#dimension wh-33k
mortricken · 4 months
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Diane and Rick WH-33K
Diane is a cream-colored Dutch Peruvian.
Rick is a black-colored roan Abyssinian with a "rooster" tail.
They are in love :>
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mortwheek · 3 months
Can you get your grandpa for me? He owes me 20 schmeckles.
- @stick-rick
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I owe you nothing, you little stick of hay.
c-cmon, Rick, be nice!
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mortricken · 4 months
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The Smith-Sanchez family of dimension WH-33K!
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Rick is an Abyssinian mix, much bigger than the rest of his family. I picture him as part Cuy too!
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Beth is part Peruvian (Diane's side) and part Abby.
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Jerry is a Texel.
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Summer has long fur like her mom's, but it curls at the end and around her face like her dad's.
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Morty takes almost entirely after his dad, very curly-furred and small.
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mortricken · 4 months
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ginny big
The Sanchez-Smith family from dimension WH-33K!!
Diane is a Peruvian, Rick is an Abyssinian. Jerry is a Texel. Morty takes more after Jerry— short, curly fur— while Summer takes more after Beth— long fur, though she also got Jerry's curls.
These are very rough designs + color schemes! I want to do more research on guinea pig genetics before making final designs. Their sizes are also NOT accurate!! As you can tell from how massive Morty is compared to Summer 😭
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mortricken · 4 months
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my Rick and Morty OCs from dimension WH-33K! they're guinea pigs!!
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i've been trying to figure out some simpler designs for the family n i think i got the hang of Rick and Morty's designs!
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the sillies :3
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angy Rick + scared Morty feat. human Morty
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their ship!! it's a hampster ball using various guinea pig toys as components! i'm really proud of it :)
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mortwheek · 3 months
wheek wheek! squeak wheek wheek squeak, whee— whoops! forgot to turn on the translator rick made me. i'm mortwheek— er, morty.
ask me anything!
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[OOC: this RP account is run by @mortricken]
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mortwheek · 3 months
You're so adorable! Can you eat algae? I have a lot of sea grape algae, those pop right in your mouth, real interesting texture. Can I give some to you?
— @notatentaclemonster
i don't really know if i can! im sure Rick could make them safe for me to eat, though.
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mortwheek · 3 months
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my room :3 just cleaned it so i dont have all of my toys out.
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mortwheek · 3 months
"This is too adorable-"
Beth @horsedoctor-beth
wheek wheek! thanks, human mom!
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mortwheek · 3 months
wheek wheek! thank you! :>
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mortwheek · 3 months
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wheek?! aw jeez, i didnt think this many people would see my picture! its a little embarrassing...
[OOC: a guinea pig-themed blog reblogged my post and it got boosted to their followers i guess!! poor guys probably don't realize it's rick and morty related haha. it's nice that so many people saw my art, though!]
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mortwheek · 3 months
can I deep fry you? Yay or nay?
w-what are you talking about? why would you do that?!
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mortwheek · 3 months
What are houses like in your dimension?
uhh... i guess they're normal? but smaller? i dunno what human houses look like :>
i just asked Rick and he showed me some pictures. man, human houses are weird! there's barely any hiding places!! and the floor is hard! maybe i should give you guys a tour of my house...
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mortwheek · 3 months
Do guinea pigs play with toys? :3 if so, do you have a favorite?
- @m-30wty
we do!! my favorite toy has to be my stacking cups :> Rick says that wooden toys are better than plastic ones, but my dad only buys plastic, so i have no frame of reference.
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mortwheek · 3 months
have carrot
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i like carrots! especially the tops :>
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mortwheek · 3 months
Is your name just a pun or are you actually called Mortwheek?
it's spelled Morty, technically, but when we speak, it sounds like Mortwheek. thats just how guinea pigs speak! :>
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