#diluc in apron diluc in apron diluc in apron i manifest thee!
fieryhonesty · 4 years
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“Omg I’m melting here. Thanks to my friend for giving me this idea.”
Words: 1318
Genre: fluff, modern AU, gn!reader
The long week has finally ended. The last customer has left the bar and you can close it. Clean all the tables and prepare them for the next day. Wiping out glasses and plates in the kitchen. As it's only you it will take a while to do all of this. All your colleagues are either having a day off or have already ended. You offered to be the last one, closing the business.
You didn't mind it as it's just a Sunday and the restaurant is closing at 10 pm instead of usual midnight. Lately you have been taking extra shifts just to make extra cash. It's not like you are struggling with money, it's quite the opposite. You can be sure your beloved would support you in need. 
But you wanted to make extra money and buy him something. Still being quite uncertain what it will be. Maybe something practical such as a new coat. Something that he would use everyday and think of you.
Just dreaming of the idea makes you feel butterflies in your stomach. Speaking of which, you didn't eat anything yet. It was quite embarrassing to serve food and drinks to customers while your belly was growling. Once you come home you will raid the fridge and won't leave anything untouched.
Last night you made a salad so there will be this and you could add some bread and salami. Just everything you can find. You are hungry and don't care what you will eat. You are food motivated right now! Cleaning the last table and once it's done you can turn off lights and get home.
Jogging through the night city's streets. Avoiding dark alleys. Maybe you should have call Diluc to pick you up but you are not sure if he is awake. Your shifts are kinda everywhere. One day you have a day shift next two days night shift or whole week night ones. Which simply creates this bad situation where you can barely see each other. Since he always leaves to work early morning and comes in afternoon. 
Yes, he waits for you. Says ‘welcome home’ and lil cuddles but then you go to sleep. There's nothing much to it. And as you are taking extra shifts lately you really see him just for a few moments before falling to bed. Sometimes he was already asleep whereas you quietly snuggled next to him. Maybe he would briefly wake up, recognizing the second half of the bed is cold no more.
Pulling you closer before drifting back to sleep. This little act of his makes you always weak. He wants to keep you close no matter what but your work times are against it. Unless you change jobs and find something more free evenings friendly.
It took you over one hour to get home. Meaning with all of that cleaning and walking. You look across the block of apartments, the lights are off. You were right he is probably sleeping already. Sighing for yourself and walking inside the building. Waiting for the elevator to take you up to your floor. 
Carefully opening the lock, you don't want to wake him up as he is a light sleeper. Sliding inside and fishing for your phone to use it as a flashlight. You could have turned on lights but you can't be bothered now. You are hungry and the fridge is close. You are so hungry that you can smell something yummy in the air. 
Well just if you knew. Diluc was doing his best tonight. Cooking your favorite food, preparing it on the table, lighting up candles. He was impatient and nervous. Waiting for you to finally open the door to the kitchen.
He never been into overly romantic stuff. Yes he would buy you a heart shaped gingerbread with words 'I love you'. But for that you will have to make puppy eyes. Rather than buying you silly stuff he would do something that would help you to relax. 
Cooking the late dinner was one of those things. His cooking is not something extra but he tried his best, he always does when it's for you. He is aware that you might not find it really fancy, the taste might not be the same as from your mother. But there's no way back now. The food is done, candles are lit and you are in the next room.
As soon as you open the door you are greeted by the light of the candles on the table. Next thing you notice is Diluc standing nearby the door. Something is odd about him and it takes you a whole ten seconds to realize what it is. He has your apron around him. You don't know if you should say 'aww' or giggle. He looks adorable. His crimson hair is tied loose, hanging over his left shoulder.
You greet him, kinda confused what's going on. You thought he was asleep and what’s with the candles?
"Welcome home, uh..." He is nervous, a lot. And nobody can blame him for it. "I... I wanted to... you looked tired lately and you know we barely saw each other. So I thought of making you dinner for tonight, it might not look the best but it tastes good, I guess?"
You jump at him, wrapping arms around his torso. Snuggling into his chest, making cute noises. You are unable to say anything. Everything you try to say just gets mixed together. Diluc has made all of this for you? You can't believe it. You are about to cry.
When you compose yourself and look up at him. You see how much he is nervous but trying his best to wait for your response. 
"Diluc, I... I don't know what to say. I'm touched. I feel like crying but also I'm extremely happy and want to keep hugging you like this. And oh my, that apron looks dangerously hot on you!"
You pull away to take a proper look at him. He should take it on more often. You can't pinpoint the exact reason but it looks way too good on him. 
Diluc's cheeks turns red. He has forgotten about the apron. He used it while cooking as the food was bubbling a lot. Not wanting to have dirty clothes. And just now when you make remarks about it he feels embarrassed. But also happy. You seem to be enjoying yourself. 
"I... uh, thank you, Love. Sorry for borrowing it."
"It's alright. You could do it more often. You know as a surprise! I no longer feel tired, thanks to you. I was considering writing to you if you could pick me up but... I thought you will be sleeping already."
You admit while playing with the loose hair on the side of his face. Sometimes gently brushing his cheek with your finger tips. He puts his hand on yours, looking down into your eyes.
"You could have. I'd gladly drive for you. We would need to warm up the food anyway."
"Oooh! Food! What food?"
You are excited. You know Diluc can cook and you love his cooking. But it's usually you who cooks before going to work.
"The stew you love so much~"
He says as he leans closer, eyes half lidded as he looks into your eyes. He’s barely a few inches away from your lips.
"Oh god. You are the best. I love you, you know that?"
You grin as you kiss his lips, pulling him closer. His hands are immediately on your sides, exploring. You are melting under his touch. It's been a while after all. Before he gets carried away by his touch starvation he pulls away. You pout at him. He gives you apologetic smile.
"First we will feed you, then take a shower."
"What’s next?"
He smiles at your eagerness. Kissing your forehead.
"That's a secret."
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