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hallaburger · 8 months ago
scars + beckett phillips/dimitri varvatos (odd hours)
It happens when Dimitri is stripping him, methodically peeling his sweat-drenched t-shirt off of his skin in the middle of the night, after Beck has woken up from his nth night terror. The war, for all its physical ravages, has left deeper wounds that Dimitri fears might never fully heal, yet he does his best to tend to them. After all, humans - even half-fey ones - are frail and their minds delicate.
"I'm not made of glass, you know," Beck mumbles in the dark of their room, shivering with the sudden air on his overheated skin.
Dimitri tosses the shirt aside and crosses to the armoire to dig out a clean one. "I know," he says gently, returning to the bed, "but is it a crime to want to take care of you? Arms up." Beck obliges with a sigh, and as Dimitri leans in to pull the shirt down, he notices something he hasn't before: a thick, silvery scar, jagged across Beck's ribs. His jaw tightens, twitches, as his eyes turn gold with fury.
"Whoa, Meetch - what's wrong?" Beck asks suddenly, tone thick with anxiety.
Dimitri doesn't realize he's snarling until then, and flinches to clear his head. He clears his throat and swallows the saliva that's filled his mouth, then reaches out with tender fingers to trace the line of the scar. "I didn't know you were hurt... when did this happen?"
Beck shivers, this time from the sensation of Dimitri's gentle touch. "Oh. Uh... actually... that's a story I should probably tell you another time. Let's just... get back to sleep, okay?"
Dodging questions may be an Olympic sport for Beckett Phillips, but Dimitri can tell that something is seriously wrong. Who is he covering for? Why? "Beck, please," he implores him in the pale moonlight. "If it's bothering you, I can help."
Beck takes the shirt from him and puts his arms through the sleeves. "Really, it's okay. It doesn't hurt."
Before he can duck his head into the neck opening, Dimitri covers the scar - or as much of it as he can - with his warm palm. Beck freezes, pinned in place as if waiting for Dimitri to make another move. They watch each other for a long, tense moment, their breath mingling between them. As he searches Beck's eyes, a sudden, horrible knowledge sinks blunt claws into Dimitri's heart. "I did this to you," he whispers, tears springing to his eyes. "When I was..."
When I was under her control.
Nausea bubbles in his stomach like a poisoned cauldron. He could have easily killed Beck, and never would have known it was his fault. Had Beck fought back? Had Beck just accepted it in order to protect him?
"Hey," Beck murmurs, covering Dimitri's hand with his own, "I promise, we'll talk about it. Just... not right now, okay? Right now, I want to spoon until we both pass out again, and then wake up in the morning and have coffee and toast and watch stupid cartoons with you. Can we do that?"
Dimitri nods, swallowing his tears and removing his hand from Beck's side. "May I kiss you?" he asks quietly, fearful of the answer. But Beck smiles and nods, and leans in to kiss his wolf, his tender hand reassuring against Dimitri's jaw. Dimitri melts against him, relief warming his veins. They settle back down in bed, Beckett's chest pressed flush against Dimitri's back, an arm wrapped around Dimitri's middle. Beck's breath tickles the back of Dimitri's neck. The room falls quiet again as Beck sleeps, and as he feels his own fatigue drawing him downward, Dimitri thinks how lucky he is that they're both alive.
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beckett phillips (28, M, he/him, demifey)
dimitri varvatos (229, M, he/him, werewolf)
from Odd Hours (WIP modern fantasy/adventure/romance) by L.D. Stewart (das me!!!)
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lokaleblickecom · 2 years ago
Nächster Halt: Weiterbildung-Berufliche Bildung wird mobil: Vom 05. – 17. September on tour im Ruhrgebiet
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Nächster Halt: Weiterbildung-Berufliche Bildung wird mobil: Vom 05. – 17. September on tour im Ruhrgebiet Berufliche Orientierung – Weiterbildung – Qualifizierung: Nur Themen für junge Menschen oder Arbeitsuchende? Weit gefehlt, Weiterbildung macht alle fit für morgen. Auch für Berufstätige ist es wichtig, die Qualifikationen auf dem neuesten Stand zu halten. Was viele gar nicht wissen, die Agentur für Arbeit berät und unterstützt ebenfalls Beschäftigte dabei, sich mit dem Auf- und Ausbau der Qualifikationen gut für die Zukunft zu rüsten. Die moderne Arbeitswelt im Wandel hat Auswirkungen auf die Arbeitsprozesse in den Betrieben und macht vielfach neue Kompetenzen erforderlich. Interessierte, die erfahren möchten, wie berufliche Qualifizierung Bewegung in ihr Leben bringen kann, sind daher herzlich eingeladen, sich von unserem Expertenteam vor Ort individuell beraten zu lassen. Die Qualifizierungs-Tour führt quer durchs Ruhrgebiet und macht an stark frequentierten Orten Halt. Wer die Möglichkeit nutzen möchte, sich in lockerer Atmosphäre beraten zu lassen, auf den freuen sich unsere Berater/innen in Oberhausen und Mülheim an der Ruhr: am 5. September von 13:30 bis 18:00 Uhr im Westfield Centro (Luise-Albertz-Platz – Vor der Coca-Cola-Oase, 46047 Oberhausen) am 14. September von 18:00 bis 22:00 Uhr an der Mülheimer Freilichtbühne (Dimbeck 2a, 45470 Mülheim) am 15. September von 08:00 bis 13:00 Uhr auf dem Wochenmarkt in Schmachtendorf (Schmachtendorfer Str. 131, 46147 Oberhausen) am 15. September von 16:00 bis 20:00 Uhr bei der Sterkrader Spätschicht (Steinbrinkstraße – rund um das Stadtcafé Cordes – 46145 Oberhausen) Die Beratung ist natürlich kostenfrei, neutral und ergebnisoffen - ganz nach dem Motto „Unsere Beratung – Ihre Entscheidung.“ Die gesamte Tour (Oberhausen – Duisburg – Essen – Recklinghausen – Mülheim – Gelsenkirchen – Bottrop) ist hier zu finden: https://www.arbeitsagentur.de/vor-ort/oberhausen/berufsberatung-im-erwerbsleben Read the full article
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thecutestvomit · 3 years ago
“I see you’re still having the dream?” Said the woman sitting across from Alec Dimbeck. The room was warm and softly lit by lamps and trinkets, Alec was laying on a couch parallel from her.
“Angie, I swear it’s not just a dream.”
“Would you mind telling me what happens again?”
“We keep doing this and it get’s us no where.”
“I feel like you are holding something back, one more time and as uncensored as possible.”
“Fine,” Alec shifts up and stares Angie dead in the eyes, “I’m sitting on a boat with my childhood friend, Bill. We are fishing and the sun is setting; Everything seems normal but then Bill points out this thin, small, serpent-like thing moving in the water and just as he leans over to touch it it jumps out and latches onto him. It pulls him in and I just stand there.”
“But that’s not all, is it,” she says as she jots something on a notepad.
“No, once I get to shore the earth starts shaking and I see this thing— no, this monster rise from the lake. It has a humanoid body but no head and from it’s back all these tendrils with gaping and circular mouths, like the one that took Bill, start spreading out and cutting through the sky. The night turns red and everytime I wake up I’m covered in sweat.”
“Now that is certainly an interesting dream, but do you think that it may have to do with Bills dissappearance. I know you don’t remember but maybe if you write down any details that come back we can figure this out.”
The clock dings “and that’s out time for today, I am deeply sorry for your missing friend.”
Prompt #26
"How are you feeling?"
"Like someone ripped out my organs, stuffed them back in and did a horrible job at sewing my skin back together."
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