it’s Serenity.
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outerspacebun · 2 years
hnnnnnnngggg constantly have dimimercie on my mind
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outerspacebun · 7 months
I kind of want to replay Verdant Wind in 3H because I'm replaying Azure Moon, but I'm so attached to some of a couple of the ships T-T I love DimiMercie and AsheDue and I can't separate them. I physically cannot do that. Plus I can't decide who to marry F!Byelth to. Do I go with Claude, a kind, gentle soul who wants peace for everyone? Or do I go with that dick of a husband that is Sylvain? T-T I love them both so much. This is so hard.
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outerspacebun · 1 year
Help, so some of my zines are ending soon, and I can't think of the next one to do when they are done. Pls help.
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outerspacebun · 2 years
Gosh darn it, I’m thinking about DimiMercie again.
I’m thinking if Lambert were alive, he would be that dad and try to embarrass Dimitri in front of Mercedes. Lambert would also be so very doting over Mercedes and spoil her so much. He would just be like “you are my daughter now. Welcome to the family.” Lambert would love Mercedes so very much.
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